12d-2s1 survey procedures part 1 - extra dimension...

E d g e o f B i t u m e n C e n t r e l i n e E d g e o f B i t u m e n S h o u l d e r V e r g e S h o u l d e r T a b l e D r a i n 1 T a b l e D r a i n 2 C u t I n t e r f a c e 2 5 5 21 Va Varies 0 . 5 1 1 in 3 FLAT INVERT 1 i n 2 3 % 4 % 5 % 1 in C U T FINAL CUT FIXED FIN F I L L 1 2 d M o d e l C o u r s e N o t e s Training Course Training Course Training Course Training Course SUR SUR SUR SURVEY PROCEDURES VEY PROCEDURES VEY PROCEDURES VEY PROCEDURES – PART 1 PART 1 PART 1 PART 1

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Edge of Bitumen


Edge of Bitumen




Table Drain 1

Table Drain 2

Cut Interface

2 5 5 2 1 VariesVaries0.5


1 in 3


3%4% 5%

1 in 3




1 2 d M o d e l C o u r s e N o t e s

T r a i n i n g Co u r s eT r a i n i n g Co u r s eT r a i n i n g Co u r s eT r a i n i n g Co u r s e


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Survey Procedure – Part 1

October 2009

12d Model Civil and Surveying Software

Extra Dimension Solutions

1 2 d M o d e l C o u r s e N o t e s

These notes were prepared by Tony Ingold and may be copied by an individual for

personal use but MAY NOT be distributed by any business or individual other than

Extra Dimension Solution (EXDS) Pty Ltd.


These notes MAY NOT be used as the basis for a course of formal instruction

without written permission from Extra Dimension Solution (EXDS) Limited.

Extra Dimension Solution (EXDS) ) Pty Ltd is an authorised distributor of ‘12d Model’.

Disclaimer 12d Model is supplied without any express or implied warranties whatsoever.

No warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered.

No liabilities in respect of engineering details and quantities produced by 12d Model

is accepted.

Finally, these notes have benefited from the feedback of others, and so indirectly have

you. If you felt that any part of these notes were difficult to understand, not clear, or

would benefit from more examples, or if you have any other comments at all,

then please let me know. My email is [email protected]

These course notes are available as a download from www.exds.com.au

Gareth Sivright – October 2009

Copyright 2008 © Extra Dimension Solution (EXDS) ) Pty Ltd

All rights reserved

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Survey Procedures – Part 1

October 2009 Page

212d Model Civil and Surveying Software

Extra Dimension Solutions

T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s

1 Survey Control Stations ..................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 ENTERING/IMPORTING CONTROL POINTS .................................................................................................................. 3

1.2 ENTERING BEARING AND DISTANCES TO CREATE A TRAVERSE ............................................................................... 4

2 Instrument Set Up and Coding Schemes ......................................................................................... 8

3 Instrument Set-up and Converting Raw Data. ................................................................................. 9

3.1 INSTRUMENT SET-UP................................................................................................................................................... 9

3.2 CONVERT THE RAW DATA......................................................................................................................................... 12

4 Data Reduction.................................................................................................................................. 17

4.1 REDUCTION................................................................................................................................................................ 17

4.2 TO SWING OR NOT TO SWING .................................................................................................................................. 18

4.3 USE A CONTROL MODEL ........................................................................................................................................... 19

5 Map Files............................................................................................................................................ 19

5.1 WHAT IS A MAP FILE? ............................................................................................................................................... 19

5.2 CREATING THE MAP FILE. ......................................................................................................................................... 20

5.3 USE THE MAP FILE .................................................................................................................................................... 22

6 Editing the Survey ............................................................................................................................ 24

6.1 ON SCREEN EDITS..................................................................................................................................................... 25

6.2 DATA FILE EDITS ....................................................................................................................................................... 35

7 Direct Editing Points and Strings.................................................................................................... 39

7.1 WHEN EDITING FIELD DATA IS NOT ENOUGH. ......................................................................................................... 39

7.2 EDITING POINTS ........................................................................................................................................................ 39

7.3 EDITING STRINGS ...................................................................................................................................................... 42

8 Triangulating the Data – Editing Triangles..................................................................................... 44

8.1 CHECKING FOR CROSSING BREAK LINES................................................................................................................. 44

8.2 MAKE A STRING NON-TINABLE-1.............................................................................................................................. 46

8.3 MAKE A STRING NON-TINABLE - 2............................................................................................................................ 48

9 Practice Exercise .............................................................................................................................. 50

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Survey Procedures – Part 1

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1 Survey Control Stations

1.1 Entering/Importing Control Points

In 12D Model there are a number of ways to create, adjust and use survey control points. The first and most simple ways is to download the control stations with your survey data from the instrument, taking for granted the coordinates are correct. The

second is to import the points in a general xyz format and apply them during the reduction. The final option we going to take a look at is the traverse, entering the bearing and distances from the observations, to create the traverse, check the miss

closure and adjust the points to create the control station model.

To create a ‘control file’, under ‘Survey => Extras =>

Create Control stations’ fill in the panel that appears. The ‘Model’ will be where the

station points are stored. For the Style mode we are going to select Symbol Only and then choose a suitable symbol. Continue filling in the station names, coordinates and heights. Once all the stations have been entered select the


We need to provide coordinates of the control points to

be used. These coordinates can be manually entered,

copied into the panel or picked off

the screen.

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1.2 Entering Bearing and Distances to Create a Traverse

Here is a quick example for you to do. In the C=>12d=>9.00 => Exds Training=> Survey Exercise you will find a Stations.dat file. Open it in a text pad, and then copy

it to an Excel spreadsheet. Here we need to edit the columns slightly to get it into the correct format for 12d Model. Copy the spreadsheet and past it into the table in the ‘Create Control’ panel. Tick the ‘use’ box if you would like the control co ordinate to be

used, and then process.

First we are going to create our known points in the Control model. You may just have one know point if

your traverse is a loop closing back onto the same point, two or more known points will be needed if your traverse is a ‘non loop’. We are going to create two

points in a SURV STATION model. Co ordinates for point 101 E=42516.684; N=37021.640; Z=207.00

point 104 E=42761.360; N=37391.656; Z=195.27

To create a point select Cad points and begin

typing the coordinate leaving a space between X Y Z and enter once you are

complete. Ensure the points are going into the correct

model. .

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We have our two known control stations, one must now enter the observations. Survey =>

Extras => Bearing/Distance entry.

Select the same model containing the known


Enter the bearings and distances for each observation. For the closing observation there is no need for a Pt number because we already have point 104.

The start point will be

point 101. Simply pick the point off the


We not entering a start point id, cause we’ve picked it off the screen. For this example we are

going to use z-values.

‘Process’ and the traverse should appear on the view. Zoom right into point 104 to check

the misclosure. Utilities => Measure=>

Bearing/Distance to check the error.

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The traverse now needs adjusting to obtain our final co ordinates. Survey =>

Adjustments => Traverse Adjustments(new)

Again the closing point may be selected off the view.

We would like a linear angular adjustment

We selecting the Bowditch method for

coordinate adjustment.

Closing azimuth

is the calculated bearing

between 101 and 104. Closing Bearing is the measured

bearing between the same points

Our traverse is ‘Non-loop’

You can create an adjusted string and keep the original, or just replace the existing.

By typing a name into the ‘report file’

box, a report will be created

‘Pick’ and accept on the traverse string. You will see the results displayed, and if it is within tolerance! If you are happy with the results,

select the ‘Adjust’ button.

Once the traverse has been adjusted, the report will automatically appear on the screen. Remember your existing data has been replaced with the correct co


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Now one needs to tell 12d Model to include the ‘Control File’ in the

reduction. So when you reducing your survey data under the ‘Advanced’ tab in the Survey

Reduction Function, select the ‘control’ file that has been created. Continue with your reduction.

Please note that that if co ordinates for a station are in the control model and also in the field file, the field file will be ignored and the co ordinates in the

control model will be used. This means adjusted stations can be stored in the

control model.

The last thing to do would be to convert the lines in your

traverse to points and perhaps place a symbol onto the points. String =>

String Edit=> Change.

In this panel, we are going to select ‘point’ for New point-line

and give the line a style of PCON. Select the ‘Start’ button, pick and accept anywhere on the

traverse string.

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2 Instrument Set Up and Coding Schemes

Before 12d Model can work with your field data, it needs to know what type of instrument that you use and the coding scheme that you using out in the field.

12d will download and reduce data from Sokkia, Leica, Trimble, Topcon, Psion, Geodometer and Nikon total stations.

There are two options for coding survey data:

Code before the


Code after shot.

Some instruments allow you to place the code either before

the shot or after the shot. Others require the code after the shot.

12d Model can process either method, all you need to do is tell 12d and stick to that method. Regardless of how you code, virtually all the operation codes

(for curve fitting, templating etc) go AFTER the shot.

Regardless of whether you code before or after the shot, your shots can be coded as follows:

Feature code / String number

EB01 or EB1 Edge of Bitumen, string 1

String Number / Feature Code

01EB or 1EB string 1, Edge of Bitumen

Numeric Feature Code and

String Number

40101 or


Feature 401, string 1

If you use this method, you need to tell 12d how many characters are used for each part of the code, and

whether the feature code or string comes first.

The code for the shot can also contain a code about whether the point is contourable or not, and 12d Model can interpret these code but it is not recommended. In addition to the code for the shot you can include other commands and information about the point you have just shot. If you use the system of coding after the shot, then the commands are included with the code, and a special character (usually a star ‘ * ‘) is placed between the code, and the command. A full list of commonly used instructions are listed and described at the 12d Model ‘help’ system.

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3 Instrument Set-up and Converting Raw Data.

3.1 Instrument Set-up

Here are a few examples: The point is the Start of a Three Point Arc, or is the start of Arc Fitting The point is the End of a Three Point Arc, or is the End of the Arc Fitting Close the string that this point is part of (can come anywhere on the string) The point is the third point of a parallelogram, and 12d should form a rectangle The point is the start of a new string, having the same string number as the last string Height is removed from a point The point is non-tinable (non contourable)

The Project Location (where the raw data has been placed) for the exercises is in C drive =>12d => 9.00 => EXDS training => Survey Procedures.

We are also going to store all the project components in this location.

We are going to take a look at some data from 4 different instruments, Trimble, Leica, Topcon and Sokkia. Before selecting the data collector we used, we going to ensure

the setting are correct to the way we carried out the survey.

At the bottom of the ‘Select

Choice’ panel, press the [Edit] button. This will

allow you to customise the specific data

collector you choose

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3.1.1 Command Coding

In this Survey.4d Create/Edit panels one may customise the way you do your survey, with regards to Command codes, Check/backsight measurements and position of string etc.

For all data collectors except Leica, the command codes are predefined within the

Survey.4d file, eg Start arch fitting on a kerb would be: KB01*S and End arch fitting would be KB01*E. On the Leica data collectors the command codes are defined within the code library as ‘Free Codes’. A list of the Leica command codes can be found in the 12d Help [F1] under

topic ‘G’.

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3.1.2 Attribute Coding

The other way to code attributes is simular to the away we defined command codes in the

survey.4d file.

There are two ways to code attributes, for the Trimble and Leica vertex attributes are predefined within the code library and are associated with a code. For example code TR

(tree) would have attributes such as Specie, Trunk, Spread and Height. You may make the attributes mandatory so the instrument prompts you a value or not.

Under the attribute tab in the

Survey.4d Create/Edit panel, you can define the code you’ll enter for 12d Model to recognize an attribute and its type. You will need to apply the command delimiter before entering the attribute code. An example would be, TR*AT.GUM

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3.2 Convert the Raw Data

3.2.1 Data Download

3.2.2 Data Conversion Trimble Link format

Reduction of survey data in 12d Model is a ‘two step’ process. The first step is to convert the data into a format that 12d Model can work with…. the 12d Model ‘field file’. The raw data can be either: -

1. Downloaded via a com cable 2. Copied from a pcmcia card

12d Model is capable of

controlling your Pc’s ‘com’ port to allow you to down load

data directly from your instrument. This is available by choosing ‘Download Raw’ from the ‘Survey’ menu. If you use this option the ‘field file’ will be created automatically as the

download occurs.

Set the parameters

If you select the ‘Trimble Link Feature String’ data collector 12d model allow you to access the raw data file on your Trimble

instrument via Active sync. This saves you exporting

data out of your instrument.

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Using the Trimble Link, 12d Model takes the .tlk file off the instrument and converts it into a .fld file. The Field File (.fld) is the format 12d Model

requires all raw data to be converted to before any reductions can take place.

This warning appears because the data we downloading does not include a coordinate system. Select ‘Yes’ to continue with the download.

The ‘Check In’ panel allows you to check/edit the raw data before creating

the field file. If the data looks correct, select ‘OK’.

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Survey Procedures – Part 1

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Extra Dimension Solutions Leica 1200 DBX Reader

When using the Leica 1100 series we use the GSI file to create the field file.

Using the Leica 1200 series there is an option to export data out of the instrument via a format file into a text

file that can be read into 12d Model. Using the Leica 1200 data collector we take the raw .dbx files off the pc card and create a field file. This option

eliminates the use of format files.

The DBX files are the binary files created automatically while

doing your survey. The files are located on the CF Card in the DBX

folder. There is no export from the


When you converting the raw data into a field file, the only dbx file

visible will be the .XCF file. This does not mean the .XCF file is the only

file needed. All the dbx files related to the job needs to be in the same


The Leica 1200 dbx reader can create field files from all TPS data. With regards to GPS data, a ‘site localisation’ needs to be performed prior to

carrying out the survey if one would like to utilize the dbx reader.

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Extra Dimension Solutions Sokkia .sdr33 format

Select the Folder icon, this will open the project folder

and show all the .sdr files (because we set the data collector as Sokkia feature string.) We will select the file 4339aco.sdr. The field file will be given the same name as the raw file. Hit the Convert button and a field file is created that 12d can use.

If the Raw data has not been placed into the Project file, you may have to Browse

to find it.

It’s important to check the ‘Output Window’ at the bottom of the screen

to make sure there are no errors.

Select the Sokkia Feature String data


In the ‘Survey Menu’ select the

‘Convert Raw’

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Extra Dimension Solutions Topcon GTS-700

3.2.3 Field File

There are two ways to get data from the TopSurv into 12d

Model. The first option would be to export points out of TopSurv and into 12d Model via

the ‘X,Y,Z,ID,Code Feature String’ data collector. The second is to export GTS7 Raw data out of TopSurv and into 12d Model using the ‘Topcon GTS-700 Feature

String’ data collector.

Once the raw data has been successfully been converted in to

field file it can be opened in text/note pad. It is now in a

readable format.

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4 Data Reduction

4.1 Reduction

In 12d Model the reduction of a survey is a Function. Every time you run a function, the existing survey is deleted and a new points and strings are

created. Once a .fld file has been created out of the raw data, no matter what instrument the data came from the Reduction process is the same.

We are going to create a reduction function using the data in the field file. On the

‘Survey’ menu walk right on ‘Create’ and

select ‘Field File’.

The Typed entry

option is only used if the surveyor has booked the field data

by hand.

There is an option to reduced more than one field file in the same function. String numbers may become an issue if one

chooses this option.

Fill in the ‘Function name’ the same as the field file. The

‘Default model’ is the model where all the data will go if there is no Map file or there are codes

in the data that the Map file does not recognize. If you wish to create a report file for the

reduction, simply type a name into the ‘Report file’ field.

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4.2 To Swing or Not To Swing

With regards to Control measurements, under the ‘Others’ tab you can set

12d Model to prompt you to accept the observations. By selecting ‘Prompt’ you will

be shown the correction that 12d Model will be applying to your


In this data file the co ordinates of the stations are known. Here one is set up over STN1 and

backsight name is STN2. The ‘Observed’ bearing and distance are compared to the

‘Calculated’ bearings from the known co ordinates. The corrections are shown and

should be near to zero. If one is happy with the corrections to be applied select ‘Yes’ and

continue the reduction. Once you have been prompt once,

the mode changes to ‘Assume


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4.3 Use a Control Model

5 Map Files

5.1 What is a Map File?

5.1.1 Main uses of Map File.

5.1.2 Other Uses of Map File.

A map file is the method 12d Model uses to control the reduction of the data based on the code you gave the point in the field.

The main purpose of the map file is to control:

- Divide the points into different models (layers) where the points will be stored.

- Whether the point is a single point, or part of a line.

- The colour of the point or line. - Any symbols at the point, or the linestyle of the line.

- The weight (thickness) of the line, if the point is part of a line.

You can also control:

- Tinability (contouribility) of point, base on the code. - The style of any text created at the point, or along a segment. - Whether the string is a pipe/box culvert, and if so its justification and


- Whether any hatching or fill is to be inside the survey string.

Remember if you have created a Control Model of the Stations, you must enter the control model under the ‘Advanced’ tab in the Survey Reduction Function, select the ‘control’ file that has been created.

Continue with your reduction.

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5.2 Creating the Map File.

To create a map file, use ‘File I/O’ tab and select ‘Map File’. There are many ways to create a map file. We going to first select the ‘Basic’ option for now. If it is a small survey and you know all the codes that were used in the pickup, you can enter them manually. We’ll enter ‘TB’ as top of bank in the model Topography with an orange ‘Divide 2’ linestyle. When we now reduce the raw data, the map file will take all the point coded ‘TB’ and put them into the ‘Topography’ model and apply the controls you have entered. Once you have entered all your codes, fill out the ‘Map file’ panel and ‘write’

the file

If it is a large survey or you did not do the coding out in the field, there is an option to populate the map file with all the codes used. This way you won’t forget any or put in

the incorrect code. You will still have to do a fair amount of editing but it’s a good

platform to start off from.

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To create a map file automatically select the ‘Basic’ tab and

‘right click’ on the blank tab to the left of the ‘Key’ tab. This

menu will drop down select the ‘Populate Map file (basic)’


At this stage we need to let 12d know what data it must use to

populate our map file. If you recall during our ‘Reduction function’ we called our default model ‘Base’.

(This is where the points are being stored at present.) So under Data source you need to select the

‘Model’ tab and pick the

‘base’ model. The last button to hit is ‘Populate’.

As you can see your ‘Map file’ has been

populated but a large amount of editing is

needed. Once you have finished editing

you will need to give the file a name and then

write the file.

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5.3 Use the Map File

Once you have a completed ‘Map file’ you need to reduce the raw data again, but this time telling 12d to use a map file. Remember that the Reduction Function will

delete the data created last time it was used and re-reduce the survey, so there is no

need to delete any data.

Back in the ‘Survey Data

Reduction Function’ under the

‘Map File’ tab select the icon. Here is where you will find your written map files. For our exercise we are going to select the ‘escnew.mf’ file. Once that is selected hit the ‘Reduce’

button again.

Once you reduce your data with the map file you’ll notice everything disappears from your screen, this is because the only model you have open is ‘Base’ model and there

should be nothing left in it.

In the Pre*postix for models panel one can enter something

that will accompany the model name. We have used Survey Bdy for this example.

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You should end up with a view looking simular to this.

Now in order to get

these models your map file has created onto your plan view, you need to ‘add’ the models by clicking on

the button then selecting which models you would like

to view.

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6 Editing the Survey

There are a couple of ways to edit a survey, but the order in which you carry them out is important! The reduction of the survey in 12d Model is a function, so it is very easy to edit the survey data and to reduce the survey again. You can edit the data either by

on screen edits, or by editing a text version of the data.

Editing the survey is done like this:


On Screen Edits Data File Edits




After you have finished ‘correcting’ and editing the survey data, you may also need to edit the points and strings that were created by the reduction.



On Screen Edits







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6.1 On Screen edits

6.1.1 Correct a miss-coded point.

There are many easy to use on screen edits. We’ll have a brief look at the following:

- Correct a miss-code point

- Correcting the order - Editing a Point

- New String; Close String and Join string

- Change in Target Height

If you zoom into this area shown here on your road survey, you see that the

point numbered 1067 has a code of EB. This point has been miscoded

and should in fact be BB.

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To correct this miss-code, pull down the ‘Survey’ tab select

Edit =>Code =>Change.

Once this window appears

select the button, now ‘pick’ and accept point

1067. You’ll notice as soon as the point is accepted the panel will be filled out.

There are two ways you can correct this code. You can manually enter the correct code and string number, or

by selecting you can go and pick and accept the

correct code off your plan.

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Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Once you have picked and

accepted the correct code (BB02), its feature code and string number will

appear in the panels. If you are happy with your

selection, press the tab. By doing, the code is changed, the survey is reduced again and the results are immediately


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Below is an example for you to do. You’ll see the point number 1107 has the correct code ‘CG’ but the

incorrect string number.

Hint: A quick way to locate a point if you know the number is:

String => Inquire or [F2]. When the panel appears type ‘P’

followed by the point number.

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6.1.2 Correcting the order

Often out in the field the surveyors pick up a feature in the incorrect order. So when 12d Model connects the points together with a string it produces an incorrect

shape. This can be easily corrected.

You’ll find this command under the same ‘Survey’

‘Edit’, but this time choose ‘Order’ then

‘Auto order’.

Select the line and accept. This should rectify the error, if not you can select

the ‘by CL’ option. Then draw or select a line running adjacent to the

line in question. Accept this ‘control line’ and it will provide the incorrect

line with the correct alignment.

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6.1.3 Editing a Point

Out in the field the surveyor might forget to code a command, or enter the incorrect command. Once the survey has been reduced it is really simple to edit or

add a commands. Under the Edit =>Points you’ll find a list of commands you

may want to use.

For this example we going to assume there is meant to

be an arc between points 1108; 1134 and 1137. To insert an arc we’ll select

‘Arc next 3 points’. Pick

and accept on point 1108.

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6.1.4 Editing a String

The ‘New String’ command allows you to create more than one string with the same code and string number. For example there could be two or more strings with the code

‘EB01’ in the survey.

If you zoom into the most

northern tip of your survey you’ll see that the ‘EB01’

string crosses the road.

To correct this do as follows: In

the same ‘Survey’, ‘Edit’ menu select

‘New string’. Pick and accept the segment you do not want and 12d Model will divide the one

string into two.

Under the Survey=>Edit=>Stringing, you’ll find a number string edits that are useful and easy to use. We going to have a look at the ‘New String, Close String

and Join String’ edits.

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The ‘Close String’ command is the quickest way to close a string in the office. Classic examples of these are when

surveyors ‘pick up’ manholes. As seen here. To close the manhole, go to ‘Stringing =>Close’ command, pick and

accept the string you wish to close. Done!

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Notes: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Join Strings: This is a useful tool to join strings with the same code but different string numbers.

The example here shows a number of strings with the same code but separate strings.

Choose the ‘String =>Join’ command and ‘select with direction’ then accept the first line then do the same

with the second. The two strings

should become one.

Note: The string must have a ‘string

number’. If not the join edit will not work.

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6.1.5 Change Target Height

The surveyor who did the survey kept field notes and knows about the following target height corrections:

- At point 1134 he changed the target height to 2.1m and forgot to code it into the instrument.

- At point 1159 he changed the target height to 2.6m and again forgot to

code the change, but this time it was just for the one point.

To correct this do as follows: In the same

‘Survey’, ‘Edit’ menu select ‘Target height’,

‘Insert’. and accept the

point 1134. Enter the correct height 2.1 and

. For the

second correction you would follow the

same steps but this time you would ‘check’ the

‘Just one point

wrong’ box.

Remember, a quick way to locate a point

[F2] => P then the

point number.

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6.2 Data File Edits

6.2.1 Data File Editor

Do not open the raw data file in a text editor! Instead, use 12d Model’s ‘Field Data Editor’. This editor will allow you to make

changes to the survey data, and immediately see the results of those changes.

The ‘Field Data Editor’ can be

accessed via the ‘Survey’, ‘Edit’ menu. When the

‘Edit Survey Field Data’ appears hit

the button and select the function,

then button.

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Once you have the data editor table up, in order to utilize it

efficiently you need to know what the buttons on the top

do. The ones you use the most at the beginning will be








They are pretty self explanatory, but we’ll briefly run through what each one does.

The Pick button, allows you to either pick a point on the screen and it will highlight the corresponding data in the editor file, or you can

pick a line of data in the editor and it will highlight the point on the screen. If you have the

Pan box ticked, once you pick the data

in the editor file, 12d Model will pan so the corresponding points will be positioned the centre of the screen and highlighted.

The Find/Replace button allows you to

find a code in the data that may be incorrect and replace it.

The Find button is the easiest way to locate

a point if you know the id number.

The Insert button: this allows you to ‘insert a field command – in the office’.

When using the insert command, it is important to remember to use them in the same way that you would in the

field, this usually means placing them immediately after the shot for the relevant point.

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Here is an example on your survey

where there is an arc command missing. With the

insert option please add ‘arc through next 3 points’ command after point


Once you have completed the

command, you’ll see the string has an arc and the command

has been entered into the field file. To delete the command, highlight it and select the

Delete button.

Remember, a quick way to locate a point

[F2] => P then the

point number.

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6.2.2 Locking a Function

Notes: _______________________________________________________________________________



Once again you are reminded that the reduction of a survey is a function and every time it is run, it deletes the last and recreates the survey with the changes made in

the field data editor. If you choose to edit the survey using the ‘Point Edit’ or ‘String Edit’ commands then you should do these edits after you have finished all your work with the field data editor and survey edit commands. The point and

string edits are not written to the field file therefore if the reduction function is run after these edits they will be DELETED. To avoid this happening there is a way to ‘lock a function’.

The ‘function locking option’ is found

under ‘Utilities’, ‘Functions’ and ‘Lock’.

When the panel appears, select the function you wish to lock, tick the ‘Lock

mode’ box and set.

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7 Direct Editing Points and Strings

7.1 When Editing Field Data is Not Enough.

7.2 Editing Points

There are times when the commands in the Survey Field Data Editor may not be

the correct fix for the problem. In these cases it can be best to simply edit data

In the case shown here, the driveway strings intersect with the EB string.

There are a number of ways to fix this problem before triangulation. The options we going to focus on are:

- Delete the point at the end of the driveway string.

- Move the point at the end of the

driveway string.

If you choose to delete the point, then use: String =>Points Edit=>Delete If you choose to move the point, then use:

String =>Points Edit=>Extend Ht

There are a load of string and point editing commands, some of which are more useful to surveyors than others.

The Edit commands are grouped together depending on whether the command

will change the String or only One Point.

The most commonly used commands are: - Delete

- Extend Ht

- Height

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7.2.1 Delete a point

7.2.2 Extend Height

Delete will remove the point so that the string does not pass through its position anymore.

Select and accept the point you wish to delete. You’ll see now the string ends at

the previous point.

To ‘Undo’ the point deletion or any other string/point edits, choose Edit => Undo or press <Ctrl> z.

Extend Ht: This command will move a point along the bearing of one of the lines to a new position on the line, and will adjust the height of the point along the grade of the line.

Select and accept the point you want to move. Slide it to the new position along the line, select and accept its new position. If you check the height of the point, you’ll see

it has been adjusted.

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7.2.3 Change the Height of a Point

Notes: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





Height: This command will allow you to manually set the height of a point. Select and accept the point you would like to edit, the current height is displayed (12.7517), enter the new height (13.514) and press <Enter>.

The new height will be displayed.

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7.3 Editing Strings

7.3.1 Closing a String

The three commonly used ‘string editing’ commands are: - Close

- Join

- Delete Segment

When using these commands there are a few things you must keep in

mind. To successfully use the ‘join’ command, you must be able to

pick with direction. Don’t use the ‘Link clip’ on the last segment of a string. You will lose the end point as well as the end segment. Undo is available for all these


This is a really quick and useful tool to close an object that the surveyor has ‘picked up’ in the field. Choose the ‘String Edit => Close’

option, select and accept the string. Done!

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7.3.2 Joining Strings

7.3.3 Delete Segment

To join strings in ‘direct editing’ is just as simple. ‘String

edit => Join’, select the first string with direction and accept,

do the same with the second. Done!

The Delete Segment command does the

same as the ‘new string’ command in the reduction edits (thou

this edit is not written to the field file.) ‘Cad=> Delete=> Segment’, select and accept the segment to

be removed. Done!

Some of the string commands work by making a copy of the existing strings. For example ‘String join’ takes the two strings that you pick, makes a copy that is joined

together, and then deletes the original two strings. The new (joined up) string is not part of the survey reduction function and will not be deleted if the function is run again. If the reduction function is run again, the ‘original two’ unjoined strings will

reappear as well as the ‘new’ joined strings. Have a play around with a few other ‘point and string’ edits. Remember the ‘Undo’ button is available for all these on screen edits.

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8 Triangulating the Data – Editing Triangles.

8.1 Checking for Crossing Break Lines

Before you triangulate the survey, you should check for crossing break lines. There are a few step involved so follow closely. Add all the data that you want to triangulate onto the view, then use

Tins => Check breaklines.

When the panel appears it needs to be filled in as follows: Data to check will be View 1 (the view where all your data is.) A diamond will be placed around any breaklines that cross, you need to tell 12d in

which model these ‘diamonds’ must be placed: Xbreaklines The colure for the ‘diamonds’ we’ll set as magenta. Tick the ‘Clean models beforehand’ box. It’s useful to request a report file to see the number of breaklines

and their co-ordinates. We’ll use the same name as the model for the .rpt file:

Xbreaklines. Select the button.

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You’ll see the report file will automatically appear showing you the number of intersections and their location.

Another way to see how many breaklines there are and locate them is to

open the located at the bottom left corner of the screen. Select the breakline in the window and the crossing lines will automatically pan to the centre of the screen

The final way to locate these intersecting lines will be to the

Xbreaklines model to your view and look for the magenta diamonds.

As you can see the CRN string crosses the EB string. There are number of ways to edit the strings:

- Delete the CRN end point (a little rough)

- Make a string Non-Tinable - Link clip, not advisable because the end point will be deleted

- Extend height, possibly the best for this situation.

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8.2 Make a String Non-Tinable-1

The Strings=> Point edit=>Extend Ht command is

the one we have use here. This allows the CRN point still to be part of the triangulation.

Once you have corrected your crossing breaklines, you need to

run the again. The report

file should appear with no errors.

If the crossing break line is being caused by ‘pipe string’, then the best option would be to make the string non-tinable.

Setting the string to be non-tinable could have easily been done in the field, using a field command. Equally it can be done in the office using the Field Data Editor. There are two commands available

- Make the next segment non-tinable

- Make the previous segment non-tinable

The section of the survey here shows a RCP string going below

the DWG string. We need to

make the pipe string non-tinable.

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In the Survey => Edit => Field data command we are going to insert a ‘Make the

previous segment non-tinable’ command after the RCP string. The easiest way

to locate the observation in the field file is to utilize the

function. Select the RCP point on the

view and it will scroll down and highlight the corresponding observation.

To insert a command select

, the ‘New Field Data Command’ will appear, you need to select, from the ‘drop down’ tab the command you

would like to insert.

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8.3 Make a String Non-Tinable - 2

As you can see the command has been added to the field file.

Once the survey gets reduced again the pipe

will be ‘non-tinable’.

This method of adding a command to the field file is useful and effective. However you must remember that this edit will cause the survey to be

reduced again and we all know what happens when you reduce a function! The entire survey is deleted and reproduced, therefore any ‘direct edits’ you did to the survey will be deleted and there is no way of retrieving it.

In some cases the use of the Survey Field File Editor may not be appropriate. There is another way to make a point or segment (part of a string) non – tinable. This edit

is ‘direct’ so will not affect any other edits you have performed.

Using this method is simple but there are a

number of steps involved. It begins with a

normal ‘String =>Inquire’ (F2),

the segment but

do not accept it.

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Notes: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Instead of accepting, ‘right click’ and the ‘Pick

Ops’ panel will appear. ‘Walk right’ on ‘Segment 1’ then again on ‘Tinable’.

On the ‘Tinable’ window select ‘Panel’. The ‘Super Segment Tinable’ window will now appear. Select the Tinable mode, then either ‘check’ or ‘uncheck’ the ‘Tinable box’. If you are happy with your

selections click the

then buttons.

Segment 1 has now been set to ‘non-tinable’. The rest of the string will still be included in the triangulation. The ‘Undo’ command is available for this edit.

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9 Practice Exercise

At the same location C =>12d =>9.00=> EXDS training => Survey Procedures you will find another .sdr file containing raw data of a survey

adjoining the survey we have just reduced. The file is 4339bco.sdr. Convert and reduce the raw data. Go through and do all the edits, and finally check for crossing breaklines.




Once the data has been reduced, and added to the view it should look simular to this. The areas numbered 1,2 and 3 are classic miscoding errors. Zoom in apply the correct edits. At area ‘1’ you will see the order is incorrect, try using

the Auto order command now zoom into area ‘3’…. You can see the auto order is incorrect, try drawing in a control line and use the ‘by cl’ option.

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Areas 2 and 3 are simple code change edits. Completed they should look simular to this:




When checking for crossing breaklines, you will see

there are about four. Use either reduction edits or direct string edits to erase

the crossing lines. Finally the survey with the ‘tin’ should look simular to this.

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