13 scary reasons your content marketing will fail


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Post on 19-Aug-2015




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Page 2: 13 Scary Reasons Your Content Marketing Will Fail

Only 42% Of B2B and 34% Of B2C COntent marketers in nOrth ameriCa COnsider themselves tO Be effeCtive.

Now, if that was a batting average, we’d be all-stars, but . . .

It’s downright scary that marketers are failing and flailing at their content marketing. Why is that the case? Here are 13 chilling reasons why

(and quick tips for how to fix them).

Page 3: 13 Scary Reasons Your Content Marketing Will Fail

The more you talk about your products and services in your content, the less it will travel. Realize that your customers don’t care about your products or services, but they care about themselves.

QuiCk tip: Create content for your core audience that supports your mission statement. This intersection between audience and mission is your sweet spot.

reasOn 1: your content is all about you

Page 4: 13 Scary Reasons Your Content Marketing Will Fail

What would you try with your content marketing if you gave yourself permission to fail?

QuiCk tip: Set aside at least 10% of your time to experiment.

reasOn 2: your fear of failing paralyzes

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Is your content different than what others in your industry are offering? Are you truly best of breed in your niche?

QuiCk tip: Focus on better content, not more content.

reasOn 3: you’re setting the bar too low

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What is the part of your content marketing process you struggle with the most?

QuiCk tip: This is where you should try to bring in some outside expertise, from a dedicated agency, or outsourcing service, or other external resources.

reasOn 4: you’re not sourcing correctly

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Look at your website and key social channels. Does it look like these are coming from the same company? Is there a consistent story? Do you even know what your other departments are doing?

QuiCk tip: Develop a corporate storyline and share it with the key marketers / communication professionals in your organization. Assign content ambassadors for each silo.

reasOn 5: you operate in silos

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When was the last time you tried something that made you nervous (in a good way)?

QuiCk tip: As Don Schultz explained at Content Marketing World, great content challenges, entertains, or provides expertise. Chances are your content is missing the mark on at least one of these, if not all three.

reasOn 6: you don’t seek out discomfort

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If someone engaged in your content, would they know what to do next?

QuiCk tip: If you need to build in calls to action, start with those pages, posts, and assets that get the most traffic (even if they are older).

reasOn 7: you don’t have calls to action

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Yes, we have many channels…but is there one channel that you own? Is this one channel “Must-See TV”?

QuiCk tip: Choose one channel to serve as the centerpiece of your content marketing strategy.

reasOn 8: you aren't excelling at any given channel

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Who in your organization owns your content marketing strategy? Those who have someone who oversees content marketing are more effective.

QuiCk tip: If someone doesn’t own content in your organization, no one is accountable for it. Assign someone as your content champion.

reasOn 9: the content role isn’t owned

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Is one of your biggest challenges getting support from management? If so, that is where you need to prioritize your efforts. (Organizations without C-level buy-in are three times more likely to fail at content marketing.)

QuiCk tip: Present your content marketing plan as a pilot program (6 months should do it) and set agreed-upon metrics, and you will likely see key decision makers put their guard down.

reasOn 10: your C-level doesn’t buy in

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In what business area is your content the go-to informational resource?

QuiCk tip: Pick a topic area that is both meaningful to your business and that you can dominate, then create content around that subject. Go small to go big.

reasOn 11: you are not niche enough

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As much as we hate to say it, speed beats perfection in most cases.

QuiCk tip: Figure out a streamlined process for your storytelling. Also consider what you are doing that is not in support of your key goals. Is there anything you can stop doing?

reasOn 12: your team istoo slow

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What promise can you make to your customers (daily? weekly? monthly?)? You need to have a schedule and stick to it.

QuiCk tip: If you are unsure how often you may be able to deliver, commit to a schedule you can handle, and then increase frequency from there.

reasOn 13: you execute inconsistently

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