1 secondary two parent-teacher meeting 2016 26 february...

1 Information Booklet Additional Information SECONDARY TWO PARENT-TEACHER MEETING 2016 26 FEBRUARY 2016

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Information Booklet

Additional Information



26 FEBRUARY 2016





Physics (with SPA) vs Science (Physics) 3

Chemistry (with SPA) vs Science (Chemistry) 4

Biology (with SPA) 5

Literature vs Elective Literature 6

Geography vs Elective Geography 7 - 8

History vs Elective History 9

Creative Studies 10 - 12


Elective History vs Elective Geography 13

Creative Studies 14 - 16

3 Introduction to O Level Physical Education 17

4 Introduction to Elements of Business (Normal Technical) 18

For more information on the different syllabus, it can be found at the following links


GCE N(T)-Level Syllabus http://www.seab.gov.sg/nLevel/syllabusSchool_nt.html

GCE N(A)-Level Syllabus http://www.seab.gov.sg/nLevel/syllabusSchool_na.html

GCE O-Level Syllabus http://www.seab.gov.sg/oLevel/syllabusSchool.html



Physics (with SPA) vs Science (Physics)

Domains Physics (with SPA)

Exam Code: 5059

Science (Physics)

Exam Code: 5076



Physical Quantities, Units and Measurement



Mass, Weight and Density

Turning Effect of Forces


Energy, Work and Power

Kinetic Model of Matter

Transfer of Thermal Energy


Thermal Properties of Matter

General Wave Properties


Electromagnetic Spectrum


Static Electricity

Current of Electricity

D.C. Circuits

Practical Electricity



Electromagnetic Induction

Physical Quantities, Units and Measurement



Mass, Weight and Density

Turning Effect of Forces


Energy, Work and Power

Kinetic Model of Matter

Transfer of Thermal Energy


Thermal Properties of Matter

General Wave Properties


Electromagnetic Spectrum


Static Electricity

Current of Electricity

D.C. Circuits

Practical Electricity

Magnetism and Electromagnetism



Mode of


• Paper 1 – MCQ (1h)

• Paper 2 – Structured & Free Response (1h 45min)

• Paper 3 – SPA

• Paper 1 – MCQ (1h), 20 Physics questions and 20 Chemistry questions

• Paper 2 – Structured & Free Response – Physics questions only (1h 15min)

• Paper 5 – Practical Test (1h 30min), with 1 Physics question and 1 Chemistry question

Remarks (if


Overall subject grade is based on the

following weighting:

Paper 1 – 30%

Paper 2 – 50%

Paper 5 – 20%

Overall subject grade, for e.g. Science

(Phy/Chem), is based on the following


Paper 1 – 20% (Phy & Chem)

Paper 2 – 32.5% (Phy)

Paper 3 – 32.5% (Chem)

Paper 5 – 15% (Phy & Chem)


Chemistry (with SPA) vs Science (Chemistry)

Domains Chemistry (with SPA)

Exam Code: 5073

Science (Chemistry)

Exam Code: 5076

Content Coverage Experimental Chemistry

The Particulate Nature of Matter

Formulae, Stoichiometry and the Mole



Energy from Chemicals

Chemical Reactions

Acids, Bases and Salts

The Periodic Table



Organic Chemistry

Experimental Chemistry

The Particulate Nature of Matter

Formulae, Stoichiometry and the Mole



Energy from Chemicals

Chemical Reactions

Acids, Bases and Salts

The Periodic Table



Organic Chemistry

Mode of


• Paper 1 – MCQ (1h)

• Paper 2 – Structured & Free Response (1h 45min)

• Paper 3 – SPA

• Paper 1 – MCQ (1h), 20 Chemistry questions and 20 Physics questions

• Paper 3 – Structured & Free Response – Chemistry questions only (1h 15min)

• Paper 5 – Practical Test (1h 30min), with 1 Chemistry question and 1 Physics question

Remarks (if any) Overall subject grade is based on the

following weighting:

Paper 1 – 30%

Paper 2 – 50%

Paper 3 – 20%

Overall subject grade, for e.g. Science

(Phy/Chem), is based on the following


Paper 1 – 20% (Phy & Chem)

Paper 2 – 32.5% (Phy)

Paper 3 – 32.5% (Chem)

Paper 5 – 15% (Phy & Chem)


Biology (with SPA)

Domains Biology (with SPA)

Exam Code: 5158

Content Coverage Cell Structure and Organisation

Movement of Substances

Biological Molecules

Nutrition in Humans

Nutrition in Plants

Transport in Flowering Plants

Transport in Humans

Respiration in Humans

Excretion in Humans


Co-ordination and Response in Humans


Cell Division

Molecular Genetics


Organisms and their Environment

Mode of Examination • Paper 1 – MCQ (1h)

• Paper 2 – Structured & Free Response (1h 45min)

• Paper 3 – SPA

Remarks Overall subject grade is based on the following weighting:

Paper 1 – 30%

Paper 2 – 50%

Paper 3 – 20%


Literature vs Elective Literature

Domains Pure Literature

Exam Code: 2014

Elective Literature

Exam Code: 2192/4

Content Coverage Over two years, students study two set

texts and the Unseen

• Set-text (Prose)

• Unseen (Prose and Poetry)

• Set-text (Drama)

Over two years, students study one set

text and the Unseen

• Set-text (Prose)

• Unseen (Prose and Poetry)

Mode of


Assessment is in the form of

passage-based and essay questions:

• Paper 1 – Set text (Prose) and Unseen Texts (1h 40 min)

o Prose: Answer 1 out of 3 questions

o Unseen: Answer 1 out of 2 questions

• Paper 2 – Set text (Drama) (1h 30 min)

o Answer 1 out of 2 essay questions and the compulsory passage-based question

Assessment is in the form of

passage-based and essay questions:

• Paper 4 – Set text (Prose) and Unseen Texts (1h 40 min)

o Prose: Answer 1 out of 3 questions

o Unseen: Answer 1 out of 2 questions

Remarks (if any) Subject grade: Elective Literature

(50%) + Social Studies (50%)


Geography vs Elective Geography

Domains Geography

Exam Code: 2236

Elective Geography

Exam Code: 2204/02



Paper 1 Fieldwork Coastal Environment Global Tourism Paper 2 Living with Tectonic Hazards Weather and Climate Food and Resources Health and Diseases

Fieldwork studies Weather and Climate Global Tourism Living with Tectonic Hazards Food Resources

Mode of


Paper 1: (1hr 40min)

Section A: 25%

One fieldwork question on Geographical

Investigations will be set based on the

following topics

• Coasts

• Tourism

(The question will be set on a specific

topic or a combination of topics. The

question carries 25%. Candidates must

answer the question from this section.)

Section B: 25%

Two structured questions will be set

based on the following topics:

• Coasts

• Tourism

(One question will be set on a specific

topic. The other will be set on a

combination of topics. Each question

carries 25%. Candidates must answer

one question from this section.)

Section A: 13%

One fieldwork question on Geographical

Investigations will be set based on one of the

following topics

• Weather and Climate

• Tourism

Section B: 12%

Two structured questions will be set based on the

following topics:

• Weather and Climate

• Tourism

(One question will be set on a specific topic. The

other will be set on a combination of topics. Each

question carries 12%. Candidates must answer

one question from this section)

Section C: 25%

Two structured questions will be set based on the

following topics:

• Living with Tectonic Hazards

• Food Resources

(One question will be set on a specific topic. The

other will be set on a combination of topics. Each

question carries 25%. Candidates must answer

one question from this section)


Paper 2: (1hr 40min)

Section A: 25%

Two structured question will be set based

on the following topics:

• Living with Tectonic Hazards

• Variable Weather and Changing


(One question will be set on a specific

topic. The other will be set on a

combination of topics. Each question

carries 25%. Candidates must answer

one question from this section.)

Section B: 25%

Two structured question will be set based

on the following topics:

• Food Resources

• Health and Diseases

(One question will be set on a specific

topic. The other will be set on a

combination of topics. Each question

carries 25%. Candidates must answer

one question from this section.)

Remarks (if any) Overall subject grade is based on the

following weighting:

Paper 1 – 50%

Paper 2 – 50%

Subject grade: Elective Geography (50%) +

Social Studies (50%)


History vs Elective History

Domains History

Exam Code: 2174/01 & 2174/02

Elective History

Exam Code: 2204 / 03




European Dominance and Expansion in

Southeast Asia in the late 19th Century

Overview of European colonisation of Southeast


British colonial rule in Malaya

French colonial rule in Viewnam

Dutch colonial rule in Indonesia

The World in Crisis

Impact of World War 1

Rise of authoritarian regimes and its impact in

the interwar years

World War II in Europe and Asia Pacific


Bi-Polarity and The Cold War

Reasons for the Cold War in Europe

The Korean War

The Cuban Missile Crisis

The end of the Cold War

Decolonisation and Emergence of Nation-States

Decolonisation and emergence of nation-states

in Southeast Asia

Decolonisation of Malaya

Decolonisation of Vietnam

Decolonisation of Indonesia


The World in Crisis

Impact of World War 1

Rise of authoritarian regimes and its impact in

the interwar years

World War II in Europe and Asia Pacific

Bi-Polarity and The Cold War

Reasons for the Cold War in Europe

The Korean War

The Cuban Missile Crisis

The end of the Cold War

Mode of


• Paper 1 – Source-Based [30%] + Structured Essay [20%] (1hr 40min)

• Paper 2 – Source-Based [30%] + Structured Essay [20%] (1hr 40min)

• Paper 3 – Source-Based [30%] + Structured Essay [20%] (1hr 40min)

Remarks (if


Overall subject grade is based on the following


Paper 1 – 50%

Paper 2 – 50%

Overall subject grade is based on the following


Combined Humanities

Paper 1 – 50% (Social Studies)

Paper 2 – 50% (Elective History)


Art, Design & Technology [D&T] and Food & Nutrition [F&N]

Domains Art

Exam Code: 6123

D & T

Exam Code: 7051


Exam Code: 6087



Studio Practice:

• Drawing

• Pastels and Coloured

• Pencils Rendering

• Techniques in Acrylic

• Painting

• Digital Art: Photoshop and

• Photography

• Craft Work (Creative Games)

• 3 Dimensional Art

• Pottery and Slab Work

• Pen Drawing and Rendering

Art Theory (SOVA)

• CRISP (Creative Inquiry Skills


• Western Art History (Prehistoric to

prominent 20th Century Art


• Singapore Art History

• Local Art Criticism

• Techniques in Art Critique

• Elements of Art and Analysis

• Prep Work Guide

• Art Self-Assessment

7051/1 (Theory)

Design Process

Identify the needs









7051/2 (Coursework in the form of a Design

Journal based on a selected theme)

Design Process

Identify the needs






The Essential of Meal Planning

-Energy from Food

-Guidelines for meal planning

-Different types of nutritional


Energy–giving Macronutrients and their



-Food commodities: cereals


Body-building Macronutrients and its



-Food commodities: Meat & Alternatives

-Roles in Enzymes and digestion

Body- protecting Micronutrients, Non-

nutrients and their sources



-Water and Dietary Fibre

-Food commodities: Fruits and vegetables

Food Preparation, Cooking and Evaluation

-Heat transfer and methods of cooking

-The science behind food preparation and


-Sensory Evaluation


Learning Journeys

• Singapore Art Museum and Gallery


• Outdoor Plein Air Sessions

Food Safety and Preservation

-Keeping food safe

-Convenience food

-Food Preservation

Mode of


• Creative Group Work Assessment

• Still Life Drawing Test

• Art History and Concepts Test

• Digital Art Test

• Pottery Assessment

• Paper 1 Part A– Five questions requiring short answers will be set based mainly on design process and design contents.

• Paper 1 Part B - Three questions will be set based mainly on the three technological areas, namely, Structures, Mechanisms and Electronics.

• Paper 1 duration: 2hours

• Paper 2 Part A – A complete documentation in A3 size format of all design activities related to the Design Project theme carried out by the candidates. The design activities include research materials, notes, doodles, sketches , calculations, decision making, mock-ups etc.

• Paper 2 Part B - Presentation of final design proposal in three A2 size boards. Realisation of final design proposal through the use of resistant materials like wood, metal or plastics with appropriate constructional methods and technology.

Written examination (100 marks) Paper 1: 2 hours – 40% Section A : 25 marks

Short answer questions Section B: 30 marks

Structured questions Section C: 45 marks 3 Essay questions

Paper 2: – 60% Coursework (60 marks) Comprises of a 50 page report that:

(1)Requires a comprehensive research

• Task Analysis • Research & Development • Information Gathering

2) Shows good development of ideas

• Development

• Investigation

3)Makes informed decisions with

appropriate justifications

• Decision Making

• Information Synthesis (4) Applies food preparation techniques and the use of different cooking methods

• Planning • Execution ( 4 dishes in 2 hours) • Evaluation


Remarks (if


Overall subject grade is based on the following


Paper 1 – 60% (Coursework)

Paper 2 – 40% (Paper 2)

Overall subject grade, for paper 1 and 2, is

based on the following weighting:

Paper 1 – 30%

Paper 2 – 70%

Overall subject grade is based on the following


Paper 1- 40 %(Written paper)

Paper 2 -60 %(Coursework)



Elective History vs Elective Geography

Domains Elective History

Exam Code: 2194/03

Elective Geography

Exam Code: 2194/02

Content Coverage The World in Crisis

Impact of World War 1

Rise of authoritarian regimes and its

impact in the interwar years

World War II in Europe and Asia Pacific

Bi-Polarity and The Cold War

Reasons for the Cold War in Europe

The Korean War

Fieldwork studies Weather and Climate Global Tourism Living with Tectonic Hazards Food Resources

Mode of Examination Paper 3 (1hr 40min)

– Source-Based [30%]

− Structured Essay [20%]

Section A: 13%

One fieldwork question on Geographical

Investigations will be set based on one of

the following topics

• Weather and Climate

• Tourism

Section B: 12%

One question will be set based on Tourism

Section C: 25%

Two structured questions will be set based

on the following topics:

• Living with Tectonic Hazards

• Food Resources

(One question will be set on a specific

topic. The other will be set on a

combination of topics. Each question

carries 25%. Candidates must answer one

question from this section)

Remarks (if any) Subject grade: Elective History (50%) +

Social Studies (50%)

Subject grade: Elective Geography (50%)

+ Social Studies (50%)


Art, Design & Technology [D&T] and Food & Nutrition [F&N]

Domains Art

Exam Code: 6125

D & T

Exam Code: 7054/1 , 7054/2


Exam Code: 6072

Content Coverage Studio Practice:

• Drawing

• Pastels and Coloured

• Pencils Rendering

• Techniques in Acrylic

• Painting

• Digital Art: Photoshop and

• Craft Work (Creative Games)

• 3 Dimensional Art

• Pen Drawing and Rendering

Art Theory (SOVA)

• CRISP (Creative Inquiry Skills


• Singapore Art History

• Local Art Criticism

• Techniques in Art Critique

• Elements of Art and Analysis

• Prep Work Guide

• Art Self-Assessment

Learning Journeys

• Singapore Art Museum and Gallery


• Outdoor Plein Air Sessions

7054/1 (Theory)

Design Process

Identify the needs









7054/2 (Coursework in the form of a

Design Journal based on a selected


Design Process

Identify the needs






The Essential of Meal Planning

-Energy from Food

-Guidelines for meal planning

-Different types of nutritional


Energy–giving Macronutrients and their



-Food commodities: cereals


Body-building Macronutrients and its



-Food commodities: Meat & Alternatives

Body- protecting Micronutrients, Non-

nutrients and their sources



-Water and Dietary Fibre

-Food commodities: Fruits and vegetables


Food Preparation, Cooking and


-Heat transfer and methods of cooking

-The science behind food preparation and


-Sensory Evaluation

Food Safety and Preservation

-Keeping food safe

-Convenience food

Mode of Examination • Creative Group Work Assessment

• Still Life Drawing Test

• Digital Art Test

• Paper 1 Part A– Five questions requiring short answers will be set based mainly on design process and design contents.

• Paper 1 Part B - Choose two out of three questions set based mainly on the three technological areas, namely, Structures, Mechanisms and Electronics

• Paper 1 duration 1hr 30 mins

• Paper 2 Part A – A complete documentation in A3 size format of all design activities related to the Design Project theme carried out by the candidates. The design activities include research materials, notes, doodles, sketches , calculations, decision making, mock-ups etc.

• Paper 2 Part B - Presentation of final design proposal in three A2 size boards. Realisation of final design proposal

Paper 1: 1 hr 30 min – 40% Written examination (80 marks) • Section A : 20 marks Short answer questions • Section B: 28 marks

Structured questions • Section C: 32 marks

2 Essay questions

Paper 2: – 60% Coursework (60 marks) Comprises of a 30 page report that:

(1)Requires a comprehensive research

• Task Analysis • Research

2) Shows good development of ideas

• Development

3)Makes informed decisions with


through the use of resistant materials like wood, metal or plastics with appropriate constructional methods and technology.

appropriate justifications

• Decision Making

(4) Applies food preparation techniques and the use of different cooking methods

• Planning • Execution ( 4 dishes in 2 hours) • Evaluation

Remarks (if any) Overall subject grade is based on the

following weighting:

Paper 1 – 60% (Coursework)

Paper 2 – 40% (Paper 2)

Overall subject grade, for paper 1 and 2, is

based on the following weighting:

Paper 1 – 30%

Paper 2 – 70%

Overall subject grade is based on the

following weighting:

Paper 1- 40 %(Written paper)

Paper 2 -60 %(Coursework)


Introduction to O Level Physical Education

Subject: Physical Education (PE) Exam Code: 6080 Stream: Secondary 3 Express Introduction: The importance of PE has never been emphasized more than it is today. It is this

increased recognition of the relevance of PE and its importance in developing an active and healthy lifestyle that has led schools to offer PE at GCE ‘O’ Level in Singapore. The ‘O’ level PE syllabus aims to develop students’ ability to plan, perform, analyse and improve, and evaluate physical activities. It also develops one’s knowledge, skills and understanding of a range of relevant physical activities. The scheme of assessment consists of one theory paper (40%) and coursework (60%).

Topics to be covered: Theory (40%)

Unit 1: Factors Affecting Performance: - Skills, Motivation, Skeleton & Joints,

Muscles & Tendons, Circulatory & Respiratory System, Fitness, Physique, Drugs.

Unit 2: Health, Safety & Training:

- Health, Diet, Games: Safe Practice, Injuries, Exercise & Training

Unit 3: Reasons & Opportunities for Participation in Physical Activity:

- Leisure & Recreation, Facilities, Participation, Excellence, History of Amateur & Professional Status, Media, Access to Sports

Sports to be covered: Coursework (60%)

- Category 1: o Cross Country o Track & Field o Weights Training

- Category 2: o Badminton o Basketball o Netball o Golf o Football

Mode of Examination:

Paper Type of Paper Duration Marks Weighting

1 Short answer questions [20m]

& 3 structured

questions [60m] (1 on each unit)

2h 80 40%

2 Coursework Any 4 sports from 2


For each sport (30) - Performance (25) - Analysis (5)

Total marks

= 4 x 30 = 120


Related Career Options*:

• Physical Education & Sports Science

• Sports & Recreation Management

• Education, Teaching & Coaching

• Nutrition Specialist

• Physical & Rehabilitation Specialist

• Personal Trainer

• Health & Fitness Consultant *List provides indicative career options and is not exhaustive


Introduction to Elements of Business Skills

Subject: Elements of Business Skills Exam Code: 7066 Stream: Secondary 3 NT Introduction: Elements of Business Skills aims to develop in students the knowledge,

skills, values and attitudes to be productive employees and contributing

members of society.

The services sector contributes to Singapore’s economic growth and offer

employment opportunities. The EBS Syllabus provide students with

opportunities to develop generic employability skills, values and attitudes

and foundational knowledge to work in the services sector, namely in the

travel and tourism, hospitality and retail industries. It also focuses on basic

marketing and customer services.

Through the course of the study, students will also be aware of the

prospects and challenges of a career in the services sector.

Topics to be covered: Theory (60%)

1) Introduction to Business Activities 2) The Travel and Tourism Industry 3) The Hospitality Industry 4) The Retail Industry 5) The Marketing Process 6) Communicating with the Customer 7) Customer Service

Coursework (40%)

Online research, surveys and observations , design of posters or brochures

Mode of Examination: Paper Type of Paper Duration Marks Weighting

1 4 to 5 short response

& structured questions

(1 on each unit)

1.5h 100 60%

2 Coursework 20 hrs 80 40%

Related Career Options*:

• Retail executive

• Hotel staff and manager

• Tour Guide

• Marketing Executive

• Tour operator

• Advertising executive *List provides indicative career options and is not exhaustive