1 lecture 7 integer arithmetic assembly language for intel-based computers, 4th edition kip r....

1 Lecture 7 Lecture 7 Integer Arithmetic Integer Arithmetic Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers, 4th edition Kip R. Irvine

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Page 1: 1 Lecture 7 Integer Arithmetic Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers, 4th edition Kip R. Irvine


Lecture 7Lecture 7

Integer ArithmeticInteger Arithmetic

Assembly Language for

Intel-Based Computers,

4th edition

Kip R. Irvine

Page 2: 1 Lecture 7 Integer Arithmetic Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers, 4th edition Kip R. Irvine


Integer ArithmeticInteger Arithmetic

Shift and Rotate instructions Sample Applications Extended Addition and Subtraction Multiplication and Division ASCII and Packed Decimal Arithmetic

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Shifting and rotatingShifting and rotating

Shifting: The bits a shifted left or right. Some bits may be lost.Example: Shift 00001101 1 bit rightAdded 00000110 Lost

Rotating: The bits shift out of one end of the data are placed at the other end of the data so nothing is lost.Example: Rotate 10001101 2 bits to the left: 00110110

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SHL (Shifting bits to the left)SHL (Shifting bits to the left)

To shift 1 bit to the left we use: SHL dest(reg/mem),count(imm8/CL) the msb (most significant bit) is moved into CF

(so the previous content of CF is lost) each bit is shifted one position to the left the lsb (least significant bit) is filled with 0 dest can be either byte, word or dword

Ex: mov bl,82h ; BX = _____ shl bl,1 ; BX = _____, CF = __

(only BL and CF are changed)

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Shifting bits to the leftShifting bits to the left

10 10 0 0 0 0 0


After SHL BL, 1


1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

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Shifting multiple times to the leftShifting multiple times to the left SHL affects SF, PF, ZF according to the

result CF contains the last bit shifted from the

destination OF = 1 iff the last shift changes the sign bit

mov bh,0B2h ;BH = 1011 0010b

shl bh, 1 ;BH = ______b, CF=__, OF=__

shl bh, 2 ;BH = ______b, CF=__, OF=__ Overflows are signaled only for the last bit


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Fast MultiplicationFast Multiplication

Each left shift multiplies by 2 the operand for both signed and unsigned interpretations. Ex: mov al,4 ;AL = 04h = 0000 0100b = 4

shl al,1 ;AL = 08h = ______________b = ____

shl al,2 ;AL = 20h = ______________b = ____

mov bl,-1 ;BL = FFh = ______________b = ____

shl bl,3 ;BL = F8h = ______________b = ____

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Fast MultiplicationFast Multiplication Cycles Instruction

8088 80486 PentiumSHL reg, 1 2 3 1SHL reg, immed - 2 1SHL reg, CL 8 + 4n 3 4MUL reg byte 70-77 13-18 11 word 118-133 13-26 11 doubleword N/A 13-42 10

Source: 8088, 80486: Reference Microsoft MASM, Microsoft Corporation, 1992

Source: Pentium: Pentium.txt, MASM 6.13 update, Microsoft Corporation, 1993

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Fast MultiplicationFast Multiplication Multiplication by shifting is very fast. Try to

factor your multiplier into powers of 2: AX * 36 = AX * (32 + 4) = AX*32 + AX*4 So add (AX shifted by 5) to (AX shifted by 2)

That is, we might replace a multiply by 36 instruction by copy AX to BXshift AX left 5 bits (32 * AX)shift BX left 2 bits (4 * AX)add BX to AX (36 * AX)

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Fast MultiplicationFast Multiplication Multiplication using shifts on 8088

mov BX, AXmov CL, 5shl AX, CLshl BX, 1shl BX, 1add AX, BX

8088 cycles 2 4* 8+4*5 = 28* total = 41 2 2 3

4 total = 113-133 117-137

* Replace by 5 shl AX, 1commands total = 19

mov CX, 36mul CX

Normal multiplication

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Fast MultiplicationFast Multiplication Multiplication using shifts on 486 Pentium

mov BX, AXshl AX, 5shl BX, 2add AX, BX

486 cycles Pentium 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1Total 6 4

13-26 11imul AX, 36

Normal multiplication

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SHR (Shifting bits to the right)SHR (Shifting bits to the right)

To shift to the right use:SHR dest(reg/mem),count(imm8/CL)

the msb of dest is filled with 0 the lsb of dest is moved into CF

Each single-bit right shift divides the unsigned value by 2. Ex: mov bh,13 ;BH = ______b = 13 shr bh,2 ;BH = ______b = 3 (div by 4), CF = 0 (the remainder of the division is lost)

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Arithmetic Shift SARArithmetic Shift SAR

Is needed to divide the signed value by 2:SAR dest(reg/mem),count(imm8/CL)

the msb of dest is filled with its previous value (so the sign is preserved)

the lsb of dest is moved into CF

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Arithmetic ShiftArithmetic Shift

mov ah,-15 ;AH = 1111 0001b

sar ah,1 ;AH = ________________b = -8the result is rounded down (-8 instead of -7…)

In contrast, shr ah,1 gives ____________b = 78h

SAL is the same as SHLIt is just interpreted as being for signed arithmetic

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Rotate (without the CF)Rotate (without the CF)

ROL rotates the bits to the left (same syntax) CF gets a copy of the original msb

ROR rotates the bits to the right (same syntax) CF gets a copy of the original lsb

CF and OF reflect the action of the last rotate

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Examples of ROL and RORExamples of ROL and ROR

mov ah,40h ;ah = 0100 0000b rol ah,1 ;ah = 1000 0000b, CF = 0 rol ah,1 ;ah = 0000 0001b, CF = 1 rol ah,1 ;ah = ____________b,

CF = ___ mov ax,1234h ;ax = 0001 0010 0011 0100b

= 1234h ror ax,4 ;ax = 4123h ror ax,4 ;ax = 3412h ror ax,4 ;ax = 2341h

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Rotate with CFRotate with CF

RCL rotates to the left with participation of CF

RCR rotates to the right with participation of CF

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Ex: Reversing the content of ALEx: Reversing the content of AL

Ex: if AL = 1100 0001b, we want to reverse the order of the bits so AL = 1000 0011b mov cx,8 ;number of bits to rotate

start: shl al,1 ;CF = msb of AL rcr bl,1 ;push CF into msb of BL loop start ;repeat for 8 bits mov al,bl ;store result into AL

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SHLD/SHRD InstructionsSHLD/SHRD Instructions SHLD:

SHLD dest, Source, count(imm8/CL)Shift a dest. a given number of bits to the leftThe bit positions opened up by the shift are

filled by the msb of the source operand SHRD:

SHRD dest, Source, count(imm8/CL)Shift a dest. a given number of bits to the rightThe bit positions opened up by the shift are

filled by the lsb of the source operand

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SHLD/SHRD InstructionsSHLD/SHRD Instructions Formats:

SHLD/SHRD reg16, reg16, imm8/CL mem16, reg16, imm8/CL

reg32, reg32, imm8/CL mem32, reg32, imm8/CL

Examples: .data lval word 923Bh .code

mov ax,0AC36hmov bx, 786Ahshld lval, ax, 8shrd bx, ax, 4

923B AC36

AC36 786A


AC36 6786

lval AX


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Application: Binary OutputApplication: Binary Output

To display the number in BX in binary: MOV AH,2 ;display MOV CX,16 ; 16 chars

START: ROL BX,1 ;CF gets msb JC ONE ;if CF =1 MOV DL,’0’ ;print '0' JMP DISP

ONE: MOV DL,’1’ ;print '1' DISP: INT 21h ;print

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Multiplying with shifts and addsMultiplying with shifts and adds

Some early CPUs lacked hardware multiply Solution: Shift and add routines Advantage: "Cheaper" Disadvantage: Slow Algorithm show here is simple, faster ones

are available. Neat feature: it calculates a double width product using single width operations except for rotating

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Multiplying with shifts and addsMultiplying with shifts and adds Algorithm:

Assumes BL contains multiplicand DL contains multiplier 1. Initialize Clear accumulator AX Put 8 in CX 2. Repeat 8 times (once per bit of multiplier) Shift DL right by 1 bit into CF If CF = 1, Add BL to AH with carry in CF Rotate AX (include CF) The result is in AX.

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Multiplying with shifts and addsMultiplying with shifts and adds

Multiply PROC XOR AX, AX MOV CX, 8Repeat1: SHR DL, 1 JNC Lskip ADD AH, BLLSkip: RCR AX, 1 LOOP Repeat1 RETMultiply ENDP

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Multiplying with shifts and addsMultiplying with shifts and adds

4 bit example 0110 * 1010

DL = 1010 0101 0010 shiftCF = ? 0 1BL = 0110 0110 0110 AX = 0000 0000 0110 0000 addCF = 0AX = 0000 0000 0011 0000 rotate CX = 4 3 2

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Multiplying with shifts and addsMultiplying with shifts and adds

4 bit example 0110 * 1010 continued

DL = 0001 0000 shift CF = 0 1 BL = 0110 0110 AX = 0111 1000 addCF = 0 AX = 0001 1000 0011 1100 rotateCX = 1 0

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Extended AdditionExtended Addition

Question: Early microcomputers were only 8 bit machines. How could you add 16 or 32 bit integers? On 16 bit machines how do you add 32 bit integers?

Intel solution: ADC dest, sourceUsage rules are the same as for ADD

dest = dest + source + carry flag Example AX = 1000h, BX = 20, CF = 1

ADC AX, BX ; AX =_______h

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Add dWord2 to dWord1Add dWord2 to dWord1

dWord1 dd ? dWord2 dd ? … (Using byte arithmetic) mov al, byte ptr dWord2 add byte ptr dWord1, al mov al, byte ptr dWord2+1 adc byte ptr dWord1+1, al mov al, byte ptr dWord2+2 adc byte ptr dWord1+2, al mov al, byte ptr dWord2+3 adc byte ptr dWord1+3, al

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Extended SubtractionExtended Subtraction SBB - subtract with borrow SBB destination, source

destination = destination - source - CF Usage: just like ADC

AX = 1000h, BX = 20, CF = 1 SBB AX, BX ; AX =______h;

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Extended SubtractionExtended Subtraction

Example: Calculate X = X - Y where X and Y are double words on a 8088 with only 16 bit registers

X dd 1023321Y dd 342232… mov ax, word ptr Y sub word ptr X, ax mov ax, word ptr Y+2 sbb word ptr X+2, ax

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Integer Multiplication: A ConsiderationInteger Multiplication: A Consideration Question: if we multiply a n bit number by another,

how long could the product be? Example n = 4

1111 x 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 11100001

The product of two n bit numbers can be 2n bits long

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Integer Multiplication - the problemInteger Multiplication - the problem

The product of two n bit numbers can have up to 2n bits

In high level languages, the product of two n bit numbers can have at most n bits

Question: If you designed the hardware, would the product of two n bit numbers have n bits or 2n bits?

VAX - n normally8088 - 2n normally

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Integer Multiplication: A ConsiderationInteger Multiplication: A Consideration Contrary to addition, the multiplication

operation depends on the interpretation: Consider byte problem: FFh x 02h = ?? unsigned interp.: 255 x 2 = 510 = 01FEh signed interpret.: -1 x 2 = -2 = FFFEh

We thus have two different multiplication instructions: MUL source ;for unsigned multiplication IMUL source ;for signed multiplication

Where source must be either mem or reg

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Multiplication (cont.)Multiplication (cont.)

MUL sourceIMUL source

Notation:Multiplicand x multplier = product

byte source AL x source = AXword source AX x source = DX:AXdword source EAX x source = EDX:EAX

Hence, there is always enough storage to hold the result

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Multiplication (cont.)Multiplication (cont.)

Nevertheless, CF=OF=1 iff the result cannot be contained within the least significant half (lsh) of its storage location lsh = AL if source is of type byte lsh = AX if source is of type word lsh = EAX if source is of type dword

For MUL: CF=OF=0 iff the most significant half (msh) is 0

For IMUL: CF=OF=0 iff the msh is the sign extension of

the lsh

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Examples of MUL and IMULExamples of MUL and IMUL

Say that AX = 1h and BX = FFFFh, then: Instruction Result DX AX CF/OF mul bx 65535 0000 FFFF 0 imulbx -1 FFFF FFFF 0

Say that AX = FFFFh and BX = FFFFh, then: Instruction Result DX AX CF/OF mul bx 4294836225 FFFE 0001 1 imulbx 1 0000 0001 0

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Examples of MUL and IMUL (cont.)Examples of MUL and IMUL (cont.)

AL = 30h and BL = 4h, then: Instruction Result AH AL CF/OF mul bl 192 00 C0 0 imulbl 192 00 C0 1

AL = 80h and BL = FFh, then Instruction Result AH AL CF/OF mul bl 32640 7F 80 1 imulbl 128 00 80 1

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Multiplication: An observationMultiplication: An observation

Observe: The differences between the double length products for signed and unsigned multiplication occur in the most significant (left) half.

In machines with single length products, the same instruction can be used with both signed and unsigned multiplication

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Additional Multiplication FormatsAdditional Multiplication Formats Question: Originally Intel believed in double

length product. What do they think now? New multiplication instructions

IMUL register, immediate (.286) ; register = register * immediateIMUL register1, register2, immediate (.286) ; register1 = register2 * immediateIMUL register1, register2/memory (.386) ; register1 = register1 * register2 ; register1 = register1 * memory

All yield single length products!

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Integer DivisionInteger Division Notation for integer division:

Ex: 7 2 = 3 r 1

dividend divisor = quotient r remainder We have 2 instructions for division:

DIV divisor ;unsigned division IDIV divisor ;signed division

The divisor must be reg or mem Convention for IDIV: the remainder has

always the same sign as the dividend. Ex: -5 2 = -2 r -1 (not -3 r 1)

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Division (cont.)Division (cont.) The divisor determines what will hold the

dividend, the quotient, and the remainder: Divisor Dividend Quotient

Remainder byte AX AL AH word DX:AX AX DX dword EDX:EAX EAX EDX

The effect on the flags is undefined We have a divide overflow whenever the

quotient cannot be contained in its destination (AL if divisor is byte...) execution then traps into INT 0h which displays a

message on screen and returns control to DOS

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Examples of DIV and IDIVExamples of DIV and IDIV

DX = 0000h, AX = 0005h, BX = FFFEh: Instruction Quot. Rem. AX DX div bx 0 5 0000 0005 idivbx -2 1 FFFE 0001

DX = FFFFh, AX = FFFBh, BX = 0002h: Instruction Quot. Rem. AX DX div bx Divide Overflow idivbx -2 -1 FFFE FFFF

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Examples of DIV and IDIV (cont.)Examples of DIV and IDIV (cont.)

AX = 0007, BL = FEh: Instruction Quot. Rem. AL AH div bl 0 7 00 07 idivbl -3 1 FD 01

AX = 00FBh, BL = FFh: Instruction Quot. Rem. AL AH div bl 0 251 00 FB idivbl Divide Overflow because 251/(-1) = -251 < -128

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Preparing for a divisionPreparing for a division

Recall that: For a byte divisor: the dividend is in AX For a word divisor:the dividend is in DX:AX For a dword divisor: the dividend is in

EDX:EAX If the dividend occupies only its least

significant half (lsh) we must prepare its most significant half (msh) for a division For DIV: the msh must be zero For IDIV: the msh must be the sign extension of

the lsh

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Preparing for IDIVPreparing for IDIV To fill the msh of the dividend with the sign

extension of its lsh, we use: CBW (convert byte to word): fills AH with the

sign extension of AL CWD (convert word to double word): fills DX

with the sign extension of AX CDQ (convert double to quad): fills EDX with

the sign extension of EAX Sign extension (recall):

if AX = 8AC0h, then CWD will set DX to FFFFh if AX = 7F12h, then CWD will set DX to 0000h

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Preparing for DIV or IDIVPreparing for DIV or IDIV

If AX and BX contain unsigned numbers, to perform AX / BX, you must do xor dx,dx ;to fill DX with 0

; faster than mov dx, 0 div bx

If AX and BX contain signed numbers, to perform AX / BX, you must do cwd ; fill DX with sign extension of AX idiv bx

Never assign the msh of the dividend to zero before performing IDIV