1 ilog modeling examples

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  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Modeling Optimization Problems with IBMILOG Cplex Optimization Studio

    IBM Advanced Analytics Summit April 2011

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation


    Optimization Development

    Sample Application

    CPLEX Studio


    Run Configurations

    OPL Language

    Primitive Types




    Application to Mathematical Programming

    Application to Detailed Scheduling Using Constraint Programming

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Optimization Development

    Mathematical Model


    Optimization Expert

    Traditional Application


    Software Developer

    IBM ILOG CPLEX Studio reduces the time to

    market for optimization applications

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Simple Application

    Mathematical Model




    Input Data



    Output Data


    Database FormsSpreadsheet

    User Interface













  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Key Features

    OPL: Optimization Programming LanguageA compact language to represent optimization problems

    Advanced types for data organization

    Supports solving mathematical programming models with CPLEX and applying

    constraint programming including scheduling with CP Optimizer

    Connects to relational databases and Excel spreadsheets ILOG Script for data processing and iterative solving

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    Key Features

    Integrated Development Environment Graphical editor for OPL models and data files

    File and project organization

    Review data and solutions as tables

    Menus/buttons to debug optimization

    Online help for OPL syntaxAccess to engine features

    Infeasibility Analysis

    Solution Pools

    Engine Parameters

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    Run Configuration

    Run Configuration

    Run Configuration

    OPL Project

    Anatomy of an OPL Project

    Data Structure Definitions


    Decision Variables

    Objective FunctionConstraints


    Model File (.mod)

    Excel Connections

    Database Connections

    Data Structure


    Data File (.dat)

    CPLEX Settings

    CPO SettingsLanguage Settings

    Settings File (.ops)

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    Anatomy of an OPL Project

    Model Files

    You can share multiple model files between different run configurations: Good for

    running the same model on many different data instances

    You can have multiple model files in the same run configuration: Good for separating

    data structure definitions from model definitions

    Data Files

    You can share multiple data files between different run configurations: Good for testingdifferent models on the same data instance

    You can have multiple data files in the same run configuration: Good for separating

    different data initializations

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    9/32 2011 IBM Corporation

    The Optimization Programming Language(OPL)

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    OPL Language: Tuples

    OPL allows you to create structured data types, called tuplestuplepair


    int v;

    string s;


    You can define sets of tuplessetof(pair) S = { , , };

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    OPL Language: Arrays

    OPL allows you to define arrays of fundamental types

    int a[1..4] = [10, 20, 30, 40];

    and arrays indexed on sets of tuplestuple Edges


    int orig;

    int dest;}

    {Edge} Edges = {, , };

    int a[Edges] = [10,20,30];

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    OPL Language: Decision variables and expressions

    Decision variable - dvar

    Can be defined as: int, float, boolean

    Indexed on ranges or sets

    dvar int nWorkers[1..nShifts];

    dvar float+production[p in products][timePeriods];

    dvar boolean assign[workers][tasks];

    Decision expression - dexpr

    For readability and to separate parts of the objective function

    dexpr float tasksWorked = sum(w inworkers, t in tasks)assign[w][t];

    minimize tasksWorked;

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Conditional loops

    Standard Loopforall (i in 1..10) {

    Conditional (filtered) Loopforall (i in 1..10 : mydata[i]

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Data driven relaxations

    Use data to conditionally state a collection of constraints

    Data declarationsint includeBundleConstraint = ...;

    Conditional constraintsif (includeBundleConstraint == 1) {

    forall (i in S1) {

    sum (j in S2) x[j]

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Examples of logical and nonlinear expressions

    Semi-continuous order quantity:(x == 0) || (x >= 100);

    Logical indicators(x == 0) => (y == 0);

    Zeros == sum (i in Index) (x[i] == 0);

    Maximum deviation from a target valuedeviation ==

    max (i in Index) abs(x[i]-target);

    Benefits Model is easier to develop and maintain

    Can eliminate some big-M bounds

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Examples and Demo

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    A Production Planning Example

    A manufacturer wants to sell a product

    The product can be made either

    Inside the factory

    Scarce resources are required to build the product

    There is a cost per unit to manufacture the product

    Outside the factory

    There is a cost per unit to purchase the product

    All demand must be satisfied

    The objective is to minimize cost

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    A Production Planning Example: Data Declarations

    Sets of products and resources

    setof(string) Products = ...;setof(string) Resources = ...;

    Number of units of each resource needed to produce one unit of each


    float consumption[Products][Resources] = ...;

    Total number of available resourcesfloat capacity[Resources] = ...;

    Number of units in demand for each productfloat demand[Products] = ...;

    Cost per unit of inside and outside productionfloat insideCost[Products] = ...;

    float outsideCost[Products] = ...;

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    A Production Planning Example: Decision Variables

    Inside and outside production

    dvar float+ inside[Products];

    dvar float+ outside[Products];

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    A Production Planning Example: Objective Function

    Inside and outside production cost

    dexpr float InsideCost =

    sum(p in Products) insideCost[p] * inside[p];

    dexpr float OutsideCost =sum(p in Products) outsideCost[p]* outside[p];

    minimize InsideCost + OutsideCost;

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    A Production Planning Example: Constraints

    Capacity and demand constraints

    subject to


    forall (r in Resources)


    sum (p in Products)

    consumption[p][r]*inside[p] = demand[p];


  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Products Could be Jewelry

    Products and Resources

    Products = { rings earrings };Resources = { gold diamonds };

    ConsumptionConsumption = [ [3, 1], [2, 2] ];

    Capacity (Available units of gold and diamonds)Capacity = [ 130, 180 ];

    Demand (Number of rings and earrings)

    Demand = [ 100, 150 ];

    Costs (per unit for rings and earrings)InsideCost = [ 250, 200 ];

    OutsideCost = [ 260, 270 ];

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Products Could be Pasta

    Products and Resources

    Products = { kluski capellini fettucine };Resources = { flour eggs };

    ConsumptionConsumption = [ [0.5, 0.2], [0.4, 0.4], [0.3, 0.6] ];

    Capacity (Available units of flour and eggs)Capacity = [20, 40];

    Demand (Quantities of kluski, capellini, and fettucine )

    Demand = [100, 200, 300];

    Costs (per unit for of kluski, capellini, and fettucine )

    InsideCost = [0.6, 0.8, 0.3];

    OutsideCost = [0.8, 0.9, 0.4];

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Demo of Production Planning Example

    Open OPL

    Import Project

    Show configuration

    Show model, data and settings files

    Show input data tables


    Show output data tables

    Show Solutions, Engine log, Statistics and Profiler tabs

    Show Online help

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Scheduling using CP Optimizer - Demo

    Building 5 houses with 3 workers and a cash budget.

    Tasks are masonry, roofing, painting .

    Some tasks must necessarily take place before others.

    The building of a house must start after its release date

    Each task requires one worker.

    30,000 is available at the beginning of the project and 30,000 is added every 60 days.

    Each task costs a given amount of cash per day which must be available at the start of

    the task.

    The objective is to minimize the overall completion date.

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Demo of sched_cumul

    Import the sched_cumul project

    See model and data file

    Solve problem

    Display the results in the Console tab and the Solutions tab

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Brief intro to the Scheduling API in OPL

    interval variable:

    An interval variable represents an interval of time during which an

    activity is carried out. Its position in time is an unknown of the scheduling problem.

    It is characterized by a start value, an end value and a size.


    A cumulative function is used to model a quantity that varies over

    time. Its value depends on other decision variables of the problem.

    An activity usually increases the cumulFunction at the start of the usage of the

    cumulative resources, and decreases the function when the resource is released at its

    end time (pulse function).

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    Brief intro to the Scheduling API in OPL - cont


    Pulse is a cumulative function expression that is used when an

    activity increases the resource usage function at its start

    decreases usage when it releases the resource at its end time.

    precedence constraint:

    Precedence constraints are common scheduling constraints used

    to restrict the relative position of interval variables in a solution. Examples: startAtEnd, endAtStart, startAfterEnd, etc.

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    CP Example Scheduling

    using CP;

    intNbWorkers = ...;

    intNbHouses = ...;

    range Houses = 1..NbHouses;

    {string} TaskNames = ...;

    int Duration [t in TaskNames] = ...;

    tuple Precedence {


    string after;


    {Precedence} Precedences = ...;

    int ReleaseDate[Houses] = ...;

  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    2011 IBM Corporation

    CP Example - Scheduling

    dvar interval itvs[h in Houses][t in TaskNames] inReleaseDate[h]..maxint size Duration[t];

    cumulFunctionworkersUsage =

    sum(h in Houses, t in TaskNames)pulse(itvs[h][t],1);

    cumulFunction cash =

    sum (p in 0..5) step(60*p, 30000)

    - sum(h in Houses, t in TaskNames) stepAtStart(itvs[h][t],


  • 8/14/2019 1 ILOG Modeling Examples


    CP-Example Scheduling

    minimize max(h in Houses) endOf(itvs[h]["moving"]);subject to {

    forall(h in Houses)

    forall(p in Precedences)

    endBeforeStart(itvs[h][p.before], itvs[h][p.after]);

    workersUsage = 0;
