1. perbandingan kode etik

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  • 7/21/2019 1. Perbandingan Kode Etik


    Perbandingan Kode Etik Persatuan Ahli Gizi Indonesia

    dengan Code of EthicsAmerican Dietetic Association,

    Canadian Dietetic Association, danDietitians Association

    of Australia

    OLEH :

    Hesti Retno Budi Arini (!"#$#%###&'

    )R)*A+ GII KE*EHA-A+

    .AK)L-A* KE/OK-ERA+

    )+I0ER*I-A* BRA1IA2A 3ALA+G


  • 7/21/2019 1. Perbandingan Kode Etik


    BAB II


    I5 Kode Etik Ahli Gizi Indonesia (Persatuan Ahli Gizi Indonesia'

    Ahli Gizi yang dalam melaksanakan profesi gizi harus mengabdikan

    dirinya sepenuh hati dengan senantiasa bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa,

    menunjukkan sikap dan perbuatan terpuji yang dilandasi oleh falsafah dan nilai

    nilai !an"asila, #ndang#ndang $asar %&'( serta Anggaran $asar dan Anggaran

    )umah Tangga !ersatuan Ahli Gizi *ndonesia serta etik profesinya, baik dalam

    hubungan dengan pemerintah bangsa, negara, masyarakat, profesi maupun dengan

    diri sendiri+

    A5 Ke6a7iban )8u8

    %+ Ahli Gizi berperan meningkatkan keadaan gizi dan kesehatan serta

    berperan dalam meningkatkan ke"erdasan dan kesejahteran rakyat

    + Ahli Gizi berkewajiban menjunjung tinggi nama baik profesi gizi dengan

    menunjukkan sikap, perilaku, dan budi luhur serta tidak mementingkan diri


    -+ Ahli Gizi berkewajiban senantiasa menjalankan profesinya menurut

    standar profesi yang telah ditetapkan

    '+ Ahli Gizi berkewajiban senantiasa menjalankan profesinya bersikap jujur,

    tulus dan adil

    (+ Ahli Gizi berkewajiban menjalankan profesinya berdasarkan prinsip

    keilmuan, informasi terkini, dan dalam menginterpretasikan informasi

    hendaknya objektif tanpa membedakan indi.idu dan dapat menunjukkan

    sumber rujukan yang benar

    /+ Ahli Gizi berkewajiban senantiasa mengenal dan memahami

    keterbatasannya sehingga dapat bekerjasama dengan pihak lain atau membuat

    rujukan bila diperlukan

  • 7/21/2019 1. Perbandingan Kode Etik


    0+ Ahli Gizi dalam melakukan profesinya mengutamakan kepentingan

    masyarakat dan berkewajiban senantiasa berusaha menjadi pendidik dan

    pengabdi masyarakat yang sebenarnya

    1+ Ahli Gizi dalam bekerjasama dengan para profesional lain di bidang

    kesehatan maupun lainnya berkewajiban senantiasa memelihara pengertian

    yang sebaikbaiknya+

    B5 Ke6a7iban -erhada9 Klien

    %+ Ahli Gizi berkewajiban sepanjang waktu senantiasa berusaha memelihara

    dan meningkatkan status gizi klien baik dalam lingkungan institusi pelayanan

    gizi atau di masyarakat umum

    + Ahli Gizi berkewajiban senantiasa menjaga kerahasiaan klien atau

    masyarakat yang dilayaninya baik pada saat klien masih atau sudah tidak

    dalam pelayanannya, bahkan juga setelah klien meninggal dunia ke"uali bila

    diperlukan untuk keperluan kesaksian hukum

    -+ Ahli Gizi dalam menjalankan profesinya senantiasa menghormati dan

    menghargai kebutuhan unik setiap klien yang dilayani dan peka terhadap

    perbedaan budaya, dan tidak melakukan diskriminasi dalam hal suku, agama,

    ras, status sosial, jenis kelamin, usia dan tidak menunjukkan pele"ehan seksual

    '+ Ahli Gizi berkewajiban senantiasa memberikan pelayanan gizi prima,

    "epat, dan akurat

    (+ Ahli Gizi berkewajiban memberikan informasi kepada klien dengan tepat

    dan jelas, sehingga memungkinkan klien mengerti dan mau memutuskan

    sendiri berdasarkan informasi tersebut

    /+ Ahli Gizi dalam melakukan tugasnya, apabila mengalami keraguan dalam

    memberikan pelayanan berkewajiban senantiasa berkonsultasi dan merujuk

    kepada ahli gizi lain yang mempunyai keahlian

    5 Ke6a7iban -erhada9 3as;arakat

  • 7/21/2019 1. Perbandingan Kode Etik


    %+ Ahli Gizi berkewajiban melindungi masyarakat umum khususnya tentang

    penyalahgunaan pelayanan, informasi yang salah dan praktek yang tidak etis

    berkaitan dengan gizi, pangan termasuk makanan dan terapi gizi2diet+ Ahli

    Gizi hendaknya senantiasa memberikan pelayanannya sesuai dengan informasi

    faktual, akurat dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan kebenarannya

    + Ahli Gizi senantiasa melakukan kegiatan pengawasan pangan dan gizi

    sehingga dapat men"egah masalah gizi di masyarakat

    -+ Ahli Gizi berkewajiban senantiasa !eka terhadap status gizi masyarakat

    untuk men"egah terjadinya masalah gizi dan meningkatkan status gizi


    '+ Ahli Gizi berkewajiban memberi "ontoh hidup sehat dengan pola makan

    dan akti.itas fisik yang seimbang sesuai dengan nilai praktek gizi indi.idu

    yang baik

    (+ $alam bekerja sama dengan profesional lain di masyarakat, Ahli Gizi

    berkewajiban hendaknya senantiasa berusaha memberikan dorongan,

    dukungan, inisiatif, dan bantuan lain dengan sungguhsungguh demiter"apainya status gizi dan kesehatan optimal di masyarakat

    /+ Ahli Gizi dalam mempromosikan atau mengesahkan produk makanan

    tertentu berkewajiban senantiasa tidak dengan "ara yang salah atau,

    menyebabkan salah interpretasi atau menyesatkan masyarakat

    /5 Ke6a7iban -erhada9 -e8an *e9ro

  • 7/21/2019 1. Perbandingan Kode Etik


    terkait dalam upaya meningkatkan status gizi, kesehatan, ke"erdasan dan

    kesejahteraan rakyat

    -+ Ahli Gizi berkewajiban selalu menyebarluaskan ilimu pengetahuan danketerampilan terbaru kepada sesama profesi dan mitra kerja

    E5 Ke6a7iban -erhada9 Pro

  • 7/21/2019 1. Perbandingan Kode Etik


    !elanggaran terhadap ketentuan kode etik ini diatur tersendiri dalam Majelis 5ode

    Etik !ersatuan Ahli Gizi *ndonesia

    G5 Kekuatan Kode Etik

    5ode etik Ahli Gizi ini dibuat atas prinsip bahwa organisasi profesi bertanggung

    jawab terhadap kiprah anggotanya dalam menjalankan praktek profesinya+

    5ode etik ini berlaku setelah hari dari disahkannya kode etik ini oleh sidang

    tertinggi profesi sesuai dengan ketentuan yang tertuang dalam anggaran dasar dan

    anggaran rumah tangga profesi gizi+

    II5 Kode Etik Ahli Gizi A8erika (American Dietetic Association)

    A. Fundamental Principles

    1.The dietetics practitioner conducts himself/herself with honesty inte!rity and


    ".The dietetics practitioner supports and promotes hi!h standards ofprofessional practice. The dietetics practitioner accepts the o#li!ation to protect

    clients the pu#lic and the profession #y upholdin! the Code of Ethics for the

    Profession of Dietetics and #y reportin! percei$ed $iolations of the Code

    throu!h the processes esta#lished #y ADA and its credentialin! a!ency CD%.

    &. %esponsi#ilities to the Pu#lic

    '.The dietetics practitioner considers the health safety and welfare of the

    pu#lic at all times.

    The dietetics practitioner will report inappropriate behavior or treatment of a

    client by another dietetics practitioner or other professionals.

    .The dietetics practitioner complies with all laws and re!ulations applica#le or

    related to the profession or to the practitioners ethical o#li!ations as descri#ed

    in this Code.

  • 7/21/2019 1. Perbandingan Kode Etik


    a. The dietetics practitioner must not be convicted of a crime under the laws of

    the United States, whether a felony or a misdemeanor, an essential element of

    which is dishonesty.

    b. The dietetics practitioner must not be disciplined by a state for conduct that

    would violate one or more of these principles.

    c. The dietetics practitioner must not commit an act of misfeasance or

    malfeasance that is directly related to the practice of the profession as determined

    by a court of competent jurisdiction, a licensing board, or an agency of a

    governmental body.

    *.The dietetics practitioner pro$ides professional ser$ices with o#+ecti$ity and

    with respect for the uni,ue needs and $alues of indi$iduals.

    a. The dietetics practitioner does not, in professional practice, discriminate

    against others on the basis of race, ethnicity, creed, religion, disability, gender,

    age, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, economic status, or any

    other legally protected category.

    b. The dietetics practitioner provides services in a manner that is sensitive to

    cultural differences.

    c. The dietetics practitioner does not engage in sexual harassment in connection

    with professional practice.

    -.The dietetics practitioner does not en!a!e in false or misleadin! practices or


    a. The dietetics practitioner does not engage in false or deceptive advertising of

    his or her services.

    b. The dietetics practitioner promotes or endorses specific goods or products only

    in a manner that is not false and misleading.

    c. The dietetics practitioner provides accurate and truthful information in

    communicating with the public.

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    7.The dietetics practitioner withdraws from professional practice when unable to

    fulfill his or her professional duties and responsibilities to clients and others.

    a. The dietetics practitioner withdraws from practice when he/she has engaged inabuse of a substance such that it could affect his or her practice.

    b. The dietetics practitioner ceases practice when he or she has been adjudged by

    a court to be mentally incompetent.

    c. The dietetics practitioner will not engage in practice when he or she has a

    condition that substantially impairs his or her ability to provide effective service

    to others.

    C. %esponsi#ilities to Clients

    .The dietetics practitioner reco!nies and e0ercises professional +ud!ment

    within the limits of his or her ,ualifications and colla#orates with others sees

    counsel or maes referrals as appropriate.

    2.The dietetics practitioner treats clients and patients with respect and


    a. The dietetics practitioner provides sufficient information to enable clients and

    others to ma!e their own informed decisions.

    b. The dietetics practitioner respects the client"s right to ma!e decisions regarding

    the recommended plan of care, including consent, modification, or refusal.

    #$.The dietetics practitioner protects confidential information and ma!es full

    disclosure about any limitations on his or her ability to guarantee full


    ##.The dietetics practitioner, in dealing with and providing services to clients and

    others, complies with the same principles set forth above in %&esponsibilities to

    the 'ublic( )'rinciples *+7.

    D. %esponsi#ilities to the Profession

  • 7/21/2019 1. Perbandingan Kode Etik


    1".The dietetics practitioner practices dietetics #ased on e$idence3#ased

    principles and current information.

    1'.The dietetics practitioner presents relia#le and su#stantiated informationand interprets contro$ersial information without personal #ias reco!niin!

    that le!itimate differences of opinion e0ist.

    1.The dietetics practitioner assumes a life3lon! responsi#ility and

    accounta#ility for personal competence in practice consistent with accepted

    professional standards continually stri$in! to increase professional nowled!e

    and sills and to apply them in practice.

    1*.The dietetics practitioner is alert to the occurrence of a real or potential

    conflict of interest and taes appropriate action whene$er a conflict arises.

    a. The dietetics practitioner ma!es full disclosure of any real or perceived conflict

    of interest.

    b. -hen a conflict of interest cannot be resolved by disclosure, the dietetics

    practitioner ta!es

    such other action as may be necessary to eliminate the conflict, including recusal

    from an office, position, or practice situation.

    1-.The dietetics practitioner permits the use of his or her name for the purpose

    of certifyin! that dietetics ser$ices ha$e #een rendered only if he or she has

    pro$ided or super$ised the pro$ision of those ser$ices.

    14.The dietetics practitioner accurately presents professional ,ualifications and


    a. The dietetics practitioner, in see!ing, maintaining, and using credentials

    provided by

    &, provides accurate information and complies with all re0uirements imposed

    by &.

  • 7/21/2019 1. Perbandingan Kode Etik


    The dietetics practitioner uses &awarded credentials )%&( or %&egistered

    ietitian(1 %T&( or %ietetic Technician, &egistered(1 %S( or %ertified

    Specialist(1 and %233( or %2ellow of the 3merican ietetic 3ssociation( only

    when the credential is current and authori4ed by &.

    b. The dietetics practitioner does not aid any other person in violating any &


    or in representing himself or herself as &credentialed when he or she is not.

    1.The dietetics practitioner does not in$ite accept or offer !ifts monetary

    incenti$es or other considerations that affect or reasona#ly !i$e an appearance

    of affectin! his/her professional +ud!ment.

    larification of 'rinciple5

    a. -hether a gift, incentive, or other item of consideration shall be viewed to

    affect, or give the appearance of affecting, a dietetics practitioner"s professional

    judgment is dependent on all factors relating to the transaction, including the

    amount or value of the consideration, the li!elihood that the practitioner"s

    judgment will or is intended to be affected, the position held by the practitioner,

    and whether the consideration is offered or generally available to persons other

    than the practitioner.

    b. 6t shall not be a violation of this principle for a dietetics practitioner to accept

    compensation as a consultant or employee or as part of a research grant or

    corporate sponsorship program, provided the relationship is openly disclosed and

    the practitioner acts with integrity in performing the services or responsibilities.

    c. This principle shall not preclude a dietetics practitioner from accepting gifts of

    nominal value, attendance at educational programs, meals in connection with

    educational exchanges of information, free samples of products, or similar items,

    as long as such items are not offered in exchange for or with the expectation of,

    and do not result in, conduct or services that are contrary to the practitioner"s

    professional judgment.

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    d. The test for appearance of impropriety is whether the conduct would create in

    reasonable minds a perception that the dietetics practitioner"s ability to carry out

    professional responsibilities with integrity, impartiality, and competence is


    E. %esponsi#ilities to Collea!ues and 5ther Professionals

    12.The dietetics practitioner demonstrates respect for the $alues ri!hts

    nowled!e and sills of collea!ues and other professionals.

    a. The dietetics practitioner does not engage in dishonest, misleading, or

    inappropriate business practices that demonstrate a disregard for the rights or

    interests of others.

    b. The dietetics practitioner provides objective evaluations of performance for

    employees and

    cowor!ers, candidates for employment, students, professional association

    memberships, awards, or scholarships, ma!ing all reasonable efforts to avoidbias in the professional evaluation of others.

    III5 Kode Etik Ahli Gizi Kanada (Canadian Dietetic Association)

    A. %esponsi#ility to The Client

    Principle 1. 6aintain inte!rity and empathy in professional practice7

    a liententered 'rovision of Service ) no #

    b 2reedom from 'rejudice )no 8

    c 9imiting Treatment of Services )no #$#:

    d 2ees for Services &endered )no #+#;

    e nsuring 'rovision of Service )no ##8


  • 7/21/2019 1. Perbandingan Kode Etik


    Principle ". 8tri$e for o#+ecti$ity of +ud!ment in such matters as

    confidentiality and conflict of interest7

    a onflict of 6nterest )no :8+$b lient onfidentiality )no +#+@

    Principle '. 9or co3operati$ely with collea!ues other professionals and

    lay persons7

    a See!ing onsultation )no +;+=

    b 3cting as a onsultant )no +7+

    c -or!ing as 'art of a 'rofessional Team )no +8@#

    d -or!ing ooperatively with the >mployer )no @:@+

    Principle . 5#tain informed consent for our in$asi$e or e0perimental


    a 6nformed onsent )no @@;:

    &. %esponsi#ility to The 8ociety

    Principle *. 6aintain a hi!h standard of personal competence throu!h

    continuin! education and an on!oin! critical e$aluation of professional


    a ompliance with Standards of 'ractice )no ;+;;

    b ommitment to Auality 'ractice )no ;==;

    Principle -. Protect mem#ers of society a!ainst the unethical or incompetent

    #eha$ior of collea!ues or other fellow health professionals7

    a 'roper &epresentation of ?nowledge and redentials )===7

    b 'revention of lient 3buse )no =c Bandatory &eporting and ConBandatory &eporting )no =8

    Principle 4. Ensure that our pu#lics are informed of the nature of any

    nutritional treatment or ad$ice and its possi#le effects7

    a 'roviding 3ccurate Cutrition&elated 6nformation )no 7$

    b &especting the lients" hoices ) no 7=

  • 7/21/2019 1. Perbandingan Kode Etik


    Principle . 8upport the ad$ancement and dissemination of nutritional and

    related nowled!e and sills7

    a 3dvocacy and 9obbying )no 7778b 'romoting >xcellence in ietetics Through &esearch )no $#

    c onducting &esearch )no :8$

    C. %esponsi#ility to The Profession

    Principle 2. 8upport others in the pursuit of professional !oals7

    a 'roviding 2eedbac! and Support )no 8#8+

    Principle 1:. 8upport the trainin! and education of future mem#ers of the


    a &esponsibility as a Bentor/ >ducator )no 8@#$#

    b &esponsibility to 'romote >thical 'ractice )no #$:#$+

    Principle 11. ;n$ol$e myself in acti$ities that promote a $ital and pro!ressi$e


    a 3dvancing ietetic Standards and ?nowledge )no #$@

    b 3dvancing the &egulation of the 'rofession )no #$7

    c Supporting or 'articipating in 'rofessional 3ctivities )no #$8

    I05 Kode Etik Ahli Gizi Australia (Dietitians Association of Australia)

    Practitioners act lawfully and responsi#ly and are accounta#le for their

    decision main!.

    'ractitioners will5

    a. act within the letter and the spirit of the law and accept the

    standards of 33

    b. be accountable for their decision ma!ing and have a moral and

    legal obligation for the provision of safe and competent service


  • 7/21/2019 1. Perbandingan Kode Etik


    c. have an ethical responsibility to report unsafe and unethical

    practice and support colleagues who appropriately notify the

    relevant authorities of such practice

    d. respect the collaborative nature of comprehensive health care

    with recognition and respect for the perspective and expertise

    of other health professionals

    e. ac!nowledge the contribution of colleagues and any other

    sources of original material in their wor!.

    Practitioners will #e honest and fair with mem#ers of the pu#lic

    collea!ues employers and employees.

    'ractitioners will5

    a. ensure that they do not exploit relationships with clients for

    emotional, sexual or financial gain

    b. identify and manage conflicts of interest

    c. not use inaccurate or misleading ways to promote their services or

    products, or accept undisclosed private financial benefits

    d. treat their colleagues with fairness, honesty, courtesy, respect and

    good faith.e. apply natural justice when dealing with clients and colleagues

    f. provide services within the legal re0uirements of occupational

    health, welfare and safety and wor!place re0uirements.

    Practitioners will respect indi$iduals needs $alues culture and pri$acy.

    'ractitioners will5

    a. ensure provision of nondiscriminatory services to all people

    regardless of age, color, gender, sexual orientation, religion,

    ethnicity, race, and mental or physical status

    b. respect the rights of individuals to ma!e informed choices

    c. respect the confidences and trust in their relationships with clients

    d. promote a professional relationship and maintain appropriate

    professional boundaries between themselves and those for whom

    they provide services.

  • 7/21/2019 1. Perbandingan Kode Etik


    Practitioners will maintain their professional competence and pro$ide

    e$idence #ased practice and ,uality ser$ice.

    'ractitioners will5

    a. recogni4e the limits of competence, referring to the most

    appropriate provider if necessary

    b. continually update and extend professional !nowledge and s!ills

    through such activities as attending professional development or

    see!ing a mentor

    c. be re0uired to practice within current evidence based practice

    d. limit their provision of advice about alternate therapies to those

    who voluntarily see! it and only about therapies for which there is

    documented scientific peer reviewed evidence of effectiveness

    e. understand and respect diversity of nutrition and dietetic practice

    f. promote an ecological, social and economic environment which

    supports health and well being.

    05 Perbandingan Antar Kode Etik

    -abel 5 Perbandingan Antar Kode Etik 8enurut As9ek Pertanggung7a6aban dan Prinsi9

    As9ek Prinsi9 Indonesia A8erika Kanada Australia


    *ntegritas dan Empati Ada Ada Ada Ada

    6bjekti.itas Ada Ada Ada Ada

    5erjasama kooperatif Ada Ada Ada Tidak Ada

    5eamanan *nformasi Ada Ada Ada Ada



    !rofesionalisme Ada Ada Ada Ada

    !erlindungan dari


    Ada Ada Ada Ada

    Akurasi *nformasi

    dan Asuhan Gizi

    Ada Ada Ada Ada

    Mendukung *no.asi

    di 8idang Gizi

    Ada Ada Ada Ada



    9aling Mendukung

    dalam Men"apai

    Tujuan !rofesi

    Ada Ada Ada Tidak Ada


    !elatihan dalam

    )angka 5aderisasi

    Tidak Ada Tidak Ada Ada Tidak Ada

  • 7/21/2019 1. Perbandingan Kode Etik


    Melibatkan $iri

    dalam 5egiatan yang

    Memajukan !rofesi


    Ada Ada Ada Tidak Ada

    8ahasa dan *si




    rawan akan


    7ugas, rin"i,



    agak kurang



    rin"i, dan



    tetapi rin"i

    !ada dasarnya semua kode etik memiliki standar isi yang sama yakni

    pertanggungjawaban pada klien, masyarakat, dan profesi+ 9elain itu dalam hal

    sanksi pelanggaran juga tidak di"antumkan dalam kode etik tetapi dijelaskan

    dalam penjelasan yang lain+ Yang membedakan antara kode etik yang satu dengan

    yang lain adalah redaksional bahasa dan rin"i tidaknya isi dari kode etik tersebut+

    9ebagai "ontoh kode etik A$A memiliki rin"ian poin a, b, dan " untuk beberapa

    nomor, sedangkan untuk kode etik !E)9AG* dibagi menurut sasaran

    pertanggungjawaban dengan kalimat yang rin"i tanpa poin tambahan di tiap


    !erbedaan lain adalah dalam hal pertanggungjawaban pada profesi dan

    masyarakat+ Misal pada kode etik :$A terdapat poin kode etik untuk mendukung

    pengajaran dan pelatihan bagi anggota baru demi kemajuan profesi, sedangkan

    dalam kode etik lainnya ada poin untuk memajukan profesi tetapi tidak

    tersampaikan se"ara eksplisit tentang pelatihan bagi anggota baru tersebut+

  • 7/21/2019 1. Perbandingan Kode Etik




    A5 Kesi89ulan

    9e"ara keseluruhan antara kode etik profesi gizi di *ndonesia, Amerika

    9erikat, 5anada, dan Australia memiliki persamaan dalam aspek

    pertanggungjawabannya yakni kepada masyarakat, klien, lingkungan, dan

    profesi+ ;al yang membedakan adalah ada beberapa prinsip yang tidak

    dijelaskan atau dijelaskan dengan redaksional yang berbeda antara satu negara

    dengan negara yang lain+ 9elain itu perbedaannya adalah rin"ian yang ada

    dalam kode etik tersebut, ada yang dijabarkan se"ara detail dan ada yang

    dijelaskan dalam bagian terpisah+

  • 7/21/2019 1. Perbandingan Kode Etik


    B5 *aran

    $ari perbandingan antara kode etik profesi gizi di *ndonesia dengan kode

    etik profesi gizi di negara lain, dapat dilihat bahwa kode etik dari *ndonesia

    tersebut sudah "ukup baik+ #ntuk ke depannya dapat lebih ditingkatkan

    pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan kode etik tersebut+ 9elain itu bila perlu dapat

    pula ditambahkan poin tambahan atau pengubahan dalam kode etik tersebut

    bila memang ada keadaan yang memerlukan penyesuaian untuk memajukan

    profesi gizi+

    /A.-AR P)*-AKA

    5eputusan Menteri 5esehatan )epublik *ndonesia

  • 7/21/2019 1. Perbandingan Kode Etik


    $ietitians Asso"iation of Australia 9tatement of Ethi"al !ra"ti"e+


    MemberandA!$+pdf+ $iakses 0 ?ebruari =%' %'+& @*8

    BAB I


    A5 Latar Belakang

    Akhirakhir ini tren di masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa profesi gizi mulai

    banyak diminati+ ;al ini ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan jumlah mahasiswa yang

    memilih kuliah di jurusan gizi baik gizi kesehatan maupun gizi masyarakat+

    $emikian juga dengan kemauan masyarakat untuk menjaga kesehatan melalui

    makanan juga menunjukkan tren positif+ 9ehingga ahli gizi pun lebih banyak


  • 7/21/2019 1. Perbandingan Kode Etik


    $i sisi lain, kenyataan di *ndonesia bahwa minat yang besar pada profesi

    gizi dapat dikatakan sedikit terlambat+ $ikatakan sedikit terlambat karena masalah

    gizi di *ndonesia yang "ukup kompleks telah terjadi sejak lama dan tenaga gizi

    yang dibutuhkan belum ada sehingga ada profesiprofesi lain yang memilih

    mempelajari ilmu gizi walaupun sebenarnya itu agak jauh dari ranah kerjanya+

    Maka dari itu adanya standar profesi gizi tahun ==0 dan !ermenkes tentang

    penyelenggaraan dan praktik tenaga kerja gizi tahun =%- memberikan kejelasan

    akan ranah kerja tenaga gizi di *ndonesia+ Tetapi sebenarnya peraturan hukum

    yang memayungi profesi gizi masih memerlukan kajian mendalam dan

    pemantauan terkait pelaksanaannya+ 9ehingga perbandingan antara kode etik

    profesi gizi di *ndonesia dengan kode etik beberapa negara yang notabene sudah

    maju dalam hal gizinya, perlu dilakukan+

    B5 Ru8usan 3asalah

    %+ 8agaimanakah isi dari kode etik profesi gizi oleh !ersatuan Ahli Gizi


    + 8agaimanakah isi dari kode etik profesi gizi oleh3merican ietetic


    -+ 8agaimanakah isi dari kode etik profesi gizi oleh anadian ietetic


    '+ 8agaimanakah isi dari kode etik profesi gizi olehietitians

    3ssociation of 3ustralia

    (+ 8agaimanakah perbandingan antara kode etik profesi gizi di *ndonesia

    dengan kode etik profesi gizi di Amerika 9erikat, 5anada, dan


    5 -u7uan

    %+ Mengetahui isi dari kode etik profesi gizi oleh !ersatuan Ahli Gizi


    + Mengetahui isi dari kode etik profesi gizi oleh3merican ietetic


  • 7/21/2019 1. Perbandingan Kode Etik


    -+ Mengetahui isi dari kode etik profesi gizi oleh anadian ietetic


    '+ Mengetahui isi dari kode etik profesi gizi olehietitians 3ssociation

    of 3ustralia+

    (+ Mengetahui perbandingan antara kode etik profesi gizi di *ndonesia

    dengan kode etik profesi gizi di Amerika 9erikat, 5anada, dan


    /5 3an