1 linked lists starring: singly linked list listnode doubly linked list iterator co-starring:...

1 Linked Lists Starring: Singly Linked List ListNode Doubly Linked List Iterator Co-Starring: ListIterator

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Page 1: 1 Linked Lists Starring: Singly Linked List ListNode Doubly Linked List Iterator Co-Starring: ListIterator


Linked Lists


Singly Linked List


Doubly Linked List




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In this lecture series we will learn about Linked Lists

Linked Lists are another type of Data Structure based off of the List Abstract Data Type.

Linked Lists provide advantages in terms of efficiency when certain types of actions need to be performed on the data.

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Java Methods AB Data Structures Chapter 2 p.34 Java Essentials Chapter 19 p.737 Java Essentials Study Guide Chapter 16 p.263 Barrons Chapter 8 p.244 & Chapter 11 p.361 Big Java Chapter Chapter 19 p.737 Lambert Comprehensive Units 4 & 5 (chs 12-16) Taft Notes p.12 (old) & also in last summers

notes Taft Notes 2003

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1.Java Classes And Interfaces:


Linked List



2.ListNode Class

3.Sample Code (UsingLinkedList.java & SampleLinkedList.java)

4.ListIterator Illustration JESG p.266-268 & p.269-280

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What we Will Cover in This Lecture:

The List Interface as it pertains to the ArrayList and Linked List Data Structures

Advantages and Drawbacks of the ArrayList Data Structure

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What we Will Cover in This Lecture:

The Need for an Alternate method of Data Storage

The Concept of the Linked List

The ListNode Class (Singly LL)

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What we Will Cover in This Lecture:

Behaviors of a Linked List: Create, Insert (Add) , Remove, Traverse (Iterate)

Singly, Doubly, Circular LL & LL with a Tail

Review Of Sample Code (Instructor)

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What we Will Cover in This Lecture:

TPS Create Your Own Linked List Class

Java’s LinkedList Class

Doubly LL

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What we Will Cover in This Lecture:

Iterator and ListIterator Classes

Iterating Thru a LinkedList (Java Class)

Big-O of a Linked List (compared to ArrayList)

The AP AB Requirements

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The List Interface

Lets Re-focus on the List Interface and then we will look at a class, LinkedList, that implements the List interface

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This is merely a structure or a set of criteria that can be implemented different ways

We can have a LinkedList implementation of the Abstract List Structure. All we need to do is make sure we provide for the BEHAVIORS as specified in the Criteria for a List (add, remove, get, size, modify)

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Each implementation must be evaluated against their relative “costs” when deciding which one to use for a particular system

The List interface merely identifies the behaviors that MUST exist in a List

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The actual implementation of which is left to the specific data structure

As for the Iterator and ListIterator Interfaces, we will discuss these shortly

The List Interface requires you implement a Size and an Add Behavior

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The List also requires implementation of a ListIterator.

We will use this when we work with Java’s LinkedList class

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The ArrayList Data Structure’s Advantages and Drawbacks

Since Lists can be implemented as either an ArrayList or a LinkedList we need to discuss when we would select one over the other as each has strengths as well as limitations

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ArrayLists are good at direct access of the n-th element --- O(1)

This makes arrays excellent for a Binary Search as it requires direct access to the middle of an Array of elements

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LinkedLists, by their nature, do not provide direct access to specific Nodes because each element only knows about its previous or next Node. So access to a specific Node is a Linear operation --- O(n)

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Arrays are not good at inserting elements at the top or near the middle and are also not best used when the size of the list varies widely--- O(n)

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LinkedLists are best at insertion and removal of specific nodes as we merely have to rearrange the links --- O(1)

They are also good in situations where the size of the list is unknown as nodes are only allocated as needed, leading to no wasted memory

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You do not need to RESIZE a LinkedList

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Therefore, when the data being stored is static and its size is known an Array is a better choice because its weaknesses are minimized and its strengths compliment the dominant process of searching the data --- Log(n)

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In situations where the size and content of the data vary to a point where these operations become the dominant process a LinkedList is preferred

This is because the insertion and removal are efficient , O(1), and we can live with sporadic searches --- O(n)

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Alternate List Implementation (Linked List)

We can think of an Array or an ArrayList as a book

A Book is a contiguous set of elements indexed by page numbers

We can read through the book page by page or we can open it directly to any part of the book

That’s what a book is best at doing

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However, we can not easily insert a new page into an existing book as we would have to rearrange the pages that follow the insert

Also, if the book becomes too big for its bindings, we would need to transfer the pages to a Bigger one

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We can think of a LinkedList as a magazine article

The article appears “in parts” scattered throughout the book

We need to know where the first “part” of the article is

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Then at the end of each “part” we are told where the next “part” is

We only know when the article is completed when it says “END” at the end of the last “part”

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Since the article is spread out, it is not a problem to insert a new piece to the story

It is also easy to remove a part of the story

However, we can only get to a specific “part” of the story by traversing the entire article from the beginning

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The Conceptual Linked List

More formally, an element of a Linked List is a called a “node”

Each node contains information plus a pointer to the next node

The nodes provide REFERENCES to another node

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We know a Linked List ends when its last node points to nothing (NULL)


Given a class called AirFLight that contains a flight destination and a flight number we could construct the following Data Link:

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“Head” of the Link is at OC1





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The ListNode Implementation (for AB Exam)

The previous example illustrates a Singly Linked List

This type of LinkedList contains a Head node and each node only knows about its next node

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A Singly Linked List is best used in cases where we insert new nodes in the beginning (not in the middle or the end) of the list and where searches in the list are minimized

Go to the handout that displays the ListNode class

For us to create our own LinkedList we need to create a “node” class

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This class must contain two class level attributes, one to hold an actual data element and one to hold the reference to the next node in the list

There are also methods to set these values

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public class ListNode{ private Object value; private ListNode next; public ListNode(Object initValue, ListNode initNext) { value = initValue; next = initNext; } public Object getValue() { return value; } public ListNode getNext() { return next; }

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public void setValue(Object theNewValue) { value = theNewValue; } public void setNext(ListNode theNewNext) { next = theNewNext; }

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This ListNode is self-referential as it refers to the ListNode data type inside the ListNode datatype

When we implement our own LinkedList we will use this class as our standard node class

The ListNode class, as currently constructed, reflects a Singly LinkedList

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Furthermore, the ListNode class is going to be used on the AP exam for questions on any LinkedList question

Also this class would be used as a base for any LinkedList Free Response question

What is missing from this class is the actual data that is to be maintained at each node

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The attribute private Object value; needs to hold some value

It can be ANY object, but we will use in our examples an object that maintains flight information

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public class AirFlight{

private String Destination;private int flightNum;

public AirFlight(String s, int num){

Destination = s;flightNum = num;


public String getDestination(){

return Destination;}

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public int getFlightNum()


return flightNum;


public String toString()


return Destination + " flight #" + flightNum;



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The flight class does not “KNOW” it is a part of a list and it only contains information about a specific airline flight

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The ListNode class does not care about the type of object at each node, it only cares about maintaining a REFERENCE to an object and the LOCATION of the next node

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This provides a level of abstraction

In the next sections we will examine the SampleLinkedList code to see a LinkedList in action

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ListNode as a Generic Class

As presently Constructed, the ListNode class accepts an Object reference as the “value” Being linked.

Therefore, when we GET the state of the value pointed to by a given Node, we must CAST to the specific object we are linking

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ListNode as a Generic Class

For Example, if we are linking instances of Airflight we must:

AirFlight a = (AirFlight)head.getValue();

However, if we were to modify the ListNode class to be Generic, we can set the “value”

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ListNode as a Generic Class

Object when the Node is constructed, then we would do the following:

ListNode<Integer> node = new ListNode<Integer>(12);

Then we do not need to cast when accessing the “value” at a given node:

Integer I = head.getValue()

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ListNode as a Generic Class

Furthermore, we must use the generic constructor whenever we create a Node instance:

head.setNext(new ListNode<Integer>(34));

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ListNode as a Generic Class

TestListNodeGeneric.java is the driver program that utilizes a generic ListNode class.

You will be writing the supporting ListNode class as one of your assignments.

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Linked List Behaviors:Like any other List Data Structure a

LinkedList must provide for the following behaviors:

Create a new list

Insert (Add) a new node to the list

Remove a node from the list

Traverse (Iterate) the nodes in the list

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To begin working with your own LinkedList (not java’s LinkedList class) you need to create a class that will hold the information you wish to store

You then need to Create an initial Node in the list and make this node the head of the list

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Lets work with our flight class and create an initial instance of it:

AirFlight f1 = new AirFlight("Atlanta", 100);Then create an initial node to maintain the

flight data:

ListNode node = new ListNode(f1, null); // A

Then establish this as the start of the list:

ListNode head = null;

head = node;

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We can now add or insert nodes to the front of the list

We can do this 2 ways, we can use the ListNodes setNext method to point the initial node to the next node in the list:

head.setNext(new ListNode(f2, null)); // A O

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Or we can use the ListNodes constructor to establish a new node and reset the head

head = new ListNode(f4,head);// N K A O

head = new ListNode(f5,head);// U N K A O

head = new ListNode(f6,head);// H U N K A O

Lets Draw out the resulting linked list on the Board…

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We can print out the contents of the first node:

System.out.println("The first Node is " + ((AirFlight)head.getValue()).toString());

Note that AirFlight class has a toString method

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We can also retrieve the object at the head node

AirFlight a = (AirFlight)head.getValue();

We can easily remove a node from the front of the list:

head = head.getNext();

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This remove works by setting the head to bypass the first node and point to the second node

Once the garbage collector sees that the first node is no longer referenced, it will destroy it

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We can traverse the list:

for (node = head2; node != null ; node = node.getNext())


b = (AirFlight)node.getValue();



Lets look at the sample code SampleLinkedList.java to see how to add and remove nodes from the end of the list

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Singly Linked ListA Singly LinkedList is one where the

nodes in the link know only about the node that FOLLOWS it

Head = OC4


Hou Utah New Ken Atl Orlando


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Insertion and removal at the beginning of the list are efficient as they are constant time O(1)

Searches and traversals are Linear time O(n)

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Linked List with a Tail

We keep track of the head node to provide us with the start of the list

We can also keep track of the last node of the list by maintaining a reference to its tail

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ListNode tail = head2;Then as we insert new nodes we update

the tail reference:

node = new ListNode(f2,null);

// change previous "tails" next node

// BEFORE updating the list to include the NEW tail


tail = node;

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Using the tail we can traverse from the end of the list and insert to the end of the list

In the previous example the head is still OC4 but the tail is AE4

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Circular Linked ListIn a circular linked list, we maintain the

reference to the head of the list in the last node of the list

This type of list does not contain a NULL next pointer in the last node to signify the end of the list

We know the list has been fully traversed when the “next” reference matches the head’s reference

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ListNode head3 = new ListNode(f1, null);

tail = head3;


node = new ListNode(f2,null);

// change previous "tails" next node

// BEFORE updating the list to include the NEW // tail


tail = node;

tail.setNext(head3); // 8. Cir LL requires last // node's "next" to point to HEAD or First node

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Traversal of a Circular list is different as we can no longer check for NULL:

node = head3;do {

b = (AirFlight)node.getValue();System.out.println(b.toString());node = node.getNext();

System.out.println(node + " "+ head3);

}while (node != head3); // this is a circular // linked list !!!

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Doubly Linked List

A Doubly Linked list improves on the singly LinkedList because each node contains a reference to the node before it as well as the node after it

Before we can implement this type of List we need to enhance the ListNode class to add in a reference to the previous node:

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private ListNode prev;We also overload the constructor to

create a doubly Linked List

public ListNode(Object initValue, ListNode initNext, ListNode initPrev)


value = initValue;

next = initNext;

prev = initPrev; // DOUBLY LINKED LIST

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We also need to be able to access and modify the previous reference:

public ListNode getPrev()


return prev;


public void setPrev(ListNode theNewPrev)


prev = theNewPrev;


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A Doubly Linked List is used to maintain an ordered list of nodes

Our Insertion and Removal become more involved as we need to iterate through the nodes

For Insertions, we need to know if the node is the first one created

If it is then it is the head node and its NEXT and PREV references are null

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Otherwise, we traverse the list, keeping track of the prev node, until we locate a node whose data is greater than the data in the new node

Once the proper place is found we link the previous node to point to the new node

Then we have the new node point to the “previous” node’s next node

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We still have to maintain the prev references

The new node points back to the “previous” node and the node the new node points to needs have its prev node refer to the new node

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Lets put an example on the board (#5 in code handout)

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Lets look at the sample code for the Doubly Linked List example

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Sample Code Review

For a more complete review of a Linked List lets refer to the sample code : SampleLinkedList.java

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TPS Create Your Own Linked List

Make a copy of the following files to your student account:

LittleList.java TestMyList.java

These files are online as are the TPS instructions

You will create your own list class

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TPS2 Create a Templeted / Generic Version of the ListNode class

We can also Convert the ListNode class to utilize Generic Capability

In this case, we would modify the ListNode class to accept a specific object to be Linked

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TPS2 Create a Templeted / Generic Version of the ListNode class

The following is a code sample of the Driver program that utilizes a generic ListNode:

ListNode head = null;ListNode<Integer> node = new

ListNode<Integer>(12);head = node;System.out.println("The first Node is " +


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TPS2 Create a Templeted / Generic Version of the ListNode class

NOTE: the getValue method of ListNode’s Generic Version DOES NOT require a

Cast to a specific object, Integer, in this case.

// add a node to the list using the setnext method

// this will be the second node in the list

head.setNext(new ListNode<Integer>(34);

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TPS2Create a Templeted / Generic Version of the ListNode class

// add new nodes to the BEGINNING OF THE LIST

ListNode<Integer> t = new ListNode<Integer>(65);


head = t;

System.out.println("The New first Node is " + (head.getValue()).toString());

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TPS2 Create a Templeted / Generic Version of the ListNode class


Integer b;for (node = head; node != null ; node =


b = node.getValue();System.out.println(b.toString());


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TPS2 Create a Templeted / Generic Version of the ListNode class

Removing a Node:head = head.getNext();

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TPS2 Create a Templeted / Generic Version of the ListNode class

Modify ListNode to allow Generics

Make a copy of the following files to your student account:


Using this code as a guide, create your own version of a generic ListNode class

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Java’s LinkedList Class

Java has a LinkedList class that is designed to be a Doubly Linked List

This class is used in much the same way as the ArrayList class

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LinkedList ll = new LinkedList();



ll.remove(1); // removes



System.out.println("AFTER Removal There is NOW " + ll.size() + " Nodes in the List “);


AirFlight af = (AirFlight)ll.getFirst();

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You can loop thru a LinkedList by using the get(index) method, but it has hidden costs as we can explain by examining the following code:

for (int i = 0; i < ll.size(); i++)


AirFlight af = (AirFlight)ll.get(i);


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Each iteration begins AT THE START of the list and traverses to the i th node

You are responsible for understanding the implicit costs of the methods in the LinkedList class

Using the LinkedList class we can use the get method that returns the i th node

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Each call to this method traverses from the beginning of the list and has a Linear cost O(n)

We can move thru the list by iterative calls to the get method incrementing the index by one each time

However, EACH call to get STARTS at the HEAD node and becomes a Quadratic operation O(n^2)

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This leaves us with an efficiency issue that is addressed with the Iterator and ListIterator interfaces which we will discuss shortly

Lets open up and review Java’s LinkedList class in JavaDoc

Now Review the AP Subset for the LinkedList Class (USE AP JAVA DOC)

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It is important to note that there are some hidden performance issues to consider with the implementation of the List Interfaces get and set behaviors

The ArrayList implementation of these methods are an asset to the array as the “cost” of these operations is Constant --- O(1)

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The LinkedList implementation, however, is not as efficient

For a LinkedList to access the n th node it must start at the head of the list and traverse each node, counting each one, until it gets to the specified one --- Linear, O(n)

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In contrast the add behavior as implemented in a LinkedList merely rearranges the links while the ArrayList must rearrange its elements and/or copy them to a larger array

LinkedLists are also efficient at inserting a node at the beginning of the list or at the end (as long as it has a tail)

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Using the Generic Version of the LinkList Class

Java’s LinkedList Class is Generic, therefore, we can identify the type of Object we wish to link.

Code Examples are in the UseLinkedListClassWithGeneric.java file

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Using the AirFlight class as the object, we will create a LinkedList as follows:

LinkedList <AirFlight> ll = new LinkedList<AirFlight>();

AirFlight f1 = new AirFlight("Atlanta", 100);AirFlight f2 = new AirFlight("Orlando", 500);AirFlight f3 = new AirFlight("Kennedy",


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Then you can Iterate using the FOR EACH loop:

for(AirFlight r:ll)


// display list with newark removed



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You can Iterate by calling a method and passing a LIST instance:

printLL(ll);static public void printLL( List ll )

{Iterator iter = ll.iterator();iter = ll.iterator();while(iter.hasNext()){// display list with newark removedSystem.out.println(iter.next());}


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You can Iterate by calling a method and passing a Generic LIST instance:

static public void printLLITERATOR( List<AirFlight> ll ){ for(AirFlight r:ll)

{// display list with newark removedSystem.out.println(r.toString());}

System.out.println(" AND TRAVERSE WITH AN ITERATOR...");

// NOW ITERATE using an iterator for(Iterator<AirFlight> itr = ll.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { System.out.println(itr.next()); }


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Iterator InterfaceWe can traverse thru a list efficiently if we

have access to the first node in the list

for (node = head2; node != null ; node = node.getNext())

However, if we implement the linkedlist as part of an encapsulated class we do not have access to the head of the list

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We can use an Iterator to process thru a linkedlist

This gives us the flexibility to handle each node as we need to

We can make use of the Iterator to sequence through a list

The LinkedList class has an Iterator reference that can be used to “iterate” thru the list

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When you create an Iterator it points to a specific element in the list (usually the first node)

You can have multiple iterators against a single List object and each can be at a different “node”

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Iterating thru a Linked List

static public void printLL(List ll){

System.out.println();// instance of iteratorIterator iter = ll.iterator();// roll thru nodes of list until none are leftwhile(iter.hasNext())

{// returns the next node's Object (value) in the listSystem.out.println(iter.next());}


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Remove a node thru the iteratorwhile(iter.hasNext())

{// returns the next node's Object (value) in the // listAirFlight f = (AirFlight)iter.next();// remove the flight number 300 -- Newarkif (f.getFlightNum() == 300)

{ iter.remove(); System.out.println(f + " Removed");}


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ListIterator InterfaceIterators have limitations as they always

start at the beginning of the list and then only move forward (in one direction)

What if we had to find duplicate flights in a list of AirFlights

We could nest separate iterators but this is inefficient because the inner iterator will start at the first node each iteration

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AirFlight fl1, fl2;Iterator iter1, iter2;iter1 = ll.Iterator();while (iter1.hasNext( )){

fl1 = (AirFlight)iter1.next();iter2 = ll.Iterator(); // will start at first node each timewhile(iter2.hasNext( )){

fl2 = (AirFlight)iter2.next();

if (fl1 != fl2 && fl1.getFlightNum( ) == fl2.getFlightNum( ) )

System.out.println(“Duplicate Flight: “ + fl1.toString())}


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NOTE: The check fl1 != fl2 makes sure we are not comparing the same 2 flights

Java’s enhanced version of the Iterator is the ListIterator (java.util.ListIterator)

ListIterator EXTENDS the Iterator interface

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In the Full Java version of the ListInterface there are several methods that allow us to move forward as well as backward in the LinkedList (remember that the Java LinkedList is implemented as a Doubly LL)

To get the full power of this interface, look at the FULL Java Doc where the List Interface has an overloaded ListIterator that passes in an index so we can START our iteration at any point in the list

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Lets open up and review Java’s FULL VERSION OF THE Iterator & ListIterator Interfaces in JavaDoc

Therefore we can make our duplicate flight search more efficient:

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AirFlight fl1, fl2;ListIterator iter1, iter2;iter1 = ll.ListIterator();while (iter1.hasNext( )){

fl1 = (AirFlight)iter1.next();iter2 = ll.ListIterator(iter1.nextIndex( )); // will start at //index node each timewhile(iter2.hasNext( )){

fl2 = (AirFlight)iter2.next();if (fl1 != fl2 && fl1.getFlightNum( ) ==

fl2.getFlightNum( ) )System.out.println(“Duplicate Flight: “ +



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Lets open up and review AP Java’s Iterator & ListIterator Interfaces in the AP JavaDoc (USE AP JAVA DOC)

Review the AP Subset for the Iterator and ListIterator Interfaces

Note that the AP subset for the List Interface DOES NOT include the overloaded ListIterator method

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add inserts a new node (specified element) into the list BEFORE the current iterator position and moves the iterator PAST the inserted element (node)

set replaces the value of the node (element) returned by the next method

remove method removes the last node returned by the iterator AND CAN only be called ONCE AFTER a call to the next method

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Lets look at the ListIterator sample code handout (JESG p.266-268)

For the AP exam we will not be asked to iterate through the LinkedList class as a doubly linked list as the AP version of the ListIterator class has limited behaviors

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Big-O of a Linked ListSingly Doubly LL CLass

Insert / Add /remove

to beginning of list O(1) O(1) O(1)

Insert / Add /Remove

to end of list O(n) O(1) O(1)

Insert / Remove in

(middle) of list O(n) for search O(n) for search O(n) for srch

O(1) for insert O(1) for insert O(1) for insert

Search for a key O(n) O(n) O(n)

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LinkedList Class

(Doubly LL)

addFirst, addLast,

getFirst, getLast,


removeLast O(1)

set O(n) to locate note

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Examine the addlast code in Barrons page 248 and Determine its efficiency

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AP AB Subset Requirements

Students are expected to write linked list insert (add) to front, insert to tail, insert in order, remove, traverse, a singly, doubly or circular linked list

Students are also responsible for using the Java LinkedList class an the Iterator and ListIterator Interfaces

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Multiple Choice and Free Response Questions will use the ListNode class as the NODE for Linked List implementations

Students also need to understand the Big-O of Linked List behaviors and compare them to ArrayLists

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Students must also evaluate appropriate selection of a list (linked or array)

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POE Revisited

Case Study Modifications

Barrons M/C Questions

Free Response Questions

Enhance the ListNode Class to implement a Doubly LL &

LL with Tail]

Handout of Multiple Choice Questions

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