12 adequate capital and stress testing for operational risks

273 INDUSTRY TRENDS AND PRACTICES The banking industry has become increasingly more complex in recent years. Some of the reasons are the growing sophistication of financial products such as collateralised debt obligations (CDOs) and credit derivatives, growing activities of banks across several legal and regulatory systems in course of a general globalisation, growing reliance on globally integrated IT-systems, and growing complexity in organisation due to large-scale mergers or outsourcing of clearing and settlement systems. Operational risk is classified as “the risk of losses resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events” (see Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, 2003a,b). Possible operational risk categories are (van den Brink, 2002): 1. human processing errors, for example, mishandling of software applications, reports containing incomplete information, or pay- ments made to incorrect parties without recovery; 2. human decision errors, for example, unnecessary rejection of a profitable trade or wrong trading strategy due to incomplete information; 3. (software or hardware) system errors, for example, data delivery or data import is not executed and the software system performs calculations and generates reports based on incomplete data; 12 Adequate Capital and Stress Testing for Operational Risks* Reimer Kühn; Peter Neu King’s College London; Dresdner Bank AG 273 *The views presented in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent models or policies of Dresdner Bank AG. 12-Kuhn.qxd 6/8/04 5:28 PM Page 273

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INDUSTRY TRENDS AND PRACTICESThe banking industry has become increasingly more complex inrecent years. Some of the reasons are the growing sophistication offinancial products such as collateralised debt obligations (CDOs) andcredit derivatives, growing activities of banks across several legal andregulatory systems in course of a general globalisation, growingreliance on globally integrated IT-systems, and growing complexityin organisation due to large-scale mergers or outsourcing of clearingand settlement systems.

Operational risk is classified as “the risk of losses resulting frominadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or fromexternal events” (see Basel Committee on Banking Supervision,2003a,b). Possible operational risk categories are (van den Brink,2002):

1. human processing errors, for example, mishandling of softwareapplications, reports containing incomplete information, or pay-ments made to incorrect parties without recovery;

2. human decision errors, for example, unnecessary rejection of aprofitable trade or wrong trading strategy due to incompleteinformation;

3. (software or hardware) system errors, for example, data deliveryor data import is not executed and the software system performscalculations and generates reports based on incomplete data;


Adequate Capital and Stress Testing for Operational Risks*

Reimer Kühn; Peter NeuKing’s College London; Dresdner Bank AG


*The views presented in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarilyrepresent models or policies of Dresdner Bank AG.

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4. process design error, for example, workflows with ambiguouslydefined process steps;

5. fraud and theft, for example, unauthorised actions or credit cardfraud;

6. external damages, for example, fire or earthquake.

Since the first consultative paper for the New Basel Accord onCapital Adequacy had been issued by the Basel Committee onBanking Supervision in 2001 (see Basel Committee on BankingSupervision (2003b) for the current consultative papers), known asBasel II, it is clear that regulators will demand banks to hold regu-latory capital against operational risks.

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has proposed threealternative approaches to operational risk measurement (BaselCommittee on Banking Supervision, 2003b): The “Basic-IndicatorApproach (BIA)”, “The Standardised Approach (TSA)”, and the“Advanced Measurement Approach (AMA)”. In the BIA the requiredcapital for operational risk is determined by multiplying a singlefinancial indicator, which is the average annual gross income overthe last three years, GI, by a fixed percentage (called the �-factor). TheTSA differs from the latter in that banks are allowed to choose busi-ness line specific weight factors, �k, for the gross income indicator,GIk, of the kth business line. The total regulatory capital charge, RC, isthe simple sum of the capital required per business line. Standardbusiness lines defined by the Committee are: (1) corporate finance,(2) trading and sales, (3) retail banking, (4) commercial banking, (5)payment and settlement, (6) agency services, (7) asset management,and (8) retail brokerage. The factors loadings � and �k lie between12% and 18% (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, 2003b).

Under the AMA, the regulatory capital requirement is set by thebank’s internal quantitative and qualitative operational risk mea-surement system, which is subject to supervisory approval. Thecommon scheme of the AMA has been laid out by Georges, Frachotand Roncalli (Georges et al, 2000). Within this scheme, banksestimate – based on internal or external loss data basis or expertknowledge – the mean and variation of annual frequencies and lossseverities for operational risk events per business line.

Based on this knowledge, distribution functions1 for the loss fre-quency N and loss severity X are parametrised from which Nik

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realisations are drawn in a Monte Carlo simulation for each busi-ness unit i and for each operational risk category k. The loss in sucha sample is


Drawing a histogram of outcomes of Lik provides the loss distribu-tion function per risk category/business line cell from which thecapital charge is read-off as the q-quantile. The required capital forthe bank as a whole can either be calculated as the simple summa-tion of the capital charges across each of the risk category/businessline cell. Alternatively, the quantile can be determined from the his-togram of the total loss, This accounts for diversificationbetween the risk category/business line cells.

The Committee is not specifying the approach or distributionfunction used to generate the operational risk measure for regula-tory capital purposes provided that “fat tails” of the loss distribu-tion are accounted for, and the adapted approach compares to theinternal ratings based approach for credit risk (Basel Committee onBanking Supervision, 2003b). Supervisors further expect banks tomove along these approaches to operational risk as they developmore sophisticated measurement systems and practices. However,they permit banks to use AMA for some parts of its operations andBIA or TSA for other (“partial use”). The Committee furtherrequires that banks apply scenario analysis to assess the impact ofdeviations from the parameter assumptions embedded in theiroperational risk measurement framework, and “in particular, toevaluate potential losses arising from multiple simultaneous oper-ational risk loss event” (see paragraph 635 in Basel Committee onBanking Supervision (2003b)).

The last requirement hints at the critical point of any AMA-framework: the treatment of correlations between operational riskevents. Thinking of operational risk categories as “operational riskprocesses” it is clear that there are functionally defined sequentialdependencies between individual processes, which all together bringa big organisation to work. Consider the following example forillustration: a system error leads to an incomplete data import intoa risk calculation engine, resulting in a wrong calculation of risk

L Li k ik� � , .

L Xik ikm



��1∑ .

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figures, and eventually to a human decision error by the trader, whocloses a possibly profitable position unnecessarily to reduce a riskwhich in fact does not exist. Besides this there also exist “equal-timecorrelations” between operational risk events. This is most obviousin category 6 listed above.

Models which account for sequential and equal-time correlationsin operational risk events were first proposed by Kühn and Neu(2003) and, later on, by Leippold and Vanini (2003). Similarapproaches have also been applied to credit risk modelling (Egloff,Leippold and Vanini, 2003; Neu and Kühn, 2004). Our model is basedon analogies to models of interacting many particle systems in statis-tical physics, in which phase transitions triggered by interactions canoccur and drastically change the overall behaviour of a system.Specifically, our model resembles a lattice gas with heterogeneous,functionally defined couplings – combined with an element ofannealed disorder concerning the role of loss-distributions. In such adescription, bursts and avalanches of process failures correspond todroplet formation associated with a first-order phase transition.

In the following we summarise our main ideas (2003) and pre-sent new simulations with particular focus on capital adequacyand stress testing for operational risk. For further details andanalytic descriptions of our model we refer to Kühn and Neu(2003).

FUNCTIONAL CORRELATION APPROACH FOR OPERATIONAL RISKOur model to quantify operational risk is based on a topologicalnetwork of operational processes and activities in a bank. Coreprocesses such as trading and sales, risk management and risk con-trol, financial control (P&L, management and financial accounting,planning, budgeting), IT-and data-systems, back-office and settle-ment/payment systems, retail and commercial banking, corporatefinance, asset management, etc, are represented as vertices in thisnetwork. Bonds between these vertices designate mutual depen-dencies between the core processes.

Such networks can be designed in hierarchical way: each coreprocess can be further detailed in subnetworks which show morespecific steps, for example a risk management function. Furthermore,such a hierarchical network can be drawn for branches and

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subsidiaries. Examples have been presented by Van den Brink (2002)and in the context of sequential correlations by Leippold and Vanini(2003).

Such networks represent mutual dependencies between opera-tional risk categories, business lines, branches and subsidiaries, and,thereby, also provide a tool for capital allocation. Clearly, they are thekey for a successful implementation of the mathematical frameworkproposed below. Defining a clearly laid-out and sufficiently detailedtopological process map is in our view a non-trivial and organisation-specific task. Here we provide the mathematical framework for deriv-ing the adequate capital for such a process network, and show howwell such networks allow for stress analysis of operational risks.

Mathematical frameworkThe occurrence of functionally defined sequential dependenciesbetween risk events in the case of operational risk is obvious.Processes in organisation would normally be organised so as tosupport each other. Thus, if a process fails, this will affect the work-ings of other processes in adverse ways, if they rely on receivinginput or support of some sort from the failing process in question,so that these other processes run a higher risk of failing as well. Itis therefore inadequate to model operational risk events individu-ally. In the following we describe our extension of the commonAMA that takes the functionally defined sequential dependenciesbetween processes into account.

As an idealisation, we consider a simple two-state model here,ie, a process can be either up and running or down. For theprocess corresponding to the operational risk event i we designatethese states as ni � 0 and ni � 1, respectively. It will become obvi-ous in what follows that generalisations that would include mod-elling graded degradation of processes are easily formulated usingthe principles laid out below. For the following, considerationsrelated to separation between business lines is immaterial, and wewill skip the business line index k, accordingly.

The interest is in obtaining reliable estimates of the statistics ofprocesses that are down at any time, and of the statistics of lossesthat are thereby generated. As the loss severity incurred by a givenprocess going into the down state may vary randomly from eventto event, solving the latter problem requires convolving the

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statistics of down-events with the loss severity distribution relatedto the process failures.

The reliability of individual processes will vary across the set ofprocesses, and so will the degree of functional interdependence.These random heterogeneities constitute an element of frozen dis-order, whereas the loss severities incurred by down processes con-stitute an element of so-called annealed disorder as they are(randomly) determined anew from their distribution each time aprocess goes down. An appealing consequence of this analysis ofoperational risks therefore is the independence of the dynamicalmodel of the interacting processes and the loss severity model (ie,the estimate of the PDFs of loss severity incurred by individualprocess failures). A commonly adopted assumption for the latter isto take them as being distributed according to a lognormal distrib-ution with suitable parameters for means and variances, which wewill choose in the following.

DynamicsThe formulation of the dynamics in the functional approach isbased on the observation that all processes need a certain amountof support in order to maintain a functioning state for the timeincrement t → t � �t within the risk horizon, t � [0, T) (think ofenergy, human resources, information, input from other processes,etc). Here, only the generic features of the model shall be outlined.Hence, the increment �t is chosen such that all processes can fullyrecover within this time interval, ie, the state ni of each process canflip each time-step. For practical applications, one may decide tomodel the recovery process more carefully: specific death periodafter the failure of the ith process could be considered, and onecould differentiate between process failures being discovered andadjusted up to a certain cut-off time, eg, end-of-day, at which aprocess would have been completed (see van den Brink, 2002).These features are not generic and can only be discussed related aspecific operational risk event under consideration.

Let hi(t) denote the total support received by process i at time t;we choose it to take the form

(2)h t w n t ti i ij j ij

( ) ( ) ( ).� � �� ∑

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It is composed of (i) the average total support �i that would beprovided by a fully operational network of processes (in whichni(t) � 0 for all i). This quantity is (ii) reduced by support that ismissing because of failing processes which normally feed into theprocess in question; (iii) lastly, there are fluctuations about the aver-age which we take to be correlated Gaussian white noise with – byproper renormalising �i and wij – zero mean and unit variance.Correlated Gaussian noise is introduced to model equal-time crosscorrelations between operational risk categories in analogy to theapproach proposed by the Basel Committee on BankingSupervision for credit risk,



The Yk (t) � �(0, 1) represent the common risk factors, whereas thei(t) � �(0, 1) are process-specific, idiosyncratic risk factorsdescribing fluctuations in the micro-state of each process. Theweights �i � (�i1, … ,�iK) stand for the sensitivity of the total sup-port hi(t) received by process i to changes in kth common risk sec-tor (common risk factors may be fluctuations in power supply,frequency of spam or virus attacks, weather conditions affectinghuman resources, etc). Without loss of generality we assume thecommon risk sectors to be orthogonal, ie, the Yk(t) to have zerocorrelation.2 Equal-time correlations are then given by

It is understood that the dynamics of somecommon factors Yk (t) may be slow on the time scale set by �t. Notethat non-linear effects could be included by modifying (2) to

.Process i will fail in the next time instant t � �t, if the total sup-

port for it falls below a critical threshold. By properly renormalis-ing �i, we can choose this threshold to be zero, thus (� is thestep-function: �(x) � 1 for x � 0 and 0 else)

(5)n t t w n t ti i ij j ij

( ) ( ) ( ) ,�� � � � �� � ∑

h t w n t w n t n t ti i j ij j j k ijk j k i( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ),�� � � � �� � �

� �ij k ik jk i j� �� for .

� � � ��

i ikk


1 2


1 2




t Y t tikk


k i i( ) ( ) ( )� � �� �1∑

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where i(t) is a zero mean, unit variance Gaussian white noise withdecomposition given in (3). The losses incurred by process i arethen updated according to


where is randomly sampled from the loss severity distribu-tion for process i. Note that the process dynamics is independent ofassumptions concerning their loss severity distributions within thepresent model.

One can integrate over the distribution of idiosyncratic noises toobtain the conditional probability for failure of process i given aconfiguration n(t) � {ni(t)} of down-processes and a realisation ofthe common factor Y(t) at time t,


Here, �(x) denotes the cumulative normal distribution. Note thatup to the functional term “ ” this formula equals the con-ditional default probability for credit defaults derived in the one-factor Vasicek approach. This formalism is the methodologicalbasis for the Basel II capital charge for credit risk (see BaselCommittee on Banking Supervision, 2003).

In (7) we have used the fact that �i � ���1(PDi), where PDi,�t isthe unconditional expected probability for process failures withinthe time-increment �t. This identity is obtained by setting nj(t) � 0for all j, and by integrating over the noise i(t) in (5).

The couplings wij can be determined by considering the transitionprobabilities, PDij,�t, for process i failure within the time-increments�t, given that in the configuration at time t process j is down,


This leads to

(9)wij ij t i t�� ����


1 1( ) ( )., ,PD PD

PD Prob


ij t i j k

i t

n t t n t n t k j,


( ) ( ) , { ( ) , }

( )


� �� � � �

�� �

1 1 0


�( )��wij( ) .

( )� j ij jw n t

n t t n t t n t Y ti n t Y t i

i t j

( ) ( ) ( ), ( )

( )

( ), ( )


�� �� �


� Prob




( )� ww n t Y tij j ik kk


( ) ( )� �

� �

∑ ∑∑

1 2

Xt ti��

L t t L t n t t Xi i i t ti( ) ( ) ( ) ,�� � � �� ��

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Analogous identities would be available for determining higherorder connections wijk, if nonlinear effects were taken into account.Probabilities for process failure only depend on the increment �tand not on the time t due to the stationarity of the dynamics. Toillustrate how these parameter are fixed in practice, consider thefollowing. Either from a historical loss database, or from an expertassessment the following two questions must be answered peroperational risk category and business line:

1. What is the expected period, , until process i fails for the firsttime in a fully operative environment, and

2. given that only process j has failed, what is the expectedperiod, , for process i to fail also?

Noting that with Prob(failure at z�t) � (1 � PDi,�t)z�1PDi,�t onefinds that


and analogously,


These identities express the PDi,�t and PDij,�t in terms of estimatedaverage times of failure, and are used to fix the model parameterscompletely. Note that according to (8) PDij,�t can be interpreted as anon-equal time correlation for process failures.

The dynamics (5) resembles that of a lattice gas (on a graphrather than on a lattice), the ni denoting occupancy of a vertex, thewij interactions, and �i taking the role of chemical potentials regu-lating a priori occupancy of individual vertexes. The system is het-erogeneous in that (i) the �i vary from site to site, (ii) the couplingswij have a functional rather than regular geometric dependence onthe indexes i and j designating the vertices of the graph. In thephysics context, one usually assumes noise sources other thanGaussian so that cumulative probabilities are described by Fermi-functions rather than cumulative normal distributions as above.The quantitative difference is minute, however.

� � � � ��



i jz

ij tz

i tjij t

z tt


11∑ ( ) ., ,,


� � � � ��




i tz

i ti t

z tt


11∑ ( ) ,,,


�i j


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The model dynamics as such cannot be solved analytically for ageneral heterogeneous network. We shall resort to Monte Carlosimulations to study its salient properties. As the presence of thecommon factor expressed by the �ik-term in Equation (3) wouldinfluence only quantitative details of the system’s behaviour, wewill further present the analysis without correlation to the commonfactors by setting �ik � 0.

Main featuresThe key features of the collective behaviour of networks of inter-acting processes can easily be anticipated either directly from a dis-cussion of the dynamic rules, or from the analogy with the physicsof lattice gasses.

In a network in which the unconditional probabilities for processfailures, PDi,�t, are small, but process interdependence is large andconsequently conditional probabilities for process failures, PDij,�t,are sizable, spontaneous failure of individual processes mayinduce subsequent failures of other processes with suficiently highprobability so as to trigger a breakdown of the whole network. If,on the other hand, process interdependence remains below a criti-cal threshold value, individual spontaneous failures will not havesuch drastic consequences, and the whole network will remain in astable overall functioning state.

Of particular interest for the risk manager is the case, in whichprocess interdependence is low enough to make a self-generatedbreakdown of the network extremely unlikely, but parameters arenevertheless such that a stable overall functioning state of thenetwork coexists with a phase in which nearly the complete net-work is in the down state (two-phase coexistence). In such a sit-uation, it may be external strain which can induce a transitionfrom a stably functional situation to overall breakdown.Analogous mechanisms are believed to be responsible for occa-sional catastrophic breakdowns in bistable ecosystems (Schefferet al, 2001).

With increasing unconditional probabilities for process failuresit becomes meaningless to distinguish between an overall func-tioning and a non-functioning phase of the network. The two-phase coexistence ceases to exist – as in (lattice) gases – at a criticalpoint.

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SIMULATIONSIn the following we illustrate the validity of our intuitions aboutglobal network behaviour using Monte Carlo simulations.

Monte Carlo dynamics can either be performed as paralleldynamics (all ni are at each time-step simultaneously updatedaccording to (5) or (7)), or as (random) sequential dynamics (only asingle ni is (randomly) selected for update according to (5) in anygiven time-step, in which case the time increment must scale withthe number N of processes in the net as �t � N�1).

For the analysis of operational risks, losses are accumulated dur-ing a Monte Carlo simulation of the process dynamics over the riskhorizon, T. Runs over many risk horizons then allow to measureloss distribution functions for individual processes within thenetwork of interacting processes, or of business units or the fullnetwork by appropriate summations.

In what follows, we are not looking at a specific organisation,but rather choose a random setting to illustrate the generic featuresof our model. That is, unconditional failure probabilities are takento be homogeneously distributed in the interval [0, pmax] and wedetermine random conditional failure probabilities as PDij,�t �

PDi,�t(1 � ij), with ij homogeneously distributed in [0, max] whichfixes the ratio (PDij,�t/PDi,�t)max.

Going concern analysisFigure 1 shows a situation where a functional network coexistswith a situation in which the network is completely down, andparameters are such that spontaneous transitions between thephases are not observed during a simulation.

The loss distribution for the functional network is unimodal witha bulk of small losses and a fat tail of extreme losses, which are dri-ven by the loss severity distribution.

By increasing the functional interdependence at unalteredunconditional failure probabilities, the functioning state of thenetwork becomes unstable as shown in Figure 2. A spontaneoustransition into the ‘down’ state is observed during a single run of50,000 Monte Carlo steps (note that a time-step can for many oper-ational risk categories be associated with a day; though thesystem appears to be stable over a very long time span, it is, in factnot). Two interesting features about this transition to complete

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breakdown deserve mention: (i) the time to breakdown can varywithin very wide limits (not shown here), (ii) there are nodetectable precursors to the transition; it occurs due to large spon-taneous fluctuations carrying the system over a barrier, in analogyto droplet formation associated with first order phase transitions.

We should like to emphasise that realistically the system dynam-ics after an overall breakdown of a process network would nolonger be the spontaneous internal network dynamics: recoveryefforts would be started, increasing support for each process by asufficient amount such as to reinitialise the network in workingorder.

Stress analysisOne of the critical lessons for risk control from our analysis is thepossible metastability of networks of interacting processes: theorganisation would not necessarily realise the potential of biglosses due to bursts and avalanches of process failures, as there areno detectable precursors to such transitions. With a basicallyunchanged process setup the network could collapse and causesignificant losses, either due to external strain or rare fluctuationsof internal dynamics. Owing to the stability of the metastable









0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000Time

0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000Time








Figure 1 Loss record for a system of N�50 interacting processes with (first panel) pmax�0.025 and (PDij,�t/PDi,�t)max�1.6. For identical system parameters, the low-loss situation coexists with a high-loss situation (shown in the right panel: losses are elevated at all times as witnessed by the lower bound of the loss record in the right panel). Although a spontaneous total breakdown of the operational system (left) into the non-operational high-loss phase (right) does not occur during the simulation, external influences may well induce such a transition

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states, the bank will then have to spend a lot of efforts in order tobring the network back to a functional state, which will cause addi-tional costs. To assess the metastability, one will have to performstress tests. Indeed, the suitability for stress tests is one of the mainvirtues of the present model.

Figure 3 illustrates the results of a stress simulation. In each case,the system, if in the operational state, is repeatedly put under exter-nal strain by turning off five randomly selected functioningprocesses every 1,000th time-step, and letting the system evolveunder its internal dynamics thereafter. Such a disturbance can eithertrigger a breakdown of the system or not. In the former case, if thesystem is found fully down 1,000 time-steps later, it is reinitialised inthe fully operational state and once more disturbed 1,000 steps later.

One observes that the operational low-loss phase is resilientagainst disturbances of the kind described above when(PDij,�t/PDi,�t)max � 1.7, although the low-cost phase coexists with aphase of catastrophic breakdown, whereas at (PDij,�t/PDi,�t)max �

1.8 external strain occasionally succeeds to trigger breakdown ofthe net; on the other hand, at (PDij,�t/PDi,�t)max � 1.8 breakdownunder external strain of the given strength is the typical response of

0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000







esFigure 2 Loss record in a system with the same unconditional default probabilities as in Figure 1, but (PDij,�t/PDi,�t)max increased to 1.8. A spontaneous breakdown of the system is observed after about 27,000 time steps

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the system (with a few exceptions and occasional spontaneousrecoveries).

Such a stress analysis would also provide a tool to deal witherrors in the parameter estimation.

Capital adequacy and capital allocationOf interest to the risk manager in the end are the total losses accu-mulated over a risk horizon, T,


more specifically, the corresponding probability density function.Figure 4 presents such distribution of accumulated losses for a net-work that remains operational throughout the simulation. For thissimulation we took T � 365�t. The loss distribution has an

L T L Tii

( ) ( ) ;�∑

0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000Time























0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000Time

0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000Time

Figure 3 Stress simulations described in the main text. The parameters are pmax�0.025 as in the previous gures and (clockwise) (PDij,�t/PDi,�t)max�1.7, 1.72, 1.8

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extended tail (barely visible on the scale of the data), with a 99.5%quantile at 3.07 � 104 and the largest aggregated loss observed dur-ing the simulation over a time span of T at 2.5 � 105, ie, more thanan order of magnitude larger than the expected loss for the chosenrisk horizon T in the present case. A scatter-plot also shown in thefigure reveals that it is the spread in the loss-severity distributionswhich is primarily responsible for the extended tail of the lossdistribution.

The histogram reveals the adequate capital to be allocated to theprocess map underlying the simulation. Possible risk measures arethe q-quantile (in excess of the expected loss, if this is accounted forelsewhere) or the expected shortfall. By repeating the simulationsfor different process maps of different business lines, branches orsubsidiaries, the bank can decide which capital amount is best allo-cated to these sub-units.

CONCLUSIONWe have described how ideas from physics of collective phenom-ena and phase transitions can naturally be applied to modellingoperational risk in financial institutions, or indeed any other form

200 250 300 350 400










0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000











Figure 4 Scatter-plot of number of risk-events during a risk horizon of T�365�t vs. total amount of incurred losses (left panel); loss distribution (right panel). Total time covered was 104 T. The histogram is not normalised. Parameters of the system are N�50, pmax�0.025, and (PDij,�t /PDi,�t)max�1.6, loss severity distributions are taken as lognormal, with means randomly spread over an interval [0,100] and volatilities chosen randomly as a factor of their respective means, the maximum factor being 0.1

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of organisation. Our main point was that functional dependenciesbetween mutually supportive processes give rise to non-trivialtemporal correlation, which can lead to the occurrence of collectiverisk events in the form of bursts, avalanches and crashes. For risksassociated to process failure (operational risks) a functional depen-dence seems to be the appropriate way for modelling sequentialcorrelations.

We have shown how the adequate capital for operational riskcan be calculated based on a dynamics which is defined on a topo-logical process map. The key parameters of the dynamics, theunconditional and conditional loss probability and the loss sever-ity, can be obtained for realistic situations via expert assessment orfrom loss databases. Defining these maps on different hierarchicallevels within an organisation allows for appropriate allocation ofcapital to sub-units.

The critical lessons for risk control from our analysis is the pos-sible metastability of networks of interacting processes: The organ-isation would not necessarily realise the potential of big losses dueto bursts and avalanches of process failures, as there are nodetectable precursors to such transitions. With a basicallyunchanged process set-up the network could collapse and causesignificant losses, either due to external strain or rare fluctuationsof internal dynamics. To assess the metastability, one will have toperform stress tests. Indeed, the suitability for stress tests is one ofthe main virtues of the present model.

1 Popular choices for the loss severity distribution functions are the lognormal, gamma, beta,Weibull distribution. Common choices for the loss frequency distribution function are thePoisson or negative binomial distribution.

2 This can always be assured by a simple rotation of common risk factors. The Yk(t) wouldthen be linear combinations of those assumed initially.


Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, 2003, “Sound Practices for the Managementand Supervision of Operational Risk”, URL: http://www.bis.org, Basel, February.

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, 2003, “The New Basel Capital Accord”, TheThird Consultative Paper, URL: http://www.bis.org, Basel, April.

van den Brink, G. -J., 2002, Operational Risk, the New Challenge for Banks, Palgrave,(Hampshire (UK), 2001); Die Bedeutung operativer Risiken fur Eigenkapitalunterlegung und

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Risikomanagement, Tagungsbericht vom Duisburger Bank-Symposium, Rolfes (Editor)(Duisburg, 2002).

Egloff, D., M. Leippold, and P. Vanini, 2003, “Credit Risky Portfolios with Micro- andMacro-Economic Dependencies”, Working Paper, University of Southern Switzerland.

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