10 things you should not sell on ebay

10 Things you should not sell on eBay eBayStoreDesign ©ebaystoredesign.org

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10 Things you should not sell on

eBay eBayStoreDesign


eBay is an amazing eCommerce market where sellers can sell any variety of products & that is very true but on the contrary there are certain products that should not be sold on eBay. What happens when you sell such products on eBay? Read below


If you sell products that should not be sold on eBay you may. . . . . . .

Tarnish your reputation of being an eBay seller

Lose buyers to whom you sold these products

Undervalue products & make huge loss…..& so on


It is very simple that selling these items you are not going to earn a fortune. Ask them who are selling them currently. Why your buyer will buy a book or a CD from you when they can easily rent it from any local shop. You also need to invest a massive amount of cash after stocking these items in bulk quantity.

#1 Common product like Books, Audio/Video

CDs or DVDs, Games, Sample Software etc.


These products fall under perishable items category. Are

you going to ship a sauce bottle worth $5 by bearing a shipping cost of $10 or $8 to your buyer? Absolutely NO. Then it is better to leave these items to your local grocery stores. Durable products are good to go with.

#2 Grocery Products


You are planning to sell used or unwanted items on eBay because you don’t need them anymore. Make this very clear don’t use for a junkyard sale. eBay is for serious stuffs and things that are of no use to you then how they can be useful to your buyers.

Used clothes & electronic items are sold more under this category. You should stop doing this.

#3 Used/Unwanted Products


Products whose cost is immensely high, items that are big in size & shape, products that can create problems in shipping & delivery of the same etc falls under this category. If you are experienced in selling & shipping such items then it is good to go. But if you are planning to do so first gain some experience or do some research works.

High value products gain high return but these products accompanies high shipping freight & cost too.

#4 High Value Products


They are protected with copyright laws & eBay is too strict about them. Hence unless & until you are the owner of these intellectual properties, do not deal it with online.

#5 Intellectual properties


This category includes healthcare products, antique items that shall be preserved with utmost care, items that contains or coated with harmful chemicals like lead, etc. If you are planning to sell or already selling them do it with strict user manual.

#6 Products with short life span


Sellers tend to show smartness by selling damaged, under qualified or inferior goods at high price to buyers. But this is once in for all. And you will end up shutting your business for lifetime.

#7 Damaged Product


These products in any form are hazardous & shall not be sold online because you never know for what purpose they are bought & will be used.

#8 Explosive & flammable products


eBay does not permit to sell alcohol online hence even if you tend to do so you cannot.

#9 Alcoholic Beverages


Selling narcotic products online is itself against law & eBay or any other platform doesn’t support the same. You will be tried as per law pertaining to these products if you try to sell them directly or indirectly. Click the link to see the list: http://pages.ebay.com/help/policies/items-ov.html

#10 Narcotic Products


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