1. topics covered: 2 3 what is corporate culture? a set of assumptions, beliefs, perceptions,...


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Unit 4 Corporate Culture



What is Corporate Culture?

A set of assumptions, beliefs, perceptions, symbols and values that define a company. Every company has its own unique culture.Created unconsciously, by top management or founders.

4Some Corporate Values:Caring for the world, one person at a time... inspires and unites the people of Johnson&Johnson.OCBC helps individuals and businesses across communities achieve their aspirations by providing innovative financial services that meet their needs.Performance, Passion, Integrity and Diversity are the core values of the Adidas Group. We expect all employees to conduct themselves in conformity with these core values and with the utmost fairness, integrity and responsibility in all aspects of their businesses5

Why this topic?Before joining any company, what are 4 things you need to know?Its management styleIts environmentIts peopleIts policies


A companys corporate culture can be seen in the following ways:

NormsCritical IncidentsRitualsSignificant Symbols


NORMSset of unwritten rules and guidelines that are standards for appropriate behaviour.To be accepted as a member of an organisation, each employee is expected to comply with these norms. This is called fitting in.


Critical Incidentsevents that occur in a company and the consequences which follow.John points out a mistake his boss has made and loses out on a pay increase.Conclusion: The company does not tolerate criticism.Savvy employees note these incidents and learn how the company works, what the management wants, and what counts to get ahead.


RitualsWhat do the following rituals mean?1.Celebrations: Are birthdays and other special events celebrated?2.Time: What is the work pace like? Is time wasted?3.Breaks: Are coffee/tea breaks allowed and for how long?4.Talk: Who do you talk to? Are junior staff encouraged to talk to senior staff? Are people greeted by their first or last name?

10Rituals5.Meetings: Who sits where? Who sides with whom?6.Dress: Is the dress code formal or informal? Are there dress down days?7.Artefacts: Are the offices decorated with personal items or power items? Do the staff personalise their work areas?8.Touching: Is it OK? To whom and how much?9.Recognition: How are achievements rewarded? What trophies and certificates can be seen?


Significant SymbolsHow employees and customers describe the organisation. This means the language used reflects the beliefs of the organisation.They are an indication of what values the company holds important.

12We will next cover the following in an Organisation:1.StructureStructuresFundamentals2. PowerLack of powerSources of power3. BehaviourNegative behaviourPositive behaviourSurvival tips

13An organisation usually has a formal and an informal organisational structure.14

Formal organizational structure means:1. It is a system of jobs, authority, relationships designed to get the work done.

2. It is usually reflected in the organisation charts.


Informal organizational structure means:1. A network of personal/social relationships that may have nothing to do with formal authority relationships.

2. It is not planned.

3. It is based on friendships and contacts both on and off the job.

4. Its communication system is the grapevine.

16Six Fundamentals that every formal organisation has to deal with:Policy: written or oral statement that serves as a general guide for decision-making. Authority: power to act/make decisions in assignments. Responsibility: the individuals obligation to carry out assigned duties.Accountability: holding a subordinate answerable for the responsibility and authority delegated to him. Delegation: giving one person/group the power and obligation to act. Coordination: synchronising all individual efforts toward a common goal.17POWER IN AN ORGANISATIONWhat can happen to you as a result of lack of power?

What can you do instead?Choosing not to get involved, is only for losers those who either lack the skills or intelligence, or just simply do not have the stomach for the fight. Such naive behaviour is only an evasion of responsibility and does not help the organisation or those who depend on you.Acquire Power and use it well!


Five Sources of Power:

Legitimate PowerThis is the power-base traditionally associated with a persons formal position in the organisations hierarchy. It is also called position power. Reward PowerFor the manager to function effectively, his subordinates must believe that he is in the position to reward them for their efforts. Also referred to as resource power.19Five Sources of Power:Coercive PowerThis power-base works on fear. Expert PowerWhen a person possesses a special knowledge or skill that is acutely needed, he is said to wield expert power. Referent PowerThis source of power that is often based on personal admiration, where employees find some admirable personal characteristics, charisma or good reputation in their bosses.


Power and PoliticsWork politics" are the strategies that people play to gain advantage, personally or for a cause they support.Politics is inevitable. SoFocus on Your AccomplishmentsGet a Mentor


Four types of negative behaviour to avoid in organisations.Back-stabbing


Negative feelings that drag co-workers down

Complaining or whining

22 Positive BehaviourSay Yes to assignmentsDo all that is asked of you and then some more

Be considerate of others

Smile and be friendly

Be resilient.

Dont hold grudges.

Worry about yourself and mind your own affairs. 23Survival TipsAttitudes to Avoid

Attitudes to Adopt

24 Activity Students are to work in groups and identify the situation that clearly highlights the following fundamentals in an organisation:Policy, Authority, Responsibility, Accountability, Delegation, Coordination.25 Activity Ah Seng is asked to make sure that all the work done by his team members are smoothly done and meet the deadline. So, what is this aspect of Ah Sengs work?Can you give 2 more examples of such an aspect of work?

Coordination26 Activity b.No one is allowed to be absent from department meetings. What do you call such a regulation? Think of 2 more such regulations which are common in an organisation.

Policy27 Activity c) Balagopal oversees a group of 8 technicians. He also reports to his manager directly. So what can you say about Balagopals working relationship with his manager? Give an example of such an aspect of work.Balagopal is responsible for what that has been assigned to him by his manager. Or he is accountable to his manager. 28 Activity d.Cai Ling is the Team Leader to a group of technicians over a special project given to her. She has to think of ways to ensure that everyone gets enough information to do his/her part in this project. What do you call this aspect of Cai Lings work? Can you give 2 examples of such an aspect of work?

Delegation or Accountability or Authority29 Activity 2.Students are to work in 5 groups and role play a situation to the rest of the class on ONE of the following sources of power:

Legitimate Power, Reward Power, Coercive Power, Expert Power, Referent Power.


ASSIGNMENT 1: CORPORATE CULTURE & STRUCTURE Company Research & Team Presentation (40 marks) Week 4. Due on Wed 9 May 2012.Form teams of 4 for this team presentation. You are to select a company that your group would really like to work for. Conduct a full research on the company to find out is corporate structure, culture, salary, benefits, etc. You can surf the companys web site and look up its annual reports. The information you need to gather for the presentation is listed below.

a) Introduction Background information What does it do or make? The CEO the man and his vision Why has your group chosen this company?

b) Management and Culture When and how was the company founded? Mission statement & Key values The corporate structure hierarchy and reporting structure 31

ASSIGNMENT 1: CORPORATE CULTURE & STRUCTURE Company Research & Team Presentation (40 marks)c) Career Opportunities Number of employees Geographical presence The positions available and what are their duties Salary range/benefits

d) Competitors Who are they? How is the company different from its competitors? (Success factors) What is the companys standing amongst them?

e) Latest developments You can get this information from press releases and news clippings 32

ASSIGNMENT 1: CORPORATE CULTURE & STRUCTURE Company Research & Team Presentation (40 marks)f) Conclusion Why do you think your classmates should choose your company? Give three good reasons and elaborate Team Presentation Imagine that your team is part of the Human Resource (HR) Department of the company that you have chosen and researched on. You are to conduct a presentation to convince a group of top-notch graduate scholars (played by the rest of your classmates) to join the company. Market your company by showcasing its achievements and benefits. 33

ASSIGNMENT 1: CORPORATE CULTURE & STRUCTURE Company Research & Team Presentation (40 marks)Each team will be given a maximum of 15 minutes for the presentation.

You will require visual aids such as PowerPoint for your presentation. Your visual aids should be well-designed to effectively capture the attention of the audience and reinforce the ideas presented. Simply reading from the visual aids will result in the loss of marks.

Divide your research into logical segments/parts. Each group member is to make a 3 to 4-minute presentation of one segment.

Be selective in what you present and be careful not to bore the audience with excessive statistical data about the company.

As this would be a formal presentation, you are required to dress professionally.

Prepare and conduct a question-and-answer session at the end of your presentation. . 34

ASSIGNMENT 1: CORPORATE CULTURE & STRUCTURE Company Research & Team Presentation (40 marks)ASSESSMENT: You will be graded on the following:Team presentation (20 marks). Evidence of thorough research Display of good teamwork - coordination between members; transition between speakers; Overall visual aids presentation Clarity/design/organization of content Q & A session - well-conducted

Individual Presentation (20 marks) Verbal/Non-verbal speaking skills Professional dressing. 35

ASSIGNMENT 1: CORPORATE CULTURE & STRUCTURE Company Research & Team Presentation (40 marks)f) Conclusion Why do you think your classmates should choose your company? Give three good reasons and elaborate Team Presentation Imagine that your team is part of the Human Resource (HR) Department of the company that you have chosen and researched on. You are to conduct a presentation to convince a group of top-notch graduate scholars (played by the rest of your classmates) to join the company. Market your company by showcasing its achievements and benefits. 36