1001 encinitas blvd. encinitas, ca...

Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm (Spanish) and 5:00pm Daily Monday - Saturday 8:00am Rosary Daily, after morning Mass Novena Tuesday, after morning Mass Perpetual Adoration 24 hours Sacrament of Penance Saturday 3:30pm - 4:30pm and 6:00pm - 7:00pm Vocation Holy Hour 1st Friday, 8:00am Mass Baptism and Marriage Please call Parish Office 1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828 Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118 Saint John School : 760 944-8227 [email protected] www.saintjohnencinitas.org Pastor Father Brian Corcoran Associate Pastor Father Joseph Freeman Pastor Emeritus Monsignor Timothy Harnett Deacon Bob Beiner School Principal Dan Schuh Music Director Julie Marner

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Page 1: 1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828saintjohnencinitas.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/390000-11-25-2012.pdfNov 25, 2012  · Our Junior High ‘Faithways’ classes resume

Saturday 5:00pm

Sunday 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm (Spanish) and 5:00pm

Daily Monday - Saturday 8:00am

Rosary Daily, after morning Mass

Novena Tuesday, after morning Mass

Perpetual Adoration 24 hours

Sacrament of Penance Saturday 3:30pm - 4:30pm and 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Vocation Holy Hour 1st Friday, 8:00am Mass

Baptism and Marriage Please call Parish Office

1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828 Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118

Saint John School : 760 944-8227 [email protected] www.saintjohnencinitas.org

Pastor Father Brian Corcoran Associate Pastor Father Joseph Freeman

Pastor Emeritus Monsignor Timothy Harnett Deacon Bob Beiner School Principal Dan Schuh Music Director Julie Marner

Page 2: 1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828saintjohnencinitas.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/390000-11-25-2012.pdfNov 25, 2012  · Our Junior High ‘Faithways’ classes resume

Page 2 Saint John the Evangelist November 25, 2012

“Wherever God rules over the human heart as king, there is the kingdom of God established!” ... This last Sunday of the liturgical year we cele-brate the feast of Christ the King, challenging our loyalties. “Long live Christ the King!” ... Our Knights of Columbus have great Christmas trees for sale on our lower parking lot, weekdays from 5:00pm to 8:00pm, Saturdays from 8:00am to 8:00pm, and Sundays from 10:00am to 8:00pm, beginning this Friday (30). All the proceeds go to charity. Quality trees at affordable prices! ... Our Saint John School families have their special ‘Barnes and Noble Night’ this Thursday (29), from 4:00pm to 8:00pm. ... Also this Thursday (29), join us for a special Ad-vent Taize Service, at 7:00pm in the church. Come, listen to Scripture, pray in silence, and sing, as we welcome the season of Advent. Special! ... Our Saint John School Christmas Boutique is on Tuesday (4), from 10:00am to 3:00pm, with over 25 vendors under one roof, in the Hall! Great gifts and gift ideas to be had! And maybe even a photo with Santa! All are welcome! ... Our Religious Ed classes for 1 - 6 continue this Monday (26) at 4:15pm and 6:30pm. For more info give Ann McGinnis a call at 760 436-0664. ... Our Junior High ‘Faithways’ classes resume on Monday (26), at 6:30pm. For info, Nicole at 760 753-4279 or [email protected] ... Confirmation sessions continue Tuesday (27). For info, contact Isaac at 760 753-3679 or e-mail [email protected] ... Liz Beiner and our great RCIA team welcome adults who are interested in becoming Catholic. Join them each Wednesday at 7:00pm in the Hall! ... On Sunday (18), 78 of our youth served 307 deli-cious Pancake Breakfasts, and raised $1,282.00 to-wards their ‘House for a Needy Family in Tijuana’ project! So far, $2,660.00 of their $8,450.00 goal has been raised! More pancakes! ... Have you scheduled your appointment to have your photo taken for our Parish Book? We have 194 appointments so far. Opportunities are now available on Friday (14), Saturday (15) and Sun-day (16), and again from Wednesday (26) to Satur-day, January 12. Please be part of our Book. To schedule your appointment, stop by the Gazebo, or stop-by or call the Parish Office at 760 753-6254 or visit www.saintjohnencinitas.org

... Our Altar Society is hosting their Advent Retreat on Saturday (1), from 8:30am to 12:00pm, in the Hall. The presenter is Mary Jo Waggoner, Director of Evangelization and Catechetical Ministry of our San Diego Diocese. The theme is ‘Journey of Be-coming’. To RSVP, call Jan at 760 944-9655 or Anne at 760 943-8598. ... Corporate Communion for our Altar Society members is this Sunday (2) at 9:00am Mass. ... $17,236.07 was contributed last weekend (18) with 471 families using parish envelopes. A further $3,870.00 was contributed online! ... How about signing-up for ‘Online Giving’? It’s safe, secure and easy. Just go to our website, and ‘click’ on ‘Online Giving’, and away you go! 185 families now contribute online! ... 365 families contributed a total of $9,516.00 to-wards Hurricane Relief on the East coast, and it has been forwarded to Catholic Charities to assist in their endeavor there. Thank you! ... All children in 2nd Grade through 6th Grade are invited to be part of the special choir for our 6:00pm Children’s Christmas Eve Mass. There are just three rehearsals, with the first one on Tuesday (4), 6:00pm to 7:00pm, in the church. Julie Marner would be happy to hear from you at 760 753-6254 or by e-mail at [email protected] ... Each Christmas, Saint John parishioners seek to assist needy families from our midst with baskets of food and toys. Donations of food and toys are again needed and most welcome. See the insert in today’s bulletin for suggestions and watch for the boxes at the back of the church. ... If you are aware of a family in need of assistance this Christmas please complete a Basket Applica-tion Form on their behalf, at the Parish Office. ... Remember to lend your financial support to our Annual Collection for the National Needs of the Church to assist our Black and Indian Missions, our Catholic Home Missions, the Catholic Communica-tions Campaign, the Campaign for Human Develop-ment, which does great work among the poor, and our National Catholic University. Please use the special envelopes provided! ... The First Sunday of Advent is the beginning of the new liturgical year and a renewed welcome for Christ! That’s this Sunday (2). “Come Lord Jesus!” ... “Gratitude is the attitude of beatitude!” Happy Thanksgiving!

Page 3: 1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828saintjohnencinitas.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/390000-11-25-2012.pdfNov 25, 2012  · Our Junior High ‘Faithways’ classes resume

Page 3 Saint John the Evangelist November 25, 2012

MASS INTENTIONS Saturday November 24 5:00pm Parishioners Sunday Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November 25 Dn 7:13-14; Rv 1:5-8; Jn 18:33-37 7:30am Special Intention 9:00am Keith Reader † Krish Maharaj † 10:30am John Maxwell † Patrick and Lydia Enright † 12:00pm Ester Estevez † Maria Diaz-Enriquez † 5:00pm Kathleen Scharbarth † Monday Rv 14:1-5; Lk 21:1-4 November 26 8:00am Mike Ramirez † Tuesday Rv 14:14-19; Lk 21:5-11 November 27 8:00am Louis Robinson † Mary Jane Chianta † Wednesday Rv 15:1-4; Lk 21:12-19 November 28 8:00am Julio Portilla Blancas † Bobbie Basil † Thursday Rv 18:1-23; 19:1-9; Lk 21:20-28 November 29 8:00am Joan Sielaff † Friday Saint Andrews November 30 Rom 10:9-18; Mt 4:18-22 8:00am Kleniens Roston † Saturday Rv 22:1-7; Lk 21:34-36 December 1 8:00am Al Walcott † 5:00pm Special Intention Sunday First Sunday of Advent December 2 Jer 33:14-16; 1 Thes 3:12 - 4:2; Lk 21:25-36 7:30am Parishioners Special Intention 9:00am Keith Shrader † 10:30am Antonio Gangale † 12:00pm Maria and Roberto Garza † Ester Estevez † 5:00pm Mike Ramirez †

We pray for our sick and deceased at daily Mass.

Please Keep in Your Prayers Martha Amador, Maggie Bacook, Christopher Blake, Emily Booth, Rebecca Boyle, Francis Brady, Hayley Brown, Hudson Bryan, Mitch Caudle, Steven Cipriano, Peggi Comiskey, Norma Connors, Bill Cowan, Rob Crewse, Teresa Dotts, Carolyn Dyer, Mary Ferko, Mel Gregory, Roxane Geisler, Carol Goohs, Hiram Gon-zalez, Lola Hannah, Phyllis Petrella-Head, John Holeva, Maria Jaque, Kathleen Jones, Lauren and Rylee John-son, Ella Kras, Eva King, Madeline Link, Tom McCabe, Ronan Nelson, Patricia Pidgeon, W. Blaine Phillips, Frank Prior, Ashley Ray, Dan Ryan, Chip Stanczak, Mi-chael Seley, T.J. Steer, Kay Solensen, Maeve Taafe, Rich-ard Templin, George Terris, Derek Thomas, Kassidy Thomas, Grant Waller and Patricia Wanket.

Youth Ministry Classes continue today (25)

For more info, contact Isaac at 760 753-3679 or [email protected]

Religious Education Monday (26) at 6:30pm Sacramental Prep I

and Family Meeting II Mondays Grades 1-6 at 4:15pm and 6:30pm

For more info, call Ann at 760 436-0664 [email protected] Sunday Morning Preschool

For children ages 3 - 5, on Sundays, at the School. Drop-off starts at 8:50am. Mom and Dad can pick-up after the 9:00am Mass. For info, call

760 436-0664

Children’s Liturgy of the Word Dismissal for Children’s Liturgy of the Word takes place during the Sunday 9:00am Mass.

Children in Grades K-5 are encouraged to participate in this special celebration of the Word.

Jr. High Faithways Mondays 6:30 - 7:45pm

For more info, Nicole 760 753- 4279 [email protected]

Perpetual Adoration

Volunteers are needed for Tuesday 12:00pm (noon),

Wednesday 4:00am, 11:00am, 9:00pm Thursday 10:00pm,

Sunday 12:00am, Saturday 1:00pm Ken Poggenburg 760 635-2573

Lupe Cardona (Sp) 760 753-7784

Help capture the history of Saint John Parish!

To schedule, change or cancel your appointment to be a part of our

Parish Pictorial Album Call the Parish Office at 760 753-6254

or visit our website at www.saintjohnencinitas.org

Altar Society Advent Retreat Saturday, December (1) “Journey of Becoming”

With guest Speaker Mary Jo Waggoner from the Diocese of San Diego.

For more info and registration please call, Jan 760 944-9655 or Anne 760 943-8598

Page 4: 1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828saintjohnencinitas.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/390000-11-25-2012.pdfNov 25, 2012  · Our Junior High ‘Faithways’ classes resume

Page 4 Saint John the Evangelist November 25, 2012

Remember to patronize our advertisers for making the bulletin possible. Thank you!

November Infant Baptisms Ryan Bay, Logan Pizarro,

Nadia Garcia, Mauel Garcia, Santiago Gallardo, Carolina Gregorio

Welcome to our family of faith!

Register as a parishioner Online! Visit our website

www.saintjohnencinitas.org and click on “Registration” For more info, please call the Parish Office 760 753-6254

“Building the whole child in preparation for kindergarten” Now accepting Applications for Lambs and Doves

Preschool Director Megan Bresee 760 634-1522

[email protected]

Saint John Preschool

Music Ministry Share your talents!

Please contact our Music Director Julie Marner at 760 753-6254

Saint John School Pre-School - Grade 8

Principal : Dan Schuh 760 944-8227

Wednesday (28) at 6:30pm 1st Reconciliation Mtg

Thursday (29) Barnes and Noble Night “YES” TO THE KING

The Church crowns the year of grace, its liturgical year, with the solemnity of Christ the King. We could assume that a celebration of this magnitude would provide us with an easy, clear presentation of who Christ is and who he calls us to be. But this feast flings the paradoxes of Christ’s kingship in our face. Is Christ all-powerful? Is he the Messiah, the Anointed of God? Is he a victim, powerless in the hands of mortal rulers? Is he dead on the cross? Is he alive in the splendor of eternal light? Is the inscription above his head true? Is he Shepherd or slaughtered lamb? The answer is “Yes.” What may be even more difficult is that we have also answered “Yes” to following this complex, paradoxical King who reigns from the cross of death, who upsets our expectations and challenges us to upset many of the expectations of the world around us. But before we despair of being able to sustain the difficulty of this mission, we are also strengthened by Paul’s words to the Colossians. We are reminded that if we keep our eyes fixed on the cross, the throne of Christ, we will also find and know the source of our reconciliation, our peace, and our hope to join him, sharing the inheritance of the holy ones in light everlasting.

Christmas Eve 6:00pm Children’s Choir

All children in Grades 2 through 8 are welcome to sing at the 6:00pm Mass on Monday, December 24

Rehearsals will be in the church from 6:00pm to 7:00pm on

Tuesday, December 4, Tuesday, December 11 and

Tuesday, December 18

For more info, contact our Music Director, Julie Marner at [email protected]

Knights of Columbus Present:

Fresh Christmas Tree Sale

Starting Friday, November 30

Lot Hours: Weekdays 5:00pm to 8:00pm Saturdays 8:00am to 8:00pm Sundays 10:00am to 8:00pm

Saint John lower parking lot

Taizé Service Join us on Thursday (29) at 7:00pm

Advent Taizé Service

Come listen to Scripture, pray in silence and sing as we welcome the season of Advent.

A great way to know God’s presence in our midst!

For more info contact, our Music Director, Julie Marner at 760 753-6254 or [email protected]

All are welcome!

Adults wishing to learn more about the Catholic faith! Wednesday (28) at 7:00pm For more info, Liz Beiner at 760 753-6254

Page 5: 1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828saintjohnencinitas.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/390000-11-25-2012.pdfNov 25, 2012  · Our Junior High ‘Faithways’ classes resume

Page 5 Saint John the Evangelist November 25, 2012

CRISTO REY La selección del libro de Daniel para la primera lectura de hoy forma parte de un intento de tejer una visión del éxito final de los judíos perseguidos.

Exactamente qué tenía el autor en mente cuando se refiere a “uno semejante a un Hijo de hombre” es muy disputado por los eruditos de hoy. El hecho es que, simplemente, no sabemos si el autor quiso decir a alguien en particular o si se trata de una

imagen colectiva, figurativa del triunfo de Israel. Lo que sí sabemos es que la primera comunidad cristiana se apoderó de este pasaje y lo reconoció como una profecía mesiánica, un anuncio de la victoria final de Jesús como el Cristo de Dios. El contraste que hace el leccionario de este texto con la narrativa del Evangelio de hoy de Jesús ante Pilato es un maravilloso ejemplo de cómo la liturgia da a ciertos pasajes nuevas “capas” de significado mediante la inserción en un contexto particular. La celebración de Cristo Rey nos permite escuchar estos pasajes con una nueva profundidad de significado a la luz de nuestra comprensión contemporánea de cómo, en Jesús y su Resurrección y Ascensión, hemos visto el cumplimiento de la visión de Daniel de la liberación final. La admisión velada de Jesús ante Pilato que, efectivamente, él tenía un reino pero “no aquí” toma un nuevo significado con la visión cósmica de Daniel sirviendo de fondo, que nos permite vislumbrar al “Anciano” en su trono celestial.


En 1917 México recibió una nueva Constitución en la cual se estableció una política de intolerancia religiosa, especialmente en contra de la Iglesia Católica Romana. Con el pasar de los años las normas anticlericales fueron puestas en vigor hasta el punto que algunos mexicanos piadosos y cristianos decidieron defender su religión. En marzo de 1925 estos mexicanos católicos fundaron la Liga Nacional para la Defensa de la Libertad Religiosa, en el mismo mes en que el papa Pío XI proclama la Fiesta de Cristo Rey, celebrada el último domingo del año litúrgico. Inspirados por el grito de “¡Viva Cristo Rey!”, los fieles se convirtieron en Cristeros, muchos de los cuales dieron su vida por Cristo, demostrando así que Jesús es verdaderamente el Rey de sus vidas. La Cristiada duró sólo tres años en México y muchos sacerdotes, religiosas, religiosos, laicas y laicos dieron su vida para la gloria de Cristo Rey en México. Con el tiempo muchos cristianos y cristianas han debido repetir el martirio de los Cristeros en países de Centro y Sudamérica. El siglo XX derramó mucha sangre cristiana en Latinoamérica.

“¡Viva Cristo Rey!”

Itinerario de los rosarios

en honor de la

Virgen de Guadalupe



Las clases son los viernes, de 6:00pm a 7:30pm En los salones de la escuela de San Juan

Si tienen preguntas llamen al 760 436-4366

Lunes (26) Familia Anguiano 760 753-6186

471 Col Ranh Encinitas

Martes (27) Familia Garcia 760 753-0834

855 Del Rio, Encinitas

Miércoles (28) Sra. Margarita 760 473-1605

242 Village Run West, Encinitas

Jueves (29) Jeni Pino 760 757-4068

308 Country Wood Ln, Encinitas

Viernes (30) Eva Martinez 760 436-3037

315 Hickory Hill Dr., Encinitas

Sábado (01) Janeth 760 942-0385

1201 North Vulcan #3, Encinitas

Page 6: 1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828saintjohnencinitas.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/390000-11-25-2012.pdfNov 25, 2012  · Our Junior High ‘Faithways’ classes resume

Page 6 Saint John the Evangelist November 25, 2012

Religious Education Saint John School Dan Schuh 760 944-8227 Religious Education Ann McGinnis 760 436-0664 ‘Faithways’ Junior-High Nicole Steele 760 753-4279 Youth Ministry Isaac Deken 760 753-3679 Hispanic Ministry Mary Moran 760 436-4366 Music Ministry Julie Marner 760 753-6254

Adult Faith R.C.I.A Liz Beiner 760 753-6254 Perpetual Adoration Ken Poggenburg 760 635-2573 Perpetual Adoration (Spanish) Lupe Cardona 760 753-7784 Centering Prayer Shirley Shetula 760 436-6721

Organizations Altar Society Janice Behler 760 274-6298 Boy Scouts Mike Yokoyama 760 632-9055 Catholic Men’s Fellowship Jessy Quezada 760 753-6254 Culture of Life James Wagner 760 753-6254 Guadalupañas Olivia Reynaga 760 753-5230 Holy Name Robb Skinner 951 970-8602 Knights of Columbus Gary Barthel 760 944-7883 Saint Vincent de Paul Sandra Watson 760 753-3056 Seniors Nettie March 760 753-6254

WELCOME Welcome to all who celebrate with us.

Please let us know how we can assist you.

I would like to register as a parishioner of Saint John the Evangelist.

My address has changed.

Please fill out the information below:

NAME: _________________________________

ADDRESS: ______________________________

CITY/ZIP: _______________________________

PHONE #: _______________________________

EMAIL: _________________________________

Please place completed form in the Collection Basket or return to the Parish Office.

Thank you!