1. vebek virtual energy based encryption and keying for wireless sensor networks

VEBEK: Virtual Energy-Based VEBEK: Virtual Energy-Based Encryption Encryption and Keying for Wireless Sensor and Keying for Wireless Sensor Networks Networks 07c31a0554 Konda Varoodhini 07c31a0560 Lavu Brijesh Chowdary 07c31a0508 Ankam Krishna Prasad 07c31a0507 Ande Sanjeev Guided by Raziya begum

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Page 1: 1. VEBEK Virtual Energy Based Encryption and Keying for Wireless Sensor Networks

VEBEK: Virtual Energy-Based VEBEK: Virtual Energy-Based EncryptionEncryptionand Keying for Wireless Sensor and Keying for Wireless Sensor NetworksNetworks

07c31a0554 Konda Varoodhini07c31a0560 Lavu Brijesh Chowdary07c31a0508 Ankam Krishna Prasad07c31a0507 Ande Sanjeev

Guided byRaziya begum

Page 2: 1. VEBEK Virtual Energy Based Encryption and Keying for Wireless Sensor Networks

Designing cost-efficient, secure network protocols

for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs).

Reduces the number of transmissions needed for


VEBEK is a secure communication framework where

sensed data is encoded using the RC4 encryption


Abstract Abstract

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Existing SystemExisting System

There are two fundamental key management schemes for WSNs: Static and Dynamic.

oIn static key management schemes, key management functions are handled statically.

oDynamic key management schemes perform keying functions either periodically or on demand as needed by the network.

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oCommunication cost is expensive in a sensor’s energy consumption.

oMessage transmission cost for rekeying is expensive in a WSN deployment

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Proposed SystemProposed System

o An energy-efficient VEBEK scheme for WSNs will significantly reduces the number of transmissions needed for rekeying to avoid stale keys.

o VEBEK uses RC4 encryption mechanism.

o VEBEK is able to efficiently detect and filter false data injected into the network by malicious outsiders.

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In comparison with other key management schemes

VEBEK has the following benefits:

Saves more energy and is less chatty.

More resilient to certain attacks.

Easy adoption of different key-based encryption or

hashing schemes

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Module DescriptionModule Description

Sender:-Sender module deals with sender operations and

allows sender to transmit data to the receiver. Receiver:-Receiving Module will deals with the receiving


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Page 9: 1. VEBEK Virtual Energy Based Encryption and Keying for Wireless Sensor Networks

Requirements Requirements

Software requirements IDE : Visual Studio


Programming Language : C#.NET

Hardware Requirements Processor : Pentium IV Hard disk : 160 GB Ram : 1GB

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o Communication is very costly for WSNs.

o Independent of the goal of saving energy, it may be very important to minimize the exchange of messages.

o VEBEK reduces the communication cost for wireless networks.

o VEBEK provides feasibility and optimal performance than others while providing support for communication error handling.

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