
1. Is computer helpful or not? 2. Is PE necessary or not? 3. Art or music class necessary or not? 4. Higher education should be available to all students or not? 5. College education necessary for success? 6. University in big cities, or in small cities? 7. Living with roommate or alone? 8. Travel alone or with guide? 9. Reading book or TV in the free time? 10. Favourite genre among novel, magazine, poem. 11. Spend my free time, like walking or riding a bike. 12. Indoor activity vs. Outdoor activity? 13. TV good or bad? 14. TV or people around me, which is more influential? 15. Let children watch TV freely? 16. Should government invest money to art? 17. Save money or use it? 18. Work at the company or at home? 19. be a leader or follower? 20. Advice or by oneself, which is more important? 21. Make decision instantly or after thinking for a long time. 22. Perform several tasks at once, or concentrate only one. 23. Trip to zoo or to natural history museum. 24. Wear formal attire or casual dress at work. 25. Eat outside or cook at home.

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Post on 28-Oct-2015




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Page 1: 122309044-toefl-speaking-topics.pdf

1. Is computer helpful or not?

2. Is PE necessary or not?

3. Art or music class necessary or not?

4. Higher education should be available to all students or not?

5. College education necessary for success?

6. University in big cities, or in small cities?

7. Living with roommate or alone?

8. Travel alone or with guide?

9. Reading book or TV in the free time?

10. Favourite genre among novel, magazine, poem.

11. Spend my free time, like walking or riding a bike.

12. Indoor activity vs. Outdoor activity?

13. TV good or bad?

14. TV or people around me, which is more influential?

15. Let children watch TV freely?

16. Should government invest money to art?

17. Save money or use it?

18. Work at the company or at home?

19. be a leader or follower?

20. Advice or by oneself, which is more important?

21. Make decision instantly or after thinking for a long time.

22. Perform several tasks at once, or concentrate only one.

23. Trip to zoo or to natural history museum.

24. Wear formal attire or casual dress at work.

25. Eat outside or cook at home.

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26. Travel abroad or in one’s own country.

27. Communicate face-to-face, or through email.

28. University supported by parents, or by a part-time job.

29. Public transportation or one’s own car to the work or school.

30. Favourite sports in my country.

31. Best transportation in my country.

32. Place I want to spend with my friends.

33. Favourite place to study.

34. Most memorable city I have ever visited.

35. Meet a celebrity for an hour.

36. Memorable class in the school

37. Most important achievement I have ever done.

38. Important holiday in my country.

39. Most important characteristics of a friend

40. Most important quality a good leader must have

41. Most important quality of a good neighbour.

42. Most significant present

43. Best invention by a mankind

44. Genre of the movie, comedy or action

45. Writing or poetry, letters, essay that is important.

46. Metropolis or rural city

47. Season that I like the most.

48. My future dream job.

49. Country I would like to visit

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50. Most important friend in my life.

51. My favourite pastime.

52. Useful skill my parents have taught me.

53. Most difficult experience I have gone through.

54. Work I would do, even without being paid.

55. The past I most regret.

56. Worst vacation.

57. Favourite colour

58. Difficult time sharing a room with others.

59. Characteristics of good student

60. Favourite food.

61. Characteristics of good parents.

62. Where I want to live.

63. Why taking a TOEFL?

64. What park do I go?

65. My memorable teacher.

66. Change in 10 years

67. Spend life at one place, or move from one place to another

68. Living in dormitories or off campus?

69. Do work oneself, or seek help

70. Live performance or by television

71. Study in large or small class

77. Luxury resort, or backpack through different regions

78. Traditional house, or in a modern apartment buildings

79. Sedan or sports car?

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80. Shop online, or going to the mall

81. Large company or small company?

82. Work for someone else, or own business?

83. Television effect on society.

84. Reading fiction vs. watching movie

85. Free time alone or with friends and families

86. Place in future or past, where would it be?

88. Extended or nuclear family.

89. Going to movie theatre or rent DVD?

90. Learn from a book or from personal experience.