10 effective herbs for alleviating anxiety symptoms

10 Effective Herbs for Treating Anxiety If you experience anxiety in the form of worrying thoughts and other symptoms such as racing pulse and shortness of breathing, one of the most effective and safe treatment options you could try are herbs. Many cultures have been using herbs for treating anxiety for thousands of years, which have been shown to work if used properly. Whether in the form of tea, topical ointments, or steam inhalations, these herbs can calm you down and reduce anxiety symptoms considerably. However, if your anxiety symptoms are too severe, you must consult with your doctor first before taking any form of medical or herbal treatments. Although herbs are generally safe, we advice talking to your doctor if you suffer from any medical conditions. Let’s take a look at the most effective herbs for anxiety below.

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: 10 Effective Herbs for Alleviating Anxiety Symptoms

10 Effective Herbs for Treating Anxiety

If you experience anxiety in the form of worrying thoughts and other symptoms

such as racing pulse and shortness of breathing, one of the most effective and safe

treatment options you could try are herbs.

Many cultures have been using herbs for treating anxiety for thousands of years,

which have been shown to work if used properly. Whether in the form of tea,

topical ointments, or steam inhalations, these herbs can calm you down and reduce

anxiety symptoms considerably. However, if your anxiety symptoms are too

severe, you must consult with your doctor first before taking any form of medical

or herbal treatments.

Although herbs are generally safe, we advice talking to your doctor if you suffer

from any medical conditions.

Let’s take a look at the most effective herbs for anxiety below.

Page 2: 10 Effective Herbs for Alleviating Anxiety Symptoms

1. Chamomile

Several studies have suggested that short-term use of chamomile can help reduce

anxiety symptoms. A 2009 study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania and

published in the “Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology” has shown that

chamomile capsules have a calming effect on anxiety symptoms while also easing

insomnia and calm an upset stomach. What’s more, chamomile has also been

shown to reduce anxiety scores using the HAM-A (Hamilton Anxiety Rating)

system by 50 percent.

For best results, it’s recommended that you either take chamomile extract in

capsule form, or prep your own tea by steeping 2-3 teaspoons of dried chamomile

flowers in a cup of boiling water for about 10 minutes. Whenever you feel anxiety

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rising up, drink a cup of chamomile tea, and symptoms will be dramatically


2. Black Tea and L-Theanine

A research conducted by University College London has proven that drinking four

cups of black tea per day can help decrease cortisol levels in the body, hence

reducing stress and anxiety symptoms. That’s because of the amino acid L-

Theanine contained in black tea, which induces relaxation by reducing the

sympathetic nervous system activation in stressful situations. By drinking a cup of

black tea prior to undergoing a stressful task, you will have a decreased

sympathetic nervous system response to it.

Longer brewing times can result in greater amounts of L-Theanine, but you will

get about 24mg of the amino acid per a 200ml cup of black tea on average.

According to the University of Newcastle in Australia, you should steep tea at 80

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degrees Celsius for 30 minutes, use a water-to-tea ratio of 20 ml for every 1 gram,

and use only tea that is between 0.5 – 1mm in particle size.

3. Hops

Hops has been long known for its multitude of beneficial properties, and can be

used for many health-related issues including anxiety, insomnia, restlessness,

stress, and tension. The leaves and flowers of the hops plant are rich in

dimethylvinyl carbinol, a volatile compound that has been shown to have very

potent calming effects.

When using hops for treating anxiety, you can either take it in the form of capsules

or tea. To make hops tea, steep 1 teaspoon of dried hops flowers and leaves in a

cup of boiling water. Infuse for about 10 minutes, and add a bit of honey to

sweeten and improve its taste.

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4. Valerian

Nothing compares to valerian when it comes to anxiety. Valerian root has special

chemical properties that are helpful in treatment of anxiety symptoms and

insomnia. The gamma-aminobutyric acid (or GABA) contained in valerian root a

neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, which is responsible for regulating

and inhibiting the activity of the brain’s neurons.

By taking valerian root extract, your body receives extra GABA that lowers stress

levels and promotes relaxation. According to researchers, the effect of valerian is

similar to benzodiazepines – a class of sedative drugs that are commonly

prescribed for depression and anxiety, as they can also trigger GABA receptors in

the brain.

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Fill your teapot with water, fill the tea infuser ball with valerian root, heat about 8

ounces of filtered water in the kettle to boiling, then empty the teapot and add the

valerian root. Now pour the water in the kettle over the valerian root, and let seep

for about 15 minutes. If you can’t stand the nasty smell of valerian tea, consider

taking this herb in the form of capsules.

5. Lemon Balm (Melissa)

Lemon balm has been used since the Middle Ages for reducing stress and anxiety.

One study has proven that taking standardized lemon balm extracts can help one

calm down. Another study showed that 1,600 milligrams of dried lemon balm can

increase calmness for up to six hours. An increase in the alpha wave activities of

the brain, which are responsible for relaxation, has been observed during the study.

Lemon balm is usually available in the form of capsules, tea, tinctures and oils. To

make lemon balm tea, infuse about 1 ounce of dried lemon balm leaves in 1 pint of

boiling water for 10 minutes. Drink two or three cups of this tea every day, or

whenever you start feeling anxious. Alternatively, you could also use 3-4 drops of

lemon balm oil to massage your temples in order to relieve stress and reduce

anxiety symptoms.

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6. Passionflower

A study conducted in 2001 has shown that taking 45 drops of liquid passionflower

daily can be as effective in treating anxiety symptoms as the drug oxazepam.

Passionflower can boost the brain’s levels of GABA, which lowers your brain

activity and helps reduce anxiety, stress, and insomnia.

The NYU Langone Medical Center suggests taking passionflower in the form of

tea three times a day. Just infuse a teaspoon of dried leaves in boiling water for 10-

15 minutes. You may also utilize passionflower tincture – mix 40-50 drops with

just a little bit of water, and drink.

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7. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil is one of the most popular essential oils in aromatherapy,

carrying a very wide array of benefits for users. With antibacterial, antifungal,

antiseptic and soothing properties, lavender essential oil induces relaxation through

its many constituents, including camphor, linalyl acetate, linalool, and terpinen-4-

ol. Lavender essential oil can potentiate expression of GABA-A receptors in cell

culture, inhibit acetylcholine release, and also reduce caffeine-induced


Lavender essential oil can be utilized in many forms. Consider adding 4-5 drops of

lavender oil to a pot of boiling water, cover your hair with a towel, and inhale the

resulting steam. A second alternative is rubbing 2-3 drops of this oil onto your

temples for several minutes, which will soothe you down and relieve anxiety. You

can also add 6-7 drops of lavender essential oil to your warm bath for a relaxing,

aromatherapy bathing experience.

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8. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is a plant that is frequently used in Ayurvedic medicine, specifically

because of its potent anti-anxiety effects. A 2012 study has proven that taking 300

mg twice a day can substantially reduce serum cortisol levels, hence reducing

stress levels and relieving anxiety symptoms. The alkaloids and lactones in

ashwagandha increase effect when brain activity is very low, but will block excess

stimulation when brain activity is too high, which makes it perfect in treatment of


You can prepare your own ashwagandha tea immersing a piece of dried

ashwagandha root in 3 1/2 cups of boiling water for 15 minutes. Strain the liquid

through a strainer to filter the root. Drink up to three cups of this tea every day.

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9. Tulsi (Holy Basil)

Also referred to as “holy basil,” tulsi has powerful antioxidant properties that have

been scientifically proven to relieve stress and alleviate anxiety. Multiple

researches have shown that supplementation with tulsi can decrease stress hormone

levels, and corticosterone in particular. When corticosterone levels are decreased,

anxiety symptoms (such as worrying, racing thoughts, high pulse and short

breathing) are reduced, and mental clarity is, on the other hand, increased. Eugenol

and caryophyllene, the aromatic compounds in tulsi, can also elevate both spirit

and mood, which is critical to treating anxiety.

Usually, the best way to use holy basil is by drinking tea. Infuse 4 tablespoons of

dried tulsi leaves in 1 quart of boiling water for about 20 minutes. Strain, and add

the desired sweetener (natural stevia or honey are the best choices). However, holy

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basil essential oil can also be utilized for aromatherapy massage – rub 7-8 drops on

your palms, then massage your temple with slow, circular motions.

10. Rhodiola

The herb Rhodiola possesses many powerful effects that can help cure anxiety and

improve your quality of life. The herb will decrease the sympathetic nervous

system response to stressors, which, in turn, will relieve many of the most common

anxiety symptoms including shortness of breath, high breathing rate, speedy pulse,

shaking, dizziness, and more. At the same time, rhodiola can increase

parasympathetic nervous system activity, which is exactly the opposite of the

sympathetic nervous system, slowing the body’s processes instead of speeding

them up. Increased serotonin, the happiness and relaxation hormone, is also a result

of taking rhodiola.

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Rhodiola root can be utilized for making a wonderful anti-anxiety tea. Steep 2

tablespoons dried rhodiola roots in 1 quart of boiling water. Let boil for another 5-

10 minutes, then strain the tea. You may also mix 40 drops of rhodiola tincture

with about 1 teaspoon of water, and drink the mixture.

Final Thoughts

Treating anxiety can be a long-term process for many of us, but when the right

herbs are used, results can be outstanding. If you’re a big fan of tea, then you can

successfully take advantage of these herbal remedies in order to alleviate anxiety

symptoms and improve the quality of your life. When taken as instructed, these

remedies will also help to prevent the appearance of symptoms in the future,

especially when you expect a stressful episode in your life.

About the Author

HerbsRealm is a family business passionate about herbs and essential oils.

Although we are new in the online world, we have several years of

experience in the natural health field. We believe in the holistic and natural

approach to healing offered by herbal products and essential oils. We also

carry our own brand of selected Essential Oils which you can purchase

from Amazon. These oils are 100% undiluted pure oils without any

additives or chemicals. See HerbsRealm on Amazon here.