11022720-074(internship nbp)

INTERNSHIP REPORT ON NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN Internship Report Submitted to the Faculty of Management &Administrative Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration Submitted By Name of Student: Sohail Yousaf Role Number : 11022720-074 Program& Session: MBA (3.5 years), 2011-2015 UNIVVERSITY OF GUJRAT Date of Submission Name of Program Coordinator ___________________________

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National Bank of Pakistan


Internship Report Submitted to the Faculty of Management &Administrative Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration

Submitted ByName of Student: Sohail YousafRole Number : 11022720-074Program& Session: MBA (3.5 years), 2011-2015

UNIVVERSITY OF GUJRATDate of SubmissionName of Program Coordinator ___________________________

Signature of Program Coordinator ___________________________

AcknowledgementIN THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE MOST MERCIFUL, THE BENEFICENTFirst of all I would like to bend over my head in front of ALMIGHTY ALLAH. It was ALMIGHTY ALLAH who direct me in every stage of my life, and who bestow me with capability to accomplish the best and helped me to conquer every attempt and difficulty I faced during my journey of getting professional Training at National Bank of Pakistan Rahwali Branch.My report will remain incomplete if I do not mention the people who helped me in completing this work but honestly speaking there is an unending list of persons who helped me in completion of my professional education and I think it would be a great injustice on my part if I not thank full to them for provided me required information moral support and cooperation.I extremely thank full to all those people who helped me to complete my report as it is compulsory part of the Master in Business Administration because perhaps I would not be able to write such a report without their help and cooperation.Especially I am very thankful to the Mr. Naveed Ali Khan, who organized my internship program and he organized it in such a way that sufficient time was given to each department according to its importance. Besides I appreciate the staff of Rahwali Branch of NBP, which provided me with all the information I needed.Finally, I am very thankful to my family and my sweet friends for their prayers, love and encouragement and their faith in my abilities. This completion of my internship is the result of their co-operation and moral support. Without their co-operation and support a project like this is difficult at best

Dedication This humble effort is dedicatedTo my beloved parents,Respectable teachers,And my loving friends,Whose love and effortCan never be forgotten.

National Bank of Pakistan 1 - 71. Title Page 12. Acknowledgement 2 3. Dedication. 3 4. Executive Summary 75.1 Introduction and Overview of the Organization (Part-I) 8 - 33 5.1 Introduction 5.1.1 Scope 85.1.2 Aim 85.1.3 Objective of Studying the organization 95.2 Over view of the Organization95.2.1 Brief History95.2.2 Nature of the Organization115.2.3 Vision 135.2.4 Mission 135.2.5 Core Values145.2.6 Goals 145.2.7 Business Volume15 5.2.8 Award & Achievement 165.2.9Product and Service Lines17Premium Aamdani Scheme18Premium Saver Scheme19NBP Saibaan20NBP Advance Salary20NBP Cash N Card 21NBP Investor Advantage23 NBP Cash n Gold 24NBP Kisan Taqat24 NBP Kisan Dost 25NBP Pak Remit 26NBP Protection Shield27 5.2.10 Services lines of NBP 285.2.11 Pest Analysis 325.2.12Contribution of the Organization towards Economic Development 33

5.3 Organizational Structure 34425.3.1 Organizational Hierarchy Chart 345.3.2 Number of Employees 35 5.3.3 Main Offices 365.3.4 Introduction of all Departments 395.3.5 Comment on the Organizational Structure 425.4 Internees Work (Part-II) 43 - 455.4.1 Brief Introduction of the Branch435.4.1.2 Branch Profile445.4.1.3 Branch Hierarchy455.4.2 Detail of Supervisors45

5.4.3 Weekly Timetable 46 -52 First Week46 Second Week48 Third Week 49 Fourth Week50 Fifth Week51 Sixth Week52

5.4.4 Working Department Description and Operations Performed 53 - 65 Bill Department53 Deposit Department54 Cash Department 58 Government and pensions 59 Credit and advances 61 E-Remittance and Finance against Pledge of Gold645.4.5 Description of the tasks assigned to us 655.4.6 Summary of Learning65 - 68 Skills and Qualifications gained66 Responsibilities Under taken67 Influence of Internship on our future career68 Internship activities and our Classroom activities69

6.0Conclusion 69 - 75 Conclusion of the Report69 SWOT Analysis71 Strengths 71 Weaknesses72 Opportunities74 Threats75

7.0 Recommendations and References75 - 77 Recommendations75 References 77

Executive Summary:National bank of Pakistan (NBP) was developed in 1949. It served as the central regulatory bank of Pakistan till the time State Bank of Pakistan was established in 1949. National bank of Pakistan is the complete government bank and it undertook government treasury operations. The two major competitors of national bank of Pakistan are United Bank limited (UBL) and Habib Bank limited (HBL) of Pakistan. The first branch was open in Chandigarh road Karachi. And after, they make it the head office of the bank. The bank's history is divided into many phases. During 25 years of united Pakistan the bank advanced forward in all areas of its activities. 1970s were a difficult decade for all Banks of Pakistan. In 1971 East Pakistan was separated and Australasia Bank lost its 50 branches and a lot of capital as well. Nevertheless the growth remained steady. The National Bank Ltd. is playing a vital role in the national economy through mobilization of until now the unused local resources, promoting savings and providing funds for investments. Attractive rates of profit on all types of deposits, opening of Foreign Currency Accounts and handling of Foreign Exchange business such as Imports, Exports and Remittances, Financing, Trade and Industry for working capital requirements and money market operations are some facilities being provided by the Bank. There are various products offered by the NBP to their customer. There has been a continuous improvement in the performances of the banks, which is clearly shown by business volume and at the end PESTL and SWOT analysis and recommendations is beneficial for the NBP as well as for the students.This report covers the experience, which I have gained during my stay at the National Bank of Pakistan Rahwali Branch, Gujranwala, working as an internee.

5.1. INTRODUCTION TO REPORT:-The primary purpose of this study is to fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MBA (Specialization in Finance).For this connection each student of this particular course is required to undertake training in a relevant organization selected by them, for a period of 6-8weeks. The secondary purpose of this internship is to understand how the theoretical knowledge can be applied to the practical situations and examine an organizations financial issues and identify its opportunities & problems and also suggest corrective measures. This internship is also very necessary to gain confidence and become aware of the mechanism of an organization. This report is about the National bank of Pakistan, Rahwali branch Gujranwala, where I learn different things during the period of internship about banking sector that will discuss in soon after in the other portion of this report. 1.1scopeDuring the internship in national bank of Pakistan civil lines branch my main focus in on learning the all operation that is performed in banking. Scope of internship for me is that it will be very useful for me in future during the job in any kind of bank.1.2 AIMMy main aim of internship in national bank in Pakistan is learned the procedure and operation of the banking sector working in Pakistan and get complete knowledge and information that can be help in preparation of my internship report.

1.3 OBJECTIVESAs an internee I have achieved following objectives during my internship and organization study: To apply the theory in practical situations. Good work habits and sense of responsibility is produced. To develop my attitude supportive to valuable interpersonal affairs. To recognize how the key business method are carried out in business. To know how of the information that is used in an organization for decision making at diverse stages. To get professional know-how in an actual testing situation. To develop my learning experience by application of theory in practice. To increase my knowledge about the banking sector

2.0OVERVIEW OF THE ORGANIZATIONAL:3.1 Brief History:After the devalued of its currency, In (September) 1949by the U.K, India followed suit but Pakistan did not follow any suit. India said we had contravened the agreement of keeping both currencies at par. We said we dont do this. India had done it randomly without communicating us. On October 3, 1949 the both India and Pakistan banks were to announce the new par value of both currencies but India denied a day earlier. India also stops our trade - balance surplus that is still an unsettled clash. National Bank of Pakistan was established on November 9, 1949 under the National Bank of Pakistan Ordinance 1949, in order to deal with the crisis circumstances which were developed after the devaluation of Indian Rupee in 1949. Initially the Bank was established with the objective to expand credit for the agriculture sector. The Bank starts its operations from November 20; 1949.Karachi and Lahore offices of the bank were afterward opened in December 1949. The temperament of tasks of the national Bank is different and distinctive from other banks/financial institutions. Initially the NBP acts as the negotiator of the State Bank of Pakistan for managing Government Receipts at provincial and federal levels and Payments on its behalf.In today's competitive business environment, NBP needed to redefine its role and shed the public sector bank image, for a modern commercial bank. It has offloaded 23.2 percent share in the stock market, and while it has not been completely privatized like the other three public sector banks, partial privatization has taken place. It is now listed on the Karachi/ Islamabad/ Lahore Stock Exchanges.The bank has implemented special credit schemes like small finance for agriculture, business and industries, administrator to Qarz-e-Hasna loans to students, self-employment scheme for unemployed persons, public transport scheme. The Bank has expanded its range of products and services to include Shariah Compliant Islamic Banking products. For the promotion of literature, NBP recently initiated the Annual Awards for Excellence in Literature. NBP will confer annual awards to the best books in Urdu and in all prominent regional languages published during the defined period. Patronage from NBP would help creative work in the field of literature. The Bank is also the largest sponsor of sports in Pakistan. And performing different functions as follow Accepting of deposits of money on current, fixed, saving, term deposit and profit and loss sharing accounts. Borrowing money and arranging finance from other banks and advancing and lending money to its clients. Buying, selling, dealing, including entering into forward contracts of foreign exchange. Financing of seasonal crops like cotton, wheat, rice, sugar cane, tobacco, etc. Carrying on agency business of any description other than managing agent, on behalf of clients including Government and local authorities. Generating, undertaking, promoting, etc. of issue of shares and, bonds, etc. Transacting guarantee and indemnity business. Undertaking and executing trusts. Joint venturing with foreign dealers, agents and companies for its representation abroad. Participating in "World Bank" and "Asian Development Bank's" lines of credit. Handling of treasury transactions for the Government of Pakistan as agent to the State Bank of Pakistan. Purchased lot of commercial land for business.

2.2 NATURE OF THE ORGANIZATIONDifferent business has different nature, the nature of the organization where I did internship is banking sector (NBP). Banking sector is one of the major types of business on which our economy is based. It is possible that without banking sector our economy will default.National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) is 100% own by government and the largest commercial bank operating in Pakistan. National bank balance sheet size surpasses that of any of the other banks working locally. It has redefined its role and has shift from a public sector organization into a modern commercial bank. Bank provides service to all; either it is individuals, corporate entities and government. National bank also act as trustee of public funds and as the agent to the State Bank of Pakistan where SBP is not present, it has diversified its business portfolio and now a days, play a very important role in the debt equity market, corporate investment banking, retail and consumer banking, agricultural financing, treasury services and is presenting rising interest in promoting and increasing the country's small businesses.National Bank of Pakistan is today a competent and customer focused organization. National bank provides a wide variety of customer product to boost business and provide to the different segments of society.

To be recognized as a leader and a brand Synonymous with trust, highest standards of service quality, international best practices and social responsibility

NBP will aspire to the values that make NBP trulythe Nations Bank, by: Institutionalizing a merit and performance culture Creating a distinctive brand identity by providing the highest standards of services Adopting the best international management practices Maximizing stakeholders value Discharging our responsibility as a good corporate citizen of Pakistan and in countries where we operate.

Highest standards of Integrity Institutionalizing team work and performance culture Excellence in service Advancement of skills for tomorrows challenges Awareness of social and community responsibility Value creation for all stakeholders

To enhance profitability and maximization of NBP share through increasing leverage of existing customer base and diversified Range of products.

To provide all sort of banking service.To Maximize the profit.To serve Pakistan better in order to giveSocio-economic uplift.2.3 BUSINESS V0LUMERupees in Millions


Total Assets817,758944,5821,035,0251,114,5781,166,782





All amounts in billion

These are the Award and achievement of National Bank of Pakistan. 3rd Global Human Resource Excellence Award - 2012"administered by Global Media Links in collaboration with Better Pakistan.

"Listed in top 1000 banks of the world for the year 2012"by the world renownedThe Banker magazine owned by the Financial Times Group, London.

2nd Global Human Resource Excellence Award - 2011"administered by Global Media Links in collaboration with Better Pakistan.

Pakistan: Transaction of the Year Award - 2011,awarded byIslamic Finance News,for two wind farm projects of 50MW each in which the bank acted as international inter-creditor agent (for the Islamic Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank and syndicates of local banks).

Transaction of the Year Award - 2011, awarded byCFA Association of Pakistanfor the private placement and offer-for-sale of Engro Foods Limited.

Bank of the Year"awarded for the year2011by the world renowned"The Banker"magazine owned by the Financial Times Group, London.

"Top Corporate Finance House (Fixed Income) Award of the Year 2011",awarded by the"CFA Association of Pakistan".

National Bank of PakistanAwardedBest Emerging Markets Bank 2011Awarded By Global Finance Magazine.

Bank of the Yearawarded for the year2010by the world renownedThe Bankermagazine owned by the Financial Times Group, London.

"Runner up of Corporate Finance House (Fixed Income) Award of the Year 2010", awarded bythe "CFA Association Pakistan". NBP is awardedPresident of Pakistan Trophy, a top slot award by Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry in 2010.

NBP is awardedPrime Minister of Pakistan Trophy, a top slot award by Lahore Chambers of Commerce and Industry in 2010

Among the global leading banks, NBP is the only Pakistani bank appearing in top 500 banks of the world in The Bankermagazine owned by the Financial Times Group, London

Bank of the Yearawarded for the year2008by the world renownedThe Bankermagazine owned by the Financial Times Group, London

StableAAA/A-1+ (Triple A/A-One Plus)rating (Standalone Basis)byJCR-VIS(July 2007).

Best Return on Capitalfor 2006 amongst all Banks in Asia.- Banker Magazinein July 2007.

2.4 PRODUCT AND SERVICE LINES:Following are the products offered by NBP Pakistan to their customers.1. Premium Aamdani 7. NBP Cash n Gold2. Premium Saver 8. NBP Kisan Taqat3. NBP Saibaan 9. NBP Kisan Dost 4. NBP Advance Salary 10. Pak Remit5. NBP Cash Card 11. Protection Shield.6. Investor Advantages

Premium Aamdani

Year** Profit Rates (%) ***






Earn up to 12.25% p.a. + Minimum deposit of Rs. 20,000/- with maximum balance of Rs. 10 million for 5 years Free Demand Draft, Pay Order and Cheque Book* Convenience of NBP online Aasan Banking (for online banking customers) Free NBP Cash Card (ATM+Debit) Running finance facility up to 90% Profit paid every month as follows

+ Profit rates are expected* Conditions Apply*** Expected rates are for the given year

Premium Saver

PLS Saving Account

Earn up to 8.50% p.a. +.

Minimum saving balance of Rs. 20,001/- & a maximum balance of Rs. 1 million*.

Free NBP Cash Card (ATM + Debit).

Convenience of NBP Online Aasan Banking (for online banking customers).

Two debit withdrawals allowed in a month & no limit on number of deposit transactions.

Profit calculated on monthly and paid on half yearly basis.

NBP Saibaan(Home Finance)

NBP Saibaan provides the facility of their employee in the purchasing of new land for its own home as well as in the construction of this house. The amount of NBP Saibaan can use for following purpose.

Home Purchase

Home Construction

Home Renovation

Purchase of Land + Construction

Balance Transfer Facility (BTF)

Advanced Salary

NBP Advance Salary, the leading personal loan product of the country, is maintaining its inimitability ever since it was launched. This was only possible due to its swift growth and remarkable loan disbursement of over 138 billion.

Employees can avail up to 20 net take home salaries with easy repayment installments. Its hassle free acquisition with no prior formalities and easy availability in a short turn round time is attributed as the most distinguishing features of the product. The product is offered countrywide.

Its salient features are; Easy installments of 1 to 60 months at your choice. No minimum income, collateral & insurance charges required. Quick processing and fastest disbursement. For permanent employees of Government, Semi Government and Autonomous bodies receiving salaries through NBP. Take upto 20 advance salaries (currently for NBP account holders of govt. or related organization employees).

NBP Cash & CardAll thing in one card

ATM + Debit Card

Use it as an ATM in any of the ATMs in Pakistan Use it as Debit Card in any of the outlets with ORIX POS machine across nationwide. Cash withdrawal up to Rs. 20,000/- per day Account Balance Enquiry Mini Statement (Only at NBP ATM) PIN Change facility (Only at NBP ATM)

Shop to your hearts Desire:-

NBP Cash Card is a 24/7 access ATM/Debit card to your bank account, which is accepted to 4000 POS merchants nationwide where ORIX logo is Displayed. Withdraw cash from NBP, 1-Link &M-Net ATMs across nationwide. The NBP can enable you to enjoy the convenience of cashless purchasing power without the fear of overdrawing Your account.

Advantages of Cash Card You won't need to carry a lot of cash with you every time you go out. Secure and Safe transaction. Account Information on tips (like: Mini Statement, Balance Inquiry, Utility Bill Payment etc.) Enable To Withdraw Cash From 1-Link ATMs / MNET ATMs. Enable to Make Purchases from Around 4000 POS (Merchants) Countrywide including 2500+ POS in Karachi. No Card Issuance Fee for first 12 Months.

NBP Investor Advantage

Financing Facility for Stock Investors

Comfortable environment for trading No security requirement, except for the customers equity Customers equity freely available for investment Equity acceptable in cash or approve shares.

Product InformationFinancing Amount:Rs.50,000/ - To Rs.10,000,000/-

Equity Requirement:In the Form of Cash or Shares or Both (Currently Minimum Rs. 215,000/- @ 30%)

Shares:As per NBP Approved List Available. Shares In Physical Form Not Acceptable.

Trading:Allowed Only Through Trading Centers Created by NBP and Operated by Taurus Securities Limited (A

NBP Cash & GoldThis product of NBP provides the facility to their valuable customer to get cash in the time of need by pledge their gold into the bank.Ready Cash Against Gold Facility of Rs. 40,000/- against each 10 gms of netWeight of Gold Ornaments. No maximum limit of cash. Repayment after one year. Roll over facility. No penalty for each repayment. No Penalty for early repayment.

NBP Kisan TaqatAs we know Pakistan is agriculture land and a largest part of it National income is generated from agriculture. NBP understand the importance of this sector and provide loans on very easy terms and condition to the former of our country. NBP not provide the loan to the former but also it experts train the former how they can increase their productivity with minimum sources.

NBP Kisan Dost

Agriculture Farming Program

Competitive mark-up rate.

Quick & easy processing.

Provision of technical guidance to farmers at their doorstep.

Wide range of financing schemes for farmers.

Finance facility up to Rs. 100,000/- for landless farmers on personal guarantee.

Financing available against Pass Book, Residential / Commercial property, Gold ornaments and paper security.

Loan facility on revolving basis for three years (renewable on yearly basis Without obtention of fresh documentation and approval).

Pak remitPakRemitis aninternet based Home Remittance Service.Pak Remit is an Internet based Home Remittance Service. This service is available to U.S. residents for sending money to their family and friends in Pakistan. One must have a valid US Dollar account with a U.S. bank or a US Dollar credit or debit card in order to remit funds through this channel. Remitters in USA can log on to our user friendly website, www.pakremit.com and easily remit funds to Pakistan from the comfort of their homes, in a matter of minutes.The service is fully secure with advance encryption application and is available for use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Fees and exchange rate have been set at competitive levels and the remitters have the ability to track delivery of funds as well.

Process: Remitters log on to www.pakremit.com and after completing the registration process, are able to remit funds. The whole process takes a few minutes. Funds in Pak Rupees can be sent to beneficiaries, having an account with any bank in Pakistan, including NBP. While funds are credited directly to beneficiaries maintaining accounts with NBP, a pay order or demand draft is couriered to other banks for their customers. Pay order or demand draft can also be couriered directly to the beneficiarys office or home, if requested by the remitter. Funds in US Dollars can be sent only to a Beneficiary maintaining a US Dollar account with one of NBPs Foreign Exchange Branches.USPs (Unique Selling Propositions): Convenient and Fast Reliable and Secure Available 24 x 7

NBP Protection shieldNBP know the value of their employee and the customers. NBP worry about their life so due to this, NBP provides the protection shield to their customers personal accidentalinsurance.

Personal Accident Insurance No documentation No medical required Premium Auto Debit facility & choice of deactivation Coverage includes death due to: Natural Calamities e.g. Earthquake, Flood, Cyclone etc. Accident Riots* Civil Commotion* Strikes* Acts of Terrorism*NBP Protection ShieldNBP Protection Shield(Life is Precious)* Provided the insured is not actively involved in these activities

Services of NBP Following are the Services offered by NBP Pakistan to their customers.1. Demand Drafts8. Short Term Investments2. Letters of Credit 9. National Income Daily Account3. swift System 10.Equity Investments4. Mail Transfers 11.Commercial Finance5. Pay Order 12.Trade Finance Other Business Loans6.Travelers Check 13.Corporate Finance7. Foreign Remittances 14.International Banking

Demand DraftsIf you are looking for a safe, speedy and reliable way to transfer money, you can now purchase NBPs Demand Drafts at very reasonable rates. Any person whether an account holder of the bank or not, can purchase a Demand Draft from a bank branch.

Letters of CreditNBP is committed to offering its business customers the widest range of options in the area of money transfer. If you are a commercial enterprise then our Letter of Credit service is just what you are looking for. With competitive rates, security, and ease of transaction, NBP Letters of Credit are the best way to do your business transactions

Swift SystemThe SWIFT system (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) has been introduced for speedy services in the area of home remittances. The system has built-in features of computerized test keys, which eliminates the manual application of tests that often cause delay in the payment of home remittances. The SWIFT Center is operational at National Bank of Pakistan with a universal access number NBP-APKKA. All NBP overseas branches and overseas correspondents (over 450) are drawing remittances through SWIFT. Mail TransfersMove your money safely and quickly using NBP Mail Transfer service. And we also offer the most competitive rates in the market.Pay OrderNBP provides another reason to transfer your money using our facilities. Our pay orders are a secure and easy way to move your money from one place to another. And, as usual, our charges for this service are extremely competitive.Travelers Check

Negotiability:Pak Rupees Travelers Cheques are a negotiable instrument

Validity:There is no restriction on the period of validity

Availability:At 700 branches of NBP all over the country

Encashment:At all 400 branches of NBP

Limitation:No limit on purchase

Safety:NBP Travelers Cheques are the safest way to carry our money

Foreign RemittancesTo facilitate its customers in the area of Home Remittances, National Bank of Pakistan has taken a number of measures to: Increase home remittances through the banking system Meet the SBP directives/instructions for timely and prompt delivery of remittances to the beneficiaries New Features:The existing system of home remittances has been revised/significantly improved and well-trained field functionaries are posted to provide efficient and reliable home remittance services to nonresident Pakistanis at 15 overseas branches of the Bank besides Pakistan International Bank (UK) Ltd., and Bank Al-Jazira, Saudi Arabia. Zero Tariffs: NBP is providing home remittance services without any charges. Strict monitoring of the system is done to ensure the highest possible security. Special courier services are hired for expeditious delivery of home remittances to the beneficiaries. Short Term InvestmentsNBP now offers excellent rates of profit on all its short term investment accounts. Whether you are looking to invest for 3 months or 1 year, NBPs rates of profit are extremely attractive, along with the security and service only NBP can provide.

Equity Investments

NBP has accelerated its activities in the stock market to improve its economic base and restore investor confidence. The bank is now regarded as the most active and dominant player in the development of the stock market. NBP is involved in the following: Investment into the capital market Introduction of capital market accounts (under process)NBPs involvement in capital markets is expected to increase its earnings, which would result in better returns offered to account holders.National Income Daily Account(NIDA)The scheme was launched in December 1995 to attract corporate customers. It is a current account scheme and is part of the profit and loss system of accounts in operation throughout the country. In this type of account NBP Facilitate their customers by paying profit on daily baseson their deposited amount.

2.5 PEST ANALYSIS:Political: Privatization policy and deregulation. Impact of subsidized credit affecting and NCBs. Employment practices, Unions, Associations. Political Interference and harassment. Incidents of high taxation on banking industry.Economical: Constraints in mobilization of public savings because of inflation. Staff cost is high due to lack of latest technology used. Operating cost is due to inefficient training of staff. Bad debts which convert profit into loss.Social & Cultural: Inadequate human resources. Cultural strain to savings. Defaulters lobby. Declining education and work ethics. Inadequate accountability. Adequate empowerment.Technological: Inadequate communication infrastructure. Inadequate computer facilities. Inadequate IT training

2.6 CONTRIBUTION OF THE ORGANIZATION TOWARDS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT:Banks play vital role in promoting the economic activities and economic development of a country. Industry, agriculture, trade, commerce and many other economic activities are highly dependent on banks. Banks help in mobilization of money. They also help in promoting the growth of internal resources for development by attracting deposits into productive loan and investment. Banks not only collects the savings of the people but also give loans for the development of industry, trade and commerce. NBP has been playing a major role in financing and developmental activities in Pakistan. It helps in the growth of economy in all spheres of our national life. It has contributed significantly to economic growth of the country and has served to trade and industry in a wide sphere of operations. The NBP was the first bank to introduce scheme of credit to small borrowers like farmers etc, for the promotion of agriculture. The bank advances liberal credit for rural and agricultural development. Small short-term loans are given to the farmers free of interest. These advances can be in the shape of fertilizers, seeds and agricultural implements. The NBP is able to attract large amount of deposits through its large number of branches all over the country and thus is able to provide large amount of loans to different sectors.The NBP is also providing finances to small-scale industries for the period up to five years; it has introduced the peoples credit facilities to the common man at the large and more liberal scale than before. The main objective of this scheme is to make a contribution toward building up of a developing nation. The NBP also helps to promote the establishment of new companies by underwriting their shares.

3.0ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE:3.1 ORGANIZATIONAL HIERARCHY CHART: The Organization hierarchy chart tells us how the command is being transferred from the higher authority to the lower management and what the position that is present in the organization is. There are two types of hierarchy in the organization that are Vertical HorizontalCorporate hierarchy is vertical in NBP. Here is the Organizational Hierarchy Chart of National Bank of Pakistan.

3.2 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES:In 2010, there are 16429 numbers of employees in NBP all over Pakistan. An Executive Board composed of nine Senior Executives of the Bank and the President who is also the Chief Executive supervises the affairs and business of the Bank.

Qamar HussainChairman and President

Mr. Aftab Anwar BalochMrs. Haniya Shahid NaseemMr. Tariq KirmaniDirector

Mr. Zahid Hussain DirectorMr. Shahid Aziz SiddiqiDirector Syed Muhammad Ali ZaminEVP, Secretary Board of Directors3.3 Main Offices:The Main and Head Office of the national Bank of Pakistan is situated in Karachi on Chandigarh road. It has 29 regional offices all over Pakistan. National Bank also Provide its service to all over the word. The details of Branches are as follow. NBP has 1286 Domestic online Branches in all Pakistan. NBP has 8 Islamic Branches NBP has 203 Online Branches which provides the ATM service. Overseas Branch 23 Branches Regional / Representative Office(s) Swift Branch Finder 13 Branches 6 Customer Facilitation Center

Regional Domestic Offices

Overseas Branches

Internationally NBP is working in the four main regions, which are as under

National Bank of Pakistan

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America and Europe Region1) USA2) Canada3) Germany4) FranceFar East Region1) Hong Kong2) Japan3) South Korea4) China

Middle East, Africa &South Asia Region1) Bahrain2) Egypt3) Bangladesh4) EPZ

Central Asian Republics1) Afghanistan2) Turkmenistan3) Kyrgyz Republic4) Kazakhstan5) Uzbekistan6) Azerbaijan

Subsidiary Joint Venture Representative Offices1) NBP Kazakhstan (Almaty)2) United National Bank (UK)3) Canada (Toronto)4) USA (Chicago)5) China (Beijing)6) Uzbekistan (Tashkent)3.4 INTRODUCTION OF ALL DEPARTMENTS:In National Bank of Pakistan there are following Departments that are work in the National Bank of Pakistan.1. 2. Deposit3. Advances(Credit)4. Government Payments5. Government receipts6. Remittances7. Utilities Bills Department8. Bills9. Cash Department10. FBR Collection Department11. Online Banking

Now the Brief Introduction of all above Departments is as follows.1. Deposit DepartmentIts the main Department of any bank Customer can keep their cash in this department and can get when they need for the cash. There are several accounts that NBP provide to its Customers are as under. Current Account PLS Term BBA PLS Saving Premium Saver Premium Aamdani Call Deposit NIDA

2. Advances (Credit Department)NBP give loans to the borrowers for different purposes. These loans are given for various sectors for different periods...NBP mostly generate a large part of their profit from this department NBP gives different types of loan that are as follows. Small Finance Cash Finance, Agriculture Finance, Cash & Gold Loan, Personal Loans, Demand Finance, Running Finance, Corporate Finance, Export Import Financing, House Building Finance (Saibaan) NBP Karoo bar Scheme3. Governments Payments DepartmentAs the National Bank of Pakistan is the bank of Government and work as the agent of State Bank of Pakistan so it is provide facilities to Government to facilitate their employees by this bank. Government payments include the following. Pension, Salaries, Grants, Zakat, Benevolent Fund, Treasury Refund Taxes Refund proceeds through the bank.4. Governments ReceiptsThis department is just like the previous department but the different is there bank make payment according to the instruction and here bank make receipts according to the instruction these receipts are as under.National Bank of Pakistan

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Revenues, Taxes, Agriculture Tax, Government Fees, Utility Bills Collection5. 6. Bills DepartmentThe great facility that the National Bank provides to the customers is the remittance of cash from one city to another city and form one country to the other country with nominal charges. The ways of remittances are as follow. Bank draft Telegraphic Transfer, Mail Transfer, Coupons, Govt. Draft and Western Union Money Transfer etc.7. Utilities DepartmentThis is the department that collects the utilities bills for the private and government departments bank provide this service for the percentage of each which is very nominal.8. Cash DepartmentNational bank deals Government treasury on behalf of State Bank of Pakistan. There are Chest, Sub-chest and Non-chest branches in the bank. SBP supplies currency notes to the bank and monitors its cash flow which is transfer to the needy branch and receives from that branch which has excess then their need.9. FBR Collection DepartmentNBP is playing great role for collection of FBR (CBR) taxes/revenue. A separate counter is established at branch level to facilitate the taxpayers.10. Online BankingToday is the world of computer everybody want to complete his work as soon as possible now all the banks are going to provide the online banking service to its customer in order to achieve good repute in the eyes of their customer. National bank of Pakistan is also providing online banking facilities to its customers. But the branch where I worked is not online till now so there are traditional banking practices up till now. 5.3.5 Comment on the Organizational StructureNBP is an oldest bank of Pakistan. It is establish after the making of Pakistan to support the economy of Pakistan under supervision of state bank of Pakistan. It spent a time of 60 year with Pakistan economy. It made adjustments and brought changes in their operation according to the change of time. It became modernized with the passage of time.Organizational structure of NBP is centralized in nature. All the rules and regulation are made by competent authority. All the decisions are also made by board of directors and lower level employees adopt it. It provides a competitive environment to employees and worker by using their determination fulfill their responsibilities in excellent manners. Due to centralized structure no dispute is arise within the organization. So I think organizational structure is very well and it is very efficient for the Bank.

(Part-II)5.4 Internees job5.4.1 Brief Introduction of Internees office/branch: I select the G.T Road Rahwali Branch of NBP for completing my internship. NBP Rahwali branch doing their working in old-fashioned flair and mostly activities is done by hand, but due absence of wide means the branch is now exasperating to create best of its working through compute.This branch is recently become computerized in last year dated on 11 Nov, 2011. I will start my internship in this branch on 05 Sep, 2012 and my internship will complete on 17 Oct, 2012.During the period of six weeks internship in the branch I done effort in dissimilar sections per week. The administer of the bank helps me and provides me all necessary obligatory material. I read main tasks, intentions and upcoming forecasting of the NBP. I worked in different sections during employed as an internee which shows to me very favorable and me able to get basic concepts of banking operations in a practically manner.I enlist the Main departments of NBP Rahwali in which I have done worked during my whole internship period: Bill section Deposit Section Cash department EBS/ Account open/CRO Credit/Advances/Establishment

BRANCH PROFILEName of BranchNational Bank of Pakistan Rahwali branch


Branch Code(0507)

AddressNational Bank of Pakistan, G.T Road Rahwali, Dist.: Gujranwala.

Phone Number055-3885657

Name of ManagerMr. Shahid Hussain Khulaar

Name of operation managerMr. Irfan Rashid Warrich

Number of Working Staff9

Branch category2nd

Following are the staff of NBP Rahwali branchSr. NO


1Mr. Shahid Hussain Khulaar

Branch Manager (OG-I)

2Mr. Rashid Irfan Warrich

Operation Manager(OG-II)

3Mr. Naveed Ali khan


4Mr. Masood Afzal Cheema


5Mr. Muhammad Nisar Cheema


6Mr. Qasim Ali Shahibzada


7Mr. Thair Abullah


8Mr. Muhammad Arif

Godown. keeper / Chowkidar

9Mr. Perviaz Akhter

Messenger (Record keeper)










5.4.2 Details of Supervisors:I have done my training period under the direction of these people which is the incharge of different department existing in the NBP Rahwali branch. Mr. Naveed Ali Khan Supervise me in my internship whole period.1. Supervisor....Mr. Naveed Ali khan(OG-II)2. Supervisor...Mr. Masood Afzal Cheema(OG-II)3. Supervisor...Mr. Qasim Ali Shahibzada(OG-II)4. Supervisor.. Mr. Thair Abullah (OG-III)5. Supervisor.Mr. Muhammad Nisar Cheema(OG-II5.4.3 Weekly Time Tables during Internship:When I start my internship program Mr.Naveed Ali Khan who is the incharge of Internees at branch arrange my weekly timetable in such a way that in a sufficient time I will learn the basic thing of the entire department in the branch. My weekly time table in the branch is as fallows.

1st week of internshipIntroduction to Banking Staff and Bill Department

DateDayDetails of Activities Performed

Wednesday05-09-2012After arrive in to the boundary of NBP I was very jumbled about the working procedure in the bank. Firstly I met the branch manager he ask some question about me and regarding my studies. I take him answer of all the answer of the question. After questioning and answer he familiarizes me with his staff members then he refers me under the direction of Mr. Thair Abdullah in the Bill Department. Mr. Thair Abdullah told me about some important rules and regulations of the bank some of which are not to leak the confidential information of bank to any outsider and not to operate the I.T system of the bank without any permission & purpose.


06-09-2012Introduction to some different type of most regularly used banking vouchers e g: debit/credit, F-15,F16 , deposited slip IBT-01What make Demand Draft and Call Deposit (CDR).


07-09-2012Starter the most regularly used banking stamps e g: Signature verification stamp, Cheque posted stamp, Branch stamp, and payment stamp. Procedure of creating Payment Order.Also familiarizes with some important banking Books of record e g: different types of ledger, Account opening register, Cash n Gold ledger, pension holder ledger or etc. which is used in bank on daily basis.

Start working practically on signature verification seat, after verifies the signature then forward to Mr. Masood Afzal Cheema for further operation. Making different type of voucher practically under the supervision of Mr. Thair Abdullah such as Debit/Credit, IBT-01 and many other voucherss which is used in daily routine banking.

It is certified that Mr. Sohail Yousaf had done their worked in this Department with fully Devotion and Dedication and got training of almost everything in this Department.

Supervisor Name: MR. Thair Abdullah Signature: ______________________2nd Week of internshipDeposit Section

DateDayDetails of Actions Performed

Monday10-09-2012Introduction toward Account Initial Form and different Category of Accounts accessible in NBP Rahwali, Necessary requirement of account initial form.

Tuesday11-09-2012How new account is opened and what is procedure of NADRA verification.

Wednesday12-09-2012Which kind of Documents is required while opening accounts in case of Individual and Minor

Thursday13-09-2012What are the cause of Dormancy, Suspension and Closing of and account

Friday14-09-2012What is the procedure of Cheque book issuance and sending Cheque Books request to NIFT? Entry and Reissuance of new Cheque Book

It is certified that Mr. Sohail Yousaf had done their worked in this Department with fully Devotion and Dedication and got training of almost everything in this Department.Supervisor Name: Mr. Masood Afzal Cheema Signature: ________________________ 3rd Week of internshipCash Section

DateDayDetails of Actions Accomplished

Monday17-09-2012What is the procedure of Fill up Cheque for the Customers, Filling of cash Vouchers and receipts.

Tuesday18-09-2012How Cheque and transfer voucher is fill up for the use of customer.

Wednesday19-09-2012Learn the procedure of Demand Draft and how create Demand Draft for the use of Customers.

Thursday20-09-2012What is Mail Transfer and Telegram Transfer, what are their function and their procedure. Create these tools for the use of Customers.

Friday21-09-2012Study the process of Payment order and create it for customers.Procedure for making CDR and make it for customers.

It is certified that Mr. Sohail Yousaf had done their worked in this Department with fully Devotion and Dedication and got training of almost everything in this Department.

Supervisor Name; Mr. Nisar Cheema Signature: _______________________4rth Week of internshipGovernment & Pension Department

DateDayDetails of Activities Performed

Monday24-09-2012What is the Functions of Collection Section?

Tuesday25-09-2012What is the Functions of Payment Section?

Wednesday26-09-2012What is the procedure of filling Pension and various Government vouchers and forms and recording their entry in the relevant Books of account. Provincial, central and Pakistan Railway pension.

Thursday27-09-2012Learnt about the Pension circulation process obligatory stamps on pension voucher and recording of the pension in relevant ledger. How to calculate the increase in the amount of pension.

Friday28-09-2012Dissimilar categories of Government expenses e g: P1, P2, C1 and P-Tax. Entry of the daily transactions in the TRV Register and make Debit / Credit Vouchers and sent Record to Main Branch.

It is certified that Mr. Sohail Yousaf had done their worked in this Department with fully Devotion and Dedication and got training of almost everything in this Department.

Supervisor Name: Mr. Qasim Ali Shahibzada Signature: __________________________5ht Week of internship Credit and Advances Department

DateDayDetails of Activities Performed

Monday01-10-2012Whatever is Clearing? Participation of NIFT in Clearing process.

Tuesday02-10-2012Kinds of Clearing and resending of Cheques with are not cleared by NIFT due to some motive. Homegrown and Express Clearing.

wednesday03-10-2012Learn about the LSC and SC in clearing.

Thursday04-10-2012Who is eligible for advances? Types of Advances.

Friday05-10-2012What are the necessary requirement for getting advances and the terms and condition of repayment of advances?

It is certified that Mr. Sohail Yousaf had done their worked in this Department with fully Devotion and Dedication and got training of almost everything in this Department.

Supervisor Name: Mr. Naveed Ali khan Signature: __________________________6th Week of internshipE-Remittance & Cash n Gold Section

DateDayDetails of Actions Accomplished

Monday08-10-2012What is Remittance? Types of Remittances available in NBP (Rahwali) Branch for their customer such as western union and X press money.

Tuesday09-10-2012Perform it practically and making Vouchers of E- Remittances.

Wednesday10-10-2012Learn about the Gold Finance Procedure, Markup rate of its.

Thursday11-10-2012How fresh Gold Accounts is opened and perform Cash n Gold Finance procedure for the clients.

Friday 12-10-2012Absorb knowledge of Renewal process and execute it for customers. Closing of Gold Accounts and types some letters for the Management and perform all the routine activities.

It is certified that Mr. Sohail Yousaf had done their worked in this Department with fully Devotion and Dedication and got training of almost everything in this Department. Supervisor Name: Mr. Naveed Ali Khan Signature: __________________________National Bank of Pakistan

5.4.4 Detailed Description Department;-Bill Department (1st Week):I start my internship from 05-09-12 in the Bill department under the supervision of Mr. Thair Abdullah (OG-III) in G.T Road Rahwali branch. In this department he deals with all types of branch voucher regarding the bills. I felt during the period of internship in this department is very important. The main function of this department is that it deals in the transformation of money from bank to bank with in the premises of our country.in NBP a customer can transfer their money by four types.National Bank of Pakistan

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DD, (Demand Draft) Short credit. MT/TT IBT-01

Procedure of making voucher;-When we fill-up any kind of voucher, we should fallow the following step. First enter the date the specific area mentioned in the voucher. Enter the account number of customers. Enter the amount in the figure and also mentioned in the narration. Write a description for which purpose we will debit/credit the account.

Deposit Department (2nd week):After completion of my first weeks, Mr. Thair Abdullah refers me under the supervision of Mr. Masood Cheema on dated 13-09-12. He is CRO (Customer Relation officer) and deals in opening new account, operates the EBS (Electronic Business system). He teaches me firstly about Opening of new Account, secondly about EBS.Opening New Account:Recently NBP converted their account opening procedure from manual system to online computerize system. Before computerized system a customer who is willing for opening new account first get the form fill it and then submit to the branch where he/she willing to open their account. This system takes a few days time for opening a new account because it approval coming from RO (Regional office) through online networking. The new procedure or Account opening is more efficient and quickly than the manual and the record of new account is directly kept by the RO (Regional Office).NBP offer many types of account but this branch is under category-II so common types of account are deal here.This branch offers such type of account here.1. PLS Account.2. Current Account.PLS Account: PLS account is offered to public with the risk of sharing profit and loss. This type of account mostly used by the general public. There are very rare chances that bank suffer loss. Bank takes profit on such account with time to time.

Current Account:Current account is type of account in which the depositor can withdrawal their sum at any time by offering the Cheque with in banking hours as per shown on the term and condition of such type of account. The bank never pays and interest on such type of account and never deducts and type of service charges. Another facility that provides to these account holder is bank never deduct the zakat from such kind of account. Such type of account used by the businessman. Requirements for opening an account:Resulting is the necessary necessity for opening new account. A make a copy of NICI ID card of customer and his mother. Original ID card of customer for verification at the time of opening. NADRA verification. If customer is illiterate and use thumb impressions then his duty give his 3 recently passport size picture. Customer must present in the bank while of opening of account Utility bill of by name on person. A copy of next kin (legal higher) in case of Account holder Death.

Terms and condition for opening account: He essential be the citizen of that city where he want to open account. A person who is blind also opens their account with his partner in term of joint account and partner must be never blind. Mad people are allowed to open their account in the bank. A person who sometimes normal and sometime abnormal then he must operate his account only when he is in normal condition.

Account opening procedure: Customer fills the application account opening form during opening his account in the bank. Account opening form is properly filled there is no cutting made on it. Banker takes customer signature on specimen card and keeps it in record for future use. After taking customer signature deposit money through credit vouchers. Banker opens an account and allots an account number to customer. Customer requests for Cheque book which is issued within fifteen days.

Account closing:Here are many causes for closing account. It is bad symptom for the corporate of bank. Some of the collective causes are following. Account can be closed on the customer request. Account will be closed if the account holder death occurs. If the customer become Bankruptcy. Closing of account due to bad conduct of account holder. Account can be closed due to the order of Government. Account can be closed Due to the Insanity of the customer. Account will be closed if there is no transaction made by customer in the duration of three years.

Before closing an account, the bank sends a letter of informing to account holder that his account will be closed. Bank sends the informing letter three times. After it if account holder never response, bank closed the account after full fillment of legal requirement.

Issuance of Cheque book: Cheque book is a instrument through which an account holder drawn Cheque upon the bank and withdrawal his amount from the bank. After authentication by the authorized officer on the Cheque book register, the Cheque book is hand over to the account holder First time Cheque book is issued to customer when he request for prescribed form. Empty Cheque book has requisition slip. Customer can get a new Cheque book by giving that requisition slip of previously used Cheque book to the banker. The issuance of new Cheque book will takes a time of few days.Passing and Cheque cancellation: It is the process of checking and verifying the sign of the customer on the Cheque, Duties of the passing person. After it Cheque will be sent to the person who posted it. A Cheque is cancelled due to insufficient Balance in Account. Cheque is presented within 180 days after it, it will be expire or useless. If the Cheque contain any error such as, mistake in date or amount, narration does not Telly with figure amount than Cheque never pass and return to the depositor. A common reason of cancellation of Cheque is drawer signature error.

EBS (Electronic Business System)It is the online system of NBP in all over the Pakistan. It is online software through which the branches make online payment to the other branches of NBP in all over the Pakistan without takes longer time due to the online connection with RO (regional office). Its privacy is very high and internees are not allowed to any work on this.Every branch has its own User Id or login password through which it is connected to the It Region. Mr. Masood Cheema briefs me about it. All kind of information of the account holder is kept in this system. If any customer wants to know about the balance in his/her account we can check with the help of EBS. If we want to transfer amount from one Account to another Account or from one branch to another branch we did it though EBS in few minutes. If we need statement of account of any account holder we print it from EBS. In short EBS is online system which consists of all the banking. Without EBS in NBP banking is unable to working fast and efficient.Cash Department (3rd Week): After completion of my 2nd weeks, Mr. Masood Afzal Cheema refers me under the supervision of Mr. Nisar Cheema on dated 20-09-12. He is Head of Cash and deals in all transaction of the bank in which cash included. He teaches me how Cheque is filling up, what are the types of Cheque. What necessary requirement for encashment of the Cheque. All payment are made by them to the customer and pension holder whose are come to the bank for the purpose of withdrawal there amount. He also teaches me about how to maintain the balances on daily, balances should be match and how summary is made and then forward to the operation manager. Cash department is very sensitive department in the branch internees are not allow for doing any more activities in this type of department. Government and Pension Department (4th week): After completion of my 3rd week, Mr. Nisar Cheema refers me under the supervision of Mr. Qasim Ali Shahibzada on dated 27-09-12. He is Deposit incharge and deals in all kind of deposit in the bank. He is also the head of government section in the branch .He teaches me how deposit is received by the bank and how to maintain deposit account on daily basis. In this department I learnt from Mr. Qasim Ali Shahibzada. He teaches me, there is two different ways than an account holder deposit the amount in his/her account. He also tell me about the IBT-1 service which is used for urgently transfer the amount in another account of NBP in all over the Pakistan within few minutes.

The first is amount deposited in cash. The second is amount deposited by Cheque. The third is amount receiving by IBT-1(Inter Branch Transaction).

Amount Deposited By Account Holder:In this way there is simple procedure. The account holder only fill the voucher (F-108) completely and then deposited the amount with voucher in cash into the bank. After depositing the cash the deposit incharge can stamp the voucher and takes slip return to the account for as evidence as cash is received by the bank and transfer to his/her account. The amount is transferred in account holder account within minutes after depositing the cash into the bank.

Amount Deposited By Cheque: In this way through which an account holder can deposit amount in his/her account by depositing Cheque of another person account which is drawn on an account holder. An account holder first fills the Voucher (F-109) completely and attached the Cheque and deposited into the bank. If Cheque which is deposited is of the same bank means National Bank Pakistan than the amount will be transfer within minutes, but if the Cheque is another bank and falls in LSC (local short credit) than it will take time one days for transferring of amount into the account. At last if the Cheque is fall in the SC (short credit) than it will takes one to three days normally.The NIFT is private institutions which collects the cheques from different banks of different bank interpret the cheques and then debit or credit the account of banks in the State bank. NIFT charge their commission per Cheque from the bank to provide their services. Amount Receiving through IBT-01: This is new service which is recently offer by NBP to their account holder for fastest transfer of amount from one account to another account of NBP bank within few minutes. A person can get IBT-01 from and fill it how much amount of money? Where it has been transferred?After filling person submit it to the deposit incharge with sum of money. Deposit incharge receive the amount and signature on IBT-01 and then original return to customer and carbon copy kept into the bank record. After receiving the amount by deposit officer the amount is transferred within minutes into the desire account .This service is only available into the online branches of NBP.

Government & Pension Section: After learning about the deposit section. He teaches me about the Government & pension section. How government pension voucher are fill up, how these increases are calculated and different types of Government pensions such as P1, C1 Railway or etc. what are the government tax that are collected here such as P-Tax. Record the transaction on daily basis in the TRV registered and make RBVs to the respondent branch.

Working of Government & Pension Department: Verifies the pensioner payment voucher and kept the record in the registered. Making the summary of collected pensions voucher which are paid. Telly the balances with cash department regarding such payment. After finalizing the scrolls are sending to the regional branch by post.

Credit and Advances (5th Week & 6th): After completion of my 4thd weeks, Mr. Qasim Ali Shahibzada refers me under the supervision of Mr. Naveed Ali Khan on dated 05-10-12. He is the in charge of advance, credit, Establishment E-remittance and finance. He also performs the duty of compliance officer in the branch.

Clearing Department:The first department I start working under the supervision of Mr. Naveed ali khan is the clearing department.as shown from the name clearing, in this department we separate the cheques of different bank and make summary of these cheques.There are two types of cheques which are received by bank through their customer. Local city cheques (LSC) and intercity (SC). Local city cheques are the cheques of this bank which are located in the same city and clear with in one day. Intercity or short credit is the cheques of that bank which are located in the other cities and these cheques are cleared within three days. Before at the end of the day a summary is prepaid regarding these cheques and then submitted to NIFT for clearing. NIFT collector comes on daily basis and report about the previous cheques and gets the new summary of the received cheques along with cheques for clearing purpose.Advance Salary: Advance salary is facility which is provided by the NBP to the people to get a lumsum amount of money in the time of need and return it in easily installment with in the five years of time period. Some questions occur in my mind during working in this department about advance salary. I ask these questions to Mr. Naveed Ali khan, he answered me. My question is under fallows

Which people are eligible for availing the facility of advances salaries? Ans: In reply of this question he told me a person who is the employee of Government or Semi-Government and Independent bodies that getting salaries concluded NBP can avail the facility of Advance salary and his salary account must be in our branch.What is the procedure of get it?Ans: The procedure is that he must apply for advance salary and fill the form for availing the facility of advances salary and his salary account must be present in the NBP branch from where he want get the salaries in advances.In how many time periods you will return it?Ans: when any person can get advance salary loan it must be return it in the maximum period of five years according to bank policy in equal installment. If he wants to return loan before five years than he and Bank decide the amount of installment by mutual co-operation and set the period of loan returning according to the desire of the person who getting loan.Requirement for advance salaryFollowing are the requirement for availing the facility of Advance salary. N.I.C.I photocopy of a person. Employee card photocopy. ECIB (Electronic consumer information barrower). Nadra verisys verification. 5 open cheques up to next date of ending time period.

Establishment:After learning about the Advances salaries Mr. Naveed Ali khan directed me into the Establishment department. In this department he deals all kind of matter of the Branch Employees. The loan finance to branch staff, medical bills of staff member, pay salaries to the staff of branch and deal all kind of other matter of the staff member of the branch with Region according to their circumstances. This department we can say HR department in category-II branch of NBP. This branch also falls in Category-II.E-Remittance: This facility is also providing in G.T Road Rahwali branch and this is also deal by Mr. Naveed Ali khan. In this department people can get the money which is sending from the other country by their relatives to them. Here we can make the payment of different companies such as Western Union, Ria Money Transfer, and Xpress Money. Anyone who is the receiver of payment just only takes the photocopy of his/her NICI and tells the secret Pin and get easily amount from the NBP online branches all over in the Pakistan.Compliance:G.T Road Rahwali branch is falls in the category-II branch. So due to this reason there is no Separate compliance Officer. Mr. Naveed Ali Khan also performs the activities of a compliance officer. He daily check the all working of the branch and point out the mistake if they occurs in the branch working by the staff on daily basis.

Cash n GoldThe last thing which I have been learnt from Mr.Naveed Ali khan in 6th week is Cash n Gold. It is a facility to general public to get the short term loan from any branch NBP against the Gold security. A person who get loan must repay the loan within one year. If person fail the bank allow him 3 month extra grace period to repay and get his/her Gold .if he/she even fail the bank has right to auction the Gold which he/she pledge. In this 15.50% markup charge on the amount which is lend against the Gold. The bank can pay Rs.40, 000/- against every 10 gm. of net weight of Gold. Requirement for Cash n Gold:Following are the requirement for open cash n Gold account in the NBP. First weight the net weight of Gold from the Bank certified jeweler and get certificate from jeweler. A copy of NICI person who get the loan. NADRA verisys verification. ECIB report.5.4.5 Explanation of the tasks assigned to you:Such as a internee here are many different task assign to me by my supervisors in the bank but one day the operational manager told me to count all the files pension holders in the bank and prepare a separate list of all categories of pension holders according to category (central, provisional, Pakistan railway) in computer for the use of Branch record in Alphabetical manner, because it helps us to finding the required file from the bank record of a particular person.When i start works in the office I saw the cheques book system of the bank was very bad, all the cheques books were mixed with each other at a single place without any sequence or any order due to the lack of management skill of the employees, so I make a Microsoft Excel software and enters all the cheques books in that software according to their arrangement so it was very easy for every one identify or check the cheques books of every account holder on a single click and save a time.

Summary of Learnings:4.6.1 What skills and qualifications you think that you have gained from the internship?I obtain so much knowledge from my internship. I discover how we will work in our practical field with over peers. I also discover that how we work in the field where everybody has its own responsibilities and they must done by it because it is the part of their job. I also learn how we corporate with each other are in a practical life. I obtain the succeeding assistances and experiences during my training period in national bank of Pakistan which is very helping me in my future practical life.Communication with customer: You never become more successful business in your practical life if you have lack of communication skill. When in any department a customer come than my supervisor directed me to meet them and try to solve their issues with bank or find what the reason behind they come to the bank. Due to these activities my communication skill is improved as previous.Problem solving skills:I gained this skill when I was working under the supervision of MR. Naveed Ali khan. He is also compliance officer and calls me when the figures of balance s are not as in the Branch expense, DDs. He ask me to tally the balances of both statement and find the missing figure which is cause of balance out and create disturbance. During this period it is very interested period of my internship because these thing are not part of daily routine working and it enhances my analytical abilities of interpreting and finding the problem and their solution.

Calculation skills:-During my whole period of internship when I was working in the Government and cash department. I gained calculation skill from this department because at the end of day I made the scroll of P1, C1, and P-Tax and then match balances with register. Due to these activities in these department my calculation skill are improved and I know about the new ways of calculation.Satisfaction of customer:-This is very significant skill that I have obtained from my training period. When any account holder comes into the bank my supervisor calls and asks me to hear the problem of that customer and then satisfied them according to the situation of the problem of that customer. Sometime aged or illiterate customer take tuff time to understand their problem and satisfied them. It is not easy job but I will do it by the guidance of my supervisor. 4.6.2 Types of liabilities and responsibilities I have undertaken during my training period. I myself must done different types of obligations throughout my training period certain of which are promptness, to content the account holder, to achieve the work in time, meet the customer and solve his or her all the problems and provide the necessary information to him. These responsibilities tell about how I am capable for these and how I done it.I also have been done some other obligations, these are under fallows; Issuing new receipts of cash deposit to the customer. Lettering cheques for the account holder. Issuance of new Cheque books to the customers and kept it in record. Arranging the files of pension holder person in the alphabetically order because it takes less time to finding the required file from the record. Pension payments recorded in the registered and make scrolls. Opening new account of cash n Gold. Renewal of existing account of cash n Gold and also calculate mark-up on these according to the number of days. Separate the LSC (local short credit) and SC (short credit) during the working period in clearing department and make the summary. Create the scroll of different utility bill that are collected by bank. Due to well knowledge of Microsoft Word and having fast typing speed, my supervisor take a task me Letter typing for official correspondence which increase my verbal skill and letter typing skill. Completing the files of new advances salary holder and tell him about the required thing which is necessary for it and then forward to Mr. Naveed Ali khan.

4.6.3 I consider the training period will encouragement my future career plans.My training period is very significant for my upcoming career planning. For the reason that it assists me conceive me the main differences between the professional and non-professional life. Before my training period in the bank at that time I was actual upset about the operational procedure of bank in on daily basis. Merely due to my training I am capable to aim my future career where I want to go in near future. I determine to select the banking sector because its very obscure job and I like this kind of job which I comply with during my training period. It is totally indoor job.

4.6.4 How do you think the internship activities that you carried out are correlated with your classroom knowledge?My training period is totally different from that knowledge that I have learn in the class room and knowledge gain from my teachers. National bank of Pakistan is the station where i make practically doing work, which we studied in our class rooms study. The teacher convey us knowledge and tells its appreciated in the professional life. As we going to prove this experience through scientifically we first read theories and then do practical for the sake of sympathetic the significance and validity of these theories. As I work in bank so the term that is study in class rooms are not fully understand at that time but after internship I understand what actually these terms means. For example I study in Management Roles in Management Book I cannot understand these roles but when I went to bank for my training there I see manger as leader, as motivator while the period of my internship. His working with other staff members and disturbance handler for the customers, as well as for the staff member of the branch.So in my opinion theories have a real weight when these are professionally examined in our life.6.0CONCLUSIONMy training experience in NBP Rahwali Branch is so excellence. I obtain a lot of professional skill it was very amazing and thought-provoking knowledge for me .In my personally opinion this is identical crucial work especially at the closing of the day. The closing of all the day working is very complex and purposefully working is required because balances should be match. It is provided that distinct services to its account holder. The powers of NBP are that it is performing as Agent of State Bank of Pakistan.Today the difficulty is challenging by NBP are presently the no implementation of and regulations into the organization that may lead to feeble organizational culture, old organizational culture, no regular performance appraisal and not more use of latest IT technology in bank as other are using by their competitors. The presence of workers and employees unions exist in National Bank of Pakistan that practice to play organizational politics rather than of creative productive work that leads to wastage of time.Employees at NBP are entirely efficient. They operate more than their working hours and it is all harmony to their will. They also clarify their loyalty, allegiance with the organization. Employees are given the benefits like bonus, gratuity funds, loans, increments, and medical. All the customers are contemplating individually. Same type of attitude and attention is taken to all the customers. Bank has chosen new applied science to keep work up to date. I found my internship training a very remunerate adventure.According to my view, the miserable customer relationship management, miserable customer transaction, miserable discipline are some factors which can damage the branch at macro level merely if branch frustrate its drawback by utilizing its strength and opportunity obtainable in market, then it is a support to the drowning boat.As far as my internship and know-how is concern, I obtain a lot of knowledge during my training period because I obtain professional cognition before entering in the professional life.

4.6 SWOT ANALYSIS OF NBPI have done SWOT analysis of NBP during my internship for the better understanding of the organization. As we know there are four element of swot analysis which are I describe below.Strength:

ATM founder:As we know the NBP is first bank in the Pakistan.it is the founder of ATM (Automatic tailor machine) in the boundary of Pakistan.Western union facility:NBP is the only bank which provides the service of Western Union. Due to this feature of NBP a customer can receive their foregin remittance in the Pakistan by providing their ID card photocopy and secret pin code.Governments bank:Another main strength of NBP is that it is Government owned bank and public have more trust on it rather than the other bank in the industry.Agent of SBP;Another Strength of NBP is that it is the agent of SBP (state bank of Pakistan) in the whole country. Customer satisfaction:Due to the Government bank. The customer satisfaction level of NBP is higher than the other bank, because it has surety that their money will be never unsecure. People are less worry about NBP than other bank and more trust on NBP.Online banking:Another Strength of NBP that it has online network of 1286 branches in whole country. That makes speedy services given to its customers. Due to this strength of NBP, it can checks the balances and daily transactions just done at one key press.Employees loyalty:Strength of NBP is the trustworthiness of their employees. Employees switch offing rate is very minimum in National Bank of Pakistan. Very little amount of workforces are exit the jobs in National Bank of Pakistan. Weakness:Lack of communication between employees:Throughout the training period in NBP I saw the issue of lack of communication between the employees and management. They are failure to understanding the problem of each other and not distribute the work of each other.No fear Punishment on employees:As NBP is nationalized bank, due to this feature there is no any kind of punishment fear on the employees. They are many unskilled labor are present in the staff and top management is unable to take any action regarding them due to the pressure of employees union.Public dealing is ineffective: Due to large number of customer the public dealing is ineffective. Staff never takes care of the customer during the time of pensions payment and salary payment.

Staff shortage:NBP that employees are very limited that never meet the requirement. More staff is required to come across the needs of the branch work on daily basis. They help from internees to complete their jobs. That is reason of delay in their completion of operation. Lack of respect of seniors:There is lack of respect of senior in NBP that admiration of seniors is not up to the behaviors. Juniors bash to keep away from the seniors direction and dont want to bring any kind of help from them.Illiterate about computer:Another significant weakness of NBP is that I have to note while period of my training is lack of know-how computer which is very essential for today banking sector.Out dated Technology:One more important weakness of NBP is that they use out dated technology for due to manual their operation which not according to the other banks in the sector.No training workshop:There is no any kind of training workshop for all employee in the NBP regarding it technology which is cause of inefficient working, because most of the employees are unaware use of computer and done their work by manual way.

Opportunities:Growing banking system:As we know in this era the banking industry is growing very quickly. NBP has also opportunity to expand their business in the sector by providing better services to their customers.NBP have government back:It is opportunity for NBP to advance their services and create upward market portions in the market for the reason that it is most trustee bank due to governments bank.Increase in economic activities:The economic activities are increase nowadays, so banks are subsidizes more in economic activities. Banks are performing vital role in trade and commerce. So the business of commercial banks is increase.Proper utilization of deposit.The deposit received by NBP is increasing day by day. It has opportunity for proper utilization of these deposits and further invest in such a manner they earn more profit.Becoming largest online Bank:NBP have wide network of branches in whole Pakistan but Only 234 fully branches are online, so it is very hard to convert all branches to online system. But if NBP do this they can increase their profit by providing their facilities to their existing customer as well as new customers.

Threats:Increase in competitor:A new bank enters into this sector as a competitor is a danger for National Bank of Pakistan. Number of private banks (commercial and private) increasing day by day which deals in same type of professional and deliver the same services to customers.. Up-to-date type of banking:We live in the modern era, where technology helps us to do more efficiently working in less time. NBP is Government own bank and hey never takes attention to modern technology. Most of the branches done there working still traditional style. Which is threat for NBP, because other competitor uses modern technology for done their operation.Skill staff:Another threat for NBP is the skilled staffs of other bank that perform their operation effective as well efficient. This leads them to high turnover and customer divert from NBP to these bank due to better quality of service.

7.0RECOMMENDATIONS:At the end I made the SWOT analysis of the national Bank of Pakistan (NBP) which show NBP is an extreme progressive institute with eminent profit on capital, the bank has been capable to tactically bring about and build on its core benefit, by knowing customers necessities, empathetic employees need, up to date technology, to making social responsibility and looking towards interested party values. Nevertheless here is additional essential for accomplishment. To incredulous drawback and to sustain its location as an Asian Tiger in banking field, subsequent recommendations are taken. The power of staff must be improved and specialized eligible persons must be engaged. NBP need proper exercise be provided to the staff members that will ultimately increase in the productivity more efficiently. It is recommended that promotion will be given to the staff in due time and on the basis of enactment to deliver job satisfaction. There should be a proper counter for customers information in every branch of NBP. Sitting arrangement, air conditioning and new furniture should be simplified. The Bank should familiarize the computers software to survive the heavy load of work and well control. Additional counters should be established in order to facilitate during the urgency days the problems faced by the bank staff as well as the account holder. All Branches of the NBP Bank must be online for quick service. Departments should be established disjointedly in every branch of NBP. The Bank should raise profit rate on deposits and saving schemes especially for pensioners and old age citizens.Endeavor has remained prepared with thoughtful anxiety to give NBP a position that it has to uphold by taking performs of: Accurate sizing of the workforces. Shut down these branches which bear loss. By inaugurate a excellence based selection standard. Promotions made experienced with qualifications.

References:Web Pages:http://www.sbp.org.pk/publications/prudential/ordinance_62.pdfhttp://www.nbp.com.pkhttp://www.nbp.com.pk/AboutUs/BOD.aspxhttp://www.nbp.com.pk/Pakremit/index.aspxhttp://www.nbp.com.pk/Karobar/index.aspxhttp://www.nbp.com.pk/KisanDost/index.aspxhttp://www.nbp.com.pk/Saibaan/index.aspxhttp://www.nbp.com.pk/ProtectionShield/index.aspxhttp://www.nbp.com.pk/Islamic/index.aspxhttp://www.nbp.com.pk/AboutUs/Vision.aspxhttp://www.nbp.com.pk/AboutUs/Mission.aspxhttp://www.nbp.com.pk/AboutUs/CoreValues.aspxhttp://www.nbp.com.pk/AboutUs/Goals.aspxSohail Yousaf (11022720-074) FMASPage 76