101 books to read_exclusive books

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Post on 26-Oct-2014




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101 Books to read before you die31/101

The Lord of the Rings J.R.R. Tolkien The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee The Harry Potter series JK Rowling The Poisonwood Bible Barbara Kingsolver The Alchemist Paulo Coelho Life of Pi Yann Martel The Da Vinci Code Dan Brown The God of Small Things Arundhati Roy Memoirs of a Geisha Arthur Golden Spud John van de Ruit The Power of One Bryce Courtenay The Hobbit J.R.R. Tolkien Captain Corellis Mandolin Louis de Bernieres Shantaram Gregory David Roberts Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Douglas Adams One Hundred Years of Solitude Gabriel Garcia Marquez Disgrace J. M. Coetzee My Sisters Keeper Jodi Picoult The Time Travellers Wife Audrey Niffenegger Birdsong Sebastian Faulks Catch-22 Joseph Heller Pillars of the Earth Ken Follett Gone with the Wind Margaret Mitchell Cry, the Beloved Country Alan Paton The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald A Fine Balance Rohinton Mistry The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time Mark

H Haddon Great Expectations Charles Dickens Atonement Ian McEwan Atlas Shrugged Ayn Rand The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck The English Patient Michael Ondaatje Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy Midnights Children Salman Rushdie Love in the Time of Cholera Gabriel Garcia Marquez The Shadow of the Wind Carlos Ruiz Zafon I Know This Much is True Wally Lamb A Suitable Boy Vikram Seth Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell War And Peace Leo Tolstoy Clan of the Cave Bear Jean M. Auel The Unbearable Lightness of Being Milan Kundera The Little Prince Antoine de Saint-Exupery The Secret History Donna Tartt Possession A. S. Byatt Perfume Patrick Suskind The House of the Spirits Isabel Allende Chocolat Joanne Harris The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency Alexander McCall Smith Q & A Vikas Swarup Dune Frank Herbert Wind in the Willows Kenneth Grahame Fugitive Pieces Anne Michaels River God Wilbur Smith Little Women Louisa May Alcott Lord of the Flies William Golding The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe C.S. Lewis Mort Terry Pratchett Crime and Punishment Feodor Dostoyevsky The Blind Assassin Margaret Atwood East of Eden John Steinbeck The Name of the Rose Umberto Eco

The Other Boleyn Girl Philippa Gregory The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas John Boyne The Prince of Tides Pat Conroy Rebecca Daphne du Maurier Bridget Jones Diary Helen Fielding The Shipping News E. Annie Proulx Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carroll Animal Farm George Orwell The Red Tent Anita Diamant Watership Down Richard Adams Magician Raymond E Feist Middlemarch George Eliot The Day of the Jackal Frederick Forsyth We Need to Talk About Kevin Lionel Shriver The Magus John Fowles The Remains of the Day Kazuo Ishiguro Agaat Marlene van Niekerk The Count of Monte Cristo Alexandre Dumas The Shell Seekers Rosamunde Pilcher The Colour Purple Alice Walker The Beach House James Patterson Doctor Zhivago Boris Pasternak Kringe in n Bos Dalene Matthee The World according to Garp John Irving Northen Lights Phillip Pullman Middlesex Jeffrey Eugenides Shades Marguerite Poland Kane and Abel Jeffrey Archer Fiela se kind Dalene Matthee Story of an African Farm Olive Schreiner Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Roald Dahl The Magic Faraway Tree Enid Blyton Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe Winnie-the-Pooh A.A. Milne