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M AY2018

12 TH


W W W . I R O N M A N . C O M / 7 0 . 3 M A L L O R C A

Page 2: 12 TH MAY 2018/media/39e3e31d061543b5ab2cb8c3f034f602/ironman70... · Es un placer poder organizar la 8ª edición de la prueba ... como acompañado por tu familia o amigos, ... plir

00:00:2 00:00:3

I R O N M A N 7 0 . 3 M A L L O R C A

The balearic island of Mallorca, host of the IRONMAN 70.3 Mal-lorca, is well known as a training paradise for athletes from all over the world. The course takes athletes on a tour through many villages that offer incredible views and diversity. The event locati-on, Alcúdia, is one of the most celebrated towns of Mallorca, with more than 30km of the coastline made up of gorgeous, fine sand beaches, steep cliffs and secluded coves of great beauty. The area is equipped with the most modern infraestructures and a tranquil surrounding, making it ideal for relaxation.

La isla de Mallorca, anfitriona de lujo del IRONMAN 70.3 Mallorca, es conocida por ser un paraíso de entrenamiento para ciclistas y triatletas. La ruta conduce a los atletas a través de muchos pueblos y ofrece una amplia variedad con unas vistas increíbles. Alcúdia, el lugar del evento, es una de las ciudades más famosas de Mallorca, con más de 30km de costa en la que se van alternando hermosas playas de arena fina con escarpadas calas y maravillosas y soli-tarias bahías. La zona es una área tranquila dotada de modernas infraestructuras en un entorno tranquilo, ideal para relajarse.


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00:00:4 00:00:5



Welcome to IRONMAN 70.3 Mallorca,

This is the moment you have been waiting for: race

day has arrived. We know you have worked hard to

get yourself to the start line. So have we. On behalf

of our team, our partners, our host city and

thousands of our incredible volunteers I wish you

all the best and the most memorable day possible.

Embrace the experience. We’ll see you at the finish

line where the celebration of your accomplishment


Anything is Possible.

Bienvenido a IRONMAN 70.3 Mallorca,

Este es el momento que has estado esperando: el día

de la carrera ha llegado. Sabemos que has trabajado

muy duro para llegar a la línea de salida. Nosotros

también. En nombre de de nuestro equipo, nuestros

socios, nuestra ciudad anfitriona ymiles de nuestros

increíbles voluntarios te deseamos todo lo mejor y que

tengas un día lo más memorable posible. Disfruta de la

experiencia. Nos vemos en la línea de meta.

Anything is possible.

Congratulations and welcome to the IRONMAN

70.3 Mallorca! You are one step closer to the finish

line in Alcúdia. We are very excited to organize the

8th edition of the event on this wonderful island that

shares our vision and passion for sports. Whether

you’ve come on your own, with family or friends,

we hope you have a great time at the beaches

surrounding the host city of Alcúdia and the

spectacular landscapes and postcard villages from

the Serra de Tramuntana. Our team are looking for-

ward to seeing you enjoy one of the world’s best

triathlon events. Wish you all the best

and have a fantastic race.

¡Enhorabuena y bienvenido al IRONMAN 70.3 Mallor-

ca! Ya estás un paso más cerca de la Meta en Alcúdia.

Es un placer poder organizar la 8ª edición de la prueba

en esta isla tan especial que comparte nuestra ilusión y

pasión por el deporte. Tanto si has venido por tu cuenta

como acompañado por tu familia o amigos, esperamos

que disfrutes de la tranquilidad de las playas de alred-

edor de Alcúdia, así como de las vistas espectaculares

y los pueblos de postal de la Serra de la Tramuntana.

Todo el equipo estaremos encantados de veros cum-

plir vuestro reto y disfrutando de uno de los mejores

triatlones del mundo. ¡Mucha fuerza y que tengas una

gran carrera!

“ ““

“ “







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00:00:6 00:00:7





10.05.2018 11.05.2018

10am -




Expo Area & Official IRONMAN Merchandise Store Expo Area & Official IRONMAN Merchandise Store

Athlete’s Registration & IRONKIDS Registration





























Athlete’s Registration & IRONKIDS Registration

Transition Open for Bike & Bags Check-In

1 to 600

601 to 1200

1201 to 1800

1801 to 2400

3001 & above

Race Briefing 2 English at Alcúdia beach

Race Briefing 3 German at Alcúdia beach


Welcome Banquet at Alcúdia beach

Race Briefing 4 Spanish at Alcúdia beach


12:45pmRace Briefing 1 English at the beach - novice focused



- RA





12.05.2018 13.05.2018





















Transition area opens

First Athlete at Bike Finish

Expo Area & Official IRONMAN Merchandise Store

Expo Area & Official IRONMAN Merchandise Store

Bike Course Cut Off

Awards Ceremony &IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship Slot Allocation

IRONMAN 70.3 Mallorca Starts

Finsih Line Cut Off

First Athlete at Swim Finish

Transition Open for Bike & Bags Check-out

Swim Course Cut Off

After Party at Alcúdia Beach

Swim Warm Up

First Athlete at the Finish Line


6pm 2401 to 3000






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00:00:8 00:00:9










10.05.2018 11.05.2018

10am -




Expo y tienda Oficial de IRONMAN Expo y tienda Oficial de IRONMAN

Registro de atletas y registro de IRONKIDS



























Registro de atletas y registro de IRONKIDS

Área de transición abierta para el check-in de las bicicletas y bolsas

1 al 600

601 al 1200

1201 al 1800

1801 al 2400

3001 y más

Reunión técnica 2 en inglés en la playa de Alcúdia

Reunión técnica 3 en alemán en la playa de Alcúdia


Fiesta de Bienvenida en la playa de Alcúdia

Reunión técnica 4 en español en la playa de Alcúdia


12:45pmReunión técnica 1 en inglés en la playa – Enfocado a los principiantes


DO -





12.05.2018 13.05.2018





















Apertura zona transición

Llegada del primer atleta en finalizar el tramo de ciclismo

Expo y tienda Oficial de IRONMAN

Expo y tienda Oficial de IRONMAN

Tiempo de corte de la bicicleta

Ceremonia de entrega de premios y asignación de los slots

Inicio IRONMAN 70.3 Mallorca

Tiempo de corte de la carrera a pie

Llegada del primer atleta en finalizar el tramo de la natación

Área de transición abierta para el check-out de las bicicletas y bolsas

Tiempo de corte de la natación

After Party en Playa d’Alcúdia

Calentamiento natación

Llegada del primer atleta en la línea de meta


6pm 2401 al 3000



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00:00:10 00:00:11

Calle de T. Canet

Calle de Mar y Estanque

Av de la Playa

C. d‘Arta


de Minerva

Calle de D


SWIM COURSE NATACIÓ1,9 km; 1 Loop 1,9 km; 1 Volta




Port d‘Alcúdia

C. d‘Arta a Puerto de Alcúdia

C. d


a a


to d

e Al













Don’t miss the swim start from the area of Platja d’Alcúdia. Athletes will be starting the 1.9km swim in a rolling start format meaning they will enter the water based on the anticipated time it will take them to complete the swim. The fastest swimmers will head into the swim first.

No te pierdas el inicio de la natación desde la arena de la Platja d’Alcúdia. Los atletas comenzarán los 1.9km de natación en “Rol-ling Start”, lo que significa que entrarán en el agua en función del tiempo previsto que les llevará completar el sector de la nata-ción. Los nadadores más rápidos se diri-girán primero a empezar la carrera.

IRONMAN 70.3 Mallorca features a single transition area located at one of the main roads of Port d’Alcúdia: Carretera d’Artà very near to the run course and finish line. Athletes will exit out of the bottom of the long and narrow transition area to start the bike course. This is a prime spot for specta-tors as athletes return from the bike at the same exit/entrance point.

IRONMAN 70.3 Mallorca cuenta con un área de transición única situada en una de las calles principales de Port d’Alcúdia: Car-retera d’Artà, muy cerca del circuito a pie y de la línea de meta. Los atletas saldrán de la parte inferior del área de transición para comenzar el recorrido en bicicleta. Este es un lugar privilegiado para los espectado-res, ya que los atletas regresan del sector ciclista en el mismo punto.








The swim start is located on a white sand beach in Port d’Alcúdia. Its unique location surrounded by mountains makes it a fan-tastic spot for a race start. The swim will feature a rolling start.

La natación se lleva a cabo en la especta-cular playa de Port d’Alcúdia, conocida por su excelente ubicación y equipamiento. La natación contará con el formato de salida lanzada –Rolling start


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00:00:12 00:00:13








“ “

Valmont Rd.

Start Elevation: 6 m • Finishing Elevation: 10 m • Gain: 850 m





10 30 4020 50 60 70 80 90



BIKE COURSE90 KM; 1 Loops 90 km; 1 Volta



Can Picafort

Platges de Muro

Port d‘Alcúdia


Maria dela Salut




Selvala Vall



BúgerSa Pobla




El VilarPort de Pollença





Santa Margalida


• Exit Transition at Carretera d'Artà (Port d'Alcúdia)• Turn right on to road MA 12• At the horse roundabout take the 3rd exit on to Carretera del Cementiri• Turn left on to Av. Prínceps d'Espanya• Turn left on to Av. D'Inca• At the roundabout take the first exit on to Av. Marina (Road Ma-2220)• At the roundabout take the second exit on to Ma-2220• At the roundabout continue straight, take the 2nd exit• At the roundabout continue straight, take the 2nd exit• At the roundabout continue straight, take the 2nd exit• At the plane roundabout take the 3rd exit on to road Ma-2200• At the roundabout continue straight, take the 2nd exit• At the roundabout take the 1st exit on to road Ma-10• Turn left at the crossing with road PM-214 to continue on road Ma-10 (direction to INCA)• Turn left on to road PM-213 (direction CAIMARI)• Turn left right after CAIMARI on to Cami de Ses Deveres• Turn left on to road Ma-2131• Turn left on to Carrer Major road Ma-2131 at CAMPANET Continue straight leaving road Ma-2131 and take the motorway service lane• Turn right and follow the bridge crossing over the motorway• At the roundabout take the 2nd exit• Turn right and continue the road across the fields• Turn right on to road PM-350• 180º turn on road PM-350 to head towards MURO• Left turn on to Carrer Comunes Ca n'Oliver• Right turn on to Carrer Pedreres de Sant Antoni• At the roundabout take the 2nd exit on to Carrer Carretera de Marjals (PMV-343)• Continue right on road Ma-3431 Carretera Muro - Can Picafort• At the junction take a left turn direction SA POBLA• Continue all straight and follow the main road across the fields



















The one-loop bike course takes the ath-letes up to the Lluc Sanctuary and across some of the inland emblematic towns such as Caimari, Sa Pobla and Muro heading back to Port d’Alcúdia.

El recorrido de bicicleta lleva a los atletas a las montañas más bellas de Mallorca y es un circuito de una sola vuelta con subidas y bajadas exigentes acompañadas de largas partes llanas.

Athletes will enter transition after com-pleting the bike course at the same exit/entrance point as which they left the tran-sition area.

Los atletas entrarán en la transición después de completar el recorrido ciclista, en el mismo punto del que salieron.

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00:00:14 00:00:15





Calle de T. Canet

Calle de Mar y Estanque

Av de la Playa

C. d‘Arta

Calle de Min

er va

Calle d

e Di


Port d‘Alcúdia

RUN COURSE CURSA A PEU21,1 km; 3 Loop 21,1 km; 3 Voltes






• Exit Transition at Carretera d'Artà• Turn right on to Carrer Minerva• Turn right on to Senda Sirenes• Turn right on to Carrer Diana• Turn left on to Carrer Neptú• Turn left on to Carretera d'Artà• Turn left on to Carrer Fassers• Turn left on to Carrer Garballons• Turn right on to Carretera d'Artà 53• Turn left and continue over the bridge• Take the promenade towards the beach• Turn left at the bech bar beside the finish line• Continue right at the Carretera d'Artà• Turn right towards the pier• 180º turn on the pier• Right turn on to Carrer Gabriel Roca• 180º turn on Carrer Gabriel Roca• Left turn on to Carretera d'Artà• Left turn in front of transition on to Carrer Minerva ending a complete loop• Continue following the previous directions until you pass transition a 2nd time, then follow previous directions over the promenade towards the beach until the Finish Line.



















Spectators can enjoy the run course from various vantage points along the prome-nade, as athletes will be running along the promenade for the duration of the 2.5 lap course. Head to the blue road along Platja d’Alcúdia beach next to Finish Line for the best views!

There is nothing like the red carpet and the electric finish line of an IRONMAN 70.3 race. Bring home your athlete at the finish line in the event hub, and be sure to return to cheer on all our other finishers too!

There is nothing like the red carpet and the electric finish line of an IRONMAN 70.3 race. Bring home your athlete at the finish line in the event hub, and be sure to return to cheer on all our other finishers too!

No hay nada como la alfombra roja y la línea de meta eléctrica de una carrera IRONMAN 70.3. En un enclabe sin igual, en la misma platja de Alcúdia, los atletas recordarán para siempre su llegada a meta al IRON-MAN 70.3 Mallorca.


The run course is a flat 2,5 loop course al-ong the wonderful Alcúdia Bay. The finish line is located on the beach area, about 50 meters apart from the swim start.

El recorrido de media maratón es un circui-to llano de dos vueltas y media vueltas a lo largo de la preciosa playa de Alcudia. Los atletas pueden celebrar en la línea de meta, que está a tan sólo 50 metros del circuito de la natación, directamente en la playa de Alcudia.

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00:00:16 00:00:17

01 02







• Thursday, May 10th 2018 10am – 6pm

• Friday, May 11th 2018 10am – 6pm

Registration takes place at the registration tent on the Griend.

To bring to the registration:• An official photo ID• Your license of the year. If you do not

have one, you will have to request a daily license (25€) when registering.

• Underwritten liability exclusion (you received that per mail)

The wristband counts as• An entry ticket to the welcome dinner

on Friday, May 11th 2018 at 19:00pm – 21:30pm at the Event area

• An entry ticket to the awards ceremony and slot allocation on Sunday May 13th 2018 from 11:00am

• An entry ticket to the after party Satur-day May 12th from 20:00pm Additional tickets for the welcome dinner and the awards ceremony can be bought at the entrance of the Banquet Area


• Thursday, May 10th 2018 10am – 18pm

• Friday, May 11th 2018 10am – 18pm

• Saturday, May 12th 2018 9am – 18pm

• Sunday, May, 13th 2018 10am – 14pm

The merchandise store is located at the Mosae Forum next to registration tent.


Bike (bike, helmet) and transition bags (BIKE & RUN) check-in takes place on Saturday, May 11th 2018 from 13:00pm – 19:00pm at the transition zone.


While entering the swim start, athletes must cross the timing mat. Athletes who jump over the fence will not be timed for the race. Athletes must exit the Swim course via the official exit to cross the timing mat. Failure to cross the timing mat upon swim exit may result in penalties.


Bike: On the bike course there are four aid stations with water, isotonic drink, energy bars and bananasRun: On the two-lap run course there are aid stations with water, isotonic drink, en-ergy bars, bananas and oranges, nutrition gels, nuts, Red Bull and Cola

CHECK OF BIB NUMBERSThe start number, including the sponsors on it, needs to be easily legible and must not be


Wearing a belt for the start number is allowed. It is necessary to put your name, your blood group, potential allergies, incompatibility of drugs and a telephone number of a close person on the back of the starting number. That is also for your own safety.


• Transition zone opens at 06:00am and closes at 07:30am

• Don’t forget your chip. No chip = no timing.


Athletes that lose their timing chip must apply as fast as possible for a new one. Athletes that do not finish have to inform the organisation.








Result lists will be available for download after the race on www.ironman.com/mallorca70.3Finisher pictures are available on www.FinisherPix.com.


The awards ceremony with a buffet takes place on Sunday, May 13th 2018 at 11:00am.Please be aware that this is only a short overview of the most important information. You will receive more information in detail from the Race Info that will be available for download approx. 4 weeks prior to the event.


The last changes will be communicated at the race briefing wich is obligatory for all athletes. An obligatory pre-race briefing is held in English on Thursday, and in English, Spanish and German on Friday.THURSDAY• Race Briefing English (novice focused):

12:00 – 12:45pmFRIDAY• Race Briefing English:

12:00 – 12:45pm• Race Briefing German:

13:00 – 13:45pm• Race Briefing Spanish:

14:00 – 14:45pmFor further information our volunteer team in the race office and the staff of the Info Point will be pleased to help you.

OTHER THINGS TO BE AWARE OF• Electronic devices like iPods, MP3 play-

ers and mobile phones (headphones) etc. are prohibited during the race. The carrying along in itself already leads to disqualification.

• Outside assistance and accompanying athletes on the bike and run course is prohibited and will result in disqualifica-tion.

• Carrying children across the finish line is prohibited due to safety issues and leads to disqualification.

RESULT LISTS and CERTIFICATESResults and finisher certificates will be available for download on www.ironman.com/mallorca70.3 after the race. During the race, intermediate times can be asked at the information point.


• Finisher shirts are distributed next to the finish line

• Finisher medals are distributed directly at the finish.




• Bike Check-Out (has to be done on race day) on Saturday, May 12th 2018 from 3pm - 7pm. The bike is only handed out in exchange for the race chip.

• In case of loss of the chip you need to show an official photo ID. The bike can also be handed over to persons who have the race chip and can show official photo ID. Before and after Bike Check-Out also all other personal stuff from the boxes and bags can be picked up by showing the start number.

SLOT ALLOCATION• The slot allocation for the IRONMAN 70.3

World Championship takes place at the Event Area on Sunday, 13th May 2018 at 11:00am.

• Entry fee for World Championship is US $ 450 + 8% active and needs to be paid onsite at the slot allocation (credit card only!). Payment needs to be done in euros. The final rate will be announced in race week. Payment with cheques or cash is not possible.

• To claim your slot you need to be onsite personally and need to identify yourself with an official photo ID. All unclaimed qualification slots will roll down accord-ing to WTC procedure, until the slot is claimed.







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00:00:18 00:00:19

01 02







• Jueves, 10 de mayo de 2018 10am-18pm

• Viernes 11 de mayo de 2018 10am – 18pm

El registro se lleva a cabo en la carpa de registro.

Para llevar al registro• Una identificación oficial con foto• Licencia del año. Si no la tienes, deberás

solicitar una licencia de día (25 €) al registrarte.

• Exclusión de responsabilidad asegurada (lo recibiste por correo)

La pulsera de atleta incluye• Entrada a la cena de bienvenida el

viernes 11 de mayo de 2018 de 19:00 a 21:30 pm.

• Entrada a la zona de transición. • Entrada a la ceremonia de entrega de

premios y reparto de slots del domingo 13 de mayo de 2018 a las 11:00 am. Los tickets adicionales para la cena de bienvenida y la ceremonia de entrega de premios se pueden comprar en la entrada.

• Entrada a la After Party el sábado 12 de mayo a las 20:00 pm.


Jueves, 10 de mayo de 2018 10am -18pm • Viernes, 11 de mayo de 2018 de

2018 10am - 18pm. • Sábado, 12 de mayo de 2018

9am - 18pm. • Domingo, 13 de mayo de 2018

10am - 14pm.La carpa de merchandie se encuentra junto a la carpa de registro

CHECK-INEl check-in de la bicicleta (bicicleta, casco) y bolsas de transición (BIKE & RUN) tienen lugar el viernes 11 de mayo de 2018 de 13:00 a 19:00 en la zona de transición.


Al entrar en la zona de salida, el atle-ta pasa por encima de la alfombra de cronometraje. ¡Los atletas que salten las vallas no les contará el tiempo! Los atletas deben empezar la natación a través de la salida oficial y deben cruzar la alfombrilla del chip. De lo contrario, no podremos ver-ificar si un atleta todavía está en el agua y/o tiene un problema grave. Entonces ordenamos que los equipos de rescate lo busquen. Este atleta también será re-sponsable de los costes de esta operación de rescate.


Sector ciclista: en el recorrido ciclista hay cuatro avituallamientos con agua, bebida isotónica, barritas energéticas y plátanos. Media Maratón: en el recorrido de dos vueltas hay avituallamientos con agua, bebida isotónica, barritas energéticas, plátanos y naranjas, geles nutricionales, nueces, Redbull y Cola.

DORSALEl dorsal, incluidos los patrocinadores que aparecen en él, debe ser fácilmente legible y no debe ser cambiado. Se permite usar un porta-dorsal para el dorsal. Es necesa-rio poner tu nombre, tu grupo sanguíneo, posibles alergias, incompatibilidad de medicamentos y un número de teléfono de una persona cercana en la parte posterior del dorsal. Es por tu propia seguridad.


• La zona de transición abre a las 06:00 am y cierra a las 07:30 am.

• No olvides tu chip. No chip = No cronometraje.


Los atletas que pierdan su chip de cro-nometraje deben informar de ello lo más rápido posible, para obtener uno nuevo. Los atletas que no terminen deben infor-mar a la organización tan pronto como sea posible.







IMÁGENESLas imágenes del Finisher están dis-ponibles en www.FinisherPix.com


La ceremonia de premios se llevará a cabo

el domingo 13 de mayo de 2018 a las 11:00

am. Ten en cuenta que esta es solo una breve

descripción de la información más impor-



Los últimos cambios serán comunicados

en el briefing de la carrera, obligatorio para

todos los atletas. Los briefings obligatorios

previos a la carrera se realizan en español,

inglés y alemán el viernes y el sábado.


• Briefing Inglés para noveles:

12:00 – 12:45pm


• Briefing Inglés: 12:00pm – 12:45pm

• Briefing Alemán: 13:00pm – 13:45pm

• Briefing Español: 14:00pm – 14:45pm

Para obtener más información, nuestro equipo

de voluntarios y el personal del Punto de infor-

mación estarán encantados de ayudarte.

OTRAS COSAS QUE DEBES SABER• Dispositivos electrónicos como iPods,

reproductores de MP3 y teléfonos móviles

(auriculares), etc. están prohibidos durante

la carrera. Llevarlos significará descalifi-


• El apoyo externo durante el sector ciclista

y el recorrido de carrera a pie conduce a la

descalificación del atleta.

• Entrar con niños a la línea de meta está

prohibido debido a problemas de

seguridad y conduce a la descalifi-


LISTAS DE RESULTADOS y CERTIFICA-DOS Los resultados y los certificados de Finisher

estarán disponibles para su descarga en

www.ironman.com/mallorca70.3 después

de la carrera. Durante la carrera, se pueden

comprobar tiempos intermedios en el punto

de información.


• Las camisas de Finisher se distribuyen al

lado de la línea de meta.

• Las medallas Finisher se distribuyen direct-

amente en la meta.




• El Check-Out de la bicicleta (tiene que hacerse el día de la carrera) el sábado 12 de mayo de 2018 de 15:00 pm a 19:00 pm. La bicicleta solo se entrega a cambio del chip de carrera.

• En caso de pérdida del chip, debes mostrar una identificación oficial con foto. La bicicleta también se puede entregar a las personas que tienen el chip de la carrera y puede legitimarse a través de una identificación oficial con foto. Antes y después del Bike Check-Out también se pueden recoger todas las demás cosas personales de las cajas y bolsas mostrando el dorsal.

SLOT ALLOCATIONLa asignación de slots para Sudáfrica tiene

lugar en la carpa central el domingo 13 de

mayo de 2018 a las 11:00 am.

• La tarifa para el Campeonato del Mundo

es de US $ 450 + 8% active y debe pagarse

in situ en el slot allocation (¡solo tarjeta de

crédito!). El pago debe hacerse en euros. La

tasa final se anunciará en la semana de la

carrera. El pago con cheques o efectivo no

es posible.

• Para reclamar tu slot, debes estar en el lu-

gar personalmente y debes presentarte con

una identificación oficial con foto. Todos los

slots calificados no reclamados se trans-

ferirán después, con una clave especial de

WTC, hasta que se reclame el slot.







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00:00:20 00:00:21






The IRONMAN All World Athlete Program is our wayof rewarding age-group athletes‘ hard work, dedicationand performance.The program uses IRONMAN’s Age Group Rankingsystem to determine the top 10% of athletes each year.

TOP 3 RACEPERFORMANCESare taken into accountfor the Ranking.



IRONMAN 70.3, 5150)

For more information visitironman.com/allworldathlete





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At IRONMAN, being a loyal and valued member of the TriClub Program means you get access to some premium and exclusive athlete benefits*!








*Benefits offered may vary and may not be offered at all races. Club must be registered and athletes must be affiliated to receive benefits


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R A C E F O R # C L U B P R I D E

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00:00:22 00:00:23


The balearic island of Mallorca, host of the IRONMAN 70.3 Mal-lorca, is well known as a training paradise for triathletes from all over the world. The course takes athletes on a tour through many villages that offer incredible views and diversity. The event locati-on, Alcúdia, is one of the most celebrated towns of Mallorca, with more than 30 km of the coastline made up of gorgeous, fine sand beaches, steep cliffs and secluded coves of great beauty. The area is equipped with the most modern infrastructures and a tranquil surrounding, making it ideal for relaxation.

La isla de Mallorca, anfitriona de lujo del IRONMAN 70.3 Mallorca, es conocida por ser un paraíso de entrenamiento para ciclistas y triatletas. La ruta conduce a los atletas a través de muchos pueblos y ofrece una amplia variedad con unas vistas increíbles. Alcúdia, el lugar del evento, es una de las ciudades más famosas de Mallorca, con más de 30km de costa en la que se van alternando hermosas playas de arena fina con escarpadas calas y maravillosas y soli-tarias bahías. La zona es una área tranquila dotada de modernas infraestructuras en un entorno tranquilo, ideal para relajarse.

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00:00:24 00:00:25








Ensaïmadas are one of those things that needs no introduction. You might wonder whether they are of the salty or sweet varie-ty, but what everyone knows is that they’re from Mallorca, and over time they have become representative of the island. Howe-ver, if you still have the question of ‘what exactly is an ensaïmada’ on your mind, we can tell you that it is a special Mallorca pastry made from wheat flour, sugar, eggs, and the ingredient that gives its name, lard, which in Catalan is called “saïm”. It unintentionally has become the crown jewel of Mallorcan breakfast foods, it turns snack time into a special occasion, and is one of the best desserts for topping off a meal or dinner with friends.



Alcudia provides a real contrast to the more touristy beach resort of Port d’Alcúdia; with a wealth of history and charm, this town of-fers visitors an authentic Mallorcan experience. Traditional fiestas and fairs rub alongside classical music festivals, and it has one of the best markets on the island. It is surrounded by beautiful coun-tryside, explorable by car or by bicycle.


Staff T ips

Staff T ips

1 3

2 4

Pictures:1. Pollentia2. Sant Jaume Church3. Coll Baix Beach4. Ensaimada






ALCÚDIA OLD TOWNThe area’s old town is characterized by many narrow, irregular and cobblestone streets, which offer a selection of souvenir shops, boutiques, restaurants and cafes.Stroll among the winding streets and alleys, visiting and admiring the architecture of this special town, steeped in history.

COLL BAIX BEACHColl Baix is one of the most special beaches on the island, a rarity, a gift for people fond of nature. But it is not easy to reach, but it’s worth it to get to an unspoiled beach surrounded by high mountain slopes.

WALL GATESThere are three gates providing entry to the historic centre of the town, located within the walled enclosure: the Porta del Moll (or Xara); the Porta de Mallorca (or Sant Sebastià); and the Porta de la Vila Roja.They are unique, special and worthy of being visited.

ROMAN REMAINS OF POLLENTIAPollentia was founded by the consul Qintus Caecilius Metellus in 123 BC in the strategic location between the bays of Pollenca and Alcudia. It was the most important city in the Balearics duing the Roman period and covered an area of 15-20 hectares. Visit it, transport yourself to the time of the Romans and learn from the past.

SANT JAUME CURCH AND THE PARROQUIAL MUSEUMAn important place to stop during a historic tour of this city is the church of Saint Jaume, which was built in 1882. Inside the church is a museum, where you can see the liturgical objects, vestments and sculptures.

For more information:http://www.alcudiamallorca.com/ca/home/

Turism Office AlcúdiaPasseig de Pere Ventanyol, s/n

07400 AlcúdiaIlles Balears



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00:00:26 00:00:27








La ensaïmada es una de esas cosas que no necesita presentación. Quizás te preguntes qué variedad te apetece, la salada o la dulce, pero lo que todos saben es que son de Mallorca, y con el tiempo se han convertido en el icono de la isla. Sin embargo, si todavía tienes la pregunta de ‘qué es exactamente una ensaïmada’ en tu mente, podemos decirte que es una pastelería especial de Mallor-ca hecha de harina de trigo, azúcar, huevos y el ingrediente que le da su nombre, manteca de cerdo, que en catalán se llama “saïm”. Inintencionadamente se ha convertido en la joya de la corona de los desayunos mallorquines, convierte la hora de la merienda en una ocasión especial y es uno de los mejores postres para acompañar una comida o cena con amigos.



Alcudia ofrece un contraste real con el complejo turístico de playa más turístico del Port d’Alcúdia; con una gran cantidad de historia y encanto, esta ciudad ofrece a los visitantes una auténtica experi-encia mallorquina. Las fiestas y ferias tradicionales se codean con los festivales de música, y tiene uno de los mejores mercados de la isla. Alcúdia está rodeada de un hermoso paisaje, explorable en coche o en bicicleta.


Staff T ips

Staff T ips

1 3

2 4

Fotografías1. Pollentia2. Sant Jaume Church3. Coll Baix Beach4. Ensaimada







CASCO ANTIGUO DE ALCÚDIAEl casco antiguo de la zona se caracteriza por sus calles estrechas, irregulares y empedradas, que ofrecen una selección de tiendas de souvenirs, boutiques, restaurantes y cafeterías. Pasee por las callejuelas sinuosas y visite la arquitectura de esta ciudad especial, llena de historia.

PLAYA COLL BAIXColl Baix es una de las playas más especiales de la isla, una rareza, un regalo para las personas amantes de la naturaleza. Aunque no es fácil su acceso, vale la pena llegar a una playa virgen, de fina arena, agua cristalina y rodeada de altas montañas

PORTAL DEL MOLLHay tres puertas que dan acceso al centro histórico de la ciudad, ubicado dentro del recinto amurallado: la Porta del Moll (o Xara); la Porta de Mallorca (o Sant Sebastià); y la Porta de la Vila Roja. Son únicas, especiales y dignas de ser visitadas.

POLLENTIAPollentia fue fundada por el cónsul Qintus Caecilius Metellus en 123 aC en la ubicación estratégica entre las bahías de Pollença y Alcudia. Fue la ciudad más importante de Baleares durante el período romano y cubrió un área de 15-20 hectáreas. Visítala, transpórtate a la época de los romanos y aprende del pasado.

IGLESIA DE SANT JAUME Y MUSEO PARROQUIAL Un lugar importante para detenerse durante un recorrido histórico de esta ciudad es la iglesia de Sant Jaume, que fue construida en 1882. Dentro de la iglesia hay un museo, donde se pueden ver objetos litúrgicos, vestimentas y esculturas.

For more information:http://www.alcudiamallorca.com/ca/home/

Turism Office AlcúdiaPasseig de Pere Ventanyol, s/n

07400 AlcúdiaIlles Balears


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00:00:28 00:00:29









In the heart of IRONMAN in Alcudia.


Host Hotel 2019

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00:00:30 00:00:31


On February 18, 1978, 15 people set out to complete a race in Hawai`i thought to be impossible—swimming, biking, and running 140.6 miles in a single day. Their dream created a community that believes ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Four decades later, hundreds of thousands of athletes fulfill their dreams at finish lines all over the world.

El 18 de febrero de 1978, 15 personas se dispusieron a completar una carrera en Hawái que se creía imposible: nadar, pedalear y cor-rer 140.6 millas en un solo día. Su sueño creó una comunidad que cree que CUALQUIER COSA ES POSIBLE. Cuatro décadas después, cientos de miles de atletas cumplen sus sueños en las líneas de meta de todo el mundo. T H E S P O R T I N G E V E N T T H A T B E C A M E A W O R L D W I D E

P H E N O M E N O N K N O W N A S I R O N M A N W A S B O R N I N 1 9 7 8 . C E L E B R A T I N G 4 0 Y E A R S O F F I N I S H L I N E S ,

A C C O M P L I S H M E N T S , E N D U R A N C E , A N D D R E A M SA T A L L O F O U R E V E N T S I N 2 0 1 8 .

A N Y T H I N G I S P O S S I B L E ®

I R O N M A N . C O M / 4 0 Y E A R S


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00:00:32 00:00:33




30/9/2018IRONMAN 70.3 Portugal-Cascais


15/4/2018Standard Bank IRONMAN African Championship3/6/2018Standard Bank IRONMAN 70.3 Durban28/1/2018Standard Bank IRONMAN 70.3 South Africa


26/5/2018IRONMAN Lanzarote

6/10/2018IRONMAN 70.3 Lanzarote


13/5/2018IRONMAN 70.3 Pays d’Aix

24/6/2018IRONMAN France Nice

25/8/2018IRONMAN 70.3 Vichy

26/8/2018IRONMAN Vichy

16/9/2018IRONMAN 70.3 Nice


10/6/2018IRONMAN 70.3 Switzerland

29/7/2018IRONMAN Switzerland


17/6/2018IRONMAN 70.3 Luxembourg- Region Moselle


5/8/2018IRONMAN Maastricht-Limburg


10/6/2018IRONMAN 70.3 Italy22/9/2018IRONMAN Emilia-Romagna


1/7/2018IRONMAN Haugesund


18/8/2018IRONMAN Kalmar

8/7/2018IRONMAN 70.3 Jonkoping


30/6/2018IRONMAN 70.3 Lahti/Finland


17/6/2018KMD IRONMAN 70.3 European Championship,Elsinore

19/8/2018KMD IRONMAN Copenhagen


3/6/2018Sparkasse IRONMAN 70.3 Kraichgau

powered by Kraichgau Energie

8/7/2018Mainova IRONMAN European Championship Frankfurt

29/7/2018IRONMAN Hamburg

9/9/2018IRONMAN 70.3 Ruegen


10/6/2018IRONMAN 70.3 UK Staffordshire

15/7/2018IRONMAN UK9/9/2018IRONMAN Wales23/9/2018IRONMAN 70.3 Weymouth

1/7/2018IRONMAN 70.3 Edinburgh


Gloria IRONMAN 70.3 Turkey


5/8/2018IRONMAN 70.3 Gdynia




27/5/2018IRONMAN 70.3 St. Pölten

1/7/2018IRONMAN Austria-Kärnten

26/8/2018IRONMAN 70.3 Zell am See


16/6/2018IRONMAN 70.3 Otepää 4/8/2018IRONMAN Tallinn


4/2/2018IRONMAN 70.3 Dubai


24/11/2018IRONMAN 70.3 Bahrain



29/4/2018IRONMAN 70.3 Marbella

20/5/2018IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona

12/5/2018IRONMAN 70.3 Mallorca


7/10/2018IRONMAN Barcelona



IRONMAN 70.3 Astana


19/8/2018IRONMAN 70.3 DunLaoghaire













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00:00:34 00:00:35



Experience the British Original - a tough, quintessentially British course, with renowned spectator support and a cauldron-like finish line atmosphere in the town centre.

Experimenta el “British Original”: una carrera dura, esencialmente británica, con un público entregado a los atletas y una atmósfera increíble en línea de meta situada en el centro de la ciudad.

British Legacy race

Town Centre Finish

Iconic spectator support



15 TH














Nestled between sea and mountains, IRONMAN 70.3 Pescara takes in the best of Italy’s Abruzzo region. Experience the passion of Italy - the warmth of its people, pasta, and beatiful landscapes all in one unforgettable race!

Ubicado entre el mar y las montañas, el IRONMAN 70.3 Pescara ofrece lo mejor de la región italiana de Abruzzo. Experimenta la pasión de Italia: la calidez de su gente, la pasta y los bellos paisajes en una sola e inolvidable carrera.

WWW.IRONMAN.COM/UK https://www.facebook.com/IRONMANSwitzerland

Set in the heart of one of Europe’s most beautiful countries, the course showcases Zurich’s picturesque lake and countryside. Challenging climbs through Swiss villages and Tour de France-style spectator support, a must-do race.

Situado en el corazón de uno de los países más bellos de Europa, la carrera goza del pintoresco lago y el campo de Zúrich. Desafiantes subidas a través de los pueblos suizos y el calor y apoyo del público al estilo Tour de France, hacen que sea una carrera obligada.

Pasta party with Italian food & live music

Famous Landmarks

Set in the heart of Italy

Swiss Countryside

Fast bike course

Finish line at the beach

Region produces some of Europe’s best food & wine

Historic Course

Clear Waters of Lake Zurich



2018 2018

10 29TH TH

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00:00:36 00:00:37





101 Leischik Roman M55-59

102 Albert Jamie ✷ ▲ F30-34

103 Andersson Dennis ✷ M25-29

104 Anderton Lee ✷ ▲ M45-49

105 Antonelli Massimo ✷ ▲ M35-39

106 Barthe Laurent ✷ ▲ M30-34

107 Bengtsson Mattias ✷ M30-34

108 Berger Thomas ✷ ▲ M35-39

109 Bleekemolen Sebastiaan ✷ ▲ M40-44

110 Bole Stephan ✷ ▲ M50-54

111 Bresolin Stefano ✷ ▲ M45-49

112 Brooks Gary ✷ M50-54

113 Calvel Anne-Christine ✷ F55-59

114 Cameron Kirsten ✷ F35-39

115 Carlsson Christian ✷ ▲ M45-49

116 Cason Marco ✷ ▲ M45-49

117 Charlton James ✷ M45-49

118 Colaco Jonny ✷ M45-49

119 Colkær Pernile ✷ F25-29

120 Dels Christopher ✷ M30-34

121 Dempsey Ian ✷ M35-39

122 Dietrich Frank ✷ M50-54

123 Dobbelaere Geoffrey ✷ M40-44

124 Faessler Christian ✷ ▲ M35-39

125 Fleischer Steffen ✷ M50-54

126 Garvey Adrian ✷ ▲ M45-49

127 Geissler Raphael ✷ ▲ M45-49

128 Geurts Auke ✷ M45-49

129 Gierman Marcel ✷ M40-44

130 Glaser Stefan ✷ M45-49

131 Goetz Thomas ✷ ▲ M45-49

132 Groelz Katharina ✷ ▲ F40-44

133 Hammerby Kennet ✷ ▲ M40-44

134 Hatlevoll Willy ✷ ▲ M60-64

135 Hewitt Jason ✷ ▲ M45-49

136 Hof Matthias ✷ M50-54

137 Kathan Robert ✷ ▲ M35-39

138 Kelly Ian ✷ M40-44

139 Kinsey Nick ✷ M55-59

140 Koch Johann ✷ ▲ M45-49

181 Wood Jennifer ✷ F40-44

182 Wyss Patrick ✷ M30-34

183 Zhukov Alexander ✷ ▲ M40-44

184 Sestan Valentina ✷ F40-44

189 Addeo Fabio ✷ M35-39

190 Ahlers André ✷ ▲ M35-39

191 Altayeb Dina ✷ F45-49

192 Andersson Johan ✷ ▲ M40-44

193 Araslanov Radik ✷ ▲ M50-54

194 Ashworth Keith ✷ M50-54

195 Bächli Christian ✷ M35-39

196 Bakken Asbjoern ✷ M65-69

197 Bank Jensen Torben ✷ ▲ M55-59

198 Berglund Dan ✷ M40-44

199 Berntsen Magnus Ruud ✷ M35-39

200 Berntsen Pål ✷ M55-59

201 Bilz Robert ✷ M35-39

202 Bode Andreas ✷ M60-64

203 Bogomolov Roman ✷ M35-39

204 Boldvik Håvard ✷ M40-44

205 Bonnenge Benjamin ✷ M35-39

206 Bosmans Lukas ✷ ▲ M30-34

207 Braithwaite Steven ✷ M40-44

208 Bramsen Kuno ✷ ▲ M35-39

209 Brandt Marcus ✷ ▲ M35-39

210 Bremner Ross ✷ ▲ M35-39

211 Brenner Andreas ✷ ▲ M50-54

212 Briones Ruiz Isaac ✷ ▲ M40-44

213 Brüggemann Nils ✷ M30-34

214 Buccieri Alessandro ✷ ▲ M35-39

215 Bundgaard Daniel ✷ ▲ M40-44

216 Byrne William ✷ M40-44

217 Calderon Santos ✷ ▲ M40-44

218 Challinor Tim ✷ ▲ M40-44

219 Champromis Julien-Pierre ✷ M30-34

220 Ciavatti Filippo ✷ M25-29

221 Claesson Mats ✷ M65-69

222 Coimbrao Northon ✷ ▲ M35-39

223 Correa Martin Jose Antonio ✷ M35-39

224 Cosgrove Lloyd ✷ ▲ M45-49

225 Cowper Annabel ✷ ▲ F40-44

226 Dall’Aglio Hernán ✷ ▲ M30-34

227 Daly Jonathan ✷ M35-39

228 De Mooij Jaryd ✷ M30-34

229 De Nicola Diego ✷ ▲ M30-34

230 Deduchov Edgar ✷ ▲ M30-34

231 Demosthenou Nikki ✷ F45-49

232 Diening Stefan ✷ M40-44

233 Diniz Carlos Halrik ✷ M30-34

234 Divilly Martin ✷ ▲ M45-49

235 Dullaghan Sheena ✷ ▲ F40-44

236 Egan Matthew ✷ M40-44

237 Elansary Mohamed ✷ ▲ M30-34

141 Lakomski Olek ✷ M40-44

142 Landtwing Corina ✷ ▲ F40-44

143 Landtwing Thomas ✷ ▲ M40-44

144 Laroche Marc ✷ M50-54

145 Latifi Michael ✷ M25-29

146 Leysen Liesbeth ✷ F45-49

147 Ligugnana Cason

Alessia ✷ ▲ F40-44

148 Luchko Igor ✷ ▲ M40-44

149 Lunn Paul ✷ ▲ M45-49

150 Marchiori Thomas Marco ✷ M55-59

151 Martin Owen ✷ ▲ M45-49

152 Mcintosh Mark ✷ M40-44

153 Michovsky Petr ✷ ▲ M45-49

154 Mileev Alexander ✷ ▲ M45-49

155 Nielsen Mia ✷ ▲ F35-39

156 Palmer Barnaby ✷ M18-24

157 Perez Aliaga Luis ✷ ▲ M30-34

158 Pospisil Jiri ✷ M40-44

159 Riabushkin Vladimir ✷ ▲ M45-49

160 Richardson Mark ✷ M50-54

161 Richthammer Lothar ✷ M55-59

162 Rossello Miguel ✷ ▲ M30-34

163 Saliba Fouad ✷ ▲ M70-74

164 Schieder Margarethe ✷ F50-54

165 Schiott Jacob ✷ M45-49

166 Schmaehling Frank ✷ M45-49

167 Seiler Rolf ✷ M50-54

168 Siemons Adrian ✷ M30-34

169 Smit Anton ✷ ▲ M50-54

170 Smith Mhairi ✷ F40-44

171 Smith Tom ✷ ▲ M40-44

172 Spits Vincent ✷ M50-54

173 Stormo Trude ✷ F35-39

174 Stormo Lars Petter ✷ M35-39

175 Vanicek Libor ✷ ▲ M45-49

176 Vilanna Riera David ✷ ▲ M50-54

177 Virden David ✷ ▲ M55-59

178 Von Berg Rodolphe ✷ M60-64

179 Westman Robert ✷ M40-44

180 Weyland Christian ✷ ▲ M40-44

238 Enseñat Cirer Joan ✷ ▲ M30-34

239 Evans Samuel ✷ M25-29

240 Fã¤Rjh Jan ✷ M55-59

241 Falkeid Tom ✷ ▲ M45-49

242 Farwell Peter ✷ ▲ M55-59

243 Fenner Sabina ✷ F55-59

244 Fernandez Vidal

Alfonso ✷ ▲ M30-34

245 Fernandez Vidal

Borja ✷ ▲ M35-39

246 Fischer Thomas ✷ ▲ M55-59

247 Flade Betina ✷ F50-54

248 Fogel Johan ✷ ▲ M50-54

249 Franko Igor ✷ ▲ M25-29

250 Garcia Agustin ✷ M55-59

251 Gassmann Tanjs ✷ ▲ F40-44

252 Gebhardt Jakub ✷ M35-39

253 Gorlato Luka ✷ M40-44

254 Grigoriou Christopher ✷ M40-44

255 Guenther Kai ✷ M25-29

256 Guzeev Dmitriy ✷ ▲ M45-49

257 Hagesæther Jorunn ✷ ▲ F45-49

258 Hajszan Alex ✷ ▲ M40-44

259 Hansen Christian ✷ ▲ M40-44

260 Hansson Thomas ✷ M35-39

261 Haugaard Anne Marie ✷ ▲ F40-44

262 Hearty Mary ✷ ▲ F40-44

263 Henne Sebastian ✷ M35-39

264 Henning Dirk ✷ M45-49

265 Hinsley Jason ✷ M35-39

266 Holenweger Thomas ✷ M35-39

267 Holloway Greg ✷ ▲ M45-49

268 Howard Anthony ✷ ▲ M45-49

269 Jefferies Richard ✷ M45-49

270 Johansson Michel ✷ M40-44

271 Johansson Thomas ✷ ▲ M45-49

272 Jonker Hannes ✷ M40-44

273 Julia Sebastia ✷ ▲ M35-39

274 Kalinin Dmitry ✷ M40-44

275 Kandelhardt Stephan ✷ ▲ M35-39

276 Kapitula Marcin ✷ M40-44

277 Kelly Margaret ✷ ▲ F45-49

278 Kennedy-Burn Clive ✷ M45-49

279 Killicoat Phillip ✷ ▲ M35-39

280 Kiss Attila ✷ ▲ M45-49

281 Klaus Oliver ✷ M45-49

282 Kling Meike-Alica ✷ F25-29

283 Klose Andreas ✷ M50-54

284 Knudsen Stig Andre ✷ M55-59

285 Kolbeinsen Bjørn Helge ✷ ▲ M55-59

286 Königs Ulrich ✷ ▲ M50-54

287 Konrath Moritz ✷ M30-34

288 Kröller Stephan ✷ ▲ M30-34

289 Künzi Daniel ✷ M35-39

290 Kuzminskyi Andrii ✷ ▲ M25-29

291 Lacko Roman ✷ ▲ M40-44

292 Lamb Jason ✷ M40-44

293 Lambert Stephane ✷ M40-44

294 Lane David ✷ M60-64

295 Lawson Ed ✷ ▲ M45-49

296 Leonard Jon ✷ ▲ M50-54

297 Ley Andrew ✷ ▲ M45-49

298 Lilley Richard ✷ M30-34

299 Litz Stefan ✷ M50-54

300 Livesey Mark ✷ M45-49

301 Lobeda Alexander ✷ M30-34

302 Lopez Valen-ciano

Javier ✷ ▲ M35-39

303 Lutz Christian ✷ M30-34

304 Makhnenko Nikolay ✷ ▲ M25-29

305 Marini Marco ✷ M30-34

306 Marquart Manuel ✷ M35-39

307 Mathew Alys ✷ ▲ F40-44

308 Mayer Michael ✷ M50-54

309 Mayer Michael ✷ M60-64

310 Mazzocchi Edoardo ✷ ▲ M25-29

311 Mcgregor Craig ✷ M35-39

312 Mcnamara Robert ✷ M45-49

313 Mignardot Mathieu ✷ M30-34

314 Mika Tomasz ✷ M35-39

315 Monclus Alfonso ✷ M40-44

316 Moody Steven ✷ ▲ M45-49

317 Moyse Peter ✷ ▲ M35-39

318 Mozdzonek Michal ✷ ▲ M40-44

319 Muhren Mario ✷ M55-59

320 Mulyukov Azat ✷ M50-54

321 Mussotto Paolo ✷ ▲ M50-54

322 Niederbacher Stefan ✷ ▲ M50-54

323 Nikolaev Vladimir ✷ ▲ M40-44

324 Nordbeck Lotta ✷ ▲ F45-49

325 Nowak Jens ✷ M45-49

326 Nyholm Michael ✷ ▲ M45-49

327 Oldfield Kerry ✷ ▲ F40-44

328 Omarsson Geir ✷ M40-44

329 Ososky Ryan ✷ M35-39

330 Panchenko Anastas ✷ M30-34

331 Papierz Piotr ✷ M55-59

332 Perez Comas Antonio ✷ ▲ M35-39

333 Petersohn Sandra ✷ ▲ F45-49

334 Petersohn Jörg ✷ ▲ M45-49

335 Pettini Simone ✷ ▲ M35-39

336 Pinel Enrique ✷ ▲ M45-49

337 Prats Mendez Carlos ✷ ▲ M30-34

338 Profaska Detlef ✷ M60-64

339 Ra Jan-Morten ✷ ▲ M35-39

340 Rehn Andreas ✷ M45-49

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00:00:38 00:00:39

341 Richmond Gordon ✷ M30-34

342 Riding Tim ✷ M50-54

343 Rigo Barceló Miquel Angel ✷ M45-49

344 Robb John ✷ M55-59

345 Ronzheimer Oliver ✷ ▲ M50-54

346 Rosseel Davy ✷ M40-44

347 Rossiter Helene ✷ ▲ F35-39

348 Ruiz Monjo Francisco Javier ✷ ▲ M35-39

349 Sackmann Niels ✷ M25-29

350 Salmoiraghi Michele ✷ M35-39

351 Sánchez Antonio ✷ M40-44

352 Scasso Javier ✷ ▲ M35-39

353 Schefter Martin ✷ ▲ M50-54

354 Schuetz Joerg ✷ ▲ M50-54

355 Segers Nils ✷ M25-29

356 Seiler Ivan ✷ M40-44

357 Shephard Garry ✷ ▲ M40-44

358 Shepley Sebastian ✷ M50-54

359 Sikora Julita ✷ F45-49

360 Siutkin Mykola ✷ M40-44

361 Sobolev Roman ✷ M35-39

362 Song Kyle ✷ M35-39

363 Song Mark ✷ ▲ M65-69

364 Söthje Ingo ✷ M55-59

365 Stadtel Björn ✷ M40-44

366 Strandmark Bo ✷ ▲ M25-29

367 Strizhov Dmitriy ✷ ▲ M40-44

368 Stuvik Irene ✷ ▲ F50-54

369 Stuvik Jan Kjetil ✷ ▲ M50-54

370 Taillefer Loic ✷ M25-29

371 Thamavongsa Ponpet ✷ ▲ M40-44

372 Thebaud Daniel ✷ M30-34

373 Thomas Maxi ✷ ▲ M50-54

374 Thomsen Daniel ✷ M25-29

375 Tinkler Simon ✷ M45-49

376 Toftelund Michael ✷ M40-44

377 Tomany Peter ✷ ▲ M40-44

378 Traill Paul ✷ ▲ M40-44

379 Trampedach Thomas ✷ M40-44

380 Tröndle Martin ✷ M50-54

381 Truog Stefan ✷ M35-39

382 Usher Will ✷ M35-39

383 Van Der Linden Eric ✷ M40-44

384 Van Dinther Michel ✷ M45-49

385 Van Rompaey Danny ✷ ▲ M45-49

386 Vanreusel Koen ✷ M50-54

387 Venturelli Emanuela ✷ ▲ F35-39

388 Verbrugge Pascal ✷ M45-49

389 Vermeiren Kris ✷ M40-44

390 Waechtershae-user

Anna ✷ F35-39

391 Walser Stephan ✷ M30-34

392 Walter Michael ✷ ▲ M50-54

393 Weiersmüller Adrian ✷ M40-44

394 Weiner Adam ✷ M40-44

395 Weiskat Tim ✷ M40-44

396 Wermskog Jarle ✷ M35-39

397 Wetterhorn Martin ✷ ▲ M50-54

398 Whiteside Grant ✷ ▲ M40-44

399 Wiegand Larsen

Claus ✷ ▲ M55-59

400 Wilesmith Claudia ✷ F40-44

401 Wiren Tobias ✷ M50-54

402 Witt Matthias ✷ ▲ M45-49

403 Yacout Maha ✷ ▲ F25-29

404 Yuriy Stenin ✷ ▲ M55-59

405 Zanovello Larissa ✷ ▲ F50-54

406 Ziegelmeier Ralph Friedrich ✷ M50-54

407 Zimmermann Pascal ✷ M45-49

408 Machado Sergio ✷ M40-44

413 Abelló Cristian ✷ M45-49

414 Adams Steve ✷ M60-64

415 Aguiló Capellà Francesc ✷ ▲ M35-39

416 Allared Jonas ✷ M40-44

417 Almløf Joakim ✷ M40-44

418 Aloy Felani Pedro ✷ ▲ M60-64

419 Amon Stefan ✷ M35-39

420 Andreasen Kim ✷ M40-44

421 Arkhipov Yuri ✷ ▲ M40-44

422 Aroyo Murat ✷ M50-54

423 Auer Michael ✷ M40-44

424 Auerbach Matthew ✷ M40-44

425 Bader Alex ✷ M35-39

426 Balashov Andrey ✷ M35-39

427 Batey Natalie ✷ F30-34

428 Beck Rachel ✷ F35-39

429 Bender Matthias ✷ ▲ M60-64

430 Benita Vincent ✷ M45-49

431 Bestvina Michael ✷ M30-34

432 Bielik Patryk ✷ ▲ M25-29

433 Biger Benoît ✷ ▲ M40-44

434 Biryukov Vitaly ✷ M35-39

435 Black Sara ✷ F45-49

436 Bonander Per-Erik ✷ M60-64

437 Borderies Vincent ✷ M40-44

438 Bowler Josie ✷ F25-29

439 Breistein Sjur ✷ ▲ M35-39

440 Breitwiller Xavier ✷ M40-44

441 Bright Craig ✷ M50-54

442 Brookmyre Richard ✷ M30-34

443 Brunkow Andreas ✷ M45-49

444 Buckley Peter ✷ ▲ M45-49

445 Bussey Martin ✷ M40-44

446 Caals Jan ✷ M45-49

447 Caldentey Frontera

Jorge ✷ M40-44

448 Caliskan Pinar ✷ ▲ F40-44

502 Hibernón Aleñar

Marc ✷ ▲ M40-44

503 Holch Jacobsen Lars ✷ M40-44

504 Holub Andrzej ✷ ▲ M35-39

505 Huckell David ✷ ▲ M40-44

506 Hugerth Staffan ✷ ▲ M50-54

507 Hughes David ✷ M35-39

508 Jabali Larissa ✷ F30-34

509 Jackson Daniel ✷ M30-34

510 Janitzki Alexander ✷ ▲ M45-49

511 Janle Joachim ✷ M50-54

512 Jaritz Wolfgang ✷ ▲ M50-54

513 Jaspert Ralf ✷ M45-49

514 Johansson Mikael ✷ M55-59

515 Jones Lee-Michelle ✷ ▲ F45-49

516 Kämmerer Oliver ✷ M35-39

517 Kannowski Mike ✷ M35-39

518 Kelly Martin ✷ M35-39

519 Kerry Tim ✷ M40-44

520 Kirch Michael ✷ M45-49

521 Knudsen Charlotte ✷ F45-49

522 Kohler Simon ✷ M40-44

523 Konieczna Marta ✷ F30-34

524 König Gerhard ✷ ▲ M50-54

525 Kopp Tobias ✷ M35-39

526 Kovalchuk Mikhail ✷ M35-39

527 Kulczycki Krystian ✷ M45-49

528 Kurkowski Jakub ✷ M40-44

529 Kurtoglu Ali Levent ✷ ▲ M35-39

530 Ladriere Laurence ✷ ▲ F45-49

531 Lagerkrantz Fredrik H ✷ ▲ M40-44

532 Lanzendörfer Monica ✷ F50-54

533 Lester Charlotte ✷ F35-39

534 Leterme Claire ✷ F35-39

535 Liebmann Kathrin ✷ F55-59

536 Lindqvist Johanna ✷ F45-49

537 Lynch Jack ✷ ▲ M45-49

538 Maag Thomas ✷ ▲ M45-49

539 Maddaloni Danielle ✷ M30-34

540 Madsen Thomas ✷ ▲ M40-44

541 Maisniemi Niina ✷ ▲ F50-54

542 Maliarik Michal ✷ ▲ M40-44

543 Malmberg Emma ✷ ▲ F35-39

544 Margerte Philippe ✷ M50-54

545 Matteau Dominique ✷ ▲ F50-54

546 Matthiesen Arne ✷ M50-54

547 Mcentegart Liam ✷ M35-39

548 Mcjannet Robert ✷ M50-54

549 Mclellan Michelle ✷ ▲ F45-49

550 Melnikov Leonid ✷ M35-39

551 Meyer-West-phal

Markus ✷ M45-49

552 Mikova Sarka ✷ F45-49

449 Castiglioni Fabrizio ✷ ▲ M40-44

450 Centeno Marta ✷ ▲ F30-34

451 Christian Ryan ✷ ▲ M30-34

452 Clark Richard ✷ M50-54

453 Claude Melanie ✷ ▲ F35-39

454 Connelly Victoria ✷ F35-39

455 Courcoux Michael ✷ M40-44

456 Cronning Terri ✷ F30-34

457 Cross Edward ✷ ▲ M50-54

458 Cunningham Fergal ✷ ▲ M45-49

459 De Voeght Wim ✷ M50-54

460 Devaux Vincent ✷ ▲ M30-34

461 Di Donato Antonio ✷ ▲ M40-44

462 Dobson Michael ✷ M45-49

463 Doronin Alexey ✷ M45-49

464 Downie Peter ✷ ▲ M55-59

465 Drescher Klaus ✷ M50-54

466 Dugne Damien ✷ M35-39

467 Echánove Puig Manu ✷ M25-29

468 Edwards Nicholas ✷ M40-44

469 El-Sarky Mokhtar ✷ ▲ M45-49

470 Faldt André ✷ ▲ M45-49

471 Fenger Steffen ✷ ▲ M45-49

472 Ferreira Decio ✷ ▲ M35-39

473 Fidlers Luc ✷ M55-59

474 Flake Angela ✷ F50-54

475 Fogel Mia ✷ ▲ F45-49

476 Forster Andrew ✷ M45-49

477 Frallicciardi Fabio ✷ M35-39

478 Friedrich Christian ✷ ▲ M40-44

479 Gadient Georgina ✷ ▲ F35-39

480 Gaiji Lassaad ✷ ▲ M35-39

481 Gaitens James ✷ M55-59

482 Galuzov Dmitry ✷ M35-39

483 Geiss Alexander ✷ M45-49

484 Gerard David ✷ M45-49

485 German Lee ✷ M40-44

486 Gerock Axel ✷ M55-59

487 Godenrath Jens ✷ M45-49

488 Gómez Mas Juan Manuel ✷ M30-34

489 Graham Tegan ✷ ▲ F25-29

490 Grangaro Thomas ✷ ▲ M45-49

491 Grant Peader ✷ ▲ M40-44

492 Hamill Kevin ✷ ▲ M45-49

493 Hansen Lars Wessel ✷ M35-39

494 Hansen Diethlem ✷ M55-59

495 Hansson Jan ✷ ▲ M45-49

496 Hantsche Katrin ✷ F50-54

497 Harman Ed ✷ ▲ M45-49

498 Haugen Oddvar ✷ M50-54

499 Hauso Gunnar ✷ ▲ M50-54

500 Heffernan Dermot ✷ M60-64

501 Helgstrand Johan ✷ ▲ M45-49

553 Moeller - San Pedro

Carina ✷ F50-54

554 Moen Asbjørn ✷ M55-59

555 Møllbach Jan ✷ ▲ M50-54

556 Monclus Ignacio ✷ M40-44

557 Monclus Manuel ✷ M45-49

558 Morawietz Andree ✷ M50-54

559 Morgan Andy ✷ M50-54

560 Mort Natalie ✷ ▲ F55-59

561 Mullen Sylva ✷ ▲ F40-44

562 Neagle Justin ✷ M45-49

563 Newton-Stott Stephen ✷ ▲ M35-39

564 Nocentini Leonardo ✷ ▲ M50-54

565 Nolte Georg ✷ M40-44

566 Noon Dan ✷ ▲ M35-39

567 O’Keeffe Seamus ✷ M55-59

568 Omta Tjarda ✷ F40-44

569 Ortega David ✷ M35-39

570 Ostrowski Waldemar ✷ M45-49

571 Owe Jone ✷ ▲ M40-44

572 Payeras Esteve ✷ M50-54

573 Pflocksch Martina ✷ ▲ F50-54

574 Præstholm Jan ✷ M50-54

575 Price Ben ✷ M40-44

576 Prinz Joachim ✷ M45-49

577 Pye Matthew ✷ ▲ M55-59

578 Raitzl Franz ✷ M55-59

579 Resin Yan ✷ M30-34

580 Riera Pedro ✷ ▲ M35-39

581 Rohde Katharina ✷ ▲ F30-34

582 Rösemann Peter ✷ M50-54

583 Rozov Sergey ✷ M35-39

584 Rubbens Carlo ✷ M45-49

585 Rusakov Roman ✷ M45-49

586 Saevarsson Stefan Karl ✷ ▲ M35-39

587 Salaün Bastien ✷ ▲ M35-39

588 Sanchez Garcia Pau ✷ ▲ M30-34

589 Savage Paul ✷ ▲ M35-39

590 Scheidegger Bettina ✷ ▲ F30-34

591 Schelkens Sigi ✷ F50-54

592 Schmidt Thorsten ✷ M45-49

593 Schön Ralf ✷ M50-54

594 Schulz Hans Peter ✷ M45-49

595 Schumann Marcus ✷ ▲ M50-54

596 Schweinberger Martin ✷ ▲ M50-54

597 Sellin Andreas ✷ M35-39

598 Senly Charles ✷ M25-29

599 Sheridan Roger ✷ M55-59

600 Siman Frank ✷ M40-44

601 Skov Ruben ✷ M40-44

602 Smith David ✷ M25-29

603 Söderhjelm Patrik ✷ ▲ M45-49

604 Soellaart Hugh ✷ M40-44

605 Sørensen Liv Helga ✷ F45-49

606 Steurer Rene ✷ M45-49

607 Stuffer Michael ✷ M45-49

608 Sund Fredrik ✷ ▲ M30-34

609 Svensson Christian ✷ M35-39

610 Taute Lizzy ✷ F35-39

611 Terelius Håkan ✷ ▲ M30-34

612 Thilwind John ✷ M45-49

613 Thomas David ✷ ▲ M35-39

614 Thommesen Frank ✷ ▲ M50-54

615 Tipple Tim ✷ M50-54

616 Trans Sorensen Anders ✷ M40-44

617 Tranto Mark ✷ ▲ M30-34

618 Tulli Emanuele ✷ ▲ M40-44

619 Vanderkeilen Peter ✷ ▲ M50-54

620 Vela Pulido Jose Miguel ✷ ▲ M25-29

621 Volk Johannes ✷ M30-34

622 Watson Nigel ✷ ▲ M60-64

623 Wekhuizen Werner ✷ M40-44

624 Wicovsky Andreas ✷ M40-44

625 Wicovsky Klaus ✷ M55-59

626 Wilkes Darryl ✷ M35-39

627 Willis Suzanne ✷ ▲ F40-44

628 Wood Simon ✷ M50-54

629 Zon-Tiggerdine Yvonne ✷ F50-54

630 Dean David ✷ M60-64

635 Hannecart Louise F18-24

636 Karlsson Röhr Rebecka F18-24

637 Kristen Sydney F18-24

638 Monacchini Elisa F18-24

639 Rothwell Laura F18-24

640 Serra Jodin Chloé F18-24

641 Vanreusel Kim F18-24

642 Aeschlimann Irina F25-29

643 Alholt Linn F25-29

644 Armitage Lydia F25-29

645 Barroso Leon Joana F25-29

646 Bauza Capella Catalina F25-29

647 Bereda Diana F25-29

648 Bichler Louise F25-29

649 Burden Gabriella F25-29

650 Butcher Laura F25-29

651 Chekanova Kseniya F25-29

652 Dawson Amy F25-29

653 De Calbiac Guillemette F25-29

654 Donoghue Claire F25-29

655 Dossche Clementine F25-29

656 Fresmann Nora F25-29

657 Fumeaux Maude F25-29

658 Garcia Odowd Hannah F25-29

659 Granfors Carolina F25-29

660 Hannecart Clémence F25-29

661 Hayes Katie F25-29

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00:00:40 00:00:41

662 Jagau Imke F25-29

663 Kiefer Annika F25-29

664 Krawiec Joanna F25-29

665 Kruse Elizabeth F25-29

666 Merkle Dorothee F25-29

667 Mort Brae F25-29

668 Muddle Joanna ▲ F25-29

669 Mueller Britt F25-29

670 Nyholm Caroline ▲ F25-29

671 Pettersson Maria F25-29

672 Phillips Bethan F25-29

673 Pricam Alexia ▲ F25-29

674 Reddy Gaini Sharani F25-29

675 Rehr Svenja F25-29

676 Ruffell Natalie ▲ F25-29

677 Salmova Nina F25-29

678 Smith Isabel F25-29

679 Vanhulle An-Sofie F25-29

680 Wileman Laura F25-29

681 Wood Lucy F25-29

682 Woodhouse Jacqueline F25-29

683 Antonov Torras Irina F30-34

684 Atkins Jenna ▲ F30-34

685 Badger Marianne F30-34

686 Bekkevold Lydia F30-34

687 Betinova Miroslava F30-34

688 Bosch Ramis Lorena F30-34

689 Bugler Eve F30-34

690 Caillaud Nicole F30-34

691 Charlton Kimberley F30-34

692 Clark Corinne F30-34

693 Clarkson Eilidh ▲ F30-34

694 Davies Danielle F30-34

695 Davis Mary F30-34

696 Duckitt Susan F30-34

697 Ebermann Sabine F30-34

698 Elina Elena F30-34

699 Estarellas Cristina F30-34

700 Fedorovich Yanina F30-34

701 Fischer Bettina F30-34

702 Gaya Linuesa Irene ▲ F30-34

703 Genovart Margalida F30-34

704 Gwinnett Lisa F30-34

705 Hagen Terezia F30-34

706 Hale Alexandra F30-34

707 Heylen Dorien F30-34

708 Hibbs Sian F30-34

709 Janssens Jasmin F30-34

710 Jansson Madeleine ▲ F30-34

711 Jeannin Floriane F30-34

712 Krutin Ekaterina F30-34

713 Lane Joanna F30-34

714 Lapeña Calabuy

Mireia ▲ F30-34

715 Limousin Perrine F30-34

716 Lockhart Alice ▲ F30-34

717 Mackenzie Alison F30-34

718 Mantovi Valentina ▲ F30-34

719 Mcdonald Susan F30-34

720 Message Roxann F30-34

721 Morton-Thurtle Victoria F30-34

722 Mott Emilie ▲ F30-34

723 Mühlenbeck Ann-Kathrin F30-34

724 Mullett Jenna F30-34

725 Natale Caterina F30-34

726 Nunez Tuero Jessica F30-34

727 Oehlmann Beatrice ▲ F30-34

728 Ossendorf Claudia F30-34

729 Panter Annie F30-34

730 Parker Laura F30-34

731 Pastuszynska Izabela F30-34

732 Perello Ferrer Aina ▲ F30-34

733 Pöldmaa Jenny ▲ F30-34

734 Read Becky ▲ F30-34

735 Renard Mon-tagud

Clara F30-34

736 Richardson Alyssa F30-34

737 Roeser Nadine F30-34

738 Rowland Keeley F30-34

739 Ruppert Carina ▲ F30-34

740 Schwarzmann Franziska F30-34

741 Sheahan Catherine ▲ F30-34

742 Shipper Alexandra F30-34

743 Sivashova Iuliia ▲ F30-34

744 Sommerfeld Lydia F30-34

745 Stadler Katarina ▲ F30-34

746 Streit Catharina F30-34

747 Svadlenkova Pavlina ▲ F30-34

748 Tellier Kathryn F30-34

749 Ten Velden Tanya F30-34

750 Thomson Katherine ▲ F30-34

751 Torres Cano Mireia ▲ F30-34

752 Vandepitte Sophie F30-34

753 Ward Helen ▲ F30-34

754 Wendelbo Kristin Steigedal


755 Yacoubi Anissa F30-34

756 Zemaite Vesta ▲ F30-34

757 Zolotokrylina Masha F30-34

758 Aarons Zoe ▲ F35-39

759 Adams Lisa F35-39

760 Ahrens Mirjam F35-39

761 Aitken Henrietta F35-39

762 Alencar Ana ▲ F35-39

763 Aly Dina F35-39

764 Barnett Victoria F35-39

765 Behrend Sara Andrea F35-39

766 Blanz Sandra F35-39

767 Brueggemann Anja F35-39

768 Buettner Christina F35-39

769 Buhler Sabrina F35-39

770 Clements Jenny F35-39

771 Codignola Nathalie F35-39

772 Coessens Christelle F35-39

773 Cook Helen F35-39

774 Cooper Andrea F35-39

775 Dahlsrud Silje F35-39

776 Dechant Danny ▲ F35-39

777 Eik Ravndal Inger F35-39

778 Ellis Shelley F35-39

779 Estarellas Payeras

Maribel F35-39

780 Fensch Regina F35-39

781 Fortunato Silvia ▲ F35-39

782 Foulkes Ana ▲ F35-39

783 Gallassi Maristella F35-39

784 Gloster Ruth ▲ F35-39

785 Goodson Gemma ▲ F35-39

786 Grebe Maria F35-39

787 Haase Sarah F35-39

788 Harris Jane F35-39

789 Hermant Marie-Claire F35-39

790 Herrero Lorente

Irene F35-39

791 Holland Rebecca F35-39

792 Howells Katherine F35-39

793 Hurstel Sabah F35-39

794 Hutt Rebecca ▲ F35-39

795 Inchaurbe Maitane F35-39

796 Jensen Sanne F35-39

797 Jonker Jana F35-39

798 Kaczynska Katherine F35-39

799 Kemp Sarah F35-39

800 Klapp Monica F35-39

801 Kower Katja F35-39

802 Krautzig Maria ▲ F35-39

803 Kunz Charlotte F35-39

804 Lansel Jolanda F35-39

805 Maersk Pernille F35-39

806 Mamleeva Elmira F35-39

807 Mellon Jolene F35-39

808 Mertens Sabrina ▲ F35-39

809 Mueller Christina F35-39

810 Neumann Juliane F35-39

811 O Connor Gretta F35-39

812 O Driscoll Laura ▲ F35-39

813 O’Callaghan Esther ▲ F35-39

814 Poehlmann Katharina F35-39

815 Rasmussen Lene ▲ F35-39

816 Rovescala Michela ▲ F35-39

817 Schoerkmaier Donata ▲ F35-39

818 Scholze Evelyn F35-39

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00:00:42 00:00:43

819 Scott Rebecca F35-39

820 Simon Gaelle F35-39

821 Soriano Cifuentes

Patricia ▲ F35-39

822 Staszak Staszkow

Anna F35-39

823 Stence Kate F35-39

824 Stevenson Gaby F35-39

825 Sweeney Lisa F35-39

826 Tortosa Victoria ▲ F35-39

827 Vanden Daelen Leen F35-39

828 Vilarinho Mariana F35-39

829 Voss Julia F35-39

830 Wailoo Hannah F35-39

831 Walker Katie F35-39

832 Whorton Diane ▲ F35-39

833 Wood Rachel F35-39

834 Atkinson Melinda F40-44

835 Barceló Ferragut

Maria Antònia F40-44

836 Bijueska Solatxi

Iratxe F40-44

837 Bleyen Isabel ▲ F40-44

838 Blomqvist Katja F40-44

839 Boutmans Gita F40-44

840 Brayshaw Sam F40-44

841 Broadley Sarah ▲ F40-44

842 Bronsdon Malin ▲ F40-44

843 Brooks Kelly F40-44

844 Buchanan Andrea F40-44

845 Cannon Nicky F40-44

846 Christensen Sofi ▲ F40-44

847 Cichy Cathy F40-44

848 Collins Debbie F40-44

849 Contiero Roberta F40-44

850 Cosson Stephanie F40-44

851 Dierkes Manuela ▲ F40-44

852 Edmunds Tracey ▲ F40-44

853 Ekberg Maria F40-44

854 Elizabeth Pauline F40-44

855 Feather Rachel F40-44

856 Fehr Barbara F40-44

857 Ferrari Katia ▲ F40-44

858 Feuerbach Bianca F40-44

859 Gerber Michelle F40-44

860 Gradling Sara ▲ F40-44

861 Greatrex Michelle F40-44

862 Greenney Anne ▲ F40-44

863 Hagenlocher Dagmar F40-44

864 Hamed Abeer ▲ F40-44

865 Higgins Claire F40-44

866 Howard Sarah F40-44

867 Hubert Martina ▲ F40-44

868 Hunt Clare F40-44

869 Huygelen Annemie F40-44

870 Jones Sara F40-44

871 Jordan Nikki F40-44

872 Kerr Jacqueline ▲ F40-44

873 Kobel Tajana F40-44

874 Kopetzki Christina F40-44

875 Kortegaard Randi Warland F40-44

876 Kruger Hilke F40-44

877 Kuhlmann Joana ▲ F40-44

878 Kvas Ganna F40-44

879 Landells Karen ▲ F40-44

880 Larsson Annakarin F40-44

881 Lehtinen Sanna F40-44

882 Lennox Karen F40-44

883 Löfgren Linda F40-44

884 Lowder Allison F40-44

885 Ludwig Melanie F40-44

886 Marco Cana Maria Dolores F40-44

887 Mason Leazan F40-44

888 Mason Susanne ▲ F40-44

889 Matthews Kim F40-44

890 Montagnoli Lorenza F40-44

891 Nolan Martine ▲ F40-44

892 O Donoghue Nuala ▲ F40-44

893 Oliver Mora Agnès F40-44

894 Paskin Sarah F40-44

895 Perz Katrin ▲ F40-44

896 Rame Elin F40-44

897 Ramírez Villa Cristina F40-44

898 Rees Cara ▲ F40-44

899 Richards Lindsey F40-44

900 Robb Kat F40-44

901 Rogner Pernilla ▲ F40-44

902 Rolston Amy F40-44

903 Rupprecht Jessica ▲ F40-44

904 Rust Shona F40-44

905 Rutherford Joanne ▲ F40-44

906 Scammell Claire F40-44

907 Schroeter Elke ▲ F40-44

908 Sicre Daphnie ▲ F40-44

909 Skogvold Silje F40-44

910 Skram-Skuld-boel

Rikke ▲ F40-44

911 Spence Emma ▲ F40-44

912 Stables Sarah F40-44

913 Stafford Sarah ▲ F40-44

914 Stagg Sophie F40-44

915 Stobbe Diana F40-44

916 Tarnowskij Marianne F40-44

917 Thorold Claire F40-44

918 Van Stek Sonja F40-44

967 Jansen Claudine F45-49

968 Jarlov Majse F45-49

969 Kesjar Edina F45-49

970 Knight Janine ▲ F45-49

971 Knudsen Lone ▲ F45-49

972 Kuczynska Iza F45-49

973 Larsen Bibi F45-49

974 Larsen Rikkekatrine Rose


975 Lewis Helen F45-49

976 Long Natalie F45-49

977 Maclean Nicola F45-49

978 Magnusson Gabriella F45-49

979 Moorhouse Rae F45-49

980 Pelz Simone F45-49

981 Pfister Oriana F45-49

982 Pritchard Heather F45-49

983 Reurink Brigitte F45-49

984 Richardson Alison F45-49

985 Riding Claire F45-49

986 Salmin Ann ▲ F45-49

987 Schieferlinn Tanja F45-49

988 Schweinberger Barbara ▲ F45-49

989 Søvik Line F45-49

990 Spiers Liz F45-49

991 Stanton Karen F45-49

992 Stenquist Jeanette ▲ F45-49

993 Thomasson Carina F45-49

994 Van Keulen Heleen F45-49

995 Vaulamo Jaana F45-49

996 Villiger Gabi F45-49

997 Walker Fran ▲ F45-49

998 Watson Judith F45-49

999 Wearing Lee-Ann F45-49

1000 Webster Julie F45-49

1001 Wilcocks Louise F45-49

1002 Williams Laura F45-49

1003 Wisth Svanhild F45-49

1004 Zie Ann F45-49

1005 Alexandre Laurence F50-54

1006 Almqvist Carina ▲ F50-54

1007 Atwell Tania F50-54

1008 Barrett Debbie F50-54

1009 Barton Lorraine F50-54

1010 Beldarrain Araceli F50-54

1011 Best Nicole F50-54

1012 Blackman Mandy F50-54

1013 Chassot Dominique F50-54

1014 Chickowski Cheryl ▲ F50-54

1015 Corbett Caroline F50-54

1016 Davidson Tracey F50-54

1017 Davies Hilary F50-54

1018 Enes Wenche F50-54

919 Vandendriess-che

Sofie F40-44

920 Vermeer Petra F40-44

921 Villalonga Llufriu

Cati F40-44

922 Warden Jeni F40-44

923 Wargborn Carmen F40-44

924 Watts Helen F40-44

925 Weiler Andrea F40-44

926 Willott Ruth F40-44

927 Zandin Caroline ▲ F40-44

928 Andersen Caroline Nygaard


929 Bähr Ulrike F45-49

930 Berends Oda F45-49

931 Biz Delphine F45-49

932 Bowlas Rachel F45-49

933 Bradburn Charlie F45-49

934 Bugala Amy F45-49

935 Burzoni Manuela ▲ F45-49

936 Byrne Avril F45-49

937 Collins Dawn F45-49

938 Cornelius Christiane F45-49

939 Dörlich Susanna ▲ F45-49

940 Dunbar-Smith Lori ▲ F45-49

941 Dunn Karen F45-49

942 Dye Amanda ▲ F45-49

943 Engelbrecht Marinda F45-49

944 Espenes Vigdis F45-49

945 Fernández De Castro Ayora

Marta F45-49

946 Fischer Bianca F45-49

947 Fjeldstad Kathrine F45-49

948 Fonseca Maria F45-49

949 Frey Viola F45-49

950 Furze Claire F45-49

951 Galbany Fuste Monste F45-49

952 Gjertsen Jorid Katrine ▲ F45-49

953 Goebel Petra ▲ F45-49

954 Gormley Charlotte F45-49

955 Hã¶Fling Imke F45-49

956 Haf-ner-Holzmann

Gerhild F45-49

957 Hagan Sasha F45-49

958 Hagger Jude ▲ F45-49

959 Hartwig Nicole ▲ F45-49

960 Herbert Sally F45-49

961 Hewson Sandra F45-49

962 Hinterberger Katja F45-49

963 Hyland Emma F45-49

964 Jakob Heike F45-49

965 Jakubowski Katia F45-49

966 Janle Andrea F45-49

1019 Erkahraman Seyda Sule F50-54

1020 Garfvé Åsa ▲ F50-54

1021 Gerard Gillian F50-54

1022 Glasgow Fiona F50-54

1023 Grammer Holly F50-54

1024 Guldhav Tove F50-54

1025 Hamilton Gaynor ▲ F50-54

1026 Holknekt Maria F50-54

1027 Izquierdo Maite F50-54

1028 Jaffe Susan F50-54

1029 James Anne F50-54

1030 Jaritz Birgit ▲ F50-54

1031 Klem Stefanie F50-54

1032 Knudsen Vibeke ▲ F50-54

1033 Krommus Susan F50-54

1034 Lyngstad Marianne F50-54

1035 Manson Heather F50-54

1036 Mayer Petra F50-54

1037 Mccracken Dawn F50-54

1038 Mctaggart Michelle F50-54

1039 Mercer Allwin F50-54

1040 Meyer-Rogge Ellen F50-54

1041 Millius Dirren Michaela F50-54

1042 Noble Beverley F50-54

1043 Paterson Angela F50-54

1044 Petersen Grethe ▲ F50-54

1045 Peterson Elspeth F50-54

1046 Phillips Jacqui F50-54

1047 Powell Nicola ▲ F50-54

1048 Price Elaine F50-54

1049 Riefler-Karpa Christiane F50-54

1050 Rimestad Marit ▲ F50-54

1051 Rossiter Kathryn ▲ F50-54

1052 Rostad May-Brit F50-54

1053 Rotger Caimari Juana María F50-54

1054 Shand Claudette Candi F50-54

1055 Van Paassen Anneke F50-54

1056 Viver Alberti Antonia F50-54

1057 Wheeler Emma F50-54

1058 White Karen F50-54

1059 Wikstrøm Åse-Mari F50-54

1060 Wright Karen F50-54

1061 Burgoyne Ana-Maria F55-59

1062 Fitch Maridee F55-59

1063 Fox Shirley F55-59

1064 Heydenreich Bettina ▲ F55-59

1065 Hirsch Gail F55-59

1066 Lawson Ros F55-59

1067 Meyersson Pernilla F55-59

1068 Patterson Sarah ▲ F55-59

1069 Place Valerie F55-59

1070 Quinn Julia F55-59

1071 Robertson Lynn F55-59

1072 Sauerbrei Andrea F55-59

1073 Silver Helena F55-59

1074 Vaux Tina F55-59

1075 Walker Nicola F55-59

1076 Walsh Shelly F55-59

1077 Webb Joanna F55-59

1078 Beil Brigitte ▲ F60-64

1079 Goscomb Glenda F60-64

1080 Hannaford Jan ▲ F60-64

1081 Jagau Elke F60-64

1082 Kromer Carmen F60-64

1083 Mygland Åse F60-64

1084 Rissanen Tarja F60-64

1085 Stephenson Linda F60-64

1086 Lawrie Jenny F65-69

1087 Conde Lopez Alicia F25-29

1088 Font Leonor F30-34

1092 Bächle Julian M18-24

1093 Bergquist Hampus M18-24

1094 Bierlich Hagen M18-24

1095 Brech Manuel M18-24

1096 Bunyan Ryan M18-24

1097 Christensen Tore Asmund M18-24

1098 Christoforou Cain M18-24

1099 Cifre Segura Bartomeu M18-24

1100 Clemons Tom M18-24

1101 Clot Simon ▲ M18-24

1102 Corato Marco Valerio M18-24

1103 Escandell Soler Lluís M18-24

1104 Fakhouri Adam M18-24

1105 Franklyn Tom ▲ M18-24

1106 Groves Adam M18-24

1107 Harris Nicholas M18-24

1108 Hawle Joel M18-24

1109 Igumnov Raphael ▲ M18-24

1110 Jakobsson Martin M18-24

1111 Janle Michel M18-24

1112 Jaume Toni M18-24

1113 Jensen Mikkel Vinther ▲ M18-24

1114 Jones Simon M18-24

1115 Kennis Glenn M18-24

1116 Kirstein Victor M18-24

1117 Leibbrandt Christiaan M18-24

1118 Leibbrandt Christiaan M18-24

1119 López Benítez Christian M18-24

1120 Mestre Clem-ente

Joan M18-24

1121 Møller Sebastian Wiegand


1122 Muñoz Roldán Antoni M18-24

1123 Nulli Jacob ▲ M18-24

1124 Park Matthew M18-24

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00:00:44 00:00:45

1125 Perelló Rodrí-guez

Antoni M18-24

1126 Pinn Daniel M18-24

1127 Robledo Fernandez

Alexandre M18-24

1128 Sanchez Ortega

Mario M18-24

1129 Stannard Alexander ▲ M18-24

1130 Suetens Tom M18-24

1131 Thomé Benjamin M18-24

1132 Trunk Jannik ▲ M18-24

1133 Vallespir Pascual

Jaume M18-24

1134 Van Leeuwen Rens M18-24

1135 Vera Bonafe Gaspar Joan M18-24

1136 Wicovsky Johannes M18-24

1137 Wunderlin Carlo Nico M18-24

1138 Alexandre Simon M25-29

1139 Almodovar Rapalo

Benito M25-29

1140 Andries Louis ▲ M25-29

1141 Armitage Daniel M25-29

1142 Aunez Maxime M25-29

1143 Barrell Alex M25-29

1144 Beckett Alun M25-29

1145 Bertoncello Riccardo ▲ M25-29

1146 Bolks Berjan M25-29

1147 Boogaart Wouter M25-29

1148 Borgers Niels M25-29

1149 Bregning Magnus ▲ M25-29

1150 Brew Robin M25-29

1151 Broman Lukas ▲ M25-29

1152 Brusov Kirill M25-29

1153 Brutton Thomas M25-29

1154 Cabrera Uribe Pere Lluis M25-29

1155 Carrillo Romero Emiliano ▲ M25-29

1156 Casado Buigues

Javier M25-29

1157 Casey Michael M25-29

1158 Caunt Simon M25-29

1159 Checa Molins Joan M25-29

1160 Christopher Bommers M25-29

1161 Civera Ferrer Tomas M25-29

1162 Colle Louis M25-29

1163 Crawford Gregor M25-29

1164 Crespi Lan-nigan

Pere M25-29

1165 Dacosta Josh M25-29

1166 Daniels Vidar M25-29

1167 Davies Andrew M25-29

1168 De Brabandere Felix M25-29

1169 De Jong Olivier M25-29

1170 De La Rue Matt M25-29

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1171 De Lucas Benito

Antonio M25-29

1172 De Rohan Willner

Max M25-29

1173 De Wilde Michiel ▲ M25-29

1174 Delsaux Damien M25-29

1175 Demmler Patrik M25-29

1176 Dieben Thomas M25-29

1177 Din Faisal M25-29

1178 Döring Benjamin M25-29

1179 Dr. Pellkofer Emanuel M25-29

1180 Dryden Matthew M25-29

1181 Duran Apraiz Pablo M25-29

1182 Eke Joseph M25-29

1183 Ellison James M25-29

1184 English Tomas M25-29

1185 Escobar Lopez Zigor M25-29

1186 Félix Arranz Alberto M25-29

1187 Ferrer Llull Toni M25-29

1188 Fiol Vallori Bartomeu M25-29

1189 Firsov Dmytro M25-29

1190 Fosse Per Christian M25-29

1191 Frahm Christopher M25-29

1192 Gálik Ivan ▲ M25-29

1193 Gargallo Méndez

Borja M25-29

1194 Garkavenko Igor M25-29

1195 Giner Aznar Sergio M25-29

1196 Godry Marvin M25-29

1197 Guenon Laurent M25-29

1198 Haber David M25-29

1199 Hackett Thomas M25-29

1200 Harlow Rob ▲ M25-29

1201 Harms Thies ▲ M25-29

1202 Hedensted Andreas M25-29

1203 Heffernan Michael M25-29

1204 Hengstler Steffen M25-29

1205 Hernández Toro

Juan Antonio M25-29

1206 Hidding Joey M25-29

1207 Horrach Alhama

Josep Damià M25-29

1208 Jackson Samuel M25-29

1209 Jakob Simon M25-29

1210 Jerndahl Petter Hasting M25-29

1211 Johns Ashley M25-29

1212 Jonckers Matthias M25-29

1213 Julià Moranta Damià M25-29

1214 Kalow Marius M25-29

1215 Karst Fabian ▲ M25-29

1216 Kennedy Patrick M25-29

1217 Kraft Matthias M25-29

1218 Kroll Matt M25-29

1219 Kumle Julian M25-29

1220 Kunze Tom M25-29

1221 Laaf Dominic M25-29

1222 Lambrick Dale M25-29

1223 Laming Niall ▲ M25-29

1224 Latus Sam M25-29

1225 Leibbrandt Jan M25-29

1226 Lemmens Bram M25-29

1227 Leoni Filippo ▲ M25-29

1228 Lohmüller Jan Carsten M25-29

1229 Lopez Bech Andres M25-29

1230 Lozano Liz-arraga

Borja M25-29

1231 Lynch Luke M25-29

1232 Machleb Malte M25-29

1233 Madsen Lasse ▲ M25-29

1234 Martiarena Conde

Inigo Jose M25-29

1235 Martin Vincent ▲ M25-29

1236 Martorell Moyà Marti M25-29

1237 Mas Fuster Jaume M25-29

1238 Mayhew Jack M25-29

1239 Mayrhofer Dominik M25-29

1240 Mcgonigle Paul M25-29

1241 Mcnaught Ross ▲ M25-29

1242 Meyersson Afrell

Eli M25-29

1243 Michel Andrew M25-29

1244 Mingorance James

Daniel M25-29

1245 Mir Cantarellas Antonio M25-29

1246 Mjã¥Nes Leif-Inge ▲ M25-29

1247 Moloney Alex M25-29

1248 Mols Wouter M25-29

1249 Morchio Guillaume M25-29

1250 Muñoz Muñoz Alejandro M25-29

1251 Mutti Emanuele M25-29

1252 Nikita Aleksandrov M25-29

1253 Oliveras Serrano

Eric M25-29

1254 Orgillés Saiz Marc M25-29

1255 Otzen Lasse M25-29

1256 Owen Sion M25-29

1257 Özcivit Bora M25-29

1258 Pagán Montoro Alex M25-29

1259 Panin Sergei M25-29

1260 Pascual Canaves

Joan ▲ M25-29

1261 Pauner Ramírez

Oscar M25-29

1262 Payeras Cladera

Pedro ▲ M25-29

1263 Peña Valdivia Erlantz M25-29

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00:00:46 00:00:47

1264 Perelló Bur-guera

Miquel M25-29

1265 Perles Pérez Joaquin M25-29

1266 Peters Matthew M25-29

1267 Phillips James M25-29

1268 Podlesnik Matej M25-29

1269 Pol Tortella Juan M25-29

1270 Purkis Richard M25-29

1271 Queally Thomas M25-29

1272 Ramirez Robles

Luis Jesus M25-29

1273 Read Scott M25-29

1274 Real Bordoy Antonio ▲ M25-29

1275 Riera Rosselló Jaume M25-29

1276 Robledo Fernandez

Luis Elias M25-29

1277 Roca Marimon Gabriel M25-29

1278 Ronæs Daniel M25-29

1279 Rondini Matteo M25-29

1280 Rosselló Miquel M25-29

1281 Rousseau Xavier M25-29

1282 Rowley Peter M25-29

1283 Ruet Bastien M25-29

1284 Sánchez Martín Alfredo M25-29

1285 Santos Kötting Christian M25-29

1286 Schelling Silvan M25-29

1287 Shcheblykin Vladimir ▲ M25-29

1288 Shipper Eric M25-29

1289 Sidorov Andrey M25-29

1290 Southward Jake M25-29

1291 Spapens Ruben M25-29

1292 Spieler Felix M25-29

1293 Sulim Anton M25-29

1294 Tahedl Daniel M25-29

1295 Talpe Pierre M25-29

1296 Topolski Mateusz M25-29

1297 Vadell Riera Guillem Tomeu M25-29

1298 Van Bavel Charles M25-29

1299 Van Canneyt Alexander M25-29

1300 Van Zeijl Karsten M25-29

1301 Vanwijnsber-ghe

Anton ▲ M25-29

1302 Vaquer Llull Jaume M25-29

1303 Verbeek Max M25-29

1304 Vilaseka Orlando M25-29

1305 Villalonga Ametller

Xavier M25-29

1306 Wally Adalbert M25-29

1307 Watson Adam ▲ M25-29

1308 Wepster Zev M25-29

1309 Wunderlin Marco M25-29

1310 Zwingmann Ike M25-29


1312 Acedo Mateos Jose Manuel ▲ M30-34

1313 Adrian Olle M30-34

1314 Aguiló Cañellas Toni M30-34

1315 Akyuz Enis M30-34

1316 Alcoba Tomas Cristian M30-34

1317 Allali Taha M30-34

1318 Ambré Robin M30-34

1319 Andersen Anders ▲ M30-34

1320 Andreasen Anders Bruno M30-34

1321 Andreu Roca Antoni M30-34

1322 Andrews Sam ▲ M30-34

1323 Antonov Dmitry ▲ M30-34

1324 Asper Daniel M30-34

1325 Aston Jonathan M30-34

1326 Atkins Liam M30-34

1327 Averill Luke M30-34

1328 Badger Daniel M30-34

1329 Bagdonavicius Andrius M30-34

1330 Ballerini Leonardo M30-34

1331 Ballester Llobera

Juan ▲ M30-34

1332 Banduch Paul M30-34

1333 Barranco Rosales

Antonio M30-34

1334 Beck Karel M30-34

1335 Bekkedal Håkon M30-34

1336 Beltrán Vich Toni M30-34

1337 Bennett David M30-34

1338 Bereznyak Anton ▲ M30-34

1339 Biel Jaime M30-34

1340 Bierwirth Benjamin M30-34

1341 Bikeforlife John M30-34

1342 Bishop Mark M30-34

1343 Bjonerud Eric M30-34

1344 Björn Niclas ▲ M30-34

1345 Blondiaux Julien M30-34

1346 Bombonati Niccolo’ ▲ M30-34

1347 Bommers Johannes M30-34

1348 Borrás Abrinas Miguel Ángel M30-34

1349 Brenninkmeyer Florian M30-34

1350 Breuillac Nicolas M30-34

1351 Brown Anthony ▲ M30-34

1352 Brulebois Paul ▲ M30-34

1353 Burden Toby M30-34

1354 Burke Gerard M30-34

1355 Butt Henry M30-34

1356 Büyüka Hazar M30-34

1357 Cahill Andrew M30-34

1358 Cameron Alastair M30-34

1359 Campbell Scott M30-34

1360 Campins Vallespir

Carles M30-34

1361 Cañellas Mateo M30-34

1362 Capó Pujol Bartomeu M30-34

1363 Carrol Boris M30-34

1364 Casado Carlos M30-34

1365 Casuso Pablo M30-34

1366 Centeno Nieves

Eduardo M30-34

1367 Cernenko Romans M30-34

1368 Cervantes Arteaga

Hector M30-34

1369 Cetinkaya Muhammet Cumali


1370 Chab Thomas ▲ M30-34

1371 Chavero Marron

Pablo M30-34

1372 Cifre Pons Marti M30-34

1373 Cirer Enseñat Bartomeu ▲ M30-34

1374 Clarke John M30-34

1375 Cobb Stuart M30-34

1376 Cole Darren ▲ M30-34

1377 Collier John M30-34

1378 Colón Bolea Ignacio M30-34

1379 Conlon Alan ▲ M30-34

1380 Contestí Jaime M30-34

1381 Coulloudon Francois M30-34

1382 Covas Mar-torell

Marc M30-34

1383 Crispi Crispi Gonzalo M30-34

1384 Cross Louis M30-34

1385 Curtis Patrick M30-34

1386 Dailey Tom M30-34

1387 Damman Jordan M30-34

1388 Daniels Lex M30-34

1389 Davies Jonathan M30-34

1390 Davis Michael M30-34

1391 De Koning Jurrien M30-34

1392 Debbagh Youssef M30-34

1393 Dekkers Jaap M30-34

1394 Deufel Patrick M30-34

1395 Di Bella Yuri M30-34

1396 Di Salvo Federico M30-34

1397 Dingemans Jeroen M30-34

1398 Dix Christopher M30-34

1399 Dolera Losada Daniel M30-34

1400 Domingo Luis Toni M30-34

1401 Donatelli Anthony M30-34

1402 Duran Lliteras Joan M30-34

1403 Edwards Alex M30-34

1404 Ekblad Andreas ▲ M30-34

1405 El Haddad Ayman ▲ M30-34

1406 Elmenjra M’Hamed M30-34

1407 Elsborg Henning ▲ M30-34

1408 Erikssen André M30-34

1409 Fässler Thomas M30-34

1459 Hicks Dave M30-34

1460 Hilton Vidal Simon M30-34

1461 Hristodorov Dmitrij M30-34

1462 Huber Kevin M30-34

1463 Hussmanns Anselm M30-34

1464 Hwaidak Karim ▲ M30-34

1465 Jandl Jan M30-34

1466 Jansen Matthieu M30-34

1467 Jansen Dennis M30-34

1468 Jasarevic Jusmir M30-34

1469 Jaume Pla Joan M30-34

1470 Jenkins Alex ▲ M30-34

1471 Karpushkin Stanislav M30-34

1472 Kharchenko Anton ▲ M30-34

1473 Klink Sørensen Jonas M30-34

1474 Knight Mark ▲ M30-34

1475 Kobelt Rolf M30-34

1476 Koch Martin M30-34

1477 Köhler Stefan M30-34

1478 Kolbeinsen Jarle M30-34

1479 Kost Marian M30-34

1480 Kostanski Andrzej M30-34

1481 Kristiansen Morten M30-34

1482 Kritzinger Adrian M30-34

1483 Kunz Yannick M30-34

1484 Küster Christoph M30-34

1485 Kutanin Ivan M30-34

1486 Laguarda Bori Vicent M30-34

1487 Latus Willam M30-34

1488 Lebbal Yohan M30-34

1489 Lema Garcia Manuel M30-34

1490 Leonard Steven ▲ M30-34

1491 Lewer Ashley M30-34

1492 Liedmann Philipp ▲ M30-34

1493 Linge Fredrik M30-34

1494 Linskens Gareth ▲ M30-34

1495 Llinàs Pascual Toni M30-34

1496 Lockhart James ▲ M30-34

1497 Lopez Javier M30-34

1498 López Hernán-dez

Javier M30-34

1499 Lopez Sanchez Jose Angel M30-34

1500 Lopez Soliva Jaime M30-34

1501 Lötscher Patrick M30-34

1502 Loudghiri Reda ▲ M30-34

1503 Luengo Capilla Miguel Angel M30-34

1504 Lyulko Yaroslav M30-34

1505 Maas Philip M30-34

1506 Macchi Giuliano ▲ M30-34

1507 Mackman Rob M30-34

1508 Mair Stuart M30-34

1509 Mansell Richard M30-34

1510 Mantecón Juan M30-34

1511 Manzo Generoso M30-34

1512 Marques Pascual

Mateu M30-34

1513 Martin Ricardo M30-34

1514 Martinsson Staffan ▲ M30-34

1515 Marx Daniel M30-34

1516 Massanet Xavier ▲ M30-34

1517 Massimino Joaquín M30-34

1518 Matz David M30-34

1519 Mcdonnell John ▲ M30-34

1520 Mcglashan Tom M30-34

1521 Meehan Paul M30-34

1522 Melero Soler Xavier M30-34

1523 Melin Anton M30-34

1524 Melnikov Stas M30-34

1525 Mertz Ben M30-34

1526 Meyer Bjoern M30-34

1527 Mezzetti Alessandro M30-34

1528 Migliavacca Marco ▲ M30-34

1529 Miller Paul M30-34

1530 Mills Leo M30-34

1531 Molge Ludwig M30-34

1532 Moll Rexach Sergio M30-34

1533 Montalban Kerleaux

Etienne M30-34

1534 Moore David M30-34

1535 Moro Ignacio M30-34

1536 Morro Sans Joan M30-34

1537 Moyà Comas Jaume M30-34

1538 Mulligan Eoin M30-34

1539 Nick Christian M30-34

1540 Nigorra Mar-torell

Guillem ▲ M30-34

1541 Nin Dalmau Alex M30-34

1542 Nosarev Dmitrii M30-34

1543 Nyman Oscar M30-34

1544 Nyman Gustav M30-34

1545 Obetko Martin M30-34

1546 Oeen Anders M30-34

1547 Oelschlägel André M30-34

1548 Ojeda Arcas Alfonso M30-34

1549 Ordines Joan Jaume M30-34

1550 Ormerod Robert M30-34

1551 Oscoz Ignacio Liz-arraga


1552 Ouwerling Michael M30-34

1553 Palmieri Simone ▲ M30-34

1554 Papadopoulos Alex ▲ M30-34

1555 Patten Jay M30-34

1556 Pavlovskiy Valeriy M30-34

1557 Pedersen Jan Christer M30-34

1558 Peña Salcedo Jose Antonio M30-34

1559 Perez Borja M30-34

1410 Feijoo Casas Carlos M30-34

1411 Fernandez Artigues

Marc ▲ M30-34

1412 Ferra Cristian ▲ M30-34

1413 Ferraro Simone M30-34

1414 Fitzgerald Daire M30-34

1415 Folkstrand Kristoffer M30-34

1416 Forster Mathieu M30-34

1417 Fort Loic M30-34

1418 Fortune Matt M30-34

1419 Frau Roca Fernando ▲ M30-34

1420 Freeman James M30-34

1421 Friedrich Jens ▲ M30-34

1422 Furman Semen M30-34

1423 Gabal Luboslav M30-34

1424 Galdeano Escalonilla

Raul M30-34

1425 Gamperl Thomas ▲ M30-34

1426 Garau Guzman Javier M30-34

1427 Garcia Alamar Jose M30-34

1428 Garcia Juarez Jose Manuel M30-34

1429 Garcia Romero Clemente M30-34

1430 Gillner Marius M30-34

1431 Godø Vegard M30-34

1432 Gomez Noceda Alex M30-34

1433 González Bennásar

Jose Adrián ▲ M30-34

1434 Gonzalez Diaz Juan Angel ▲ M30-34

1435 González-Ser-rano

Pablo Cazorla M30-34

1436 Granell Peris Alvaro M30-34

1437 Grant Conor ▲ M30-34

1438 Gret Richard M30-34

1439 Grigoletti Daniele M30-34

1440 Grini Knut Steinar ▲ M30-34

1441 Grossmann Joe M30-34

1442 Gryaznov Evgeny ▲ M30-34

1443 Guessous Mhamed M30-34

1444 Guhl Torben M30-34

1445 Gully Jason M30-34

1446 Haack Rickard M30-34

1447 Hafslund Georg M30-34

1448 Hampton Mark M30-34

1449 Hanford Alun M30-34

1450 Hansen Ulrik M30-34

1451 Harder Florian M30-34

1452 Hargreaves Alistair M30-34

1453 Hartog Alex M30-34

1454 Hayes Steven M30-34

1455 Heijnesson Johan M30-34

1456 Hermansson Björn M30-34

1457 Herrmann Frank M30-34

1458 Hetkamp Fabian M30-34

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00:00:48 00:00:49

1560 Persano Giorgio M30-34

1561 Pilling Christopher M30-34

1562 Placencia Alberto M30-34

1563 Planiol Bassa Javier M30-34

1564 Pomar Pons Joan M30-34

1565 Pons Alemany Mateo M30-34

1566 Prada Jon M30-34

1567 Prats Mira Alejandro M30-34

1568 Prins Tom M30-34

1569 Pujol Miquel ▲ M30-34

1570 Raavand Andreas M30-34

1571 Rainey Steven M30-34

1572 Rasmussen Kasper Høj M30-34

1573 Real Vicens Gaspar ▲ M30-34

1574 Real Vicens Bernat ▲ M30-34

1575 Refdahl Thomas M30-34

1576 Reichert Christian M30-34

1577 Reilly Jonathan M30-34

1578 Reinholt Trevor M30-34

1579 Reisert Maximilian ▲ M30-34

1580 Remmen Jesper M30-34

1581 Remoy Tommy Eggesbo


1582 Reus Alvarez Miquel Angel ▲ M30-34

1583 Rieseberg Felix M30-34

1584 Rijkens Adriaan M30-34

1585 Roder Yri Barren

Borja M30-34

1586 Roldos Madrid Javier M30-34

1587 Röser Matthias M30-34

1588 Rossi Lamrani Riduan M30-34

1589 Rossi Lamrani Mfeddal M30-34

1590 Røthe Richard Hausken

▲ M30-34

1591 Ruiz Ivan M30-34

1592 Ruiz Molina Daniel M30-34

1593 Ruiz-Alba Rafael M30-34

1594 Rychly Libor M30-34

1595 Saigh Youssef M30-34

1596 Samuel Craig M30-34

1597 Sanchez Alvarez

Fernando M30-34

1598 Sanchez Fernandez

Ruben ▲ M30-34

1599 Sanchez Hernandez

Antonio Miguel M30-34

1600 Sanchez Santos

Juan ▲ M30-34

1601 Sanderson William M30-34

1602 Sanz Arni M30-34

1603 Sarasola Arrubarrena

Erik M30-34

1604 Sartorio Saulo M30-34

1605 Sauvet Maxime M30-34

1606 Schlumpf Michael M30-34

1607 Scowcroft Mark M30-34

1608 Sen Nicholas M30-34

1609 Setti Riccardo ▲ M30-34

1610 Severn John M30-34

1611 Shaw Hamish ▲ M30-34

1612 Shchedrin Alexey M30-34

1613 Shenton Miles M30-34

1614 Siekaup Malte M30-34

1615 Simecek Eric M30-34

1616 Simonetti Vincent M30-34

1617 Smirnov Alexander M30-34

1618 Storchenegger Dani M30-34

1619 Streit Nicolai M30-34

1620 Subotenko Ihor M30-34

1621 Sunburk Jonathan M30-34

1622 Sventy Radek M30-34

1623 Swane Albert M30-34

1624 Sweebroek Ivan M30-34

1625 Syse Christoffer M30-34

1626 Talbot Charlie M30-34

1627 Telford Carl M30-34

1628 Terranova Alessandro M30-34

1629 Terwagne Matthieu M30-34

1630 Thomas Ronan M30-34

1631 Thomas Nick M30-34

1632 Timmermans Ruben M30-34

1633 Tomas Ge-labert

Josep M30-34

1634 Trincado Ocejo Luis M30-34

1635 Trost Stefan M30-34

1636 Turbaba Valerii M30-34

1637 Turner Richard M30-34

1638 Ulfig Patrick M30-34

1639 Utiger Christoph M30-34

1640 Uythoven Christiaan M30-34

1641 Valle Javier M30-34

1642 Van Londersele Sven ▲ M30-34

1643 Van Nimwegen Sebastiaan M30-34

1644 Van Vliet Robert M30-34

1645 Veeken Mart M30-34

1646 Veinauer Andreas M30-34

1647 Vetter Marco M30-34

1648 Vidal Pomar Sebastian ▲ M30-34

1649 Viña Fernandez De Los Muros

Alvaro M30-34

1650 Viveros Guzman

Julian ▲ M30-34

1651 Viveros Guzmán

Sergio M30-34

1652 Vollerup Morten M30-34

1653 Vossfaenger Friedrich M30-34

1654 Vuylsteke Steven M30-34

1655 Wallace Stuart M30-34

1656 Warkentin Johann M30-34

1657 Wegner Ryan M30-34

1658 Werner Pascal M30-34

1659 Wheeler Mike M30-34

1660 Whitcombe Christopher M30-34

1661 Wibe Thomas M30-34

1662 Widmer Frédéric M30-34

1663 Wieczorek Radoslaw M30-34

1664 Winkler Moritz M30-34

1665 Witvliet Mart M30-34

1666 Woodhouse Bradley M30-34

1667 Załuski Kajetan M30-34

1668 Zeijlemaker Sjoerd M30-34

1669 Zemlianskii Aleksandr ▲ M30-34

1670 Zimmermann Chris ▲ M30-34

1671 Zymbytskyi Ivan M30-34

1672 Abou-Khadour Montaño

Yahya M35-39

1673 Adler Christian M35-39

1674 Adorjan Jochen ▲ M35-39

1675 Albiol Bernal Ner M35-39

1676 Alcaide Jimenez

Daniel M35-39

1677 Alder Jörn M35-39

1678 Alemany Jaime Nicolas M35-39

1679 Allering Martin M35-39

1680 Ambré Joel M35-39

1681 Angus Gregor M35-39

1682 Arbona Oliver Juan M35-39

1683 Arcas Rodri-guez

Carlos M35-39

1684 Arnau Paco M35-39

1685 Ashall Chris M35-39

1686 Ashtiani Pouya ▲ M35-39

1687 Baiou Djalil M35-39

1688 Barthel Jens M35-39

1689 Bartz Mathias M35-39

1690 Batle Fuster Sebastián M35-39

1691 Battaglia Enrico ▲ M35-39

1692 Baur Benjamin M35-39

1693 Bauzá Andreu Antonio M35-39

1694 Baykov Oleg M35-39

1695 Bell Chris ▲ M35-39

1696 Belrhiti Smiyet M35-39

1697 Bennasar Esteva

Miquel M35-39

1698 Betts Johnny M35-39

1699 Bianchi Alessandro ▲ M35-39

1700 Bird Aaron M35-39

1701 Blitzner Andreas M35-39

1751 De Rycke Christopher ▲ M35-39

1752 De Schepper Philip M35-39

1753 De Schuymer Dieter M35-39

1754 De Warrimont Serge M35-39

1755 Delalande Arnaud M35-39

1756 Di Rocco Daniele M35-39

1757 Dias Trevor M35-39

1758 Diaz Mesquida Elias M35-39

1759 Dickinson Phil M35-39

1760 Dobrosielski Grzegorz M35-39

1761 Dr. Kower Oliver M35-39

1762 Dürler Stefan M35-39

1763 Eekhof Hans M35-39

1764 Egea Falomir Antonio M35-39

1765 Eggimann Mario M35-39

1766 Eiraky Adham ▲ M35-39

1767 El Guindi Amr ▲ M35-39

1768 El-Maghraby Ahmed M35-39

1769 Elmsted Bjørn M35-39

1770 Engler Heiko M35-39

1771 Esmeijer Niels ▲ M35-39

1772 Estellés Escpuch

Hermelando M35-39

1773 Estl Carsten M35-39

1774 Eugène Pierre M35-39

1775 Faase Tim M35-39

1776 Fabié Vincent ▲ M35-39

1777 Farrugia Sean M35-39

1778 Fenske Markus M35-39

1779 Fernández Ballabriga

José Ramon M35-39

1780 Fernandez Losa

Manuel Jesus ▲ M35-39

1781 Fernández Millà

Noel M35-39

1782 Fernández Rodríguez

Arturo M35-39

1783 Fernandez Strengelsrud

Daniel M35-39

1784 Feven Bobby M35-39

1785 Fischer Jan M35-39

1786 Flintoft David M35-39

1787 Foks Benjamin M35-39

1788 Fontes Alfonso M35-39

1789 Forsgren Peter ▲ M35-39

1790 Fraczek Piotr M35-39

1791 Franca Luiz M35-39

1792 Fuguet Moix Marc M35-39

1793 Furzer Stuart M35-39

1794 Gabriel Nicolas M35-39

1795 Gaetano Torrisi Andrea ▲ M35-39

1796 Galan Carlos M35-39

1797 Galimberti Claudio M35-39

1798 Gallimore Gavin M35-39

1799 Garcia Abelenda

Jose Pablo M35-39

1800 Garcia Marin Abraham M35-39

1801 Gargiulo Daniel M35-39

1802 Gastaka Unzaga

Asier M35-39

1803 Gauduchon Yann M35-39

1804 Gavin Kruk M35-39

1805 Gazaliev Khadzhimurat M35-39

1806 Gelabert Miquel Angel M35-39

1807 Geraghty Paul M35-39

1808 Gillon David M35-39

1809 Girard Arnaud M35-39

1810 Gittins Mark M35-39

1811 Giubilato Emmanuel M35-39

1812 Goldhammer Lars M35-39

1813 Gomes Antonio M35-39

1814 Gómez Sierra David M35-39

1815 Gorozhankin Andrey M35-39

1816 Goulbourne Michael M35-39

1817 Grant Douglas M35-39

1818 Grimm Stefan M35-39

1819 Groenenboom Merijn M35-39

1820 Gual Joan M35-39

1821 Gual Crespí Sebastià M35-39

1822 Guertler Erik M35-39

1823 Guertler Leif M35-39

1824 Gustafsson Frederik ▲ M35-39

1825 Hamblin Daniel M35-39

1826 Hammond Ian M35-39

1827 Hansson Andreas M35-39

1828 Harris Jens M35-39

1829 Hartman Patrycjusz M35-39

1830 Harvey Joe M35-39

1831 Harvey David M35-39

1832 Hattie Graeme M35-39

1833 Hauenherm Gerrit M35-39

1834 Haydon David M35-39

1835 Hellmark Marcus M35-39

1836 Hepburn Gerard M35-39

1837 Hernandez Cerdà

Pedro Mateu M35-39

1838 Herreros Garcia Francisco M35-39

1839 Hervas Rodri-guez

Antonio Manuel M35-39

1840 Hjertström Martin ▲ M35-39

1841 Holland Leigh M35-39

1842 Howell Dave M35-39

1843 Huerta Rodri-guez

Samuel M35-39

1844 Huggett Nick M35-39

1845 Hughes Edward M35-39

1702 Bonnín Hernández

David M35-39

1703 Boronat Xavi M35-39

1704 Borras Abrinas Jose Miguel M35-39

1705 Bosch Ramis Miguel Fer-nando


1706 Bou Domenech Bernat M35-39

1707 Brandt-Jør-gensen

Niels M35-39

1708 Brassel Jörg ▲ M35-39

1709 Brassey Hugo M35-39

1710 Braun Michel M35-39

1711 Browne Daniel M35-39

1712 Bruhin Marco M35-39

1713 Brunet Nicolau Pedro M35-39

1714 Buckenham Lindsay M35-39

1715 Buckley Andrew M35-39

1716 Bunting Henry M35-39

1717 Bychkov Aleksander M35-39

1718 Cabrer Vila Miquel ▲ M35-39

1719 Calafell Barceló Sebastian M35-39

1720 Canning Robin M35-39

1721 Capó Payeras Miquel M35-39

1722 Carrozza Alessio ▲ M35-39

1723 Casasnovas Rullan

Victor M35-39

1724 Cervilla Aguilar Antonio M35-39

1725 Chalmers Wesley M35-39

1726 Cherrington Paul M35-39

1727 Cheskidov Maxim M35-39

1728 Claes Maarten M35-39

1729 Clarke Brendan M35-39

1730 Clatworthy Steven ▲ M35-39

1731 Clausell Patrick M35-39

1732 Clement David M35-39

1733 Coenen Dominik M35-39

1734 Coldeweijer Bart M35-39

1735 Coleman Philip M35-39

1736 Collins Neil M35-39

1737 Colom Cario Fernando M35-39

1738 Cook David M35-39

1739 Cook Matt M35-39

1740 Cunningham Scotty M35-39

1741 Curran Steven M35-39

1742 Dambri Sheeran M35-39

1743 Daniez Benoit M35-39

1744 Davies Scott M35-39

1745 Davis Adam M35-39

1746 De Blasi Pierpaolo ▲ M35-39

1747 De Koning Dimitri M35-39

1748 De Lille Jesse M35-39

1749 De Meersman Thibaut M35-39

1750 De Meyer Patrick M35-39

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00:00:50 00:00:51

1846 Humnig Bernhard ▲ M35-39

1847 Humnig Oliver ▲ M35-39

1848 Huvenne Laurent M35-39

1849 Iacorossi Fabrizio M35-39

1850 Ibanez David M35-39

1851 Idkowiak Lukas M35-39

1852 Ismagilov Ilnar ▲ M35-39

1853 Jansen Rogier M35-39

1854 Jencquel Moritz M35-39

1855 Jensch Carsten M35-39

1856 Jensen Tonny ▲ M35-39

1857 Johnstone Ben M35-39

1858 Kanne Axel ▲ M35-39

1859 Kennedy Patrick M35-39

1860 Khadikov Dmitrii M35-39

1861 Kildelund Kasper ▲ M35-39

1862 Kindblad Lars-Erik M35-39

1863 Kiriiak Viktor M35-39

1864 Kjellin Urban ▲ M35-39

1865 Klier Jens M35-39

1866 Klinkenberg Jasper M35-39

1867 Kostiuk Torben M35-39

1868 Kotilainen Eero M35-39

1869 Kovyazin Vasily M35-39

1870 Kowalski Lukasz M35-39

1871 Kozulin Maksim ▲ M35-39

1872 Kristiansen Michael M35-39

1873 Kronenberg Sascha M35-39

1874 Kruckenberg Niko M35-39

1875 Kruglov Sergey M35-39

1876 Krummel Gunnar M35-39

1877 Kudlinski Jakob ▲ M35-39

1878 Laguarda Bori Rubén M35-39

1879 Laidlaw-Wilson Geraint M35-39

1880 Landolt Oliver M35-39

1881 Lane Ian M35-39

1882 Laporte Nicolas M35-39

1883 Lauryssen Geert M35-39

1884 Leadbeater Rhiwallon ▲ M35-39

1885 Leva Martinez Rafael M35-39

1886 Llopis Ignacio M35-39

1887 Loderer Christian ▲ M35-39

1888 Lonergan Neil M35-39

1889 Lopez Coll Andres ▲ M35-39

1890 Luna Pablo M35-39

1891 Lyons Sean M35-39

1892 Maghini Marco ▲ M35-39

1893 Mahe Gregoire ▲ M35-39

1894 Maier Anatoli M35-39

1895 Makarov Pavel ▲ M35-39

1896 Mander Tobias M35-39

1897 Mansfield Grant M35-39

1898 Marin Grau Antonio ▲ M35-39

1899 Marin Rico Ruben M35-39

1900 Martín Rodrí-guez

David M35-39

1901 Martínez Jose M35-39

1902 Martorell Sanso

Miquel ▲ M35-39

1903 Mateu Soro José Enrique M35-39

1904 Mattes Robert M35-39

1905 Matthews Lee M35-39

1906 Matthias Richard ▲ M35-39

1907 Mauger Julien M35-39

1908 Mc Crory Conor ▲ M35-39

1909 Mccague James M35-39

1910 Mckay Graeme M35-39

1911 Mctavish Doug ▲ M35-39

1912 Melucci Christian M35-39

1913 Mesquida Galmés

Gaspar ▲ M35-39

1914 Message Chad M35-39

1915 Mohler Roman M35-39

1916 Montalva Mas Carlos M35-39

1917 Moskovsky Vyaheslav ▲ M35-39

1918 Moxon Christian ▲ M35-39

1919 Muntanola Luis M35-39

1920 Muravykh Denis M35-39

1921 Murphy Philip M35-39

1922 Murphy Gerard M35-39

1923 Muttoni Massimo M35-39

1924 Navarro Rodriguez

Llorenç M35-39

1925 Nemchenko Serg M35-39

1926 Nowak Szymon M35-39

1927 O Connell Bernard ▲ M35-39

1928 O’Reilly Niall ▲ M35-39

1929 Østevik Vegar M35-39

1930 Özdemir Atalay M35-39

1931 Paddon David M35-39

1932 Paixao Cer-queira

Lindicei M35-39

1933 Paling Grant M35-39

1934 Paniagua Diaz Luis M35-39

1935 Patel Kamlesh ▲ M35-39

1936 Patterson Pascal M35-39

1937 Pattij Joel M35-39

1938 Payeras Moragues

Toni M35-39

1939 Payne Michael M35-39

1940 Pearson Jamie M35-39

1941 Peart Craig ▲ M35-39

1942 Pedroni Nicola M35-39

1943 Peischl Markus ▲ M35-39

1944 Perchthaler Stefan M35-39

1945 Perello Bisañez Jeroni M35-39

1946 Perelló Sancho Mateu M35-39

1947 Perez Oscar M35-39

1948 Pérez Reyes David M35-39

1949 Phillips Mark M35-39

1950 Phillips Adam M35-39

1951 Plaksin Artem M35-39

1952 Pollok Mark M35-39

1953 Poort Robbert M35-39

1954 Puche Ginard Alfonso ▲ M35-39

1955 Ques Bisbal Toni M35-39

1956 Ragner Martin M35-39

1957 Ramis Miguel Josep M35-39

1958 Rasmussen Morten Daniel M35-39

1959 Reddehase Alexander ▲ M35-39

1960 Reinbold Sven M35-39

1961 Requena García

Alejandro M35-39

1962 Reus Mestre Miguel Angel M35-39

1963 Rian Torrens Jaume M35-39

1964 Rigo Binimelis Sebastià M35-39

1965 Rigo Gomez Juanjo M35-39

1966 Rival Thomas ▲ M35-39

1967 Rivoltella Jacopo M35-39

1968 Roca Toni M35-39

1969 Rodriguez Cuesta

Miguel Ángel M35-39

1970 Rodriguez Fortes

Miguel M35-39

1971 Rodriguez Lopez

Antonio M35-39

1972 Ros Matias M35-39

1973 Ros Amor Uri M35-39

1974 Rubio-Palau Josep M35-39

1975 Ruf Fabian ▲ M35-39

1976 Rust Colin ▲ M35-39

1977 Sánchez Mares Jorge M35-39

1978 Sans Christoph M35-39

1979 Sappa Christian M35-39

1980 Schaefer Andreas M35-39

1981 Schep Cees M35-39

1982 Schirmer Dan Nico M35-39

1983 Schjølberg Henrik M35-39

1984 Schmidt Danny M35-39

1985 Schulz Matthias M35-39

1986 Schulze Jan M35-39

1987 Schunack Daniel ▲ M35-39

1988 Scolaro Roberto ▲ M35-39

1989 Scott Alan ▲ M35-39

1990 Scourfield Mike M35-39

1991 Serpelloni Ugo M35-39

1992 Shafto Ainslee M35-39

1993 Shmelev Alexander ▲ M35-39

1994 Shoebridge Grant ▲ M35-39

2047 Villalonga Tortella

Vicenç B M35-39

2048 Viniegra Escanero

Jose Enrique M35-39

2049 Wächter Alexander M35-39

2050 Walker-Rob-ertson

John M35-39

2051 Wang Xing M35-39

2052 Wasilewski Bartosz M35-39

2053 Watts Gavin M35-39

2054 Waugh Neil ▲ M35-39

2055 Webb Bill M35-39

2056 Wedekin Daniel M35-39

2057 Weigert Tobias M35-39

2058 Weigl Tobias M35-39

2059 Weihsinger Bernhard M35-39

2060 Wetzel Sebastian ▲ M35-39

2061 Wicovsky Markus M35-39

2062 Williams Chris M35-39

2063 Wilson Daniel M35-39

2064 Woolgar Adam ▲ M35-39

2065 Wright Chris ▲ M35-39

2066 Zahumensky Martin M35-39

2067 Zechmann Gunther M35-39

2068 Zuffetti Andrea ▲ M35-39

2069 Abdel Moneim Mohamed ▲ M40-44

2070 Abou Rahal Farouk M40-44

2071 Acosta Barrera Iñaki M40-44

2072 Acosta Julià Xavi M40-44

2073 Adan Lopez Ismael M40-44

2074 Aguiló De Cáceres Planas

Xim M40-44

2075 Ainscough William M40-44

2076 Alda Sascha M40-44

2077 Allen Matthew M40-44

2078 Almagro Herrera

Francisco Javier M40-44

2079 Almazán Palomino

José Luis M40-44

2080 Almela Camañas

Sergio M40-44

2081 Alou Lorenzo ▲ M40-44

2082 Amengual Montes

Rafael M40-44

2083 Andrewitz Maik M40-44

2084 Aran Garcia Antonio ▲ M40-44

2085 Arellano Moreno

Miguel Angel M40-44

2086 Arndt Henning ▲ M40-44

2087 Arrarte Jon M40-44

2088 Arumugum Jaysen M40-44

2089 Atkin Ben M40-44

2090 Baldazzi Riccardo M40-44

2091 Barker Simon M40-44

2092 Barnes Ian M40-44

2093 Barriere Nicolas M40-44

2094 Barton James M40-44

2095 Beattie Roger M40-44

2096 Bengtsson Per M40-44

2097 Bennasar Cerda

Tomeu M40-44

2098 Berlendis Diego M40-44

2099 Bertan Selcuk M40-44

2100 Beukel Jakob M40-44

2101 Biz Michael M40-44

2102 Bjornsson Gudmundur M40-44

2103 Bland Simon M40-44

2104 Bland James M40-44

2105 Blood Jason M40-44

2106 Bodin Frédéric M40-44

2107 Boe Carsten ▲ M40-44

2108 Boekel Piet Hein M40-44

2109 Boffa Davide ▲ M40-44

2110 Bokneberg Gunnar M40-44

2111 Bordignon Nicola ▲ M40-44

2112 Borgersen Emil Hjemli M40-44

2113 Bornhoff Felix M40-44

2114 Brabant Denis M40-44

2115 Bradley Richard M40-44

2116 Bramsen Poul Erik ▲ M40-44

2117 Brayshaw Paul M40-44

2118 Briers David M40-44

2119 Broadley Neil M40-44

2120 Brook Giles M40-44

2121 Buckley Patrick M40-44

2122 Buendia Aragall

Josep Maria M40-44

2123 Buitelaar Herman Peter M40-44

2124 Burger Marius M40-44

2125 Busies Heiko M40-44

2126 Cadh Graham M40-44

2127 Caistor Phil M40-44

2128 Campassi Nicola M40-44

2129 Camporesi Andrea M40-44

2130 Cantin Jose Luis M40-44

2131 Caparrós Palomo

Pedro ▲ M40-44

2132 Capelli Lorenzo ▲ M40-44

2133 Carruesco Isra M40-44

2134 Cavill John M40-44

2135 Cherrington Adam M40-44

2136 Cherrington Kurt M40-44

2137 Cheskidov Alexey M40-44

2138 Chignard Hugues M40-44

2139 Choukeir Mo M40-44

2140 Chyrikins Martin M40-44

2141 Cifre Riera Sebastián M40-44

1995 Siemon Dirk M35-39

1996 Siljebrandt Marc M35-39

1997 Silva Paulo M35-39

1998 Skovgren Danny M35-39

1999 Slepov Ilya M35-39

2000 Sliwinski Christian M35-39

2001 Smirnov Andrey M35-39

2002 Smulders Anne M35-39

2003 Soler Lopez Jordi M35-39

2004 Soralahti Juha M35-39

2005 Speers Chris M35-39

2006 Sperber Rasmus M35-39

2007 Staake Phillip M35-39

2008 Standen Philip M35-39

2009 Steinhardt Holger M35-39

2010 Stevens Nicholas M35-39

2011 Stevenson Charles ▲ M35-39

2012 Störzer Christian M35-39

2013 Straach Stefan M35-39

2014 Stuart Ben M35-39

2015 Suvaal Hidde M35-39

2016 Sykes Aaron ▲ M35-39

2017 Tanti Michael M35-39

2018 Tenenti Claudio M35-39

2019 Terazza Paolo M35-39

2020 Thomas Ant M35-39

2021 Thordarson Haraldur M35-39

2022 Tomkins Sam ▲ M35-39

2023 Torp-Hansen Dag M35-39

2024 Traversari Walter M35-39

2025 Trierweiler Charel ▲ M35-39

2026 Trigo Agustin M35-39

2027 Trzaskowski Daniel M35-39

2028 Twinning Geoff M35-39

2029 Uhl Stefan M35-39

2030 Urban Alexander M35-39

2031 Valeev Marat M35-39

2032 Van Den Heuvel

Stefan M35-39

2033 Van Der Donck Roel M35-39

2034 Van Genechten Maarten M35-39

2035 Van Tongerlo Emiel M35-39

2036 Van Zyl Fj M35-39

2037 Vanhouteghem Bert M35-39

2038 Vega Joan M35-39

2039 Veillard Nicolas M35-39

2040 Vermeulen Maarten M35-39

2041 Vidal Riera Joan M35-39

2042 Vidonne Cedric M35-39

2043 Vila Panadero Juan Martín M35-39

2044 Vilarihno Tiago M35-39

2045 Vilchez Rafael M35-39

2046 Villa Daniel M35-39

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00:00:52 00:00:53

2142 Claramunt Codina

Enric M40-44

2143 Collingbourne Jim ▲ M40-44

2144 Consuegra David M40-44

2145 Corral Santy M40-44

2146 Cosgrove Neil M40-44

2147 Cosson Francky M40-44

2148 Cousins Christian M40-44

2149 Cowley Nick M40-44

2150 Cracknell Steven M40-44

2151 Crane Brian M40-44

2152 Cutler John M40-44

2153 Dahlsrud Thomas M40-44

2154 David Bersot M40-44

2155 Davies Andrew M40-44

2156 Davies Matthew M40-44

2157 De Blas Garcia Eduardo M40-44

2158 De Olives Lago Sergio M40-44

2159 Dechant Dirk ▲ M40-44

2160 Decio Benjamin M40-44

2161 Delefolly Benoît M40-44

2162 Denis Marquez Gerardo M40-44

2163 Denkers Oliver M40-44

2164 Denoual Ronan M40-44

2165 Di Tommaso Daniele M40-44

2166 Distefano Marcello M40-44

2167 Dolezilek Torsten M40-44

2168 Domine Jörn ▲ M40-44

2169 Dragan Mircea M40-44

2170 Dugas Branislav M40-44

2171 Dvash Amos M40-44

2172 Ektörne Kalle ▲ M40-44

2173 El-Gammal Tarek ▲ M40-44

2174 Elguindy Mohamed ▲ M40-44

2175 Eliassen Ketil M40-44

2176 Elrod Benjamin M40-44

2177 Ennis Tom ▲ M40-44

2178 Escarrer Carlos M40-44

2179 Espinosa Gonzalez

Mgiuel M40-44

2180 Estl Chris M40-44

2181 Fabra Borrego Roberto ▲ M40-44

2182 Favre David M40-44

2183 Favrelle Franck M40-44

2184 Fehr Thomas ▲ M40-44

2185 Fernández Benito

Roberto M40-44

2186 Fernandez Caraballo

Jesus M40-44

2187 Fernandez Carro

Oscar M40-44

2188 Fernández Casado

Asier M40-44

2189 Ferrato Davide ▲ M40-44

2190 Ferrer Camps José Félix M40-44

2191 Ferrer Gómez Benito M40-44

2192 Fiebekorn Jan ▲ M40-44

2193 Filonenko Aleksandr M40-44

2194 Fiol Ramón Juan Carlos M40-44

2195 Fletcher Brett ▲ M40-44

2196 Flor Jordi M40-44

2197 Fontner Marc M40-44

2198 Fortuny Quiroga

Fernando M40-44

2199 Fox David M40-44

2200 Fox-Pritchard Dan M40-44

2201 Frank Thorsten M40-44

2202 Franze Daniel M40-44

2203 Fraser-Cole Andrew M40-44

2204 Fromme Christian M40-44

2205 Fry James M40-44

2206 Fuentes José M40-44

2207 García Bustos Daniel M40-44

2208 Gasparetto Marco ▲ M40-44

2209 Geiger Bastien M40-44

2210 Gerber Gregg M40-44

2211 Giarratana Gabriele ▲ M40-44

2212 Gibson Ian ▲ M40-44

2213 Gibson Craig ▲ M40-44

2214 Gilli Michael M40-44

2215 Gillon Guy M40-44

2216 Giral Javier M40-44

2217 Girard Romain M40-44

2218 Gitelman Dmitiry ▲ M40-44

2219 Glanfield Tom M40-44

2220 Glave Timo M40-44

2221 Godoy Cristian M40-44

2222 Gómez Villarino

Alejandro M40-44

2223 Gomila Leandro M40-44

2224 Göppel Andreas M40-44

2225 Gost Juan Lorenzo M40-44

2226 Gray Andy ▲ M40-44

2227 Greczyło Adam M40-44

2228 Greedy Mark M40-44

2229 Greifenstein Frank M40-44

2230 Griffin Noel ▲ M40-44

2231 Grimmer Matthias M40-44

2232 Guarnieri Alberto M40-44

2233 Guzzo Calogero ▲ M40-44

2234 H.Hafiz Mohammed M40-44

2235 Haertelmeyer Cyril M40-44

2236 Hagen Magnus M40-44

2237 Haley Paul M40-44

2238 Hamdy Ahmed ▲ M40-44

2239 Hannes Paul M40-44

2240 Hansen Victor Leonhart Frisch


2241 Hatton Anthony ▲ M40-44

2242 Hauth Norbert M40-44

2243 Hedbaut Cyril M40-44

2244 Heine Michael M40-44

2245 Hellehaugen Reidar M40-44

2246 Hennessy Andrew M40-44

2247 Hernandez Oliver

Francisco M40-44

2248 Herweijer Jan M40-44

2249 Hill Christian M40-44

2250 Hodgson Warren M40-44

2251 Hoffmann Michael M40-44

2252 Holona Martin M40-44

2253 Hopkirk Christopher M40-44

2254 Hull Darren M40-44

2255 Hynes Andrew M40-44

2256 Ick Matthias M40-44

2257 Iglesias Ruiz Alvaro M40-44

2258 Jackson Richard M40-44

2259 Jean Olivier M40-44

2260 Joachim Benoit ▲ M40-44

2261 Jones Bradford M40-44

2262 Jones Mark M40-44

2263 Jones Paul M40-44

2264 Jones Darren M40-44

2265 Juan Lozano Sergio M40-44

2266 Juul-Andersen Jeppe ▲ M40-44

2267 Kasian Ihor M40-44

2268 Kavanagh Steven M40-44

2269 Kavanagh Kevin M40-44

2270 Kelly Gerard M40-44

2271 Kelly Pauric ▲ M40-44

2272 Kerr Stewart ▲ M40-44

2273 Killingmo Truls M40-44

2274 Kingdom Jason ▲ M40-44

2275 Kireev Alexei M40-44

2276 Kirk Martin Hjerrild M40-44

2277 Kirkwilson Edward M40-44

2278 Klenell Pontus M40-44

2279 Kodde Kees M40-44

2280 Koldal Frode M40-44

2281 Koller Nico M40-44

2282 Kölsch Sven M40-44

2283 Komierowski Lukasz M40-44

2284 Kopetzki Sven M40-44

2285 Kovanen Jarkko M40-44

2286 Kristof Robert M40-44

2287 Kröger Lars M40-44

2288 Krogsgaard Claus M40-44

2289 Kuijten Bart M40-44

2290 Kunz Korbinian M40-44

2338 Morina Sami M40-44

2339 Moyo Themba M40-44

2340 Mugica Briz Asier M40-44

2341 Munch Her-mansen

Simon M40-44

2342 Muntaner De Diego

Gorka M40-44

2343 Murray Richard M40-44

2344 Mutti Marco ▲ M40-44

2345 Naftali Matan M40-44

2346 Navas Luna Sergio M40-44

2347 Nefedov Dmitry M40-44

2348 Neilson Damian M40-44

2349 Niberon Sebastien M40-44

2350 Nibloe Stephen ▲ M40-44

2351 Nicholson Simon M40-44

2352 Nielsen Henrik Stegger M40-44

2353 Niemann Mirko M40-44

2354 Nieuwenhuizen Paul M40-44

2355 Nikodemski Maciej M40-44

2356 O Connell Declan ▲ M40-44

2357 Oguona Daryl M40-44

2358 Olsen Per ▲ M40-44

2359 Onischenko Vladislav M40-44

2360 Orlov Pavel M40-44

2361 Ozturk Ozhan ▲ M40-44

2362 Pacher Daniel M40-44

2363 Paiva Pablo Andrés M40-44

2364 Parker Mike ▲ M40-44

2365 Parra Zam-brana

José M40-44

2366 Perez Fernando M40-44

2367 Pérez Arias Nando M40-44

2368 Peters Kjell M40-44

2369 Petersson Mattis ▲ M40-44

2370 Philip Erik M40-44

2371 Pidal García Borja M40-44

2372 Pino Javier M40-44

2373 Plaza Mario ▲ M40-44

2374 Pol Martinez Guillem M40-44

2375 Ponsell Sans Tomeu M40-44

2376 Prats Mira José Antonio M40-44

2377 Price Gareth M40-44

2378 Prodinger Steffen M40-44

2379 Pyke Lee M40-44

2380 Rath Marco M40-44

2381 Rechsteiner Frank M40-44

2382 Reckeweg-Le-compte

David M40-44

2383 Reichhold Thomas M40-44

2384 Reus Augusto Daniel M40-44

2385 Reus Méndez Miguel M40-44

2386 Reynes Alvarez Juan M40-44

2387 Richards Robert M40-44

2388 Richardson Mark M40-44

2389 Riffel Marc M40-44

2390 Rio Marcos M40-44

2391 Roberts Jim M40-44

2392 Robin Frederic M40-44

2393 Robles Martínez

Javier M40-44

2394 Roderburg Kay M40-44

2395 Rodríguez Payeras

Manuel M40-44

2396 Roeloffs Dave M40-44

2397 Rohrer Yann M40-44

2398 Romero Julio M40-44

2399 Rossenbacker Tom M40-44

2400 Rossi Sebastiano M40-44

2401 Rossier Thomas M40-44

2402 Rösth Christer ▲ M40-44

2403 Ryder David M40-44

2404 Sadonig Jürgen ▲ M40-44

2405 Sampol Brazis Jaime M40-44

2406 Sastre Fiol Joan Albert M40-44

2407 Saurina Gómez Santiago M40-44

2408 Sayegh Elias M40-44

2409 Schell Patrick M40-44

2410 Schierbaum Matthias ▲ M40-44

2411 Schirmer Ando M40-44

2412 Schmidt Christoph M40-44

2413 Schmitz Serge M40-44

2414 Schoerkmaier Martin ▲ M40-44

2415 Schunck Christian M40-44

2416 Scothorn Matthew M40-44

2417 Scovazzo Roberto M40-44

2418 Segovia Galisteo

Albert M40-44

2419 Sellmann Björn M40-44

2420 Shamin Alexey ▲ M40-44

2421 Shapovalov Nikolay ▲ M40-44

2422 Shewen Martin M40-44

2423 Shunyaev Ilya ▲ M40-44

2424 Siedler Mike M40-44

2425 Sierra Senso Gabriel M40-44

2426 Simpson Alastair M40-44

2427 Singleton David M40-44

2428 Sjostrom Klas ▲ M40-44

2429 Skriver Kristian M40-44

2430 Smith Matthew M40-44

2431 Smith Ian M40-44

2432 Solombrino Alessandro ▲ M40-44

2433 Sommerfeld Daniel M40-44

2434 Sorgente Marco ▲ M40-44

2435 Spoelstra Daan M40-44

2436 Stafford Patrick M40-44

2291 Künzel Nico M40-44

2292 Lajmi Yassine M40-44

2293 Laurent Ryan M40-44

2294 Lawley Matt M40-44

2295 Lawley Edward M40-44

2296 Le Grange Paul M40-44

2297 Le Senne Perico M40-44

2298 Ledain Laurent M40-44

2299 Lehmann Jerome M40-44

2300 Lemsagued Yassine ▲ M40-44

2301 Ley Mike M40-44

2302 Llabres Torrente

Carlos M40-44

2303 Llompart Vallori

Jordi M40-44

2304 Lohrmann Marco M40-44

2305 Lopez Marti-nez-Picabia

Jorge M40-44

2306 Lopinski Gawel Bartosz M40-44

2307 Łopiński Radosław M40-44

2308 Lowder Chris M40-44

2309 Lyttel Steven M40-44

2310 Maersk Martin M40-44

2311 Mahlab Mohamed ▲ M40-44

2312 Mamedov Nasimi M40-44

2313 Manley David ▲ M40-44

2314 Mannion Adam M40-44

2315 Manns Will ▲ M40-44

2316 Marcigaglia Mattia M40-44

2317 Marelli Davide M40-44

2318 Marmuse François M40-44

2319 Martínez Casado

Toni M40-44

2320 Martinot Valery M40-44

2321 Mason Derek M40-44

2322 Mason Dan M40-44

2323 Massanet Batle

Jaume M40-44

2324 Masurat Dennis ▲ M40-44

2325 Matas Pericas Pau ▲ M40-44

2326 Matinez Gallego

Joaquin M40-44

2327 Mc Nally Mark M40-44

2328 Mccarthy Brian M40-44

2329 Meth Hendrik M40-44

2330 Meyer Gregor M40-44

2331 Mezzetti Alessio M40-44

2332 Michaelis Mark M40-44

2333 Michele Dompe Pier M40-44

2334 Mitchell Steve M40-44

2335 Moll Reynes Francisco M40-44

2336 Mora Rafa M40-44

2337 Mora Vallbona Jordi M40-44

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00:00:54 00:00:55

2437 Stanley Dane M40-44

2438 Stokholm Kim ▲ M40-44

2439 Stradmeijer Ewout M40-44

2440 Stramke Jens Andreas ▲ M40-44

2441 Studer Lukas M40-44

2442 Sureda Mas Xisco M40-44

2443 Taberne Barri Carles ▲ M40-44

2444 Tancredi Richard M40-44

2445 Taylor David M40-44

2446 Thomas William M40-44

2447 Torrijos Azores David ▲ M40-44

2448 Tovar Galmés Mateo M40-44

2449 Trzoslo Tomasz M40-44

2450 Tur Cabrera Pedro Andrés M40-44

2451 Turner Jeremy ▲ M40-44

2452 Tüylü Tolga ▲ M40-44

2453 Vale James ▲ M40-44

2454 Van Den Broek Sven M40-44

2455 Van Den Heuvel

Kristof M40-44

2456 Van Es Bram M40-44

2457 Van Reijn Mark M40-44

2458 Veall James M40-44

2459 Veenhuis Darren M40-44

2460 Vesentini Alberto M40-44

2461 Vestin Kim M40-44

2462 Vicente Delgado

Roberto M40-44

2463 Villa David M40-44

2464 Viver Darder Gaspar M40-44

2465 Viver Serra Pedro M40-44

2466 Vizueta Ruiz Tomas M40-44

2467 Vlasenko Konstantin ▲ M40-44

2468 Voigt Claas ▲ M40-44

2469 Von Andrey M40-44

2470 Westby-Nunn Richard ▲ M40-44

2471 Wharton James ▲ M40-44

2472 Wiken Johnny M40-44

2473 Wilhelms Marc M40-44

2474 Williams Mark M40-44

2475 Williams David M40-44

2476 Winand Christophe ▲ M40-44

2477 Winn Billy ▲ M40-44

2478 Wood Alexander M40-44

2479 Yates Mark M40-44

2480 Yucel Bora M40-44

2481 Zdort Pawel M40-44

2482 Zeitler Timo M40-44

2483 Zenzin Valeriy ▲ M40-44

2484 Zielinski Maciej M40-44

2485 Aabak Martin ▲ M45-49

2486 Abbas Karim ▲ M45-49

2487 Abdel Moneim Ashraf ▲ M45-49

2488 Achter Markus M45-49

2489 Agnello Emiliano M45-49

2490 Ahlberg Peter M45-49

2491 Alcoverro Figuerola

Miguel ▲ M45-49

2492 Alireza Yusuf M45-49

2493 Allika Perez Josu M45-49

2494 Amengual Guasp

Juan Antonio M45-49

2495 Anderson Richard M45-49

2496 Archer Paul M45-49

2497 Armour Brian M45-49

2498 Arnaud Begin ▲ M45-49

2499 Arnold Erik M45-49

2500 Åsén Peter ▲ M45-49

2501 Axelsen Allan M45-49

2502 Azzopardi Matt M45-49

2503 Bagur Trujillo Jaime M45-49

2504 Bailey Oli M45-49

2505 Baker Ian M45-49

2506 Barbarit Philippe ▲ M45-49

2507 Barclay Ian M45-49

2508 Barquero Zárate

José Manuel M45-49

2509 Baruel Poulsen Jakob M45-49

2510 Basilisco Andrea M45-49

2511 Bastien Xavier M45-49

2512 Baumann Thomas M45-49

2513 Baumgärtner Dieter M45-49

2514 Beavis Paul M45-49

2515 Beck Oliver ▲ M45-49

2516 Behrens Marko M45-49

2517 Bell Geoff M45-49

2518 Bell Malcolm M45-49

2519 Belski Maciej M45-49

2520 Benamou David M45-49

2521 Bennett David M45-49

2522 Bernat Alcover Jose M45-49

2523 Berns Frank M45-49

2524 Bicknell Simon M45-49

2525 Biervert Bernd ▲ M45-49

2526 Bischoff Michael M45-49

2527 Blick David M45-49

2528 Bogg Dylan M45-49

2529 Bohane Mike ▲ M45-49

2530 Bohane Martin ▲ M45-49

2531 Bordogna Andrea M45-49

2532 Borup Johnny M45-49

2533 Bover Suau Guillermo M45-49

2534 Brandsma Craig M45-49

2535 Bresseleers Wim ▲ M45-49

2536 Broadhead Neil M45-49

2537 Brocklesby Robert M45-49

2538 Burchill Matt M45-49

2539 Cabrer García Jaime M45-49

2540 Cabrera Rodríguez

Teno M45-49

2541 Campaner Mateu

Tolo M45-49

2542 Campos Pavon David M45-49

2543 Caporale Andrea M45-49

2544 Carbonell Alberti

Joan Pere M45-49

2545 Cardazzi Davide M45-49

2546 Cardona Bosch Andres M45-49

2547 Carey Michael M45-49

2548 Cario Alex M45-49

2549 Carlisle Chris M45-49

2550 Carpenter Roger M45-49

2551 Cavedaschi Darren M45-49

2552 Chesney David ▲ M45-49

2553 Christen Roger M45-49

2554 Chueca Fernando ▲ M45-49

2555 Chulia Blanco Esteban ▲ M45-49

2556 Ciscar Pepe M45-49

2557 Clarke Tim M45-49

2558 Cloquell Donado

Mateo M45-49

2559 Collet Sebastien ▲ M45-49

2560 Coltro Gianluca M45-49

2561 Conwy Johnny M45-49

2562 Cosgrove Lloyd M45-49

2563 Crespo Miguel M45-49

2564 Crook Chris M45-49

2565 Crook Neil M45-49

2566 Cuenoud Olivier M45-49

2567 Cuthbert Stephen M45-49

2568 Damm Dietmar M45-49

2569 Damsgaard Mads M45-49

2570 Davalos Martin M45-49

2571 Davies Kevin M45-49

2572 Davis Peter M45-49

2573 De Borbon Alfonso M45-49

2574 De Maeyer Stefaan M45-49

2575 De Molina Juan M45-49

2576 De Vries Mark M45-49

2577 Dean Anthony M45-49

2578 Debout Jean - Luc M45-49

2579 Decré Augustin M45-49

2580 Dell’Era Davide M45-49

2581 Devey Laurent M45-49

2582 Deya Amen-gual

Daniel M45-49

2583 Diependaele Steven M45-49

2584 Dohl Andersen Robert M45-49

2585 Donaldson Charles M45-49

2636 Gonaus Markus M45-49

2637 Gottschalk Niclas M45-49

2638 Graber Tom M45-49

2639 Gray Dave M45-49

2640 Grebe Olaf M45-49

2641 Gregori Jan M45-49

2642 Grunnaleite Espen ▲ M45-49

2643 Guerlich-Re-ichel

Gerhard M45-49

2644 Guerrero Perez Diego M45-49

2645 Gutiérrez Díaz Jose Rafael M45-49

2646 Gutierrez Pizarro

Antonio M45-49

2647 Gydesen Jens M45-49

2648 Hale Darren M45-49

2649 Hammer-meister

Thomas M45-49

2650 Hanson Bryn M45-49

2651 Hardiman Dawson M45-49

2652 Harding Darren M45-49

2653 Harman Richard M45-49

2654 Hartmann Michael ▲ M45-49

2655 Haß Ulrich M45-49

2656 Healey Pat M45-49

2657 Heffernan Brian ▲ M45-49

2658 Heine Ander-sen

Lars ▲ M45-49

2659 Hernandez Adolfo M45-49

2660 Hester Darren M45-49

2661 Hill Rob M45-49

2662 Hinderlich Hauke M45-49

2663 Hinojal Martín Manuel M45-49

2664 Hodgson Edward M45-49

2665 Höhne Markus M45-49

2666 Höllerer Alexander ▲ M45-49

2667 Hollmann Michael M45-49

2668 Horomnea Catalin M45-49

2669 Hottois Eric ▲ M45-49

2670 Howard Nathan ▲ M45-49

2671 Howcroft Martin M45-49

2672 Howell Paul M45-49

2673 Hoyle Jeremy M45-49

2674 Hubert Michael ▲ M45-49

2675 Hübschmann Thomas M45-49

2676 Hudson Kevin ▲ M45-49

2677 Hurst Ian M45-49

2678 Hynes Jonathan ▲ M45-49

2679 Illel Jeff M45-49

2680 Iversen Petter M45-49

2681 Jackson Andrew M45-49

2682 Jackson Dean M45-49

2683 Jagger Paul ▲ M45-49

2684 Janda Radim M45-49

2685 Jarrett Greg M45-49

2686 Jeffrey-Read Paul M45-49

2687 Jenior Holger M45-49

2688 Johannessen Jørgen ▲ M45-49

2689 Johansen Kai-Christian M45-49

2690 Johnsen Trygve M45-49

2691 Johnston Robert M45-49

2692 Jones Mike M45-49

2693 Jonsson Daniel ▲ M45-49

2694 Joubert Michael M45-49

2695 Jung Serge M45-49

2696 Kaki Ahmed M45-49

2697 Kalkwarf Leon M45-49

2698 Karger Christian M45-49

2699 Keen James M45-49

2700 Kemp Marcus M45-49

2701 Kenny Geoff M45-49

2702 Kenny Tony M45-49

2703 Kholodov Mikhail M45-49

2704 Kimber David M45-49

2705 Kirkman Andrew M45-49

2706 Klarskov Torben M45-49

2707 Klement Christian ▲ M45-49

2708 Kloss Ingo M45-49

2709 Kopmeier Lars M45-49

2710 Kroeger-Pe-terson

Joern M45-49

2711 Kruger Marius M45-49

2712 Kühle Oliver M45-49

2713 Kunisch Wolf ▲ M45-49

2714 Kurmanov Yerkin M45-49

2715 La Cumbre Liam M45-49

2716 Laird Andrew M45-49

2717 Lamblin Martin M45-49

2718 Larsen Jannich M45-49

2719 Larsson Stefan M45-49

2720 Lauritsen Poul Erik M45-49

2721 Lavin James M45-49

2722 Lehner Dirk Hendrik M45-49

2723 Lenaerts Sven M45-49

2724 Lentfert Erik ▲ M45-49

2725 Lenz Martin ▲ M45-49

2726 Leypi Konstantin M45-49

2727 Lilleland Kjell Arne M45-49

2728 Lippels Stefan ▲ M45-49

2729 Lombardi Alberto M45-49

2730 Lowe Scott M45-49

2731 Lundquist Michael M45-49

2732 Mackay Alan M45-49

2733 Macpherson Simon M45-49

2734 Madsen Jesper M45-49

2735 Madsen Carsten Lind-kvist

▲ M45-49

2586 Donath Berno M45-49

2587 Doria Luca M45-49

2588 Downey Seán M45-49

2589 Downey Fergal M45-49

2590 Doyle Brendan M45-49

2591 Dr. Gonzalez Pedro M45-49

2592 Dubois Roger M45-49

2593 Duffy Ronnie ▲ M45-49

2594 Dujardin Frederic M45-49

2595 Eberwein Manfred M45-49

2596 Egressy Alexander M45-49

2597 Engen Staale M45-49

2598 Erculiani Nicola M45-49

2599 Escalas Gili Tomeu M45-49

2600 Espinar Miguel ÃБNgel M45-49

2601 Ettlin Adriano ▲ M45-49

2602 Exner René M45-49

2603 Fabie Laurent M45-49

2604 Fabié Franck M45-49

2605 Fasano Gabriele M45-49

2606 Felgate Rob M45-49

2607 Fenzo Luca M45-49

2608 Fernández Benito

Víctor M45-49

2609 Fernández Luque

Domingo M45-49

2610 Finlayson Alistair M45-49

2611 Fiol Ramon Bartolome M45-49

2612 Firnhaber Marc M45-49

2613 Fitzjohn Daniel ▲ M45-49

2614 Fogel Magnus M45-49

2615 Fontcuberta Javier M45-49

2616 Forbes Christopher ▲ M45-49

2617 Forteza Picornell

Mateo M45-49

2618 Fowell Nicholas ▲ M45-49

2619 Franchi Riccardo ▲ M45-49

2620 Freer Chris ▲ M45-49

2621 Freeze Mervyn M45-49

2622 Friedrich Erik M45-49

2623 Fritsch Michael M45-49

2624 Fuente García Jose M45-49

2625 Galbiati Filippo M45-49

2626 Galli Giuliano M45-49

2627 Garcia Gallo Rafael M45-49

2628 Garnier Laurent M45-49

2629 Gelabert Rubio Tomeu M45-49

2630 Gerard Paul M45-49

2631 Gerlach Jan-Peter ▲ M45-49

2632 Giertz Mario M45-49

2633 Gleijsteen Maickel M45-49

2634 Gold Jochen M45-49

2635 Gomila Ramon Toni M45-49

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00:00:56 00:00:57

2736 Magnusson Mikael M45-49

2737 Mahoney James M45-49

2738 Maisch Sven M45-49

2739 Mandilego Bauza

Joseph Antony M45-49

2740 Mann Dave M45-49

2741 Mansell Paul M45-49

2742 Marcar Scott M45-49

2743 Marin Kiko M45-49

2744 Marin Palliser Francisco M45-49

2745 Marino Riccardo M45-49

2746 Marley Ian M45-49

2747 Marqués Conrado

Fernando M45-49

2748 Marsh Dan M45-49

2749 Martínez Ricardo M45-49

2750 Martinez Abril Ricardo M45-49

2751 Martinez Comas

Fernando M45-49

2752 Martínez Montoya

Jesús M45-49

2753 Martinez Reyes Jose Candido M45-49

2754 Martorell Juan Miguel M45-49

2755 Mason Paul M45-49

2756 Matheson Drew M45-49

2757 Matthews Paul M45-49

2758 Mccracken Andrew ▲ M45-49

2759 Mcgill Jason M45-49

2760 Mcivor Fergus M45-49

2761 Mclellan Guy ▲ M45-49

2762 Meløe Bård M45-49

2763 Mercadal Vargas

Antonio M45-49

2764 Michel Stephane M45-49

2765 Minde Magnus ▲ M45-49

2766 Mir Nacho M45-49

2767 Miravet Colom Xisco M45-49

2768 Mitchell Walker M45-49

2769 Modvig Torben M45-49

2770 Molino Francisco M45-49

2771 Möllmann Udo M45-49

2772 Mombaur Patrick M45-49

2773 Mora Insua Enrique M45-49

2774 Moresco Eric M45-49

2775 Moritz Demetz M45-49

2776 Morris Brian M45-49

2777 Moscone Massimo ▲ M45-49

2778 Murray James M45-49

2779 Nash Elliott M45-49

2780 Nikiforov Alexey ▲ M45-49

2781 Nikolsky Vladimir M45-49

2782 Nolmans Wim M45-49

2783 Norén Bengt M45-49

2784 Obrien Frank M45-49

2785 Occhilupo Sandro M45-49

2786 Olander Kim ▲ M45-49

2787 Oliver Caparros Juanjo M45-49

2788 Olivieri Alessandro M45-49

2789 Omay Orhan M45-49

2790 Onutman Kivanc M45-49

2791 Özdogan Bora M45-49

2792 Papini Matteo ▲ M45-49

2793 Paulet Patrick M45-49

2794 Pearson Toby M45-49

2795 Pedersen Jacob ▲ M45-49

2796 Peeters Peter M45-49

2797 Perello Tortell Miquel M45-49

2798 Pérez Priego David M45-49

2799 Perry Dale M45-49

2800 Pestman Kor ▲ M45-49

2801 Petralia Sean M45-49

2802 Pinell Segui Alberto M45-49

2803 Pinkitz Volker ▲ M45-49

2804 Poillot Romuald M45-49

2805 Porres Dolado Carlos M45-49

2806 Postlethwaite Gavin M45-49

2807 Price Justin M45-49

2808 Price Nicholas M45-49

2809 Pritchard Andrew M45-49

2810 Quetglas I Bestard

Joan Esteve M45-49

2811 Qutub Mahmoud M45-49

2812 Ravelli Alessio M45-49

2813 Recasens Patrick M45-49

2814 Respondek Wojciech M45-49

2815 Rettich Reynes Pep M45-49

2816 Reuben Adam M45-49

2817 Ripoll Mas Juan Francisco M45-49

2818 Robertson Bruce ▲ M45-49

2819 Rodriguez Xavier Boil M45-49

2820 Rodriguez Perez-Curiel

Francisco M45-49

2821 Rodríguez Rodríguez

Jaime M45-49

2822 Rolz Menn M45-49

2823 Rose Alan M45-49

2824 Rossello Tolo M45-49

2825 Rossello Alcina Guillem M45-49

2826 Röttger Klaus M45-49

2827 Roy Dev M45-49

2828 Rueda David M45-49

2829 Rüger Carsten ▲ M45-49

2830 Rülke Christian M45-49

2831 Rutherford Martin ▲ M45-49

2832 Ryan Robbie M45-49

2833 Rydén Tommy ▲ M45-49

2834 Sahm Jan M45-49

2835 Salvenmoser Chris M45-49

2836 Sanbeck Rune M45-49

2837 Sanchez Garcia Francisco Daniel


2838 Sandberg Darren ▲ M45-49

2839 Sander Dominic M45-49

2840 Sanso Simon Jose Luís M45-49

2841 Saurina Jaume M45-49

2842 Schläfer Martin M45-49

2843 Schmiedecke Frank M45-49

2844 Schutte Dana M45-49

2845 Schwarzenberg Marcus M45-49

2846 Segagni Fabio ▲ M45-49

2847 Seland Roy M45-49

2848 Sergei Bereda M45-49

2849 Serrano Jhony M45-49

2850 Serrano Ferreras

Fco Javier ▲ M45-49

2851 Sharif Nazar M45-49

2852 Skagerlind Henrik ▲ M45-49

2853 Skjøth Nikolaj M45-49

2854 Skram-Skuld-boel

Morten ▲ M45-49

2855 Smelt Rob M45-49

2856 Smit Paul M45-49

2857 Sobolev Roman M45-49

2858 Sølver Peter ▲ M45-49

2859 Soly Sven ▲ M45-49

2860 Sommer Markus M45-49

2861 Spence Ian M45-49

2862 Spier Julian M45-49

2863 Sprung Bjoern M45-49

2864 Stagg Adrian M45-49

2865 Stanley Andy ▲ M45-49

2866 Stanton Neil M45-49

2867 Steele Nathan M45-49

2868 Systad Terje ▲ M45-49

2869 Tauber Frederik M45-49

2870 Taylor Mark ▲ M45-49

2871 Thejl Glenn M45-49

2872 Theobald Hansi M45-49

2873 Thomas Michael ▲ M45-49

2874 Thomlinson Paul ▲ M45-49

2875 Thompson Pete M45-49

2876 Thomsen Niels Frede M45-49

2877 Thrane-Steen Jan Gustav ▲ M45-49

2878 Toelants Stefan M45-49

2879 Torkington Teddy M45-49

2880 Torres Galvez Antonio M45-49

2881 Tortima Nicola M45-49

2882 Trawick Bryan M45-49

2883 Tropea Alessandro ▲ M45-49

2932 Bamps Sven M50-54

2933 Barder Owen ▲ M50-54

2934 Barrett Christopher M50-54

2935 Basnett Baz M50-54

2936 Baugh Gary M50-54

2937 Beltrán Caro Martín M50-54

2938 Benn Andy ▲ M50-54

2939 Benothman Taieb M50-54

2940 Bergero Xavier M50-54

2941 Bergman Micke M50-54

2942 Berthold Jurgen M50-54

2943 Bierlair Nico M50-54

2944 Bjorndal Frankl M50-54

2945 Blickensdo-erfer

Hans M50-54

2946 Blomqvist Peder M50-54

2947 Böcker Jens M50-54

2948 Bodin Peter M50-54

2949 Böhmer Bernhard M50-54

2950 Boillot Laurent M50-54

2951 Brage Javier M50-54

2952 Bressan Alberto M50-54

2953 Brooks Andrew ▲ M50-54

2954 Brugger Andreas M50-54

2955 Buhr Peter ▲ M50-54

2956 Burnell Karl M50-54

2957 Butler Jonathan M50-54

2958 Callewaert Gerd M50-54

2959 Campbell Eamonn ▲ M50-54

2960 Candeger Murat ▲ M50-54

2961 Carney Chris M50-54

2962 Carter Adrian ▲ M50-54

2963 Castell Ramon Emilio ▲ M50-54

2964 Cavadini Filippo M50-54

2965 Cen Ihsan Nedim M50-54

2966 Chapman Darren M50-54

2967 Cifre Ciré Cladera

Miguel M50-54

2968 Cifre Fábregas Antonio M50-54

2969 Clarke Matthew M50-54

2970 Clausen Lars M50-54

2971 Collet Bruno M50-54

2972 Collier Antony ▲ M50-54

2973 Cook Andrew M50-54

2974 Cookson Mike M50-54

2975 Copeland Daniel M50-54

2976 Corbett Neil M50-54

2977 Cornelius Frank M50-54

2978 Cruickshanks Neil M50-54

2979 Czarnetzki Christian M50-54

2980 Dai Pra Fabio M50-54

2981 De La Rosa F Borja M50-54

2982 De Wilde Robert M50-54

2983 Depré Rainer M50-54

2984 Derksen Andreas M50-54

2985 Devroye Frédéric M50-54

2986 Diaz Rafa M50-54

2987 Dirks Renato M50-54

2988 Dirren Reinhard M50-54

2989 Dormand Gary M50-54

2990 Dye Mark M50-54

2991 El Gazzar Adham ▲ M50-54

2992 Elkington Richard ▲ M50-54

2993 Engelke Thomas M50-54

2994 Eriksson Anders M50-54

2995 Etzlinger Gerhard M50-54

2996 Ewald Thomas M50-54

2997 Facer Ian ▲ M50-54

2998 Fagan Ian M50-54

2999 Feasby Adrian M50-54

3000 Fibiger Claus M50-54

3001 Fitzjohn Steven ▲ M50-54

3002 Fjeldheim Magnar ▲ M50-54

3003 Fletcher Mark M50-54

3004 Fox-Thornton Peter ▲ M50-54

3005 Fragaat Svein.Ole ▲ M50-54

3006 French David M50-54

3007 Friedrichs Olaf M50-54

3008 Fry Stephen M50-54

3009 Fuchs Andreas M50-54

3010 Fuhrmann Thomas M50-54

3011 Fullick John M50-54

3012 Galik Ronald ▲ M50-54

3013 Galmes Barcelo Lorenzo M50-54

3014 Garcia Michael M50-54

3015 Gardner Andy ▲ M50-54

3016 Gavins Neil M50-54

3017 Gayà Febrer Mateu M50-54

3018 Geissler Siegi ▲ M50-54

3019 Giletta Paolo M50-54

3020 Gilkes Leslie M50-54

3021 Gimbarov Sergey M50-54

3022 Glatz Christian M50-54

3023 Glendinning Ian M50-54

3024 Glover Chris ▲ M50-54

3025 Gooding Paul M50-54

3026 Görnig Olaf M50-54

3027 Governo Marco M50-54

3028 Gray Mark ▲ M50-54

3029 Guerrero Jimenez

Jose Ignacio M50-54

3030 Guiscafre Celada

Tomeu M50-54

3031 Guldhav Erik M50-54

3032 Gutjahr Rolf M50-54

3033 Hallberg Stefan M50-54

2884 Tuer Stephen M45-49

2885 Tumelaire Bjarne M45-49

2886 Turner George M45-49

2887 Uebscher Holger M45-49

2888 Van Den Boogaert

Paul M45-49

2889 Van Den Wildenberg

Hugo M45-49

2890 Van Eden Edgar M45-49

2891 Van Erven Dorens

Beau M45-49

2892 Van Strien Raoul-Tristan M45-49

2893 Varain Olivier M45-49

2894 Vaughan Kevin ▲ M45-49

2895 Veiglum Morten M45-49

2896 Verbeek Michiel M45-49

2897 Vermeer Jos M45-49

2898 Vieth Arne ▲ M45-49

2899 Vishnyakov Sergey M45-49

2900 Völker Christian ▲ M45-49

2901 Von Garrel Bert M45-49

2902 Vreugdenhil Lars M45-49

2903 Vries Patrick ▲ M45-49

2904 Vroemen Jeroen M45-49

2905 Vuketic Robert M45-49

2906 Waechter Matthias M45-49

2907 Waite Jon M45-49

2908 Wass Niall M45-49

2909 Weidmann Rickard ▲ M45-49

2910 Wells Richard M45-49

2911 White Steven M45-49

2912 Widmer Bernard M45-49

2913 Wiedenhofer Marco M45-49

2914 Wylam Simon M45-49

2915 Zordan Alessandro ▲ M45-49

2916 Aggelopoulos Yiorgos M50-54

2917 Ahn Stéphane ▲ M50-54

2918 Aldous Simon M50-54

2919 Alenichev Yury M50-54

2920 Alexandre Bruno M50-54

2921 Alholt Ludwig M50-54

2922 Andersen Jakob Skaad-strup


2923 Andersson Mats M50-54

2924 Andersson Magnus M50-54

2925 Andrew Derek M50-54

2926 Anthonissen Denis M50-54

2927 Aparisi Berto-meu

Francisco ▲ M50-54

2928 Appelgren Göran M50-54

2929 Armstrong Tony ▲ M50-54

2930 Atwell Michael M50-54

2931 Balmford Sean M50-54

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00:00:58 00:00:59

3034 Hallingstad Knut Johannes ▲ M50-54

3035 Hansen Lars M50-54

3036 Hansen Kim ▲ M50-54

3037 Hansen Martin M50-54

3038 Hansen Palle Mølbak M50-54

3039 Hanson Darren M50-54

3040 Hardwick John ▲ M50-54

3041 Harrison Nigel M50-54

3042 Heath Lee M50-54

3043 Heath Trev M50-54

3044 Hellings Paul M50-54

3045 Heß Martin M50-54

3046 Higgins Mike M50-54

3047 Hill David M50-54

3048 Hitchen Paul ▲ M50-54

3049 Hopkins Michael M50-54

3050 Hughes Patrick M50-54

3051 Ibáñez Martínez

Emilio Fran-cisco


3052 Ibeson David M50-54

3053 Jacobsen Ivar ▲ M50-54

3054 Jakob Michael M50-54

3055 Jensen Johnny M50-54

3056 Jentsch Torsten M50-54

3057 Jimenez Gayoso

Jordi M50-54

3058 John Dominic M50-54

3059 Johnson Phil M50-54

3060 Johnson Eddie M50-54

3061 Jones David Wayne ▲ M50-54

3062 Jones Darren M50-54

3063 Jones Martin ▲ M50-54

3064 Jones Steve ▲ M50-54

3065 Jud Guido ▲ M50-54

3066 Jull Gary M50-54

3067 Jungers Jean-Michel M50-54

3068 Karpov Anatoly ▲ M50-54

3069 Kehoe David M50-54

3070 Keil Alf M50-54

3071 Kelly Barry M50-54

3072 Kennils Paul M50-54

3073 Kern Matthias M50-54

3074 Kerwin Oliver M50-54

3075 King Dave M50-54

3076 Kiper Edouard M50-54

3077 Kleijn Flavio M50-54

3078 Klein Jens M50-54

3079 Knill Richard M50-54

3080 Kronestedt Per M50-54

3081 Kunze Gunter M50-54

3082 Ladd Ian M50-54

3083 Larsen Henrik ▲ M50-54

3084 Lauter Frank M50-54

3085 Lawrence Richard M50-54

3086 Lechner Stefan M50-54

3087 Lens John M50-54

3088 Liddle Dave M50-54

3089 Lidman Johnny M50-54

3090 Ligonniere Michaël M50-54

3091 Lindkvist Jan M50-54

3092 Llompart Salas Natxo M50-54

3093 Lochtenberg Wim M50-54

3094 Løjmar Anders M50-54

3095 Long Royce ▲ M50-54

3096 Lyhne Lars M50-54

3097 Magndal Pål M50-54

3098 Martorell Salva Juan Antonio M50-54

3099 Masterman Andrew M50-54

3100 Matousek Thomas ▲ M50-54

3101 Mccarron Michael ▲ M50-54

3102 Mccormick Bruce M50-54

3103 Mctaggart Grant M50-54

3104 Mears Mark M50-54

3105 Meeussen Peter M50-54

3106 Meijer Frank M50-54

3107 Mellors Wayne M50-54

3108 Mercadal Vadell

Damian M50-54

3109 Milner Dermot M50-54

3110 Mindermann Frank M50-54

3111 Morgado Luis M50-54

3112 Morris John M50-54

3113 Mosin Sergey ▲ M50-54

3114 Mossestad Freddy M50-54

3115 Mueller Jochen M50-54

3116 Murphy Stephen M50-54

3117 Nahmiyas Albert M50-54

3118 Nardelli Leonardi

Marco M50-54

3119 Nascimbene Gianluca ▲ M50-54

3120 Niell Agustin M50-54

3121 Noble Andrew ▲ M50-54

3122 Noguera Pons Antonio ▲ M50-54

3123 Ohlenbusch Falk ▲ M50-54

3124 Olaso Eche-varria

Fernando M50-54

3125 Ostrowski Jörg ▲ M50-54

3126 Ottesen Eyvind M50-54

3127 Özbecetek Ahmet ▲ M50-54

3128 Pardo López-Fando

Santiago M50-54

3129 Parizzi Fabio ▲ M50-54

3130 Patten Steve M50-54

3131 Patterson Andrew M50-54

3132 Payeras Crespi Pedro M50-54

3133 Perrier Eric ▲ M50-54

3134 Pesch Christoph M50-54

3135 Peters David M50-54

3136 Petersen Robert M50-54

3137 Piper André M50-54

3138 Pluy Patrick M50-54

3139 Polli Patrick M50-54

3140 Poncelet Alain M50-54

3141 Porres Dolado Rafael M50-54

3142 Pou Bonnin Pedro M50-54

3143 Prencipe Luigi Giovanni M50-54

3144 Pronin Andrey M50-54

3145 Puikkonen Petri M50-54

3146 Pupka Artur M50-54

3147 Racchelli Oliviero ▲ M50-54

3148 Rainer Senoner M50-54

3149 Ramis Sans Jaume M50-54

3150 Ramseier Adrian M50-54

3151 Rees Stuart ▲ M50-54

3152 Reichert Oliver M50-54

3153 Roberts Adam M50-54

3154 Rocatis Steen M50-54

3155 Rodriguez Juan M50-54

3156 Romeo Edoardo ▲ M50-54

3157 Roney Amos M50-54

3158 Rønning Roger M50-54

3159 Rosenbaum Thomas M50-54

3160 Rossiter Jamie ▲ M50-54

3161 Rowswell Gareth M50-54

3162 Russell Mark M50-54

3163 Sala Marti Xavier M50-54

3164 Sastre Gardes Basilio M50-54

3165 Schabenberger Rudolf M50-54

3166 Schneider Kai M50-54

3167 Schneider Guido M50-54

3168 Scholze Peter M50-54

3169 Schreiber Volker M50-54

3170 Schröder Frank M50-54

3171 Schroeer Gunar ▲ M50-54

3172 Schütt Jan ▲ M50-54

3173 Serra Pol Andreu M50-54

3174 Sheehan Jonathan M50-54

3175 Shimanovskiy Konstantin ▲ M50-54

3176 Sikachev Konstantin M50-54

3177 Sistermans Cees M50-54

3178 Skaarup Steen ▲ M50-54

3179 Skrunes Reidar M50-54

3180 Söderström Magnus M50-54

3181 Søe-Pedersen Erik ▲ M50-54

3182 Solari Davide M50-54

3183 Solberg Kenneth M50-54

3184 Soper Alasdair M50-54

3185 Søyseth Georg M50-54

3186 Squires Martin M50-54

3239 Bagley Robert M55-59

3240 Bailey Ian ▲ M55-59

3241 Barrow Jim ▲ M55-59

3242 Begley Kenneth M55-59

3243 Bergström Thomas ▲ M55-59

3244 Bloodworth Christopher M55-59

3245 Böhland Thomas M55-59

3246 Böhm Andreas M55-59

3247 Bradshaw Neil ▲ M55-59

3248 Brage Manuel M55-59

3249 Bridger Nick M55-59

3250 Buffet Dominique M55-59

3251 Campin Richard M55-59

3252 Christoforou Paul M55-59

3253 Cook Chris M55-59

3254 Davies Neil M55-59

3255 Dawson Chris M55-59

3256 De Tavernier Philip ▲ M55-59

3257 Degenkolb Wolfgang M55-59

3258 Deschacht Patrick ▲ M55-59

3259 Dürst Martin M55-59

3260 English Gerard M55-59

3261 Fazakas Zoltan M55-59

3262 Fearnley Julian M55-59

3263 Ferrer Obanos Luis M55-59

3264 Gardner Paul ▲ M55-59

3265 Geurds Paul M55-59

3266 Gies Günter M55-59

3267 Gießau Reiner M55-59

3268 Goacher Gary M55-59

3269 Goeyvaerts Rudi M55-59

3270 Golembiewski Andreas M55-59

3271 Gorlov Vladimir M55-59

3272 Gramazio Paolo Antonio M55-59

3273 Greczmiel Thomas ▲ M55-59

3274 Green Jon M55-59

3275 Green Stephen M55-59

3276 Grimmond Ade M55-59

3277 Guenon Philippe M55-59

3278 Gyarmati Peter M55-59

3279 Hadjioannou Panny M55-59

3280 Hanselmann Christian M55-59

3281 Harter Jeff M55-59

3282 Hayden Michael ▲ M55-59

3283 Hebecker Stefan M55-59

3284 Heiligtag Michael ▲ M55-59

3285 Heydenreich Jens ▲ M55-59

3286 Hirsch Anthony M55-59

3287 Hirtz Gustav ▲ M55-59

3288 Hoffmann Frank ▲ M55-59

3289 Hofmann Klaus ▲ M55-59

3290 Horn Josef M55-59

3291 Howard Nicholas M55-59

3292 Hustuft Svein ▲ M55-59

3293 Ihling Hans-Joachim M55-59

3294 Jones Jeff ▲ M55-59

3295 Josefs Axel ▲ M55-59

3296 Käkönen Pertti M55-59

3297 Kantamaa Veli-Matti M55-59

3298 Kasakewitsch Lutz M55-59

3299 Kaufmann Lars ▲ M55-59

3300 Keetley Andrew M55-59

3301 Kiper Tarcan ▲ M55-59

3302 Kisbye Tom M55-59

3303 Knudsen Knud M55-59

3304 Korbe Thomas M55-59

3305 Kraan Harry M55-59

3306 Krasuski Andrzej M55-59

3307 Kuhlmann Thorsten ▲ M55-59

3308 Kunkel Karsten M55-59

3309 Küper Ernst M55-59

3310 Lahr Manfred M55-59

3311 Lang Matthew M55-59

3312 Linder Håkan ▲ M55-59

3313 Lingelbach Rainer M55-59

3314 Loesel Christian M55-59

3315 Luque Trujillo Juan Antonio M55-59

3316 Lurvik Lars M55-59

3317 Maidment Neil M55-59

3318 Mangold Robert M55-59

3319 Marti Fritz M55-59

3320 Martin Andrew M55-59

3321 Martin Tim M55-59

3322 Mayers Andy M55-59

3323 Mccarthy Julian M55-59

3324 Meyer-Rogge Dirk M55-59

3325 Mitchell Clive M55-59

3326 Mitchell Tom M55-59

3327 Moran Martin Jose M55-59

3328 Murphy Fra ▲ M55-59

3329 Neumann Dieter M55-59

3330 Nordgaard Haavard M55-59

3331 Nykjar Henrik ▲ M55-59

3332 Oeynhausen Marcus M55-59

3333 Olsen Jan M55-59

3334 Ostashin Iurie ▲ M55-59

3335 Othmar Häfliger M55-59

3336 Overton Vernon M55-59

3337 Park Richard M55-59

3338 Parrish Rolf ▲ M55-59

3339 Pegolo Mirco M55-59

3340 Perry Martin M55-59

3341 Pogneau Jean-Philippe M55-59

3342 Price Anthony M55-59

3343 Puglia Alfio M55-59

3344 Raavand Dag M55-59

3187 Staalesen Eiliv M50-54

3188 Stacey Mark M50-54

3189 Stone Adam ▲ M50-54

3190 Swetman Darren M50-54

3191 Tangen Paal M50-54

3192 Taylor John M50-54

3193 Thole Dirk M50-54

3194 Thomas Paul M50-54

3195 Thomas Meurig M50-54

3196 Thomas Rhys M50-54

3197 Thornley Simon ▲ M50-54

3198 Thursting Wayne M50-54

3199 Tiphaine Alain M50-54

3200 Titkov Evgeny M50-54

3201 Tourette Laurent M50-54

3202 Trunk Peter M50-54

3203 Uhlmannsiek Dirk M50-54

3204 Uncetabar-renechea

Carlos M50-54

3205 Undersåker Per Egil M50-54

3206 Van Der Elst Peter M50-54

3207 Van Humbeeck Luc M50-54

3208 Veldhuis Bert M50-54

3209 Velin Stefan M50-54

3210 Vilhelmsson Marcus M50-54

3211 Waldron Steve M50-54

3212 Walklin Steven M50-54

3213 Wallen Joakim M50-54

3214 Walsh David M50-54

3215 Walta Frank M50-54

3216 Watts Alastair M50-54

3217 Webster Richard M50-54

3218 Wein Heiko ▲ M50-54

3219 Weintz Mathias M50-54

3220 Werner Thomas M50-54

3221 Wester Bernd M50-54

3222 Wilden Wolfgang M50-54

3223 Wilkinson Gavin M50-54

3224 Winnard Scott M50-54

3225 Winter Dr.Thomas M50-54

3226 Wissing Martin M50-54

3227 Wright Chris M50-54

3228 Wünnemann Michael ▲ M50-54

3229 Zahn Frank M50-54

3230 Zetterström Martin ▲ M50-54

3231 Zitt Wolfram M50-54

3232 Zon Maarten M50-54

3233 Agudo Pujalte Jose Manuel M55-59

3234 Alholt Justus M55-59

3235 Andreasen Renè ▲ M55-59

3236 Arnold Mike ▲ M55-59

3237 Aroyo Metin M55-59

3238 Atkinson Paul M55-59

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00:00:60 00:00:61

3345 Radmacher Ralf M55-59

3346 Recktenwald Thomas M55-59

3347 Reichelt Gerhard M55-59

3348 Rojals Calvo Eduard ▲ M55-59

3349 Rojo Miguel M55-59

3350 Roskams Johan ▲ M55-59

3351 Ruffell Richard M55-59

3352 Ruiz López David M55-59

3353 Salengro Stéphane M55-59

3354 Saraev Andrey M55-59

3355 Schalck Palle ▲ M55-59

3356 Scheuer Heinz M55-59

3357 Schneider Tobi M55-59

3358 Schoefer Franz M55-59

3359 Seaby Wayne M55-59

3360 Selma Rafa ▲ M55-59

3361 Shipley Carl M55-59

3362 Sittauer Joachim ▲ M55-59

3363 Skjerve Per Arve M55-59

3364 Skrumsager Nielsen

Jon M55-59

3365 Smithers Malcolm M55-59

3366 Sommershof Joachim M55-59

3367 Sørensen Kim M55-59

3368 Stambert Orvar M55-59

3369 Stannard Paul M55-59

3370 Sutcliffe Simon M55-59

3371 Tee Graham ▲ M55-59

3372 Therkelsen Ib M55-59

3373 Thompson Ian M55-59

3374 Thone Donatus M55-59

3375 Thorrud Håkon M55-59

3376 Tobiasen Poul Erik M55-59

3377 Trillo Rojel Juan Antonio M55-59

3378 Turner Rene M55-59

3379 Van De Vyver Erik M55-59

3380 Van Der Voort Willem M55-59

3381 Van Gastel Leendert M55-59

3382 Van Hove Frédéric M55-59

3383 Van Looveren Frank M55-59

3384 Van Zijtveld Bert M55-59

3385 Viveros Villegas

Julian M55-59

3386 Walsh Chris M55-59

3387 Wanderer Franz M55-59

3388 Weilbaecher Stefan M55-59

3389 Werner Horst ▲ M55-59

3390 Werner Carsten M55-59

3391 Wickenden Simon ▲ M55-59

3392 Wileman Pete M55-59

3393 Wilson Mark M55-59

3394 Wittpohl Wolfgang M55-59

3395 Zumoberhaus Marcel M55-59

3396 Aaltonen Jari ▲ M60-64

3397 Berens Dieter ▲ M60-64

3398 Bertrand Sylvain M60-64

3399 Blasby Steve M60-64

3400 Bohm Jurgen M60-64

3401 Boulanger Michel ▲ M60-64

3402 Brugger Martin M60-64

3403 Chappatte Oliver ▲ M60-64

3404 Cobarro Vanrell Joaquín M60-64

3405 Davies Gareth M60-64

3406 Dirk Zager M60-64

3407 Evans Graham ▲ M60-64

3408 Forteza Arxe Manuel M60-64

3409 Gale Steve ▲ M60-64

3410 Genesteix François ▲ M60-64

3411 Glette Kjell-Ivar M60-64

3412 Gottwald Michael M60-64

3413 Grosbusch René ▲ M60-64

3414 Harju Raimo M60-64

3415 Haugum Odd Anders M60-64

3416 James Michael M60-64

3417 Jones Mark M60-64

3418 Larsen Kaj Birkkjær ▲ M60-64

3419 Lorusso Andrea M60-64

3420 Maxey John ▲ M60-64

3421 Maxwell Keith M60-64

3422 Mcgloin Raymond M60-64

3423 Olsson Lars M60-64

3424 O’Malley Russell M60-64

3425 Prein Uwe M60-64

3426 Puertollano Juarez

Antonio M60-64

3427 Röske Wolfgang M60-64

3428 Sanchez Juan M60-64

3429 Sander Hans-Joachim M60-64

3430 Schluetter Ludger M60-64

3431 Schulz Stefan ▲ M60-64

3432 Smith Kelvin M60-64

3433 Tugores Ques Melchor M60-64

3434 Tugores. Ques Francisco M60-64

3435 Verbeek Roland M60-64

3436 Vidal Rosselló Miguel M60-64

3437 Barth Gerhard M65-69

3438 Christiansson Henning ▲ M65-69

3439 Dahlin Reymar M65-69

3440 Grönholm Peter M65-69

3441 Hickman Paul ▲ M65-69

3442 Hopermann Udo ▲ M65-69

3443 Maccotta Robert M65-69

3444 Milling Jørgen M65-69

3445 Mueller Otmar M65-69

3446 Patten David M65-69

3447 Roldos Xavier M65-69

3448 Vogstad Stewart ▲ M65-69

3449 Carcaly Pierre M70-74

3450 Day Roger M70-74

3451 Mallon Michael ▲ M70-74

3452 Merlin Leon Gerard ▲ M70-74

3453 Jarusaitis Aidas M85-89

3454 Litvyakov Dmitry M18-24

3455 Ruta Mario M40-44

3456 Evans Dave M40-44

3457 Söderström Fredrik M50-54

3458 Martin Martin M60-64vvv

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