1 school-wide performance bonus program (spbp) 2008 - 2009 instructions for compensation committees

1 SCHOOL-WIDE PERFORMANCE BONUS PROGRAM (SPBP) 2008 - 2009 Instructions for Compensation Committees

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Page 1: 1 SCHOOL-WIDE PERFORMANCE BONUS PROGRAM (SPBP) 2008 - 2009 Instructions for Compensation Committees



PROGRAM (SPBP) 2008 - 2009

Instructions for Compensation Committees

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Table of Contents

• How to get to the SPBP screen

• SPBP screen and Compensation Details screen

• How to add recipients who are not on the TO

• How to designate Compensation Committee members

• How to sign-off and complete the process

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How to get to the SPBP screen

• The Principal of each school has been granted automatic log-on to the SPBP employee list and should share the Employee Compensation List screen with all other Compensation Committee members. The system will not close, and the process of compensating individual staff will not be complete, until all members of the compensation committee have signed-off on the final compensation list.

• The principal and anyone given data entry authority may access the Employee Compensation screen through the main myGalaxy Logon screen. On the logon screen, click on the ‘Click Here To Change Settings’ link next to the Logon button.

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How to get to the SPBP screen

• Clicking on the ‘Click Here to Change Settings’ link will bring up the logon options dropdown. Select ‘School Wide Performance Bonus’ and click ‘OK’.

• On the myGalaxy logon screen, enter your user name and password. You will be logged in directly to the SPBP screen.

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Table of Organization + Entering an Employee Bonus Amount

• The Table of Organization for 10/31/08 is shown. The “Total Bonus Allowance” is based on the number of staff on this TO TIMES $3,000.

• The Compensation Committee may award the compensation amount next to each employee. UFT members can be added to this list (explained in the “Add Recipient” slides) but the Total Bonus Allowance will not change as a result.

• The total of all employee compensation amounts are calculated in the top-right hand portion of the screen. This amount may not exceed the school’s Total Bonus Allowance.

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Giving a share of the total bonus pool to an employee not on the TO

• The school may wish to give a bonus to someone who was not on their TO.• To add an employee to the list, the school may click on the ‘Add Recipient’ button in the bottom-left corner of the

screen. This pops-up the Add Recipient window.• The school must enter the SSN or file number of the person to be added, and the name and PRI will be

automatically populated.• Once added, the person will appear on the Employee Compensation list with a ‘Source’ value of ‘Added’.

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Ineligibility to be added to receive bonus

• The school can only add employees who are working in a UFT title.• In this scenario, the school is attempting to add a Principal to the SPBP

compensation list. The system will not allow this addition, notifying the user that the person cannot be added because the person does not work in a UFT title.

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How to Designate Compensation Committee Members

• All members can be added from the regular school TO by right-clicking on the person’s item-level menu and selecting ‘Assign to SWPBP Comp Cmt’. (Note: this function cannot be completed until Galaxy returns on line around May 12th , though all other work except signing out may be performed in the meantime.)

• The school principal is granted the right to add all other Compensation Committees names and must do so for the system to close out properly at the completion of this process.

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How to Designate Compensation Committee Members

• Upon adding a member to the Compensation Committee, the system will pop-up a window to display all members of the Compensation Committee.’

• If a member of the Compensation Committee does not have an Outlook Email ID, please contact the NYCDOE helpdesk (718-935-5100) to obtain the user’s email ID. The Committee member’s email ID is required to electronically sign off on the completed compensation list.

• This pop-up screen may also be used to remove people from the Compensation Committee– Please note that once a committee member provides signoff, the committee member may

not be removed from the compensation committee.

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How to Designate Compensation Committee Members

• The Compensation Committee must include at least two people from the bonus pool. This will ensure that there will be at least two UFT members on the Committee. The system will display a message if there are fewer than 2 UFT members on the committee.

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Submitting the Employee Compensation List

• Once a school has completed their employee compensation list (where the sum of employee bonuses is equal to the school’s allowance), the school user can click on the ‘Submit’ button in the bottom-left hand corner of the screen.

• This will change the status of the school employee list to ‘Closed, Awaiting Signoff’. • The members of the school’s Compensation Committee appear in the top-left hand corner of the screen.

– Members of the Compensation Committee may provide signoff by clicking the ‘Add Signoff’ button

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• Upon clicking of the ‘Add Signoff…’ button, the system will ask for the NYCDOE Outlook User ID and password of a committee member. It is therefore important that every member has a valid NYCDOE Outlook User ID.

• Once the system authenticates and verifies that the User ID belongs to one of the school’s compensation committee members, the Compensation Committee Signoff list is updated with the Signoff Date of the appropriate member.

Compensation Committee Signoff

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• While signoffs are being gathered (in status ‘Closed, Awaiting Signoff’), the Employee Compensation list cannot be modified. This ensures that all committee members are signing off on the same list.

• If the list needs to be modified during this time, the school may click on the ‘Re-Open for Modification’ button located in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.

– Please note that ‘reopening’ a school for modification will lose all signoffs. Once modifications are complete and the list re-submitted, all signoffs must once again be gathered.

Compensation Committee Signoff

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Compensation Committee Signoff

• Once all signoffs are completed, the status of the list changes to ‘Signed Off’.• At this point, the Employee Compensation list cannot be modified or re-opened for modification without

notifying Terry Bowman.• The School must print the ‘School Signoff Sheet’ by clicking on the ‘Print Signoff Sheet’ button.

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Printing the Signoff Sheet

• Upon clicking of the ‘Print Signoff Sheet’ button, the system will display the signoff sheet.• The SPBP Signoff Sheet lists all school bonus recipients with bonus amounts.• This sheet also provides a place for printed name and signature for each Compensation Committee member. All four

committee members must print their name and sign this sheet.• These sheets must be submitted (via fax to Terry Bowman at 212-374-5599 or 5758) to complete the process.