10 000 trees - a global strategy for climate change

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  • 8/14/2019 10 000 Trees - A Global Strategy for Climate Change


    INPERMCOINternational PERMaculture COuncil


    c/o VesterGror, Istedgade 79 st.tv.

    1650 Copenhagen V, Denmark

    email: [email protected] - phone: +45 3325 7079


    Conference COP 15

    Alternative and activists grassroots conference in

    Copenhagen, Denmark

    from 29. of November to 12. of December 2009


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    The characteristics of Permaculture are its abilitycreate projects that provide plenty of food

    for the people involved,at the same time that it regenerates the basic natural resources:

    soil, water, wind, energy all through planting systems.


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    Content of this folder

    THE 1 TON CO2 10.000 TREES PROJECT.......................................................................................4


    Climate Change....................................................................................................................................5Carbon sink......................................................................................................................................6

    More than 10,000 TREES pr. person pr. lifetime.................................................................................6

    Less than 1 TON CO2 pr. person pr. year............................................................................................7

    The U.N. Climate Conference 2009 / COP 15.....................................................................................8

    Parallel activist and grassroots Conference..........................................................................................9

    The Permaculture network.................................................................................................................10


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    This initiative is based on the current and future climatic

    condition of the planet, as well as a series of decisions made at

    the 8th International Permaculture conference, held in Brazil in

    June 2007. At the conference it was decided that the

    International Permaculture Network should develop a strategy

    for mitigation of the worst consequences of climatic change.

    This is essential, especially in recognition of that the UN

    conference in Copenhagen 2009 will bring forth no significant

    proposals to better or even softening the current development in

    the climatical and ecological situation on the globe.

    One of the most significant factors of the current immense

    and threatening development is the absence of carbon

    sequestration taking place because of a weakening of the

    systems of Carbon binding in wooden matter and soil and the

    declining ability of the oceans to absorb CO2. The first because

    the deforestation and industrialised agriculture, the latter

    because the weakening of the ocean currents.

    Therefore, in agreement with the strategic view of

    Permaculture, efforts will primarily be focused on building new

    and varied forms of carbon sequestration and to incorporate

    these strategies as a part of global efforts.


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    Permaculture is an ecological theory of analysis, planning and

    design, which in contrast to other ecological approaches,

    requires improvements of the natural resource base in other

    words, the state of fertile land, fresh water supplies, windbreaks

    and energy accumulation should be improved after the

    preparation and implementation of a Permaculture project.

    Likewise, the organisation engaged with development and

    administration of the project should be structured in such a

    manner and possess characteristics as to ensure long range


    Permaculture is organised as a strategy that not only

    ensures the (re)building of natural resources, it also enhances

    food security for those involved. This is accomplished through

    a multitude of different types of innovations (e.g. plantings)

    characteristic of Permaculture projects; successive construction

    of forest gardens, fruit and nut forests, agro-forestry, resourceforests and wild forests.

    It is precisely these distinctive features that form the basis

    of our belief that Permaculture strategies are applicable in the

    urrent situation - as they contribute to carbon sequestration and

    at the same time provide food security for local populations.

    Climate ChangeThere is no longer any doubt the climate is changing, however

    there are still disputes regarding the scope of its dimension.

    Views vary from those that postulate reductions in CO2

    emissions are enough to salvage the situation over the course of


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    the next few decades, to those that argue emissions are already

    so advanced that the meltdown of the North and South Poles is

    imminent. The consequences of the latter are an irreversible

    process which will change life on earth as we know it.

    All experts do, though, agree that the direct cause is attributable

    to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These are primarily

    comprised of CO2 and methane as well as increasing amounts of

    water vapours. All elements which are directly connected to

    carbon- and water cycles in the biosphere, forests, plant growths

    and algae.

    Carbon sink

    In addition to excessive use of fossil fuels, the causes for climate

    change are also attributable to the concurrent destruction of the

    earth s carbon collecting structures/mechanisms. This involves

    slash and burn and other forms of forest removal, as well as the

    indirect consequences of increasing temperatures; among the most

    significant, the thawing of the permafrost layer and the

    deterioration of deep sea currents.

    As pointed out in the latest series of reports, from among

    others NASA s Goddard Institute, it is not enough to halt

    emissions. If ways are not found to reduce increasing amounts

    of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the danger of

    uncontrollable and irreversible developments are both imminent

    and probable.

    What is required is the establishment of a series of carbon

    sequestering structures for the replacement, and possible

    regeneration, of that which has been lost - for example, planting

    of new trees and the protection of forests and wetlands.


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    More than 10,000 TREES pr. person pr. lifetime

    As previously implied, the most important carbon absorbing

    elements are linked with plant systems, whether they are

    fossilized subterranean forms such as oil, natural gas or coal, or

    as forests, soil and algae. Besides large-scale reductions of fossil

    fuel consumption, the areas where we can have most direct

    influence on are the planting of trees and on the improvement of


    In order to achieve an appreciable effect, a series ofextensive plantings are required, as well as a general and global strategy in

    all areas where the possibility for deforestation

    exists, or is possible in the future.

    As early as the 4th International Permaculture Conference

    in Nepal in 1989, the idea of planting trees on a scale of 10,000

    trees per person was discussed. At current population levels this

    means planting 50,000,000,000,000 trees over the next ninety


    One could imagine this taking place in areas which will be

    inundated by rising sea levels over the next few centuries. In this

    way the inundated trees will become a lasting carbon

    sequestration. Add to this that planting forests based on the

    principles of Permaculture, does not only serve as carbon

    repositories - it also constitutes the foundation of food

    production for the local population.

    Less than 1 TON CO2 pr. person pr. yearTo balance the situation on the global level we do not just need

    to create Carbon sink processes, we also need to diminish our


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    outlet of trace gasses into the atmosphere. Especially in the

    situation now were the oceans are showing signs of loosing the

    capacity of absorbing CO2, and the permafrost areas are thawing

    up and releasing CO2 and methan gasses.

    Calculations of Permaculture projects in Europe, North America and the 3.

    World shows that it is possible to change

    attitudes. And through for instance the help of alternative

    technology and by using the strategy of Bioregionalism in

    production as well as consumption it should be possible to

    reduce our CO2 emissions to less than 1 ton pr person pr year,

    without losing comfort. To put pressure on the overconsumption

    of carbon based energy, use of such energy should be taxed to a

    degree that will change the current patterns. The taxation should

    be calculated nation wise and paid into international funds for

    the above mentioned 10.000 trees Permaculture projects.

    The U.N. Climate Conference 2009 / COP 15In November/December 2009, Copenhagen will be the host of

    UNs Climate Conference, with the expressed purpose of

    establishing goals and guidelines for future developments after

    the expiration of the Kyoto Protocol in 2012.

    At that time, statements about condition of the planet will

    most likely be even more frightening and there will be a greater

    openness towards initiatives such as the one described here,

    which will seem like an obvious way of remedying threats to the

    condition of our planet and perhaps of our own existence.

    In line with the above, we suggest following five


    1. That a decision be made regarding the creation of a

    Carbon Sink category, whereby areas will be set aside


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    for the purpose of carbon sequestration on a permanent

    basis, and that these areas shall be excluded from all

    forms of exploitation or trade

    2. That nations be encouraged to create legislation that

    would, if necessary, empower them to expropriate areas

    for this purpose in accordance with international quotas.

    3. That the decision is taken to set up an international

    system for taxing all consumptions more than 1 ton CO2

    pr person pr year and establish a tree fond for realising

    the 10.000 trees pr person project.

    4. That these guidelines should be worked out for a new

    conference COP 16 in 2012

    5. That such a basis is created via national and international

    organisations, for establishing the economic resources in

    order to implement and run Permaculture centres in

    accordance with the aforementioned principles and

    provided by fees paid in relation to the actual ratio ofCO2 outlet pr. person.

    Parallel activist and grassroots ConferenceIn order to shed light on these issues and to document their consequences

    and potential we will call for a conference for

    grassroots activists from all over the world. The conference will

    set out to further information of the state of the globe, not

    censored or regulated by the IPCC, but presented by scientist

    and others, who are proving the seriousity of the developments

    in the ecological situation of the globe with all the social,

    cultural and financial dangers connected to it.

    The conference will contain information, exhibitions, workshops

    and presentations regarding these matters. And it will give room


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    for activists to present their point of view in actions and

    demonstrations. We expect thousands of people from grassroots

    movements all over the globe to present their attitudes to the UN

    establishment, and to discuss ways of actions and priorities

    among themselves.

    The area for this is planned to be at a big sporting and

    conference centre besides the Copenhagen Main train station:

    the DGI centre , a big exhibition hall ksnehallen and the

    activist coordination and working area at the Kulturstaldene at

    Halmtorvet 13.

    It can all been reached through VesterGror

    The Permaculture networkPermaculture was developed in Australia, in the 1970 s, in response to

    accelerating desertification already taking place. It

    developed from a strategy for Permanent Agriculture to a

    strategy for Permanent Culture which includes all types of

    human settlements.

    Since then, the movement has spread to all corners of the

    earth, and today consists of projects in every part of the world,

    and in every climatic zone that are rooted in resource centres.

    The network s unifying factors are a 72 hour foundation course

    with the same systematic content in all locations, as well as

    regional and international annual- and bi-annual conferences.

    At the last conference held in Brazil in June 2007, it was

    decided to undertake the total status of the centres that have

    been created and which possess regional, educational and

    technical capacities. According to first estimates, it is presumed

    that on a global level there are 2-300 resource centres which

    currently have the capacity to run courses on a regular basis and


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    the ability to mobilize at the regional level, as well as centres

    with fully developed Permaculture food production and

    management systems and settlement models.

    Experience indicates that such centres, given continually,

    increasing economic resources, would be able to duplicate

    themselves every 4 to 5 years, and thus, in the course of 50 years

    result in over 100.000 centres spreading throughout the globe each with an

    estimated capacity for planting approximately

    500.000 trees.

    Additionally to this comes forest planted in coastal areas

    and in wetlands that will be flooded from ocean level rising and

    rain storms, and as such will be preserved as carbon sinks.


    The International Permaculture Council

    To form an international body for activating and implementing

    these goals we have formed a Council, which consists of the lastfive hostesses plus the upcoming International Permaculture

    Convergences. These are:

    - 1991 in Nepal, Prem Thapa [email protected]

    - 1993 in Copenhagen, Tony Andersen vestergror@dkonline.


    - 1996 in Australia. Pat Dare [email protected]

    - 2005 in Croatia, Tony Andersen, present Secretariate

    VesterGror [email protected]

    - 2007 in Brazil, Ali Sharif [email protected]

    - 2009 in Malawi, Mugove Walter Nyika

    [email protected]


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    The International Permaculture Network are widespread All over the globe and

    have proved its potentialities in any geographical and climatically sphere.


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    Permaculture is a strategy for interconnection and combinationof the 4 basic

    natural elements kept together and developed by a sustainable organisation for growing and built up of plant systems, and thereby regeneration of thesefour basic elements The Permaculture ethics are: Care for the earth Care for

    the Humans Care for equal and fair share of resources.
