10 ways nolans mitigates - nolan business solutions | netsuite & … ways... · 2017-03-09 ·...

10 ways Nolan Business Solutions mitigates risks in NetSuite implementation projects A well organised, efficient and effective implementation project can bring a lot of success to a business, streamlining the business processes and freeing up time, and many hidden profits. However, when it comes to implementing software, it can go wrong; bad decisions can be made and there can be issues with the software, causing the project to fail and can result in losses for your business. Nolan Business Solutions can help you mitigate these risks by providing quality SaaS consultancy services pertaining to implementation projects, and this document will tell you exactly how Nolan Business Solutions removes the following threats to your projects. 1. Developer’s Track Record of Performance One of the reasons why implementation projects fail is because the developers of the software do not have the best track record, or maybe no record at all. It is important to go for a well-known and respected company that knows what they are doing. Europe: +44 1252 811663 [email protected] North & South America: +1 303 665 9343 [email protected] www.nolanbusinesssolutions.com Nolan Business Solutions have more than 25 years of software development experience, and has a team of developers, certified with the “NetSuite SuiteCloud Developer” accreditation. The developers have built modules for NetSuite, which have now been added as NetSuite core functionality, such as Fixed Asset Management. Nolan Business Solutions have also developed multiple solutions, named “SuiteApps”, which have passed NetSuite’s rigorous upgrade flexibility requirements, by being awarded the “Built for NetSuite” badge. These SuiteApps are now used by thousands of NetSuite users worldwide. Nolan Business Solutions has one of the best development teams to place your trust in to make your implementation project a success.

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Page 1: 10 ways Nolans mitigates - Nolan Business Solutions | NetSuite & … ways... · 2017-03-09 · Nolan Business Solutions is an international solution provider who has helped thousands

10 ways Nolan Business Solutions mitigates risks in NetSuite implementation projects

A well organised, e�cient and e�ective implementation project can bring a lot of success to a business, streamlining the business processes and freeing up time, and many hidden pro�ts. However, when it comes to implementing software, it can go wrong; bad decisions can be made and there can be issues with the software, causing the project to fail and can result in losses for your business.

Nolan Business Solutions can help you mitigate these risks by providing quality SaaS consultancy services pertaining to implementation projects, and this document will tell you exactly how Nolan Business Solutions removes the following threats to your projects.

1. Developer’s Track Record of Performance

One of the reasons why implementation projects fail is because the developers of the software do not have the best track record, or maybe no record at all. It is important to go for a well-known and respected company that knows what they are doing.

Europe: +44 1252 811663 [email protected] North & South America: +1 303 665 9343 [email protected]


Nolan Business Solutions have more than 25 years of software development experience, and has a team of developers, certi�ed with the “NetSuite SuiteCloud Developer” accreditation. The developers have built modules for NetSuite, which have now been added as NetSuite core functionality, such as Fixed Asset Management.

Nolan Business Solutions have also developed multiple solutions, named “SuiteApps”, which have passed NetSuite’s rigorous upgrade �exibility requirements, by being awarded the “Built for NetSuite” badge. These SuiteApps are now used by thousands of NetSuite users worldwide. Nolan Business Solutions has one of the best development teams to place your trust in to make your implementation project a success.

Page 2: 10 ways Nolans mitigates - Nolan Business Solutions | NetSuite & … ways... · 2017-03-09 · Nolan Business Solutions is an international solution provider who has helped thousands

3. Software’s ability to Fit Business Requirements

NetSuite’s standardised functionality, coupled by the ease of customisation of forms, reports and work�ows focus on your current and future business requirements. t is extremely capable and has a comprehensive range of functionality spanning most business requirements.

These include Marketing, eCommerce, CRM, ERP, Customer Service, Project Management, Employee Expenses and Timesheets.

Software that cannot carry out all functions that you require to successfully complete your day-to-day processes and dealings will result in company ine�ciency and failure. What is needed is a well-rounded, comprehensive and well-integrated solution to improve all aspects of your business.

Nolan Business Solutions o�erings comprise of a wide array of functionality that spans all areas of your business; including marketing, sales, �nance, customer relationship, support, eCommerce and inventory management. Nolan Business Solutions are experts at developing

solutions to complex business process or �nancial requirements and work�ows.

When implementing new software you may be faced with confusion and issues, and it will take some getting used to. A software solutions �rm must be able to provide an adequate amount of support and training to clients with the expertise to help optimise the NetSuite experience.

Nolan Business Solutions provides the clients with impeccable customer support and training which results in annual renewals by the customer. Nolan Business Solutions employs a knowl-edgeable NetSuite support and consultancy team that has experience in identifying and solv-

ing the issues within the agreed SLA.

Europe: +44 1252 811663 [email protected] North & South America: +1 303 665 9343 [email protected]


2. Support and Training Provided by Experienced Sta�

Page 3: 10 ways Nolans mitigates - Nolan Business Solutions | NetSuite & … ways... · 2017-03-09 · Nolan Business Solutions is an international solution provider who has helped thousands

4. Software’s ability to Work with Existing Hardware

If your software has compatibility issues with your existing hardware, it might mean investing in new hardware and infrastructure just to make the software work, resulting in higher costs.

However, NetSuite is hardware independent, which means you not only do not need to purchase or update any software, but you will also have no need to back up your data or spend money on maintenance and infrastructure upgrades to avoid technical problems.

This results in a lot of savings. All you need is a web browser, and you’re good to go. The beauty of the system is in its accessibility anytime, from anywhere and from any device.

5. Software Cost

The software that frees up your sta� and helps improve e�ciency can end up costing more than expected, which can result in losses in the company.

While Nolan’s NetSuite solutions o�er a vast range of utilities that encompass all facets of your business; including marketing, sales, �nance, eCommerce and many more, you only pay for the user’s licenses you need. This means the solution can be used for any number of users between 2 and a 1000 and is completely scalable to suit your requirements.

Therefore, the total cost of ownership is reduced as there is no payment for hard-ware purchase, maintenance, upgrades or backups.

Moving your information systems to the cloud also reduces your business’ carbon footprint and energy bill. Did you know a typical server uses between 500-1200 watts of electricity per hour according to ehow.com. If you assume the average is 850 watts and multiply it by 24 that is 20,400 watts per day, or 20.4Kwh. Multiply that by 365 days a year for 7,446 Kwh per year, a Kwh costs on average around 10p, making £744.60 per year server just in electricity. Multiply this by multiple servers and multiple years and you can see how quickly the cost savings stack up.

Europe: +44 1252 811663 [email protected] North & South America: +1 303 665 9343 [email protected]


Page 4: 10 ways Nolans mitigates - Nolan Business Solutions | NetSuite & … ways... · 2017-03-09 · Nolan Business Solutions is an international solution provider who has helped thousands

6. Implementation

Di�culty in implementing software can result in a waste of time and inconvenience to you and your sta�, standing in the way of a successful implementation project.

Nolan Business Solutions consultants are specialists in the �eld and have expert knowledge and experience. The RAPID implementation approach adopted by Nolan Business Solutions reduces implementation time and removes the risks involved in the process of implementation.

Furthermore, NetSuite itself is very intuitive, which makes it more acceptable and adaptable to new users and makes training easy.

Europe: +44 1252 811663 [email protected] North & South America: +1 303 665 9343 [email protected]


7. Quality of Documentation

Low quality documentation, such as user manuals and test scripts cannot provide you with the proper means of utilising the software to your maximum bene�t.

Nolan Business Solutions and its RAPID implementation approach ensures that you are provided with quality user documentation during and after the implementation.

These documents include user test scripts, trainer manuals, user notes, support notes and an online help centre. Plus, NetSuite’s help centre and Suite Answers together give you a comprehensive library of documents and videos to answer all of you speci�c queries.

NetSuite’s online documentation has been built up since the service �rst launched in 1998 and is a testament to the maturity and comprehensive nature of the solution.

Page 5: 10 ways Nolans mitigates - Nolan Business Solutions | NetSuite & … ways... · 2017-03-09 · Nolan Business Solutions is an international solution provider who has helped thousands

8. Functionality of Software

Software can lack in functionality, making your implementation projects fail.

Nolan Business Solutions RAPID implementation approach consists of an analysis phase which seeks to compare the needs of your business with the features and functions provided by its NetSuite solutions to identify any discrepancies.

Nolan Business Solutions highly experienced development and consultancy teams seek to �ll these gaps and remove the discrepancies to achieve maximum functionality that �t your speci�c needs.

9. Ease of Use

To be successful, any software needs to be easy to use. No matter how much functionality you pack in, if it is too complicated, it becomes ine�ectual. Since NetSuite is an online software service which is meant to be used from various devices, its interface is highly intuitive and its forms, reports, work�ows and programs are speci�cally built to adapt to any screen, time frame and situation.

This is unlike most other ERP and CRM systems which are later adapted to the internet rather than being written for it from the ground up.

Europe: +44 1252 811663 [email protected] North & South America: +1 303 665 9343 [email protected]


Page 6: 10 ways Nolans mitigates - Nolan Business Solutions | NetSuite & … ways... · 2017-03-09 · Nolan Business Solutions is an international solution provider who has helped thousands

10. Growth Potential of Software

A great strength of any software is to grow with your business. If you have to completely make-over your software solutions every time you expand, this will drastically increase your long term costs and would be counter- productive in the long run.

NetSuite is highly scalable and can be adjusted according to the size of your �rm. Some Nolan Business Solutions clients have increased their user count over the years and expanded to more than 40 countries, while still using the same original NetSuite solution. Implementing software changes and solutions can be a di�cult and complicated task for any business, but it is the only way to progress in today’s fast paced world. These solutions are meant to lower your costs, improve e�ciency, save time and e�ort and thus increasing your pro�t margin.

Nolan Business Solutions is set out to support business growth by providing intelligent solu-tions utilising a scalable platform.Nolan Business Solutions o�ers just this in its NetSuite solutions, making sure you have access to the right software that neatly falls into place with you diverse business needs.

Europe: +44 1252 811663 [email protected] North & South America: +1 303 665 9343 [email protected]


Nolan Business Solutions is an international solution provider who has helped thousands of companies solve their business problems by implementing leading mid-market business systems and custom developed software applications for over 25 years.

Nolan Business Solutions is a unique Microsoft Dynamics GP and NetSuite solution provider with the ability to deliver standard and customised ehancements, as well as straightforward out-of-the-box or cloud installations for both products. Our well-know add-on solutions are designed to enhance the standard funtionality of NetSuite and Microsoft Dynamics GP. Our ability to deliver proven on-premise, as well as Software as a Service (SaaS) bespoke functionality and world-renowned add-ons makes us stand out from the crowd.