1.1- petroleum geology

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INsight of petroleum geology


  • NExT, A Schlumberger Company 5599 San Felipe, Suite 100 Houston, Texas 77056 www.NExTtraining.net Produced by NExT

    Copyright 2012 NExT. All rights reserved.

    No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transcribed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, without the prior written consent of the publisher. While the information presented herein is believed to be accurate, it is provided as is without express or implied warranty.

    An asterisk (*) is used throughout this document to denote a mark of Schlumberger. Other company, product, and service names are the properties of their respective owners.

  • 1.1- Petroleum Geology

    Dr. M. Watfa

    Role of a geologist, role of a geophysicist, forming of

    continents, petroleum system elements, sedimentary

    basins, source rocks, reservoir rocks, expulsion and

    migration, traps, Timings





  • 2 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Why Are Petrophysical Rock Types Important To You And How Are They Different Than Lithology Based Rock Types ?

    1. Please list as many reasons why Petrophysical rock types are

    important in reservoir analysis?

    2. Please list as many tools you can use to determine

    petrophysical rock types?

    3. Please discuss the difference between lithology based rock

    types and petrophysical based rock types ?





  • 3 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Role of Seismologist in Field Development Planning

    Conduct Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation of

    3D Seismic Data to Build

    Structural Maps/ Models that

    form Field Framework-Joint

    with PG

    Builds Synthetic Seismograms and Velocity

    Models for Field-Joint with PG

    and PP

    Advises on Planning and Provides Quality Control for

    Seismic Acquisition and


    Works with Quantitative Interpretation (QI) Group to

    Conduct Advanced Seismic

    Analysis for Reservoir

    Property Prediction from

    Seismic and Petrophysical

    Data -Joint with PP

    Helps Build Field Static Models and compute

    Reserves with Uncertainties-

    Joint with FDP Team

    Helps Plan Well Drilling Trajectories and Targets-Joint

    with FDP Team





  • 4 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Role of Geologist in Field Development Planning

    Builds Structural Maps/ Models that form Field

    Framework-Joint with PS

    Interprets and Describes Field Lithologies,

    Stratigraphy, and Facies

    Correlates Field Stratigraphy from Well Bore

    Data to define Layering and


    Conducts Analysis of Rock Properties from Drill

    Cuttings, Core and Logs-

    Joint with PP

    Builds Property Grid Block Models for Reservoirs-Joint

    with PS, PP and RE

    Builds Field Static Models and computes Reserves

    with Uncertainties-Joint

    with FDP Team

    Plans Well Drilling Trajectories and Targets-

    Joint with FDP Team





  • 5 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa


    The story of oil and

    natural gas begins far

    back in time as long as

    500 million years ago.

    Over the 4.5 billion years

    of it's lifetime the earth

    has been in an extremely

    slow but constant process

    of change.

    Forming of Continents





  • 6 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    The progressive separation of

    the continents

    Started around the Permian age

    The continents took their

    present shape around the

    Jurassic age

    Present day Tectonic plate

    movements are the remaining


    Forming of Continents





  • 7 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa


    Present day continents were

    once joined together in a

    super-continent called

    Pangaea and have been

    drifting apart over the past

    150 million years.

    Explained by a theory called

    plate tectonics - states that

    the continents are on

    enormous moving plates.

    As these plates move in

    response to stresses in the

    earth's mantle they collide or

    spread apart or slide past

    each other.

    Forming of Continents





  • 8 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Forming of Continents





  • 9 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa


    In the petroleum industry you will

    hear oil described as found in the

    late Cretaceous or the late


    These terms refer to the time on

    geologic time scale when these

    layers were deposited.

    Over the course of millions of

    years a fortunate timing of

    geological events can bring the

    right elements together at the

    right time in order to produce

    economic accumulations of oil.

    Forming of Continents





  • 10 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa


    As these plates move over

    the surface of the earth, in

    response to stresses in the

    earth's mantle they collide or

    spread apart or slide past

    each other.

    Mountains are often formed

    where plates collide.

    And more important to the

    industry these deformations

    of the earth's crust also form

    the basins, traps, and fluid

    movement that make

    petroleum possible.

    Forming of Continents





  • 11 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Sedimentary Basin- Presence of a sedimentary rock

    Source Rock: a rock with abundant hydrocarbons-prone organic matter

    Reservoir Rock: a rock in which oil and gas accumulates

    Porosity: space between rock grains in which oil and gas accumulates

    Permeability: ease with which oil & gas can move through the pore space between the grains

    Seal Rock: a rock through which oil and gas cannot move effectively (such as mudstone or anhydrite)

    Migration Route: avenues through which oil and gas move from source rock to trap

    Trap: the structural and stratigraphic configuration that focuses oil and gas into an accumulation.

    Timing of Events.

    Elements of a Petroleum System





  • 12 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Elements of a Petroleum System





  • 14 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    From John Armentrout

    Elements of a Petroleum System





  • 15 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Elements of a Petroleum System





  • 16 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Generation, Migration, and Trapping of Hydrocarbons




    Migration route

    Oil/watercontact (OWC)


    in thereservoir rock

    Top of maturity

    Source rock



    Elements of a Petroleum System





  • 17 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    From John Armentrout

    Elements of a Petroleum System





  • 18 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Sedimentary Basin

    A depression in the crust of

    the Earth formed by plate

    tectonic activity in which

    sediments accumulate up to

    15,000 meters

    600 major sedimentary basins

    in the world today

    onshore basins in green

    offshore basins in purple

    1000m / 3300ft water depth contour

    Sedimentary Basins





  • 19 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Sedimentary Rock


    Principle of superposition

    a sedimentary rock layer in a tectonically undisturbed

    stratum is younger than the

    one beneath and older than

    the one above it

    Principle of original horizontality

    deposition of sediments occurs as essentially

    horizontal beds

    Sedimentary Basins





  • 20 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Petroleum SystemGeneration:

    Source Rocks

    and Maturation

    As sedimentary layers accumulate in

    basins the stage is set for the

    generation of hydrocarbons.

    Source Rock- HC Generation





  • 21 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Petroleum System: Source rock

    Organic material is often preserved

    with sediments during deposition

    The organic material is the carbon-rich

    remains of plants and algae

    Kerogen is formed from the organic

    material with the increased pressure

    and temperature at depth

    Oil & gas subsequently forms by the

    maturation of the kerogen

    Source Rock- HC Generation





  • 22 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa


    Source Rocks and


    When sediments are

    deposited, they often

    include carbon-rich

    remains of many

    different organisms

    including plants and

    algae. This material is

    referred to as organic.

    Source Rock- HC Generation





  • 23 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Generation: Source

    Rocks and Maturation

    Layers accumulate and in time the overburden weight compresses the


    Temperature increases with depth and the combination of pressure

    and heat begins a slow

    transformation of the organic

    material into petroleum.

    Organic material is changed into intermediate kerogens, and then

    into oil and gas in a process called


    Source Rock- HC Generation





  • 24 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Petroleum System: Maturation

    At 2100 m / 7000 ft depth

    (65C) the minimum

    temperature for the formation of

    oil is reached

    At deeper levels, at

    temperatures above 150C,

    organic matter will be

    transformed to natural gas

    At deeper levels the organic

    material gets carbonised

    Source Rock- HC Generation





  • 25 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa



    If the temperature is

    too low, the organic

    material cannot

    transform into


    If the temperature is

    too high, the organic

    material and

    hydrocarbons are


    Source Rock- HC Generation





  • 26 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Generation: Source

    Rocks and Maturation

    Both of these

    substances are called

    hydrocarbons, because

    they consist mainly of

    the elements hydrogen

    and carbon in various


    Source Rock- HC Generation





  • 27 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Petroleum System:

    Expulsion and Migration

    Movement of hydrocarbons from their

    source into reservoir rocks

    Primary migration / Expulsion

    movement of newly generated hydrocarbons out of the source


    Secondary migration

    The further movement of the hydrocarbons into reservoir rock in

    a hydrocarbon trap

    Expulsion and Migration





  • 28 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Surface Oil


    Surface oil lakes

    were very

    common in Persia

    and Iraq. This oil

    was used for a

    variety of


    dating back

    thousands of


    Expulsion and Migration





  • 29 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Gas Seepage





  • 30 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Expulsion and Migration:

    Because oil and gas are less

    dense than water, buoyant forces

    cause them to flow up along the

    path of least resistance toward

    the surface.

    The paths newly generated

    hydrocarbons take can be along

    faults or fractures, or directly

    through other permeable rock

    layers, called carrier beds.

    This is known as secondary


    Expulsion and Migration





  • 31 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Fluids are able to flow through certain rock beds, such as sandstones, due to

    their high permeability.

    At this point, migrating hydrocarbons can either find their way to the surface and

    create seeps Or they can become trapped in porous

    reservoir rock - another of the main

    requirements of an economic petroleum


    Because of migration, oil and gas can end up accumulating far from their source.

    Expulsion and Migration: Expulsion and Migration

    Expulsion and Migration





  • 32 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Rocks and Rock Types:

    Rock Types

    Oil is in general generated

    and stored in sedimentary

    rocks - rocks formed by the

    deposition of particles on

    the surface or the bottom of

    rivers, deltas, and oceans.

    The next section will

    discuss the characteristics

    of sedimentary rocks and

    different ways they can be


    Reservoir Rocks





  • 33 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Rocks and Rock Types:

    Rock Types

    There are three main types of rock which are classified as igneous,

    metamorphic, and sedimentary.

    This table summarizes some of the attributes of these three types.

    Igneous rocks, such as granite, and metamorphic rocks, such as

    gneiss, are called basement rocks.

    Only when highly fractured can these rocks serve as a reservoir.

    Reservoir Rocks





  • 34 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Rocks and Rock Types:Sedimentary CharacteristicsThere are two main types of

    sedimentary rock - Clastic and


    Clastic rocks are formed from weathered particles of sand, silt,

    or clay - deposited at places

    such as river deltas, beaches, or

    on the bottom of the ocean.

    Some of the Clastic sedimentary rocks commonly seen are

    sandstone and shale.

    Reservoir Rocks





  • 35 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Clastic Sedimentary Rocks






    Some sedimentary rock types

    Breccia - Coarse-grained, angular

    fragments - little transport;

    Conglomerate - Coarse-grained,

    mixture of rounded pebbles and sand

    ranging widely in size; well rounded

    pebbles imply some transport in a high

    energy system

    Sandstone - commonly quartz,

    feldspar, or rock fragments; deposited

    in many environments

    Shale - very fine grained; composed

    primarily of clay; deposited in low-

    energy environments such as lakes,

    bays, lagoons, of deep marine settings

    Reservoir Rocks





  • 36 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Clastic depositional systems are

    those in which the facies are

    composed primarily of

    transported rock and mineral

    fragments. Siliciclastic

    Depositional Systems

    Alluvial fan

    Fluvial (river)

    Barrier / strandplain


    Submarine fan

    Lacustrine (lake)

    Eolian (wind)

    Paludal (swamp)

    Reservoir Rocks





  • 37 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Rocks and Rock

    Types: Sedimentary


    The other kind of sedimentary rock is

    carbonate rock.

    These are often formed from chemical

    precipitation of calcium

    carbonate or in organic


    A common carbonate rock is limestone.

    Reservoir Rocks





  • 38 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Upper Thamama (Mid-Cretaceous) Formation Outcrop








    Reservoir Rocks

    Courtesy Schlumberger





  • 39 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    LST Sequence

    Deep Sea-Level

    Reservoir Rocks





  • 40 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Carbonate Reef System

    Cross section

    showing complex

    facies relations in a

    carbonate reef


    Reservoir quality

    varies with facies.

    Permeability could

    vary in the range 10-

    1000 mD for the

    same porosity

    Reservoir Rocks





  • 41 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Reservoir Rocks

    Courtesy Schlumberger





  • 42 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    A reservoir rock is any rock that has


    o porosity

    o permeability

    To allow invasion, accumulation and

    later, production of hydrocarbons

    As mentioned earlier, the vast

    majority of reservoir rocks worldwide

    are either sandstone or carbonate


    Reservoir Rocks





  • 43 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Reservoir Rock:


    A good reservoir

    rock must also have

    sufficient porosity to

    hold an economic

    volume of oil or gas.

    Reservoir Rocks





  • 44 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Reservoir Rock:


    Permeability we have already defined as

    the measure of ease with which fluid

    flows through a rock.

    This is necessary so that hydrocarbons

    can initially enter the reservoir, and then

    later be produced through a well.

    In formations with large grains, the

    permeability is high and the flow rate


    In a rock with small grains the

    permeability is less and the flow lower.

    Grain size has no bearing on porosity,

    but has a large effect on permeability.

    Reservoir Rocks





  • 45 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Petroleum System: Traps &


    Structural Traps



    Stratigraphic Traps

    angular unconformities



    Salt Domes

    The opposite of a reservoir rock, but

    a rock just as necessary for the

    formation of an economic petroleum

    accumulation is a seal.

    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal





  • 46 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal

    A seal or cap rock can be any rock

    with a relatively low permeability

    (10-6 to 10-8 Darcies) such that

    fluids cannot migrate beyond the


    Shales and salts such as anhydrite

    commonly act as seals

    Seals can also be the result of a

    barrier to flow such as a fault

    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal





  • 47 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal


    compressive forces act on a section of the crust that is

    ductile, causing arch-like

    folds to form


    when the tectonic forces are greater than the mechanical

    strength of the rock the rock

    fractures along a fault

    Structural Traps

    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal





  • 48 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Anticline Trap: is an arch shaped fold in

    rock in which rock layers are upwardly


    Fault Trap: is a joint or a fracture

    has driven an impermeable layer

    above permeable layer.

    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal





  • 49 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal

    Eroded top of an anticline in the Zaggaros



    esy S









  • 50 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Courtesy Schlumberger

    Drilling in the Zaggaros range in the early 70s- before horizontal drilling became a reality





  • 51 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Normal Fault

    Fault Plane analysis from

    Borehole imaging:

    Depth of the Fault Strike of the fault Angle of the fault Azimuth of the fault Sealing of the fault

    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal

    Courtesy Schlumberger





  • 52 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Micro Fault

    TD: 62/304

    Normal fault



    Down to WNW

    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal

    Courtesy Schlumberger





  • 53 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Major Fault example

    Dragging effect produced

    by a major fault

    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal

    Courtesy Schlumberger





  • 54 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Faults on Dipmeter

    Growth fault (Louisiana) Drag fault (Mississippi)

    Reverse fault with drag (far east)

    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal

    Courtesy Schlumberger





  • 55 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa



    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal

    Courtesy Schlumberger





  • 56 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal





  • 57 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal

    Angular unconformities

    a section of sedimentary rock containing reservoir rock tilted and

    eroded, and subsequently covered by

    further sedimentary rock layers


    sediments are deposited with a slight dip down in the basin


    Stratigraphic traps

    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal





  • 58 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Unconformity Trap: where a

    permeable reservoir rock has been

    converted by an impermeable layer

    following by nondepositional period

    or a time of erosion.

    Pinchout Trap: is a channel

    through a flood plain has been filled

    with permeable sand that was then

    surrounded by less permeable clays

    or silts when the channel moved.

    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal





  • 59 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Unconformity Dip motif

    Angular unconformity Angular unconformity in Algeria

    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal

    Courtesy Schlumberger





  • 60 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa


    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal

    Courtesy Schlumberger





  • 61 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa


    UnconformityTaconic Unconformity

    with Irregular , non planar

    bedding contact

    Change of Bedding

    orientation below the


    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal

    Courtesy Schlumberger





  • 62 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal

    Salt Domes

    Under pressure at depth, salt acts like a slow-moving

    liquid. Pressed by the weight

    of neighboring rocks, salt will

    flow upwards, creating plug-

    shaped diapirs or domes of


    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal





  • 63 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Petroleum System: Timing

    Timing of geologic events within

    the petroleum system is critical.

    trap formation before migration

    reservoir seal must remain intact

    1 in 3 wells drilled actually will find

    significant amounts of petroleum

    We now need techniques to

    predict the potential traps in the


    Petroleum System: Traps & Seal





  • 64 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    (From John Armentrout)

    Petroleum System: Timing of Events





  • 65 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Figure 9. Petroleum System for North Oman Huqf -- Shuaiba (!), Fahud Salt Basin

    (From Pollastro,

    USGS Bulletin, 1999)

    Petroleum System: Timing of Events





  • 66 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Time and Scale ProblemsIf a course rock of a given volume generates 1 gm of oil per year,

    how many barrels would be generated in one million years?

    Oil Density = 0.85 gm/cc

    1 barrel [UK] = 163 659.24 cubic centimeter

    1 barrel [US, petroleum] = 158 987.29 cubic centimeter

    7.185 Barrels (UK)

    7.397 Barrels (US)

    I gm occupies: 1/0.85 cc = 1.176 cc

    In one million years we generate: 1,176,000 cubic centimetre of oil





  • 67 Copyright 2001-2011 NExT. All rights reserved Material: M. Watfa

    Time and Scale Problems

    If an oil droplet moves 1 cm in a year through a carrier bed,

    how far could it move in a million years?

    = 1,000,000 cm in one-million years

    = 1,000,000 / 100 /1000 = 10 km

    To meters To kilometres



