13 international business english lessons.doc

8/14/2019 13 International business English lessons.doc http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/13-international-business-english-lessonsdoc 1/43 THE BEST INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ENGLISH BOOK FOR ALL COMPANY STAFF. A “real business s!u"# $%urse !au&'! in in!erna!i%nal business En&lis'. I()r%*e #%ur business +n%,le"&e an" i()r%*e #%ur business En&lis' s+ills. S!u"en! le*els. In!er(e"ia!e an" 'i&'er. Tea$'er an" s!u"en!s b%%+. Au!'%r. Ri$'ar" Haber+%s!. T'is b%%+ $%n!ains. A “real business s!u"# $%urse !au&'! in in!erna!i%nal business En&lis'. T'is b%%+ $%n!ains Bri!is' an" A(eri$an business En&lis' $%(bine" Rea"in& )ra$!i$e. C%n*ersa!i%n )ra$!i$e. Presen!a!i%n in En&lis' )ra$!i$e. R%le )la#in& in En&lis'. -ues!i%n an" ans,ers $%n*ersa!i%n )ra$!i$e. Genuine useul business !%)i$s %r all !#)es % e()l%#ees. C%n!ains a sele$!i%n % “brain bus!er/ business !%)i$s 0 a"*an$e" business !%)i$s 1 an" s!an"ar" business !%)i$s Tea$'er an" s!u"en!s b%%+. Au!'%r. Ri$'ar" Haber+%s!.

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A “real business s!u"# $%urse !au&'! in in!erna!i%nal business En&lis'.

I()r%*e #%ur business +n%,le"&e an" i()r%*e #%ur business En&lis' s+ills.

S!u"en! le*els. In!er(e"ia!e an" 'i&'er.

Tea$'er an" s!u"en!s b%%+. 


Ri$'ar" Haber+%s!.

T'is b%%+ $%n!ains.

A “real business s!u"# $%urse !au&'! in in!erna!i%nal business En&lis'.

T'is b%%+ $%n!ains Bri!is' an" A(eri$an business En&lis' $%(bine"

Rea"in& )ra$!i$e.

C%n*ersa!i%n )ra$!i$e.

Presen!a!i%n in En&lis' )ra$!i$e.

R%le )la#in& in En&lis'.

-ues!i%n an" ans,ers $%n*ersa!i%n )ra$!i$e.

Genuine useul business !%)i$s %r all !#)es % e()l%#ees.

C%n!ains a sele$!i%n % “brain bus!er/ business !%)i$s 0 a"*an$e" business !%)i$s 1 an"s!an"ar" business !%)i$s

Tea$'er an" s!u"en!s b%%+.


Ri$'ar" Haber+%s!.

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T'is b%%+ 'as been $areull# "esi&ne" !% )resen! business rela!e" !%)i$s ,'i$' are &enuinel#

useul %r business s!u"en!s.

S%(e % !'e s!u"# uni!s are n%! s% $'allen&in& in !er(s % learnin& !'e ne, *%$abular# an" in!'%se s!u"# uni!s business s!u"en!s are re2uire" !% "% (%re )ra$!i$e a! En&lis' lan&ua&e

$%n*ersa!i%n an" )resen!in& in En&lis'3 %r(in& (eanin&ul 2ues!i%ns an" ans,erin&

2ues!i%ns (eanin&ull#.

S%(e % !'e s!u"# uni!s are $alle" “brain bus!er uni!s !'ese uni!s ,ill $%n!ain a l%! % ne,

*%$abular# an" are (ean! !% be *er# “$'allen&in& %r !'e business s!u"en!. T% be $'allen&e"

"%es $%nir( !'a! !'e learnin& )r%$ess is !a+in& )la$e.

T'e las! ei&'! uni!s in !'is b%%+ are 4556 $%n*ersa!i%n uni!s an" ,ill re2uire business

s!u"en!s !% $arr# %u! e7!ensi*e $%n*ersa!i%n )ra$!i$e.

T'e ai( % !'is s!u"# $%urse is !% &rea!l# in$rease !'e business s!u"en!s un"ers!an"in& %

(an# useul business rela!e" !%)i$s an" !'us enable !'e business s!u"en! !% “s!an" %u! an"

be )%si!i*el# n%!i$e" in !'e ,%r+)la$e as a (%re +n%,le"&eable an" useul e()l%#ee.

Business +n%,le"&e is n%! a “$%)#ri&'!e" 2uali!# bu! re)resen!s $%((%n sense an" l%&i$al

)r%essi%nal !'in+in&3 !'ere%re !'r%u&' s!u"#in& !'is business $%urse #%u ,ill in$rease #%ur

)r%essi%nal business an" l%&i$al $%((%n sense business +n%,le"&e an" abili!ies.

T'is is irs!l# a business s!u"ies $%urse an" se$%n"l# i! is !au&'! usin& in!erna!i%nal business

En&lis' lan&ua&e. Reeren$e s%ur$es are in!erne! n%n $%)#ri&'! s%ur$es an" !'e au!'%rs

l%&i$al3 $%((%n sense an" e7)erien$e in rela!i%n !% in!erna!i%nal business En&lis'.


UNIT ONE. Presentation skills in English. Practice presenting in English.

UNIT T8O. Team building at work. Tips for a successful team and how a team can fail.

UNIT THREE. Team motivation. How to motivate team workers. ( Conversation practice).

UNIT FOUR. Ke team plaers. ( Conversation workshop ).

UNIT FI9E. !ealing with stress at work. "nderstanding stress at work.

UNIT SI:.  #ccepting constructive criticism and team work. Par! One. How to accept constructive

advice at work.

UNIT SE9EN. $iving constructive criticism and team work. Par! T,%. How to give constructive advice

at work.

UNIT EIGHT. %usiness telephone English. &ethods for using business English on the telephone and

practice role plaing on the telephone.

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UNIT NINE. Performance indicators. How a compan can measure its performance in the competitive


UNIT TEN. 'oft 'kills at work. ( Brain bus!er ,%r+s'%) ). The skills which emploers reuire from


UNIT ELE9EN. Time management at work. How to plan our working da at work.

UNIT T8EL9E. Hard skills *+ verses 'oft skills E+. ,hich is more important for emploers-



Presen!a!i%n s+ills in En&lis'.

*ntroduction ( eading practice ).

 #ll presentations have a common objective. People give presentations because the want to

communicate effectively /

Presentation methods can var from culture to culture countr to countr.

 # successful presentation is one of the most effective was of communicating our message. %ecause

English is so widel used in international business a working knowledge of the vocabular and

techniques used in an English language presentation is a valuable asset.

K.I.S. 0 Keep it simple. Tr to ensure our presentation is eas to understand don1t be 2over wordy”  

and don3t be 2over technical”  . %e clear and direct  don3t dwell on over wordy or technical

language. #n persons wanting more information can ask uestions to ou at the end of our


4) Se! !'e s!a&e 3 e7)lain ,'a! is &%in& !% 'a))en. In!r%"u$e an" in%r(. 5or e6ample

introduce ourself who ou are and what ou do. %riefl inform the audience about the

topic title how long the presentation will last which presentation tools ou will use if the

get a break ( coffee break ) or if the presentation is 2 straight through7. 8et our audience

know that the can ask uestions at the end of the presentation.

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9) Tea$'. *ntroduce and e6plain our product idea concept- emember 0 K.I.S.

:) C%n*in$e 3 )ersua"e3 sell. E7)lain !'e &%%" )%in!s % in!eres! ab%u! #%ur )r%"u$!3

i"ea3 !%)i$3 $%n$e)!. This means mention all the good points of interest if possible in the

case of a 2product7 give e6amples to e6plain wh it is better. *f our talking about an idea or

concept give e6amples of advantages.

<1 Sell3 e*er# )resen!a!i%n sells an i"ea %r $%n$e)!.

=1 C%n$lu"e 3 inis' b# briel# re*ie,in& #%ur (ain )%in!s.

;) In*i!e 2ues!i%ns. 0 C%nsul!a!i%n 1. Prior to doing a presentation it is good practice to tr to

think and anticipate which tpes of uestions ou might be asked.

<) 9isual ai"s. &an tpes of visual aids e6ist and ever person has their own preference.

=) Buil" a rela!i%ns'i) with our audience e.g appropriate humor.

Class "is$ussi%n. BODY !"#$!#%. ,hat tpes of bod language can we or should we use when

doing a presentation- $ive our opinions.

Brains!%r( a$!i*i!#. Teacher and students how man visual aids for presentations can we think of-

!iscuss advantages and disadvantages.

C%n*ersa!i%n an" $%()re'ensi%n.

In )airs !a+e !urns as+in& ea$' %!'er !'ese 2ues!i%ns.

(4) Please e6plain to me what is the meaning of 2 set the stage7-

(9) *f we 2conclude7 a presentation what are we doing- Please e6plain.

(:) ,hat are 2visual aids please tell me some e6amples-

(>) ,h do people do presentations please e6plain-

(?) *s being 2word7 in a presentation a good thing- @es or no and please e6plain wh-

(;) "sing too much technical language in a presentation is this a good thing- @es or no and

please e6plain wh-

(<) ,hen should we invite uestions from the audience and wh-

(=) Please e6plain to me the meaning of a 2straight through7 presentation-

(A) ,hat does K.*.' mean please e6plain to me-

(4B) Think of a 2meaningful7 uestion and ask it to our conversation partner.

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Presen!a!i%n )ra$!i$e. S)ea+in& an" lis!enin& )ra$!i$e3 as+in& an" ans,erin& 2ues!i%ns.

(a) %usiness students take turns.

(b) Think of an topic product idea or concept and do a mini presentation to the class. ,hen

ou have finished invite uestions from our audience

(c) #udience take brief notes and prepare at least one uestion.

otes for presentation.
















Two or more people working together using combined skills to achieve a $%((%n &%al  (shared

obectiveFaimFtargetFdead line).

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 # !i&'! +ni! !ea( is a group of $%()e!en! in"i*i"uals who can work together to achieve a “s'are"

%r $%((%n %be$!i*eai(&%al"ea"line. 

F%r !'e !ea( !% su$$ee" in a business en*ir%n(en! !'e# nee" !'e %ll%,in&. The compan must

provide the res%ur$es and en*ir%n(en!. C%((uni$a!i%n the team must communicate through

regular meetings. Learnin& su))%r!. Team members must be willing to “learn r%( %!'er !ea( 

(e(bers and through in>'%use $%()an# !rainin&.

@ISCUSS. ,hich tpes of skills can we teach to or learn from other team members-

Reas%ns %r Tea( Buil"in& in$lu"e. ( %usiness teacher and students discuss the following ).

(a) *mproving communication

(b) &aking the workplace more enoable

(c) &otivating a team

(d) $etting to know each other

(e) $etting everone Gonto the same pageG including goal setting

(f) Teaching the team selfregulation strategies. ( e.g time management setting goals effective team

meetings ).

(g) Helping participants to learn more about themselves (strengths and weaknesses)

(h) *dentifing and utiliIing the strengths of team members

(i) *mproving team productivit

()Practicing effective collaboration with team members

J%usiness teacher comprehension checkJ

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Rea"in&3 $%()re'ensi%n. Tea( ,%r+ $an ail i

There might be times when ou ma e6perience failure within our business or team. There are

several reasons that team building ma fail. Teams building and team work reuire planning and

intense commitment. !on3t be discouraged if ou find team building to be failing in our workplace.

There are was to overcome this setback and go on to be even stronger than ou3d anticipated. %e

prepared to do a lot of work and planning. Teams cannot e6ist without a reliable plan. *neffective

planning and time management often leads to team failure. Effective planning and time mangement

work hand in hand when it comes to keeping the team working efficientl. # team without a plan to

work together is not a team. There should be a plan in place to guide everone as individuals and as a

whole team. Competition between team members will damage our team. othing is worse in a team

than this. obod should be made to feel that the need to be much better than everone that the

work with. That is not what being a team means. *t3s about sharing skills and resources so that a

common goal can be reached together something that could not be done otherwise. People that bring

valuable skills to our team must be shown appreciation so that the do not feel undervalued. 8eaders

must be chosen based on their actual abilities. # team must work as a team. +uite often teams will

conduct meetings as a group and then go off to work all week on their own if that happens wh

bother having a team meeting-. *solated working conditions will rapidl deteriorate our team. Havepeople work in pairs or small groups as part of the whole team.

In s!u"en! )airs !a+e !urns as+in& ea$' %!'er 2ues!i%ns.  Choose underlined words from the above

passage and 2form7 uestions to our conversation partner. E6ample 0 Please e6plain to me the

meaning of 0 on their own-

Firs! rea" an" "is$uss !'e %ll%,in& !en 2ues!i%ns ,i!' !'e business !ea$'er %r un"ers!an"in&

and in pairs practice as&ing and answering the questions.

-UESTION FORMAT. In #%ur %,n ,%r"s )lease "es$ribe ,'a! D.............................. !% (e.

4. *mproving communication

9. &aking the workplace more enoable

:. &otivating a team

>. $etting to know each other

?. $etting everone Gonto the same pageG including goal setting

;. Teaching the team selfregulation strategies. ( e.g time management setting goals effective

team meetings ).

<. Helping participants to learn more about themselves (strengths and weaknesses)

=. *dentifing and utiliIing the strengths of team members

A. *mproving team productivit

4B. Practicing effective collaboration with team members

Class "is$ussi%n3 &i*e #%ur %)ini%ns.  Can teamwork help to prevent stress at work-

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( !iscuss ). 

'ini (resentation) spea&ing) listening and answering questions practice.

S)ea+ %r be!,een %ne an" !,% (inu!es.

Pre)are a (ini )resen!a!i%n %n !ea( ,%r+ is &%%" be$ause . . . . " present to the class, be ready

to accept and answer questions.

Uni! T,%. 8%r"s "i$!i%nar#

4. tight knit team/ some people work together in a


9. competent individuals/ some people who have

abilities to do sth.

:. shared/ of a person

>. resource/ goods and materials (moneeuipments)

?. environment/ circumstance that affect people1s


;. communication/ talk with each other 

<. learning support/ the source of learning

=. inhouse/ inside of

A. e6perience failure/ undergo failure

4B、team building/ form a team

44、fail/ not success

49、planning/ arrangement of doing sth

4:、intense commitment/ serious promise

4>、discouraged/ lose heart

4?、overcome/ defeat

4;、setback/ difficult

4<、go on/ continuous

4=、anticipate/ e6pect

4A、reliable plan/ the plan that can be believed

94、time management/ the management how

to use the time

99、a plan in place/

9:、competition/ activit in which people


9>、damage/ destro

9?、made to feel/ feel b oneself 

9;、common goal/ the same aim

9<、reached together/ achieve together 

9=、otherwise/ if not

9A、valuable skills/ the skills that be useful


shown appreciation/ be enoable

:4、undervalued/ not valuable

:9、based on their actual abilit/ according to

their abilities in work

::、uite often/ alwas

:>、conduct meeting/ hold a meeting

:?、go off/ finish

:;、on their own/ b themselves

:<、*solated working condition/ condition of

work b oneself

:=、rapidl deteriorate/ become worse in

ualit or condition

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9B、*neffective/ not producing the reuired effects

'tudent notes.







Tea( M%!i*a!i%n. H%, !% (%!i*a!e !ea( ,%r+ers. 0C%n*ersa!i%n )ra$!i$e1.

Tea( (%!i*a!i%n is an i()%r!an! elements of team work. %eing able to (%!i*a!e %!'ers and being

able to a$$e)! bein& (%!i*a!e" are both ver important for successful team work.

T'e s2uirrel +n%,s !'a! Nu!s "% n%! &r%, "urin& ,in!er. His (%!i*a!i%n is

F%r e7a()le3 when we first become hungr we begin to think about eating. #s our hunger increases

we take action and seek out food. The need related to hunger increases until we took action to satisf

it. The e6perts sa we are GmotivatedG b the need for food.

4. @ISCUSSION. H%, $an )e%)le be (%!i*a!e" !% be su$$essul a! ,%r+ an" ,'en ,%r+in& as

)ar! % a !ea( T'in+ ab%u!3 (%ne#3 su$$ess3 s%$ial re$%&ni!i%n3 re,ar"3 su))%r!in& a a(il#3

$areer a(bi!i%ns3 &r%u) re$%&ni!i%n an" a$$e)!an$e.3 learnin& r%( %!'ers3 !ea$'in& %!'ers3

s'arin& s+ills. C'%%se %ne % !'ese “!%)i$s an" e7)lain '%, #%u !'in+ !'e# (%!i*a!e a )ers%n.

. -UICK TALKING PRACTICE. Ea$' $lass (e(ber (us! !'in+ % a *er# s!r%n& (%!i*a!in&

a$!%r ,'i$' !'e# eel “(%!i*a!es !'e(. Tell !'e $lass ab%u! i! an" e7)lain ,'#

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;. @is$uss !'e C'ar! bel%, 8ook at the chart take turns and choose a factor and remove it

e7)lain what effect this would have on a person.

Masl%, HerJber&


food clothing shelter


personal safet and securit


need for others affiliation


need for recognition Sel>


personal growth

Bi%l%&i$al Nee"s

food clothing shelter

M%!i*a!%r Nee"s

achievement recognition

responsibilit growth



T'e $%n*ersa!i%n an" learnin& $%n!inues.


Su))%r! is 9isible an" $an be el!3 . )raise an" re$%&ni!i%n3 ;. en%#(en! an" su$$ess3

<. !rainin& an" s'arin& s+ills3 =. eelin& *alue"3 . un"ers!an"able s'are"

%be$!i*esai(s3 . $%ni"en$e in a !ea(3

@e M%!i*a!%rs.

C%nusin& an" un$lear &r%u) )ur)%seai(s!ar&e!s 3 . la$+ % !rainin&3 ;. )ers%nali!#

$las'es3 <. !ea( $ann%! a&ree !%&e!'er3 =. la$+ % su))%r! r%( (ana&ers3 . n%!

all%,e" !% (a+e "e$isi%ns3 . ba" ,%r+in& en*ir%n(en!3 . ,%r+l%a" !%% 'ea*#3 . n%

)raise3 45. la$+ % re$%&ni!i%n.

Class "is$ussi%n. Try to thin& of situations in which motivators and de*motivators happen.

Presen!in& in En&lis'3 !'e $%n*ersa!i%n $%n!inues.

%usiness students 2take turns7 presenting in English.

Tell the class three 2things7 which motivate ou and wh and three things which make ou feel de

motivated and wh- use the following introduction.

Three things which motivate me are DD4DDDDDDDDbecause 9DDDDDDDbecause :DDDDDDbecause..

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Uni! !'ree ,%r"s "i$!i%nar#

4) team motivation/

9) element/

:) shelter/

>) securit/

?) affiliation/

;) actual/

<) visible/

=) praise/

4) success/

9) feeling valued/

:) understandable/

>) confidence/

?) confusing and unclear group


;) personalit clash/

<) lack of support/

=) ambition/

A) responsibilit/

'tudent notes.









+e# !ea( )la#ers. 0 Mini $%n*ersa!i%n ,%r+s'%) 1 Tea$'ers $'%i$e.

-UICK @EFINTION.  # group of individuals working together 3 s'arin& res%ur$es an" s+ills so that

the can achieve a “)%si!i*e s'are" resul! “ T%&e!'er ,e

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$an a$'ie*e su$$ess.


from # to H choose a student and then ask the uestion.

(a) #re ou a team plaer- #nswer 0 @es * believe * am a team plaer because......


(b) ,hat is our 2role7 in the team- #nswer 0 * have several roles in m team and the are..


(c) ,hich skills do ou contribute to the team- #nswer 0 The tpes of skills which * contribute to

the team are .

(d) *n which was can ou support other 2team plaers7- #nswer 0 The was in which * can

support team plaers are .

(e) *n which was can ou get support from other 2team plaers7- #nswer 0 * can get help from

other team plaers through their skills and shared resources for e6ample 0


(f) *n our opinion what can cause a team to fail or damage team working-

(g) ,h is motivation important for team working-

(h) Tell me one e6ample of something 2demotivating7 for a worker in the workplace-

Rea"in& an" "is$ussi%n.

Team building roles are those helpful duties carried out b members either consciousl or

unconsciousl that tend to build the team3s interpersonal relationships cohesiveness and spirit. The

are vitall needed roles that pla a large part in maintaining team performance over the long

term.These roles include.

Tas+s an" Tea( Buil"in& S!u"en! n%!es.

Tea( Buil"in& > T'e Si7 Tea( Buil"in& R%les. Al!erna!i*e na(es %r

!ea( )la#ers.

4. En$%ura&er   praises other members3

contributions to the team

9. Har(%niJer   mediates differences between

other members

:. C%()r%(iser   offers a compromise during disagreement or

conflict b ielding position or admitting error 

>. Ga!e+ee)er regulates the communication particularl in

meetings b encouraging the participation from all team plaers.

?. S!an"ar" Se!!er e6presses standards for the team regarding

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its operation

;. Gr%u) Obser*er observes and reports back to the team on its

group dnamics

J%usiness teacher class discussion and vocabular comprehension checkJ

Ta+e !urns speaking to the class first student completes a sentence and then chooses the ne6tstudent the ne6t student chooses a numbered sentence completes the sentence and chooses ne6t

student. Continue this seuence until ever student has spoken.

4. *f * were a team compromiser * would be the person who

9. *f * were the team harmoniIer * would be the person who

:. *f * were the team standard setter * would be the person who

>. *f * were the team encourager * would be the person who

?. *f * were the team gatekeeper * would be the person who .

;. *f * were the team group observer * would be the person who ..

Presen!in& in En&lis'.

I ,%ul" li+e !% sa# Tell the class our strongest team work skill. E6plain and give an e6ample.

Be rea"# !% a$$e)! an" ans,er 2ues!i%ns r%( !'e $lass.

Uni! %ur. 8%r"s !ransla!i%n

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4、positive shared result/















4>、standard setter/

4?、group observer/

4;、group dnamics/











S!ress 0 a negative ongoing action and feeling for the mind or the bod or both together.

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E7a()le. & boss is alwas complaining and m mind feels stressed when * hear him.

E7a()le. * worked for 49 hours toda m bod feels stressed .

* love m ob but * don1t want to “"ie %r i!7. !id ou know that “s!ress can 2 kill people 2 -

J%usiness teacher comprehension checkJ

Rea"in& )ra$!i$e.

 ,ork reall can kill ou according to a stud providing the strongest evidence et of how ontheob

stress raises the risk of heart disease b disrupting the bod3s internal sstems.

The results from a l%n&>runnin& s!u"# involving more than 4BBBB %ritish $i*il ser*an!s also suggest

s!ress>in"u$e" bi%l%&i$al $'an&es ma )la# a (%re "ire$! r%le than previousl thought said an

e)i"e(i%l%&is! at "niversit College 8ondon.

GThis is the first lar&e>s$ale )%)ula!i%n s!u"# looking at the ee$!s % s!ress measured from

everda working life on 'ear! "isease. Lne of the problems is people have been s+e)!i$al whether

work stress reall affects a person bi%l%&i$all#.

Heart disease is the world3s lea"in& $ause of death. *t is caused b a!!# "e)%si!s that 'ar"en and

bl%$+ ar!eries high blood pressure which damages bl%%" *essels and other a$!%rs.

The researchers (easure" s!ress among the civil servants b asking uestions about their %b

"e(an"s such as how much $%n!r%l !'e# 'a" a! ,%r+ how often the took breaks and how

)resse" %r !i(e the were during the da.

J%usiness teacher vocabular comprehension checkJ

The team $%n"u$!e" se*en sur*e#s over a 4>#ear )eri%" and found $'r%ni$all# s!resse" 

workers people determined to be under severe pressure in the first two of the surves had a ;=

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percent higher risk of "e*el%)in& 'ear! "isease.

The stud showed that the lin+ was strongest among people under ?B.

GThis stud adds to the e*i"en$e that the work s!ress>$%r%nar# 'ear! "isease association is 2

$ausal in natureG the resear$'ers wrote in the Eur%)ean Hear! %urnal.

%ehavior and bi%l%&i$al $'an&es likel e6plain wh stress at work causes heart disease. 'tressedworkers eat unhealth food smoke drink and s+i) e7er$ise all behaviors lin+e" to heart disease.

*n the stud stressed workers also had l%,ere" 'ear! ra!e *ariabili!#  a sign of a poorlfunctioning

weak heart and higherthannormal levels of $%r!is%l a s!ress '%r(%ne that provides a burs! %

ener&# for a i&'!>%r>li&'! res)%nse.

Too much $%r!is%l circulating in the bl%%" s!rea( can damage bl%%" *essels and the heart.

G*f ou are $%ns!an!l# s!resse" %u! these bi%l%&i$al s!ress s#s!e(s become abn%r(al.

'ource 0 (euters) 0 Tuesda Man 99 9BB=

J%usiness teacher vocabular comprehension checkJ

C%n*ersa!i%n an" $%()re'ensi%n $'e$+.

Pair 8%r+. @is$uss !'ese 2ues!i%ns ,i!' #%ur !ea$'er an" use the uestions to ask each other

uestions to check our understanding about stress at work. @ou can refer to the article to help ou

answer uestions.

4) ,hat is the meaning of 2long running stud7-

9) ,hat tpe of work do 2civil servants do7-

:) *f * sa 2something plas a direct role7 what do * mean-

>) *f biological changes happen to me heart what might cause that-

?) ,hat is a 2 large scale population stud 2-

;) Tell me a sentence using the word 2skeptical7.

<) Tell me an e6ample of a 2 ob demand 2 that might cause 2 stress7.

=) *s high blood pressure good for health if not wh-

A) ,hat does 2 chronicall stressed7 mean-

4B) ,hat is cortisol and what can it cause to happen-

44) Please tell me a sentence using the word 2abnormal7

49) Tell me two things which make ou feel 2stressed7-

4:) Tell me two things we can do to avoid stress or reduce stress-

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J%usiness teacher vocabular comprehension checkJ

T'e $%n*ersa!i%n $%n!inues. Mini )resen!a!i%ns.

Presen!a!i%n3 lis!enin& an" 2ues!i%n ans,erin& )ra$!i$e.

In )airs3 )re)are a s'%r! )resen!a!i%n %n !'e sube$! % s!ress an" (en!i%n a e, i"eas %n !'e

$ause % s!ress an" '%, !% re"u$e !'e eelin& % s!ress. 8'en #%u are inis'e"3 In*i!e

2ues!i%ns r%( #%ur au"ien$e.








Uni! i*e ,%r"s "i$!i%nar#

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4、complain/ 、、

9、m mind feels stressed、、、、、、


:、m bod feels stressed、、、


>、die for it:因此而消极

?、strongest evidence/、、、、、、

;、heart disease/、、、

<、disrupt /、、

=、internal sstem/、、、、

A、longrunning stud/、、、、、

4B、civil servant/、、、

44、stressinduced biological


49、direct role/、、、、




4;、heart disease/、、、



4A、fatt deposit/、、、、


94、block arter/、、

99、blood vessel/、、

9:、press for time/、、、、


9?、chronicall/   期地长

9;、stresscoronar/   力冠状 脉长 长


9=、skip e6ercise/跳长长长

9A、lower the heart rate variabilit/、、、













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A$$e)!in& $%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is( an" !ea( ,%r+. Par! One.

@%n/! &e! s!resse"  $%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is( is an i()%r!an! )ar! % an# %b.

S%(e!i(es ,e nee" %!'ers !% !ell us i ,e are n%! "%in& s%(e!'in& $%rre$!l# s% !'a! ,e $an

learn. T'is a$!i%n is $alle" “$%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is(.

+eam wor& means s'arin& s+ills an" +n%,le"&e an" bein& ,illin& !% learn !% be a be!!er

,%r+er. O!'er (%re e7)erien$e" s!a  $an “!ea$' s+ills an" +n%,le"&e !% less e7)erien$e"

s!a. T% be able !% !ea$' s!a (%re +n%,le"&e an" s+ills !'is %!en (eans !'a! #%u nee" !% !ell

%!'ers “ ,'i$' ,%r+in& a$!i%ns !'e# nee" !% i()r%*e. T'is $an eel li+e “$ri!i$is( bu! in a$!

i! is “$%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is( an" 'el)s a )ers%n i()r%*e !'eir ,%r+in& abili!ies. Usuall#3 )e%)le

"% n%! li+e !% be $ri!i$iJe" bu! in !ea( ,%r+ ,e nee" !% re&ar" 'el)ul $ri!i$is( as useul.

4) #ccept that ou are not perfect. @ou will make mistakes. The important thing is to learn from


9) !ouble check our work .. #fter ou3ve finished and before ou submit it to our supervisor or

manager be sure ou3ve gone over everthing carefull.

:) !on3t feel stressed. *f our coworker has constructive criticism for ou listen and decide >.

how best to learn from what the have said to ou.

>) 8isten carefull. *f ou ignore constructive critical comments ou will repeat the same mistakes

again in the future.

?) Tell ourself * can learn from this constructive criticism- ,hen ou agree with the criticism

ou become open to learning.

;) #nalIe and evaluate what ou3ve heard. @ou need time to process the critical information if

it3s a valid criticism decide what ou3ll do to solve the problem.

<) !on3t hold a grudge.  'taing angrFupset about criticism can affect our future work. Put the

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mistakes out of our mind and focus on doing the best ob possible on the ne6t task.

=) #ccept the fact  that others ma see our mistakes but ou don3t. Even if ou don3t agree with

the criticism others ma be seeing something that ou are not even aware of. #llow for the fact

that others ma be right and use that possibilit to improve our skills.

A) Think positive.

J%usiness teacher comprehension checkJ

Un$%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is(

T'in+ % an e7a()le % un$%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is( an" )resen!!ell i! !% !'e $lass.  

( 8isteners ou are reuested to ask uestions ).

T'e $%n*ersa!i%n $%n!inues.

@is$uss !'e (eanin& % !'e !en 2ues!i%ns s'%,n bel%, ,i!' #%ur !ea$'er an" $lass(a!es an"

!'en in )airs )ra$!i$e as+in& !'e %ll%,in& 2ues!i%ns an" &i*in& ans,ers.

QBusiness !ea$'er $%()re'ensi%n $'e$+Q

0a1 Is $%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is( useul %r learnin& '%, !% i()r%*e ,%r+ s+ills3 i #es $an #%u

!ell (e an e7a()le

0b1 H%, s'%ul" a )ers%n rea$! ,'en !'e# 'ear $%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is( a! ,%r+

0$1 8'i$' s!a a! ,%r+ s'%ul" be all%,e" !% &i*e $%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is(

0"1 @% #%u !'in+ !%% (u$' $%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is( $an &i*e a ,%r+er a eelin& % “s!ress


0e1 8%ul" #%u &i*e $%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is( !% a !ea( (e(ber a! ,%r+ I #es )lease !ell (e

an e7a()le I n%3 ,'# n%!

01 8'a! is !'e reas%n %r &i*in& $%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is(

0&1 8'a! "%es “un$%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is( (ean

0'1 I $ri!i$is( see(s un$%ns!ru$!i*e3 '%, ,%ul" #%u rea$!3 ,'a! ,%ul" #%u sa# %r "%

0i1 I #%u 'ear" a !ea( (e(ber 0n%! a (ana&er1 &i*in& un$%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is( !% an%!'er

!ea( (e(ber3 ,'a! ,%ul" #%u "% an" ,'#

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01 I #%u ,ere &i*in& $%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is( !% a !ea( ,%r+er an" !'e# s!ar!e" !% be$%(e

an&r#3 ,'a! ,%ul" #%u "%

En&lis' lan&ua&e )resen!a!i%n )ra$!i$e.

4..T'in+ % a si!ua!i%n in ,'i$' $%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is( ,%ul" be 'el)ul %r a !ea( (e(ber an"

!ell !'e $lass ab%u! i! an" e7)lain ,'# A!er #%u 'a*e s)%+en3 in*i!e )e%)le !% as+ #%u a e,



. T'in+ % a si!ua!i%n in ,'i$' un$%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is( (i&'! 'a))en an" e7)lain ,'#

A!er #%u 'a*e s)%+en3 in*i!e #%ur au"ien$e !% as+ #%u a e, 2ues!i%ns.







UNIT SI:. 8%r" !ransla!i%ns.

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(i) gender/ 性长

() race/ 、、

(k) se6ual orientation:性取向

(l) age/ 、、

(m)disabilit/ 、、

(n) get stressed/ 、、、

(o) constructive criticism:建

、 、 、 、 、

(p) sharing skills:分享技能

() knowledge/、、

(r) willing/ 、、、、、

(s) e6perienced staff/ 、、、、、、

(t) which/ 、、

(u) working action/ 工作方式

(v) improve/ 、 、

(w) criticism/ 、、

(6) in fact/ 、、、

perfect/ 、、、

double check our work:再三长长


submit/ 、、

go over everthing carefull/ 、、


listen carefull/ !"#$ "长

open to learn/ % 地&学长 长

analIe/ 、、

evaluate/ '长

process/ (长

critical information/ 、、、、、

valid/ )*+,

solve the problem/ 、、、、

don1t hold a grudge/ 、、、、

accept the fact/ -./长

aware of/ 0 1长

unconstructive criticism/ 2建 性长

、 、 、

S!u"en! n%!es. 







Gi*in& $%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is( an" !ea( ,%r+. Par! !,%.

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Re(e(ber !% %er rien"l# $%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is( % !'e )ers%n/s be'a*i%r %r

,'a! !'e#/*e "%ne3 n%! ab%u! !'eir )ers%nali!# !rai!s 3 %r $'ara$!er.

Here are s%(e (e!'%"s !% 'el) #%u &i*e !ea( (e(bers !'e $%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is( !'e# nee"

an" ,an!

0 Business students) discuss these methods with your business teacher . 1

11 Take an honest look at our own feelings towards the team plaer ( member ).  *f

ou dislike ( have an negative feelings toward the team member) then ou3re

probabl not the best person to offer them constructive advice. ( teacher and

student discussion, what to do in such a situation)?

11 'tart and end with a compliment. 5irst sa something good to sa to our team

memberN this will help him or her accept our constructive (criticism) advice. #t the

end of the conversation find something good again to sa to our team member.

it will help our team member to feel that the aren3t a failure.

11 @our voice tone.  The tone level of our voice should sound friendl supportive

honest and rela6ed.

11 Ee contact is important  look at the person ou3re speaking to use ee contact in

a friendl supportive stle. ( ote O don1t stare too directl).

11 Choose the best time and place . ever give constructive criticism in public or in

front of other team members.

11  !o our best to avoid hurting feelings . "se gentle suggestions do not speak

forcefull tr to give e6amples to help understanding.

11 Talk about the behavior not the person. 5eedback is not about insulting

someone3s behavior it3s about telling him or her how to be better.

11 "se gentle humor if possible . *f ou can deliver criticism in a lighthear ted friendl

manner it will be received in a much more positive wa.

11 'upport our team member . 'uggest how ou can help. This will also strengthen

our positive unit as a team.

111 !on3t keep repeating our constructive criticism.  'peak clearl give e6amples be

supportive and when ou are finished allow them a chance to ask an uestions.

J%usiness teacher comprehension checkJ

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N%!e Gi*in& $%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is( in a )%si!i*e 'el)ul s!#le !'a! !'e )ers%n #%u are !al+in& !%

,ill a$$e)!3 !'is is a &%%" !%%l %r buil"in& an" lea"in& a )%si!i*e !ea(.

Conversation practice and comprehension uestions.

In pairs ask each other the following questions.


(4) Please describe to me how ou feel when ou receive constructive criticism and ou know ou

can learn from it-

(9) !o ou think people can learn from receiving constructive criticism please e6plain our opinion

about this-

(:) How would ou react- #nd what would ou sa if a team worker gave ou a feeling of stress b

offering too much constructive criticism-

(>) ,ould ou prefer to hear constructive criticism or ust continue making the same mistake at

work- Please e6plain.

(?) *n our own words please e6plain to me the difference ( if an- ) between constructive

criticism and advice-

(;) 8isten to the following sentences and tell me which one is correct and e6plain wh-

A 0 *t is LK to criticiIe another team member about anthing including their personalit or character.

B 0 Constructive criticism should be about helping a team member correct mistakes at work.



( Teacher will choose one business student and the will give a demo role pla ). ole pla topic 0

( #@ ).


 Y%u are a ne, !ea( )la#er in a !ea( an" !'e !ea( ,an!s !% su))%r! an" 'el) #%u i()r%*e #%ur

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s+ills. T'e !ea( 'as n%!i$e" '%, %!en #%u ,ill a&ree !% "% s%(e a$!i%n bu! !'en #%u %!en

"ela# "%in& i!. E7a()le #%u ,ere as+e" %n M%n"a# a!ern%%n !% ans,er an E (ail r%( a

$lien!3 !'e $lien! is $%()lainin& be$ause #%ur $%()an# is “!%% sl%, a! ans,erin& E (ails. Y%u

,ere as+e" !% ,ri!e an E (ail !% !'a! $lien! an" e7)lain !% !'e $lien! !'a! in u!ure all E (ails

r%( !'e( ,ill be ans,ere" ,i!'in < '%urs. T%"a# is Tues"a# !en !'ir!# in !'e (%rnin&3 #%ur

(ana&er 'as n%, re$ei*e" a se$%n" E (ail r%( !'e $%()an# an" !'e# are s!ill $%()lainin&

ab%u! #%ur $%()an# n%! ans,erin& E (ails 2ui$+l#.

J%usiness teacher comprehension checkJ

Business s!u"en!s r%le )la# $%n*ersa!i%n )ra$!i$e an" $%()re'ensi%n.

In )airs !a+e !urns )ra$!i$in& !'e r%le )la# s$enari%.

Tea$'er ,ill (%ni!%r an" assis! business s!u"en! r%le )la#in&.

Uni! se*en. 8%r"s !ransla!i%n

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personalit trait/ 、、、、

character/ 、、

method/ 、、

take an honest look at ourown feelings towards the

team plaer :3 地 4长 长

、 、 、 、 、 、

dislike/ 56长

start and end with a

compliment/ 、、、、、、

7 方长长

failure/ 、、、

voice tone/ 、、、、

voice level:8长

  friendl/ 、、、

supportive/ 、、、

honest/ 、、、



ee contact is important/ 、


use ee contact in a

friendl supportive stle/ 、


don1t stare too directl/ 、、 

9: ; 方长 长

choose the best time and place/ 、

<=, >地?长 长长

in public/ 、、、、、

team member/ 、、

do our best to avoid hurting

feeling/ 、、、、、、、、

gentle suggestion/ @>,建长

forcefull/ 、、、、

feedback/ 、、

insult/ 、、

behavior/ A 方式长

use gentle humor if possible/ BC


lighthearted friendl manner/ 、、


support our team member/ 、 、 、

、 、 、



positive unit/ 长长

don1t keep repeating our

constructive criticism/ 5J9:KL

M,建 性,N长 长

scenario/ 、、、、

'tudent notes.





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%usiness telephone English.

ole pla telephone conversation and listening practice.

%usiness English academic English and none formal everda English are effective global

communication tools.

"sing the telephone for communication can be challenging for non native English speakers because

the do not have visual contact with the other person.

egional English language accents can cause difficult for understanding during telephone

conversations even for native English speakers. ( Class discussion on regional accents in China

and other countries ).

Ti)s %r usin& !'e !ele)'%ne.

It is not unreasonable to ask the other person on the telephone to =

A. 'peak slowl please *3m having some difficult understanding what our saing.

B. 'peak more clearl please *3m having some difficult understanding what our saing.

C. *3m not sure what word ou ust said please can ou spell it for me.

@. ,rite notes as ou listen to the person if necessar read back our notes to confirm that ou

understood what the said.

E. *f possible tape the telephone conversation and repla it to ensure ou full understood the


Tea$'er ,ill sele$! a business s!u"en! an" "% an i()r%()!u !ele)'%ne r%le )la#3 si!!in& ba$+

!% ba$+

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!uring the impromtu role pla business English students must listen and take notes to practice

listening and read their notes back to the class after the demo role pla.

R%le )la# !ele)'%ne $%n*ersa!i%n !%)i$s.

F%r !'e r%le )la# s!u"en!s $an $'%%se . Cell )'%nes %r si!!in& ba$+ !% ba$+.

4. %ooking a hotel room for two nights for a single person cost how to pa etc.

9. eserving a table for two people in an e6pensive restaurant.

:. %ooking an air flight ticket. @ou want to fl from 'hanghai to 8ondon.

>. *nviting a T repair person to come to our home and fi6 our T.

?. # manager phoning an emploee to find out wh the emploee has not come to

work toda.

%usiness English teacher will monitor and correct language errors.

UNIT EIGHT. 8%r"s "i$!i%nar#

4. academic/ 学 性,长

9. none formal/ 2O式,

:. effective/ )P,

>. global/ 、、、

?. communication tool/ 、、、

;. challenge/ 、、

<. non native English speaker/

2Q R S长 长

=. visual/ 、、、

A. contact/ 、、

4B. regional/ 、、、

49、unreasonable/ 5TU,

4:、speak more clearl please/ 、 、 、 、 、

4>、read back/ 、、VWX长

4?、tape the telephone conversation/ 、、


4;、repla/ 、、

4<、select/ 、、

4=、impromptu/ 、、、、、、、

4A、backtoback/ 、、、

9B、demo/ 、、、、、

94、brainstorm/ 、 、 、 、

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be targeted and measured that will add the *alue to the business

'ource 0 http/FFen.wikipedia.orgFwikiFPerformanceDindicator 

. The KP*s are defined as part of a hierarchical decisionmaking process in e*er#"a# En&lis' !'is

(eans !'e $%()an# $an see '%, ,ell i! is )er%r(in& a! all +e# 0 i()%r!an! 1 le*els.

;. KP* 0 'mart criteria 0 This means the performance measuring has a S pecific purpose for thebusiness the aim can be achievable and the performance measuring lasting for a set amount of time

e.g. a budget ear.

<. ,e set performance measuring indicators against actions or services to see how effective those

actions or services are.


Un"ers!an"in& '%, KPIs ,%r+. #n eas to follow e6ample is to imagine a school reuires A?

percent of its students to pass the earl histor e6am. %ut onl <B percent of students are actuall

passing histor e6ams.

J%usiness teacher vocabular comprehension checkJ

T'e %ll%,in& A !% H nee" !% be (easure" %r )er%r(an$e.

A 0 The school has been measuring the amount of histor hours taught per week. ( #re the hours

enough- ).

B 0 The amount of students which attend each class ( the classes might contain too man students ).

C 0 The tpes of books used for teaching histor. ( E6pensive ualit books or cheap books etc

note 0 the school budget currentl allows for purchasing medium priced books ).

@ 0 8essons hours taught b recentl ualified histor teachers and lesson hours taught b long term

e6perienced histor teachers.

E 0 How often teachers are absent from teaching histor due to sickness national holidas etc.

F 0 How often students are absent from histor classes due to sickness national holidas etc.

G 0 How often is home work given-

H 0 How often are 2mock e6ams7 given-

QBusiness !ea$'er *%$abular# $%()re'ensi%n $'e$+Q

;. TELL US 8HAT YOU THINK. Tea$'er an" s!u"en! $%n*ersa!i%n )ra$!i$e an"

$%()re'ensi%n $'e$+.

*n our “s!u"# )airs present and give our opinion on one method for measuring on one of the

 points shown in ! to ,.

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Ca!e&%riJa!i%n % in"i$a!%rs

4. -uan!i!a!i*e in"i$a!%rs which can be presented as a number.

. Pra$!i$al in"i$a!%rs that interface with e6isting compan processes. ,eb sites.

;. @ire$!i%nal in"i$a!%rs specifing whether an organiIation is getting better or not.

<. A$!i%nable in"i$a!%rs are sufficientl in an organiIation3s control to effect change.

=. Finan$ial in"i$a!%rs

'ource ( not copright) 0 http/FFen.wikipedia.orgFwikiFPerformanceDindicator 

S!u"en! A"*i$e. Performance indicators methods etc represents a huge topic and ou are

advised to do further reading.

Presen!in& in En&lis'.

,orking in pairs ou are business consultants. You hae been asked to suggest three types or

 perfor!ance !onitoring for a telesales co!pany, you need to consider the following points and then

decide which key actiity areas should be !onitored for perfor!ance and for how !uch ti!e?

!onths, # !onths or $$$..?

*t1s a wrong number that1s another potential sale lost.

Points to consider how long do sales staff talk on the telephone- how man calls do the make each

da- how man “lea"s are the given each da- ,hich reasons do potential customers give for not

buing e.g. too e6pensive- *s the compan making calls to potential clients during working hours to

home phone numbers when those people are not at home but actuall at work- !o the staff get

ongoing sales training- is the marketing department using good marketing methods to attract

customer interest for e6ample sending out e mails advertising in magaIines on T. giving out

leale!s on the street are the phoning 2 wrong numbers7- ,hat methods are the using and could

these be performance measured- E.$. web site how man visitors each da- Can ou think of an

other activities that could be monitored for performance-

 Y%u $an s!ar! #%ur )resen!a!i%n !'is ,a#.

,e would advise the telesales compan to use performance indicators for ..


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Uni! nine ,%r"s "i$!i%nar#

indicator/ 、、

measure/ \长   、

、、N 、verb] ^长

evaluate/ '长



indicator/ _长

P̀长 长

strateg/ aU#


obective/ 、、

target/ \长

hierarchical/ 、

b c分,长



process/ 、、、



level/ _ fg长


purpose/ hi,


a set amount of

time/ ji,长

budget ear/ kl长

histor/ 、、

consider/ mn#n长

discuss/ 、、

categoriIation/ 长长

uantitative indicator/ 、、、、

practical indicator/ `长长 长

directional indicator/ 、、、、

actionable indicator/ A `长 长

financial indicator/ 、 、 、 、

leads/ 、、

leaflet/ 、、


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T%) s%! s+ills.

There are about ;B Q plus Gsoft skillsG which emploers can seek. The are applicable to different

fields of work. according we will look at Gpersonal traits and skills that emploers sa are important

when selecting emploees for obs of an tpe.

'oft skills pla a vital role for professional successN the help an emploee to )er%r( ,ell in the

workplace and their importance cannot be ignored. $ood soft skills which are in fact s$ar$e in the

highl competitive $%r)%ra!e ,%rl"3 will help ou be n%!i$e" among %b see+ers and )r%(%!i%n

see+ers. *f ou have good soft skills ou will be n%!i$e" b an emploer.

The most common popular skill !rai!s mentioned b virtuall ever emploer are/ P%si!i*e ,%r+

e!'i$3 G%%" a!!i!u"e3 desire !% learn an" be !raine"3 !ea( ,%r+in& s+ills3 )r%ble( s%l*in& s+ills3

ne&%!ia!i%n s+ills3 $%((uni$a!i%n s+ills3 )resen!a!i%n s+ills3 anal#sin& s+ills.

C%n*ersa!i%n an" $%()re'ensi%n.

Rea" the list of soft skills. ,e will discuss the un"erline" skills. The skills which are not underlined

can be studied in our free stud timeN ou can use dictionaries and internet research to make sure

ou understand the meanings.

The most mentioned skills are/

4. &ath. 9.'afet. :. C%ur!es#. >. H%nes!#.  ?.$rammar. ;.eliabilit. <.5le6ibilit. =.Tea( s+ills.  A.E#e $%n!a$!.  4B.C%%)era!i%n. 44.A"a)!abili!#. 49. F%ll%, rules.  4:. 'elfdirected. 4> G%%"

a!!i!u"es. 4?. ,riting skills. 4;. !river3s license. 4<.!ependabilit. 4=.#dvanced math. 4A. Sel>

su)er*isin&. 9B.$ood references. 94.%eing drug free. 99.$ood attendance. 9:.Pers%nal ener&#.

9>.,ork e6perience. 9?. #bilit to measure. 9;. Pers%nal in!e&ri!#. 9<.$ood work histor.

9=.P%si!i*e ,%r+ e!'i$.  9A. In!er)ers%nal s+ills.  :B. M%!i*a!i%nal s+ills.  :4.aluing education.

:9.Pers%nal $'e(is!r#. ::.8illin&ness !% learn. :>.C%((%n sense. :?.Cri!i$al !'in+in& s+ills. 

:;.Knowledge of fractions. :<.eporting to work on time. :=."se of rulers and calculators. :A.$ood

personal appearance. >B. ,anting to do a good ob. >4.%asic spelling and grammar.

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>9.Rea"in& an" $%()re'ensi%n.  >:.#bilit to follow regulations. >>.8illin&ness !% be

a$$%un!able. >?. #bilit to fill out a ob application. >;.#bilit to make production uotas. ><.%asic

manufacturing skills training. >=.A,areness % '%, business ,%r+s. >A. S!a#in& %n !'e %b un!il

i! is inis'e".  ?B.#bilit to read and follow instructions. ?4.,illingness to work second and third shifts.

?9.Carin& ab%u! seein& !'e $%()an# su$$ee". ?:.Un"ers!an"in& ,'a! !'e ,%rl" is all ab%u!. 

?>.#bilit to listen and document what ou have heard. ??.C%((i!(en! !% $%n!inue" !rainin& an"

learnin&. ?;.,illingness to take instruction and responsibilit. ?<.Abili!# !% rela!e !% $%,%r+ers in a$l%se en*ir%n(en!. ?=.N%! e7)e$!in& !% be$%(e a su)er*is%r in !'e irs! si7 (%n!'s.

?A.,illingness to be a good worker and go beond the traditional eighthour da. ;B. C%((uni$a!i%n

s+ills ell%, e()l%#ees3 su)er*is%rs3 an" $us!%(ers.  ;4.M%!i*a!i%n !%,ar"s %!'ers an" sel

(%!i*a!i%n.  ;9.E()a!'#. ;:. Pr%ble( s%l*er. ;>. #bilit to give constructive criticism without

causing stress or upset to others. ;?. #bilit to accept constructive criticism. ;;. Problem solver. ;<.

egotiation. ;=. #nalsing.

In )airs3 !a+e !urns sele$!in& an" as+in& ea$' %!'er 2ues!i%ns r%( !'e lis! % !'e un"erline" %r

'i&'li&'!e" s%! s+ills. "se these e6ample sentence structures to form uestions.

4) ,h is willingness to be a good worker and go beond the traditional eighthour daconsidered a good soft skill-

9) "nderstanding what the world is all about. ,h this is a good soft skill-

:) 'taing on the ob until it is finished. *s this a good soft skill- ,h-

>) !riving license a soft skill- ,h- (Think about which tpe of ob).

?) ,h motivational skills are considered a good soft skill-

;) !o ou think ot e6pecting to become a supervisor in the first si6 months is a good soft skill-

<) ,h are team skills considered to be good soft skills-

=) Caring about seeing the compan succeed. ,h is this a good soft skill-

A) How do ou feel about Personal chemistr- *s it a good soft skill- ,h-

4B) Cooperation is important as a soft skill. ,h-

44) ,h is self motivation important-

49) ,h is the abilit or skill to motivate others important-

4:) ,h is 2empath7 important-

4>) ,hich is more important for emploers 2a ualification7 or soft skills- (*nterpersonal skills).

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*n our own words describeFpresent what ou think is wrong with the man in the picture above-

%e creative make up a stor about him.

"nit ten. ,ords translation/


9、field of work/ 工作 o长

:、personal trait/ 、、、、








44、ee contact/ 、、、、

49、adaptabilit/ 、、、、、、、

Rea"in& %r )ra$!i$e. SOFT SKILLS.

&ore and more corporations around the

world recogniIe that in order to gain a

competitive advantage the also need to

make sure their people know how to handle

themselves at work and how to relate with

their customers and peers. 5rom showing

empath and optimism to e6treme self

4:、follow rule/ pq i长

4>、selfsupervising/ rs t长

4?、personal integrit/ 、、

4;、interpersonal skill/ u 技v长

4<、willingness to learn/ 学 wx长

4=、common sense/ 、、

4A、Critical thinking skill/ Ny性m 技能长





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awareness to knowing what3s going on

around them these vital competencies are

an integral part of a progressive organiIation.

The fall under the umbrella of Emotional

*ntelligence (E*).

These softskills or emotional intelligenceskills revelations open the door to a lot of

discussion. The western civiliIation and our

traditional management theories tend to lead

us in the direction of individualistic promotion.

The displa our strengths rather than the

demonstration of our humanness. These

ideas have been so tightl woven into our

leadership mentalit that the can be

challenging to break.

,e live in a societ that measuresintelligence through uantifiable metrics. #

professor will give ou good grades once ou

know R@S but he or she will not increase

our grade for being able to deal with a

difficult situation showing compassion or

solving an une6pected problem. @et most

compliments that ou or our emploees

receive deal more with the use of soft skills to

resolve the complaint.

@ou can read the above article for reading comprehension practice and use the right side of the pageto make an notes 2of interest7.











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Ti(e (ana&e(en! s+ills are #%ur abili!ies !% re$%&niJe an" s%l*e )ers%nal !i(e

(ana&e(en! )r%ble(s a! ,%r+.


(4) Time tracking with a time log is much more than a boring e6ercise in book keeping. *f ou

approach it right it will become a *er# ee$!i*e !i(e (ana&e(en! learnin& !%%l. # few

minutes of writing and analIing our time and activit logs will eliminate man hours of wasted

time. How man different tasks do ou do each da at work- *n which order should the tasks

be done are some of the tasks high priorit medium priorit or low priorit- 'hould ou create

a dail work list in order of priorit- *f ou plan our working da can this reduce stress and

pressure at work-

(9) @ou can re"u$e s!ress b itemiIing and )ri%ri!iJin& !as+s and giving them a place in our

work and home life.

(:) &an methods e6ist for using time management techniues to prioritiIe tasks or duties at work

or in everda life.

(>) F%r e7a()le 0 Kee)in& a "ail# "air#. ,rite down in a dair for five das each task ou do

and how long it takes to do make a note of an time consuming distractions and how long

those distractions last. The theor is that b doing this ou learn to understand the wa in

which our time is used positivel and which actions or distractions use up our time in anegative wa. #fter keeping the dair for a five da working week ou can then move to step

two. Create a dail work schedule each da when ou arrive at work.

(?) ,riting a self time management scheduleFplan gives ou a time management direction for the

working da.

(;) !ail work planner . Each da when ou arrive at work rela6 for five or ten minutes and create

our dail 2anticipated7 work schedule. This is not a perfect sstem but can give ou a

reasonable amount of possible control over our planned working da. This sstem does not

anticipate une6pected emergencies or problems at work. The idea is that at the start of the

working da ou can prioritiIe our known dail duties

(<) # 0 high priorit. % 0 &edium Priorit. C 0 8ow priorit. ( discuss with our teacher and other

business students ).

C%n$lusi%n ab%u! !i(e (ana&e(en!.

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Time management is about more than ust managing our time at work or in our everda lives.

 *t is about setting priorities to make us more effective at work and in our dail lives. *t means

changing our habits or activities that cause us to waste time. *t means being willing to tr different

methods and ideas to enable ou to find the best wa to make ma6imum use of time.

Brains!%r( a$!i*i!# with the business English teacher and students. Think of tpical tasks at work

and discuss what level priorit tasks the are.

H*$H P*L*T@. &E!*"& P*L*T@. 8L, P*L*T@.

C%n*ersa!i%n an" $%()re'ensi%n.

Pra$!i$e as+in& an" ans,erin& !'e %ll%,in& 2ues!i%ns ab%u! “!i(e (ana&e(en! a! ,%r+.

,h is 2time tracking7 with a 2time log7 useful for time management at work-

How can 2time management7 reduce 2stress7 please e6plain-

,hat can a worker learn through creating a 2dail dair7 please e6plain-

Please e6plain the meaning of 2 time consuming distractions7-

,h is 2writing a self time management scheduleFplan7 helpful for an emploee-

,hat should an emploee do when the create a dail work schedule-



Take turns and give our opinion in our own words about the following 0

Time management at work is important because ...........................

,hen ou have finished speaking invite uestions.

%tudent notes.






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Uni! ele*en. 8%r"s "i$!i%nar#



take turn/ 、、


time tracking with a time

log/ z{长长



activit logs/ | }~长


4B、high priorit/ 、、、、

44、medium priorit/ 9•K长

49、low priorit/ 、、、

4:、plan our working da/ 、、


4>、reduce stress and pressure

at work/ 、、、、、、、、、、、、

4?、reduce stress/ 、、



4=、time management techniue/ aU长长


4A、at work/ 、、、、

9B、everda life/ 、、、、

94、keep a dail dair/ }长 长





9?、use up:B#€B

9;、time management direction for the

working da/ 工作} ‚`ƒ长长

9<、dail work planner/ „}工作 c长









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Har" s+ills3 I- *erses S%! s+ills E-.

HAR@ SKILLS. I-. 'kills in !e$'ni$al sube$!s used to be considered most important. This

means our 2"ire$! 2ualii$a!i%n7. E6ample an engineer will have a universit ualification in

2engineering7. He or she can prove the have a ualified 2'ar" s+ill7 but are the a 2!ea(

)la#er 7-

I! is &%%" !% 'a*e a 'i&' I- an" a 'i&' I- $an be use" !% assess a )ers%ns )%!en!ial ,i!'

re&ar"s !% a “2ualiie" abili!#. H%,e*er e()l%#ers n%, )la$e e2ual %r a! !i(es (%re

i()%r!an$e %n E-.

A new thinking has !a+en '%l" in the world of business and working.

QSOFT SKILLS. E-. Can he or she work well with other people- !o the possess other useful

skills which can be useful for the emploer and other emploees-

SOFT SKILLS include. The personalit or characteristics that ou use when working with other


S%! s+ills (eans )e%)le ,%r+in& !%&e!'er as 'a))#3 )%si!i*e an" )r%"u$!i*e !ea(


(a) 8'a! is I- I- 0 *ntelligence +uotient *+ is a measure of intelligence determined b a

standardiIed test. &ost people have an *+ between =? and 44?.

(b) 8'a! is E- E-  (Pscholog) emotional uotient a measure of a person3s a"e2ua$# in

such areas as sel>a,areness e()a!'# an" "ealin& sensi!i*el# ,i!' %!'er )e%)le.

(c) #n emploee can have a high *+ level but does this mean the can produce good people skills

and does he or she have acceptable 2soft skills7-

(d) 'ome managers used to (and perhaps some still do) act in an au!'%ri!arian (anner  towardsworkers rather then discuss or politel motivate workers the would often ust "i$!a!e or

%r"er ,%r+ers. 'uch managers felt that the were 2ualiie" and therefore their wishes and

actions were “be#%n" 2ues!i%n The felt no need to 2e7er$ise 2)e%)le s+ills %r s%!

s+ills as a ualified emploee the e6pected to be respected and to be placed in positions of


(e) Companies are placing more importance on “s%! s+ills7 e6tra skills and the abilit to interact 

)%si!i*el# with other staff to be supportive enable staff and encourage team work and the

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abilit to use e()a!'#. 'oft skills include people skills the abilit to work positivel with other

people. S%! s+ills $an als% be a""i!i%nal s+ills which are helpful for the compan e6ample

0 driving license.

S%! s+ills 

'oft skills certainl involve a person having 2social working skills7 which enable him or her to work

positivel with other team members and to perform effectivel as a compan emploee. Here are ust

a few e6amples.

(4) M%!i*a!i%n . The skill to be able to motivate a single worker or a team of workers and to also be

2self   (%!i*a!e"7.

(9) E7a()le m manager is good at (%!i*a!in& (e to feel 2)%si!i*e7 about m 2tasks7 at work.

He knows how to sa the right words to make me 2feel good7.

(:) C%ur!es# . To be polite respectful and helpful to others.

(>) E()a!'#. *f another person feels 2"e)resse" %r un'a))#7 2unsupported %r un"er *alue"7

2can ou 2put ourself in their position7 and reall imagine and understand how the are


(?)  C%ns!ru$!i*e $ri!i$is(.  #bilit to give positive constructive criticism and the abilit to accept

positive constructive criticism.

(;) Su))%r!i*e.  The abilit to be supportive to other team plaers guide teach assist learn from


01 Pr%ble( s%l*er an" l%&i$al.

J%usiness teacher vocabular comprehension checkJ


,orking in 2pairs7. Prepare a 2mini presentation7 on 0 “S%! s+ills are i()%r!an! be$ause

"se the +e# )%in!s from 4 to < shown above for our (ini )resen!a!i%n. 

Be rea"# !% ans,er 2ues!i%ns r%( %!'er business lan&ua&e learners a!er #%u inis' s)ea+in&.


TE#& ,LK #! 'L5T 'K*88'.

 Y%u (us! $rea!e ; in!er*ie, 2ues!i%ns rela!e" !% s%! s+ills an" !'en as+ !'e( !% #%ur s!u"#

)ar!ner .

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"se the lines below to write down our uestions.




Uni! !,el*e. 8%r"s "i$!i%nar#

hard skill/ …技能

technical subect/ 、、、、

direct ualification/ :- †长

take hold/、、

soft skill/ 技能长

authoritarian manner/ ‡ˆ方


motivate/ 、、

dictate/ `‰

beond uestion/ 、、、、、、、、


4B、additional/ 、、、、、、、

44、*ntelligence +uotient/ 、、

49、measure/ 、 、

4:、maorit/ Š‹Œ,

4>、interact/ 、、、、

4?、empath/ !Ž#‘

4;、ualified abilit/ †能力长

4<、E+(emotional uotient)/ 、、

4=、 #bbreviation for/ 、、

4A、adeuac/ 、 、 、

9B、selfawareness/ 、、、、

94、sensitivel/ ’“地#” 地长长

99、characteristic/ 、、、、、、、

9:、motivation/ –# 力长

9>、courtes/ 、、、、、



9;、ke point/ K?

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S!u"en! n%!es. ????????????????????????????????????????????????? 








4556 C%n*ersa!i%nal re*ie, % uni!s s!u"ie" s% ar. Uni!s 4 !% 4;.

Business s!u"en!s ,ill “!a+e !urns !% “)resen! in En&lis'

S% ar #%u 'a*e $%()le!e" s!u"#in& 4; useul business !%)i$s. F%r !'is re*ie, uni! #%u are

re2uire" !% $'%%se %ne % !'e uni!s an" &i*e a reas%nabl# bu! n%! “ !% ,%r"# s'%r!

)resen!a!i%n %n !'e uni! sube$!. 8'en #%u 'a*e inis'e" #%u ,ill be as+e" !% in*i!e 2ues!i%ns

r%( !'e $lass. A (ini(u( % i*e 2ues!i%ns (us! be )u! !% #%u. You can select students fro! the

audience to ask you a question.

N%!e *f the class has a small number of business students ou will have the chance to present on

two business topics.