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大學入學考試中心高中英語聽力測驗參考試卷 2(103 年 )

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一、看圖辨義:第一部分(單選題) • 說明︰第 1 題至第 4 題,每題有四幅圖畫。請仔細觀察各圖畫,並聆聽語音播出的試題,根據試題內容選出最符合題意的圖畫選項,並將答案畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」,每題播放一次。

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(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Q1: A young man has just finished playing basketball. He is buying a Cola from a vending machine.

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(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Q2: A father is holding a little boy while the nurse is giving the boy a shot.

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(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Q3: Two male students are getting into a fight with each other. A woman is trying to stop them.

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(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Q4: Today is Friday, April 15, and it's now four thirty p.m.

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一、看圖辨義:第二部分(多選題) • 說明︰第 5 題至第 10 題為多選題,每題配有一幅圖畫,請仔細觀察圖畫並聆聽試題,從聽到的 4 個選項中選出最符合圖意的 2個答案,並將答案畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」,每題播放一次。各題之選項獨立判定,所有選項均答對者,得該題題分;答錯 1 個選項者,得該題一半題分;答錯多於 1 個選項或所有選項均未作答者,該題以零分計算。

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Q5: Which two of the following are true about the man in the picture?(A) He's having a job interview. (B) He's worried about an upcoming test(C) He's enjoying talking to a customer(D) He's working as a clerk in a store

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6Q6: Which two of the following are true about the banned items?(A) All American high schools ban comic books.(B) Comic books are the number one banned item. (C) More schools ban cell phones than earrings. (D) More than 50 percent of American high schools ban cosmetics.

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Q7: Which two of the following are true about the woman in the picture?(A) She's pressing an elevator button. (B) She's admiring herself in the mirror. (C) She's standing all by herself. (D) She's wearing a skirt.

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Q8: Which two of the following are true about the summer program?(A) It was held at Korea University. (B) It lasted more than two months. (C) It included one hundred four thousand courses.(D) It invited sixty world famous professors.

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Q9: Which two of the following are true about the departures?(A) The flight to New York departs at 14:50.(B) The flight to Hong Kong departs at 15:10(C) The flight to Madrid departs from gate 24.(D) The flight to Amsterdam departs from gate 15.

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Q10: Which two of the following have the least influence on teens' money management?(A) Media.(B) Friends.(C) Teachers.(D) Parents.

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二、對答 • 說明:第 11 題至第 20 題,共 10 題,皆為單題。請聽語音播出的一個問句或直述句後,依試題本所列的選項,選出一個最適當的回應選項,並將答案畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」,每題播放一次。

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(A) I got a 90.(B) I surely will.(C) Math is my favorite subject.(D) The math test was on Monday.

Q11: How did your English test go last week?

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(A) Sorry. I don’t get it.(B) Thank you. I got it at a garage sale.(C) OK. I will stay away from the window.(D) Jack is in his room getting ready to go to bed.

Q12: You look so cool in that jacket. Where did you get it?

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(A) It’s cold in here.(B) I forgot to open it. (C) We are close friends.(D) She didn’t know why.

Q13: Why did you close the window?

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(A) Thanks, but I’m afraid I can’t.(B) Oh, yes. I enjoyed it a lot.(C) Yes. I can’t agree with you more.(D) Why not? I have a lot of homework to do.

Q14: Sue and I are going to the movies. Would you like to join us?

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(A) Me too.(B) Never mind.(C) I like to get up early.(D) What day is today?

Q15: I think I'm getting to like English day by day.

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(A) No. Not at all.(B) Sure. How may I help you? (C) Sorry. What’s going on here?(D) Okay. I have a question for you.

Q16: excuse me. Can I ask some questions about your summer program?

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(A) Yes, I must get some sleep.(B) Well, I have to do my homework.(C) Yeah, I need to take a quick shower.(D) Right, I’m going to play basketball.

Q17: You look so sweaty. Have you been playing basketball?

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(A) Yes. Jenny says the signature is fake.(B) There’re always posters on the wall. (C) Right. She was protesting the tuition increase. (D) Jenny is holding Bob’s hand.

Q18: I saw Jenny holding a sign out in front of the school.

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(A) He’ll focus on British Literature.(B) He’s the best speaker on our campus.(C) His presentation was completely off topic.(D) He’s the spokesperson for the university.

Q19: What topic would Professor Brown speak on tonight?

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(A) How about taking a trip abroad?(B) Meet the demands of your clients.(C) Just plan ahead and manage your time well.(D) Listen carefully to others’ presentations.

Q20: The course is very demanding. It requires one term paper, one take-home exam, and two oral presentations.

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三、簡短對話 • 說明:第 21 題至第 30 題,共 10 題,含單題及題組。第 21 題至第 24 題,各為單題;第 25 題至第 30 題,每兩題為一題組。請聽語音播出一段對話和相關的問題,依試題本所列的選項,選出一個最適當的選項,並將答案畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」,每題(組)播放一次。

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第 21題(A) 8:00 PM. (B) Sunday night.(C) In the cinema.(D) At the train station.

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M: Janice, would you like to go to a movie with me this weekend?F: Yeah, I'd love to. I'm busy most of the day Saturday. But Saturday night is fine. M: Great. How about we meet at the west exit of the train station at 8 o'clock. We can walk down to the cinema from there.F: Sure. That sounds great. Bye, Bob.Q21: Where will Janice and Bob meet?

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第 22題(A) She works as a fashion model.(B) She is fluent in several languages.(C) She is a native speaker of Japanese.(D) She enjoys traveling around the world.

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M: Who is your role model, Marie?F: Ms. Wang, of course. She's a real polyglot. M: A polyglot? What do you mean?F: Well, you know. She's a native speaker of Mandarin Chinese. But she speakers French, German, Spanish, Polish, and Russian, equally fluently.Q22: Which of the following descriptions is true about Ms. Wang?

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第 23題(A) The man made the soup without using a cookbook.(B) The man missed several important steps in the recipe.(C) The woman enjoyed the soup to her heart’s content.(D) The woman didn’t think the soup was salty enough.

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M: Holly, how did you like the soup?F: It tastes like something is missing. M: But I followed every step of the recipe. What could've gone wrong?F: It's actually not that bad, considering this is the first time you made it. A little bit of salt and pepper would add more flavorQ23: Which of the following is true about this conversation?

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第 24題(A) Larry is Joan’s teacher.(B) Larry and Joan are in a PE class.(C) Larry doesn’t have the handout with him.(D) Larry didn’t get the handout from Ms. Norman.

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F1: Good morning, class. Let's continue our discussion on the issue of global warming. Does everyone have the handout I gave you last week?F2: Yes, Mrs. Norman.M: Hmm, I forgot to bring mine. Maybe I could share yours, Joan?F2: No problem, Larry.Q24: What can be inferred from the conversation?

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(A) How to feed your dog. (B) How to train your dog.(C) How to reward your dog.(D) How to get to know your dog.

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(A) It’s not good to train your dog too early. (B) Avoid giving too many rewards to your dog.(C) It’s very important to be strict with your dog.(D) Building a sense of achievement in your dog is important.

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第 25 、 26 題為題組 F: Your dog is really cute and well-behaved. When did you start training him?M: When he was still a puppy. F: That's really early.M: Well, it's never too early to train your dog. The training sessions are very important.F: How long should the training sessions last?M: Try to keep them short, consistent, and fun. You can start with easy commands so that your dog can learn then easily. He also gets a sense of achievement. F: Right, that's important. Should I give him lots of rewards?M: Definitely. Make sure he knows he's doing a great job. And in the end, he will enjoy the training sessions. F: Anything else I should know?M: Be patient and realistic. It takes time for your puppy to get used to your commands. But you'll find the training sessions very rewarding afterwards.Q25: What is this conversation about?Q26: According to the conversation, which of the following is true?

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(A) It’s fifty degrees.(B) It’s extremely cold.(C) It has warmed up a bit.(D) It’s raining cats and dogs.

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(A) Right away.(B) In half an hour.(C) After the woman’s shower.(D) When they have warmed up.

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第 27 、 28 題為題組 F: Hi, Stewart, I'm back. Where are you?M: Hi, there. I'm in the kitchen, Sophie. I hope you're hungry. F: I'm absolutely starving. I'm freezing, too. Do you know how cold it is outside? M: No idea. I've been working at home all day and haven't been out. F: My fingers feel like that they are about to drop off. It must be minus 15 at least. Gosh, I really hate February. So, what's for dinner?M: I fixed us some spaghetti. That will warm you up a bit. F: Oh, great. That exactly what I need right now. Is it ready or do I have time for a quick shower first?M: It'll be on the table in a moment. F: I hoped you'll say that. Q27: What's the weather like outside?Q28: When is the couple going to eat their dinner?

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(A) Oil shortages.(B) Climate change.(C) Water resources.(D) Business management.

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(A) He missed an interesting talk Tuesday night.(B) He is busy with his research on climate change.(C) He just finished a report on population increases.(D) He enjoyed attending Professor Johnson’s lecture.

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第 29 、 30 題為題組 F: Chris, did you go Professor Johnson's lecture Tuesday night?M: I wish I could have. But I've been busy with this project. So, what was the lecture about?F: Mismanagement of water resources. M: Sound interestingF: Yeah, he said water shortage is probably the most serious environmental problem we face, apart from climate change. The earth has all the water it needs to supply the 6 billion people who live on it for clean, safe drinking water. But million people are going to die because of water shortages. M: And that is because water resource is mismanaged?F: Precisely. So, what's your project about, Chris?M: Packaging and recycling. The report is due tomorrow.Q29: What is the topic of Professor Johnson's lecture?Q30: Which of the following statements is true about Chris?

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四、短文聽解 • 說明:第 31 題至第 40 題,共 10 題,每兩題為一題組。請聽語音播出的一段訊息,從試題本中選出一個最適當的選項,並將答案畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」,每題組播放一次。

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第 31 、 32 題為題組 (請先閱讀試題) 32. Who is Sou Fujimoto?(A) A gardener.(B) An architect.(C) A town planner.(D) A government official.

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Question 31 and 32 are based on the following report.

Ichihara City in Japan recently opened what is called the biggest public toilet in the world. The toilet, located in front of a railway station, is boxed in glass and sits in the middle of a garden of flowers and plants. For privacy, there is a two-meter high fence surrounding the garden. According to a local government official, it is hoped that the unusual toilet would become a tourist attraction. At the moment, it is only for women. But, according to the official, it may be open to everyone in the future. The toilet was designed by Sou Fujimoto, who recently rose to international fame with his winning design for the new Taiwan Tower to be built in Taichung. The architect says the public toilet is something both private and public, so designing them can be a very motivating challenge.

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第 33 、 34 題為題組 (請先閱讀試題) 33. What did the speaker do for the first time in 1977?(A) Fly to a foreign country.(B) Meet his British cousin.(C) Work part-time at a local mall.(D) Take a vacation with his parents.

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第 33 、 34 題為題組 (請先閱讀試題) 34. What did the two cousins spend all their money on?(A) A computer game.(B) Traveling in America.(C) The latest cellphones.(D) Looking for primitives.

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Question 33 and 34 are based on the following talk.

It was my first trip to America, and it was also the first time I've been overseas. Actually, it was the first time I’d ever taken a vacation by myself. Flying was particularly expensive in those days. I stayed with my aunt’s family in Philadelphia for five weeks, and got to know my cousin, Robert. He and I would hang out at the local mall and spent all of our time and money on Asteroids. At the time, it was the latest and greatest in computer game technology. And we thought it was awesome. Now, of course, it looks incredibly primitive today.

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第 35 、 36 題為題組 (請先閱讀試題) 35. Which of the following would be a mistake at a business meeting in the U.S.A?(A) To arrive on time.(B) To take the meeting seriously.(C) To chat for a while before starting.(D) To use hard data in a presentation.

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第 35 、 36 題為題組 (請先閱讀試題) 36. Which of the following is the most essential to American businesspeople?(A) Preparing a long speech.(B) Wearing casual clothing.(C) Getting a contract signed.(D) Quickly building a relationship.

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Question 35 and 36 are based on the following talk.

What should you expect and how should you behave if you have to attend a business meeting in the U.S.A? First, arrive on time. Punctuality is important to Americans, especially in the Northeast and Midwest. If you’re late, Americans will think you are unreliable. Second, expect very little friendly conversation before getting down to business. Time is important to Americans and business is done without delay. Third, although meetings may appear relaxed, they are taken seriously. Americans tend to be informal and friendly, but they are still serious. Fourth, if you make a presentation, it should be direct and to the point. Also, use statistics. Americans are impressed by hard data and evidence. Finally, focus on getting a contract signed rather than building a relationship. A relationship may develop later but the contract comes first.

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第 37 、 38 題為題組 (請先閱讀試題) 37. What is special about this museum?(A) The admission is free.(B) It has a souvenir store.(C) It’s popular among teenagers.(D) Visitors are allowed to touch the exhibits.

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第 37 、 38 題為題組 (請先閱讀試題) 38. Who is most likely the target audience of this talk?(A) Parents of young children.(B) Supporters of the museum.(C) Senior high school teachers.(D) Artists of the City of Phoenix.

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Question 35 and 36 are based on the following talk.The Children’s Museum of Phoenix is a wonderful place of imagination, creativity, and just plain fun. Designed for children aged 0 to 10, this is not your typical museum. Here, we want you to touch everything. And with over 48 thousand square feet of space, there’s plenty to touch. The museum offers more than 300 play experiences. In addition, we offer different types of classes and programs, from music and yoga to math and science. And our special arts and crafts room is the young artist's dream come true. You can find us in the heart of downtown Phoenix on the southeast corner of Seventh Street. The Children’s Museum of Phoenix is the proud receiver of many awards, including being named one of the best children’s museums in the United States.

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第 39 、 40 題為題組 (請先閱讀試題) 39. According to the report, which of the following is NOT a trend in online learning?(A) Using social networks to help communication. (B) Replacing textbooks with other ways of learning.(C) Replacing interactive learning with classroom teaching. (D) Using the Internet to find lectures and course materials.

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第 39 、 40 題為題組 (請先閱讀試題) 40. What is “blended learning”?(A) Effective and interesting online teaching. (B) Combining different kinds of news media.(C) A blending of all the resources of the Internet.(D) A mix of online learning and classroom teaching.

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Question 39 and 40 are based on the following report. Few people doubt that online learning can help teachers be more effective and make classes more interesting. What are the trends in online learning? One is to replace traditional textbooks with more engaging and interactive ways of learning. Another is to use the Internet to find great lectures and effective courses materials. And the third trend is the use of social network to help teachers and the students to communicate and work together. Of course, no one knows exactly what education will be like in the future but current trends make it almost certain that online learning will play an increasingly important role. In fact, a recent U.S. Department of Education study showed that blended learning, which is a combination of online learning and classroom teaching, improved student grades by 14 percent.

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