10 solutions to common registration problems an aceware presentation chuck havlicek lauri thompson

Download 10 Solutions to Common Registration Problems An ACEware Presentation Chuck Havlicek Lauri Thompson

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10 Solutions to Common Registration Problems An ACEware Presentation Chuck Havlicek Lauri Thompson Our Top Ten Finalists! 1.Grouping names & registrations 2.Transfers 3.Ive made a transfer, but theres money left! 4.Billing to firms (for Contract training) 5.Waitlisting 6.Refunds 7.Memberships 8.Dealing with ACEweb pending payments 9.Finding duplicate names and fixing them! 10.When typing isnt the thing to do (importing names) Grouping Why group names? Set one name as Primary to save $ on mailings Combine names for family memberships Enable Name Grouping Click Grouping Arrows indicate the primary name Grouping also works with memberships which well discuss a little later You can also group registrations One payment for one person for multiple classes One payment for multiple people for multiple classes Which allows you to make.... Check Prompt for Grouping to allow grouped registrations vive la diffrence .. Grouping Behavior depends on where you start.. From Name/Registration. From Course Add/Edit Registration From Names/Registration Click Show Group to see the entire group From Course- Add/Edit Registrations Add registration Tip: This is a Great way to add multiple People from one firm into a class and create a group (to pay or to bill) Youll also notice that Group Total Due is active Transfers A different classAnother person Transfers may be made to... Begin by clicking Transfer Then select the appropriate option Depending on your choice, youll see a list of courses, or a list of names. Select either which opens the Transfer Wizard Tell Student Manager how to do it and click Proceed TIP: You can change the transfer note by editing this field Ive made a transfer, but theres money left! Option 1 Place the money in escrow Option 2 Refund remaining money Billing for Contract Class Click Use Bill/Pay Reg Type to enable feature Waitlisting Set the course maximum When you attempt to exceed the maximum the following appears: Choose the appropriate option A Waitlisted Registration. Is NOT counted in the Course Enrollment Has NO monetary Value (tho it DOES record a Fee..and any manditory optional fees) Does NOT show up on Rosters Does NOT show up on Class List (Course Quick Report) IS Date & Time Stamped Click the Waitlist button to view waitlisted students Then un-check waitlist & proceed with the registration Double-click the waitlisted name to view the registration Refunds From the payment screen click Refund Wizard NOTE: if the registration is part of a Group, UNGROUP it First! Make the appropriate selections and click Process Memberships Think it through When will memberships need to be renewed? Is there a fee to belong to the membership organization? Are courses restricted to members only? Rolling Membership v.s. Specific Expiration Date Dont Forget.. When will memberships need to be renewed? Are courses restricted to members only? There is a Webinar in Webinar Archives that tells you All about the Membership Module.. Tracking Memberships with Student Manager-Its as easy as pie! Dealing with ACEweb Pending Payments Why Pending Payments???? Because.. ( for ACEweb Users) In the new world of PCI compliance, when a student is Re-Directed to the secure (PCI Compliant site), IF they do NOT follow instructions.. And return BACK to ACEweb, then the registration is saved, but the Payment is marked as AW-Pending.. Because ACEweb does NOT know if there is a Real Payment Click Show AW Pendings on Startup? Finding Duplicate Names & Fixing Them! UtilityW When typing isnt the thing to do (importing names) ConvertW And we repeat... Make certain you have a backup of your data before running ConvertW Questions? Remember.. EVERY topic weve talked about Is in YOUR SM HELP GUIDE! ! ! Join us for a new webinar February 1, 1:00 central Socializing, ACEware Style ! Join us May 2-4, th Annual ACEware Users Conference at the Hilton Savannah DeSoto Scholarships are available with your paid support agreement