型錄105 july 1

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Page 3: 型錄105 july 1

成 朔企 業有 限公司 於 96 年 3 月成立 核心價值建立於對市場行銷戰略的深層理解上 唯有豐富的運作經驗及正確的市場認知 及透過有效的分析法則 才得以將我們的產品有效而精確地傳達給客戶。公司主要銷售對象遍及各行各業 除了提供量測儀器設備外,也提供化學原料方面的產品。除了提供全球最先進的精密量測儀器、資訊軟體設備、 電子資訊產品外,同時不斷投入資源戶完整售前售後諮 詢服務,更希望提供給客戶的專業服務不僅在短期內的 銷售,而是對客戶永遠的承諾。本著務實的精神、專業的態度、完整的產品線及標準規 劃設計流程,期望建立一個良好聲譽,滿足客戶對服務 , 品質及設計規劃上之要求,成為一個專業的產品方案整 合服務商。

1 2016.July -1 版

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R&S 示波器 / 頻譜分析儀 / 網路分析儀 --- 3/ 4

FLUKE 手持式電表 / 熱像儀 --- 5 / 6 / 7

/ 8 / 9 abi 電路板信號分析儀 /IC 測試器 --- 10

EBERT 誤碼率分析儀 --- 11

Power Meter 微波功率表 ---


VALHALLA 微歐姆計 --- 13

SANTA BARBARA 熱暫態分析儀 --- 14

Fine Wire 金屬橋絲 --- 15

Stable VI 真空安定性測試儀 --- 16

TELEDYNE RISI FS-17 點火系統 ---


Power Sensor 壓力規 ---

18 INSIZE 量測手工具 ---


環境測試設備 --- 20

SIFCO 電鍍設備 / 電鍍液 --- 21

AIRTECH 預浸料 / 複合材料 / 真空膜 --- 22

實驗用化學藥品 / 耗材 --- 23

環氧樹脂 / 矽橡膠 /RTV 膠/ 各式膠類 --- 24

Piezo-ceramic Components 壓電陶瓷 --- 25

Helicopters Component OEM & Repair --- 26

2 2016.July -1 版

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專為實驗室及測試單位之相關應用所設計 從模組、零件、儀器和整個系統 都可進行相關的商用和軍用標準等認證測試

3 2016.July -1 版

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符合全面性的需求R&S®RTO數位混域示波器時域 頻域EMI/EMC


FSLR&S®FSL3: 9 kHz to 3 GHzR&S®FSL6: 9 kHz to 6 GHzR&S®FSL18: 9 kHz to 18 GHz(overrange 20 GHz)

簡易操作 ,洞悉所有動態範圍的向量網路分析儀R&S ZNBR&S®

ZNB4: 9 kHz to 4.5 GHzR&S®

ZNB8: 9 kHz to 8.5 GHzR&S®

ZNB20: 100 kHz to 20 GHzR&S®

ZNB40: 10 MHz to 40 GHz

4 2016.July -1 版

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9 2016.July -1 版

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CircuitMaster 4000M Precision Active Oscilloscope

多功能電路板信號分析儀具彩色 TFT 液晶螢幕 四數位輸入通道、雙類比輸入通道 雙同步脈衝輸出通道、 40 個多工通道 輔助腳踏開關、 USB 通訊介面

■ 數位示 波器功 能 可同時在顯示幕上波形及電壓值 , 並具有數位邏輯準圖示 , 方便使用者區分信號的邏輯位準 .

■Active test 主 動測試 功能 可由儀器本身輸出一交流或直流的信號 , 並可由內部串聯電阻作輸出的阻抗匹配 . 輸出的交流波形有正弦波、三角波、正斜波、逆斜波、方波、正脈波及負脈波七種波形 .

■FirmFlex 信號強 度功能 可同時得到量測信號的波形、電壓值及信號的強度 .

■V-I 曲線測 試功能 可同時比對通道一及通道二的 V-I曲線 , 系統會自動判斷相似度

ChipMaster Compact Professional

(Analogue devices)/ (Digital devices) 類比 / 數位 電路板 IC 測試器 CHIPMASTER 為一獨立、掌上型的數位IC 測試器

■ 內容豐 富的資 料庫 包括 TTL 、 CMOS 、 MEMORY 、 INTERFACTDEVICES 甚至 40 腳的 CPU

■操作簡 單 只需鍵入 IC 編號即可測試

■ 具有三 種迴路 測試 可測間歇性及溫度性故障 IC

■ 可搜尋 可搜尋不知名 IC 編號及其替代品

■LCD 顯示 器 直接由 LCD 顯示器顯示測試 IC 的好壞

■ 輕易的 明瞭問 題所在 可顯示測試 IC 的名稱種類及故障腳位及準位

10 2016.July -1 版

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◆四通道可提供 NRZ( 不歸零編碼 ) 脈波輸出◆各通道可調整 1~15Gb/s 取樣 ( 最高可達 17G)◆TJ rms 解析度達 1ps ,p-p(峰對蜂值 ) 為 7ps◆NDT 可達 8.5Gb/s 測試◆可編輯時序資料◆可調整輸出時序 , 頻率的調幅◆外部時序輸入並同步進行測試◆可調節 25mv 至 1500mV 輸出與振幅◆可調整具有波形上升與下降緣預先補償功能◆TX 和 RX 極性反轉◆信號損失標示◆64 位元編程◆API 軟體指令開放 ,GUI 軟體提供◆依需求升級 . 不需額外增加功能 ,靈活度高◆216w x 51h x 127d mm 小巧設計 方便各種工作環境的應用

EBERT 1504Pulse Pattern Generator and Error Detector 誤碼分析儀

11 2016.July -1 版

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Descriptionpower meter uses for measuring the power level of continuous wave (CW) RF and Microwave signals in 10 MHz to 18 GHz frequency range. Power sully is performed via internal accumulator battery. M3M is used for design, tuning, testing and verifying various RF and microwave devices for electronics, communication, radars, T&M.

Main CapabilitiesCW signals power measurement in 0.01 to 18 GHzPulse measurement in -50 dBm to -20 dBm power range Absolute and relative power measurementsValidation and characterization of amplifiers, switches, and other RF\MW components

SoftwareUser-friendly interfaceSaving measurement results to PC file (.txt, .csv)Measurement results correction with reference to external devices insertion loss/gain Linear and Log scalesPass/Fail limit modeDisplaying envelope of radio signals (in storage mode)

Power Meters


12 2016.July -1 版

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Alpha 4314Digital Igniter Tester 微歐姆計

UltraSafeResistance Measurement Designed with L if e Protecting Safety in Mind The Alpha 4314 Digital Igniter Tester is a portable digital ohmmeter which has been specifically designed for ultra-safe resistance testing on explosive devices (i.e. squibs, detonators). The Alpha 4314 is an Upgrade of the 4314 Series and now features a new front panel,Range and Fail-Safe LED indicators, and optional BCD outputcompatible with the Valhalla Model 1248 Digital Dual Comparator.Many versions of the 4314 series have had the unit's circuitryreviewed and approved by a U.S. Government Safety Board as well branches of the armed forces for specific military programs(i.e. Cruise Missile).

as most

The standard version of the Alpha 4314 features a 20Ω,200Ω, 2kΩ, and 20kΩ range; however the user can choose to purchase an instrument with a different configuration. 8 available ranges (20Ω, 200Ω, 2k, 20kΩ, 200kΩ, 2MΩ, 20MΩ and 100MΩ) allow many combinations to fit anyone’s needs

Also available is the "KRC" Models that feature a reduced Test and FailSafe Current. The nominal output current for these models is half a value of the standard units. The Fail-Safe for the lowest range drops from

16mA on the standard models to 8mA on the KRC

13 2016.July -1 版

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Thermal Transient熱暫態分析儀

Santa Barbara Automation Thermal Transient Test System

A desktop instrument for engineering, quality control and lower volume production applications

Time-synchronous acquisition of voltage and current combined with a near-ideal fast current source give state of the art accuracy, resolution, and stability.

Test chambers are available in 300mmx300mmx225mmand 400mmx400mmx400mm.

The Test Validation series is available in one, two, four and up totwenty channel versions.These modules offer accurate and repeatible test results for resistance, thermal transient and insulation resistance.

14 2016.July -1 版

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Fine wire 金屬橋絲






15 2016.July -1 版

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本機型為一控制、測量、評估系統 , 能藉由測量長期等溫加熱之樣本所散發的氣體 , 而評估其溫 度穩定性。它能從整個穩定性評估的過程 , 提供客觀的結果 ,並可於測試一開始即在真空中或有氣 體 (惰性 -氮、氧化 - 氧 )或在大氣壓力下的空氣中執行。它可完全自動地決定經長時間溫度處理而 在產生的氣體衍生物下分解的無煙粉末、炸藥、硝化棉及一些原料、混合物與材料物質的化學 穩定性。跟傳統的 VST 不同 , 它排除了分解衍生物或汞蒸汽對操作員的影響Main Capabilities

用於測量含能材料 (炸藥、推進燃料、煙火、反應性化學製品、爆炸性廢物 ) 的化學穩定性。 可測量維持一固定溫度 (30~ 160°C) 達一段時間的加熱槽內真空測試管裡的測試樣本在加熱時 釋放出的氣體量。 為功能完備的測試器,配備著高靈敏度的電子壓力傳感器,可與 PC通訊,以直接控制及連續 進行資料擷取、分析及歸檔。能測試來自單一測量裝置的多個樣品 ( 最多 20 個 ) 。 在過去 8 年的連續創新之下,本機型已在全球各地一流的爆炸物測試實驗室成為一項標準設備, 完全取代舊式具有含汞壓力管的儀器裝置 - 使用上具高度危險性 (如管子破裂會溢出具毒性的 汞 ) 、費力且無法提供對穩定性評估十分重要的連續壓力 - 時間記錄。

16 2016.July -1 版

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FS-17 Firing System點火系統

FS-17 Operation DiscussionThe purpose of the FS-17 Control Unit is to provide low voltage electrical energy to the Firing Module and to ensure a safe and reliable operation sequence for the firing of EBW detonators.

The output from the Control Unit to the Firing Module is 40 volts when the batteries are fully charged. This output occurs when the “Arm” switch is held in the “Arm” position and the shorting plug is mated into the Control Unit “Safety Interlock” connection. When the “Test” switch is pulled, the battery voltage will be displayed on the battery meter. The battery should provide a minimum of 32 volts to properly operate the system. When the system is “armed,” the “Firing Volts” meter will display the high voltage from the Firing Module. The high voltage must be at least 3500 volts before firing is initiated.

The purpose of the FS-17 Firing Module is to provide a significant amount of flexibility to this EBW detonator firing system. Since the firing pulse to function the EBW detonator must be applied with a rapid pulse rate of rise, the Firing Module must be placed relatively close to the detonator. By being able to separate the Firing Module from the Control Unit, the operator can perform the detonation at extended distances as required by the size and characteristics of the main explosive charge.

17 2016.July -1 版

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PCB Sensor 352C23

5 MV/G0.5 MV/(M/S2)1.5 ~ 15K HZ0.2 GRAMS

357B0310 PC/G1 PC/(M/S2) RESPONSE TO 12K HZ-95 TO +500 °F354C1010 mV/g1mV/(m/s2)

2Hz~ 8000 Hz Thru-Hole Mounting5 grams111,112,113 Probe Style Sensors Ranges from 50 psi to 20k psi FS 3.5bar to 1380 bar FS Resolution to0.001 psi (0.00007bar) Resonant frequency to 500k HzSeries 132High Frequency Micro-SensorsRespond to shock waves for time-of-arrival measurements 50 psi (3.5bar) range FSRise time ‹0.5 spcμResonant frequencies beyond 1M Hz0.125 in (3.18mm) diameter diaphragmSeries 116BHigh Temperature, High Sensitivity Pressure SensorSuitable for exhaust pulsation studies








18 2016.July -1 版

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Measuring Instruments量測工具

19 2016.July -1 版

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Environmental Testing Equipment

環境測試設備◤ 可程式恆溫恆濕機◤ 鹽水噴霧試驗機◤ 耐候試驗機◤ 防塵‧耐塵試驗機◤ 冷熱衝擊試驗機鹽水噴霧試驗機

以電化學腐蝕原理進行測試 針對各種材質表面處理 包含塗料、電鍍、有機及無機塗膜 陽極處理、防鏽油、化成處理之耐蝕品質 進而達成製品長時間之耐蝕性測試

可程式恆 溫恆濕 機 可測試高溫、低溫、冷熱循環 及恒溫恒濕、快速溫變、高低溫交變不同條件的功能 升溫、降溫、加濕、除濕可完全獨立 可提高效率省電 20% 以上 減低故障率、增長壽命、降低測試成本。 觸摸設定方式,由微電腦鎖定 使溫濕度控制更為精確具 12 組 P.I.D.自動演算功能

20 2016.July -1 版

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Plating Solutions



21 2016.July -1 版

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◤Bagging films◤Release films 離型膜

真空袋/膜/ 鐵氟龍離型布◤Pressure sensitive tapes 感壓膠帶

◤Release fabrics / Peel plies 離型面料 / 剝離層◤Breathers & Bleeders 透氣吸膠棉◤Custom Products and Kitting◤Vacuum bag sealant tapes 真空膠帶


& Composite Materials


22 2016.July -1 版

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實驗用化學藥品/耗材高精度試紙 廣用試紙

Qualitative analysis 定性分析濾紙Glass fiber papers 玻璃纖維濾紙

Syringe filters 薄膜 - 注射器過濾器化工材料溶劑電子級化學品 美國ACS高品質溶劑塑膠細口瓶 /廣口瓶 閃爍計數瓶螺蓋樣本瓶 血清瓶

23 2016.July -1 版

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矽橡膠 / RTV 膠 / 及其他特殊膠材

3M 22163M 3549

3M DP 460搭配 膠槍

Momentive Momentive

RTV 615RTV 162

Stycast Loctite


120024 2016.July -1 版

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Piezo-ceramic Components

壓電陶瓷壓電陶瓷元件 是機電換能器 ,它們可以機械能轉換成電能,反之亦然。 從 CeramTec 壓電陶瓷組件在傳感器,致動器, 氣體點火並在功率傳感器,用於高功率超音波應用中。

CeramTec d evel oped SONOX® P high-performance materials for use in piezo applications, as piezo-ceramic components are sometimes exposed to high stresses and must still fulfill their functions with maximum reliability. Piezo-ceramic materials are classified according to their chemical composition on the one hand, and by the specific application conditions on the other. Besides the typical parameters, selection criteria include behavior under high electrical and mechanical loads

Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT)Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT)’s attributes of producing an electrical charge when mechanically compressed or vibrating when an electrical charge is applied, make it very conducive for passive sensing, active transmitting and mechanical displacement applications.

25 2016.July -1 版

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Test & Measurement

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