1 introduction understanding charts and tables -...

Writing module: Academic Task 1 If you are preparing for the General Training module, turn to Unit GT 1A on page 72. The IELTS Writing module takes 60 minutes and consists of two tasks. In Task 1 of the Academic Writing module, you are asked to write a report for a university lecturer in which you describe information presented visually, for example in diagrams, bar charts, pie charts or tables.Alternatively, you may be asked to describe a process, how an object works or a sequence of events.You are expected to use a formal academic style. You must write at least 150 words and you are assessed on the following: • Task achievement:how well you answer the question • Coherence and cohesion: how well your answer is organised, including how the information is linked together • Lexical resource: the vocabulary you use • Grammatical range and accuracy IN THE EXAM 20 WRITING Exam taskDescribing bar charts, pie charts and tables Exam focusAcademic Writing Task 1For General Training Task 1, go to page 72. SkillsUnderstanding charts and tables; describing general and specific information; comparing and contrasting data Introduction Discuss these questions with a partner. Have you ever bought anything over the Internet? If yes, what did you buy? What kinds of things would you order through the Internet? Why? Is there anything that you wouldn’t buy online? Why do you think that some people are nervous about buying things online? Which age group do you think makes the most purchases online? Understanding charts and tables A Before you begin writing, it is important to understand the information shown in the chart. Look at the bar chart on page 21 and discuss questions 1–4 with a partner. 1 What does the title tell you? 2 What does the vertical axis show? 3 What does the horizontal axis show? 4 What does the colour key on the right tell you? 1 2

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Page 1: 1 Introduction Understanding charts and tables - Cengagengl.cengage.com/.../IELTS_Express_Intermediate_SB_Unit_2_Writing.pdfWriting module: Academic Task 1 If you are preparing for

Writing module: Academic Task 1

If you are preparing for the General Training module, turn to UnitGT 1A on page 72.

The IELTS Writing module takes 60 minutes and consists oftwo tasks.

In Task 1 of the Academic Writing module, you are asked towrite a report for a university lecturer in which you describeinformation presented visually, for example in diagrams, barcharts, pie charts or tables.Alternatively, you may be asked

to describe a process, how an object works or a sequenceof events.You are expected to use a formal academic style.

You must write at least 150 words and you are assessed onthe following:

• Task achievement: how well you answer the question

• Coherence and cohesion: how well your answer isorganised, including how the information is linked together

• Lexical resource: the vocabulary you use

• Grammatical range and accuracy



WR I T I NG�Exam task�Describing bar charts, pie charts and tables

�Exam focus�Academic Writing Task 1�For General Training Task 1, go to page 72.

�Skills�Understanding charts and tables; describing general and specific information;comparing and contrasting data

IntroductionDiscuss these questions with a partner.• Have you ever bought anything over the Internet? If yes, what did you buy? • What kinds of things would you order through the Internet? Why?• Is there anything that you wouldn’t buy online? Why do you think that some people are nervous

about buying things online? • Which age group do you think makes the most purchases online?

Understanding charts and tablesA Before you begin writing, it is important to understand the information shown in the chart. Look at

the bar chart on page 21 and discuss questions 1–4 with a partner.

1 What does the title tell you?2 What does the vertical axis show? 3 What does the horizontal axis show?4 What does the colour key on the right tell you?



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Page 2: 1 Introduction Understanding charts and tables - Cengagengl.cengage.com/.../IELTS_Express_Intermediate_SB_Unit_2_Writing.pdfWriting module: Academic Task 1 If you are preparing for

UNIT 2 Shopping and the Internet 21

Describing general and specific information

A Look at the chart in 2A. Describe the chart by putting sections a–g in the correct order (1–7).

.... a A final point to note is that the number of people shopping online does not change very muchbetween the different age groups.

.... b The chart shows how the Internet is used by different age groups. It looks at both general use andonline shopping.

.... c Another thing which stands out in this chart is that most people use the Internet for things otherthan shopping.

.... d More specifically, this is between about 5% and 15% in all age groups. The group making the mostpurchases are the 25–39-year-olds, and the group making the fewest purchases are the 55-year-oldsand over.

.... e One of the first things to note is that fewer older people use the Internet than younger people.

.... f For example, 75% of 18–24-year-olds use the Net, compared with only 20% of 55-year-olds andover.

.... g For instance, in the youngest age group nearly 80% of people use the Internet, whereas only 10%make purchases online, although it should be noted that this difference is not as dramatic in allage groups.














55 yearsor older




Adult internet shoppers and users by age group

% o

f sh


rs a

nd u


Age 18–24 25–39 40–54 55+

Internet users 75% 1 ……… % 55% 2 ……… %

Internet shoppers 11% 15% 10% 3 ……… %

Task 1 is worthfewer marks thanTask 2. You shouldtherefore spend lesstime on it. Spendonly 20 minutes onTask 1.

B The information in a bar chart can be presented in table form. Complete the table by copyinginformation from the bar chart above.

Don’t try to explainthe information –just describe it. Forexample, don’t saywhy you think moreyoung people usethe Internet – justsay they do.

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UNIT 2 Shopping and the Internet22

B When you describe visual information, you should start with a general overview statement about what thechart or table shows. Then, you should choose two or three main features and describe them. Each timeyou pick out a main feature, use some specific detail to support it.

Read sentences 1–5 and categorise them.

a Which sentences are an overview statement of what the graph shows?

b Which sentences describe an overall trend?

c Which sentences provide specific detail used to support a main point?

1 Fewer older people use the Internet than younger people.

2 75% of 18–24-year-olds use the Net, compared with only 20% of 55-year-olds and over.

3 Most people use the Internet for things other than shopping.

4 The chart shows how the Internet is used by different age groups; it looks at both general use andonline shopping.

5 In the youngest age group, nearly 80% of people use the Internet, whereas only 10% make purchasesonline.

Comparing and contrasting data

You can contrast information using but, however, while, on the other hand, in/by comparison and in contrast.You can add more information using and, also, as well as, in addition, furthermore and not only … but also.

A Complete sentences 1–4 by choosing the correct word. There may be more than one possible answer.1 Although/However/While 75% of 18–24-year-olds use the Internet, only 10% make purchases online. 2 Although/However/While, only 10% make purchases online.3 As well as/Not only showing general internet use, it also/but also shows online shopping. 4 It shows as well as/not only general internet use, it also/but also online shopping.

B Information may also be presented as a pie chart. The pie chart below shows how one university studentspent his money on internet purchases last year. Look at the information in the pie chart and choose theappropriate word(s) to make correct sentences.1 He spent more/less money on airline tickets than music.2 A very large/relatively small percentage of his money was spent on entertainment tickets.3 His biggest/smallest expense was airline tickets.4 He didn’t spend as much money on computer software/music as computer software/music.5 He spent much more on airline/entertainment tickets than on airline/entertainment tickets.6 He spent slightly/much more on music than on books and magazines.7 He spent a great deal/a little on airline tickets.


Airline ticketsComputer softwareMusic

Books and magazinesEntertainment ticketsOther

Internet purchases made by a male university student last year




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0% 20% 40% 60% 80%



The UnitedKingdom

Percentage of consumers purchasing item online

Top internet purchase categories by country


Food and drink







UNIT 2 Shopping and the Internet 23


C Write your own comparative sentences to describe the data in the charts in 2A and 4B. Include wronginformation in some of your sentences and then show them to your partner. Ask your partner to identifyand correct the mistakes.

Academic Writing Task 1: Report5

�Spend one or two minutes studying the chart untilyou understand what it is showing.

�Explain what the chart is describing in your openingsentence.

�Then identify two or three main features. Don’tdescribe everything you see. Look for any interestingfeatures, especially surprising or contrastinginformation.

�Start with an overall description and then move on touse details to support your main points. Remember touse expressions such as in addition and however to linkyour ideas.

�Remember to leave time to check your work beforethe end.

for this taskfor this task

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The chart below shows the different types of goods and services purchased online in Australia,Canada and the United Kingdom last year.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisonswhere relevant.

Write at least 150 words.






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