10 pyetjet nga ndermarresia

NDERMARRESIA @ FIEK Tema 2: Pyetjet te cilave cdo ndermarres duhet tju pergjigjet Monday, 14 November 11

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Page 1: 10 pyetjet nga Ndermarresia

NDERMARRESIA @ FIEKTema 2: Pyetjet te cilave cdo ndermarres duhet tju pergjigjet

Monday, 14 November 11

Page 2: 10 pyetjet nga Ndermarresia

Shqarimi i qellimeve: Ku deshiroj te shkoj?

Cfare lloji te ndermarrjes duhet te ndertoj?

Cfare rreziqe dhe sakrifica kerkon nje ndermarrje e tille?

A mund ti pranoj keto rreziqe dhe sakrifica?

Monday, 14 November 11

Page 3: 10 pyetjet nga Ndermarresia

Vendosja e strategjise: Si do te arrije atje?

A eshte definuar strategjia si duhet?

A mund te siguroje kjo strategji rritje dhe profit te mjaftueshem?

A eshte strategjia e qendrueshme?

A jane qellimet e mia per rritje teper konzervative apo teper agresive?

Monday, 14 November 11

Page 4: 10 pyetjet nga Ndermarresia

Ekzekutimi i strategjise: A mund ta bej?

A i posedojme resurset dhe lidhjet e duhura?

Sa e forte eshte organizata?

A mund ta luaj une rolin tim?

Monday, 14 November 11

Page 5: 10 pyetjet nga Ndermarresia

Korniza e ceshtjeve qe duhen konsideruar


ate their companies' position and trajectory often -not just when problems appear.

The framework consists of a three-step sequenceof questions. The first step clarifies entrepreneurs'current goals, the second evaluates their strategiesfor attaining those goals, and the third helps themassess their capacity to execute their strategies.The hierarchical organization of the questions re-quires entrepreneurs to confront the basic, big-pic-ture issues hefore they think about refinements anddetails. (See the exhibit "An Entrepreneur's Guideto the Big Issues.") This approach does not assumethat all companies-or all entrepreneurs - developin the same way, so it does not prescrihe a one-size-fits-all methodology for success.

Clarifying Goals:Where Do I Want to Go?

An entrepreneur's personal and husiness goalsare inextricahly linked. Whereas the manager of apuhlic company has a fiduciary responsibility tomaximize value for shareholders, entrepreneursbuild their businesses to fulfill personal goals and,if necessary, seek investors with similar goals.

Before they can set goals for a business, entrepre-neurs must he explicit ahout their personal goals.And they must periodically ask themselves if thosegoals have changed. Many entrepreneurs say thatthey are launching their businesses to achieve inde-pendence and control their destiny, but those goalsare too vague. If they stop and think about it, tnost

entrepreneurs can identify goals that are mure spe-cific. For example, they may want an outlet forartistic talent, a chance to experiment with newtechnoh)gy, a flexible lifestyle, tbe rush that comesfrom rapid growth, or the itiimortality of buildingan institution that embodies their deeply held val-ues. Financially, some entrepreneurs are looking forquick profits, some want to generate a satisfactorycash flow, and others seek capital gains from build-ing and selling a company. Some entrepreneurswho want to build sustainable institutions do notconsider personal financial returns a high priority.They may refuse acquisition proposals regardless ofthe price or sell equity cheaply to employees to se-cure their loyalty to the institution.

Only when entrepreneurs can say what theywant personally from their businesses does it makesense for thetn to ask tbe following tbree questions:

What kind of enterprise do I need to build? Long-term sustainability does not concern entrepreneurslooking for quick profits from in-and-out deals.Similarly, so-called lifestyle entrepreneurs, wbo areinterested only in generating enough of a cash flowto tnaintain a certain way of life, do not need tobuild businesses that could survive without them.But sustainabihty-or the perception thereof-mat-ters greatly to entrepreneurs who hope to sell theirbusinesses eventually. Sustainability is even moreimportant for entrepreneurs who want to buildan institution that is capable of renewing itselfthrough changing generations of technology, em-ployees, and customers.

An Entrepreneur's Guide to the Big Issues

Are my goals well defined?

Personal aspirationsBusiness suslainability and sizeTolerance for risk

If the answer is yes.

Do 1 hove rile right strategy?Clear definitionProfifabilify and potential for growthDurabilityRate of growth

If fhe onswer is no...

Can t execute the strategy?

ResourcesOrganizational infrastructureThe founder's role

122 HARVARt:) BUSINESS REVIEW November-December 1996

Monday, 14 November 11

Page 6: 10 pyetjet nga Ndermarresia

Gjetja e shkalles optimale te rritjesEkonomite e shkalles apo rrjeti i konsumatoreve.

Aftesia per ti “lidhur” konsumatoret apo posedimi i resurseve qe jane te mangeta.

Rritja e kompetitoreve

Mungesa e resurseve

Kapaciteti i brendshem i financimit

Konsumatoret tolerant

Temperamenti dhe qellimet personale

Monday, 14 November 11

Page 7: 10 pyetjet nga Ndermarresia

Investimi ne infrastrukturen organizative

Delegimi i detyrave

Specializimi i detyrave

Mobilizimi i fondeve per rritje

Krijimi i nje historie te kompanise

Monday, 14 November 11