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DRAW A LINE SEPARATING TODAY & YESTERDAY 1) Write: Date: 11/30/10, Topic: Bureaucracy 2) Next line, write “Opener #50” and then: 1) Write 1 high+1 low in last 24 hours 2) Rate your understanding of yesterday: lost<1-5>too easy (3 is perfect) 3) Respond to the Opener by writing at least 1 sentences about:

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DRAW A LINE SEPARATING TODAY & YESTERDAY1) Write: Date: 11/30/10, Topic: Bureaucracy2) Next line, write “Opener #50” and then:

1) Write 1 high+1 low in last 24 hours2) Rate your understanding of yesterday: lost<1-5>too easy (3 is perfect)

3) Respond to the Opener by writing at least 1 sentences about:Your opinions/thoughts OR/AND

Questions sparked by the clip OR/AND

Summary of the clip OR/AND

Announcements: None

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Agenda1) Complete Simulation2) Introducing the Bureaucracy 3) Military IntroductionFriday: Film Workshop

What you will be able to do:1) What is the bureaucracy?

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Mock Quiz1) When a president orders the bureaucracy to do

something, without congress’ permission, it isa) Illegalb) Called a signing statementc) Called an executive order

2) When Congress passes a law AND the president wants to give his/her opinion on the law, it is

a) Not allowedb) Called a signing statementc) Called an executive order

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Review 1) Legislative Branch: Research laws, creates

laws, and investigates if laws are being carried out by the executive branch

2) Executive Branch: President overseas the bureaucracy in executing the laws of Congress

3) Judicial Branch: Interprets the constitutional and laws for the country when people disagree to their interpretation.

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Review, Title: “Executive Branch Notes”

POTUS (Executive


White House

Staff (Chief of Staff,

Advisors, 1000+)“West Wing”

Cabinet: Dept Secretaries

Departments + Agencies

(Bureaucracy): 2 million (4000 appointed, rest

thru merit+testing)

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Notes #50a, Title: “Bureaucracy Notes” 1) Obama’s White House (Executive) Office:

a) Chief of Staff: (Pete Rouse)b) National Security Advisor: (Thomas Donilon)c) Press Secretary: Speaks to media (R. Gibb)d) Director of Speechwriting: Speaks to media (Jon Favreau)

e) Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement: (Kal Penn)

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Notes #50a, Title: “Bureaucracy Notes” 2) Bureaucracy (Bu): Part of Executive Branch,

govt dept + agencies that execute the laws. 4 mil+ workers (top 4000+ appointed by pres)

3) Bu Secretaries: Secs hired/fired by Pres at any time. Sec balance loyalty to pres and their dept

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Choosing Your Secretaries, Consider: Loyalist, Rivals, Skills, Political Advantage

Often first pick Secretaries of State, Defense, Treasury based on loyalist or rivals, and skills.

Pick Lesser Secretaries for political advantage.

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Journ #50a, “Cabinet Selection Debate”1) Read the 2 sides, choose 1 side, and write

which you choose and explain why.2) Then write down what your partner thinks

(include their name at the end).1 2 3 4 5

CON: Choose loyal members1) You need the bureaucracy (dept) to do what you order

2) Loyalty means efficiency, things get done

PRO: Choose a team of rivals1) You want to surrounded by people who will bring new ideas

2) Diversity in political ideas means better govt, + one that more ppl trust

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Notes #50b, Title: “Bureaucracy Notes” 2) POTUS’ Work Schedule: Executive Office Staff: DailyCabinet of Secretaries: Weekly (+ case by case)National Security Council: Key Ex Office + Seccase by case (intel briefing daily)VP: Weekly

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3) Federal Register: Contains rules Bu’s add to laws (Cong + Pres often leave laws vague, so Bu make laws enforceable)

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4) Hearing: Like Cong., Bu have hearing before making rules, citizens/lobbyist can give input.

5) Freedom of Information Act (1966): If citizens request gov info, burden on gov to prove there is a privacy or security reason not to reveal.

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2) Defense Department: Military policiesDoD workers are Bu (but soldiers ruled by independent military rules)

a) Secretary of Defense: Robert Gatesb) Central Command (Mid East): James N. Mattisc) Commander in Afghanistan: David Petraeus

NSA Advisor:Tom Donilon

Sec of Defense:Roberts Gates



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9) Iron Triangle: Former Bu’s often get hired by the businesses they regulate, + business leaders often get appointed to lead Bu’s

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Military Industrial Complex Video

Iron Triangle Military Industrial Complex


Bureaucracy Corporations




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V-22Planned Cost: $2 BillionFinal Real Cost: $30 BillionControversy:History of crashesInability to safely crash land with out no power

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Journ #50b, “Military Debate”1) Read the 2 sides, choose 1 side, and write

which you choose and explain why.2) Then write down what your partner thinks

(include their name at the end).1 2 3 4 5

CON: We can not cut the military budget1) America faces more complex threats now than ever

2) Cutting the budget would cost millions jobs

PRO: We can cut the military budget by at least 50% (save $350 bil)1) We will still be the world’s largest military 2) We can focus on fighting terrorism, and cut “Cold War” weapon programs like carriers

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US Aircraft Carrier (Nimitz Class)90 fighter planes, 3000 personnel$4.5 Billion