12 month future forecast report...

DMAstro 12 Month Future Forecast Report Sample 1 Sample of 12 Month Transits Forecast by Jamie VanZuuk *This is a real sample of a written report made for the customer. The name and birth data are intentionally hidden. **Please note, that the reading can be provided either personally, by Skype, phone, or in a form of a written report like in this sample. ***Upon purchasing a report, you are free to ask any follow-up questions within the timeframe of a report. About the Astrologer Jamie has over 20 years invested in the study of astrology and has been reading charts over the past six. She became interested in the idea of astrology in her teens and began taking the actual study of astrology seriously almost immediately. Through a very nurtured and insatiable curiosity she devoured any text, cookbook, how-to or theory content related to the heavens for the next decade. By her mid-twenties she was observing patterns and cycles and began to delve into deeper layers of this study regarding transits, progressions, returns and prediction. Through Jamie’s devotion to astrology, and through her academic focus in a sociological lens, her interests grew to related topics including: religion, mysticism and philosophy; anthropology, systems and culture; psychological theory, social impact and human behaviors. Now, the ideas and theories surrounding metaphysics, energy, shamanism and universal interconnectedness shape her approach to spirituality. Jamie is the author of many materials on DMAstro website including: - interpretations for all main astrology transits: http://dmastro.com/Article/50-Horoscope/Daily%20Astro%20Events - Monthly Horoscopes: http://dmastro.com/Article/37-Horoscope/Horoscope%20for%20All%20Signs - Horoscopes for 2017: http://dmastro.com/Article/185-astrology/2017%20Horoscopes All Options of Readings with Jamie can be found here: http://dmastro.com/Astrologers/Jamie-VanZuuk 12 Month Future Forecast Report Sample **INTRO** Any stagnation in your life will demand evolution!

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DMAstro 12 Month Future Forecast Report Sample


Sample of 12 Month Transits Forecast by Jamie VanZuuk

*This is a real sample of a written report made for the customer. The name and birth data are intentionally hidden.

**Please note, that the reading can be provided either personally, by Skype, phone, or in a form of a written report like in this sample.

***Upon purchasing a report, you are free to ask any follow-up questions within the timeframe of a report.

About the Astrologer

Jamie has over 20 years invested in the study of astrology and has been reading charts over the past six. She became interested in the idea of astrology in her teens and began taking the actual study of astrology seriously almost immediately. Through a very nurtured and insatiable curiosity she devoured any text, cookbook, how-to or theory content related to the heavens for the next decade. By her mid-twenties she was observing patterns and cycles and began to delve into deeper layers of this study – regarding transits, progressions, returns

and prediction. Through Jamie’s devotion to astrology, and through her academic focus in a sociological lens, her interests grew to related topics including: religion, mysticism and philosophy; anthropology, systems and culture; psychological theory, social impact and human behaviors. Now, the ideas and theories surrounding metaphysics, energy, shamanism and universal interconnectedness shape her approach to spirituality.

Jamie is the author of many materials on DMAstro website including:

- interpretations for all main astrology transits:


- Monthly Horoscopes:


- Horoscopes for 2017:


All Options of Readings with Jamie can be found here:


12 Month Future Forecast Report Sample


Any stagnation in your life will demand evolution!

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DMAstro 12 Month Future Forecast Report Sample


This is not an ideal time to begin new endeavors, start new projects, or initiate new goals because everything in your life or personal parameters is so completely unstable. If you must, do be mindful to expect the unexpected, allowing an "anything goes" sense of freedom as a refreshing detail rather than an accident or obstacle.

Letting go of anything or anyone limiting your sense of purpose is what this transit is about and allowing your relationships to begin and end without attachment to preferences is best, and you will learn so much more.

Another volatile set of goings-on is building as Uranus had been opposing your Libran ascendant from your 6th house of duty and health since May of this year. Uranus will continue through your 6th house until April, then move in to your 7th house of relationships, and traditionally, Libra's domicile, strengthening the effects of independence and rebellion as Uranus will continue to opposite your natal ascendant, in spite of moving. These effects will be dramatic and long lasting.

Uranus is the planet of awakening, surprise effects, and rebellion while your ascendant represents you, and everything to do with you-- you should understand that for as long as Uranus opposes this aspect of your natal chart you will feel the urge to rebel, revolt or revive; as Libra rules your ascendant, Libra ruling relationships and partnerships, these too, will be inspired by your need for freedom, awakening, and independence.

This transit will definitely test the ways which you've always maintained your connections with others, be it personal or professional. Commitments you've maintained for years may now no longer offer a stable foundation or feel restrictive for legitimate reasons, or, reasons which only serve the others needs, and now you suddenly see it and are now unwilling to permit it any longer.

Anyone new to your life that you allow in will ultimately represent freedom, rebellion or appear shocking or possess unorthodox feelings toward things. These people will not easily fit in molds or do what they're told, and in a way, they'll represent projections of how you yourself are feeling, especially so if you're holding back from the effects of this transit or not participating at all.

Another detail of your current chart as we begin this year long journey is Jupiter moving through your natal 12th house of secrets, inner psyche, and spiritual awareness. You have a natal 12th house stellium, involving the sun, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter; the personal planets plus Jupiter-- which adds expansion and abundance- to a very personal, everyday type of energy with which you work with, through, and against each and every day. Because this stellium occupies your 12th house, it would be one thing to suggest that you might prefer to be private with your affairs or tend to isolate yourself in seclusion or enjoy giving, especially to those oppressed, institutionalized, or otherwise less fortunate... you deal with what has so deeply wounded yourself, and others, on a daily basis. Possibly experiencing this daily routine as though it is actually happening.

The 12th house represents where we need to heal, where we are broken, and the karma we keep in order to remind us of our life purpose. Sometimes, what we've kept to remind us in this life from a past lifetime is something that hurts deeply and clings sharply and this is also why the 12th house is known as the house of self-undoing, why planets that move through the 12th house often do not share their lessons or advice

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until long after they've passed through, why we avoid the things that hurt and cause us to feel more than we're comfortably aware of.

One's twelfth house and life purpose are very closely aligned; so when you work to heal your twelfth house issues you are automatically fulfilling your life purpose and therefore releasing karma from previous lifetimes.

With Libra on your ascendant, as well as ruling your 12th house, you may find receiving much more challenging than giving. Libra, traditionally, is the giver. Nevertheless, in relationships you find yourself. You need to engage with others in order to learn and to heal.

Yet in spite of all the insight and instinct you have, something else is getting in your way of fulfilling your goals. There is a “hidden enemy,” the cause of self-undoing.

And as transiting Jupiter moves through your 12th house, slowly activating each of your natal placements occupying this sector of your chart-- in order: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, the sun- you will feel and experience expansion in regard to your 12th house issues, such as privacy, seclusion, retreat and respite, quiet and closure, secrets and hidden enemies, behind-the-scenes matters, and possibly even through institutions whose duty it is to hold or hide away those in our society unable to conform or participate in a healthy way.

This expansion could be through knowledge with much less effort than you would ordinarily give in order to understand these 12th house goings-on and representations within and throughout your life. Hidden functions and motives, agendas or issues may surface. You may have difficulties with secrets or personal, private, or sensitive information.

Jupiter here can be an auspicious placement toward all types of unexpected difficulties, protecting the native from hidden enemies, and additionally, potentially changing the ways in which others approach you-- altering their motives, agendas, and overall attitudes.

When Jupiter is in the 12th house, "behind-the-scenes" dealings or private matters offer abundance and benefits. You are more compassionate, empathetic, and sensitive to the feelings, emotions, and psychic turmoil of others. Jupiter here offers something of a spiritual protection, it had been said, and letting go of self-destructive tendencies, deep-seated fears and deeply ingrained feelings of guilt are only in your best interest, and now somewhat more appropriate, with more opportunities for ease and willingness.

Practicing patience, meditating, yoga, dream interpretation, retreats and metaphysical research are all auspicious ways to tap in to your 12th house issues.

A private or forbidden romance, secret affair, or otherwise inappropriate relationship may take much of your focus.

Watch out for excess with anything while Jupiter moves through your 12th house.

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DMAstro 12 Month Future Forecast Report Sample


Pluto is also making a square aspect to your natal sun and Jupiter from your 3rd house; Pluto's effectiveness works through the process of transformation, suggesting that whatever efforts you put in to healing and transcending your 12th house issues, the more growth and evolution-- and ultimately, healing- you will be able to conquer. Pluto will square aspect points within your 12th house stellium until January, and I'll touch upon that under January's notes.

And finally, transiting Saturn is connecting directly with your natal Saturn in the 2nd house. A conjunction between a transiting planet to its own natal placement is called a return, ie your Saturn Return.

Saturn is the planet of restriction, limitation, and guarding your interests and investments.

The Saturn Return often marks an important phase in maturity.

Circumstances may now require additional responsibility, and situations could demand more attention. Obligations could assume particular duties that make a large impact on your life.

Your ongoing Uranian transit, mentioned above, will demand you to cut ties of strings attached while you're Saturn Return could create a sense of obligation to commitments that no longer light you up. Tradition may seem appropriate to uphold or feel nostalgic. You may feel as though you've come to a crossroads in making a decision for yourself. Especially in respect to your relationships. Decisions you make now to begin or end relational matters with someone will slowly grow to impact your life long-term. Make your decisions slowly, no matter how reckless Uranus will inspire you to entertain, and weigh carefully and mindfully all of the details of the situation. You will know, deep down in your being, if you've made the right decision if you hold no resentments, guilt, or wanderlust.

In one way Saturn and Uranus will bestow similar feelings upon you is toward your status and/or life goals; you will question both. With both Saturn and Uranus, too, your security will be in question, and could become unstable, mistrusted, or erratic. If you are feeling unfulfilled in any way this transit will quickly focus upon the reasons why, the options you have, and how exactly you can make moves to a better life, a better you.

Doubt can be a serious frustration now. Doubt in yourself, doubt in most others, but especially in a relationship, toward your relationships.

This will also be difficult to balance and maintain any complete authority within the structures of your life, as your Saturn Return is urging you to do while Uranus continues to rock your world with surprises and potential disruption to your routine. Taking charge, of anything, may be easier said than done, though, when you do get the opportunity, it may be worth the additional effort it may take.

Any calls you are able to make will likely lead to much needed inner resolve, lasting long after any epiphanies presenting themselves. Endings will introduce new beginnings, possibly needing more accountability to maintain lessons learned to use realistic means to obtain goals in your life.

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DMAstro 12 Month Future Forecast Report Sample


Throughout your Saturn Return, despite your Uranian transit, keeping a goal or several ongoing goals is in your best interest. This gives you something to keep a focus on to work toward, and it offers you a distraction from everything in your life that you can't grasp or materialize.

These matters and issues will remain an ongoing theme as you continue through the months that follow below.


This month finds the sun in your 1st house of self and identity, shining light upon yourself and how *you* see yourself. Your first house is ruled by Libra, and therefore Venus, giving this focus upon yourself an added ease.

Whatever you find, learn, feel you need to express, or share through yourself, for yourself, or by yourself will likely be met with several yields as Mars in Capricorn will insist you get busy, Venus here, too, will ease this process; Mars and Venus in Capricorn, for you, fall in your 3rd house, ruled by Jupiter...

Venus will be moving through your 3rd house of communication and interaction, ruled by your 3rd house ruler, Jupiter; when Jupiter rules Venus there is an obvious abundance, jovial comfort or candor with what you truly want or need to convey.

Mars, the planet of movement and action, will be moving through your 3rd house, as well, and the combination of Venus and Mars in your 3rd house will suggest an additional abundance in overdrive, as Mars will play off of the details mentioned above, adding more fuel to the fire and possibly more impatience to an already volatile issue. When Mars and Jupiter go toe to toe, as you've likely endured through this year, one is overwhelmed with a expanded sense of urgency, an excited need to act, or a frantic sense of duty. These may feel slightly more intense as your 3rd house is natally governed by Jupiter.

However, Saturn is cruising along in your 3rd house, putting a halt, a damper, or additional obligation to whatever joy you're finding in connection to this house.


So, October was a lot. As both Saturn and Uranus are slow-moving planets, Saturn being somewhat faster paced-- your Saturn Return will linger in to November, but much of its intensity will have dissipated. And Uranus, of course, will oppose your ascendant for the following eleven months, and for some time thereafter. In April, however, Uranus will move from your 6th house in to tie 7th, the house of relationships, which is quite significant as your rebellion against restrictive bonds will alter from relationships at work or through service to those more personal to you. This will be explained in the month of April. Finally, Jupiter will occupy your 12th house and activate your 12th house stellium until the end of the year, in December.

November sees the sun move from Libra to Scorpio, moving in to your 2nd house of values, finances, and sense of security, which for you is ruled by Pluto. Security will be

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a focus above all while Venus remains in your 3rd house of communicating your wants and needs.

*Asking for what you need is absolutely vital to you.*

And Mars moves on to your 4th house of home and inner experiences, ruled by Saturn still as Saturn is the traditional ruler of Capricorn, ruling your 4th house.

Venus will enhance your needs for security, reviving her strength with the help of the sun's rays. Last month, Mars may have marched forward in action beyond your best wishes to hold off, as Mars moved beyond Venus after their conjunction. Now Venus works with Mars as Mars strategies are now backed with Aquarian ingeniousness, as Aquarius is found within your 4th house, while Venus protects your investments in your best interest. These interests may have something to do with your home or family.

Mars moving through your 4th house of home will strengthen as an opposition to your midheaven, while conjuct your IC, suggests movement within the home.

Your home will be the center of activity during this transit; repairs, upgrades, moving in or out, problematic details, or delays with any of these could become what takes most of your energy.

Be mindful when using machinery, tools, anything metal, especially when at home or near the home.

Family members, or those residing within the home with you, could become problematic, aggressive, controlling, even violent. The opposition to your midheaven, which represents your status and professional ambitions, would explain any distractions from your job or career that your domestic issues cause you. A healthy balance between family/home and work/profession, or, private responsibilities and public obligations-- would be advised.


The sun will move from your 2nd house to your 3rd, ruled by Jupiter, the planet of fortune, as Sagittarius is on your 3rd house cusp. Remember, the 3rd house represents communication-- including language as well as thoughts- everyday interactions, and immediate environments.

Focus will shift from securities and assigning value to telling people what you want and need to feel secure, valued, or possess the importance or priority you need to feel safe. Everyday interactions will require the focus you give your thoughts so that you may convey what you're thinking and feeling. And your immediate environments is where you need to begin. Later in the month the sun will move to your 4th house and you may begin to share this with your family members or those living in the home with you. But for now, stick to those you share space with throughout the day, siblings, and those next door. Everyday people.

Venus will now move to your 4th house, suggesting that your feelings are being felt faster than your mental and personal focus will allow or is ready for. Either that, or, for

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instance, if you live alone, you'll prefer to share yourself from within the home or stay home to avoid doing so. So, to explain this, the sun will want you out and about, mingling, meeting, and making strides in vocalizing your self, your wants and needs, and so on. But Venus will have you wanting to spend time at home. And this time at home should be used to communicate with others via the Internet, social media, and the like, by way of technological insights, forward-thinking goals, and humanitarian interest. Through the likes of social media, streams and feeds, share your thoughts on futuristic envisioning for the greater good, for example; much solace could be found for you as you're making your way through these transits.

Mars will probably require you stay home to tend to any issues presented.

Much of your focus will be on the home, at home.

Mars will move to your 5th house of fun by the end of the month, shifting your activity from DIY or repair at home to insisting upon a vacation, or, worst case scenario, vacating the premises of your home as a result of one of the issues provoked when Mars was in your 4th. A hotel stay could be appropriate for either. Or, from home and family matters to no matters at all, as you'll be swept off and away...

The 5th house also represents leisurely activities, celebration, parties, fun, sport, gambling, romance, children, hobbies, passions, and simply, the joys of life.

Your natal 5th house is ruled by Neptune, as Pisces cusps your 5th house, giving you a certain exposure, or, complete and transcending transition, to allowing yourself, or participate with, 5th house related themes.


As promised, the sun will connect with Pluto this month, in your 3rd house of communication before moving in to your 4th of home and inner experiences, and this will empower you and your sense of control and assertiveness in regard to asking for what you need, as you've been working on this since October.

This transit will also be bulldozed by a square off with your natal 12th house stellium... and what this suggests is that Pluto's effectiveness works through the process of transformation, suggesting that whatever efforts you put in to healing and thereby transcending your 12th house issues, the more growth and evolution-- and ultimately, healing- you will be able to conquer.

Continue to center yourself, announce yourself, and ask for what you need. These practices will help you heal, find closure in matters still open, and move forward, above and beyond what you've always considered the apex of enlightened.

Jupiter will also, at this time, begin moving retrograde through your 12th house, suggesting that you heed any lessons learned thus far and go inward, keeping any progress somewhat private, and even learning more about ancient medicine, shamanism, or other occult practices which guarded or alleviated trauma from our ancestors soul's. Jupiter retrograde is more spiritual and philosophical, so too, explore

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(ancient) philosophies, possibly something simpler from a time in the past, or, from your past.

When Jupiter turns retrograde, the actions inspired of Jupiter are reversed; inner awareness, inner growth/expansion, and inner integrity should be assessed, practiced, and seeking to understand these more intimately will be to your benefit.

When Jupiter is retrograde, you should evaluate the ways in which you may not be completely honest with yourself because you may be playing a role that is disloyal to your true self.

When opportunities arise while Jupiter is retrograde, they are likely the result of seeds of intention planted in the past from people met or connections made in the past.

It is an excellent time to go back to school to complete your education, taking a long distance trip, or making a connection with a long lost friendship. It is a good time to take spiritual or philosophical courses with the objective of gaining a better perspective on life.

Because of the spiritual approach to this Jupiter transit, it is not an auspicious time to initiate, however, life must go on. For example, a business which starts while Jupiter is retrograde will find that much of the business is inherently connected with altruistic and charitable means, concerns and good causes.

Venus will move from your 4th house of home this month to join Mars in your 5th house of joy, ruled by Jupiter, suggesting that any of the endeavors you pick up or practice mentioned above will bring you much joy, and possibly even financial gain. Make sure to check, double-check and triple-check any and all details, especially if you are signing on a dotted line.

Trips for business or pleasure, or a little bit of both now will likely be appropriate, much needed, and smooth.


In February, both Mars and Venus move in to your 6th house of service and health after so many of weeks of lingering in your 5th house of fun. So, time to get busy. But, you'll want to.

Your 6th house is ruled by Mars, as Aries rules yours and getting busy is something you know how to do. You likely have quite a strong stamina, much endurance, and super strength of tolerance... these movements will simultaneously oppose your 12th house stellium, suggesting that any of progress you've made with your 12th house issues will represent themselves, or project themselves if you've been avoiding them, through 6th house matters, such as work or health.

Venus moving through your 6th house should help you with the idea of receiving as you're likely to continue enjoying giving, through service, volunteering, or otherwise anonymously giving without intention of receiving. Also, and especially if you've been

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avoiding any 12th house matters, Venus here will offer ease and graciousness in tending time these matters once and for all.

It will be amazing what you can accomplish now, as if celestial opportunities are available everywhere you look!

Mars is in the 6th will feel as though it should be served, though, as aggressive as this sounds, you may indirectly feel served as you continue on. Also, if you do harbor any health concerns, Mars here will do the trick in combating any concerns fiercely and unrelentingly. The sun will be moving in to your 5th house, a bit behind on the action, and possibly still focusing on the fun you've had or busyness you've been involved with only weeks earlier.

Finally, Saturn will station direct this month, still in your 3rd house of communication, and you'll likely notice a shift in energy here. For example, if you've been feeling as though you're talking with no words coming through-- words will be loud, direct, and effective now. Any structures, foundations, or binding commitments you've been working on or toward will likely begin to take shape now, follow through, or manifest in some way. Inward shifts to outward now, and you'll see a difference.


Some interesting things occur this month as Venus stations retrograde after a year or more moving directly and transiting Saturn is moving through your 3rd house without making any aspects to natal placements.

Your focus upon relationships this year is, and has been, a major theme for you, and Venus is the planet we look to for themes of this nature: relationships, love, romance, devotion, faith, trust and commitment. When Venus stations retrograde, like any planet, focus on these matters turns inward. What no longer serves your higher purpose or current goals will fall away. Because Venus is so giving when direct, when retrograde she manages somehow to become unable to give, sometimes shutting down the ability to receive. This will be a problem for you in that you've been spending much time and energy on just that.

Venus will move retrograde through your 6th house of health and duty and you will be compelled to dutifully clean up loose ends and tend to yourself. The 6th house is also the house of routines & daily life. Is your day-to-day life working for you or are you spinning your wheels? Do you practice self-care? If not, could you start? This is what Venus will be asking of you and, despite retrogradation, you should feel a bit of ease in doing just that, however bittersweet it is.

Meanwhile, the sun catches up, joining Venus in your 6th house, which will only mean more focus and spirit combined to tackle this work. Again, if you do harbor health concerns, or, simply want to begin a new diet or exercise regimen, now is the time.

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Mars will move in to your 7th house of relationships, ruled by Mars still, as your 7th house continues in Aries, which means that Mars will be spinning his wheels a bit as he impatiently wants to dive directly in to moving your relationships forward and onward.

Now, Saturn moving without making aspects is only worth noting as it may produce an intensified sense of ambition. It could also suggest an emphasis upon communicating through work, to advance in status, to secure compensation or an accomplishment. This could be a month to make grand strides with these goals.


The sun moves forward to your 7th house of relationships, where Mars remains for the beginning of the month as Venus moves further behind, moving back in to your 5th house of ego, especially as Venus was, and will again, oppose your natal 12th house stellium, activating any hidden hurts or inner psyche qualms you've been battling. Now, in the 5th house, you can appropriately address what needs approached by effectively taking your ego out of the equation.

So, Venus and her matters are still very much a focus and a theme for you, as Venus rules your 12th house, your ascendant, and your 7th house, which is where all of the movements are being made this month.

This month could have a dreamy or disillusioned undertone, as Venus back floats in to your Neptunian ruled 5th house, retrograded, distracting you with what could be. Remember, exclude your ego.

Uranus moves in to your 7th house of relationships after occupying your 6th house for so long, still opposing your Libran ascendant for the remainder of the year.

Uranus occupying your 7th house now will wreak havoc upon your relationships more directly, more effectively, and leave any upheaval in health and everyday concerns alone. This havoc, of course, only intends to awaken anything stagnant or provoke an innately independent instinct despite the foundations of a relationship commitment.

And Jupiter, still retrograde, now moves back and makes the conjunction to your natal sun in your 12th house once more. Remember, Jupiter connecting with anything amplifies anything; think in terms of abundance, expansion, and broadening your horizons. When Jupiter first approached your natal sun, back last fall, any issues brought up or resolved back then may resurface or resolve themselves finally.

When the sun meets up with Mars a sense of urgency may surface, or more of an ambition backed with confidence.


The sun will move in to your 8th house of intimacy and instinctual needs, which is ruled by Venus as it is ruled by Taurus. Mars will move forward, along with the sun, as Venus finally stations direct and returns to your 6th house of health and day-to-day routines.

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Venus will help you focus on what your mental health needs, as well as your relationship with your body. Spa treatments, massage, organic foods, natural beauty products, and yoga are all ways that Venus in Aries would appreciate as Mars taps in to your core in the 8th, ruled by Venus in Taurus.

As you've been exploring your wants and needs within the realm of relationships this year, one very important detail is that of intimacy. For you, intimacy is achieved through Venusian means, such as beauty, devotion, desire, and love. But Venus also represents comfort, music, aesthetic appreciation and emotional intelligence.

Retrograde Jupiter connects once more with your natal Jupiter; again, this occurred last fall/early winter season, and will occur once more once Jupiter stations direct again. These manifestations should be inward, and you'll likely enjoy much in terms of abundance both emotionally, spiritually, and perhaps even monetarily. Whatever you're seeking has the potential now to be found, in one way or another.

Overall, this month should be quite humbling for you. In a way, you're working toward spiritual and philosophical recovery from everything you've been through and learned up to this point in your journey.


Recovery continues as the sun and Mars move together to your 9th house of personal philosophy, ruled by Mercury as your natal 9th house is ruled by Gemini.

You take religion and religious freedom quite reasonably, rationally, and productively, as well as others backgrounds, cultures, and sociological details. Broadening your horizons, always, for you, only makes sense, necessary, in one way or another, and delightfully rewarding. You are naturally curious about others. This would be an awesome opportunity for you to ask more questions of others, question your own beliefs, and seek to find answers, if there are any.

This may also be a month you travel, be it spontaneously or impulsively, seek higher education, or delve deeper in to a subject you've always been drawn to.

Venus moves, finally, to your 7th house, which is ruled by Mars, in Aries. Venus and Mars continue to move along together, 60° apart, and this will add an ease to whatever you're attempting to do with matters of the 7th and 9th house, such as meeting new people through travel or study or interest beyond your comfort zones. Or joining a group within widely varying types of people with different backgrounds, religions, or interests and joining forces, or a partnership through this gathering.

Ultimately, you should be more open and gracious and inviting to others now as Venus glorifies your house of bonds. Getting out to mingle, if you're indeed looking, couldn't hurt.

However, this being said, Saturn makes a friendly connection to your ascendant, but whenever Saturn is involved, a certain seriousness befalls any attempt to be light and flirty.

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You'll want to do everything just right. No more, no less. But perfectly. You'll likely put much unnecessary stress upon yourself, which is exactly what Mars and Venus are trying to help you alleviate. Any stress you're feeling now could easily be tempered by exercise, not more busyness.

And, unfortunately, because of Saturn, you may not want to go out and mingle. This will, of course, be your choice. Though, I'm seeing much opportunity for you if you do. Saturn can add a pessimistic undertone to anything. But truly, this is an auspicious time to exercise, also, your social skills and exacting intentions. Contacts you do make should you choose to get out will likely lend you successful connections or networking potential, as well. People know people, as they say. Maybe plant a seed of intention to meet someone who has the authority or power to help you in the direction you're needing or wanting to go... who knows.

This could also be a good time to weigh the pro's and con's of relocation, if necessary.


The sun will move to your 10th house of professional ambitions, which will feel exhaustive, as your natal 10th house is ruled by the moon, in Cancer, while Mars stays behind in your 9th ruled by Mercury, Venus moving forward to your 8th ruled by Venus.

The sun in your 10th will, however, highlight your professional ambitions and strategic goals. This may also draw those in power to you, especially if you're due some recognition.

*Mid-month Mars will cross your midheaven, indicating recognition or advancement in your career, status, or professional ambitions. Either way, the emotional reward you feel will gain you all you've needed and more.*

With Venus moving through your 8th house, it is likely that you'll continue to pamper yourself in necessary ways as you further learn about what you need, as you were in May. Venus also represents finances while the 8th house traditionally represents other people's money; this transit could find you owing money or someone owing money to you. Historically, the likelihood of inheritance, if this is even appropriate, could surface, though, it's not something to count on or look forward to. If anything, with the simultaneous event of Mars passing your midheaven, it could simply amplify the likelihood of you gain in promotion, recognition, or otherwise professional perk in purpose or goal.

Saturn moves unaspected once more, inspiring forward movement in regard to your professional ambitions and career/reputation. It could also suggest an emphasis upon communicating through work, to advance in status, to secure compensation or an accomplishment. This could be a month to make grand strides with these goals


The sun highlights your 11th house of hopes and dreams, ruled by Mercury, as your 11th house finds Virgo on the cusp. Traditionally, the 11th house, coming after the 10th but first before the 10th as planets rise from the horizon, see... the 11th house being the

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house of friendships, but more importantly, the house of those who can help connect you with those in power or otherwise help you forward in your goals. When the sun shines here, your celestial opportunities for just that are more likely and therefore, more auspicious. When Virgo cusps the 11th house, details will be of the highest importance, as will service, duty, and doing what you need to do despite it potentially being beneath you-- in order to gain what you need.

Mars will help these efforts as he moves to your 10th house of career and ambition, now within the Leo sector of your 10th house, and charging forward courageously and fearlessly. Especially so if you've earned yourself any benefits last month.

Mars will pass your natal Uranus in the 10th house now, and this is significant due to your ongoing Uranian transit undertones. You may surprise others, even yourself, in what you do to navigate these current circumstances you find yourself in. You'll be less tolerant now, particularly, of restrictions or limitations of any kind. There simply is no time or reason for it. It's hard to say or call how things will fall now as anything is possible. Anything happens all the time, as I say. However, continuing to expect the unexpected, as you've been learning to do, especially in regard to other's actions, is best.

Pay attention to your body and your mental strength as you feel invincible. Be careful with this. Review above the details of your Uranian transit.

*This is an excellent month to take charge in your life.*

Venus moves forward, too, this month from your 8th to your 9th, and ending the month in your 10th house, joining Mars. Clearly, or hopefully, last month you were able to take advantage of every opportunity Venus offered for you to tune in deeper with yourself and your higher purpose because now: you're busy! You're meeting and greeting, gathering and mingling, and all of your investments, efforts, and graciousness will soon be noticed, appreciated, and given solid direction.


The sun moves in to your 12th house, ending once more where we began last year, Venus ruling this house, your ascendant and first house, by Libra. Partnerships and relationships, once again and still, continue to be emphasized, focused upon, and necessary.

Mars and Venus remain in your 10th house, preparing to move forward, together, to your 11th house of connections. Mars and Venus moving together is auspicious in and of itself, and when in Virgo, again, detail is essential. Neither Mars or Venus prefer Virgoan energies and preferences, however, in regard to knowing what you want and need-- writing it down, communicating it, or telling everyone you know couldn't be a bad thing, down to every last detail. And if what you want includes other's state of mental health, best interest, or otherwise spiritual health, all the better.

Mars and Venus will connect exactly in your 11th house in October.

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Mid-month Jupiter will cross your horizon, or, ascendant, and this will be a very important time in your life, fortunate, jovial, gracious, and optimistic.

*You'll have opportunities to advance, promote yourself, be recognized, and go forward with personal goals, as well.*

Again, you'll likely feel invincible. Be mindful of this.

You'll be able to easily and effortlessly attract who or what you need or want.

Travel could offer more opportunities, as well as learning more, teaching, anything you could do to widen your scope and expand your horizon.

Self-discipline, however, will be important to keep in mind now, as it will be easy to go overboard or become self-righteous. Keep yourself centered, grounded, and humble.

And yes, you've guessed it: if Jupiter is crossing your ascendant-- Jupiter is also opposing Uranus, which is still opposing your ascendant.

Ultimately, uncertainty is still very much your theme. Possibly experiencing an increase of uncertainty now, as Jupiter expands everything, good or bad. Despite all of the opportunity and growth and expansion occurring in your life now, you still lack a clear perspective or prediction of where it will all lead.

*However, as your Uranian transit continues, and your ever-growing tendencies to rebel, revolt or revive-- you may feel now as though those around you are finally supporting these urges in you.*

Being who you want to be now is easier than you've ever known it to be.

You'll be better equipped as ever, also, to know exactly what it is you want or need, whether you understand how to get it or not.

Continue to try new things. Continue to expect the unexpected. Expectation leads to disappointment. Adapting is guaranteed evolution.

Do not lose your trust, however, as it is your trust-- trust in yourself- that you will successfully navigate your way through these turbulent transits.

You've learned so many new things and your world has likely changed completely several times now. You didn't get here by refusing, remaining stubborn, or denying your capabilities. You've endured, but you've grown. And what you come to discover about what it is you truly want or need may surprise you... but, you're getting used to that.

***If you have any questions about the reading, please feel free to email us at

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