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  • 7/26/2019 1097-1136 Metallogenic Provinces in an Evolving Geodynamic Framework.pdf


    @ 5Societyof EconomicGeologists,nc.

    Economic Geology lOOthAnniversary Volume

    pp. 1097-1136

    Metallogenic Provinces n n Evolving Geodynamic Framework


    Departnwnt of Geological Sciences University of Saskatchewan 114 Science Place Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada S7N 5E2


    U.S.GeologicalSurvey Box25046 MS964,DenverFederalCenter Denver Colorado80225 0046and

    Departnwntof GeologicalSciences Universityof Colorado 2200ColoradoAve. CampusBox399,Boulder Colorado80309


    Departnwnt of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta Canada T6G 2E3


    Thermal decay of Earth resulted in decreased mantle-plume intensity and temperature and consequently a

    gradual reduction of abundant komatiitic basalt ocean plateaus at -2.6 Ga. In the Neoarchean, ocean crust was

    -11 km thick at spreading centers, and abundant bimodal arc basalt-dacite magmatic edifices were constructed

    at convergent margins. Neoarchean greenstone belt orogenesis stemmed from multiple terrane accretion in

    Cordilleran-style external orogens with multiple sutures, where oceanic plateaus captured arcs by jamming

    subduction zones, and plateau crust melted to generate high thorium tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite suites.

    Archean cratons have a distinctive -250- to 350-km-thick continental lithospheric mantle keel with buoyant re-

    fractory properties, resulting from coupling of the buoyant residue of deep plume melting to imbricated

    plateau-arc crust. In contrast, Proterozoic and younger continental lithospheric mantle is 240-km

    depth, mostly pre-2.7 Ga. They were entrained in kimberlitic to lamproitic melts related to superplume events

    at 480, 280, and -100 Ma. Preservation of resulting mineral provinces stems from their location on stable

    Archean continental lithospheric mantle.

    Decreased plume activity after 2.6 Ga caused sea level to fall, leading to the first extensive passive-margin

    sequences, including deposition of phosphorites, iron formations, and hydrocarbons, during dispersal of

    Kenorland from 2.4 to 2.2 Ga. Deposits of Cr-Ni-Cu-PGE were generated where plumes impinged on failed

    rifts at the transition from thick Archean to thinner Proterozoic continental lithospheric mantle, e.g., the Great

    Dyke, Zimbabwe, and later at Norilsk, Russia. Paleoproterozoic orogenic belts, for example, the Trans-Hudson

    orogen in North America and the Barramundi orogen in Australia, welded together the new continent of Co-

    lumbia. Foreland basins associated with these orogens, containing reductants graphitic schists in the base-

    ment, led to the formation of unconformity U deposits, with multiple stages of mineralization generated from

    diagenetic brines for as much as 600 m.y.after sedimentation. Plume dispersal of Columbia at 1.6 to 1.4 Ga led

    to SEDEX Pb-Zn deposits in intracontinental rifts of North America and Australia, extensive belts of Rapakivi

    A-type granites on all continents, with associated Sn veins, and Fe oxide-Cu-Au-REE deposits. All were con-

    trolled by rifts at the transition from thick to thin continental lithospheric mantle. Plume impingement on Ro-

    dinia at -1 Ga formed extensive belts of anorogenic anorthosites and Rapakivi granites in Laurentia and

    Baltica, the former hosting Fe-Ti-V deposits. Sedimentary rock-hosted Cu deposits formed in intracontinental

    basins from plume dispersal of Rodinia at -800 Ma.

    Iron formations and mantle plumes have common time series: Algoman type occur from 3.8 Ga to 40 Ma,

    granular iron formations precipitated on the passive margins of Kenorland at -2.4 Ga, Superior-type formed

    on the passive margins of Laurentia, and Rapitan iron formations were created in rifts during latter stages of

    dispersal of Rodinia at -700 Ma. Accordingly,such deposits are not proxies for the activity of atmospheric 02.

    Rich Tertiary placer deposits of Ti-Zr-Hf, located on the passive margins ofAustralia and Southern Africa, re-

    flect multiple cannibalistic cycles from orogens that welded Rodinia and Pangea.

    Orogenic Au deposits formed during Cordilleran-type orogens characterized by clockwise pressure-temper-

    ature-time paths from -2.7 Gato the Tertiary; Au-As-W and Hg-Sb deposits reflect the same ore fluids at pro-

    gressively shallower levels of terrane sutures. The MVT-type Pb-Zn deposits formed in foreland basins, with

    t Corresponding author: [email protected]


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    Phanerozoic Pb-Zn SEDEX ores localized in rifted passive continental margins containing evaporites at low

    latitudes. Porphyry Cu and epithermal Au-Ag deposits occur in both intraoceanic and continental margin arcs;

    ore fluids were related to slab dehydration, peridotite fusion, and hybridization with upper-plate crust. De-

    posits exposedtoday are largely







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    1102 KERRICH ET AL.

    negatively buoyant (Fig. 2A). For a hotter Archean upper

    mantle, greater degrees ofmelting occurred at spreading cen-

    ters (Bickle, 1986). According to calculations of Abbott et al.

    (1994a), Neoarchean basaltic oceanic crust was -11 km thick,

    with a commensurately thicker mantle lithosphere residue

    depleted in incompatible elements from basalt extraction.

    Consequently, Archean ocean lithosphere would have sub-

    ducted at shallower angles from thermal and buoyancy con-

    siderations. There has been a secular decrease in the temper-

    ature of mantle plumes; accordingly, ocean plateau crust has

    alsobecome thinner through time (Fig. 3).

    The continental lithosphere has a 30- to 80-km-thick crustal

    sector in Archean and younger eons. Continental lithospheric

    mantle is 250 to 350 km thick under Archean continental

    crust but -150 km thick for Proterozoic and -100 km for



    :0 25


    ;6 to

    8 X 106km2in area (Artemieva and Mooney, 2001), and with

    implications for diamond potential. Younger plumes were less

    frequent and cooler, so they did not generate refractory

    residues (Fig. 2; White, 1988; Jordan, 1988; Pollack, 1997

    Herzberg, 1999; Artemieva and Mooney, 2001). For example

    the continental lithospheric mantle is 190 to 240 km thick in

    the diamondiferous Magan and Anabar cratons but thins to

    150 to 180km for the Proterozoic Olenek province (Griffinet

    al., 1999). From studies of xenolith suites, there is a secular

    trend from highly depleted harzburgites in Archean conti-

    nentallithospheric mantle, through intermediate depletion in

    the Proterozoic, to mildly depleted lherzolites in the Phaner-

    zoic. Archean continental lithospheric mantle has a density o

    3.36 glcm whereas Proterozoic continental lithospheric

    mantle is 3.38


    marginally less dense than ambient as

    thenosphere (Griffin et al., 2003).

    Archean supracrustal terranes are dominated by bimoda

    volcanic arc sequences and postvolcanic tonalite-trond-

    hjemite-granodiorite batholiths, whereas Archean continenta

    lithospheric mantle is refractory harzburgite, with the com

    position of the residue of plume melting. This apparent para-

    doxmay be resolved ifmigrating arcs captured ocean plateaus

    erupted from mantle plumes. Buoyant plateaus jam subduc-

    tion zones, generating composite arc-plume crust, and the

    buoyant residue of plume melting couples to the base of the

    crust (Wymanand Kerrich,2002 Prior to capture and cou

    pling of plume residue, subduction caused metasomatism o

    peridotitic subarc lithosphere. During subsequent exten

    sional events, and/or plume impingement, metasomatized do

    mains melted to generate the voluminous noritic magma

    characteristic of Neoarchean to Proterozoic layered igneous

    complexes in or near Archean cratons (Fig. 2B; Hall and

    Hughes, 1980). Those magmas are integral to formation o

    Ni-Cu-PGE and Fe-Ti-V deposits. Proterozoic and younger

    plumes were not hot enough to generate refractory residue

    consequently, Proterozoic and younger continental lithos

    pheric mantle is thinner, denser, and less refractory, such tha

    crustal terranes are more readily reworked during subsequent

    orogenies (Figs. 1, 2).

    During collisional orogens in the Proterozoic and Phanero

    zoic, both crust and continental lithospheric mantle thicken

    and part of the latter may delaminate; hot asthenosphere then

    flows under thinned lithosphere, creating elevated orogens

    as in the Tibetan plateau (Houseman and Molnar, 1997)

    During lithosphere thickening under compression, radioac

    tive heat weakens the crust, and decoupling of lower crus

    and continental lithospheric mantle may occur at the base o

    the upper felsic crust (Meissner and Mooney, 1998). High

    temperature-low-pressure metamorphism and extensiona

    collapse with escape tectonics ensue, in conjunction with




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    asthenospheric and crustal magmatism. Delaminated conti-

    nentallithospheric mantle has been imaged by teleseismic to-

    mography beneath the Alpine-Himalayan orogen Schott and

    Schmeling, 1998 . Delamination is in progress beneath the

    Basin and Range province and Tibetan plateau, is interpreted

    to have occurred beneath the Puna plateau of northwestern

    Argentina Kay and Kay, 1993 , and characterized the late

    stages in the development of the Variscan and Grenvillian

    continent-continent orogens Windley, 1995 .

    The low-velocity zone is the thermal boundary layer be-

    tween torsionally rigid lithospheric plates and the convecting

    asthenosphere; low S wave velocities result from domains of

    partially melted lherzolite, conferring low strength. This zone

    is 100 to 200 km thick below ridges where thermal gradients

    are high, thinner below normal continental lithosphere, and is

    thin to absent beneath Archean continental lithospheric man-

    tle where thermal gradients are low Fig. 2 A, B; Keary and

    Vine, 1996 .

    Characteristics of plate boundaries

    Divergent plate boundaries As oceanic plates separate at

    ridges due to far-field extensional forces, decompressional melt-

    ing of asthenospheric mantle generates mafic magmas that ac-

    crete to the edges of plates to form new crust Keary and Vine,

    1996 . Upwelling of asthenospheric upper mantle beneath

    ridges is passive, in response to plate separation.

    a simplified

    cross section, the oceanic lithosphere is composed oflower ul-

    tramafic mantle mantle tectonites, dunites, lherzolites, and

    harzburgites at the base, and mafic crustal rocks gabbros,

    sheeted dike complex, and basalts at the top, bounded by the

    oceanic Moho. The thickness of the lithosphere increases from

    zero at ridges to 70 to 100 km at an age of -70 m.y., then main-

    tains approximately unifonn thickness, as plates move away

    from spreading centers. Commensurately, the depth of the

    ocean floor increases with the age of oceanic lithosphere, due to

    thennal cooling of the lithosphere associated with thickening

    and subsidence Fig. 2A; Parsons and Sclater, 1977 .

    Convergent plate boundaries At convergent margins, the

    plate with higher density sinks beneath the lighter plate,

    forming a subduction zone, and the leading edge of the over-

    riding plate becomes a paired fore arc and magmatic arc.

    Where two oceanic plates converge, the older and denser

    oceanic plate generally sinks beneath the younger and lighter

    one, generating oceanic island arcs, such as the Marianas and

    the south Sandwich arcs. Given its higher density, oceanic

    lithosphere subducts underneath continental lithosphere to

    form a continental magmatic arc, such as the Andean, Suma-

    tran, and Japanese arcs.

    Convergent margins generally feature the following tec-

    tonic elements: 1 a deep marine trench seaward of the fore

    arc; 2 a subduction-accretion complex located between the

    underriding plate and the fore-arc basin; 3 a fore-arc basin

    between the arc axis and the subduction-accretion complex;

    4 a magmatic arc; and 5 an inboard foreland basin-thrust

    belt, which undergoes subsidence and sedimentation due to

    tectonic loading, tectonic imbrication, and later compression-

    driven uplift Fig. 4 . Porphyry Cu deposits form in oceanic

    and continental arcs, and most preserved volcanic rock-asso-

    ciated massive sulfide deposits form in oceanic arcs or

    oceanic or continental back arcs.

    Based on relative plate motions, magmatic arcs are divided

    into extensional, neutral, and compressional Dewey, 1980;

    Sengor, 1990 . Extensional arcs, such as the Marianas, are

    characterized by dominantly mafic volcanism, back-arc basin

    opening, an ophiolitic fore-arc basement, deep trenches, and

    steeply dipping Wadati-Benioff zones. Given its thermally

    weak nature, arc lithosphere generally undergoes extension to

    form an intra-arc basin or an intra-arc spreading center; the

    Lesser Antilles and Taupo arcs are examples of initial stages,

    whereas the Lau basin has evolved into a back arc.

    Compressional arcs, such as the Central Andes, lie on con-

    tinentallithosphere, and are characterized by mainly inter-

    mediate to felsic magmatism, back-arc thrusting, continental

    fore-arc basement, shallow trenches, and shallow Benioff

    zones. Neutral arcs such as the Central American, Sumatran,

    and Alaska Range-Aleutian arcs have characteristics interme-

    diate between extensional and compressional arcs and usually

    have large subduction-accretion complexes and orogen-paral-

    lel strike-slip faults Windley, 1995 .

    Arc magmatism varies along and across strike. All arc mag-

    mas are characterized by variably light rare earth element

    REE and lithophile element Cs, Rb, Ba, K, and Pb earth

    element enriched patterns and depletions in Nb, Ta, P, and Ti

    Pearce, 1982; Saunders et aI., 1991; Keleman et al., 2004 .

    Tholeiitic magmatism is dominant between the fore-arc basin

    and arc axis; calc-alkaline magmatism occurs mainly in the

    central region of the arc, whereas late alkaline igneous rocks

    tend to occur between the arc axis and back-arc region the

    K-h relationship; see Wilson, 1989, for a review . The com-

    position of continental crust requires that mafic cumulates

    founder under arc crust Rudnick and Gao, 2004 , with space

    conservation accommodated by inflowing asthenosphere. Re-

    gional metamorphism varies from subgreenschist to eclogite

    facies Fyfe et aI., 1978 , and the occurrence of adjacent high-

    temperature and/or low-pressure greenschist and high-

    pressure and/or low-temperature blueschist metamorphic

    belts is unique to convergent plate boundaries Ernst, 1975 .

    The uppermost section of subducting oceanic lithosphere is

    prevalently marine turbidites but may include pelagic sedi-

    ments, oceanic islands, seamounts, and carbonate platforms.

    These are commonly scraped off, deformed, metamorphosed,

    and accreted to the base of the overriding plate to form a sub-

    duction-accretion complex. Complex interaction between

    overriding and subducting plates results in thrusting, folding,

    and melange formation within the subduction-accretion com-

    plex, with late transpression and associated strike-slip fault-


    arcs characterized by strong coupling between the

    overriding and subducting plates, attrition of the fore arc oc-

    curs by subduction-erosion von Huene et al., 2004 . Trench

    turbidites have a catchment in the upper levels of subduction-

    accretion complexes. Plate movement is driven by the nega-

    tive buoyancy of subducting slabs, not by mantle convection

    Conrad and Lithgow-Bertelloni, 2002 . Stem 2002 has re-

    cently reviewed processes in subduction zones.

    Transform plate boundaries

    Transform, or conservative,

    boundaries accommodate the motion from divergent- to con-

    vergent-plate boundaries and accommodate translation be-

    tween ridge sectors spreading at different rates, as required

    by plate motion on a spherical surface Wilson, 1965 . Trans-

    form-plate boundaries separating continental lithospheric

  • 7/26/2019 1097-1136 Metallogenic Provinces in an Evolving Geodynamic Framework.pdf


    c v; .

    E g>I i t


    ~ ~ I

    Passive Margin



    ~ I ~~ ~~~










    Trench Slope

    K RRI H





    Span (m.y.)









    Forearc 0 cfti...,.:::::::3- 8

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --


    0 ~ 8





    i 9

    V) e



    0) 0



    0) U

    > 0




    rifted 8





    Retro arc Forland

    8~ 8




    trikeSlip 0 Cayman Trough

    rn Mean and 1 SD 0 Active Basin 8 Inactive Basin


    Arc Trench Gap


    - Zone -



    11 Trench ~

    ~ Basin

    Passive Margin




    Basin Axis

    Lithospheric Mantle


    t Tectonic Loading




    Bock Arc


    Lithospheric Mantle

    Lithospheric Mantle

    ~ Descending , ForearcBasinFill


    Oceanic Lithosphere

    FIG. 4. A. Life span-geodynamic relationships of sedimentary basins. Modified f rom Woodcock (2004) . Abbreviations: BA


    back are, FA = fore are, FL = foreland, IA = intra-arc, 0 = oceanic, PM = passive margin, R = continental margin rift, RA

    = retro-arc, 55 = strike slip, T = trench, T5 = trench slope. (A) after Kyser et al. (2000), (B), (C), and (D) modified from Ross

    (2000), (E) a compos ite from miscel laneous sources and R. Kerrich.

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    blocks are termed transcurrent or continental strike-slip

    faults. Examples are the San Andreas fault zone of California,

    the North Anatolian strike-slip fault zone in Turkey, and the

    Tintina and Denali fault zones of western Canada and Alaska.

    Transtensional regions are characterized by normal faulting,

    pull-apart basins, and dominantly basaltic volcanism, whereas

    transpressional regions feature thrusting, folding, and uplift,

    in addition to strike-slip faulting in both cases Christie-Blick

    and Biddle, 1985; Sylvester, 1988).

    Supeifamilies of orogens

    Cordilleran orogens

    Sengor and Natal in 1996a) classified

    orogenic belts into two superfamilies, Cordilleran and conti-

    nent-continent. This insight has profound implications for

    metallogeny. Cordilleran-type orogens, also referred to as

    Turkic or transpressional Sengor and Natal in, 1996a), exter-

    nal Murphy and Nance, 1992), or accretionary Windley,

    1995), represent continental growth via the process of terrane

    accretion. These sutured tectonostratigraphic terranes are

    fragments of juvenile arcs and ocean plateaus, plus marine

    sedimentary rocks, tectonically assembled in accretionary

    prisms; there is typically little addition or reworking of older

    continental crust Ben-Avraham et aI., 1981). Collision of ter-

    ranes occurs dominantly in an oblique manner, with the par-

    titioned compressional component responsible for much of

    the orogeny. Cordilleran-type orogens are characterized by

    both extensive lateral and vertical accretion above a subduct-

    ing slab. Where subduction-erosion hinders terrane collision

    and thus lateral accretion, Andean-type orogens dominate.

    These possess the arc-related porphyry and epithermal de-

    posits that also characterize Cordilleran-type orogens but lack

    most other, more deeply formed deposit types that are com-

    mon throughout the blocks of allochthonous juvenile crust

    within such orogens, as described below.

    Multiple sutures at terrane boundaries are inherent to

    long-lived terrane collison. Sutures commonly serve as sites

    for ensuing economic mineralization. Seaward growth of con-

    tinental margins, with such sutures defining progressive ter-

    rane accretion, tends to be a long-lived process of perhaps

    -300 to 400 m.y.; examples include the Cordilleran orogen,

    370 Ma to present; Altaid orogen, 610 to 250 Ma; and Pan-

    African orogen, 900 to 630 Ma Burchfiel et al., 1992; Sengor

    and Natal in, 1996a). Depending on the degree of obliquity to

    each terrane collision, these sutures behave as thrust and/or

    strike-slip faults. In many cases, lateral displacement of ter-

    ranes becomes relatively more common late during orogene-

    sis or even subsequent to all collision. Such transform conti-

    nental margins concentrate juvenile crust, and likely

    associated mineral deposits, in restricted regions of an evolv-

    ing orogen Patchett and Chase, 2002). The terranes of the

    Altaid orogen underwent thousands of kilometers of left lat-

    eral and right lateral movements during the final stages of Pa-

    leozoic tectonism in central Asia Sengor and Natal in,

    1996a). Major shifts from compressional to more translational

    regional stress regimes appear conducive to seismic events

    and extensive episodes of fluid flow Sibson et al., 1988; Ker-

    rich and Wyman, 1990) and maybe important controls on the

    development of large orogenic gold provinces in Cordilleran

    orogenic belts e.g., Goldfarb et al., 1991, 2005). Given far-

    field compressional regimes superimposed on more localized

    transtensional to transpressional zones late during orogenesis,

    Cordilleran orogens generally undergo significant oroclinal

    bending e.g., Alaskaand the Altaids; Yakubchuk et al., 2002,

    2005). These strike-slip regimes also cause the highly dis-

    membered nature of ophiolite sequences within most oro-

    gens and thus a discontinuous distribution to many preaccre-

    tionary VMS and chromite ores.

    Cordilleran-style orogens may show a similarly wide

    >1,000 km) pattern of subduction-related magmatism, as in

    the Altaids and mainland Alaska. By contrast, continent-con-

    tinent orogens feature narrow magmatic arcs. In Cordillean

    orogens, the ages of the igneous rocks young toward the

    ocean, as arc magmatism migrates episodically in that direc-

    tion as the continental margin is built outward Sengor and

    Natal in, 1996a). Agesof orogenic gold deposits tend to follow

    the same approximate spatial and/or temporal pattern Gold-

    farb et al., 1997). Most igneous rocks are juvenile in the oro-

    gens; there are limited examples of remelted crust seaward of

    the craton edges Windley, 1995).

    Lithological units in Phanerozoic orogens are dominated by

    deep marine turbidite sequences and lesser basalts and

    cherts, as these are the dominant rocks being accreted off the

    top of subducting oceanic slabs and comprising the growing

    prism defining the arc-trench gap Fig. 4E). Addition of new

    crust to a craton margin is also common in a spreading back-

    arc regime, where foreland or retroarc basins may evolve in a

    region of extension between the continental arc and craton

    edge. These units may have a higher volume of fine-grained

    terrigenous and biogenic material than units in the fore are,

    which are more likely dominated by the clastic products of

    deep-sea turbiditic currents. Importantly, the pelitic sedi-

    mentary rocks and related mafic volcanic and volcaniclastic

    sequences commonly contain volatile-rich mineral phases

    such as phengite, biotite, lawsonite, chlorite, dolomite, mag-

    nesite, and pyrite, all potential contributors of H2O, CO2,and

    S to fluid phases produced during later thermal and de-

    volatilization events e.g., Fyfe et al., 1978). Furthermore,

    marine pyrite maycontain trace amounts of gold that can also

    be mobilized during subsequent heating of the marine rocks.

    During the last decade, Cordilleran-style orogens, as prod-

    ucts of a present -day style of plate tectonics, have become

    widely accepted as having developed far back into the Pre-

    cambrian Sengor and Natal in, 1996a; deWit, 1998).Archean

    and Paleoproterozoic terranes are dominated by greenstones

    and tonalites, with minor turbidites; these linear belts also

    likely formed via processes of accretion at convergent plate

    boundaries Kusky and Kidd, 1992; Kusky and Polat, 1999;

    Foley et al., 2002). Structural style and metamorphic regimes

    in many Precambrian greenstone belts, or composite

    tectonostratigraphic terranes, resemble those in Phanerozoic

    Cordilleran-style orogens. For example, accretionary assem-

    bly of the -2.7 Ga Superior province and Yilgarn cratons

    Sengor and Natal in, 2004), including the involvement of sig

    nificant volumes of plume-derived oceanic plateau crust

    Stein and Hofmann, 1994; Polat et al., 1999), was character-

    ized by terrane accretion and batholith emplacement that mi-

    grated in a seaward direction Kerrich et al.,


    Ophiolites, long appreciated as footprints of Cordilleran-

    style tectonics, are now widely recognized in Precambrian en-

    vironments, with a particularly high abundance of tholeiitic

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    pillow basalts in many cratons de Wit, 2004). Higher geot-

    herms in the Archean are reflected by the widespread high-

    grade gneissic basement rocks, which, with refractory conti-

    nental lithospheric mantle, have preserved the mid-crustal

    Cordilleran-like greenstone belts for billions of years. Simi-

    larity in the geologic evolution of Precambrian and Phanero-

    zoic Cordilleran-style continental margins is reflected in a

    similar metallogenic record being preserved in metamor-

    phosed rocks of all such orogens, regardless of geologic age

    Goldfarb et al., 2001).

    Continent continent orogens:

    A second type of orogen is

    termed continent-continent collisional or Tethyan. It is typi-

    cally marked by the closure of an ocean basin, a single well-

    defined Z- or C-shaped suture zone containing ophiolites be-

    tween blocks of continental crust, a magmatic arc on the

    active margin, and deformation of passive margin sequences.

    Collision is orthogonal to oblique, with an exceptional amount

    of crustal thickening, and reworking of the older crustal

    blocks Windley, 1995; Sengor and Natal in, 1996a). This tec-

    tonism includes metamorphism, widespread partial melting

    of the lower crust during lithosphere thickening, delamina-

    tion, and commonly underplating by mafic magmas. Depend-

    ing on the structural complexity, these orogens may show

    abundant, high-level overthrusting exemplified by the Alpine

    type or limited thrusting of allochthonous blocks as in the Hi-

    malayan type Sengor, 1990; Sengor and Natal in, 1996a).

    Mantle plumes

    Pirajno 2000 givesa comprehensivetreatment of mantle

    plumes and ore deposits upon which this section draws ex-

    tensively. Jets of anomalously hot mantle are ejected from

    thermal boundary layers, most likely the core-mantle bound-

    ary at 2,900 km, which advect through the mantle by thermal

    buoyancy on timescales of only 10to 50 m.y.The plume head

    is 500 to 1,000 km in diameter, whereas the tail, which feeds

    the head, is -100 km in diameter. At the top of the upper

    mantle, ambient temperature is

    1 280C

    the plume head

    1 480C and the tail -1, 700C. Plumes conductively heat

    ambient mantle, which is entrained into the plume head. On

    impinging upon normal lithosphere at -150-km depth, the

    plume head flattens to 1,000 to 2,000 km while undergoing

    extensive decompressional melting White, 1992). Anom-

    alously hot plumes, with high buoyancy-driven flux, advect

    basalts through continental lithosphere to erupt as continen-

    tal flood basalts. Basaltic liquids from cooler plumes, or from

    adiabatically decompressed asthenosphere under thinned

    continental crust, pond at the Moho density filter Herzberg

    et al., 1983);here they fractionate to form anorogenic gabbro-

    anorthosite complexes that may host Fe-Ti-V deposits

    Cawthornet al.,


    and also fuse refractorylowercrust

    into A-type granites with which Fe oxide-Cu-Au-REE

    provinces are associated Fig. 2B; Windley, 1995; Williams et

    al., 2005).

    Crucial to the understanding of magmatic Ni-Cu Arndt et

    al., 2005; Barnes and Lightfoot, 2005) and chromite deposits

    Cawthorn et al., 2005), as well as deposits associated with

    anorogenic magmatism, is that plumes do not melt by de-

    compression at -250 km beneath Archean continentallithos-

    pheric mantle but rather penetrate laterally as dikes. These

    include the 2596 Ma Great Dyke and 2200 Ma Matachewan

    swarm. Alternatively, the plumes spread laterally under the

    normal continental lithospheric mantle Fig. 2B). Plume ac-

    tivity,particularly of superplumes, is episodic, with maxima at

    -3.8,3.4,3.0,2.7,2.4, 1.9, and 1.7 Ga, with one at -250 Ma

    and another superplume in the Cretaceous Fig. 3A; Larson,

    1991;Ernst and Buchan,2001;Abbottand Isley,2002 .

    Mantle plumes occur in three broad varieties, as discussed


    Long lived hotspots with low magma flux:

    These plumes

    generate ocean islands, such as the Emperor-Hawaii chain on

    oceanic lithosphere, or hotspot tracks on continents, e.g., the

    Columbia River-Yellowstonetrack spanning 45 Ma to the pre-

    sent Schissel and Smail, 2001).

    Short lived plumes that generate flood basalt provinces:

    Plumes that erupt through oceanic lithosphere form oceanic

    plateaus, including Kerguelen, Ontong-Java, and Iceland, or

    continental flood basalts. For the Siberian and Deccan conti-

    nental flood basalts, 1 to 3 X 106km3of flows erupted during

    d m.y; tholeiitic basalts predominate, with minor alkali

    basalts and picrites. The Tertiary North Atlantic igneous

    province, which includes continental flood basalts on Green-

    land, a volcanic passive margin on eastern North America,

    and the Iceland plume, collectively represent a transition

    from continental flood basalts to an ocean plateau as North

    America and Scandinavia rifted apart. The three elements of

    superplumes, continental flood basalts, giant dike swarms,

    and mafic intrusive complexes, are collectively referred to as

    large igneous provinces Coffin and Eldholm, 1994; Saunders

    et al., 1997; Eldholm and Coffin, 2000). All three elements

    are present in the 1267 Ma Mackenzie giant dike swarm,

    Coppermine CFB, and the Muskox intrusive complex of

    northern Canada Ernst and Buchan, 2004). Giant dike

    swarms may represent a failed triple junction and, therefore,

    point toward a paleo-ocean Fahrig, 1987). The secular distri-

    bution of iron formations, from 3.8 Ga to 40 Ma, is controlled

    by mantle plumes.

    Superswells or mantle upwellings:

    These features have di-

    ameters of -10,000 km and spawn hotspots. There are two

    known, one centered on the South Pacific and another below

    Africa, both with dynamic topography McNutt, 1998). The

    African superswell was responsible for rifting of Gondwana

    from Laurasia.

    Plumes and ore deposits: All three expressions of mantle

    plumes have a role in mineral provinces, from diamond fields

    Gurney et al.,2005 to Ni-Cu-PGEdeposits Pirajno,2000).

    Hotspot plumes are approximately fixed with respect to the

    mantle, so ocean island chains provide a reference frame for

    hotspots that constrains plate motions Norton, 2000). Mantle

    plumes and lithospheric plate motions are not strongly

    coupled. However, where a plume erupts proximal to a spread-

    ing center it may capture the ridge, as with the Iceland

    plume-Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Plumes may interact with conver-

    gent margins, such as impingement of the mid-Cretaceous

    Marie Byrd Land plume with the Phoenix plate subducting be-

    neath Antarctica Weaver et al., 1994). Present-day examples

    include the Samoan plume proximal to the Tonga trench and

    interaction of the Yellowstone plume with the Farallon plate

    Schissel and Smail,2001). Plume-ocean ridge and plume-con-

    vergent margin interactions cause some of the largest known

    structural and geochemical anomalies Ito et al., 2003).

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    Ocean plateaus with >30-km thickness of basaltic crust,

    erupted from anomalously hot mantle plumes, resist subduc-

    tion, and cause collisional orogenesis when they jam up

    against a subduction zone Cloos, 1993). The Solomon-New

    Ireland arc has migrated to capture the 120 to 90 Ma Ontong-

    Java ocean plateau, which is being jammed against the sub-

    duction zone; this is where the Lihir Au deposit has formed

    MacInnes et al., 1999). Formation of the giant 2.7 Ga Kidd

    Creek VMS deposit followed capture of the Abitibi arc by an

    ocean plateau Wyman et aI., 1999)

    There is compelling evidence for the influence of mantle

    plumes on conditions of surface geology, the hydrosphere, at-

    mosphere, and biosphere Larson, 1991; Coffin and Eldholm,

    1994; Kerr, 1998). Isley and Abbott 1999) and Condie et ai.

    2001) demonstrated a coincidence in timing of mantle

    plumes, deposition of iron formations and black shales, and

    the chemical index of alteration. Ocean plateaus that erupted

    from plumes formed thick crust that displaced oceans across

    continents and caused flooding of continental shelves; the

    plumes also resulted in the discharge of Fe-rich hydrothermal

    fluids and the release of CO2 and other gases that generated

    greenhouse conditions, causing intense silicate weathering

    Kerr, 1998).

    Sedimentary basins

    The geodynamic setting of sedimentary basins, and their

    lifespan and fate, have been summarized by Ross 2000) and

    Woodcock 2004). This discussion deals only with foreland,

    intracontinental, passive margin, and oceanic basins, drawing

    mainly on these summaries Fig. 4).

    Foreland basins develop as a consequence of tectonic loading

    at convergent margins. A classic profile involves a foredeep axis

    proximal to an orogen, a continental ramp or outer slope, and a

    peripheral bulge. Lithosphere elastic thickness determines

    basin characteristics; transitions from narrow, deep-water flysch

    sequences to wide, marine or fluvial molasses facies reflect

    propagation of the load from elastically thin lithosphere at a sea-

    ward position to thicker continental lithosphere. Proterozoic

    unconformity U deposits and Phanerozoic Mississippi Valley-

    type MVT) Pb-Zn deposits accumulated in foreland basins that

    evolved to intracratonic basins Fig. 4B, D).

    The pattern of stratigraphic onlap so-called steershead

    geometry) of intracratonic and passive margin sequences is

    consistent with extension being driven by far-field forces, in

    which differential tensile strength causes mantle lithosphere

    to extend over a wider area than the crust Fig. 4B,C; White

    and McKenzie, 1988). The Williston as well as Michigan and

    Illinois basins developed inboard of the Cordilleran and Ap-

    palachian orogens, respectively, but the cause of this relation-

    ship is not clear Ross, 2000). According to Pysklywec and

    Mitrovica 2000), some intracratonic basins stem from dy-

    namic topography generated by foundering of subducted

    lithosphere. Sublithospheric loading generates flexural wave-

    lengths one order of magnitude longer than surface loads, ac-

    counting for both the relative dimensions and lifespans of in-

    tracontinental versus foreland basins cf. Woodcock, 2004).

    Proterozoic sedimentary-hosted SEDEX Pb-Zn deposits de-

    veloped in intracontinental rifts Leach et al., 2005a,b).

    Passive-margin sequences that develop as intracontinental

    rifts evolve into ocean basins. A typical sequence is rifting of

    continental lithosphere followed by sedimentation, magma-

    tism linked to thinned continental lithosphere, and evolu-

    tion to ocean lithosphere. The Atlantic margin, with its con-

    tinental shelf, continental slope, and rise, is a typical

    example. The sedimentary wedge may be deposited at nor-

    mal, oblique, or transform continental margins. Transfer

    faults accommodate differential extension rates and patterns

    of sedimentation. Subsidence initiates by lithospheric thin-

    ning from far-field forces and then evolves by thermal con-

    traction and sediment loading. Basins driven mainly by ther-

    mal subsidence are characterized by concave-up subsidence

    patterns, as documented for aging oceanic lithosphere,

    whereas foreland basins have concave-down subsidence pat-

    terns Fig. 4C; Ross, 2000).

    Phosphorites and iron formations accumulated on passive

    margins from -2.4 Ga. Rifted passive-margin clastic sedi-

    mentary sequences, formed at low latitudes, are favorable

    hosts for Phanerozoic Pb-Zn ores. The deposits are generated

    by metal-rich brines that evolved in adjacent carbonate units

    and basement Leach et al., 2005a,b). Placer deposits of Ti-

    Zr-Hf are preserved in Teriary and younger passive margin

    sequences Freeman and Donaldson, 2004).

    Where extension is focused within a continent, as in the

    Basin and Range province, a continental back-arc basin may

    develop. The Bathurst and Iberian pyrite VMS provinces are

    examples of continental back-arc basins that closed; sill-sedi-

    ment complexes in the Gulf of Cortez may be a present-day

    analog Boulter, 1993).

    The supercontinent and or superevent cycle

    The concept of the supercontinent cycle emerged in the

    late 1980s from recognition that the continental masses as-

    semble and disaggregate in a cyclic pattern on a timescale of

    200 to 500 m.y. Fig. 5; Hoffman, 1988; Murphy and Nance,

    1992; Rogers, 1996; Rogers and Santosh, 2004 All of the

    present continents formed a single landmass, Pangea, that

    broke up -180 Ma. Previous supercontinents were Kenorland

    at -2.7 to 2.2 Ga, Columbia at -1.7 to 1.4 Ga, and Rodinia at

    -1.0 at 0.6 Ga Fig. 5; Condie, 2004; Zhao et al., 2004

    A consensus has emerged that rifting of continents and dis-

    persal of supercontinents is generally triggered by a mantle

    plume, in keeping with Ziegler s 1993) estimates of tractional

    forces for plumes that impinge on continents White, 1992;

    Duncan and Turcotte, 1994; Carlson, 1997). Sill-sediment

    complexes of the Mesoproterozoic Sullivan Pb-Zn deposit and

    Neoproterozoic basalt sequences associated with the Central

    African Cu province are expressions of mantle plumes that dis-

    persed the supercontinents Columbia and Rodinia, respec-

    tively. Condie 1998, 2004) envisaged superevent cycles at 2.7,

    1.9, and 1.2 Ga in which graveyards of subducted oceanic

    lithosphere, stored at the 670-km D boundary, avalanched to

    the core-mantle boundary, thus ejecting plumes from that

    boundary and causing plume bombardment under the lithos-

    phere Fig. 5). Larson 1991) associated the increased rate of

    ocean crust formation at ridges and plateaus in the Pacific

    Ocean with a superplume ejected from the core-mantle

    boundary, coinciding with cessation of magnetic field reversals

    at 41 Ma for a contrary view see Anderson, 1994).

    Murphy and Nance 1992) recognized two principal styles

    of supercontinent aggregation, which they termed internal

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    Columbia Rodinia







    Superior Dharwar Yilgarn TransHudson




    . JuvenileCrust

    . Collision Orogens

    . SuperplumeEvent










    . .

    1.3 1.1 0.9

    Age Go

    Superplume Events












    Gold Veins

    Gold ond Uranium Conglomerates



    Porphyry Molys

    Porphyry Coppers

    Uranium in Weathered Profile




    Olympic Dam-type


    Supercontinent Cycles

    Ga 3.0 2.0 1.5 1.0


    Kenorland Columbia Rodinia Gondwana


    rw. ondw n~ Gondwana


    (Atlantica and /

    other plates inAfrica) ~.

    ~ laurasia


    Kazakhstan, N. China

    S. China, and other

    plates that formed Asia


    / /



    .Yilgarn N. India, E.Aust.

    rc Ica


    E.Antarctica Nena






    FIG. 5. A. Secular distribution of collisional orogens and juvenile crust, with supercontinents (modified from Condie,

    1997; Columbia after Zhao et aI.,2004). B. Secular distribution ofmineral deposits, modified from Meyer (1988). C. Super-

    continent cycle,modified from Rodgers (1996).

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    and external. Internal aggregation corresponds to continent-

    continent collision, for exmple, the Alpine-Himalayan, Ap-

    palachian, and Grenville orogenic belts. External aggregation

    corresponds to Cordilleran-style tectonics, where allochtho-

    nous tectonostratigraphic terranes are transpressively ac-

    creted to a continental margin. Neoarchean magmatic-accre-

    tionary events in the Superior and Slave provinces of Canada,

    Finland, southern Africa, India, and Western Australia likely

    correspond to an early external supercontinent aggregation

    that was associated with development of orogenic gold

    provinces Kerrich and Wyman, 1994 . Internal cycles involve

    internal oceans between continents. The North and South At-

    lantic Oceans have opened and closed two or three times, as

    North America-South America and Europe-Africa diverged

    and then closed in Wilson cycles. The Pacific Ocean is an ex-

    ternal ocean outboard of the external Cordilleran orogen.

    Supercontinents may assemble in two configurations. In-

    troversion involves breakup, opening then closing of interior

    oceans, and reassembly. In extroversion, following supercon-

    tinent dispersal, exterior margins of continental fragments ro-

    tate and collide during reassembly. Combinations of the

    processes may occur. The Paleozoic Appalachian-Caledonian-

    Variscan orogen is an example of supercontinent introversion.

    In contrast, during the Neoproterozoic East African and

    Brasiliano orogens, the exterior ocean surrounding Rodinia,

    which broke up at -7S0 Ma, was consumed dming the amal-

    gamation of Gondwana, representing extroversion Murphy

    and Nance, 2003 .

    Metallogenic provinces in a supercontinent cycle framework

    In an important synthesis for economic geology, Barley and

    Groves 1992 showed that the temporal distribution of sev-

    eral major classes of metallic mineral deposits can be related

    to the cyclic aggregation and breakup of the continents in the

    supercontinent cycle. Metal deposits related to continental

    rifting sedimentary rock-hosted Cu and Pb would form

    mainly during initiation of supercontinent fragmentation,

    whereas deposits related to convergent tectonics porphyry

    Cu, VMS, orogenic Au predominate during periods of sub-

    duction and supercontinent aggregation Fig. S .

    Superimposed on this -SOO-m.y. cycle are variations aris-

    ing from preservation, thermal decay, and subtleties of tec-

    tonic style. The scarcity of porphyry Cu and epithermal Au

    deposits in rocks older than 200 Ma is widely considered to

    be the consequence of their low preservation potential in

    rapidly eroded magmatic arcs and collisional mountain

    belts. Preservation potential is considered to be higher in

    external Cordilleran style than internal continent-conti-

    nent mountain belts Barley and Groves, 1992 . The

    change in style of base metal-bearing VMS deposits, from

    Archean Abitibi type to the Phanerozoic Kuroko and Cyprus

    types, may reflect differences in style of subduction, nature

    of the mantle wedge, and composition of arc magmas, and

    these differences in turn stem from decreasing thermal gra-

    dients. Archean crust is resistant to reworking in younger

    orogenic events due to its thick, refractory continental

    lithospheric mantle. This characteristic accounts for preser-

    vation of the prodigiously rich orogenic gold provinces of

    Neoarchean greenstone terranes Cordilleran-type accre-

    tion , VMS back-arc camps of the Superior province, and

    komatiite-associated Ni deposits Figs. 1,2,3, S; Kerrich et

    al., 2000; Groves et aI., 200S .

    The abundance ofVMS deposits in the Superior province,

    particularly when compared to the sparseness of similar de-

    posits in Neoarchean counterpart terranes of India, southern

    Africa, and Western Australia, might be considered contra-

    dictory to such a unified framework. However, volcanic rocks

    in the Yilgarn craton of similar age to those of the Superior

    province were generally erupted through continental crust

    and, therefore, do not correspond to the more primitive

    oceanic arc settings represented by the 2.7 Ga VMS-hosting

    terranes in Canada Wymanet al., 1999 .

    In summary, the empirical association of mineral deposit

    classes with specific stages of the supercontinent cycle sup-

    ports the precept that mineral deposits are products of par-

    ticular geodynamic settings Fig. S .

    Archean Geodynamics and Greenstone Terranes

    Neoarchean greenstone-granitoid terranes show both differ-

    ences from and similarities to Proterozoic and Phanerozoic

    Cordilleran-type orogenic belts that formed by terrane accre-

    tion at convergent margins Burke et al., 1976; Sleep and

    Windley, 1982; Card and Ciesielski, 1986; Friend et al., 1988;

    Sengor, 1990; Sleep, 1992; Windley, 1995; Polat et al., 1999 .

    Komatiitic liquids stem from melting in anomalously hot man-

    tle plumes. Their eruption temperature of 1,650C contrasts

    with -1,200C for basalts. Komatiites are ubiquitous in

    Archean greenstone terranes but are rare in Proterozoic or

    Phanerozoic counterparts Arndt, 1994 .Together with basalts,

    they represent intraoceanic plateaus or continental flood

    basalts. Given higher mantle temperatures in Archean plumes,

    plateau crust would have been thicker, -30 to SOkm Fig. 3

    and thus not able to be subducted; rather, such crust was im-

    bricated where plateaus jammed against convergent margins

    Bickle, 1986;Abbott et aI., 1994a;Wyman et al., 1999 .

    At Archean convergent margins, bimodal arc magmatism

    involved slab dehydration and wedge melting, generating arc

    basaltic liquids as in the Phanerozoic Pearce and Peate,

    1995;Wyman, 2003 . However, given their high thorium con-

    tents, trondhjemite-tonalite-granite TTG batholiths likely

    formed as melts of enriched, gamet-amphibolite facies,

    plateau basalt crust subcreted beneath the convergent mar-

    gin, rather than depleted MORB-like crust Foley et aI.,

    2002 . The TTG suite is characterized by a secular increase of

    Mg number and Ni from 4 to 2 Ga, conferring evidence of the

    involvement of a progressively thicker mantle wedge as sub-

    duction steepened Martin and Moyen, 2002 . Models of the

    thermal structure of the mantle predict a transition from flat

    to steep subduction at -2.S Ga, in keeping with the distribu-

    tion of TIG in Archean terranes and the transition in sedi-

    mentary rock REE patterns at this time Abbott et al., 1994a;

    Taylor and McLennan, 1995 . Given smaller plates, and a

    commensurately longer global ridge system in the Archean

    Hargraves, 1986 , ridge subduction would have been more

    frequent, accounting for high heat flow in convergent mar-

    gins, which was responsible for the abundant TIG Polat and

    Kenich, 2004 .

    Similarities between Neoarchean greenstone terranes and

    Phanerozoic convergent margins include accretionary tecton-

    ics, melanges, subduction-accretion complexes, ophiolites,

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    K RRI H T


    and Cenozoic-type arc associations. The Superior province

    was assembled by diachronous accretion in a Cordilleran-type

    orogen from 2.74 to 2.65 Ga Card and Ciesielski, 1986;Card,

    1990; Thurston et al., 1991; Percival et al., 1994; Calvert and

    Ludden, 1999 . A few small melange occurrences have been

    documented in Archean terranes Kusky, 1991;Wang et al.,

    1996; Polat and Kerrich, 1999 , with melanges indicating the

    presence of subduction-accretion complexes. Precambrian

    ophiolites, reviewed by Kusky 2004 , indicate paleo-conver-

    gent margins. Boninites have been recorded from several

    Archean volcanic rock sequences, aswell as an association of

    adakites, high Mg andesite, and Nb-enriched basalts, typical

    of Cenozoic arcs that are linked to shallowsubduction of rel-

    atively hot oceanic lithosphere Kerrich et al., 1998; Hollings,

    2002; Polat et al., 2003 .

    Neoarchean greenstone belts are now generally considered

    to be Cordilleran-style collages of oceanic arc and plateau ter-

    ranes, in which orogenesis was induced by plateaus jamming

    against arcs. The composite arc-plateau crust was stabilized

    by the residue of plume melting, coupled to the composite

    crust as continental lithospheric mantle Wyman and Kerrich,


    At Archean convergent margins, shallow subduction

    angles, -11-km-thick oceanic crust of which only the top -7

    km was occasionally obducted and relatively high thermal

    gradients, can explain the absence of blueschist-eclogite asso-

    ciations and rare ophiolites that generally lack a mantle sec-

    tion Figs.2E, 3; cf. Mooreset al.,2000

    Metallogeny of Intraoceanic Arcs

    Podiform r

    Podiform bodies of spinel are an important resource of

    chromium. Most of the deposits are in Caledonian or younger

    suprasubduction zone ophiolites. Notable are the -500, -460,

    and -370 Ma ophiolites of northwestern China, obducted

    during accretion of arc terranes along composite sutures be-

    tween the Kazakhstan, Siberian, and Tarim blocks; Ap-

    palachian ophiolites; Hercynian ophiolites of Eurasia;

    Tethyan Mesozoic ophiolites, including those in Turkey,

    Oman, and Cyprus; and Mesozoic-Cenozoic ophiolites in ac-

    creted terranes of the North American Cordillera. Rare pod-

    iform chromitite bodies have been reported from a 3.0 Ga

    ophiolite in the Ukraine, and the 2.5 Ga Zunhua ophiolite of

    the North China craton Thayer, 1976;Duke, 1996a; Zhou et

    al., 2001; Polat et aI., 2004 .

    Podiform bodies are dominated by Cr-rich spinels en-

    veloped by dunite in harzburgite of the mantle section, or the

    crust-mantle transition, of oceanic lithosphere from intrao-

    ceanic arcs. Podiform morphology reflects mantle flowpaths.

    A current model for development of chromitite bodies in-

    volves generation initially of hydrous basaltic melts in the

    peridotitic mantle wedge from dehydration of the subducting

    slab. Hydrous melts depolymerize, enhancing the octahedral

    site preference for ci3+ Subsequent reaction of melt WIth

    peridotite in an open system induces polymerization accom-

    panied by precipitation of Cr spinel at -7-km depth and 0.2

    GPa Fig. 2C; Edwards et al., 2000 .

    Podiform chromite deposits reflect obduction of intrao-

    ceanic arc crust-upper mantle sections in both continent-con-

    tinent Appalachian, Tethyan and Cordilleran-type orogens

    Figs. 1, 2C . Sparsity of these deposits in Precambrian ter-

    ranes reflects the same process responsible for the absence of

    blueschists and eclogites, or of complete ophiolite sections,

    given that the upper basaltic sections of thicker oceanic

    lithosphere were obducted Fig. 2E; Moores, 2002; Polat et

    aI., 2004 .

    VMS deposits

    VMS deposits Franklin et al., 2005 form in oceanic

    spreading centers, arcs, and rifts Hannington et al., 2005 ,

    but mid-ocean-ridge crust is rarely preserved in the geologic

    record due to the likelihood that oceanic lithosphere will be

    subducted Cloos, 1993 . Many VMS deposits formed at

    convergent margins under extensional conditions, specifically

    in back arcs, where thinned and fractured lithosphere,

    upwelling asthenosphere, and high-temperature magmas

    generate long-lived high heat flow and enhanced hydraulic

    conductivity Figs. 2C, 4E . Back-arc lithosphere is more

    readily obductible, being young and hot. The fact that all

    VMS deposits are associated with some mafic magmatism sig-

    nifies a functional relationship to thermal anomalies in the

    upper mantle Barrie and Hannington, 1999 . A lack of sig-

    nificant VMS deposits in the Mesoproterozoic and Neopro-

    terozoic Hutchinson, 1981; Meyer, 1981, 1988 reflects the

    drift stage in dispersal of first Columbia and then Grenville

    orogens that stitched together Rodinia. These orogens now

    expose deep erosional levels, which is ultimately due to de-

    lamination of mantle lithosphere Fig. 5 .

    Based on rock associations, and therefore tectonic setting,

    Barrie and Hannington 1999 and Franklin et al. 2005

    classified VMS deposits into five groups. Mafic and bimodal

    siliciclastic rock-associated deposits are mainly restricted to

    the Phanerozoic. The former consists of tholeiitic with minor

    boninitic rocks and includes ocean-ridge deposits that were

    obducted as part of ophiolite fragments, exemplified by

    Tethyan ores of Cyprus and Turkey. The geodynamic setting

    is a suprasubduction zone, and such magma-ore associations

    extend to the Paleoproterozoic Flin Flon VMS province

    Wyman, 1999 . The latter, characterized by large tonnages

    with high Pb but low Cu contents, formed in a continental

    arc or back-arc setting; VMS ores of the Bathurst and Iber-

    ian Pyrite Belt provinces are prominent examples of this


    The other three groups ofVMS deposits have broader sec-

    ular distributions. Bimodal-mafic and bimodal-felsic group

    deposits occur in oceanic terranes back to the Neoarchean of

    some cratons. The former represent primitive oceanic arcs or

    back arcs; examples include Noranda and Matagami, Quebec,

    some ores of Flin Flon, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, and

    Jerome, Arizona. The latter represents precipitation of VMS

    deposits in mature arcs, such as the Mt. Read district, Tasma-

    nia. A mafic volcanic-volcaniclastic rock and turbidite associ-

    ation with VMS formation occurred from the Mesoprotero-

    zoic through the Phanerozoic. These deposits developed in

    sediment-rich oceanic rifts, notably Windy Craggy, British

    Columbia, or in propagating continental rifts, exemplified by

    the Besshi district of Japan. The Middle Valleyand Escanaba

    trough, and the Sea of Cortez, are present-day metal-rich

    analogs to these two environments in the final group, respec-

    tively Barrie and Hannington, 1999 .

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    Intraoceanic and Continental Margin Arc

    Porphyry- Epithermal Systems

    Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au hereafter referred to as porphyry Cu)

    and related epithermal Au-Ag deposits are predominantly, but

    not exclusively, a Phanerozoic occurrence Seedorff et al.,

    2005; Simmons et al., 2005). The majority of both deposit types

    occur in Mesozoic and Cenozoic subduction-related subvol-

    canic plutonic complexes and related volcano-sedimentary se-

    quences, but this may be in part a function of the low preser-

    vation potential of shallow-level crustal sequences within active

    convergent plate margins. Rapid uplift and erosion, tectonic

    erosion, and collision either with oceanic terranes such as is-

    land arcs, seamounts, or plateaus, or with continental masses)

    commonly result in destruction of supracrustal sequences in

    both oceanic and continental volcanic arcs. Nevertheless, de-

    posits of both types do occur in older terranes, but with in-

    creasing rarity back to the Mesoarchean, to the point that Pre-

    cambrian occurrences in Australia, Canada, India, and

    Scandinavia are noted as exceptions; the earliest known de-

    posits are -3.3 Ga in age Barley, 1982). The characteristics of

    Precambrian deposits are little different from those of their

    Phanerozoic counterparts GaaI and Isohanni, 1979; Barley,

    1982; Roth et al., 1991; Fraser, 1993; Sikka and Nehru, 1997;

    Stein et al., 2004), suggesting that similar tectonomagmatic

    processes were involved in their formation.

    Porphyry u deposits

    Porphyry Cu deposits show one of the clearest relationships

    to specific plate tectonic processes of any ore deposit type

    Fig. 6; Sillitoe, 1972; Burnham, 1981). The relationship to

    subduction of oceanic crust relates primarily to the large flux

    of water and other volatiles from the slab into the overlying

    asthenospheric mantle wedge. As recently reviewed by

    Richards 2003; see also Candela and Piccoli, 2005), these

    volatiles metasomatize the mantle wedge and reduce its melt-

    ing point, such that hydrous basaltic magmas are produced by

    partial melting in the highest temperature regions. These

    melts are the ultimate sources of more evolved magmas that

    are emplaced into the overlying crust and which may gener-

    ate porphyry and related epithermal deposits.

    Subduction represents the return flowof materials into the

    mantle to compensate for the creation of new oceanic lithos-

    phere at mid-ocean ridges. But processes of sea-floor meta-

    morphism, resulting in hydration and introduction of other

    sea water-derived elements, such as S, CI, and alkalis ex-

    changed for Ca), mean that the return flow ismodified from

    the original MORB composition. Upon return into the man-

    tle, these same water-soluble elements are released during

    prograde dehydration reactions, whereby minerals such as

    serpentine, amphibole, chlorite, zoisite, and lawsonite Fig.6;

    Tatsumi, 1986; Schmidt and Poli, 1998; Winter, 2001;

    Forneris and Holloway,2 3

    are converted to progressively

    more anhydrous blueschist- and eclogite-facies assemblages.

    Additional components may be added by subduction of sea-

    floor sediment and tectonic erosion of upper plate rocks e.g.,

    de Hoog et aI., 2001).

    Basaltic crust of the downgoing slab may partially melt

    where the lithosphere is young

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    , ,

    , ,








    Transpression High Crustal

    Permeability at Releasing ends

    Composite volcanoes develop

    above shallow magma chambers;

    high potential for PCD formation

    FIG. 6. A. Normal subduction configuration beneath a continental arc from Richards, 2003; modified from Winter, 2001 .

    Slab dehydration leads to hydration of the overlying asthenospheric mantle wedge and partial melting in the hotter central

    regions of the wedge. Hydrous basaltic melts pool at the base of the crust due to density contrasts, where they fractionate,

    release heat, and interact with crustal materials to generate more evolved, less dense andesitic magmas by melting, assimi-

    lation, storage, and homogenization-MASH process of Hildreth and Moorbath, 1988 , which can then rise to upper crustal

    levels. It is these evolved magmas that are directly associated with porphyry Cu deposit formation. B. Oblique convergence

    leads to the generation of structurally permeable transpressional sites along trench-linked strike-slip faults, up which magma

    may ascend from lower crustal MASH zones. Rapid, voluminous emplacement of magmas in the upper crust is regarded here

    to be a prerequisite for the subsequent formation of large porphyry Cu deposits by magmatic-hydrothermal fluid exsolution.

    crust. If the rate and volume of supply of magma is limited,

    then so too will be the flux of heat, metals, and other ore-

    forming components Fig. 6 . This constraint implies that the

    largest porphyry systems will be associated with long-lived

    and voluminous arc magmatic suites.

    Tosdal and Richards 2001 and Richards 2003 reviewed

    structural controls on the emplacement of porphyry magmas

    in the upper crust and argued that tectonic stresses acting on

    a regional architecture of translithospheric structures may in-

    fluence the location of magma ascent by providing relatively

    permeable pathways. Optimal sites are extensional structural

    domains formed at jogs and stepovers in large strike-slip fault

    systems deforming under mildly oblique compressional stress

    Fig. 6B . Although magma ascent can occur in the absence

    of such structures, their existence may act to focus magma

    flux, thus enhancing subsequent ore-forming potential.

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    spatial relationship of ore deposits to such structural nodes,

    often recognized in regional exploration as lineament inter-

    sections, has been noted in many porphyry and related ep-

    ithermal districts e.g., Corbett and Leach, 1998; Sasso and

    Clark, 1998; Padilla Garza et al., 2001; Richards et aI., 2001;

    Chemicoff et aI., 2002; Sapiie and Cloos, 2004 .

    Other models for porphyry Cu formation have invoked the

    direct involvement of slab melts adakites; Sajona and Maury,

    1998; Oyarzun et aI., 2001 or the role of crustal thickening

    and shallowing of subduction angle in affecting magma gen-

    eration and composition Kay et aI., 1999 . However, al-

    though these processes may be important locally,they do not

    seem to be universally applicable, and a more general rela-

    tionship to subduction magmatism is implied. Variations

    among the porphyry suite may arise from the wide variety of

    possible tectonic configurations in subduction zones, and spe-

    cific events or combinations of events may cumulatively act to

    maximize or reduce porphyry-forming potential. Notably,

    differences in porphyry systems in oceanic versus continental

    arcs occur mainly in subtle details and not in overall

    processes. Oceanic arc systems tend to be associated with

    somewhat more mafic dioritic plutonic rocks, whereas con-

    tinental arc systems are typically associated with more felsic

    systems Hollister, 1975;Kesler et al., 1975 . There is a com-

    mon tendency for oceanic systems also to be somewhat more

    Au versus Mo rich in continental systems, although manyex-

    ceptions exist. Both of these variations may relate to the de-

    gree of fractionation and crustal interaction experienced by

    the primary magmas oceanic systems representing more

    primitive systems and continental porphyries being more

    fractionated loss of Au and contaminated with crustal com-

    ponents higher Mo; Farmer and DePaolo, 1984; Blevin and

    Chappell, 1992 .

    Epithermal u g deposits

    Historically, an understanding of the relationship between

    shallow-level epithermal Au-Agdeposits and subvolcanic por-

    phyry systems was slower to develop than the overall rela-

    tionship to convergent plate margins. This was primarily due

    to problems of preservation and exposure level, which meant

    that where near-surface deposits were preserved, erosion had

    not penetrated deeply enough to reveal underlying mag-

    matic-hydrothermal systems. Conversely,where porphyry de-

    posits were exposed, overlying epithermal deposits had al-

    ready been removed. Consequently, near-surface advanced

    argillic alteration, characteristic of high-sulfidation-type ep-

    ithermal deposits, was not included in the classic model of

    porphyry alteration and mineralization zoning of Lowell and

    Guilbert 1970 . Nevertheless, Sillitoe 1973 made an early

    connection between porphyry formation and surficial vol-

    canic and fumarolic activity,and later studies, such as those of

    the adjacent Far Southeast porphyry and Lepanto high-sul-

    fidation epithermal deposits by Arribas et al. 1995 and

    Hedenquist et aI. 1998 , clearly demonstrated a connection

    between these distinct ore-forming environments. As such,

    the tectonic controls on high-sulfidation epithermal mineral-

    ization are closely related to those affecting porphyry de-

    posits. However, economic deposits of both types need not

    form together, because local details of fluid evolution, trans-

    port, and deposition processes may favor ore deposition in

    one or the other environment but not necessarily both envi-

    ronments. For example, Bissig et al. 2002 recently proposed

    that regional uplift and erosion history was critical in control-

    ling the development of mineralized epithermal systems in

    the EI Indio-Pascua belt Chile and Argentina , which are as-

    sociated only with apparently barren plutons. Thus, drilling

    beneath a known epithermal deposit will not necessarily re-

    veal an economic porphyry deposit, although evidence of a

    high-temperature magmatic hydrothermal system is likely to

    be encountered.

    Unlike high-sulfidation systems, low-sulfidation epithermal

    deposits do not show a clear, exclusive relationship to sub-

    duction zone magmatism, and many deposits are generated

    by thermal anomalies caused by crustal extension, such a

    epithermal Au-Ag deposits in the Basin and Range district,

    Nevada Berger and Bonham, 1990; John, 2001; Simmons

    et al., 2005 . In this respect, the involvement of specific

    magmatic components both volatiles and metals in low-sul-

    fidation epithermal systems is less clear, and the key input fo

    such systems may simply be a heat source of any origin. By

    contrast, intermediate-sulfidation epithermal systems are

    commonly found in porphyry districts, and either a direct o

    distal association with magmatism has been proposed in many

    instances e.g., Rye, 1993; Hedenquist et aI., 1996; Hayba,

    1997; Faure et al., 2002 . A common structural control on

    most epithermal-type deposits is extensional faulting and

    brecciation, either generated regionally by tectonic stress

    fields as in the case of the Basin and Range or locally by

    forces involved with magma emplacement crustal doming

    or by elevated fluid pressure hydraulic fracturing . The latter

    tectonic condition is commonly generated in association with

    porphyry formation but not exclusively so.

    Metallogeny of Cordilleran Orogens

    Metallogenic context

    In contrast to the shallow crustal regions that characterize

    continental magmatic arcs, as described above, much of an

    evolved orogen exposes rocks that were deformed and meta

    morphosed at deeper crustal levels. Crustal rocks that woul

    have hosted porphyry and related epithermal mineral de

    posits are typically unroofed and eroded in fore- and back-ar

    regions. The exposed middle crustal rocks in these regions ar

    dominated, in contrast, by mineral deposits that reflec

    deeper hydrothermal processes that are active in convergen

    to transform continental margins. These processes form

    mainly orogenic Au deposits, with commonly related As,W

    Sb, and Hg resources. In addition, preaccretionary minera

    deposits, such as podiform Cr and VMS deposits that wer

    described above, may also be present and hosted within th

    same blocks of accreted juvenile crust Fig. lA .

    High heat flowand intense fluid regimes are important tec

    tonic features inherent to most Cordilleran orogens. The gen

    eration of Barrovian P-T conditions is typical for progressiv

    accretion of a broad zone of radiogenic juvenile materia

    scraped off a downgoing slab, where clockwise P-T-time tra

    jectories generate deeper and later metamorphism. Unde

    these heat-flow conditions, peak metamorphism at mid-crusta

    levels greenschist facies predates peak metamorphism i

    the deeper crust, such that fluids generated by dehydration

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    reactions in deeper crust advect to the mid-crust where they

    overprint the peak-metamorphic assemblage McCuaig and

    Kerrich, 1998).Within about 15m.y. of accretion, large areas

    of the mid-crust willbegin to experience a significant rise in

    geotherms e.g., Jamieson et aI., 1998). The causes of the

    thermal episode are complex; increased radioactive heat pro-

    duction of accreted material isthe most commonly cited trig-

    ger, but shear heating, massive fluid flow, crustal thickening,

    ridge subduction, or slab rollback are all processes that may

    add heat into the growing continental margin. Rapid uplift

    and/or continued outboard subduction typically yields a pat-

    tern of inverted isotherms, such that more highly metamor-

    phosed rocks are thrust above lower grade rocks Peacock,


    Fluid reservoirs are present both in the subducted slab, as

    noted above, and in the accreted sedimentary and volcanic

    rock sequences. As described above, slab devolatilization

    releases volatiles into the overlying mantle wedge. The pro-

    grading accreted juvenile crust represents a significant sec-

    ond reservoir, with voluminous fluid release across various

    metamorphic isograds Fyfe et al., 1978; Powell et al., 1991).

    Estimates for progressive metamorphism of an average pelite

    are that about 5 vol percent of the rock will be lost to the fluid

    phase at metamorphic reaction boundaries e.g., Walther and

    Orville, 1982). Fluids released at greenschist- and amphibo-

    lite-facies conditions typically consist of H2O, CO2, CH4, and

    N2 Mullis, 1979), aswell as relative enrichments of H2S from

    desulfidation reactions Ferry, 1981), therefore explaining the

    dominance of c-o- H-N-S fluids in Cordilleran orogens. Spe-

    cific volatile composition of these fluids generated during

    metamorphism will depend on the composition of the juve-

    nile rocks, particularly on the clay, carbonate, and organic

    matter content Yardley,1997). Numerous studies see sum-

    mary by Goldfarb et al., 2005) also indicate a progressive mo-

    bilization of As, Au, B, Hg, Sb, and W in such fluids with in-

    creasing degree of metamorphism. Concentration of these

    species in metamorphic fluids may determine, to a large part,

    Formerly Active

    Magmatic Arc.

    300 C

    epth in rust



    km- --+--+---


    00 C

    SOO C

    600 C

    mineral resource potential within Cordilleran orogens. Silica

    metasomatism in both the mantle wedge and overlyingcrust

    is commonplace Manning, 1997) and, as a result, there is a

    consistent association of epigenetic ore deposits in metamor-

    phic environments with large quartz vein systems Fig.7).

    Orogenic u

    The fore-arc regions of Cordilleran orogens inherently are

    characterized bywidespread orogenic gold deposits. The type

    Cordilleran orogen of western North America, which is still

    evolving, may have begun to form anywhere from 400 to 200

    m.y.ago, depending on how an orogen is defined. Subsequent

    to Rodinian rifting in the Neoproterozoic, the Pacific margin

    of North America was the passive margin site of sedimenta-

    tion through the Middle Devonian Dickinson, 2004). Bythe

    Late Devonian, convergent tectonism began along the mar-

    gin, with the Late Devonian to Early Mississippian Antler or

    Ellesmerian in the far north) and Late Permian to Early Tri-

    assic Sonoma allochthons of oceanic rocks being thrust over

    the miogeoclinal shelf edge Burchfiel et al., 1992). Such ob-

    duction of oceanic rocks was not associated with any type of

    subduction zone geodynamics, continental arc development,

    or metamorphism, and this low-temperature tectonism also

    lacked any associated ore deposit formation of significance.

    Cordilleran orogenesis essentially began with the accretion of

    more than 200 terranes along the seaward side of the former

    passive margin post-Early Triassic Fig.lA; Coney et al., 1980;

    Monger et aI., 1982). The exact time of initiation of simulta-

    neous slab subduction and terrane accretion, and thus the

    best estimate of the start of orogenesis, could be any time be-

    tween -240 and 70 Ma. Moores et al. 1999) noted that there

    is a lack of evidence for such terrane collision along much of

    the margin prior to the younger part of this age range.

    With the onset of subduction-accretion and the deeper and

    later style of metamorphism, economically significant oro-

    genic Au deposits have formed within mainly greenschist fa-

    cies rocks of the Cordilleran orogen for probably the last 170

    FIG. 7. Cordilleran-type orogens are recognized for the widespread distribution of orogenic gold deposits in metamor-

    phosed juvenile rocks on either side of the magmatic arc. Ore-forming fluids in the fore arc may be derived from prograde

    metamorphism of accreted material above a subducting slab and from the slab itself; where slab fluids are released into the

    mantle wedge, mantle-derived melts may carry some of the fluid into the accreted oceanic rocks. The metalliferous fluids

    are focused along major crustal shear zones in the fore are, which previously may have been sites of terrane suturing.

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    m.y. Fig. 5; Goldfarb et aI., 2001). The youngest such ores

    are the -50 Ma gold deposits on Chichagof Island, southeast-

    ern Alaska. However, it is likely that younger orogenic gold

    deposits have formed at depth within the fore arc of the oro-

    gen since the middle Eocene, but these mid-crustal ore-host-

    ing regimes have yet to be uplifted and exposed at the surface

    Fig. 7; Goldfarb et aI., 2000).

    The most significant lode deposits are associated with ter-

    rane-bounding fault systems. Where no such major conduits

    occur within a deeper and later thermal sequence, veins are

    smaller and more widely distributed, and world-classeconomic

    gold lodes are unlikely to have formed e.g., Chugach Moun-

    tains/Kenai peninsula, Nome, Klondike). Both exotic oceanic

    blocks, such as hosts for the Mother Lode and Juneau gold

    belt, and terranes of pericratonic miogeoclinalstrata, including

    the Fairbanks and Klondike districts in the Yukon-Tananater-

    rane, all of which were translated along the North American

    margin, are equally likely to host orogenic gold deposits.

    The oldest gold lodes in the North American Cordillera are

    those of Middle and Late Jurassic in the Canadian sector and

    Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous in California Goldfarb et

    al., 1998). In Alaska, both gold and arcs young seaward, from

    -100 Ma in the north and interior to -60 to 50 Ma along the

    present-day active margin. Typically, the orogenic gold

    provinces occur at geologic and structurally favorable loca-

    tions in terranes of the fore arc, such as within the Juneau

    gold belt and Sierra foothills. However, where arcs are rela-

    tively diffuse, rather than occurring as distinct Andean-style

    batholiths, important lodes occur within an evolving arc in-

    cluding hosts to deposits of the Klamath Mountains and Fair-

    banks districts). Where well-defined batholiths have already

    been crystallized and are in the process of regional uplift,

    competent margins to these igneous masses may also host

    orogenic gold deposits e.g., Willow Creek). In addition to a

    number of small orogenic gold deposits in the Cordilleran

    back-arc regions e.g., Polaris-Taku, northern British Colum-

    bia; Humboldt Range, Nevada), the world-class Late Creta-

    ceous Bridge River deposit in southern British Columbia in-

    dicates important orogenic gold ore formation, as well as

    subduction-related plutonism, may also continue landward

    into oceanic terranes inboard of an evolving continental mar-

    gin arc. The thermal profile of a Cordilleran orogen, rather

    than simply a geographic location in a growing margin, ap-

    parently controls fluid evolution and ore genesis in the

    oceanic rocks McCuaig and Kerrich, 1998). Indeed, a similar

    arc to back-arc position characterizes many of the Late Juras-

    sic-Cretaceous orogenic gold deposits in the deformed terri-

    geneous rocks to the west of the Siberian craton in eastern

    Russia Fridovsky and Prokopiev, 2002).

    The Altaid orogen presents a similar Au-rich Cordilleran-

    type orogen composed of Vendian through Jurassic units

    accreted to the margins of the Siberian craton Sengor and

    Natal in, 1996b). Inclusion of the Baikalides and Uralides,

    both containing important Paleozoic orogenic gold provinces,

    remains controversial Sengor, 1993). Tectonism and defor-

    mation span the entire duration of the Paleozoic. Giant Early

    Permian orogenic gold deposits e.g., Muruntau, Zarmitan,

    Kumtor, Sawyaerdun) continue along the length of the oro-

    gen in what is probably one of the outermost accreted ter-

    ranes Yakubchuket al., 2002 In a pattern similarto that

    observed in Alaska, older orogenic gold provinces reflect ear-

    lier subduction closer to the craton margin. Giant deposits

    such as Olympiada and Zun-Kholba formed in Proterozoic

    terranes along the southwestern side of the craton in the lat-

    est Neoproterozoic and early Paleozoic, followed by ores in

    more seaward regions of Kazakhstan and the Urals in the

    mid-Paleozoic, and then the Permian ores developed along

    the edge of the closing Paleo-Tethyan Ocean Herrington et

    al.,2005;Yakubchuket al.,


    Significant characteristics of the Altaid orogen Yakubchuk

    et al., 2005) illustrate other broad tectonic controls on oro-

    genic gold in Cordilleran orogens. First, the immense gold re-

    source at the Sukhoi Log deposit, probably of mid-Paleozoic

    age Goldfarb et al., 2001), is hosted by carbonaceous and

    pyrite-rich flysch in a retroarc location within complexly de-

    formed Neoproterozoic pericratonic Baikal terranes Bulga-

    tov and Gordiyenko, 1999). The thermal event associated

    with emplacement of the immense Angara-Vitim batholith

    Yarmolyuket al., 1998) correlates with the major period of

    orogenic gold deposit formation within 100 km of the craton.

    Thus, there are clearly significant exceptions to the general

    observation that orogenic gold ores in a Cordilleran orogen

    will always be younger in an oceanward direction. Second,

    with the exception of this Baikal region, large gold placers,

    such as those that dominate the circum-Pacific goldfields, are

    absent. Perhaps this reflects the fact that continent -continent

    collision closed the Altaid orogen and has, at least temporar-

    ily, formed a Paleozoic craton. This preserved paleo-

    Cordilleran margin has thus not been susceptible to rework-

    ing and erosion of significant amounts of its contained lode

    gold systems. Further support for such a concept isthat much

    of the interior of the Altaid orogen still contains numerous

    Paleozoic porphyry and epithermal deposits Yakubchuk et

    aI., 2002, 2005), whereas such shallow crustal levels have

    been already removed by uplift and erosion from many of the

    circum-Pacific Cordilleran terranes.

    The Paleozoic Tasman orogen of eastern Australia, which

    includes the gold-rich Thomson, Hodgkinson-Broken River,

    and, particularly, Lachlan fold belts, may also be considered

    an accretionary orogen but with important differences from

    the more classic Cordilleran-type orogens of western North

    America and the Altaids. Rather than a series of accreted ter-

    ranes, much of the more deformed and metamorphosed sec-

    tors of the orogen reflect a single, quartz-rich turbidite fan

    system shed off the Delamerian-Ross highlands in the earliest

    Paleozoic. Ordovician-Silurian orogenesis was dominated by

    shortening and folding, as is typical of Cordilleran orogens,

    but these were thin-skinned tectonic events and lacked any

    major uplift of basement blocks Coney, 1992; Goldfarb et aI.,

    1998). This difference in crustal response may be indicative

    of subduction and/or accretion in association with a large fan

    system, rather than a series of terranes, along a continental

    margin Gray and Foster, 2000). The extensive ores of the

    Victorian goldfields formed during Late Ordovician deforma-

    tion, metamorphism, and subduction in the western province

    of the Lachlan fold belt -440 Ma: Bierlein et aI., 2001); how-

    ever, no magmatic arc developed during subduction beneath

    the deforming turbidite wedge Fergusson, 2003).

    Thrust-fault development and uplift of the Victorian ore

    host rocks began at -455 Ma, with perhaps slab rollback -15

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    my later, providing the main thermal event related to gold

    formation (Squire and Miller, 2003). Therefore, the Tasman

    orogen scenario suggests that deformation, heating, and uplift

    of juvenile material along a margin may be essential to fluid

    production, fluid migration, and related lode gold formation,

    regardless of the presence of associated magmatism or an

    abundance ofwell-defined terrane-bounding fault zones.

    The Otago schist belt of the South Island of New Zealand

    may be more like a classic Cordilleran orogen, or at least a

    part of such an orogen, but alsowithout any magmatic arc ac-

    tivity recognized in the gold-hosting terranes. This Permian-

    Cretaceous accretionary wedge contains a number of terranes

    that likely amalgamated and were simultaneously deformed

    and metamorphosed in Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous (Mor-

    timer, 1993;Gray and Foster, 2004). Orogenic gold formation

    occurred in the schists during this deformation and uplift,

    probably at -150 to 130 Ma (Craw, 2002). This time is ap-

    proximately mid-way through the 150-m.y.-Iong episode of

    terrane translation along the margin of East Gondwana

    (Pickard et al., 2000), such that hydrothermal activity oc-

    curred within the activelydeforming rocks as they were partly

    between their original location off the northeastern coast of

    Australia and present South Island location.

    Another variation on a Cordilleran-style margin might be

    east-central Asia, where terranes that now form the Japanese

    islands and southeastern Russiawere at one time immediately

    seaward of the eastern margin of China and have since un-

    dergone significant Jurassic(?)-Cretacous strike-slip transla-

    tion (Sengor and Natal in, 1996b; Charvet et al., 1999). The

    resulting Cenozoic configuration, subsequent to northward

    migration of the entire subduction and/or accretion complex,

    includes rocks of the North China craton now located imme-

    diately along the Pacific margin. These Precambrian rocks, as
