1. objectives and scope - international labour organization · on fiscal space and costing, ......


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Page 1: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide
Page 2: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide


1. Objectives and Scope

Presentation Notes
Evaluation is not an end in itself but a means towards and end.. It is not a process or mechanical step but serves a real purpose. Our vision in EVAL therefore is to see how we can provide evidence based informatio on results that can make the ILO more relevant, effective and efficent so it can make a greater impact on te lives ofte people it serves.. Translated on a mission that requires us to influence learning, decision making and accountability in the ILO
Page 3: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide

The purpose of the evaluation is to provide an insight into the relevance,coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact of the socialprotection work of ILO. Although it focuses on the period from 2012-17, italso looks forward, aiming to inform the development of future directionsand ILO’s strategic advantage in contributing to the SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs).

The evaluation reviews the work of the organization as a whole, not justthat of the Social Protection Department.



Impact Coherence

Sustainability Effectiveness


HLEs aim to generate insights into the ILO’s performance within the context of its results-based management system

In November 2016, the ILO’s Governing Body mandated the Evaluation Office (EVAL) to conduct an independent High-Level Evaluation (HLE) of the ILO’s strategy, programme approach, and interventions on creating and extending social protection floors.


Presentation Notes
Evaluation is not an end in itself but a means towards and end.. It is not a process or mechanical step but serves a real purpose. Our vision in EVAL therefore is to see how we can provide evidence based informatio on results that can make the ILO more relevant, effective and efficent so it can make a greater impact on te lives ofte people it serves.. Translated on a mission that requires us to influence learning, decision making and accountability in the ILO
Page 4: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide


The Evaluation focusses on ILO’s strategy and actions on promoting social protection between 2012-2017, including:

All efforts of the Office at the country level in supporting the achievement of Outcome 4 under the strategic framework 2010-2015 and of Outcome 3 under the transitional Strategic Plan and P&B 2016-17.

The ILO’s contribution in global social protection floor strategies, policies and debates and its coordination within the Social Protection Interagency Cooperation Board (SPIAC-B), the Social Protection Floor Initiative: ‘One-UN Social Protection Floor Teams’, with its multilateral and United Nations partners. Evaluation efforts are concentrated on ILO’s work in coordinating and providing leadership within the respective inter-agency working groups and inter-agency boards.

ILOs work in knowledge management and sharing of experiences through the online platform: Social Protection Platform (www.social-protection.org).


Presentation Notes
Evaluation is not an end in itself but a means towards and end.. It is not a process or mechanical step but serves a real purpose. Our vision in EVAL therefore is to see how we can provide evidence based informatio on results that can make the ILO more relevant, effective and efficent so it can make a greater impact on te lives ofte people it serves.. Translated on a mission that requires us to influence learning, decision making and accountability in the ILO
Page 5: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide


2. Methodology

Presentation Notes
Evaluation is not an end in itself but a means towards and end.. It is not a process or mechanical step but serves a real purpose. Our vision in EVAL therefore is to see how we can provide evidence based informatio on results that can make the ILO more relevant, effective and efficent so it can make a greater impact on te lives ofte people it serves.. Translated on a mission that requires us to influence learning, decision making and accountability in the ILO
Page 6: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide


The evaluation is based primarily on qualitative research, drawing on multiple sources of information, including:

Document reviews Analysis of financial and programmatic data Key informant interviews with ILO

constituents, staff and multilateral/ bilateral partners in social protection

Online surveys Direct observation from 5 field visits and

interviews (130+ people interviewed) and 13 additional countries from regional thematic evaluation

3 desk case studies Synergies and coordination with 3 regional

thematic evaluations Findings from an analysis of 24 project




Desk Reviews

Direct Observations

Surveys and Interviews

Presentation Notes
Evaluation is not an end in itself but a means towards and end.. It is not a process or mechanical step but serves a real purpose. Our vision in EVAL therefore is to see how we can provide evidence based informatio on results that can make the ILO more relevant, effective and efficent so it can make a greater impact on te lives ofte people it serves.. Translated on a mission that requires us to influence learning, decision making and accountability in the ILO
Page 7: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide

Selection criteria:

TC Budgetary spent

Type of ILO support

Regional distribution

One UN Tripartite

involvement Flagship

country Institutional

memory Learning



Presentation Notes
Evaluation is not an end in itself but a means towards and end.. It is not a process or mechanical step but serves a real purpose. Our vision in EVAL therefore is to see how we can provide evidence based informatio on results that can make the ILO more relevant, effective and efficent so it can make a greater impact on te lives ofte people it serves.. Translated on a mission that requires us to influence learning, decision making and accountability in the ILO
Page 8: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide

Analysis of 13 country case studies from 3 regional thematic evaluationson social protection in Africa, Asia and Latin America

CASE Studies on global work

SPIAC-B including ISPA tools

Integration of SP in SDGs

Extension of SP for migrants and refugees

Participation in the Global Technical Team (GTT) retreat 15-17 March 2017

Synthesis study including 24 evaluation reports


Presentation Notes
Evaluation is not an end in itself but a means towards and end.. It is not a process or mechanical step but serves a real purpose. Our vision in EVAL therefore is to see how we can provide evidence based informatio on results that can make the ILO more relevant, effective and efficent so it can make a greater impact on te lives ofte people it serves.. Translated on a mission that requires us to influence learning, decision making and accountability in the ILO
Page 9: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide


This survey was received by 155 ILO staff: HQstaff, SP specialists, DWT directors, countrydirectors and technical cooperation staff workingon social protectio.

142 constituents from field visit countries wereinvited to respond to the Survey

This survey was received by 75 ILO’s partners atnational and global level: UN Partners, andmulti- and bilateral donors working on socialprotection.

30 ILO Partners

37% said they are “very involved” with social protection issue

40% said they are “extremely involved” with social protection issue

The response rate was 40.0% The response rate was 40.7%

41% said social protection was a “very important” part of their work

47% said it was “extremely important”

118 Constituent, ILO staff and other partners surveyed

Two surveys were designed by the evaluation to capture the perspectives of a multitude of stakeholders

Presentation Notes
Evaluation is not an end in itself but a means towards and end.. It is not a process or mechanical step but serves a real purpose. Our vision in EVAL therefore is to see how we can provide evidence based informatio on results that can make the ILO more relevant, effective and efficent so it can make a greater impact on te lives ofte people it serves.. Translated on a mission that requires us to influence learning, decision making and accountability in the ILO
Page 10: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide


Dealing with attribution of contribution Multi-stakeholder processes

Complex and unpredictable processes of change

Multiple, parallel evaluation processes Evaluation fatigue

Sometimes limited availability of staff

Country case studies High staff turnover

Short missions in Ghana and Niger

Presentation Notes
Evaluation is not an end in itself but a means towards and end.. It is not a process or mechanical step but serves a real purpose. Our vision in EVAL therefore is to see how we can provide evidence based informatio on results that can make the ILO more relevant, effective and efficent so it can make a greater impact on te lives ofte people it serves.. Translated on a mission that requires us to influence learning, decision making and accountability in the ILO
Page 11: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide


3. Findings

Presentation Notes
Evaluation is not an end in itself but a means towards and end.. It is not a process or mechanical step but serves a real purpose. Our vision in EVAL therefore is to see how we can provide evidence based informatio on results that can make the ILO more relevant, effective and efficent so it can make a greater impact on te lives ofte people it serves.. Translated on a mission that requires us to influence learning, decision making and accountability in the ILO
Page 12: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide


Profound impact on ILO’s work on SP: aims | strategies | operationalmodalities

Additional focus on

The period under review follows after an intensive period of global social policy making and the adoption of Recommendation 202 on Social Protection Floors.

global awareness raising and advocacy

new global collaboration and governance structures

One-UN initiatives at country

knowledge development | global products | communication platforms level

Flagship initiative

New service models and partnerships initiative

Presentation Notes
Evaluation is not an end in itself but a means towards and end.. It is not a process or mechanical step but serves a real purpose. Our vision in EVAL therefore is to see how we can provide evidence based informatio on results that can make the ILO more relevant, effective and efficent so it can make a greater impact on te lives ofte people it serves.. Translated on a mission that requires us to influence learning, decision making and accountability in the ILO
Page 13: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide


At the global level, the ILO has re-oriented and pooled resources allowing it to take a leading role in advocacy and partnerships to contribute structurally to essential global debates on SP from a social justice perspective

The social protection floors flagship initiative brings more geographical focus and a clear narrative on ILO’s SP activities for different stakeholders. It has yet to further develop clear working modalities at country level

ILO’s work on SP is highly appreciated for its relevance at the country level, especially for its partnership approach, the comprehensive vision on social protection reforms which is backed-up by a strong normative framework, studies on fiscal space and costing, and the provision of long-term flexible support

The strategies, methodologies and tools guiding ILO’s SP support operations at country level are most advanced and explicit for the preparatory phase and the policy design phase. There is less systematization of ‘good ways of working’ for the policy implementation phase

ILO can mobilize a diverse and strong set of TA mechanisms to support the constituents, but its capacity-building efforts lack strategic focus and monitoring

SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide a relevant response to the lack of coordination between donors working on SP

Social dialogue features in many different ways in ILO’s support for SP, ranging from mere consultation to real co-creation, butcould be more consistently applied throughout ILO interventions and the policy cycle




Presentation Notes
Evaluation is not an end in itself but a means towards and end.. It is not a process or mechanical step but serves a real purpose. Our vision in EVAL therefore is to see how we can provide evidence based informatio on results that can make the ILO more relevant, effective and efficent so it can make a greater impact on te lives ofte people it serves.. Translated on a mission that requires us to influence learning, decision making and accountability in the ILO
Page 14: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide


Coherence and synergies with other ILO departments and offices are sufficient

Recommendation No. 202 on Social Protection Floors provided a new and comprehensive guiding framework for ILO’s SP activities at different levels

The ILO strategic frameworks for the period 2012—2017 are in line with Recommendation No. 202 and cover ILO’s work on the ground, but the frameworks provided limited guidance to monitor and report on progress on the global work




Presentation Notes
Evaluation is not an end in itself but a means towards and end.. It is not a process or mechanical step but serves a real purpose. Our vision in EVAL therefore is to see how we can provide evidence based informatio on results that can make the ILO more relevant, effective and efficent so it can make a greater impact on te lives ofte people it serves.. Translated on a mission that requires us to influence learning, decision making and accountability in the ILO
Page 15: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide


ILO’s work on SP has been effective as defined by the Strategic Policy Frameworks and other planning instruments, having surpassed its 2010–15 targets and reportedly achieved the 2016–17 targets early

UN collaboration at country level is showing strong added value. The level of cooperation is still uneven across countries

Multi-stakeholder partnerships have contributed to ILO’s outreach at global and national level

ILO’s SP visibility and outreach continued to grow, with substantial progress on digital media, the number of global products, and new partnerships

Recommendation No. 202 and the social protection floors campaign have been effective at policy level, especially in the policy design phase, but Implementation of reforms is slow in most countries

In a majority of the social protection programmes reviewed, gender equality is implicitly integrated but it lacks explicit focus and monitoring





Presentation Notes
Evaluation is not an end in itself but a means towards and end.. It is not a process or mechanical step but serves a real purpose. Our vision in EVAL therefore is to see how we can provide evidence based informatio on results that can make the ILO more relevant, effective and efficent so it can make a greater impact on te lives ofte people it serves.. Translated on a mission that requires us to influence learning, decision making and accountability in the ILO
Page 16: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide


Efficiency and cost-effectiveness are positively assessed in most ILO interventions, with some areas of attention

SOCPRO and field structure transitioning is creating some unease

SOCPRO has a strong learning drive, with room for more horizontal learning strategies




Presentation Notes
Evaluation is not an end in itself but a means towards and end.. It is not a process or mechanical step but serves a real purpose. Our vision in EVAL therefore is to see how we can provide evidence based informatio on results that can make the ILO more relevant, effective and efficent so it can make a greater impact on te lives ofte people it serves.. Translated on a mission that requires us to influence learning, decision making and accountability in the ILO
Page 17: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide


There are indications of impact at national and global level, but systematic evidence is lacking

Basic principles underpinning ILO’s work on SP contribute positively to sustainability

Risks of financing long-term processes of change through a series of donor-funded development cooperation projects

Risk of a shortfall in funding for SPIAC-B work on ISPA tools



& S






Presentation Notes
Evaluation is not an end in itself but a means towards and end.. It is not a process or mechanical step but serves a real purpose. Our vision in EVAL therefore is to see how we can provide evidence based informatio on results that can make the ILO more relevant, effective and efficent so it can make a greater impact on te lives ofte people it serves.. Translated on a mission that requires us to influence learning, decision making and accountability in the ILO
Page 18: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide


0 1 2 3 4 5 6


Coherence and design






Scale: 6 = highly satisfactory; 5 = satisfactory; 4 = somewhat satisfactory; 3 = somewhat unsatisfactory; 2 = unsatisfactory; 1 = highly unsatisfactory

The report provides a rating of the OECD/DAC evaluation criteria relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability to provide an overall appreciation of ILO’s work on SP in the period of 2012–17.

Presentation Notes
Evaluation is not an end in itself but a means towards and end.. It is not a process or mechanical step but serves a real purpose. Our vision in EVAL therefore is to see how we can provide evidence based informatio on results that can make the ILO more relevant, effective and efficent so it can make a greater impact on te lives ofte people it serves.. Translated on a mission that requires us to influence learning, decision making and accountability in the ILO
Page 19: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide


4. Recommendations

Presentation Notes
Evaluation is not an end in itself but a means towards and end.. It is not a process or mechanical step but serves a real purpose. Our vision in EVAL therefore is to see how we can provide evidence based informatio on results that can make the ILO more relevant, effective and efficent so it can make a greater impact on te lives ofte people it serves.. Translated on a mission that requires us to influence learning, decision making and accountability in the ILO
Page 20: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide


Enhance internal coherence of the ILO’s social protection work by fostering a dialogue to develop a common understanding and vision of the implementation of the social protection agenda across headquarters, regional offices and field offices.

Further increase coherence and continuity of country work by strengthening the ILO’s overall intervention logic at country level.

To assert the ILO’s role in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda), the responsible units should further strengthen their capacity to support integrated social protection reforms and continue to build on the ILO’s track record in multi-stakeholder collaboration at national and international levels.





Continue efforts to enhance the ILO’s social protection interventions by developing innovative service delivery models and new partnerships, while paying more attention to internal support and risk management, which includes a strong learning component in the pilot phase.

Presentation Notes
Evaluation is not an end in itself but a means towards and end.. It is not a process or mechanical step but serves a real purpose. Our vision in EVAL therefore is to see how we can provide evidence based informatio on results that can make the ILO more relevant, effective and efficent so it can make a greater impact on te lives ofte people it serves.. Translated on a mission that requires us to influence learning, decision making and accountability in the ILO
Page 21: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide


The responsible units should continue to deepen the use of the ILO’s specific strengths, such as tripartism, social dialogue, rights-based approaches and gender equality as the core of its brand.

Continue efforts to enhance the ILO’s social protection interventions by developing innovative service delivery models and new partnerships, while paying more attention to internal support and risk management, which includes a strong learning component in the pilot phase.

Continue efforts to strengthen knowledge management by knowledge sharing and provision of technical advice through guidance materials and manuals. The responsible units should carefully monitor the use of these products and combine them appropriately with other types of support to respond to the needs of users.

5 6


Presentation Notes
Evaluation is not an end in itself but a means towards and end.. It is not a process or mechanical step but serves a real purpose. Our vision in EVAL therefore is to see how we can provide evidence based informatio on results that can make the ILO more relevant, effective and efficent so it can make a greater impact on te lives ofte people it serves.. Translated on a mission that requires us to influence learning, decision making and accountability in the ILO
Page 22: 1. Objectives and Scope - International Labour Organization · on fiscal space and costing, ... SPIAC-B and other multi-stakeholder initiatives improve ILO’s outreach and provide

CONTACT USILO Evaluation OfficeEmail: [email protected]: www.ilo.org/eval

Presentation Notes
Evaluation is not an end in itself but a means towards and end.. It is not a process or mechanical step but serves a real purpose. Our vision in EVAL therefore is to see how we can provide evidence based informatio on results that can make the ILO more relevant, effective and efficent so it can make a greater impact on te lives ofte people it serves.. Translated on a mission that requires us to influence learning, decision making and accountability in the ILO