1. initial plans(3)

INITIAL PLANS Jordanne kay

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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INITIAL PLANS Jordanne kay

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MIND MAP IDEA 1 Film magazine, in the film magazine I would like to create, I would create just

a general film magazine not just based on one genre, I would do a variety of characters from different films on the front cover, with different buzz words describing the characters and the films they star in. I will also show interviews in the double page spread, the actors telling their fans how they fell about the films they star in, what their best charters is, what they do when they haven't got any recording to do for films and may more questions. This will then show their fans what they get up to and how they fell, it will make their fans fell closer and fell as though they know them. Here are a few magazines that will inspirer me to create a film magazine, e.g. Empire, Film, Sofilm etc. from the style of film magazine will depend on my audience for example for the Empire magazine it would go towards a late teens early 20’s as it is a lot of new films that have been talked about. The target audience will all depend what kind of genre I chose for my magazine and the age the films are, for example if I was to do a children’s film magazine, (Disney) I may add in Frozen ,Cinderella, beauty and the beast, just from naming these three films you know that its target audience will be young girls aged 3 to 10 as it is all about princesses.

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MIND MAP IDEA 2 Music magazine, in the music magazine I would like to create, I would want to

add in a few different bands/singers on to the front cover showing a variety of singers and what their talents are, I would also like to add in information about their tours (dates, place, times etc.) this will get the audience interested in the magazine and want to read more buy more like this, I would also like to add in some interviews with different band members and singers to give their fans a fell of how they think about different thins e.g. their singing career, what they do on a day to day bases when not singing etc. I think this is a really good way of making their fans feel close. The colour scheme would depend on the genre I decide to use, the colours will all match the genre for example if it was pop music it would be brightly coloured and if it was rock it may be dark dull colours. I will also add in buzz words that will attract my audience, e.g. Fun, Pop, Dance, Enjoy etc. Here are a few music magazines that will inspirer me if I chose to do a music magazine, Vibe, Billboard, Q etc. depending who I chose for the main singer/band will depend on my target audience, colours, fonts etc.

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MIND MAP IDEA 3 Video game magazine, in the video game magazine I would like to create, I

would base this magazine on just one type of game e.g. platform game, fighting games, action games, survival horror and many more so from choosing just one type of video game this will just have one audience depending on what I chose to do will depend on the age, gender etc. For the double page spread I will include game reviews, any more games that will be coming out soon and will fit in with the genre. I will also add in fonts and colours this will all depend on the genre that I decide to use. Here are a few video games that my help me create my own, PlayStation, Computer video games, Gamer, GamePro etc. depending on the target audience will depend on the games I decide to advertise, for example games will violence, and bad language will be for 16 to 20 year olds or even older or I want for Mario this would be more for children age 6 and older.

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MIND MAP FINAL IDEA I have decided to go with the music magazine for my product, I have gone with Katy Perry. I will be adding in my own images of Katy Perry of what I have taken my self(they wont actually be her) this will just make the magazine more my own and not copy right. I will be choosing a few other people I will add in to my magazine as they is always more then one singer, I will be selecting more then one so its no so boring with just one singer or just one band they have a variety to look at and find things out about them. I will be adding in plenty of buzz words describing Katy Perry and the other singers/band players and what they like, how they are etc. for my double page spread I will add in how she feels about singing live, does she like preforming, what she does in her spear time when not recording new songs, and many more questions. From asking questions like this it lets her fans know more about her and will allow them to feel closer to her. For the fonts and colour scheme I have decided to go with black, grey, white and pink.

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MOOD BOARD ANALYSIS Is there any repetition in the images you have collected?

Repeated colours/images styles/fonts/tone/mood In the image I have collected they is some repetition, for example the style of image of Pink and Katy Perry are very similar, they are very poesy, serious and get a lot of meaning from them.I have also collected some of quotes from songs and what they have said, they near enough link to each other from the meaning of the words. I have also collected some images of music notes they are set out in the same style. How will your mood board influence your final product? My mood board will influence my as I can see from the style of images I have collected that from the colours used tells the mood of the person, making the audience understand how he is as a person.