… ·...

.. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 35¢ PER COpy RUIDOSO, NM 88345 ._ ... _··c· Get out those broolTIs & cleanup tilDe! The Village of Ruidoso is gearing up for the 1989 spring cleanup campaign, April 15-29. Cleanup planners have a variety of activitiea' planned, from posters and poster contests in the schools to a Dusty the Roadrunner coloring contest for youngsters in kindergar- ten through second grade. It's never too young to start, and youngsters will be encouraged to get involved in keeping their campuses clean. "The educational materials that are being offered will be an eye opener for every person in the school system," according to a news release provided by Mary Maxwell. Area citizens are encouraged to rake and clean their property, and take advantage of special pickup by the Sanitation Department, 257-4090. Pine needles should be bagged, limbs should be cut in four- foot lengths and large, bulky items should be placed by the dumpster. The municipal landfill on Fort Stanton Road is open daily and may be used free of charge. The campaign will end with a city workday from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Saturday, April 29. Everyone is invited to meet at the Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce and help get the village shining for the. summer season. All civic and service organiza- tions are asked to adopt on area for the April 29 cleanup day. All volunteers will be rewarded with a picnic at Two Rivers Park following the workday. Local business people will be en- couraged to join in the efforts for a cleaner community. Posters will be placed in visible places to remind everyone of the importance of living in a clean community. Ruidoso has adopted the aims and purposes of Keep New Mexico Beautiful (KNMB), a state beauti- fication organization. KNMB is dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of New Mexico's nat- ural beauty through public educa" tion. KNMB also encourages local citizens to improve their surround- ings and to develop pride in their communities and the state . Where there's smoke ... Councillors scrap work The United States Forest Service (USFS) conducted a controlled burn of debris Monday, on forest service prop- erty. The Forest Service, according to district fire management officer Steve Makowski, just took advantage of the cool, calm weather to burn the debris gathered from cleanup efforts. The Forest Service had obtained a permit from the Environment Improvement Division and had notified the fi re de- partment of the bu rn. : by FRANKIE JARRELL Ruidoso News Editor No more work sessions before regular council meetings ... Councillor AI Junge sat alone at the work table set front and center in council chambers for the in- formal study session before Tues- day's regular meeting. The study meetings, instigated by Junge and approved BOIne months ago by the council, are set for 5:45 p.m. before the 6:30 p.m. regular meetings. . By 6:15 p.m. it appeared that Junge was the only councillor who would attend the meeting. Mayor Lloyd L. Davis Jr., who opposed the study sessions from the first, has attended only one, and Councillor Tom McNeil has stated repeatedly that he won't attend the pre- meeti ng get-togethers. Meanwhile, Tuesday, councillors J.D. James and Larry Simon were in division head Leon Eggleston's office, in an equally informal ses- sion with the village manager, vil- lage attompy, village clerk and Eg- gleston. "I think these meetings are use- less," said Councillor Elmer Pirelli. Arriving in council chambers at about 6:15 p.m., Pirelli didn't join the study table, but said he didn t want to be a part of the . gathering in Eggleston's office. By 6:25 p.m. Junge gave up his post at the study table, the back- room meeting disbanded and the village governing body gathered in council chambers for its regular meeting. During that meeting, Pirelli in- troduced a resolution to discontinue the meetings, and it passed in a five-to-one vote, with Junge casting the lone "no." In regular business Tuesday, the council heard Corinne Swearingin complain that she's been waiting for months for the redesign on the second bri.dge in the Upper Canyon. Swearingin asked for a starting date. Village manager Frank Potter, after a rambling explanation of scheduling problems, vacations and cost estimates, assured Swearing- ing the proj ect will begin in 60 days. Also Tuesday, Mike Warren of the Lodgers Tax Advisory Board, a seSSIons volunteer board mandated in state law, made a budget-related proposal that would, in effect, take the volunteer board out of the pic- ture on allocating promotional funds. Warren suggested the small amount of funds that remain with the board could be better utilized if they are handed over the the Con- vention and Visitors Bureau. The council agreed to consider the proposal. In other regular business, the council: -Adopted goals and objectives for village staff, elected officials and citizens. -Learned the Police Depart- ment has hired a receptionist who win report for work Monday. - -Adopted a Keep New Mexico Beautiful proclamation, setting April 15-30 for spring cleanup in the village. -Adopted budget resolutions making minor adjustments to the munici pal budget. -Renewed a contract with the Humane Society of Lincoln County. Lincoln County hires Parsons & Bryant lawfirrn by DORIS CHERRY Ruidoso News Staff Writer The Lincoln County Commission hired Robert Beauvais as county at- torney, following a short executive seslon during Monday's regular meeting in Carrizozo. Commissioners Bob Hemphill, Karon Petty and Rick Simpson, soon after they were sworn into of- fice, advertised for all three posi- tions they supervise: county man- ager, county road superintendent and county attorney. The commis- sion already rehired road super- intendent Tommy Hall and hired new county manager Nick Pappas. County attorney Gary Mitchell's contract expires April 15, and Mon- day the commissioners accepted an amended legal services proposal from the firm of Parsons and Bryant of Ruidoso with Beauvais as lead attorney. He will assume his duties on April 17, and will serve until June 30. After reviewing proposals from Mitchell, Harry Wilcox, Steve Sanders of Sanders and Fandey, District Attorney Bert Atkins, Mel O'Reilly of O'Reilly and Wardlaw, Michael Wile and Richard Haw- thorne of Hawthorne and Haw- thorne, the commission made counter offers to all firms. The O'Reilly firm declined the counter offer, but all others con- curred. The legal contract is for up to 50 hours at $60 an hour for a maxi- mum of $3,000 a month plus gross receipts tax. AB county attoTIley, Dea uvais will not be required to at- tend all meetings, and no travel or overhead cost will be allowed. The commision or the manager will determine what matters will be referred to the attorney. Petty directed the attorney to consider past county subdivision files to determine any illegalities. Also Tuesday, a legal problem surfaced when Alto area property owner John Dermy asked the county to pay him $5,440.60 to avoid an upcoming judicial inquiry about property the county pur- chased for the Sierra Blanca Regional Airport access road. Denny said the inquiry, set for Saturday, April 15, in District Court, will involve additional pay- ment for a parcel of property he formerly owned. The property was in litigation about boundaries when the county pressured him to sell to avoid the condemnation process, Denny said. Despite his agreement on July 30, 1987, to sell 3.42 acres at $10,213 an acre the county filed for condemnation, Denny said. The property boundaries were settled in court, in a separate law- suit, which set the property size at 3.78 acres, and Denny requested the county pay him about $2,600 for the additional land. He also re- quested the county pay his attorney and land survey fees to settle out of court. "I want to get it resolved and spending money on it," Denny saId. After commissioners conferred in an executive session by telephone with Mitchell, Hemphill said the at- torney ad vised the county to meet the scheduled docket and have engineer Bill . Vreeke from Bohannan-Huston, Inc. present in court to discuss the property des- cri ption and value. In other business, com- mISSIoners: -Approved the Fair Housing Ordinance. --0 K'd a budget increase for Zia Senior Citizens, to account for a Certificate of Deposit that matured. Please see Lincoln, page 2A Quality education Three cases of measles have been diagnosed through Family Practice Associates in Ruidoso. 'We're waiting for confirmation from State Epidemiology.'; said Ar-· lene Brown, M.D. Brown said blood samples were taken and sent to the state laboratory, but by the time results are complete the disease has usually run its course. "These were classic cases," added Brown. A measles epidemic that began in late 1988 in Texas, has been tracked to Clovis and other parts of New Mexico. Brown, as well as other physicians throughout the state, encour(lges parents to care- fully evaluate their children's im- munizations to be sure they are protected from the serious disease: ttl don't want people to panic about it," said Brown, adding the local cases make it extrem.ely im- portant to see that everyone who needs an immunization has one. For further information on measles and immunizations. Brown recommends contacting yom family physician. 3 measles cases ID'd locally •.• ' ) Cannella's science cart project. WMES also received $250 in cash and a four- year full tuition scholarship to the Uni- versity of New Mexico for a Ruidoso High School senior. White Mountain Elementary School principal Frank Cannella proudly dis- plays the Quality Education Award pre- sented to the school by the New Mexi- co Research and Study Council for . -...... - INSIDE Ruidoso Bementary Science Fair will be open to the public from 5-6:30 p.m. today and tomorrow, April 13-14, In the gymnasium at Whtte Mountain School. The public Is Invited to see more than 200 science fair projects exhlbtted by elementary school students. TODAY Sports 6A-7A Opinlon 18-28 Entertainment 8A-9A People 38-48 "Silver UnIng"' 1 OA Classified 58-88 Capitan. Range 5A WEATHER REPORT Thursday'S predicted high............................ .. . near 60 Frkfay predicted low noar30 Frlday's pmdlcted high \... . upper 60s According to Ruidoso Bill Hostetter, today will be considerably cloudy with a chance for a few sho"'!ers or thUndershowers and light easterly winds. tonight precipitation will be ending ',with decreasing cloudiness and cooler tempemtures. Friday will be partly cloudy and warmer, with westerly winds bloWing to 15 miles per hour. Precipitation forecasts are: today, 30 percent; tonight, 20 percent; and Friday, 5 percent. The outlook for Saturday through Monday shows cooler with a chanca of showers SUnday, partly cloudy Monday. Ruidoso's record low to mp9rature for April Is four degrees, recorded on AprilS. 1974. That month also was one of the two driest Aprils with no prQclpltation measured. The other AprU was In 1972. Wednesday's low 30 Wednesclay's high 69 Thursday'S Iow 37 1 •• 1117 2 m __.'.s.' _nlill·' __ .-.' ' .. 'IIIIIlIlIIIWII nrt __ __ oiE..b= ""' """ ____ __ """ • ...,.. '.."_""'*"'· s_· . ...,;,

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Page 1:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER



THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER COpy

RUIDOSO, NM 88345._ ... _··c·

Get out those broolTIs & rakes~-it's cleanup tilDe!The Village of Ruidoso is gearing

up for the 1989 spring cleanupcampaign, April 15-29.

Cleanup planners have a varietyof activitiea' planned, from postersand poster contests in the schoolsto a Dusty the Roadrunner coloringcontest for youngsters in kindergar­ten through second grade. It's nevertoo young to start, and youngsters

will be encouraged to get involvedin keeping their campuses clean.

"The educational materials thatare being offered will be an eyeopener for every person in theschool system," according to a newsrelease provided by Mary Maxwell.

Area citizens are encouraged torake and clean their property, andtake advantage of special pickup by

c~lling the Sanitation Department,257-4090. Pine needles should bebagged, limbs should be cut in four­foot lengths and large, bulky itemsshould be placed by the dumpster.

The municipal landfill on FortStanton Road is open daily andmay be used free of charge.

The campaign will end with acity workday from 10 a.m. until 4

p.m. Saturday, April 29. Everyoneis invited to meet at the RuidosoValley Chamber of Commerce andhelp get the village shining for the.summer season.

All civic and service organiza­tions are asked to adopt on area forthe April 29 cleanup day.

All volunteers will be rewardedwith a picnic at Two Rivers Park

following the workday.Local business people will be en­

couraged to join in the efforts for acleaner community. Posters will beplaced in visible places to remindeveryone of the importance of livingin a clean community.

Ruidoso has adopted the aimsand purposes of Keep New MexicoBeautiful (KNMB), a state beauti-

fication organization. KNMB isdedicated to the preservation andenhancement of New Mexico's nat­ural beauty through public educa"tion.

KNMB also encourages localcitizens to improve their surround­ings and to develop pride in theircommunities and the state.

Where there's smoke...

Councillors scrap work

The United States Forest Service(USFS) conducted a controlled burn ofdebris Monday, on forest service prop­erty. The Forest Service, according todistrict fire management officer SteveMakowski, just took advantage of the

cool, calm weather to burn the debrisgathered from cleanup efforts. TheForest Service had obtained a permitfrom the Environment ImprovementDivision and had notified the fi re de­partment of the burn.

: by FRANKIE JARRELLRuidoso News Editor

No more work sessions beforeregular council meetings ...

Councillor AI Junge sat alone atthe work table set front and centerin council chambers for the in­formal study session before Tues­day's regular meeting. The studymeetings, instigated by Junge andapproved BOIne months ago by thecouncil, are set for 5:45 p.m. beforethe 6:30 p.m. regular meetings.

. By 6:15 p.m. it appeared thatJunge was the only councillor whowould attend the meeting. MayorLloyd L. Davis Jr., who opposed thestudy sessions from the first, hasattended only one, and CouncillorTom McNeil has stated repeatedlythat he won't attend the pre­meeting get-togethers.

Meanwhile, Tuesday, councillorsJ.D. James and Larry Simon werein division head Leon Eggleston'soffice, in an equally informal ses­sion with the village manager, vil­lage attompy, village clerk and Eg­gleston.

"I think these meetings are use­less," said Councillor Elmer Pirelli.

Arriving in council chambers atabout 6:15 p.m., Pirelli didn't joinJun~e ~t the study table, but saidhe didn t want to be a part of the

. gathering in Eggleston's office.By 6:25 p.m. Junge gave up his

post at the study table, the back­room meeting disbanded and thevillage governing body gathered incouncil chambers for its regularmeeting.

During that meeting, Pirelli in­troduced a resolution to discontinuethe meetings, and it passed in afive-to-one vote, with Junge castingthe lone "no."

In regular business Tuesday, thecouncil heard Corinne Swearingincomplain that she's been waitingfor months for the redesign on thesecond bri.dge in the Upper Canyon.Swearingin asked for a startingdate.

Village manager Frank Potter,after a rambling explanation ofscheduling problems, vacations andcost estimates, assured Swearing­ing the proj ect will begin in 60days.

Also Tuesday, Mike Warren ofthe Lodgers Tax Advisory Board, a

•seSSIonsvolunteer board mandated in statelaw, made a budget-relatedproposal that would, in effect, takethe volunteer board out of the pic­ture on allocating promotionalfunds.

Warren suggested the smallamount of funds that remain withthe board could be better utilized ifthey are handed over the the Con­vention and Visitors Bureau.

The council agreed to considerthe proposal.

In other regular business, thecouncil:

-Adopted goals and objectivesfor village staff, elected officials andcitizens.

-Learned the Police Depart­ment has hired a receptionist whowin report for work Monday. -

-Adopted a Keep New MexicoBeautiful proclamation, settingApril 15-30 for spring cleanup inthe village.

-Adopted budget resolutionsmaking minor adjustments to themunici pal budget.

-Renewed a contract with theHumane Society of Lincoln County.

Lincoln County hires Parsons & Bryant lawfirrnby DORIS CHERRYRuidoso News Staff Writer

The Lincoln County Commissionhired Robert Beauvais as county at­torney, following a short executiveseslon during Monday's regularmeeting in Carrizozo.

Commissioners Bob Hemphill,Karon Petty and Rick Simpson,soon after they were sworn into of­fice, advertised for all three posi­tions they supervise: county man­ager, county road superintendentand county attorney. The commis­sion already rehired road super­intendent Tommy Hall and hirednew county manager Nick Pappas.

County attorney Gary Mitchell'scontract expires April 15, and Mon­day the commissioners accepted anamended legal services proposalfrom the firm of Parsons andBryant of Ruidoso with Beauvais aslead attorney. He will assume hisduties on April 17, and will serveuntil June 30.

After reviewing proposals fromMitchell, Harry Wilcox, SteveSanders of Sanders and Fandey,District Attorney Bert Atkins, MelO'Reilly of O'Reilly and Wardlaw,Michael Wile and Richard Haw­thorne of Hawthorne and Haw­thorne, the commission made

counter offers to all firms.The O'Reilly firm declined the

counter offer, but all others con­curred.

The legal contract is for up to 50hours at $60 an hour for a maxi­mum of $3,000 a month plus grossreceipts tax. AB county attoTIley,Deauvais will not be required to at­tend all meetings, and no travel oroverhead cost will be allowed.

The commision or the managerwill determine what matters will bereferred to the attorney.

Petty directed the attorney toconsider past county subdivisionfiles to determine any illegalities.

Also Tuesday, a legal problemsurfaced when Alto area propertyowner John Dermy asked thecounty to pay him $5,440.60 toavoid an upcoming judicial inquiryabout property the county pur­chased for the Sierra BlancaRegional Airport access road.

Denny said the inquiry, set forSaturday, April 15, in DistrictCourt, will involve additional pay­ment for a parcel of property heformerly owned. The property wasin litigation about boundaries whenthe county pressured him to sell toavoid the condemnation process,Denny said.

Despite his agreement on July30, 1987, to sell 3.42 acres at$10,213 an acre the county filed forcondemnation, Denny said.

The property boundaries weresettled in court, in a separate law­suit, which set the property size at3.78 acres, and Denny requestedthe county pay him about $2,600for the additional land. He also re­quested the county pay his attorneyand land survey fees to settle out ofcourt.

"I want to get it resolved and~p spending money on it," DennysaId.

After commissioners conferred in

an executive session by telephonewith Mitchell, Hemphill said the at­torney advised the county to meetthe scheduled docket and haveengineer Bill . Vreeke fromBohannan-Huston, Inc. present incourt to discuss the property des­cription and value.

In other business, com-mISSIoners:

-Approved the Fair HousingOrdinance.

--0K'd a budget increase for ZiaSenior Citizens, to account for aCertificate of Deposit that matured.

Please see Lincoln, page 2A

Quality education

Three cases of measles havebeen diagnosed through FamilyPractice Associates in Ruidoso.

'We're waiting for confirmationfrom State Epidemiology.'; said Ar-·lene Brown, M.D. Brown said bloodsamples were taken and sent to thestate laboratory, but by the timeresults are complete the diseasehas usually run its course.

"These were classic cases,"added Brown.

A measles epidemic that beganin late 1988 in Texas, has beentracked to Clovis and other parts ofNew Mexico. Brown, as well asother physicians throughout thestate, encour(lges parents to care­fully evaluate their children's im­munizations to be sure they areprotected from the serious disease:

ttl don't want people to panicabout it," said Brown, adding thelocal cases make it extrem.ely im­portant to see that everyone whoneeds an immunization has one.

For further information onmeasles and immunizations. Brownrecommends contacting yom familyphysician.

3 measlescases ID'dlocally

<~~ •.• ')

Cannella's science cart project. WMESalso received $250 in cash and a four­year full tuition scholarship to the Uni­versity of New Mexico for a RuidosoHigh School senior.

White Mountain Elementary Schoolprincipal Frank Cannella proudly dis­plays the Quality Education Award pre­sented to the school by the New Mexi­co Research and Study Council for

,~~;:,~:;~. -...... -


Ruidoso Bementary Science Fair will be open to the public from 5-6:30 and tomorrow, April 13-14, In the gymnasium at Whtte Mountain School. Thepublic Is Invited to see more than 200 science fair projects exhlbtted by elementaryschool students.


Sports 6A-7A Opinlon 18-28

Entertainment 8A-9A People 38-48

"Silver UnIng"' 1OA Classified 58-88

Capitan. Range 5A


Thursday'S predicted high............................ .. . near60Frkfay predicted low noar30Frlday'spmdlcted high \... . upper60s

According to Ruidoso me~orologlstBill Hostetter, today will be considerably cloudywith a chance for a few sho"'!ers or thUndershowers and light easterly winds. tonightprecipitation will be ending ',with decreasing cloudiness and cooler tempemtures.Friday will be partly cloudy and warmer, with westerly winds bloWing to 15 miles perhour.

Precipitation forecasts are: today, 30 percent; tonight, 20 percent; and Friday, 5percent.

The outlook for Saturday through Monday shows cooler with a chanca of showersSUnday, partly cloudy Monday.

Ruidoso's record lowtomp9rature for April Is four degrees, recorded on AprilS. 1974.That month also was one of the two driest Aprils with no prQclpltation measured. Theother AprU was In 1972.

Wednesday's low 30Wednesclay's high 69Thursday'S Iow 37

1••1117 2 m__.'.s.' _nlill·' __ .-.' '..'IIIIIlIlIIIWII nrt __ __ oiE..b=""' ~_' """______.~, """• ...,..'.."_""'*"' · s_·~'''''''. ...,;,•.....,.~,~''"'''~....",'''''''.'''''''''''~

Page 2:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER

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• » < ,.

Governor will vacation in NM

Ruidoso Downs Ladies Auxiliary•

sponsors sprin.g cleanup campaign

2A I The Ruidoso News I Thursday, AprlI1;:!. 1989 ,

Downs trustees discussgarbage, snow and laws~its

Hollywood Inn and Ruidoso DownsRaceTrack.

The businesses were honored fordoing their part--even before thisyear's auxiliary sponsored springcleanup scheduled for April 15-29,in Ruidoso Downs.

Villal!ll" staff will pick up dis­carded Items if placed beside theDowns municipal trash carts along

the road. They will not cross ontoprivate propeiV to pick. up dis­carded items.

Anyone wanting to take ad­vantage' of the special pick-up ser­vice, available only during springclean-up, should call RuidosoDowns Municipal Building, 378­4422, before placing items for pickup beside the containers.

rancnts." on (Malouf) asked us to get tha governor

and his wife a complimentaI}'" room lind a free din­ner at La Lorraine," said Hirschfeld when ques­tioned about the governor's .plans. Hirschfeld saidher office has made arrangemimts for ,elected offi~cials before, but, when asked if sha's been asked forcomplimentary rooms and meals in the pastHirschfeld>said she coul~'t remember being askedfor that kind ofhelp bel'ore.

"If somebody wants to give him a room, i1;'sup totheml ': said HfrscIrl'eld, wlio is'callir,Ig local lodgingestabJisbments as she was asked to do.

"The governor, to my knowledge, has not askedfor complimentary rooms," said Oaviness. ':As far asI know, we always pay for rooms,~ne added.

But Caviness said he isn't sure what arrange-ments are being made by the Tourism Division. .

"The issue of complimentmr, rooms has not beendiscussed with the goveJ;llor,' said Cllviness. Hesaid Carruthers was out of town Wednesday.

Caviness said Carruthers. is looking forward tousing his trip to promote New Mexico and highlightthe state's attractions.

''You don't ha'JEl to go out of state to have a greatvacation," is the theme for Governor Garrey Ca~­~thers' upcoming trip through sOj1thern New Mex-ICO. '

, Don Caviness of the governor's public affairs of-fice confirmed Wednesday that Ruidoso is one ofthe stOps on thl! tentative itinera1y planned for thegovernor and his wife: Kathy. Caviness said thegovernor announced last fall that he and his wifewould vacation in New Mexico this spring.

The governor's scheduler doesn't yet' have thetrip itinerary or dates, but it was learned theRuidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce was visitedby an advance team.

The trip apparentl;r is being coordinated by theNew Mexico EconoInlc Development and TourismDepartment, because Sharon Malouf, II member ofthe Tourism Division, along with a member of Car­ruthers' security staff, made a visit recently toRuidoso to check out access and seClJrity at variouslodgings. ,

Sunny Hirschfeld, office manager at RuidoSOValley Chamber of Commeree, confirmed the ad­vance team asked for help in making the travel ar- .

to clean the village computers at acost of$450 to $500. .

-Approved a proclamationagainst child abuse. April is childabuse prevention month in thestate. .

-Moved to go out for bids for1989 audit, rather than acceptingthe bid of Don Wingfield, who hasdone the last two audits. The boardpointed out that Wingfield haddone a good job, but they were con­cerned that they might be requiredby law to take other bids, ,

-Approved a bid by C&S Dis­tributers for sanitation truck tires.

-Denied a request to send BillyJoe Page to a water school inFarmington, opting to send him toa water school in Albuquerque inSeptember since Albuquerque iscloser.. -Approved a motion to allow anew business to build in RuidosoDowns. Servi Gas Company pre­sented a slide show and explainedplans to build a propane gas busi­ness on land that was occupied byBlack's Feed Store.

-Approved a proclamationhonoring municipal clerks during The Ruidoso Downs Ladies Aux­national municipal clerks'week, iliary recently awarded certificatesApril 7-13. of appreciation to eight businesses

-Approved a request by the that have made recent efforts toracetrack to build a road that will clean and/or beautify their Ruidosointersect with Joe Welch Drive. Be- DoWl).B p'rOperties.fore the vote, Harris pointed out Certificates were given Contel,that the request for approval was a Timberline Motel, Ikard and New­fh~dwill gesture by the track and some LP Gas, American Motel

t the village actually.has little ' Texas Cafe Hollywood Car Parts'power to stop the construction. . ' ,

Jan Polk, according to Mansell, toldhim that Harris would not pay forthe work.

The trustees asked Mansell tobrin!:: invoice for tha work, rath­er a piece of paper listingprices. After much discussion,Mansell explained to tha board thathe had not had the work done yet,but was waiting for approval of theestimate before getting the workdone.

During the discussion, TrusteeAlice Allison said she gets out andshovels the snow when it is in herway, To that Mansell, retorted thathe was under a doctor's care for aheart condition at the time andcould have had a heart 'attack anddied.

By the time the trustees un­derstood that there could be no in­voice since the work had not beencompleted, tempers had flared andthe board decided to meet in execu­tive session to discUss the problem.In executive session, the board de­cided against. paying for the workso Mansell said he plans to sue thevillage.

He would be the second electedofficial in Ruidoso Downs to sue thevillage. Trustee Wilma Webb issuing the village for wrongfultermination after her job as vilfageclerk was tenninated in 1986 fol­lowing the election of Jake Harrisas mayor.

In other regular business thetrustees:

-Approved a plan to hire NEC

by MOLLIE WARRENRuidoso News Staff Writer

Ruidoso Downs Board ofTrustees in a meeting Monday,turned down an agreement withRuidoso Downs Race Track. to pickup the track's garbage.

Mayor Jake Harris recom'mended approving the plan andbelieved the plan bad been ap­proved until Trustee Joe Smith.usually quiet at the meetings.protested that his vote had beenwrongly recorded.

The motion, by Trustee BillSmith, had recommended denying'approval to the plan. Therefore a'yea vote was actually a voteagainst the sanitation plan. JoeSmith, in voting 'no' was actuallyvoting for the plan. His protest ledto another motion and another vote,in which the plan was defeated 4-3,

Also during the meeting,Municipal Judge Harrold Manselldiaroaaed a claim he has againstthe village for damage to his carafter a snowstorm last winter.Mansell claims that snow piled inthe center of the road in front of hishome prevented him from gettingout of his drive. After several at­tempts he finally was forced todrive into the snow pile, he saidlcausing damage to his mufDer analoss of a rim from his car.

Mansell presented an estimatefrom Hollywood Auto Parts, Inc. forwork on the car. He said he hadretained an attorney to write a let­ter to the board, after villaKe clerk,

I .

School Board complains about 5 % pay bonusby DORIS CHERRYRuidoso News Statf Writer

The Ruidoso Board of Educationapproved hiring certified and non­certified personnel and discussedthe salary bonus passed by the NewMexico State Legislature at a regu­lar meeting Tuesday.

Board members Don Swalander,Lynn Willard, Mike Morris and RodAdamson approved superintendentSid Miller's personnel recommenda­tions based on lists provided by in­dividual school principals after anhour·long executive session.

The board also agreed to meet atnoon Thursday, April 20, at, the ad­ministration office for a budgetworkshop and further discussion onHouse Bill (liB) 898, the one-timesalary increaRe passed by the legis­lature and signed by Governor Gar·

rey Carruthers."While we welcome (the in­

crease), it's just a uightmare, theyhave no idea what they created,"Miller said of the bookkeepingproblems the district will face.

Ruidoso schools financial adviserCaron Snow emphasized the in­crease is one time only and shouldbe considered a bonus. The bon~~lrated at five percent annually, willbe based on the October 1988,payroll. Staff hired before April 1,1989. also will qualify for thebonus,

As the school year is in the lastquarter the increase amounts to1.25 percent of each staff salary.However, Snow said, the bonusmust be accompanied with addedservices by personnel.

DurinK the legislation debate,

the attorney general ruled certifiedand non-eertified personnel mustprovide extra services to receive thebonus. Extra services include grad­ing papers after school hours,playground duty, calling parents

lcleaning noses and so on, saiaSnow.

At the budget workshop, boardmembers will be asked to sign acertification that staff who receivethe bonus will provide extra work.

"Now. we feel personnel do pro­vide extra services than required,"Miller co=ented, Miller also saidthe legislature originally did not in­tend for the extra work for extrapay wording be included in the bill.

Morris asked Miller to invitestate representative Ben Hall to thebudget workshop to hear the dif­ficulties created by the legislation.

. Snow discussed other billspassed by the legislature andsigned by the governor. HB154 al­lows districts to purchase activitybuses with cap'ita! improvementfunds; Senate Bill (SB)266 requiresa New Mexico and US flag ill allclassrooms and SB238 requires dis­tricts to publish an annual accoun­tability report which includesbudget, drop-out rates, tests scoresand othez: data. Snow said she willbegin accumulating data for thepublication.

In other business, the board:-Approved a $1,204 budget in­

crease to pay an appraisal servicefee to tha Lincoln County treasurer.

-Opened audit proposals fromtwo Ruidoso CPA firms-one fromTerry Jones and the other fromRonnie Hemphill. The contract will

be awarded at the' May meetingafter the administration reviewsthe proposals.

-Approved the call for bids formaintenance of office equipment forthe next school year.

-OK'd Miller's recommendationto hire Doug Ragsdale as athleticdirectorlhead football coach.

-Accepted the resignations ofMary Beth Turner, Chapter I aide;and Carolyn Stover, special educa­tion. Turner's position will not befilled.

-Hired Cathy Ogden as specialeducation teacher for 1989-90 andhired Stephanie tnbright as full­time bus driver, contingent on herattending the bus institute in Sil­ver City this summer.

-Heard reports from principals.-Recognized Frank Cannella,

White Mountain Elementary Schoolprincipal for~the first placeaward in the Q 'ty EducationAwards Program ofthe New MexicoResearch and Study Council '; l1"

-Agreed to consider sending theRuidoso High School track team toan invitational meet in Hawaii in1990. .• -"', "..... '

-Heard of a meeting betweenthe board and the Ruidoso, HighSchool Student Council at 7 p.1U6:Thursday, April 13, at Cree .Meadows Restaurant.

The next regular board meetingis at 7 p.rn. May 9, in the adminis-tration building. ,

chamber president Becky Bel1.Durham soon, and guidelines andqualifications will be available sub­sequent to the Search Committeeformation. •

Ruidoso Police solve vandalism casescraping aiId tire tracks.

Swenor said the damage to thesigns was $700.

The youth has been released andis in custody of the parents.

vide an irrevocable $35,000 letter ofcredit b,. July 1.

-OK'd publication for publichearings to change the Fair LaborStandards to adjust to law enforce­ment working hours, as requestedby Sherifi'James McSwane. ..

-Heard Pappas compliment hisstaffand explain that a refund fromAT&T was due to an overcharge intelephone rates to the county bythat company.

-Announced that Patsy San­chez is the new Lincoln CountySub-office coordinator.

the high school on March 11.SergelUlt Richard Swenor said

Officer David Perkins was able tomatclI the louth's car with thedamaged Btgna through paint

vice will reimburse the county forall costs.

-Appointed Ernest Lueras ofCorona to replace Tommy Guevarawho resigned, on the Planning andZoning Oommission.

-Directed Pappas to in­corporate road opening petitionideas presented by Bill Rawlins ofthe road review coIPDrittee into anew form.

-Extended until October 1990the deadline for Mountain LakesSubdivision developers to constructa low water crossing, with thestipulation that the developers pro-

A 15-year old Ruidoso HighSchool stndent was arrested Mon­day afternoon for damaging streetsigns, markers and triimc signsalong Gavilan Canyon Road near

Lincoln---------------Continued from page 1 A

-Approved an alP"eement withthe U.S. Forest SeI'Vlce (USFS) forcattle guard replacements oncounty roads B007 (Hale LakeRoad), B031 (on the south side ofCapitan Mountains) and B023-A-39(Salazar road).

-OK'd agreements with theUSFS for surfacing the ThreeRivers Campground road and im­provements of County Road B044(Cedar Creek Road) and ForestRoad 88A which access thewarehouse at Smokey Bear RangerStation in Ruidoso. The Forest Ser-



: I:. '

ever, this is one of the most difficultthat I've ever made," he continued. ..

""Ruidoso has been a wonderfulexperience for my entire family andme. Well miss the excitement andunique lifestyle which we have en­joyed here, but I know Ruidoso willlure us back from time to time asvisitors: he added.

"I also want to thank and givecredit to those many volunteers,board members and staff who havebeen so supportive in helping thechamber to evolve into the success­ful organization which it is today.I'm proud of the work which hasbeen accomplished in the last 52months and I am positive thechamber will continue to prosperand be a vital force in Ruidoso's fu­ture development." Jeffers com­mented.

A committee to search for a suc­cessor for Jeffers will be formed by

John Jeffers, Ruidoso ValleyChamber of Co=erce executivedirector for the paat 52 months,resigned Tuesday.

Ronnie Paulger, chamber pres­ident-elect, announced Tuesdaythat will be moving to Las Cruceswhere he will be executive vicepresident of the Las Cruces Cham­ber of Commerce.

Jeffers was named Ruidoso Val­ley Chamber of Co=erce execu­tive director on January 2, 1985,succeeding Ed Jungbluth who ,lettRuidoso to become the director ofTourism & Travel for the New Mex­ico Economic Development andTourism Department. The effectivedate of Jeffers' resignation will bedetermined at a special meeting ofthe chamber executive committeeMonday, April 17.

"A decision such as this is nevereasy," said Jeffers Tuesday. 'lIow-

"Village construction figut:es show upward trend_Ruidoso Springs.. replace tvof

and.rffl:i1od"elU!g, llO-oolit-liSted. . - •-Palme\" Gatewll1.l:oncrete slab

for ~fabbuilding. $1.3,000•.-La ,Junta Ranch,' SFD~

$95,000, . ',;,..,White Mountain, SFD,

$9000().~l?ineli1iJt structural repllit,

$10.000, . •~-~teMounUdft.SJi'J)•.

·' .....3; ·0· ' E·'·..·.... .'-uti'" ·o1U'8'e'· $...""". re ·;.. ·ClU'llOt't. $600,. ..' .......

":",,Navll,jo. block waU,$2,OOO.. . .·-WinpllldJlomelltea,d. repait

watert!amtt,ge .~ It xnobiIil homll,$4.050:

-Panl)1'axna. ~tlUiI.etclil.l roottell4h',$1,QOO; •

\. . .,

--,""", ',"':c; "".•~... ,~:.,. ~

-Buckner, SFD, $56,000. -Innsbrook Village, repairII). March 1989,; ~ts.iIlsued waterdaniage·to.walls",,3,5(1)•.... · ..

by the Village of Rmdoso are 1iIlted -White Mountain Elltates,SFD,below, aecording to . .subdivilli.on, $80,()OO. . .type of structure IUid estimated ..:...skvlanll, pre-east bridge for gocost. They were: carts, $Si(lOO. •

-Midway' Townsite, fire gl\J1'!sge -HuaMn-Oarm:o. Cl<!ncrete slab,restoration, $28,000. golfoourse and eage; no tollt1isted.

-Alto, second story addition, -White ~lU1tain Eiltates, ga-$1,200.. ,rage~9ditiOD.'14.4(JO, . . . '

-P0!1der08a Heights. grading .....oott OOli1'lle: EIlta\:ils. Sl!'l>.:for xnohilehoDle, $2.60/). . $70iOOO.· , ... .. .

...;,..Alpme Village.sUX1 room addi· '..:....Alt/? tab.", S.:FJ),$114~()oo.tion,t~n~OO. . -Ind~ HIDs, :texnoael one

- .. brook Village. deek addi- rooiUt$$,200., . .tiOD, $3.500. -.Little, Cteelt Estates, garage. -Lakeside Estates, roof repair. additibn.$6,500,.' "$1,000. , .....White Fit Addition. il1teriO'i'

-'-Ponderosa Heights, bathrooxn and lliterlOt remode1ibgtIP8;OOO.addition, $1,500. . I .......Forest Heig}$. It(1llltion. and.' -Deer Park' Woods, SFD. reniodeUng,$31,OOO. ," . .'$95,000. . . -sietra,SFD. $90,0fl0.

r'-_........,...,,~"-,_'.. '-0..... .. • '''''?''''''--c ~.• ,-,." _.'

bedrooms and two baths, $20,000.-SEl4 SE/4, storage warehouse,

$120,000.-Alto Lakes G&C, SFD,

$70,000.-White Mountain, cover for

deck, $800.~g Pines, roof repair,

$1,800. .-Midway Townsite, covered car­

port, .$6,000,-McDanie'f\ Heights, SFD,

$48,000,-Middle Creek, garage IUld

bedroom additions, $18,000.-Cree Meadows Country Club,

covered deek additiol1, $2,900..-High Mesa, SFD, $52,600.-Deer Park Wood, deek addi-

tion and floor work, $7,260. .-PalriIer Gateway, equipment

storage building, $27,000.•

totaHng $120,000 and structuralrepair at Wal-Mart totaling$100,000 helped bring up the totalsfor the two months.

Single-family structures headthe list of construction, with sevenin February, totaling $432,500 andeight in M8reh, totatinlt $647 900.

Permits issued by tne vJfuge ofRuidoso in Feb~ 1989, by sub­division, type of structure andestimated cost of construction,were:

-Young Heights, roof replace­ment, $2,270.

-Golf Oourse Estates, singlefamily dwelling (SFD>, $86,000.

-Alto Lakes Golf & OountryClub, SFD, $70,000.

-White Mountain, SFD,$50,000.

-BIeepy Hollow, addition-two

by MOLLIE WARRENRuidoso News Staff Writer

Building permits issued by theVillage of Ruidoso in February tri­pled January totals and doubledFebruary 1988 figures, starting an~d trend that continued in

The village issued 17 permits inFebruary for a total of $638,520 inestitllated ClOnstruction costs. 1989got'llfttoa slow start with Januarypermits totaling $203,855 in con­struction costs. February 1988permits totaled $317,391.

March 'PemJ.its continued the up­1J8J'(l c1bnb, :with construction coststotaling $939,950 for 30 permits,March Ui88 construction costs to­taled $859,383.13.

Warehouse construction in Feb­ruary for the US Forest Service

j ,





L.,. '..

Page 3:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER

. I






. ,

, .


Kiwanis ' Club memberCleston Pritchett·· (left)present~ Pete Esquibel witha certificate of appreciation

- Monday at the Teen Centerappreciation' dinner.Pritchett, the initiator andramrod on the project,thanked a whole string of in­dividuals and groups. Thecrowd, noting that the cen­ter would never haveopened without Pritchett,stood and applauded· himfQr his work.

old airport land. Kiwanis Club invited allthe people who have helped get theTeen Center purchased and ready for'Use by area teens.

Thureday, April 13, 1989 I The RuIdoso News I SA

257-51;111 (800) 626-9213


, .

-. ... ,

. . ...." ...-."'-" , ....--"-~.


1. Do they guarantee that if you are not 10lOl%satisfied with their services thattbey will

, , cancel your listing? .2. ,Dothey guaran1ee ifyou arenot100~ksatisfied

, with their serVice while your property is undercontri:lpt~ they win return your fee 110%?

3. Do they have over 35@ offices in Texas wheremost'of 'the buyers are lo<;ated?

Julie Dolgener (far right) sings with the .Ruidof;O High School band during theKiwanis Club's Teen Center apprecia-

.tiOri dirmer Monday at the ,center on the


SOC, REALTORS­$07 MIChem DrlVQtHwy $1) P: O.80x 1442Auld<MO, NM 8e3411

. '. 'P"-ilediilitl\Jilrd If 'P\'operty IU\1,"'l\\Il1 llatl!d. ' ,·We BhI unBble to.ltt.nd theilegu.rallt.... on pr0pilrllellll$tlidwlih other r~.l elllilte llotllllilnl1l8.



Teen Center appreciation"

Najar said the prqject, whichwill take four to five months tocomplete, may cause some trafficdelays for motorists. Adequate sig­nage to alert motorists of the con­struction 'will be inatalled and apilot car will guide traffic throughthe work area.

,"SO, • this Memorial payWeekeJ:ld, come on out and enjoythe taste of something c1ifferentonthe backside at Ruidoso Downs," in- ,vitll 'reen elmtel' planners•.. ·

partment press release.Project manager Louis Najar

said the project calls for structureextensions, reconstruction I!J:1dwide::~ of the road.

H ton Construction Compa-ny of Silver City is doing the workat a cost of $2 million.

"Our upcoming big added money AeoordiJ:Ig to a· news release,races, coupled' with this puree in- preparations include air oonditl,Qn.crease, will mean dail~ purse dis- ing, for', a' designated· inter-tracktribution at the end of the meet will wagering area, the aBsemb4lge 'of ajump. from a current av.erage of sta(f'8lld marketiJ:Ig p4lnsfor the$20,900 to $26,700," he added. venture. ' '

"The bill will, in effect, attract Sunland Park will be a'receivingnew horsemen to the state and will track for the summer months, be­reward ·'tboBlfwno have'mesd,..· giriiiliig , Jury·· r, Bridtoen-Willcommitted to us. By increasing uplink its own racing siRlUll topurses wliille the g.overnor's signa- other interested tracks in tlie stateture is still fresh; we want to show 'when live racing begins in mid­that we believe this isa great step October. . 'for the future of horse raeiJ:Ig in Before the new law, New MexicoNew Mexico," said Shelhamer. tracks could only lIend and"receive

The signing ofSB 5.60 initiated a signals to tracks outside the state.flurry ar other activity at the track, But, races now be~ run at one ar'}as Sunland must now, for the first the seven· sites in the state can be <\time, get ready for business during sent to tracks both inside and out- ....summer months. side state boundaries.

Watch out for the orange bar­relst

Motorists traveling west ofCapitan should be aware that aproject to improve 5.5 miles ofHighway 380 began' Monday, ac­cording to a New Mexico StateHighway and Transportation De-

Sunland Park race track presi­dent Lloyd Shelhamer has an­nounced a $50,000 total purse in­crease for the, remaining 20 days ofthe track's current meet.

The increase will take effect im­mediately and eomea as a directresult ar Governor Garrey Car­ruthers' signiilg into law a bill thatallows inter-track wal{ering withinthe state. The bill wont become lawuntil July I, but Shelhamer citedanticipated additional revenue andstrong faith in the new legislationas ~mptingthe increase.

Beginning with the April 9 Jll:O­gram, the average daily overnightpurse distribution will increase anaverage of 10 percent, or about$2,500 a day," said Shelhamer.

State legislation'has immediateimpact oil S"unland Park track


Road project under way near Capitan

ij.D· Racetrack to~op'en"teen,cen~er,

1F"· pc i Ii PO t+ . I!" .• II .. ·.. ,....,. - ~.'-""""'-""""'#~=' .,.".....".." .... ""'~,.,...,~ .•.".1'.,..,.,., .. ..,...,..'....-'~-.""", .•"":••,_. ''',,"' -"""'~,.,"'''~..."....., .... ,..... .•-~"..," ...." ....~ _..., • .,..... ',_"1'" '" .~ ....·.... h '...., -,,- ....... , ••• -. ··'"r~"'·.·"·-·' ,-" ...... .-. ....._ ..... ,., " ...", \ •• • I

Page 4:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER

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"'; ,...v"••'........ a4. t, iLi41.r

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,';: .

team in the All Knowledge " BoJlli'I atRuidoso Middle. SchOol Tuesday: The'team . finished - third 'behind teams fromRoswell'!3 Berrendo and. Mountain ViewSchools.

like ,green beans, Q~t what a dif­ferencel Sweet peas taste like sweetpeas, Hollyhocks, peonies andgladioli all are good eating.

Herb flowerB talitelike herbs,and-they're good for makin.g tea ifyou dry them. Chamomile and.Yar­row flowerS' dry'eallily wtrays; aBdo elder'flowers,bee balm, lemonbalm and clover. .

You might not want to eat flow-.ers every day. But considering theprice of "mushy grapes" these dayand Alar spray on other fruits, youjust may feel adventurousanci eatonly from your own garden.

It's a whole new field to be ex­plored. There must be a million'ways to eat the fragrant blooms, sogo ahead and try it. And let meknow hDw it turns out.

Carnations are spicy, rOBes lush How can you thank me, you ask?and heaV¥. Honeysuckles are light Invite me to a flower bJDeh. ......and sweet and borage flowers (a In the meantime, ifyou're nUllS­blue-flowered European herb) are ing the hungries and maybe a littlecucumber cool. Chive flowers taste shon on money, for those true tra­li!re ebives and make ~ good m.~ ,ditioDalists, gO .out to. the..gBr!lendish' eustanl,espeCially Wlth and eat worms, pure protein, andsqiIash..,blossoms and. cheese. blooms. .Nasputiums would make a good Send questions to Sally Black,salad to go with the chive custard. The Ruidoso News, PO Box 128,·

Unopened day lilies can be eaten Ruidoso,New Mexico 88346. '~91

eating recipes for prepanng them.I tried her marigold cuBtard

recipe, which is a baked custardwitli a pint of milk. and a cup ofcrushed marigold petalB. It was Iideep yellow and delicious, and itprompted me to make custards outof all sorts of blooms. My friendsfrom EI Paso, Texas, still d()n'tknow what makes my "Flan" soooogood.


The Sally Black

Casey Ward.. Chrissy Crocker, .JoleneMcGee and Brandi Pfeffer figure a mathproblem quickly, trying to" find the correctanswer within' 30 seconds and gain extrapoints for their seventh and" ei~ht grade

. "Brighten your day, eat a flow­er," part two.

Make sure the roses and otherflowe1'8 you m-e going to eat havenot been sprayed with a chemicalspray. ,

Some people use vf!rl heavypoisons on flowers, figuring that no­body's going to eat them. Avoideating lilies-of-the-valley, daffodilB,

'. rhododendron, foxgloves, butter­.cups and poinsettias, they cail betoxic.

If you want to eat all kinds offlowers, beyond the ones mentionedin this colnmn, look at a copy of"Flowers CookerY" by Mary Mac­Nichol. It'spUhllshed by Collier­MacMillan,it's good and will proverm not singing ''Looney.Tunes.''

MacNichol presents a historicalstudy of eating flowers. She tellswhich are edible and offers inter-


Estes finishEld third in the competition.The sixth grade team (below, from left)Alan Saenz, Clayton Banard, Braf!. Fox,

.Jana Varley,Michelle HaSl:lnbuhler andKrystine eubank w~s second.' (Ph.otos

.bY poris Cherry.J .


Ruidoso Middle $chool students partic­ipate in the first invitational All Knowl­edge ·Bowl. The seventh and eighthgrade team' (above, from "Ieft) CaseyWard, Chrissy Crocker,JoleneMc<;Oee,.Brandi Pfeffer, Melissa Jones arid John

. ,. '.


4A I TheRlIldQ$o New!!l Thlinlday; ~prll 13,19$9

All Knowledge Bowl

. ,





· ,,

, .,





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New Domino's Pan ,PiZza is baked the traditional way,with 1I thick chewy crust. generous toppings and lots ofre,al ch¢ese.

And it's delivered in 30 minutes orless. Guaranteed,'.. " . New Domino's Pan Pi;tZa.

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\. When' YOUDUY r-~?iii~-;F-t· '.-M~:?:'~~J~rT~~~;:~~~N-. >1,' ..'I 2: bags ofZlpP 16-8-8 I yo,,,,,,,.pu,,ou, 1 .

1:~1::5b~: 1~~~~~ii:~ilh··I· ,SAVE .SOC!:'f . . I fta.dl,"g ..1....."'1, 1 whe,a you' buy 2: b8g$ of ZIPP 1l ,'. I," ~~~:'~I~~"';d" Blue Fllbbo'n Turf F......III...r... " .'I .,' ,- ,bave:CdmplledWlth,C (v... -.v 'I I IHU.rn'180lthl. 0', I ''''II .Purp'ose Fe....lllzer or I, .t ' R.·.... ., f.,. A.y .lhB,.PPU-. ,.... ..I . ,catl•• Qo••lltuf.a , ROSe & Flowet Fertlll;t8r ' . ,'1 • II' ~~~~~,,;~~apu,. • "0. lb. b.1l0· . . .,',E ,. ;"'" . ''''.aof a.lllola'f , «-, .. I af••kf.OoY.,.n ,1 I .c;QiUPQrUll musf~, I' •.,. ..~ow. upOII re' "• .' q•••t. Void,wM'" .,.1 'P'Oh',b".d;y"'.d or , .'.1 .I J teS.t oU_d. tJtir I ". . r ~u".",."''''U.1 ,,",y. . .}I " "'Y ,.~.fl.d ••1.. ' .1I t•• "nd.,p••". I 'I .J \' CIt.,. '.1•• '12Ih" ,.. I i •. RBilU.. by to.U· .' I, fnw fO' ZfP!' F.rtlli. , ., 520136 :l.OO:U& \ ,.r, 1'.0. Bo. I .52231:. .1.0001.3 ",I I 7SQell4. ~l "•••• TX ,. .J Si'!29b :Lliltlt2tl , 't9\l7~ Seallb 100001:12 Saei3b :tOOO1f? \

~--------------~-~------------~~~--------~---~-~~~~~f .. " ...~- ".

Page 5:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER

system in Capitan and report at thenext reJ{ll1ar meeting.

In other business, trustees: .-Passed a resolution supporting

-hordsbUl'R'srrotestagainst' a Pl1J'posed lanllfil in that city's area.

-Heard the mayor proclaim themonth of April as Child Abuse Pre­vention Awareness Month andproclaim the week of May 7-13 asMunicipal Clerk's Week.

-Aslted the Water Departmentto investigate the installation of adump station and water Dleter atthe LinCom County Fair Groundsfor use by:' various recreationalvehicle groups.. . -Heard the deal for the new vil­lage hall was closed. Village em­p~~ees continue to remodel theb . ding.

Kathy Dean (left) and Ruby Johnsonare ready to travel to the state conteststo observe. The team won with theirscenario "don't count your chickens be- .fore they hatch."

the cleanup day .scheduled from 8a.m. to noon' Saturday. April 15.The chamber will proVIde trucks topjck up trash. Resid~'lDts shouldhave-"whatever-they-wIllh-tothrowaway in front of their homes, not inthe alley, chamber representativesspecified.

Any resident in need of helpwith trash should call chamberpresident Dick Beck. trustee MyrlRay or village hall. Coker ap­pointed Ray to work with DuffyMorton of Planning and Zoning tocreate aust ofriifuse violations. -

The village has an ordinanceprohibiting jUnk cars and other ex­cess junk on village lots.

The trustees directed village at­torney Don Dutton to check into thefeasibility ?f implementing a 911

The winning Odyssey of the Mind team(front, from left) Kimberly Wright, Rod­ney Sedillo, Jessica Cline (back. fromleft) Nathan Koreny, Vicente Lopez,Tracey Stone, Amy Cline and sponsors

An odyssey

V.illage OKs exploratory well

.' . -"T1'leeapitan ltange ..~. Thursday, April 13, 1989 . The RuidOSO News I 5A

'l'h~ Capitan Board of Trusteesunanimously approved a budge.t in­crease to drill an exploratory waterwell, during a regular' ·meetingMondllY· .. - .

Coker pleased with the action,said go;;d management in the wateral1d wastewater departments creat­ed a surplus of funds to finance theproject. The project is subject to

" New Mexico Department of Financeapproval. .' .

The board authorized villageengineer Jack Atkins to direct ·thework and to "ask for proposals onthe project. No money will be takenfrom general obligation bond funds,Coker added.

Trustees also announced the vil­lage will cooperate with·' theCapitan Chamber of Commerce on

." ~."--.




•a.m. to 1 P'¥l-. '1'uesdayLAjI~118, intheo}d~ atrCapitan Scl1ool. .

YO,~!N.°~l ~:~el ~aJ::'

.llpeeci;c='F...J;•. tIn'~ den~P1'.·ob~~.~e Cb . tY. ,nurse ld.1lO Will adnnwil­ter' . 'ations, . .

Any clrlld bitthf.o 1iv~ is eligible,Ill1d patente llhutild It birthcertificate and' UntnunUiationl'eeords rot each cbild to be1lCteened.· .Ki~de~11 pre-reglsttatiol1ia .

totcbildten .who Will tiS ti"e yearsold btlfoxe 12:Oh,1n. September I,1989. .' . .

For mote inlonnatlOI1 callCapitM Elllmentary&hool princi· .. orJIl1't1New80n, 354-223&p ..

In field events Thompson wasthird in long jump with a. lel!P of15.1 112 and Tmylor was f'ourth in"highjump with ajump of4.8.

The last junior high meet of theseason is scheduled to begin at 4p.m. Friday, at Capitan Sc1iOoL




• ••

Pre-school three and four-year olds(below, f~om Jeft) Karen Bailey, AndyVigil, David Fentor, Jerry Scott andDoug Smith'are elephants. High schoolspeech 'students made costumes and

.. ,props,



.4., , .~'. "~~"~--'"" ~.".--. ,.- '-------. ... " ,.'-:


.. . ~ .piliked uIl in f'tontofrellidences, nottn the/iller, For mote intOrtnation,call 354-222:4:, 354-3142, Ol' OapitanVillage Ball.

. .ThelUtnual CAPITAN COM·~TY SCllOOL' T.ALENTSHOW is,scheduled April.2J. Anv·one wanting to tate· pari; shouldretutrt entry torms available atCa"itan,·School, to niCk Vnlenzuelab,yipill18, , .


for 1989-90. Team members areselected by high school coaches. She MARNIE MCDANIEL receivedalso was named to the USAT~ honorable mention in the All StateTeam and: -received ~able foi" . selection and she will play on theUSA Today Player of the 'Y1lllr, All Star 8«?uth AAlA G:l1'ls Bas~t­selected. by college xecrmters, ball team m the All Star game mCbacf!-es·and sporl;swriters. Farmington in June.




c', ".._ "..~" • ,

-,,'... , ...

, .

I think' fean",. .,Capitan speech and special ec,iLication$tuderit$.cCeIebrate.-eetter.~peech andoLanguage Week with a play and poem.Students in LiI' Blue are (a.!>ove, fromleft) Serena Stockton,J.enell,Stockton,Krystal .Roybal and Diamo.nd· Ward.

, '. ..', " . . ,;, , ,~

. LORA MCKAY of'Capitan HighSchool has been named to the firstAll sf.ate Class A Basketball Team

The Capitan track teams broke vidual for the meet. She broke a several personal bests.records and achieved more personal meet record in the 100 meter Chris McCarty finished secondbests at two separate meets Satur- hurdles in 17.65 and another record in the 100M dash in 11.06, a per­day. . in the long jump with a leap of 16 sonal best for the'lear. In the 200M

The girls track team broke feet 5 lJ2 inChes, McCarty finishe third in 23.10.several meet records and finished Other meet rllllords were broken Miller said McCarty is nmningfiral;. in the Cloudcroft Mountain by Kim Eckland in the 800M dash hard and looking good.TOllS Invitational in Tularosa. with a time of 2:33.95 and by the Other persoiuiI and team best

Discus star Leslie LaRue 1600M medley team of McKay, times were achieved by the 400Mtraveled to the Roswell Invitational erwt.aI Dalton, Eckland and Nita relay team of Anthony Sanchez1in the Wool Bowl. that same day Hale in 4:31.61. Tino Gallegos, McCarty and Jerroaand placed-second with a throw of Hale finished first in the 200M Martin in 44.8, Warren Russell in111 feet 1 inch out-distancing dash with a time of 28.01; the 110M high hurdles in 17.1 andmany girls from 4-A schools. LaSbawna Tillotson was third in the 300M in 42.6.

Coaches Blane Miller and Pain 28.73 and Karie COlt was close be- Sanchez tied his personal bestAllen were proud of their teams' hind in fourth in 28.95.: when he placed third in pole vaultpe#"ormances. Allen said she sent The 800Mreliiy team of Til- with a vault of 12 feet and theLaRue to Roswell to experience a loston, COlt, McKay and Hale was 1600M medley team of Sanchez,pressure situation similar to wb$t 1irstin 1:56.43 and the 1600Mrelay-McCaitY.~lJand l'Ifilrli·Ir'I'1.IIl!rshe might experience at the state team of McKay, Dalton, Eckland fift;h in and Hale also was first in 4:31.61. The junior high boys track team

Miller said his strategy is to Dalton finished third in the competed in the Ruidoso Middlework the boys toward achieving 100M dash in 18.9; Lisa Edwards School Invitational last week.state qualifyiilg times, since state was tbiId in the 400M dash in Kyle Trallor was second in. theQUlI1ii'vin2 is set to begin at the 67.42, followed by Beth Sweeney 400M dash m 61.8, the 800M relay .'i'atwii Iiivitational Saturday, and fourth in 69.56. Micke:y Griego was team of Nathan Roybal, Derrickwill continue at the Capitan Invita- fift;h in the 800M dash m 2:56.71. Thompson, Tony Cantrell and Kyletiona! April 22 and the district Anna Cargo was third in the Allen was third in 1:55.57. .mest, also in Capitan, April 29. 1600M run and Jolene Edwards Jeremy Livingston was fourth in

Athletes who meet the state was fourth. the 800M run in 2:35, the 1600Mqualif.9ing times in nmning and The 400M relay team of Tillot- medley team of Damian RoyJlal,field events will win a berth in the son, Edwards, Lori Longbotbam Thompson, Traylor and Kyle Allenstate meet in Albuquerque May 5 and Dalton was second in 56.15. was fourth in 4:34.6, the 400Mand 6. In field events, Colynn Wash· relay team of Roybal, ~son,

The girls took first at Mountain burn was first in hi~h jump with a Cantrell and Allen was inTop Invitational with 110 points. ~ of 4 feet'l1 mches, Marnie 53.28 and Livingston was fifth inTularosa was behind the Tigers, aniel was third with 4,7 and the 1600M run in 5:51.6.followed by host Cloudcroft, Car- Eckland fourth with a jump of4.3.rizozo. Dexter, Hatch, Loving and Sherry Gowen was first in dia­New Mexico School for the Visually cuss with a throw of 98.4 and see-Handicapped. - - .. '. ondm s'hotput willi a toss of32.1.

Many Of the regular members of, Hale finished third in the longthe girls team were absent Satur- jump with a leap of because of the Mock Trial com- The boys did not place at thepetition inAlbuquetqUe, Allen said. Roswell IIJ.vitational m the Wool

Lora McKay was high point indi- Bowl Saturday, but did achieve

Girls capture track record~

On campus" . .

. TheCapitanBO.AJU) Oli' EDU·C,ATlONWill meetllt 7 r'm. today(Th\lrSday) at the Ilchooadminill-traj;i(j11 bUilding. . '.. .Items on tbii ....end'" • cl'd" •" . ........:m u e.

......Month1y1itl$·al ~.' ......:&ecu..." j;i..velreS~on~~" .l.otson···•net. . .,w

.. -o~ed pel$onnel ~.meil.dationll. '-Go1fPto~. ! ,:, ,......A-valofthe 19S9-00sehoolcalendA':."-· . ..


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Page 6:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER

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.6A I The a....ldoso Nilws I Thursd~y. April 13. 19$9

--~ .

Maskew said he hopes the extraevents and community participa­tion will raise interest in the spOrt.

"fm especially anxious to seethose sixth graders get out andrun," Maskew said.


- .. RUldoso"News-Sport~Wrlter- -'-Three unusual 400-meter relays,

two long distance runs and ~ dill""· tance walk 'have been added to·Ruidoso High School's only homemck meet Of the year scheduled fo1'Saturday, April 15, at the prilcti~

fieldl announced Ronny" Maskew,heau track coach. "

AA?:c~i:tre~eW;;;sf'ii=~ --year: Goddard, .Art6si~, Socorro andLovington. •

As ~ community' promotion tothe meet, Maskew said three spe_·cial 4OO-meter relays have beenadded to the regUlar schedule ofevents.. Maskew said the first relay will

feature ~ competitive run between· teams of weal doctors, lawyers.bankers and'coaches..

The ~econd 400cmeter relay Willpit sixth grade co-ed teams, twoboys and two girls, .

The intramural physical educa-.tion 'classes in the seventh grade _

'01:;::ee::~~~ ;l:t~::.ams for a Thi~ y~ar's first Warrior of the Week Award standing 800M and anchored a relay.:Maskew said the community 5-K was captured by (from left) Luisa Tam, Ira Wishard ran two personal bests in the'

run and walk and the 10-K race S~go and "Amy Wishard. Tam and Wishard 400M and participated in two other running.Will run and conclude between the tied for the girls honors. Tam ran an out- events. Sago won the 3200M for the boys.

· Warnors regular preliminary run.8· pnd-fiwlls........-.-·--------vvala1s.-Whitwam--said-meet-of--;-th~edale_and_!P_sbirllt; high-school-parking-lonlt"...------

The 5-K run, 5-K walk and 10-K course Will be on p~vement with Age groups, female and male: "run will all staIt on Warrior Drive several short stretches ofdirt. 5K walk and run; nine and un-in frOnt the of high school. - There is a charge for the long der; 10-14; 15-19; 20-29; 80-89; 40-

Dr. Paul Whitwam, organizer of distance races. An entry fee of $8 49; 50-59 and 60 plus.the community long distance preregistration and $10 post-10K run: 19 and under; 20-29;events, said the course is accur~tely marked after April 8 should be 80-39; 40-40; 50-59; and 60 plus.measured to TAC specifications and made out to the Ruidoso Athletic Race day registration and packetwill be marked at one-mile inter- Club. The fees Willdefray 'costs of pick-up is from 11-11:45 a.m. at the

Ruidoso's only hometraek meetisSa-turdtty~• . ,f. I, ,I . ' , , _', ' • '. ~ ,

Steve Dankert limbers up with thigh stretching exer"Cisesbefore cranking up the arm for another javelin toss.Dankert threw his personal best in Roswell 162-3.




. .

"... __ ~-lL ~.\\~~~•

".~ -

RuidosoInvitational Track Meet

".... "

Ruidoso High ~chool ::[/)April 1.5

Field event-fiD~ls

1:30 p.ID

9:30 a.m Scrateh meeting

Running event-finals


10:30 , Long jump boysDiscus boysPola vault boysHigh jump boysShot put girls

11:30 Sbot put bo,ys. Discus girlsLong jump girls

Noon.. :••.Javelin -boysHigliljump girls

378...4998·.Monday thru Friday 8..5·

.'Saturday 8..12.f~Ph~ne Answered 24 hours~.....

.~ 'J' . '.. . '''-'''--''.''"--'-'- ------ " .. , -, ."- --, ,--,.. '-""'-'-' .....----.,._,_. . .. -

'I.__ ~"__ __t'.Jt"

Smoke signals are fine,.. But line for line; .

Better r~sults are hadWith a

Ruidollilo New. Ad!


............Mens special 400M x-elay1:35 6th grade-400M x-el~y

4"1:4O 7th grade 400M reIllY(.2:00 4:dOOM Relay girl.':

r-----~_I_--~-------·---4--I-1O:3lT.••' ..,,,,,;;'!OOM Hurdles .....1B---"""2:06;;;;c;..; 4;ll:tO(l" ......~. IV"

10:40 110M Hurdles boys 2:'15 100M Hurdles. ~,10:50 100lYJ. D~sh girls 2:25 110M High hurdles boys11:00 100M D~shboys 2:35 100M·Dash girls11:30 300M Hurdles girls 2:40 100M D~sh boys11:40 300M Int. hurdles boys 3:00 1600M Run boys11:50 200M D~sh girls 3:10 4x200M relay girlsNoon. 200M Dash boys 3:15 4x200M relay boys• 5·10K Run, 5-K walk 3:20 400M Dash girls

3:25 , 400M D~shboys3:35 300M Hurdles girls3:40 300M Int. hurdles boys3:50 800M Dash girls4:00 800M Dash boys4:10...........1600M Medley rel~y girls4:20...........1600M Medley relay boys4:30 200M Dash girls4:35....••..•...•......1100l!/.[ ][)~slil girls<l:<l()••••••••••••••••••31100M lEtlJJ[l'girlLo5:00 3200M Run boys5l2D:.: ui(OOM"1le"liiyiigJrls-··5:30 4x400M lEtelays boys5:40e~t Pre8eniationof



. .

•.Ihls number teUs youIf'It',$ agoOdl:;tuy .If YQU're sh<:»PPh1gfor d' new CO()lIngsystem. youQCln Moke sure thOf you boyCin energy"$fflclent mOdel by checking ItsSEER redlng; The hlghe.r the SEER - orSeQaonal Energy Efflolenoy Ratio -thegrel;lfer the ·afflcIEiI'\Qy.TNP .recommendllfhClf unlfs have oSSER of atl6ast 9.0,'For rriore InforrnQtlonon choosing. energyefflcfenfcoolfng Clnd hemlng IVtferns. con

·or'll.lf yourll:W;lol. fNPofflcetod(ly•.••' . . .

" .

-----~---_.....- .."

Junior Fred Vaughn.of Lovington, 5-6, clear$ the bars inRoswell at 6-6. Crowd pleasing Garcia has cleared 6~9

and will be at the RUidoso track meet this Saturday.

17.4913.9363.8265.9931.16 '12:68.7488-3


TiJ:neor distance



-- ._--~...

. this number tellS. .-you whafon air'condltlQfter costs



3200M3200Mshot putshot putjavelinjavelin'javelinpole vault

-100M hurdles100M dash400Mdash400Mdash200M dash3200MDiscus

Personal BestsNaJDe

Alden TorresNickNanzDusty BeaversShone EidsonStev~DaDkertMichael SWDDDerRyan WrightMicah Wbitlock

J,iuderRadAdeD CarMl-ta.A-m¥Wi"'~rdKatrina GabaldonMarcie Stoke".LuisaTmnQharlotte TaUJDOD

Boys. Eight entrees

.Girls • Seven.entrees




Victor Alonso demonstratesthe teChnique of the . FiOS- ..pury flop, a head first b"ackflip over thebarlt.

.._. ,"_. ',-

\ _ __--_....








Page 7:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER



• •

Reg. Price:starting at$2.49

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •








3-piece combo••••••••••••••••

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Slock 1227-5


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Reg. Frlce:16 oz, s10ck #3000 $5.99••••••••••••••••

Reg. Price:stock #8221 $38.93.................




starting at• $2.43



$29~5 Reg. Price:Slock #3624 $4&.20•••••••••••••••

NAPA OIL 3D weight


¢174¢ ::::~b:=••••••••••••••••

ileglSter I~ win a flee trtpfor two toWiICh baseball'lf baSlpJayors In acb'lln

.'", ._Iit~elm.caUfQmlaon~ulY 11.111$!k,You could win a trip 10 WilCh !he MalorLeague BaseballAII-Slar Game byregistering in NAPA's 'tAI<EME DUTrOtHE BALL GAME" Sweepslakes al yOllIpar!k:lpating NAPA Aulo Parts Slore.Also register 10 win acotor television, l3$ mnfim~tercall1era, and many morapriZes! Nopurehasenec:essary.Youlleedriot ba present to win.

-, .

Thursday, April 13, 1989 I The AuldpliIQ NlJWe /7A:. to" 1 "ISJ 1._ ... $ .1

, '




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HI Lo Pr....AprilS 71 l!8 0AjlIIle 74\ 3& 0Apllii 77:!3 0"PIlla 77:1t 0Al$llil '15 :!3 IIApril 10 41 ill 11'AP11111 60 22 0

. l'ttIClpIlIdjj/l \hI'll\Ol\lll-O'Ptl!C",""lkm ...,,.._$.200 ,



son. The Warrior girls team has shown aremarkable depth and appear odds on fa­vorite to win the district and state.




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SAVE YOUR CUf.lS~ JOIN NRAi-"_...' ...__.._...._---


Mikki Roller demonstrates her follow-through on a serve toArtesia's Sharon Crockett. Roller dominated the matchand pUIl!i'd away for an easy 8~2 victory.

playing time, Brown's court savvY Billy Weddidge with chopping'drop returned the favor by beating Long.will-bl . . ·~~-defeaH-he-Bulld0g-8-4. ,--,and-Brown-byJ;he-same-scoreJl4..-:-,tories: . , . Ske1lett and Collins ~ominated The.rubber match for a Warrior

Mashon Swenor fresh from the Carson QD.d Leaton 8.2 m doubles team V1ctory was left to Swenor and .basketball courts.' has had little' plliy .a~rtwo long close single Pai. Swenor's.lack of practice timepractice time on the tennis courts. ~tehes with the same two spelled thedJ¥erence and BullockSwenor lost to Buddv Bullock 8-1. Bulldogs. and Weddidge walked away with

Chaitanya Pai whittled away at Artesia's Schaefer and Kinney an 8,-2 victory. '

-'di¥i .- -.' -

. ,

, "

Commu'uityto welcomeRagsdaleby CHARI-ES STALLINGSRuidoso News Sports Writer. "Catch the Spirit" is the theD;le

for the community social to wel-come Ul oso High SChoofs new'head football coach Doug Ragsdaleand his family to the area.

Sharon Wells and Karen Morrisare spearheading the event sched­uled for Thursday, May 4, at theSierra Mall.

Wells said it will be a time forfusing ideas and warm welcomes tothe new coach and his family.

"As a community, we need toshow our all-out support for CoachRagsdale and his f'an1.ily," Wellssaid. "This will be an evening to en­lighten the coach of our Ruidosotradit;ions, such as the quarterbackclub and the booster clubs. It willalso be a time to listen to his injec­tion of new ideas into our athleticprogram."

Wells said Mayor Lloyd L, DavisJr., members of the village council,scTlOOTlJoifra ana'if host of prinCi~

pals, teachers and other local dig­nitaries will be present.

Wells said hors d'oeuvres will beserved compliments Wayne andSandy Dacy, new owners ofKelley'sRestaurant in the Sierra Mall.

The devastating duo of Mamie Warlick,left, and Chrissy Crocker have terrorizedevery opponent they've played this sea-


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.'Mamie: Warlick k~epsher eye on the ball as she preparesto' whip her serve into Artesia's Deeann Mason. Topseeded WarJickeasily handled her opponent 8-1.

Oonna Garciahol(jsapieceof base line 'from 'orie of the

. couri$, atSohooJ House­Park ,whlch' ¢OuldpUse a

,prob1em for' the players .on¢Ourt. No· wIndbreakers,'huga cracks, bUlbles~ lightsand missing llneS¢Ol,lldn't.

'. deter any Warrior tl!lnnls. miss from their re entles$·Sulldog basl;llng,' eglrl$

swept the dogs 9~O.

WarriorAoetters'splitmth AI1e:sia-'-:girt~w_n"'boys lose-~":ty,CHARI-ES STALLINGS before Crockett fell 8-2, 'low wit4 a passing shot. As the·'tofdoso N91!VSSports-Writer" , ·'~-----emmre----McIntosh."the'-lIIlgelic-'-matclrprogressed, Long seemed to

The Ruidoso Warrior tennis girls face :with a vicious top spin volley', ' loosen up and was the stronger. ofii'ere in. a .class of their own as they hammered Carol Carpenter into the two players in his last threeIIi1asb,ed through' Artesia Bul).dogs submission 8-3. ' gamea, but the early lead was tooin the season's first home meet at Donna Garcia wasted no time' much and Schaefer won 8-3.3chool HotiSe Park; 9-0. ' with Nikki Wilson, zipping thaEric Brown lost,to a more experi-

The Warrior ~oy~ were not as young Bulldog 8-0. . enced Lee Kinney 8-4. W~t!J. morefortunate. After su: smgles matches Amy Thornton emphaslZed the 'ended 3-3, the Warriors lost two of depth of the Warrior squad withthe,thrs

n.e l10ubles ~tches for a 4-5 the D;lerciless 4~tion of Missy

overa teamloss.'. Clayton 8-0. "The Bulldogs were at somewhat The team of Warlick and Crock-

of a disadvantage with the strange er rolled over Mason and Norton 8­arranllementofthe R~dosncourts, 1. The Warrior duo's ouly loss was

Rwdoso' has no wmd breakers on a double fault in the secondUlIually found attached to the fence game. 'ofa tennis court to subdue the wind Roller and Mclntosh outv,rittedfactor. In many areas the local the Crockett-Carpenter combo 8-0.ClIUIts had no stripes, considered Roller kept the ball deep, hittingdesirable by most tennis players for what lines were. there., Mclntoshcontinuity. The many cracks in the gobbled up a bunch of points withc:ourls allowed unusual, bounces '. finesse punching that·· had thewhich the Warriors, no doubt, have Bulldo~sscrambling tothe net. .

, seen before. Garcia and Thornton wiped. outThe teams played the quicker Wilson and Clayton in what could

pro sets because the court lights have been termed "no contest." Thehad no bulbs. Warriors won handily 8-0 out-

The ghost town appearance of weighing the Bulldogs on allthe courts, however, wouldn't have around ability. .made that much difference in the THE BOYS TEAMway the Warrior girls savagely , rIte Wlirriors were even with thedefanged any Bulldog bite. , Bulldogs as a singles team 3-3.

Mamie Warlick was a hawk as Dusty Skellett and Eric Collins,-she-ripped.Beeann-Matlon-to-shreds--lihe-Warriors-one-and-tw ,

8-1. Warlick's second serve is as had their hands full but won bothfast as her first. When she attacks their matches.the net, you can see the intimida- Skellett handled the hot servestion of the opponent. of Joel Carson and dished out a few

Cbris81. Crocker is a 5-7 eighth of his own before wearing thegrader Wlth tree trunk legs and so Bulldog down 8-5, ,much power and ability that a be- Eric Collins battled with Eddiewildered Amy Norton must have Leaton in the longest match of-thefelt good about the two games she day before edging the Bulldog 9-7.won. Crocker woI). the match 8-2, Shane Long started his game too

. Mikki' Roller, with backhand tentatively with Michael Schaefer.power that could drill through brick Early in the match, Schaefer con­walls, ran Sharon C~ckett dizzy stantly drew Long to the nets to fol-


Page 8:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER

.... ..-

i)., ,



Quando Victory wins Sunland',S'E" 'I' p'" .. R····.. c······I·d.. pc... " ·t·· H·····--- -d-'· - •aso era os' an·' lcap

Quando Victory surged to tha and closad strongly to finish a re-Tha victory gava him 134 wins fo:\' ".

~d/W~~" ~~:.e'1:r~'s=n:~o':f':E:icrolefifthmtnetWelveliorse ~:l=::~~r;~i~a:r:7:;':Flachado for a big two-lenl{l;h win Also on Satw:day, Just Like, saason. Tha old racotd of 133 wasin Saturday's $12,775 m Paso Lace and Fly Dragonass won their set by Bobby Harmon and had held

.. Heraln'Post lfandicapatSunland respecti,v& llivisioDlH)f---the-Ril~strong.for~22y~ar-B;"""-~

Park . Hson Da:\'by trials to qualitY for the The first ro~d of tha MichalobRidden patientlr by Mika Clar~ $36,568 fina!. . Dry Handicapper's ,Challangt; was

tha mara settled mto fourth POSI- Both fillias won after taking· hald onSatimlay and Junlll)'tion for tha run down the back· comman4 aarly,but J'lJ,st Like Laca Kanan has tha laad at tha halfway .stretch and then swung to ,the out- was hand-riddan tha final aighth to· point with $5,038.30 in his lllythi. .side fo:\' the stretch drive to run the take a tJ; in 1;39.4 cal bankroll. A total of 74 contas-6 and lI2 furlongs in 1;16.3. while Fly lliagonass was pressed tanta took part and tha contasli will

Ownad by Richard Montgomary for almoSt tha antire distance, win- eoncluda tomotrow with tha winnarofAmarillo, Taxas, tha fivll-year"Old ning by a nosa ovar Straight recciving $2,500 ahd a froo trip todaughtar of Victory Stride won her . Reality in 1;38.4. tha World Sarias of Handicappingthird straight race at Sunland Park The tan finlilists for tha April 23 at Paun National Raca Coursa.and paid $8.80, $3.40, $2.60. final win be Just Like Lace, Fly' , ,

Flachado was assignad high- Dragonass, Club North, Loose Lips Roundin$, out tha top tan ara: .waight of 122 pounds, but could not Cash, Rixdal Jr., Aztec Nativa, John Day, $4,690; Howard Rravitz, .keep up· with tha winner to pay Granlllll,'s. Demand, Balla of $3,292.40; R.E. Lae, $2,412.20;',$3.60, :(i2.80 with Forever A Ruler Bl~aans,' Glowing Image and Hanry Ayon, $1,773; J.affKrupsaw,finisbina- thitd and paying $4.60. Straight Reality. . $1,639.50; Tim Lyonl $1,618; Gene

Cutribot, a threa tima Horse-Of- Ridar Mika Lidbarg won. only Boswall, $1,578; RiChard I:lolland,Thll-Moot at Sunland,was making ona :l'8ca on tha pr08:l'8m, but that $1,528; and Calvin·Handric!<son,his first start since last Daclltnbar :l'8ce was important for tha ·veta:l'8n. $1,470. .


'-'-", ";".' --;>. ?--,' ".'" -- ----:;. ,'. ',-....-... ".,. Co r;.t:' "".~:;."7'-:" ::::r'''''':lr''}'''''~':::'--';'''' -~".,.;-y, '.--:o~t'" .. ~\ ."? ~U.. :. ~"'''''''''.'!...,.p"",~""",..,:;..,.,."'J;-.-..,... ..,..,5,.....,•• ..,3...,..'-'·_.,..·t",.~·~,--.r..,...,..'.':'"""l""'j.".1.'i",.:~OOO;""._ !"".~~~,...':'•..,.,.....,.,t'w'"......"i'"r"'i.i":!"'iq..,......a::;,..,.. I.......!·_""',,.,,.t7"'!"1 ·.P"'!il"'li*"l"l',:;w'JW"",.". ~'IIf'''''''''''''i'.! l.""A!!".,<'!!'!4J_"""..."",,1,;'!!!I§b. ."",' ,. ".,.


.. ; .,'


Mike Clark rode Quando Victory, owned byRichard Montgomery of Amarillo, Texas,over the 6 and 1/2 furlongs in 1:16.3.

',~ '., ',' .,. c· " .... , .. ' ......" ...., '.", "," .• ~ .' _.' • ',."

8A I The RU'dpso News I ThU~' Apr1/13, 19892 G, . ' -

Quando Victory, shown during a March 25feature at Sunland Park, was the winnerofSaturday's EI Paso Herald Post Handicap.






Sunland Park race resu Its







0'5:Chelillar .nd V.lella Slone

INVI1SYOUTO 'rHEli'I NEW . A e at:a u ra nil:LOCATION AT 'rHe'TRAFFIC cthCLl:

257.9328. .;.... Bre...,f4st Bu1ret ­Moho - Fri. 6:00· 11lOoSat. ~ Sun: 6:00 -11:30 ,-Luueh B~et......,

Moho - Fri. 11:00~2:OO, ..' Sat.· sUn:. UtaO - 2lOo

$U"d.,.SUltet to*"-"It__et" slita'....-an..........-tsr-w..,........

OPlllNFOR l)lNNl!llI.'l'hun. ~ SlID. IlOo -, 9:00

GO o' 1IIl ••V"t ~

d,~cP "'@<P.:::' -'0 ~... .<Jr. %-'\~...

Weclnesday, FrIday &0: SaturdayNile' .

0.",..o,.n"tllo3O, llOd1·It4-S_.t6030

,R.sutao _'--,--Slatlo .t'7-.oo

'SUIlday.,..".. 0 ...."UlliO


1'01'. Mo... W Q1I S05I257'-92" .

18th-SimulCllst from GardanStare. 6 Furlongs Pursa $11,500.

l-Diving For Pearls (B:I'8vo)$15.80, $7.00, $7.40

2-Fathar D. Lash <W'J1son)$3.60, $3.40

3-Sal The Clippa:\' (Varga) $4.20Tima: 1:13.3 Daily Doubla

$61.40, Quiniala $60.00, Exacts$236.20, Trifacta $308.00

Handla: $229,258.Attendanre: 1,327

$1,700. 1 lI8 mile Pursa $300,OOOG,7-Crunchydontchaknow GradaI. .

(D.Lidbll11l').~17.40, $7.60, $4.80 4-Awa Inspiring (Perret) $4.20,. Mine (Clark)' $4.80, $2.60, $2.80$3.20 ~ 5·Irish Actor (Mapla) $3.00,

5-Nat Sticks (Murphy) $6.60 $3.20Tima: 1:00.1 Also ran-Plaasura 3-Amarica's Friend (Chawz)

Flyar, . Najobas, San Rosa, Final $13.40 'Caution, Angal Loom Tima: 1:49.3 Quiniala $6.40, Ex-

QuinieIa: $40.80, 1st half T-S acta $11.40, Trifaeta $197.20$251.40 9th-3 & 4 yaar olds AlIowanre

5th-3 yaar olds & up Claiming 400 yards Purse $2,600.$3,200. 870 yards Purse ljil,800. 3-Miss D:I'8conic (Lawis) $46.60,

2-Full Gaga (Murphy) $9.60, .$11.00, $4.60RACE RESULTS $5.001 ~.20 . 2-Distinct Dancar (Blevins)

SATURDAY, APRIL 8 4-l:lJ1llS So Flakay (Blavins) $2.80, $2.401st-Simulcast from Qaklawn $5.40, $3.40 8-Dickeys Best Yat (Baber)

Park 6 Furlongs Pursa $8(500. 7-Trixia's Dancer (Chavaz) $3.406-Wolfin It (Ardoin} $11.40, $3.80 . Time: :20.09 Also ran-Port,

$7.60, $6.20 . Tima: :45.62 Also l'llD.-All Qut Light, Lo..<luital Dashing Invast-5-Menow Saranade (Gonzalaz) Allianre,·.Artil1a TPicket, 'natDblin mant, 1m Tha Tickat, SIin1 Ea Roo .

$8.00, $5.00 .Ranglar, Tripo"!{ Wonder, Thats ..Qni.nie!a.$34.40, Exacta $56.80.9·Max Moriah (Fosrer) $24.00 Stre8kin, Ruidoso Pete .' 10th-Simulcast of Santa Anita··Tima: 1:14.1 Quiniala $90.00, Quiniala $16.00, Trifecta Dby. from Santa Anita. -

Exacts $590.00, Trifecta $3,062.00 $178.80, 2nd balf'T-S no winnars 1 1/8 mile Purse $5oo,0QQ9,2nd-2 yaar olds Maidans. Al- Trifecta supar canyovar Grade I . '

lowanre 3liO.yards.P.urse-$l,7OO.. .. $J.O,94'Z.OO:.-----------.....4'l--Sunday.....Silance (PVInzla)4-Chargin,g Durango 6th·Simulcast of The Gotham $8.00, $4.40,$3.40 :

(M.Lidbarg) $4.60, $2.60, $2.60 Stakes. from Aquedul;!;. . 2-Flying Continental5-No Nosas (Martinaz) $3.80, 1 mile. Purse $250,OOOA, Gr II (Delhssaya) $5.80, $3.40 '

$2.60 5-Easy Goer (Day) $2.20, $2.20, 3-M.usic Marci (Stavans) $3.209-Madam Approach (Hunt) $2.10 , . Tima: 1:47.3 Quiniala $21.40,

$2.80 ,. 2-Diamond Doimia (Bracc'aile) Exacts $20.80; Trifecta $163.80Time: :17.99 Also ran-Dis£?, $3.60, $2.80 11th-R. Allison Dby trls. 1 mile.

Moon, Throo For Tea, Christi· 4-Expens:ive Decision (Samyn) Purse $1,500.High Light Power, Montas Moon $3.40 6-.)'ust Like Lace (Martinaz) :Bar, Rich Quastion, Last Of The Tima: 1:32.2 Quiniala $9.00, Ex- $4.00, $3.00, $2.40 'Fast actS $7.80, Trifacta $57.00 5-Rixdal Jr. (M.Lidbarg) $3.80,

Quiniela $9.00 7th-3 year olds Claiming $5,000. $2.203rd-3 yaar olds Maidans. CIaim- 400 yds.Purse $2,000. 3-Loose Lips Cash (Murphy) .

ing $9,500. 6 Furlongs Pursa 2-Faisty Fiery N Foxy (Blavins) $2.60$1,600.' $6.00, $3.60, $2.80

7.Pay B:I'8dlay (Lawi.s) $6.40, 7-Island Sarenade (Coombs)$6.20,$2.60' $4.80, $3.20

2:-Hatchetta (Murphy) $7.20, 3·Dustins G:I'8y Lady$4.80 (MLidblltg) $2.60

5-Dare Ma To Laad (Cnnning- Time: :20.15 Also l'llD.-ham) $2.40 Scoutforcash, Littla Rich Honey,

Time: 1:11.4 .Also mn.Battlin- WestllrnCoffoo,-OhSall-On _--Murfin, Roxscene, Villaga King, Quiniala $27.20, Exacta $47.00Sandy Streat, Dona With Style 8th-8imulcast of Flamingo Sth.

Quiniala $31.20, Trifecta from Hialaah.$153.00, Daily Doubla $15.00 '

4th-2 yaar olds Maid-aniAlIowanre . 5 Furlongs Purse

BU',I].. Ll ... t Spp, iat.., t.,ttl1tirH; .ll .... f.qq\V("dIH~... d-a\- 'll~lnt

Buy {)Ut.- - (7Pt ()n(' I H'" J Lln:l',1ft;(Ol '.

THE INNCREDIBLERestaurant and Saloon

-'"Quiet Season Hours" ­Open Wedn~&day-Saturdayat 5:30 p.m.

Cosed S~day,Monday, Tue&daythrough May 2.

Open DaiIyat 5:30 - May 3, 1.989

BLJlGEGJlC"8* .'~r~ . 'RESTAURAbIlT'

Re,-opening Monday, April10Under NewManagentent""tJt' . Open 6 a.m.- 9 p.m. Daily . I

.~: 'l'liebha. JeiltlinglJ, Manager -Dottie Boone, Head Cook

. . .' "Mll:rgUelHut&ott, Head WaittellS .' .'_ ......"' .... ,.., .......-_"-~ ..~~_._"_.•. ".".,~.-- .....~''''-~" .•. c, "._. ,-,.~ ""...c...·, .••_..~ , .--~.~.•~.' ...'"~~.. '1.)

<==.. :=.--:=.=....==========::.1 j~~~'~. ("~A\

Come I,;:anilsle .Thelma, Dottie and Margaretournew iletiOY. •. . inviteall their irlend&. ,..

Lclc;*~ i!tSl(!tr* Mall,121 M.edlemDI'. • 257·$741

8-Davils California (Finchar)$3.80

Time: 1:41. Also ran-Your Laad.Big Littla Jill, Tabla Chima, PatsGal, Eminant Flyar, Flaat Shaat,Henn's Flash

. Quiniala ,$14.80, Trifacts$145.80

13th-Simulcast from SantaAnita. 1 mile. Pursa $42,000.

8-Ha's A Cajun (Srevans)$14.60, $7.80, $6.80

. 9-Shigamba (P.Vlnvla) $7.80,$3.80

3-Captain Valid (McCarron)$7.40

Time: 1:35.3 Quiniala $33.80,Exacta $93.80, Trifacta $412.20

14th-Simulcast from SantaAnita. 1 mile. Purse $41,000.

4-Exmnpl;uy Laildar (Baza)$10.80, $5.20, $3.40

2-King OfLamhi (Pincay) $5.80,$3.60

3-Strung Up (Dalhssya) $5.80Tima: 1:3&. Quiniala $21.40, Ex­

seta $43.40, Trikcta.$1,326.2015th-Simulcast from Santa

Anita. 6 1/2 Furlongs Pursa$13,000.

I-Sans Rival (Pincay) $12.40,$5.80, $4.20

l1·Hillstark (Garcia) $9.60,$5.20

2-Granja Amigo (Solis) $9.00Tima: 1:16.3 Quiniela $114.60,

Exacts $275.40, Trifecta $6,558.4016th-Simulcast 'from Gardan

Stata. 6 Furlongs Pursa $5,000.6-Story's First Trifacta (Farrer)

$5.60, $4.00, $3.00 ,5-Frash Produce (Ayarza) $9.20,

$3.00l-Slady EI (Alligood) $4.60Time: 1:14.1 Quiniala $14.60,

Ex. $32.20, Trifecta $187.2017th-Simulcast from Gardan

State: 1 mi.70 yards Purse $13,5004-Starbase. Alpha (Wilson)

$4.40, $3.60, $3.003-Bend The Buck (Walford)

$17.20, $5.402-Electric Ire (Edwards) $4.20Tima: 1:46.2 Quiniala $61.00,

Exacta $60.00, Trifaeta $541.60

.Kristago, Shazabiddar

Quiniala $76.40, Trifacta$850.60, 2nd halfT-S no winnars

Tri-Supar carryovar $7,679.007th-2 yaar olds Maid­

aniAllowanca 350 yards Pursa$1,700.

5-Nica Saaing You (Coombs)$27.20, $9.00, $4.60

4-Scout Jet (Martinaz) $9.00,$2.60

8-Noon Nippar (Rodriguaz)$6.60

Tima: :18.03 Also ran-MrRoman Bug, Janas On Go, NitasBast BOODa

IciInfinitly, Revarend Mr

Brown, Tal 'n Dog, Papto TunaExacta $349.408th-3 yaar olds Maidens. Claim"

llw: $4,000. 1 mila. Pursa $1,600."-.6-Ahla Haro (Blavins) $13.40,

$6.20, $4.007-Choke Barry Lana (Lawis)

$6.80, $4.805·NoBtrum Placa (Martinaz)

$.'WO.~ 'lime; . 1:41.1..Also.. ran­

Indaysofold, Mov In Up Gent,Lightfoot Knight

Quinicla $75.00, Trifecta$428.00

9th-3 & 4 yllllr olds Claiming$4,000. 6 Furlongs Pursa $2,200.

7-Channin Abracromba (Mur­phy) $3.60, $2.60, $2.20

2-Intriguing Envoy (Byers)$2.40, $2.20

l.oSpaca Ship (Toquinto) $2.20Tima: 1:11. Also ran-

Asymmatrical Anga!, Ego Bender,Surprisingly 0 K, Recklass Mama

Quinicla $5.80, Exacta $9.80lOth-4 yaar olds & up Claiming

$2,000. 5 1/2 Furlongs Pursa$1,600.

3-North Shore (McGonagill)$7.60, $6.40, $5.20

4-Dimmitt County (Jacobo)$4.20, $4.00

6-Conquaring Wind (Holmas)$4.00

Time: 1:05.3 Also ran-Caul andFluffy, Sama' Sailor, Some Rular,Tha Booma Star, Rough N' Tuff,Chantal'sl Banquet, Last Markess,Roman Gladiator

Quiniela $32,00, Trifecta$197.20

11th-3 year olds & up Claiming$5,000. 1000 yards PUl'se $2,500.

I-Track Ambassador (Martinaz)$5.20, $4.20, $2.80

6-Short Shrift (Murphy) $3.60,$2.80

3~Bold Champion (Blevins)$4.20

TUne: :52.34 Also ran-ProudCup, Keen Laan N' .Mean, Egor,Miss Say So, My (laing-Jesse

Quiniela $1J}.20, :EXaeta.~;;,~~12th-4"ear-olds& up.C g

$2,OOO:1'!:ifue:Pur$'Il$1,"/OO: .7-Dash Of Luck (Jacobo) $6.40,

$4.20, $3.80 .'I-Linda B. (M.Lidblltg) $5.20,

$4.00 .


COmmetCial.Aat~s· 1 Bed 1-2 People - $24.09. FREE CON1"INl:NTAL BREAKFAST 1-10 A.M.I

. '"'. ·Pricugood IhtClUgh 5-:11-89 " .•'. • SUtlday througlt 'I'hul1lld'ay--No HQlldays • • .•.

. '. ' . BU$ltJe_Gards ReqUired .. .Al Fc:;rresler.Mgr. 378-4411

... 'C....tI·· Roome-Phollft-1'V ....;..Alr Qot:l!:lltlotHIm·feate,•..


1st-Simulcast from OaklawnPark 1 mila Purse $17,000.

7-Roxanna's Capada (Bailay)$19.60, $4.60, $2.10

4-Maxiwhirl (Day) $2.40, $2.103-Court The Boys (Livaly) $2.10Tima:' 1:41.1 Quiniala $18.40,

Exacts $72.402nd-Simulcast from Oaklawn

Park 6 Furlongs Purse $8,000.3-ldidarod (Bailay) $6.40, $6.60,

$3.809-Lucky Silvar Charm

(Johnson) $45.80, $27.2011-Hot Shot Shopper (Scotch)

$20.80Tima: 1:12.4 Daily Double

$111.80, Q~niala $199.40, Exacta$585.20, Trifecta $7,693.00 .

3rd-4 yaar olds & up Claiming$2,500. 6 112 Furlongs Pursa$1,800.

4-Fatal Wish (Ca.rtar) $15.60,$5.20, $3.00 .

, l-Ma'y,IJa Somaday (Holmas)U.OOsf:,:o .2- la's Shot (Toquinto) $3.00Tima: 1:18.4 Also ran-Lucky

Paisano, Irish Van Fleat, 1m­pressiva Bamn, Eastar's Discovary

Quiniela $15.004th-3 yaar oIds & up Claiming

$3,600. 870 yds. Pursa $1,600.5-Financial Giant (M.Lidbarg)

$6.60, $4.00, $3.202-A Total Dip (Holmas) $8.20,

$4.007-Phantom Chaser (Ca.rtar)

$3.00Tima: :46.27 Also ran-Rebal

Rube, Rayo Da Luna, Bud's Binga,SllIlcia1ly Suddan, Talkin' Bold,Chinasa Firedrill

Scratched-Vazy StylishQuiniala :(i22.60, Trifecta

$203.00, Daily Double $87.40.. 5th-3 yaar olds & up M1ridanClaiming $3,500. 350 yards Pursa$1,600.

3·Mr AlI Thraad (Washburn)$13.00, $8.20, $4.00

6-Dark Piasano Bar (Lawis)$6.20, $4.80 •

7-Quoon Of Capri (Rodriguaz)$4.20 .

Tima: :18.02 Also ran-AlI Amar­iean Danoor, Eagla Arrh'a

Rockat Cookin, Timatobe,Evalyns Forty Four, Littla BidsLagacy, Fast And Hot

Quiniala $160.20, 1st half T..s$586.20

6th-2 yaar olds Maid­ens/Allowance 4 lI2 Furlongs Purse$1,700.

8-Choke'n Tall (Cnnningham.)$8.20, $4.80, $4.80

7.~ppy Broad (Murphy) $9.40,$6.00

l~Almost Texas (MartiJrez)$3.20

Time: :63.1 Also ran-GiverMink, London's Promise, FlyingBionic, lli. Michaal, Texas Runner,

'.' ..


_li·litb.c.··.,.:''•••titi"jbiil·'ilII:'.is.·••r't_n••' iIII'fu.'iZ_r±IIII".-:r••II'-fill'lI'•·..m..j •

i .u...IiI.....lIIltjilli

'.,......··lIltMlllilr••j.a±rn 't 7 err tt nt*'. It' "' '[!'f'nt tt

" . ~t .'$' , Md"· b h 'Fit uhs.;' r t 't '••5ffo".,•. '$,,:::> tirin_' ;"..:£• • ' .•• _~_ , . .'_ritt _ MIL , •

i__... .__ .__,_,·.£L_

Page 9:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER

"..".. ."'" ._. " ,., ,


, ,, ,

• ,



. .

.:~ ,. "











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,_~ ""-c""





byCharles M. Schulz








), ) ,


2 57-5194

, I CAN il:LL ,(OU ITJUST DOESN'16ETANI( .BETTeR 1'J.lAN 1'14151•



. COMMUNITY,..---~-




at _Nt OiI.lttld f!il:ilur. at.-< lfttl•

• •


.§i.(h, 9'l.a.q'l.a.nce~, cI1p.otheca.'l.1I



. .

-- - -







. I-tE~e WE ARe •• TWO OLt:'F~IENDS SI1'1"IN6 iOGETIlEItSJ.lMIN& A SANOWlau...

CV>.q) .


5. • C," .

•',. ,


Ruidoso Downs .Race Trackwill ,open May)3 with'a newtote board, new paint' and "more. A massive remodel.'ing project, is nearly com~plete.

. '

thought" for other area .bU$inesses,'"The categories the" raile track

wonwer&: ' "-Magazine, ' Advertisement

(eolor)-aeooperative ad with Inn ofthe Mountain Gods.

.,....Direct Mail-I. ,campaign(Ruidoso Downs ,Newsletters); 2.single piece (groups rack card andbrochure insert). '

"::"BrochureslMenuslIrivitations(fuur color)-Ruidoso DownsBrochure.


Ruidoso D'owns takes thebest of show at Idea Fair

Time: 1:39.3 Also ~an-Aztee Na­tive, Club North, Ensnarl, GohnBold •

Exacta $11.60

Ruidosll 'Powns 'Race '.l':r~c:kreCeived the, ''BeSt of Show" awardand,·£ive gold certificates foJ: "Out­standing ,',C9ntribution',· w' theRuidoso Valley" during the IdeaFair March 21, aeeordlligto a qeWS.releas.e,provided by RuidO$o RaciQgInc. ,

The fair sponBOred bY theRuidoso V;rley Chamber of Ctim­meree, was designed to recognize

. Ruidoso area business advertisingefforts and provide "food for

. :, "I' t " ! ,.

Racetrack'redo is on track_. ~~ __ r,'_ -'. :--:.'~.. ; ':~';'~c,.__ . _--;~""'" _ ._.!.-". :~_.

, ~rin.¢th<:J.,Jll.ekIlon,,' ,iI~ojeet years to .cou..ple~, an ,the pbll1n~ .malU\getanl1c:onstl'ugt(iOJneupef· 'constructiona~ xenovation. " ,',C

tntlll'lUeJ:i.tfor Ford Duke Matiage. , After RiD.; H,ubbard anlV. Ed" mElJili, ~~lithereJl.ov:aijQn~~j~:t AJlre~~ought. the track tn.oi\.u " ~tL..".-Xl:Iido~Q'DoWDll,~Tiiaii1i'is t ~el QOOid~>lt need ,,' ", ~&o •onschedulQi' " lJ1l\lor renovation to comPete mth

A!:llOJ,'dingto .8 J),l!wl! rele8s.e, the new Pa:ti.mU-~uel tra$iin Ok·, ',,', Jackaon,who ClIome to the track ill lahoma and,T~B. Hubbard con.' "·-Sept;eJ,l'l~:tTBaYB-mueh·~nstruetion.tallWi'ord ,Duke,w.ho, senh1a~Bon,,~

haBbeen'done that 'Waen't ea1led illr to th~track. " ", ,., 'in the OJ.'igipalconeept; "" ", Jackson has been with FQrd ' ,,'

Jackson: eaid the construction 'Duk,e., since 1985. He is lID, Mpine,'c'crew' will 'leave when the racing Teu:s, native, who gl'lldnated ftQm "seallon 'starts' in May and· i:ome SulRosB University. He has been in. 'back when it endB in September. the construction businese moreHe predicts it will take several than 30 yeam.

Sunland .Park ra'ce resultsDynasty $5,000,6 Furlongs Purse $2,~00 .

Quiniela $5.00 1-Aek Stage (M Lidberg) $5.60,2nd-3 year olds MaidenB. Claim- $4.40, $3.00 .

ing $2,500. 5 1/2 Furlongs Purse 7·Quin Go (Murphy) $5.80,$1,600. $3.80

12th-R. Allison Dby. trls. 1 mile. 2-Sallys Chielet (M Lidberg) 6-Bueno mB (Martinez) $3.40Purse $1,500. $4.20, $2.80, $3.00 '. Time: 1:12.1 Also ran-Lestor

.1-"y Dragoness (Murphy) 1-PolYfl Manners (D Lidberg) Quest, Amigo Jerimi, Northern$7.80!'$8.80, $3.40 ,$5.60, $4.20 Isle," Feanaro, Hopeful Burd, True

7-Straight'Reality (M.Lidberg), 5-Conga Bid (Martinez) $3.20 Cajun, Lucky Spy$3.00, $2.40 , , Time: 1:06.4 Also ran·Miss In Quiniela. $19.60, Trifeeta

$3 602:(h'anma'1I Dm;ll~d(O:lark) ToJ<tiJ.iw.,~a.~~~ OfBreatb" ' $123.40

. . . Sprea",The Goefllp 9th-3 & 4 year olds Allowance 1Time: 1:38.4 Also ran.Belle Of Quiniela $13.60 Trifeeta mile. Purse $3800; .

Bllijeans, Glowing Image, Avena $74.00, Daily Double $10.40 5-Look At Blaze (Ceballos)DaJ},c;~, Lovin Ego, Jaonnes Nickel 3rd-3 year olds Maid. $15.60, $4.40, $3.20

~ililiiela $17.40, Trifecta en/Allowance 5 lI2 Furlongs Purse 2-C. W.'s Pleasure (MeGonagill)$102.00, Big Q $51..60 . .. $1,800. . $2.80, $2.60 .

13tM--year--oldS & up ClaiUllug t-Edilie Hur (Coombs) $ 6.20, ~anm Hugli-"(MaftiheZ)$2,000. 5 ~longs P~e $1,6~. $3.40, $2.60 $2.40

l-Flymg Spemal (Whited) . 4-Baca De Oro (Cunningham) Time: '1:38.1 Also ran-J. 'W.$10.00, $7.80, $4.40. $4.20, $2.80 ' . Holme, Ivan's Bonus, Charming

4-lnstant Glory (Coombs) $5.20, 7-Leaveittofig (Martinez) $2.80 Wind$3.60 . Time: 1:0fU Also tan- Quiniela $25.20, Exacta $64.60

9-0liver Eagle (Blevins) $3.40 Shesallwet Re2Ulus Eternal lOth-3 year olds & up AllowanceTime: :59.2 Also ran-Honkin Blade, se:n Wa1i's Court Tina 1000 yards Purse $4,100.

Mel, Draconic's V J, Sir Accident, Jane; Bam Moon, Lucky Trleea, S.Lucky Felon (Lewis) $16.20,Tough Teddy, Naughty. Norma, Salt>' Spider, Bud's Tum $5.80, $3.20Master's Pleasure.\,Rep's Copy Quiniela $9.60 1st Half T-S 4-Im Out Of Sight (Blevins)

Quiniela ;p21.60, Trifeeta $14;60 . $5.00, $3.00$675.80' . 4th-4 year olds & up Claiming 2-Confederate Hope (M.Lidberg)

, 14th·E.P. Herald Post Hc:p. a $2,500. 5 1/2 Furlongs Purse $2.80 ,lear olds & up 6 1/2 Furlongs Purse ' $1,800. Time: :52.05 Also ran-My Kinda:ji12,775. , 9-Hurrieane Mack: (M Lidberg) Parbler, Run a Step, Arabian Big

la-Quando Victory (Clark) $6.60, $3.80, $3.20 Shot, Ruffeta,l !Ie's A Splash$8.80, $3.40, $2.60 2-Fourty Dollars (Jacobo) $4.20, Quiniela ~5.oo, Exacta $59.60

llJ..Flaehado (Blevins) $3.60, $3.60 . llth-3 & 4 year olds Claiming$2.80 . 7-Dan's Lass (Martinez) $4.20 $2,000. 6 Furlongs Purse $2,000.

7-Forever A Ruler (Whited) Time: 1:06. Also ran-Holly, Casa S.Snmmer Night Sky$4.60 De Oro, Advent, Bim's Scout, Pre- (M.Lidberg) $7.20, $5.00, $3.20.. -"'Time: 1:16:a-A18ili'an-HotTom,C:iSe WiDner, unHemye--Nfp¢, . 4-SadiBno'(Toqiiffif.OJ$1T.8IJ,Curribot, Jack DaQuick:< Riehland Proven Identity $8.60Native, ~ Rtlbic. We~ . Quiniela . $26.60,Trifeeta 3-0Daily Double RevengeSchley, Stage e Lase, Willah, Bob e 246.60, cons. 2nd 1/2 T-S $3,671.80 (Blevins) $3.00Bauiliino' Tri· Super~over$7,343.00 Time: 1:13.1 Also ran-Ryeki's

Quiniela $8-.20 Exacta $17.80 5th-4 year olds & up Claiming Delight,' Fluvanna Fire, Little15th-4 year olds & up C1l1iming $2,500. 6 Furlongs Purse$2,5OO~' Prize, Go Saros, Heartline Special,

$2,000.. 1 mile. Purse $1,700. 7-Scots SisBY <M Lidberg)$4.60, Now And Here, Control The Luck,... l-Stait"JUlllpin(Toquinto)' $3.00,$2.40.. Miss Aero, Fatal Attack

$11.2Qt $7.20, $4.00 ' . 5-Nothem Tip (Cunningham) . . . .Qulniela $93.60, Trifeeta4-Nlmino Lark (Holmes) $5.80, $3.80, $3,80 $391.80'

$3.20 . 2-Netta'e Girl <Martinez) $2.60 12th-Simulcast from Santa2-Draconie's Pride (Cwming- ~e: 113,~Also ran-Mt. A For- , Anita: 1 ]J16 .mile. Purse $361.000

ham) $2.60 . t~e,Hohne Pj.t, KY,Otee,For The 5..snmmer Anibo' (Mclilltton)Tinie: 1:39.2 Also Tan-Boom Wm,Warm Friendship $4,80, $2.60,$2.20

Town ~b. El Caballo Rey, Ben" Exa,eta $20.80 .' . . ·.e.Saeey Slew (P.VInzla) $3.20,Baker, Mit.eas Well Run ., ..6tli-4: year olds & ]J.P. Maiden $3.00. . '

Quiniela $20.80, Trifecta Clairriing $2,tlOO 1. Mile Purse 7.Pirate's Hoorah (Davis) $3.00$131.80 .' - " ..; $1,600·..",......' .\, ". .TiJne: 1:43.3 Q:'$''eIa $11.40,

16th~Simulcatjt from Santa . .S-Per GrlldUB(M Lidbe-) ~".OO. lhacta$22.6O',· ",-""..eta 79.20Anita.l]J16 mile Purse $23,000. $3.60,"$2.40 '. "';' 1f". . u1 '.'$~Btrr~~~f!·(!1::~ .' $i4;~I~:r:'~:;(~~~:;':"'~cPi~~~ttii~~Rinc:onu$14~09",~c'~;,;" (D • ') $7' 00 $2'~"'A' 1'"''3''' A1~ , "'__1~.., , I-Po1iti~'Axnbition (Dellle8aye)

...·~e' .....lSer 1I;"91.e '.' . ........... ....,. .......0 ran " B $5.80, $3.40 $2' 10 .' ,. Time: 1:43.1 Quuuela$79.80, Gltl'Bend¥W.Bea~Jonancer,rm . 2.Pa~ Groungfog (Stevens)

Exacl:a. '$390.20,Tritecta$4,397.8O ~deal,"~ Copper Corsage, ~'00~"$2.b , ,' ,HaDiU~:$332lJ95." , XoUlOX, , . " '3~' en(P.lncay)$2.10 '

Attendance: 2,185 , ,QuU¥ela $3'1.20, 'ljifecta , ' Time: .1:3'5.3. Quiniela$20'.20," • $430.00, BljJ Q $2,361.80 " Exaetll $22.80, Trifecta$50.80 '

, ,~,C_B,,:P,',.~1Jl9, ',7th.3 & 4yearoldsAllo'WlU1ce 5 " "lJth'" ""--'ttl' " _, cr~";;~A"'U..'..I ....... ZU"......... 1/'lll'llrlonpPurse$3,200'., ,'* , ·0Wl. ca~ vnl. __

, 1st-3 yearol~ ..\ up Maid- .' a.PiiiquetUl. (Cunningham) Anita. 1 W6 unlePw:'se $81,000, ,,,,,,~JH1"_an"" "'/0 v--"'e", .........11' an ....." ,$" 80 . 5·Ascenaion (Pedttlza) $4.40,;iW1,'BJlSOO"."" "'" ..,..." ".IU"U, rWll UVt;"".'W....., " "$260 $220' ' '• '''''.000

" .gJ,~l,e,t Gi'll,'.ve1';,;~T~uinto) " • 3,:Blabk W;""'(P:VIJ)2ila) "7;60,. , I.Yea (Coombs) $4.IJO, $3.20, "" ."._. $ ..... •$2.40 ' '. . ,Uwing'n.Lark (Martinell) . 5.00 'i $

2-Lee Hempen (Fincher) $2.80, $3.80 ' , . 2-~lJGiil '~~DJ, UnO 1.:1'$2.60 "" . Time: 1:06.1 Also ran-Conn The ,', Alma,: ••:...,. ,/illY otlu,e

6-0lwJer Ray (Chavez) $2.SO Judll:e Triples.c, Clallilified8ectet,$36.20,~mela" ,$40.80, Exacl:a., Time: :22.10 AlIIO ran-What A BoliIA.Rt. Radical Gal" '. . '$43.40, Trifecta$161.00 '

?aJ?l1ent, Fleilt Of',Sound. ~~. . Quinie1a $30.OQ, Exacta$66~OO " Hlli:Idle: $3~5,758. . .bOdie. Brother. BUlle Hana, ICIcle 8th:.4 :9U1' old" & up Olaiming Attendance. ~,(l28.~ ~'~t

Ioo.-~~"""'~_~_~~,"""""'~~-"-"-_- -"-"-'~~--'----'- -'-----"'--- '.'"'-'----'---'-'"--"---,.~ __ ~" .,

Page 10:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER


, .




~Mf~ .,'" "

.... ":!'". - ....:' :~ 5i-.......~-' .~::!!;. '·,f,...!. .

J£:!l" _.~ ....



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Aulomati¢ trllMSml$slon from manufactursr. .Offsr ends Jvne .5•.

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$750 cash back from manufacturer on aU non-'e~ models. $500 cash back on "EC models. Offer ends June 5.

On ·Et.: models. Based on manufacturer's suggested rata! price. Dealer prices and stockmay vary. $7874 M.S.R.P. • $500 factory cash b'!ck = $7,374.

This m!Jnt~, your Southw~stChevy Force 'DealerWill give you something Ford won't ...




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These two Chevys are now outseDingFord Ranger & Bronco D!

.. ....;B;;;;as:;;ed::.;;;on~m~ostrecent R.L. Polk regIstrations. ~ •

The Valdez SpiritOne of the most· beautiful spots

in the world is Valdez Bay, and thesnowcapped mountains all around,with tlie' silver streams cascadingdown steep green mountain sidesinto a crystal blue water.··

And on Good Friday, 1989, an­other tragedy struck not onlyValdez, but also' the entire regionround about, and again the AJ.8.skanpeople are fighting back from theil:adversity, with the help of peopleworldwide.

On Good Friday of 1964 anearthquake shattered the happylittle village, and a tidal wave fol­lowed which took away all traces oftlJ,e-town. But the people of Valdezbounced back, and the whole world,lent help. A beautiful little NewValdez was b~ta mile (lr twodown the cOastal plain. From theil:tragic ~rience the MOpIer of·VIiIdez built for the future-· widestr6!lts, low buildings, massi'l'e con­struction,. and power lines un­derground. The Valdez spirit be­came world famous.



Jack Fr08t Pays A VisitSunday the ninth was a story

book April day, with the perfume offlowers, new leaves and blossomsfloating in the sunny ail:. Then allat once here came a breeze out ofthe North, carrying a cool breath. Surely from this devastation weJack Frost was. sending us a mes- can learn ways to safeguard our­sage, but surely he must be joking selves and the children of Mothert)ris time. In the early morning Earth from dangers of all kinds.hours the temperature dropped The Valdez Spirit comes shiningfrom sixty to twenty, and tiny pel. through.lets of frozen mist and fog and rain ' .were flying in the wind. You could Let us thank Our Good Lord forhardly believe your eyes. Yes, you all our blessings.

.-fl·;· •.~ .. -


. " t,..




by Daniel Agnew Storm

1,OA I Th~ RUldOSQ News I Thursday, April 13,1989


Birthdayof-OurBrother~81·IH) the combination drug and candy

This is being Sent to you an hour store just down the street. Later on'or so before high noon on April I remember walking down thetenth·and will ~ach you on the eve snow-packed street, at the age of

'oithe birf;hd~01 our brother, John, about two;.and-a-half" with· Johneldest ofthe/:)'torm brothers. walk:ing ahead saying "Mushr'" to

John Whippo ·Storm was born the Malamute sled dogs who wereApril fifteen, 1907, in the home of lying on the road in harness. theGrandpa and' Grandma Kennedy in dogs would climb upon the nearbyDenver, Colorado, to Lynn Whippo snow banks and watch us kindly ­Storm and the former Bertha evidently curious at such' small.Cathenne Kennedy. people plIS$ng by. These sled' dogs

Now my memory goes' back to looked to be the size' of 'horses, toValdez, Alaska. Poor little Valdez. my childhood eyes.John, a little over one-and-a-halfyears .old, arrived with ·our mother At Mr. Hunt's candy and drugon the steamship Yucatan, in mid- store we bought tallY in threeJanuary of 1909. There is a small flavors, vanilla white, strawberryEpiscopal prayer book... here in the pink, and chocolate brown. Then wehouse with some childhood pencil would walk ba4 home, with Johnmarks, with the notation beside in keeping an eye out for my safety.our mother's handwriting: , .' .

"Written by John W. Storm on' On· the. approach of John'sthe Steamship Yucatan,' January birthday I feel the spirit o£ mytwelve, on the way to Valdez." Here guardian brother, still lending meour father was waiting at the dock his fond protection as he visits mewhen the ship landed. This was from lIeaven. 'during one of the coldest Alaskanwinters on record.

Father had gone up a fewmonths earlier where he worked asa 'gold prospector and governmentsurveyor..•

We were all like one big happyfamily there in Valdez, worldfamous as the northernmost all­weather harbor on the Paci1icCoast.

I was born the following Octobertwenty-seven, and as soon lIS Icould walk, John became my pro­tector. he would wade through thedeep snow when he was about four

Margaret,Jane Page

The Children's Probation Officefor the Twelfth Judicial District Of·fice during the month of February1989 reported:~2 juveniles referred-3 offenses referred-2 delinquent acts-1 children in need of supervi-

sion (CHIN) actReferred py:-Ruidoso Police Departmentr1-Lincoln County Sherifi's De--


For thereco'rd



Margaret Jane Page, a sister ofAlto resident Jack Watt Page, diedFriday,ApriI "t,-at her home in Lub­bock, Taxas. She was 78.

Services were conilueted in FortWorth, Texas, for the retiredschoolteacher.

Page was born in Denver,Colorado, and moved to Lubbock in1976. She was a graduate ofGeor&eWashington University and what lBnow Texas Woman's University inDenton, Texas.

She taught fourth grade at Den­ver Avenue Elementary School inFort Worth for 34 years until herretirement in 1976.

She was a membe:r of the local,state and national teachers' associ­ations, Alpha Delta Kappa sorority,the Society of Mayflower Descen­dants and First United MethodistChurch in Fort Worth.

The Children's Probation Officefor the TweIflh Judicial Distrlct Of.fice during the JIlonth of March1989teJ!Ol'ted:

~ju"'llnilelJ Metred-44 Off'en&elJ ref'etted •--40 delinqaentaetlJ ".-4 cbUd:ten in needot'lJupervi.

mon(CHINllIctReferred by:-Ruido86 Pollce Dilpartment-24~Ruido86,Downs l?oJiee Depart--

msnt-Z'-Other poliee departnleut:s·Z .-New Mesioo Gants &tNsh-Z





, i





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Page 11:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER

_., ... -, .. -,-, ." - '-','--' .'


.' ,•




April 1- DISMISSED: liSa Vega,Baby Girl; Danielle Dean

April 2.. ADMITTED: Murphy,Babj BOY-'l:Bent '.

DISMISSED:Josue SotoApril 3- _ADMITI'ED:Ricardo

Boto,-RlJidoso-Downa -, .-DISMISSED: Alberto NevlU"ezApril 4- ADMlTl'ED: Eva Wat­

kins,AlamogordoApril 5- ADMlTl'ED: Catherine

ImhOft: Capitan; Dewey HayhUl'Bt,RlJidoSQ

DISMISSED: Ricardo Soto; Mur­phy, Baby- Boy


'. ThulS(!l\Y, AprIl13,19891 Thlll Rur~QeQ Nowe! 11A

Hospital ' .USFS.aptt0unces.public fuelwood areas ~ill open·.-- -.----- , . ..... --, .•• ---------- .:rhe. Smokey lIllU ~g~Di:~-~ad,:.Jlo.WlL-WoocL.!md...$14...",mdea-n;ortbeast of •.Cap1~-:-Euel:w.~)(IlLmust.~removed..w.lth----Makow&Jrl ..ii1ald-D1aps-~f.t\~~n;-·----:c.N' .t triet wID open seva-aI !Jteas.for per- pereord for ~e~wood.. Cope1lmd Cap.yop. . . . a p~tln posseSSlOn and from the ar~s and fuel~4,lOd permits wiU beo es· sanal Wle fuelwood -gat~,. ae- Makowski sald two green fuel- Makowski slild the harvestmg of design.lWed lU"ea shown on theavllllable On April17, at the district

. . - • .. ,'. - ew:dh!g to Steve Ma}tOwsl$.i, diStrict wood ,lU"eas near Capitan will open standing trees as fuelwood creates permit. ltemoval of fuelwood when office, 901 MeChem lmve ~ infire omcer. . . - - -' inmid·May. - - _ - opemngs in the Pifion...Juniper type soil conditiollll lln/' 'wet and soll dis- RlJidoBQ. 't:stiOllll and eomments

Makowski said a .dead-down - Thegr~nfuelwoodarea in the,!hieh.P.,1'O-vides additionalfol'llgefor trubancereswts is a violation·of l'eg:!p Smokey Bear districtMarch ... fuelwood area IQcstod near. An,cho east eapitandivide area is located ·'livestockimd-w:ild1ife;a:es~"t.his thetenns ofthe-llernUtwhich ClIIl fuel .mgtllm-win-be adaressed

_ will be open to the publie on April seven nilles noJ:th of Capitan and conforms to the management em- result in the seizure of the fuelwood by district personnel during busi-March17-ADMI'rrED: Candido 17. A permit inequfred. . east of State Highway 246. The phasis for these "areas as directed and the issuance of a violation ness, from 7:30 a.lIl to 4:30

~ontoya. Jr., RlJidl!So Downs; Jen- The cost of a permit is $10, per noJ:th Capitan lU"ea is loc.ated 28 by tile Lincoln Forest plan. _ notice. p.m. Monday tlu:ough Friday.niferSimon R\Ildoso' Barbara - _",' '. " , 'BilDf~~m~N"Ol"; ~. Salcido; , ',',' "-" ,

Luca CanilloSr.I Mitich IS-ADMITTED: Michelle'I West, C@pitan ' '

DISMISSED: Rhonda Turley,Baby Girl; Homel" Stan; SydeDia .Goniez

March 19-ADMITTED: Lucy "Veronica Sanchez,. RlJidoso; SandJ:a'Olvera, Rui:doso

DISMISSED: Redith SalasDUI'all, Baby Girl' L!iJU"a Mays,

, Baby Boy; Michelle West, Baby BoyMarch 20-ADMITl'ED: 'Gl,Uldalupe Armendariz, RlJidoso

Downs; Elizabeth Trujillo, CapitanDISMISSED: Lucy Veronica

Sanchez; Jennifer Simon; CandidoM;ontoy!1 Jl".; Sandra Olvera, B~b'f-

Gir~Jab2f-t~~.~~bkoCj:rt,Da~dori.,Rui!loso; ~eI\IllP~,

IRUIdoso Downs; Glorietta Millel",Cattizozo;' ,Dawn Matthews,

'I Ruidoso 'March 22-ADMI1"l'ED: Jer:s:YISteele, RlJidos6; RUbena ShieldS,

I Mescalero; Oralia Brady,I Almnogordo; Pearl Spohnl Capitan, DISMISSED: Albert A Stubbs;I Guadalupe Armendariz, Baby Girl;, ElizabethTrujillo, Baby Girl

March 23.ADMITTED: SusanneFrancis, Ruidoso ,

DISMISSED: Robert Darden;Leota Campbell; lJarbara Bowden;Rubena Shields, Baby Boy

March 24-DISMISSED:Glorietta Miller; Susanne Fran­

cis, Baby Girl •March 25-ADMl'ITED:Stephanie Whjtehead, RlJidoso

I DISMISSED: Dawn MatthewsMarch 26-ADMlTl'ED: Meghan

McGrath, Lincoln; Rut"h H. Kazhe,Mescalero

DISMISSED: Oralia Bra<lyMarch 27-ADMITTED: Caroline

Norton, RlJidosoMarch 28-ADMITrED: Lisa

Vega, Carrizozo; Jeannie Whipple,I Capitan; Joshua Apa40ca Car­I rizozo; Christine TQrtetit!i:·~:Meg: '

calero; Ida Jackson, El PasoDISMISSED: Stephwme

Whitehead, Ruth H. Kazhe:March 29-ADMI'rrED: Betty

Roff, Ruidoso .', DISMISSED: Joshua A~adoca;

ChristineToJ:telita, Baby GirlMarch 30- ADMI'l"l'ED: Danielle

Deen, RlJidoso.DISMISSED: Pearl Spohn;

Meghan McGrath; Caroline Norton;Betty Roff

March 31- ADMITl'ED: JosueSoto, RlJidoso Downs; AlbertoNeva:rez, RlJidoso Downs

DISMISSED: Jeannie Whipple;Ida Jackson . ,

.. ••

Page 12:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER


Capitan: Last Thursday, 10 a.m..· inSa<:red Heart Parish Hall.Carrizozo: Alternate first Sunday. 3 p.m.,and first Monday, 7 p.nL. at Santa RitaPariah Hall, 648-2853.


Third Monday, 7 p.m., St. Eleanor'sCatholic Cbureh.

UNITED METHODIST WOMENFirst Thursday, 7 p.m., CommuniJyUnited MethQdlst Chureh fellowsblphall.


Jerome Don Klein PostSecond Monday. 7 p.m., at AmericanLegion Hall, Spring Street and Highway70. Commaoder Romeo Klein, 257­5796.


Third Monday, 7:06 p=, at LincolnCounJy Sub-Office. Jim Edwards, pre:ri­dent; CarlStubbs, secretary. Forinforma­tlon call 25ll-327Z, g a= - 5 p=


f'ust Wedoesday, at the church, PalmerGateway.

SERTOMA CLUBWednesdays, noon, at K-Bob's.


Open games -at the- SeDiorCitizeOs Cen­ter. Tuesdays 1 p.m., Fridays 7:30 p.m.,beginners' games Fridays 7:30 p.m,.257-9228.

THURSDAY BRIDGEThursdays, II a.m., at Cree MeaciowsCountry Ciub. Call Martha Riger, 257­4929.

h30 program, tea and busloess.·Womau's Qub "buildlog, ill Evergreen~!!4.257-~

. . .RUIDOSO JA"¥PlS~. .'Meets at noon every Wednesday at Crfi!eMeadows Restaumnt.. For more infonna­lion call 258-5858.


.. 'lbird·-Weduef!l:day-,-noo.Q."forboaid· in the chamber buildlog ou .Sudderth

RUIDOSO GUN CLUB Driv".Meetiogs opeu to. the publle.Third We<\!lesday. 7:30 p.m., at Texas- • .

· NewMex!coPowerCompany.Presldent, ST. ANNE'S GUILDBobb)' •.~N:;uen,' -2-57-9-5MJ..-S""ret'll'Y_....Eourth.nmrsclay,'Jl<)on,.for.eommlln;qo,~r,Mike Moxxis, 257-4804. . 'Iuncl!. and meetioglotheparishhallofthe

.' Episcopal Church of the Holy MOUnt..

SIERRA BLANCA SWINGERSBasic and malostream square danclog.Thurschlys. 8 p.nL, at First ChristiaoChurch. 258-3186, 336-4907 or 257-2883. •'The Space CiJy Squares in Alamogordodance the first andtltlnlSaturday. g p.m.,at the fairgrounds. Visilors are welcome.

SPIRIT OF RUIDOSOSecond and fourth Monday. 5:30p.m., atWhisperiog Pines RestaUl'llDl.

RUIDOSO PUBLICLIB~YHours: Mowlay-Thursday - 9 a.m. to 7p.m.; Friilay - 9 a.nL to 5p.....; Saturday- 10 a.m. to 2 p.nL 257-4335.

RUIDOSO PARENTING GROUPThe Ruidoso Parenting Group JIleeJ;s at 4p.m., the secondTuesday of themonth, atthe Ruiclos.o Public Library. ·For moreinformation call Carol at 257-3049 OrRenee at 378-8S90.



CLUBF(Jlll1:h Wednesday, noon for covered-

·dish i1Ul<lheoli, at the Ruidoso PublicUbrary.

• ,

s .• __• _s

RUIDOSO SHRINE CLUB'Fourth Wednesday at Cree MeadowsCountry Qub, 6:30 p.Ul. Call 257-4871,258-3348 or 257-7213.


Weekly open and novice gaD1.eS. 'Mondayevening7 p.Ul. Tuesday afternoon 1 p.ol.Everyone w~lcolDe.Senior Citizens Cen­ter. Call 257-9228.

•~--~ _--- _. '" --~ _.- -._.._ - .._..".'~ ,. . .



RETIRED FEDERAL EMPLOYEES..1)_oo_~4,-C.9J!J!tYC!!!!ptl'tH.79_

Second Tuesday, 10a'I?-' at K-Bob'~.


S,,",ondThursday, 7:30p.m:, EasternStarBuildlog, .Palmer Gateway. Visitiogme;mbers welcome.

RIO IlUIDQSO LIONESS CLUB/lecond ',· noon, at K-Bob's;bo3rd and general ~tiog.Third Tues­day, noon, at K-Bob's, social and pro­

.gram. Guests. weJcom.e•.

ROTARY INTERNATIONALRu,ldoso Hondo Valley Rotary Club

.Tuesday. noo~ at Cree Meadows Coun­try Ciub.

RUIDOSO ART GUILDSecond Tuesday, 7 p.m., Carrizo Lodge.


Third Monday. 7 p.m., at Ruidoso Care~enter(except in the aununer)..Refreah­ments served and everyone welcome.


'PUstMonday, 7p=,meetsin the VillageMaintenance Building in the AuxiliaryRooD\. Use the entrance on the west endof the bullding on Hwy. 70.


Each Monday at uoon, covered dishIdncheon followed by games. SecondWednesday (September through May),


Seeoncl and fourth Tuesday. at 51.Elc~or's Parish Hall. 7 p,Dl. ManuelLamor, 8mnd knigbL

KIWANIS CLUBTuesday, noon, at WhiSpering Pihe.Restaurant in Upper Canyon. Visitlog Personal, family, couples and alc~ol

Kiwanis International members wel~-·-.eoUDSeIiogat Charlestou Square: Swtecome. B, Ruidoso. 257-5038, Camzozo,

LAMAZEIPREPARED County Health Office, Courthou~eAn-CHILDBIR'IH CLASS' . nell, 648-2412. 24-hour H;ELP-Lioe, 1-

S· k' . ht ks 437-'8680. Fee based on abiliJy to pay.lX-wee sessJ.Qn every eJ.g. wee on -, .Thursday nights. Dr. Brown and DrSpence office at 7 p.m.. .Contac:t Sally Canniog, ACCE, at 653­4041 (Llncoln) evenings,

LINCOLN COUNTY FOOD BANKBoaromeets third Thursday, 7 p.nL, FirstPresbyterianCImrch. Food baokhours ofoperation:_ .noon-6 p.m. Monday.Wedoesday and Friday at the Fust Pres­byterian Church pn Nob Hill; 257-582;1.

• GOLDEN AGE CLVBFirst and ibird Wednesday lit uoon for

. coven:<lcli~-.!II~ .J!Ild_.8!!mel_iIl..l1J<lSenior Citizeus Center (bioblod Ruiclo.oPublic Library). Visitors welcome.'


First Tuesday. 6:i5 p.m., at Cree Mead­ows Country Qub, 3784441. Tim Hoyt,president, 258-369l.


TuesdaylJ for aupper, Lions Hut on Sky­1aod a half biock off Sudderth Drivebehind Mountain Laundry. -

Ruidoso Valley Noon LionsWednesday, noon, at Ruidoso Inn. Visit­ing Lions welcome...


HUM~SOCIETY OF INC.-~--LINOOl,N-GQlJN'l'¥-.--··--'----.-Fonderos..-Go~No.-6·_·-.'

Third We.fuesday; noon, at K-Bob's res-' FourthTuesday, 7:30p.m.,1o the Eaaternt8ll1'llIlt- Star Building, PalmerGateway.


First Tuesday (except July and August),_9:30 a.m. iJ:l the hospital conferenceroom

MASONIC LODGE NO. 73First Monday, 7:30 p..m., in the EasternStar Building, Pahner Gateway. LarrySimon,WM.


BETA SIGMA PiliFour chapters, second ant! fourth Mon­days, 7:30 P'~'_lin .iu,e~bellilt ho~8.257-5368 or 257-4651.


Second Thursday. noon, in membershomes. 257-7186.


Fourth Tuesday in various locations.Nonna Page, 336-4050. Barbara Alcorn,.258-3199.


COE-CURRY CHAPI'ER 23First Tuesday. 7 p.m., American LegionHall, Highway 71) and Spring Road,Bui­dosoDoWD&


·(EAGLE)Meets every Wednesday, 7:00 p= at K­Bob's, unless otherwise anno\U\ced. Forfurther information, call 257-2890 or 336-4346. '>

FAMILY CRISIS CENTERBoard Dl.eels thesecondThurSdayatnoonat the PUst Presbyterian Church. CrisisCenter volunteers lDeet the seco.nd Mon­day, 7p= at the Ruidoso Public Library.24-hour crisis-line, 257-7365. Answeredby Ruidoso Police-ask for Pamily CrisisCenter volunteer.

4-HCLUBFirst Monday, 6:30 p.Ol., at Texas-NewMexico Power Company, 1100 MechemDrive. Call 258-5702 for more informa­tion.

FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARYFirst Monday, 4 p.nL, at the ReidosoPublic Library.



Rulcloso Ariel GroupMeets at the Ruicloso Financial Center.Use the east entrance, ceotral doors.Open Men's and Women's meetings,Sundays' 8 p.m. Step Study Mondays, 8p.nL AA belJitmer's night, Wednesday, 8P,nL W",men'!l'I1lw!l.dayo.~ .Social Open, Alaoon 1hursdays, 8 p.nLBook study Fridays, 8 p.nL AA opeDmeetingSaturdays, 8 p.m. Birthdays, lastSaturday. .,

12A I Thll FI\.lldQIIO NIIWS I Thursday, April 13,1li/89


Troop. 59.:..M;:tndayB, 7-8:3Q .,.m., at the.Episcopal ChUrch of the Holy JldOWlt.Scoutmaster Steve Norbury, 258-3417.Troop 195: ThlUl,ldays, 7 p.m.,at St.Eleaoor's Catholic ChUrch. ScoutmlisterEarl Randall, 258-3073.AssistllrttScout-Ruhl080 Area Group

Meetsat7p= in theCouunuDiJy United iuaster John Howden, 257-2975.Methodist Church,. 220 Junction Road. ExpiorerFost67:·Wedoesdays,6p.m.,atTuesd.;y-AA and AIanon meetioga. Sat- ... Ruidoso Downs Fire Department.urday-Open AA Ineeting. Cub Scouts:Pack meeting lhlrd 11nu;s-

. day. 7 p.m., 257-6006.Co-Depenclents Anonym...... Mountslo Men Expiorer Post 76: George

Meetsat7p=in theCouununiJy United Lawrence,258-5605.'Methodist Church, 220 Junction Road.Tuesday-AA and Al!UlOn lDeetins. Satur­day-open AA Ineeting.


Meets Monday, 6:~7:30at the RuidosoHighSchooi

ALTRUSA CLUB OF RUIDOSOFirstTuesday, 7 :30p.m. for program; 3rdTUesday, noon for lunch at Shephero ofthe Hills Lutheran Ch~h. Mary LouMoore, 257-5146.



Second Monday. noon lun.cheon. Chair­man Usa Mason, 336-8182.


POST 79Third Wednesday, 7 p.m., in the PostHome. Highway 70 and Spring Road.Reicloso Downs.

B.P.O.E. NO. 2086First and third Thursday, 7:30 p.nL, atBIks Lodge Building onHighway 70.

B.P.O.E. DOESSecond and fourth 1hursdays, 7:30 p.nL.10Elks Lodge Buildlog on Highway 70.

OVEREATERS ANONYMOUSMeets at the Ruidoso Fmancial C~ter. ~

Use the east entrance, centraJ. doors.Tuesday, 8:15 p ..... - Open~g.


Fourth Wedoesday.10 a.nL iJ:l FustBap­tist Church Fellowship Hall. 257-4529.



iJ :,



. RuidOso. .Dr. James Carroll, interim Pastor

Chureh School~9:30,a.m..SundayWonhip-11


Slo"" Humphn;y" ""d Patrice Bittner. ' Humphrey... MinIsters

Sunday Worsbl....ll a.m.


AI and Marty Lane, pastonlSunday School-9:45 B.m.Sunday Worship-l0:45 a.DLWednesday Servic:es-7 p.m.


Gavilan Canyon RoadPhone: 336-4213

Larry Sherwood. _torSunday School-9:30 a.m.Sunday Womhip-IO:30 a.m.WednesdaY'Youth MectingM 7 p.m.

UNIVERSAL LIFE CHllRCH.Poncho de Paz n!trea.t center

GaviJan Canyon Road, 1/2 mile from Sully'son right side


Rev. JCBllUiie Pri~ PastorSunday Service every week. Scheduleaecomodates retreat guests. Please calffortimc.336-7075.Vespers every third Sunday in late for tlmc.


UNnE» METHODIST CHURCH3rd and White Oaks. Capilan

Bryan Peterson, PastorSunday First Service..s:30 a.m..


Bryan Peterson, PastorSunday School·lO a.m..Sunday Worshi~11:1Sa.m.Wed_ay CloiJ'.6 p.m.

Sunday First Servicc-8:30 a.m.Sunday School-9:30 a.m.Sunday Second Serviye-lO:30 a.m.


Por~tioncontact GresS Horst.354-:1,307


-At-Bonito-Parlc-Nazarene­ConferenceCenter, Angus

12 mile9 north of Ruidoso, Hwy. 37Charlee Ha~Pastor,

phone:a_2.Sunday School-lO a.m.SUnday Worship-II a.m. &0 6:30 p.m.Wednesday PeIloW>lhi~:30p.Ol.


JEBOVAD'S WITNESSRuidoso-Kingdom Hall

IDghway 37, 106 Alpine VillaS" Road258-3659,258-3277

Sunday PU~icTalk~1:30p.m.Sunday Watd.tower Study-2:20~.Tuesday Bible Study-7:30 p.m.Thursday Ministry School-7:30 p.m.Thunday :Servjcc'McCiing~8f20p.m.

s: .- .116 Colorado Street, Ruidoso Downs

Phone: 378-8215Bel Clemmorw. Pastor

Sunday Wotship-IO:30 a.m.Micfwcck Home Groups-7 p.rn.Wednesday Youth Group-7 p.m.


Higljway 48, CapitanHarold W.. Perry, Pastor

Sunday School-10 a.m.Sunday WorsJUP.-11 a.m.. & 7 p.m.WEdnesday Bible Study-7 p.m.



Sunday School·l0 a.m.Evening Services~7:30p.m•• Sunday, Tuesday

~ &Fnaay


Ruidoso. Jimmy Sportsman. Minister

Sunday Bible Study-9:30 B.m.Sunday Worship-lO:30 a.ttLWednesday Prayer Meeting-7 p.m.Thursday Ladies' Bible Clasa-.9:30 8.m.

LINCOLN BOUSE CIItJRCHCall for infonnllliOll, 2511-4144


CHURCH OF msus CHRIST L.D.8.12 miles north of Ruidoso on Highway 48

Phone: 3364359Wymm Scarborough. President

Sunday:Priesthood Relicf Society-I0 a.m.PrimaJ:y and Young Women-IO a.m.Sunday School-II a.m.Sal:tame"arMeetillg"-"1·hSlhLm.-· .


Marvin Hansen.. President,Phone 4M-0098

Sunday: Priesthood and Relief Society Meet­lng.ll:30 8.m.Sunday School andPrimary-Noon. SacramentMeeting-10:30 a.m.


HOLY MOUNT121 M""calero 'rmil, Ruidosc

Fr. John W. P_RectorAdult Study-9-10:1Sa.m.SUnday-Eucharist-8 ...10-.30a.m.Wed......ray-NO!in-DaughJe.... oUting5:30 p.m.-Eucharisl and Healing7 p.m...cholt pra<tice



Sunday Mass-9 a.m.


CarrizozoSatmday Mass-7 p.m.S_ay Mass-II a.m.


James Ruse. PastorSunday School-IO a.m..Sunday WorslUp-1 I a.m. & 7:15 p.m.Training Union-6:30 p.m. SundayWednesday SCMcca-6:30 p.m.


Wayne Joyc::c.. PastorSunday School·9:4S a.m.Sunday W...hip-10:45 a.m. & 6 p.m.Wednesday Bible Study-7 p.m. .


Capitan (south on Inghway 48)Floyd Goodloe. Interim Pastor

Sunday School-9:4S a.m.Sunday W OI"8bip II a.m. & 6 p..m.For infonnatiOD call 354-31 19


Meeting in homes of mcmbem. PhonIC 258-4117. -


Father David J. Bergs, PastorSatwday Mass:7 p.Iit., St.. Mass:9:30 Ie t 1:15 a.lIl., St. Eleanor's8 a.m., St. Jude Thaddeus,. San Patricio.




Donald Petley, PastorPhone: 671-4747

Sunday School-9:45 B.m.Sunday Worshi~lO:45a.m. &: 7 p.m.Wednesday Serv;c""-7 p.m.


420 Mechem DrIveD. Allen Cearley, Paslor

SUnday SchooJ-90.4SSUnday Worship-ll a.m. &0 6 p.m.Wed....daY' _7p_m.""Braa""""1 on KOAW Radio 1490


Canizozo"John Torrison, Pastor

Sunday 5chool-9:45 a.m.Sunday WOJ'8hip-l1 a.m. & 7:15 p.m.Chun=h Training-600 p.m. Sunday


PalmcrGarcway, Ruid~Ed Rimer. Pastor

Smnday Scbool-9:30 a.m.Sunday Worship-IO:30 a.m. & 6 p.m.Wednesday ScrviCC8-7:30 p.m..Cloir Practice:-Adult-Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.•Youth-Thursdays at 7:30 p.ol. Royal RangersMiDistl'y (Christian scouting program)­W~dncsd'YSat 7:30p.m.


Mia lJu.... 1'MtotSUnday School-9<.30 p.m.S_yW< .......&:6....Id.WedDesday Scrvii:es-1 p.m.


BDl Jones, PastorS_ay School-9<A5 a.m.S-., Wonhi....n a.m.


HODIl<>(J..~ol,(W/lhway 70)CalW t>...tor

SUDtIayW.....itip,-IO 1iI. 61:'.""W,,",,"lIdoy Bible" Shid)'"1p.m;





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Page 13:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER

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Thursday, ....prll 13, 19891 The RUidoso Nflws 1 Sf/ctl9n 6' ..

__ .i , . . '-

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If you haven't visited a library yet this week, you'dbetter hurry on down to the Ruidoso Public Library, on

.._ _, --_._. - -_.. _--_ _._-- .- .

Sudderth Drive next to School House Park. '

This week is National Library Week, and agood time'. .

to find out what's going on at the municipal library.There:s always plenty happening. Librarian Mary LouGooch and her staff offer children's programs, familyprograms and a facility stocked with the latest booksand periodicals. The library has research materials forchildren and adults, cassette tapes on a variety ofsubjects and more.

Library staff can steer you in the right direction ifyou're looking fora reSource or materials on anysubject. And if the local library doesn't have what you'need, you might be able to borrow it through an inter­library loan.

Since "knowing is better than guessing," the NewMexico Library Association recommends when youhave a question or need information on any subject:"Ask a profeSE/ional ... ask you(librarian."-fj



-!, ,,

~ " ,


Letters to the editornor was . quoted in the El PasoTinIes the day before, April 4, assaying, "I am not real eager to haveany more gambling in the state

~ than we already have."The governor's sudden change

of heart makes one wonder as towhat promises might have beenmade in Santa Fe. It seems the richget richer and the poor get theshaft. Politics makes strahge bed-fellows. "'"'"....

Bill 572, the Video Gaming Billwould have allowed gaming ma­chines (Slots, Blackjack, and Pokermachines) in the resorts ofRuidoso,Angel Fire and Taos, and it was tohave been [a] local option.

NPt a decision for one man- todecide the economic fate of a town.It could have been a hearttransplant for the economy Of theentire state.

DEAR EDITOR:We have been pondering this

question: what difference is therebetween simulcast pari-mutuelwagering on various tracks aroundthe country when Ruidoso Downs isclosed, and pulling the handle on agaming machine downtown? Wecannot fathom where the line'awn. From OJ1I' perspective thesim'llleast bill.wiILnothelp.anyonein the resort $reaa except t'he racetrack owners. ' ., . ,

The Ruidoso News on April 6,quoted Mr. R. D. Hubbard, newOWt1er of the Ruidoso [Downs] RaceTrack, as, saying 'he ~ould open asimulcast theater ill the All­American Sales Barn if the'sinlul­east bill was passed. The governor.accommodated Mr. Hubbard andother race track owners by passingit on April 5. This, after t;qe gover-

Letters to the

The Ruidoso News welcotnes "Letters to theEditor," and will publish them on the Opinion Pagewith all letters being subject to editing for lengtlL

The name of tb,e writer must be printed. A tele-

The governor vetoed this billApril 7.

On Saturday, April 8, in the ElPaso Times after vetoing gamingbill 572, he was quoted as sayin~,"This dog just won't hunt." Thiswas written in his official messageto the Senate.

In Lincoln County we can nowanticipate our property values willstay at an all-time low andbusUiesses .will Continue to clOse.We luive our governor to thank forthese things. He totally ignored thepetitions, phone calls, and pleas ofthousands of New Mexicans.

Speaking of hunting dogs, Mr.GovertJ.or, you may ,!Iever get tohunt in Washington, D.C.

. Clay AdamsRegistered Voter & Taxpayer


editor policy

phone number must be included for verification.Letters may b'e hand delivered to The News of­

fice at 104 Park Avenue or mailed to PO Box 128,Ruidoso NM 88345.

DEAR EDITOR:Enclosed, find exact copies ofthe

New Mexico Statutes, - 3-10-1through 3-17-6 inclusive.

New Mexico Statute, 3-14-12,states, in effect, that it requIres 20percent of the qualified voters of amunicipality to effect a petitionwhich would require an election bythe people to challenge a resolution'or ordinance passed by the Com­mission in a Commission-Managerform of government.. This wouln


DEAR EDITOR:People are funny. I think some­

times they don't understand thesituation. First they, the people,elect a governing body and nowsome say they want to get rid of themayor, yet it is the council that hasthe vote. So ~hey recall them bypetition to change our form ofgovernment.

The Municipal Airport PlamringBoard was granted $2,500 by theCouncil at theD; last council meet­ing. This is ,called for by ordinancefor marketing purposes. It's pos-

mean that if the present number ofvoters in Ruidoso were used toqualify for such a petition, it wouldrequire about 258 of the signatureson a petition.

Should 258 concerned citizensban together to have an election ofthe people to vote on a resolution orordinance, then the will of thepeople should be decisive.

The very small cost for an elec­tion of the Pl!ople could be trivial asto the cost of an unwise resolution

sible this money will not be used. Ihave lieard some rumblin~s aboutthis but on the same mght. thecouncil gave $6,000 to a privatebusiness (Parsons Productions) andI have heard no rumblings aboutthis...

Last week a Valley Transit Mixtruck pulled up in front, of myhouse and dumped the rest of aload of concre~ on th~ ed~e of t~eroad and bar ditch which IS also illfront of the #3 green on CreeMeadows Golf Course. He finishedwashing out the remains on the

or ordinance being passed. It is evi-dent the statutes for' theQommission-Manager form. ofgovernment are designed with thepeople of the community uppermostin mind.

We hope you will appreciate oursending you the exact laws as theyapply as much as we will ap­preciate your using them.

Sincerely, John C. Schuller, W.J. Rawlins


street and then drove off. His truckwas emblazoned with "KEEPRUIDOSO BEAUTIFUL."

Yesterday a pickup truck. hit abeautiful German Shepherd onSudderth. They did not stop.There appeared to be another adultand a child in that pickup andthere were two large dogs in theback of the truck! , .

Sincerely,Mrs. Jerry Shaw


and simulcast wagering, Ruidosowould appear to have a double­edged sword to cut into the pie oftourism.~ As events have progressed, Sun­land Park seems to be approachingthe simulcast racing witp. op­timistic enthusiasm.

Because of this, the statementby Ruidoso Downs managementcan hopefully be attributed to anerror in communication and not toan error in judgment or policy.

Bob WilliamsRuidoso

P.S. Is the proposed golf course,not at best, a seasonal venture andat worst a boondoggle, roughly Com­parable to Grindstone llam?


Chail'!'lM of thl> Board.-- - _.. ..

DEAR EDITOR:After the Governor had signed

the simulcast racing bill, there wasa story in the Friday, April 7, ElPaso Timmrinthese bold headlines:


As I read this story, I came tothe following statement: "RuidosoDowns officials are uncertainwhether they'll televise SunlandPark races liecause that meet isduring Ruidoso's off-season forto . t "uns s. '

Since the two primary bene­ficaries of this bill would appear tobe' Sunland Park and RuidosoDo'Rlls, I am somewhat confused bythis statement. With winter sports

Ken Green, Publlsh..rRolland Ramos. Buslne$$ Manag..r Frl\nkie Jerrell, Edltot

Carmen Edwards. Ad Manager Gay Stokes, ComposIng Manager~~._.-..... -----_._.__ ... - -: -- ."-

~pyrlght1989, Rallon Publishing Inc.Mailing addt9$<>: P. O. Box 128, RUidoSO. NM 8S345

~ I I . Phone: (505,),251-4001

The RuidoSo 1II0ws to...."'.." the rlghllO ",)ocllldv.rtIslng and edll copy1I1al n con.Iet.....obJ.c1tel1tabl...·Uabillty lot any orror In Mvettl"lng ShaIlI1OI"~COoetillevolue of 11\0aClualspac.. IIl'WhlCh Ib<! ..rter o<iCDtS ilhd Shalfbe siltlsfied by correction In I.,.. rIllld Ill!lu'" Noportion'of1hoFlolck>So Nows milY b..used In any mannorwithout Ih<>...~pr.ssed.wrlnonconsenl 01 Ihe'PIJblIIlhOf.

'~~~'.,- ~. ..... • ••• ., <:

Subscrlptlonrale" I" ildvllDC. - Singlecopy,•. MoIlet.II".1Y<Ol1ly:slngl.copY. $1:oneyear CUI 01cOUilty. $32: one year within county, $30; olx mon\ll" elllol county, $90:slXmotllhswllhlrlCllU"ty,$gS.Holtll'<feIl"..'Y only:lI\Onlhly, $9.60: IItIt\l,mumlht..lIl1ionillll.$10,SO. 0011 (60$) 2S1--!OOI'et hom" delivery•...• •. <.,_ .• , _. -_.-.~ •. - ,.••~, • • ••• ' .. " ..

The I'iUldoSo IIIows (USPS 41~-$oO) Is publIshed "lICh Monday lind 'I'h\KSday by l'ioljon .f'ubII$hIiljj tno., 1114Patk A"... l'\ukIose, NM&l34S.SecOhdc1assposlB/lOIlakhlllhe Po.1Ollie. al \'luid<>$O' NM s$34S. PO$llfiilSlllt:Send liddr••• changes to 'llM> fI!JldoSo IIIoWl'i.P. d. eox 12$, RUIdose, NM8!lS4S. '" " ,

**** ***** ****

tragedy, and a disaster for all ofus,and the resultant hike in the priceofgasoline is no fun for anybody.

On the other hand, the spill hasdriven already-rising crude oilprices a little higher, even, andholds promise of keeping the $20­per-barrel range for a whI1e. '

And that, Gentle Readers, isgood news for New Mexico no mat­ter how you cut it. More staterevenues, maybe a few jobs back online...

**** ***** ****

pened last snmmer in Cimarron.Meanwhile, Senate President

Pro Tempore Manny Aragon, D­Bernalillo, andS-enllte -MinorityWhip Billy McKibben, R-Lea, canrelax. The much-ballyhooed burialof their collective bargaining andright to work bills will rest un­disturbed. Until the next 60-daysession, probably...

by Kate McGraw,

It's Beginning to Hit Some of commission, will aPJl0int a newYou... judge for that district. And that

•..That you essentially voted, in new judge would have to stand forall of your current district judges one plUtisan election in four years, \for life or until a better offer,meaning folks., could run againstwhichever comes first, when you him.or her, and .if the appointee The Next Legislative Session...approved that 'Judicial reform" con- sllrVlved the,~san el~ctlon, .he . sorry to say, is more thanstitu.tional amendment 1l1$t fall. or s~e ,:!ould stand fora retention,. 1!kely only months away., It .looks'Had it call' this· 'week from eleetlon four years later. like the lawmakers have theIr 30-

Alamogordo (the Peoria: of New ,"Now I see why the judges were day "1990" session this fall, so the On The ThinI Hand...Mexico, I guess. If it'll play in s.o hot for ~endment," 'har- Legislative Council ~ervice can ...Some of the anti-WIPP folks in~amogordo...) runtp~ed my tnqUlrer. \Vell, ye"but then start the extensIve asbestos Santa Fe already have leapt upon

Anyway,some All1mogordans folkS, Y~U voted for It. Allover cleanup. and remodeling planned the Valdez spill like ducks on awete upset because it had dawned New MelDco... for the CaRitol. Juneblilf.'on them they couldn't run an \ Since lt dawned on them they' "See,' they are saying in shrillanticipa~ opponent against cur- **** ***** **** will likely' be •back. in October letters-to-the-editor and on-the-rent District Judge Sandy anyway, the clla.tter ex- street l!1,U'Ve~s. "We told you theGresham,"'" . The' Burial BUl Has 'I!een ~ traordlnnry SeSSIon thisspnng has government can't, be trusted. We

"Sorry folks, but even though her Signed... ~ . .. ' died'Rll ,Somewhat. Some people told you ecological disasters arecuttllntte~ is up in 1990, as long ...Protecting. marke'd. and ~. are even aiguing for meeting at the pollsible."as the judge Was in tifficeJanu!lrY marked graVelf, On public and pn- USI1!\li1'u!t:ry time, but I think "Imagine if it were radioactive1, 1989" she's sr.andfathered. She vate. Ian.d., &?m lootinll' !'fl. of Jnne you'll se, th..e legislators back bl'lfore waste· spilled on our -streets," said,will stand fora "retention election IB,lt WIll be dlegal to willfully and then a' lJ. '1lot jJJ8t because of the one slightly hystericel Santafesina"that ill the 'Otero County voterlf ~ilwingly" reb graves in New Mex- remade mi.. '.~ . . to a sUJ:'Veyer. .w:iUvoteyelf or no to re' her in leo., SOn1~cl'theHouBe members are ,Well...I d\UUlo...ll million gal.the '90 eleetioh. ~ • If it'81~~.1i\1ld,. and you "ae- mlfi1l.bling that they would like a Ions C)f radiOlictive waste from one

But you Bee the pl!Y.clr logical ad- mdentally, disturb a g:t1lv.e, lIay yOU chance to have a more seemly ses- potential truck. accident? Seemsvantage thet'e. Not onty 'U~henot· decide on. a whiw. to dig a trench sion than the 1989 mess, which was like a lot to me...have tin oPPOnent, but le:;people out in the middle oftpahangeland, driven by Senate antics (there's a Personally, I think the radio~e­who want her /lUt oroffice will M"e· thel1. you get to 'keep. wltaJ;ever euphemism for you}, befote they tive waste hl!aded for the WIPP SIteto run a blatantly nl!gati-veartifactil are recovl!red, before. the have to head out on the 1990 will be a lot safer buried un-eampe.igu... state orders you to rebury the hu· llIilnpaign trail... de:rground than sittbig around out-

''Vote <No' on Judge Gtellhatn" ill tnanremains you; lip. " . side in barrels covered witha lot harsher to :p,lili on a bUlb04td We get mote mvilililed bytlte day,' /",/"""*****"'*'" ***'" polyethylene tarpll, which is where '~than jJJ8t "Vote for So-and-So for don't we? Now we Iianact.ualJitgo ./ a lot of it is l1OW. Btit'the dilatoty.Judge."· .after the foIb who sll.ellk onto tlte , . From The It's An Dl Wind De- response of Exxon and the federal

If they do v6te~er .oilt, th~ gt.w- t'anch Ilnd dig up grell.!rgra:ndma (ot"pll1tment... .• • ,government at Valdell does give oneernot,aided by his Juuge-plcKing her .gold :liligriltl eattmgs, a9 haP· ...The oil spill at Vnldell IS a to think...

Capitol Comments


Page 14:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER

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Sesf.Sf1/«:fiQI1$ ,Besf$tI11ef!~Besf SStvlce

t _ : 'j - I k

. ..- --.'

by Wayne A. Delamater, M.D.Eye Surgeon

this continuIng terfes ofcoIUt1"V1swill pre&-­ent a wide range of In1onnaflon aboutthe eyeand your~S1Jalhealth. r feel thatone of the most Importantduff...otphyodclanb toprov1deeducaflonasa pub!lcservfce.lnSoutheastemNewMexico.wecreveryfortunate to have ~ceUentspec-laUsts Ineye care. Our optomefrlc colleagues InRoswen. Medel. Poitaleo. Carlsbad andRuldosohave beeilVeryweti traIned andprovide excellent care-fortherr patients.

~1tfR05Wen;wehavethroe BoardeerflfledOphthafmologfds who can provide ther;peclal knowtedge and surgIcal £ldlls tohandle eyecare problems. Sf. Mary's Re­gtonal Health Cen!"" and Eastem N!>wMexico Medlool Center are ,endowedwith the very best ,,,,,,,...ologloal equp­men! and Wollin,.. In the Unlt&dStat....Total Eye care Is available right here InRoswell and SOUthedSlem New Meld"o.For further llifottnatton•. please call orschedule an.a(:>pOlnlment.WIIbVQur lIV....d~tor. Dr. Delal'l1atf;tf speCIalizes In "" . ~,.'. :.,' .rn8dr"al and <Utglool' disease. of theeye. I-Ie I. Cettifl'ed bV the Ame~CdnIloardotOphthalmologv·Hel.dFenow .~ Inn.t.'.of the Amerioon ACaderny Of ophthol- • mountAin God$. .moJogy·and.o1,fhe'ArnedoQh,COItegeot ' _ AJottSCA(f:*hMCtCC~"IWC" .&rg.,POS. HI$, fX(Ictfce I. locat~ th', " "Mw-~"MtHt..'Dhiin8RI.W~~"

,RO$weU~ ~W'M&~60. . .. ' 1 ..._ ....L......IOd.·..3.1iil.MlIilll1r1.·.-.WloilWllfjiial.....;··"·iuI

Th.. I'amily of' L.... Ann BUJ:chwi"h.." 1:0 1:hank ..ach and"v""Y on.. f'or your, kindnessand g..n ..rosity during ourIDOs1: sorll:Owf'ul .1:imII.

:n.... :T-4 "" J.... A.... fBwvl.

•,... · .... h 1:>'

FOP named' officers R~bert D. Layher,· Bobby Angermillerand Orlando Montes officers of the month for February.


".3"".' ,.. "., r:

, .- ,

/~ 11- '"( -~'q.G::'IN.]Jlns )1009 "'echern


Blouses 1300 & upBlazers $1200 & up .

Skirts/Slacks $500 8i uptADl~S' and cHlLilR£WS APPAREl.Bargains galore in genUylIOrn

.~d no..r lI'ornlaslJjons. . '"

Rainbow Center


.. .

Coupl.e·p~ns~I\~~~27'W-edding ..' ,"",.'";, ,"',':,", "'-!.:'/':<''''''''.'_''':"'''~''' • """",,:' ',:"<.'i':,-,,:',,~,:~,.l(';',::,~: '".i

t' ." "'".'.,',~'"'

·-';;~P~~.MI!lbI:lJJ·riPl\.q.jJwF~rt......, 'N••'A......:;:YtU ·.·.il,~~ .'A~y

'27 .at· the,WelltlakeYjiQntJ:llWUn... _';: W~iI alte YUl!!-8e1,Calif~li,: ..: 'MuhnlS thll son otJack ,and

.."lletSy ~ulinof' Ruidoso. a:~is the'granil~n~£16ngthneRilidQSO resi-<lent MarY MuM. ., ".. ,

:''l,'he', fu'l'de •is the daug1tliQr of\; Robert .-ndEUzabethMQscn.p'Ill,of,. Houston, ,Teus. ., ','Muhn is a,19,74 ·graduate of lIfew. Mexico ~liJ"ary Institute in Ros­

well. 'md e.-mad .- b.-chelor's de­gree in meclulnical engineering in1978 from 'the University. of

'., Colorado. He received a master's'degree in 1987 from F'epperdinil, University. .

Muhn is sales mmager. lAltinAmerica region, for Anco Solar Inc.ofChatsworth, California.

His bride is a gradute atSyracuse University, .-nd works assenior art director for Corporate

R6BEin E.N.:MlJt~"'& LiSA DENISE MOSCRIP Gr~~~UiW)will ~ake .their homein Agoura s, Califonna·.

Karen LawrenceEarly and Late AppoIntments

Walk-Ins Welcome

'"EullService.$alon" ,


Police· group :p.onors its mem.bers,

The Fraternal Order of 'p'olice(FOP), Siena Blanca Lodge recent;:;Iy announced Robert D. Layher andBobby Ailgermiller. both of theRuidoso Downs Police Departmentmd Orlmdo Montes of the LincolnCounty SheriTf's Department wereselected ill! Officers of the Month forFebruary. .

According to a news release, thetrio w..a honored after the FOP se­lection committee received letters ofrecognition .-nd appreci.-tion mdappreciation from Sheriff ~lUIIeg.

McSwane .-nd fellow law enforce­ment officer Will Hoggard ofRuidoso Downs P.D.

The three officers were dis­patched to m address in PaloVerde Slopes md discovered thecaller was in carQi.-c anest. The of­ficers beg.-n CPR on the subject un­til the ambulance arrived on thescene.

"To work .-s a team dedicated tothe preservation of life, resulted intheir saving the life of an individu­al. These officers should be com­mended for their actions' .-ndresponse. They Iulve helped to em­phasize md give credence to themotto 'To Protect md Serve,·' saidHoggard.


. '

". "'," I

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,'. ",



. "

, '. : "" OJ _

• )'..- .- .-. >,, •• ,~ , ". 'C. __;.; __ ._. " ,••_'_. _, __ ,. _,

Sail on Sale·''1 Day LU~uryAlaska Cruise .

, .' induding free ail'£~te from AIbuquetque•..Starting at $999 l'ftl""""

with ltoUUld Amerl':'C1'lll$t! Lilli!!· •'. -Only If clepllrilltell'ltt 114-1'.." ,

Dls£ .' very Travel.:usMtkILot • :l'ItoM 1Il'14«d4


-.. ---Pd:lQ- --lie.--- _.-- ---~--.~~..._-_.-.._-_..-...--..--....-.---.." . . ","

l .3

. ,



Saturday, April 22WHITE MOUNTAIN MUSICAL, an annual

production sponsored by White Mountmn Searchand Rescue, is set for Saturday, April 22, at theFlying J Ranch. The gates will open .-t 5 p.m. .-ndthe dinner bell will ring at 6:30 p.m. fur a Flying Jbarbecue dinner. Entertainment will be providedby the Flying J Wl'lIIlglers,' local musici.-ns .-ndworld-elass . fiddlers. Tickets $10.50 for .-dults,$5.50 for children under 11 8ll.d free to youngstersunder three, are available from Search md Rescuemembers or by calling 378-8466.

The ACADEMIC BOOSTER CLUB will meetat 7 p.m. MonOOy, Apri) 17,.-t the,Ruidoso MidqIeSchool. Anyone interested in promotfug '-Clidemicsis invited to attend.

Wednesday, April 19MAINSTREET RUIDOSO invites the com­

mUnity to its weekly coffee from 8:3lJ.9:30 a.m.Wednesdays. 'On WednesOOy, April 19, the coffeewill be at The Aspen Tree, 2340 Sudderth.

The last session in a four-part pAIiENTINGSERIES is scheduled from noon until 2 p:m. Wed­nesday, April 19, in the public meeting room .-tRuidoso lfigh School. Birgit LaMothe, Ph.D. willlead the cl.-ss on "Living in Harmony With YourChildren: Methods of I'roblem Solving." The series,sPonsored by the Ruidoso Municipal Schools, is freemd open to the public. Mllterials are suit.-ble forparents ofyoung children md teen-.-gers. '

HUMANE SOCIETY OF LiNCOLN COUNTYwill meet at noon Wednesd.-y, April 19, at K-Bob'!,.The public'is invited =d all members are urged toattend,

Thursday, April 20LINCOLN COUNTY DEMOCRATS will meet

at 6:30 p,m. .-t Cree Meedows Resmurant. All Dem­ocrats are invited.

NEW HOIUZONS, a four-week adult studyclassspousored by the J)iocese of Las Cruces Will·"continues.-t 7 ~.m. to~ (Monday), April 17, at St.Eleanors Catholic Ch~hl The series will 7 p.m. Monda.y, April 24. '

Tuesday, April 18RUIDOSO GARDEN CLUB will meet at 9

a.m. Tuesday, April 18, .-t the Ruidoso Public Li-, brary for a driV'e to Las Cruces to tour area nur­

series. The group will have lunch at Old Mesill'!.Members and guests are asked to make' reserva­tions by April 15, by ca.lling Maida Gardia, 378­8557, or Grace Wilson, 37&.8307.

RUIDOSO ROTARY CLUB ENCHILADADAY is set for Tuesday, April 18, at the Elks Lodgeon U.s. Highway 70. Lunch will be served from11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. with dinner from 5-8 p.m.Tickets, available from Rotarians and .-t the door,are $4.50 for adults md $2 for children.

of Commerce will hOllfa Legislative Appreci.-tion_ :ijeCl!l!tion~hon!!ring Senat2:t.J'-~es fdl!.rtin .-nd,.r~ ,.

resentatives Ben Hall, P.-ul Harringt:()n md DickKnowles from 5-7 p,m. Monday, APril 17, at the

. Swiss Chalet, Reservations are req,liested by Fri-' •day, April 14. Cost of the reception is $5 .-t thedoor. '

-- .. -


C_~mi-ng- up'


.,; --

Office Hours at the SierraPtofessioual Center

Monday. Wednesday... F.riday. 8 a.m. - (j. p.m.Tuesday and ThtU'sday

9 a..m... Sp.m. ..Saturday9 a.m..-lp.m•

. .Phone tor appoittfntent257"'1712


Famjly Practice AssociatesAre pleased to artnounce

.. -the retuinof' .RosemaryZink, CFNP

. to Lincoln· County•


. .

.lila, lThlltRIII!lfQ$O NeW$nhUf$d.-V. April 13, '1SS9 •4 ._. "." .l,",,;,It __ .! ,-I '_ .... ,. ;,',.-


," .- "

Coming up Policy,

Items to be included in the miilled to The Ruidoso News,Coming Up aection of The News P.O. Box 128, Ruid6so, NM

- must be received by 1 p.m. Tues- 88345; or dropped off' at ItPld.-y to be published the following PID'k Avel1ue. Written nntice isT1lursday, .-n~ by 1. p.m. Thurs- preferred" but infurmal:ion mayilayto be published m the follow- be subtmtted by calIing TheingMonday edition. News, 257-4001,

Written submissions may be


LEGION AUXIUARX,will Iulve the 1989 SpringConference for District 50n SunOOy, April 16, .-t .the Senior Citizens Center in Capilml (south of theschool on Highway 48). Registration is set for 10a.m.• a joint session at 11 a;m" luncheon at noonmd separate sessions at 1:30 p.m. Cost to registeris $1, md rost ofthe luncheon 18 $5.

The CUB SCOUTS OF RUIDOSO will Iulvethe mnual Pinewood Derby on Sun::?, A'pril16, inthe multi-purpose room .-t Nob . ElementmySchool. Weigh-in is at 1:30 p.m. The public is in­vited.

Ruidoso Cub Scouts are invited to .-ttend a CUBSCOUT BIKE RODEO beginni~.-t 8 a.m, ,Satur­OOy, April 15, in the C.-pimn Hi Schoolparkinglot. All CUbs are invited to bring their bikes .-ndIulve .- fun learning experience.

Saturday & Sunday,April 15-16

Ruidoso EMS md the RUIDOSO ATRI.ETICCLUB (RAC) lire sponsoring .- CPR class from 2-6p.m. Saturd.-y .-nd Sunday, April 15-16, at theRAC.Eve"YOne is invitedro~ both dllys tolearn cardia-pulmonary resuscimtion, or come justSunday for recertifiClition. No pre-registrationnecessary.

RUIDOSO 100 of the Ruidoso Valley Chamber

Monday, April 17

Thursday, April 13. PARENTS OF KlOSWl'l'.8·AS~apar- -

, ent support gr~up, will meet at 6;30 !»,m,. today(Thursd~y),April 13, at St.·l"Ilter'S ChUi'ch LlbrlU'y,109 E. Deming, in Roswell. Dr, WillilUIl Liakos ofDCA medical .-ssociates'.will spea~ ~. nursery isprovltled and all area res~dentsare mVlWd, Anyonein the. Ruidoso, area w.-nting more· infoX'U!.-tionshould conmct Lisa Martin, 354-2726.

Thursday and Friday,April-13-14

RUIDOSO ElEMENTARY SCIENCE FAIRwill be open to the public rrom 5-6:30 p.m. Thurs­day and .Frida;v, April 13-14, in the gymnasiU1lJ atWhite Mountain SChool. The public is invited to seemore than 200 science fair projects exhibited byillemenmry school studenl<ll.

,Friday, April 14The newl:r re-organized Lincoln County unit of

the AMERICAN C,ANCER SOCIE'l'Y will. haveits second orglllliz.-tiollll1 meeting at 11 a.m. Fri­day, April 14, in the conference room at theRuidoso Public Libr.-ry, Everyone is invited tobring a s.-ck lunch and attend, Drinks will be pro­vided.

1'WELFm JUDICIAL DISTRICT LAW EN­FORCEMENT ASSOCIATION will meet at noonFriOOy, April 14, at K-Bob's in Ruidoso. A represen­mtive from the Drug Enforcement Administrationof lAls Cruces will speak on minimizing drug traf·ficking md maximizmg drug awareneps.

Saturday, April 15

. -- .


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NMSU-A takesI

nursing schoolapplications

New Mexico State University atAl~gordo now i.e a<:~ept.W.g lip".plications _fQr. students requestingentrance in the Fall 1989 nursingclass.

Due to limited clinical space,only 20 freshmen will be selected.

Applications for the nursing prO'gram are available in the office ofstudent services and must be com­pleted and returned to that officeby April 15.

The NMSU-A nursing programis aPl?roved by the New MexicoState Board of Nurses and ac­credited by the National League ofNursihg.

•Thun>day, April 13, 19~91 The RuldollQ Newill I 38


Ruidoso Librarylists new",book titles·

New books offered at the Ruidoso Public Library are:Fiction:"Aily Old Iron," Anthony Burgess"Mutation," Robin Cook I ."Billy Bath~te, E.L. Doctorow"The Edge,' Dick Francis"The Wmnen ofBrewster Place," Gloria Naylor"Star," Danielle Steele '"Breathing Lessons", Alme Tyler

Non-Fiction:"The Donoghue Strategies," William E, Donoghue''What Do You Care What Other People Think?," Stephen W. Hawking"One Up On Wall Street," Peter Lynch"You Don't Have to Suffer," Judy Tatelbaum"Extraordinary People," Darold A. Treffert, M.D."The Blooding," Joseph Wambaugh

-When'Ruidoso Care-Center resi"dent Viola Hayhurst heard Febru­azy was Heart Month, she resolvedto help out by colleel;ing money forthe AIIlerican Heart Association.

. Hayhurst, 85, was Il' victim of aheart, attack 10 years.llgo. She un­derwent triple bypass open-heartsurgezy after her attack. ..

So funding needs for research. and other American Heart Associa­

tion (AHA) projects was smnetJrlngclose to her heart, .

Sandee Hagar, center activitiesdirector, said she told the residentsabout Heart Month, and Ha¥hurstbegan her one-person fund dnve.

Hayhurst said she had fun andno one minded when she' 'Bskedevezyone for one' dollar. She c~l­lected $26. dUring her -month-longcampaign.

Hagar said she wasn~t aware ofthe Lincoln/Mescalero Chapter un- .til she heard of it at ..Council. Oni:e she discovered the 10' .... "..'. .... .' .cal chapter she contacted them to Don' Mason, 'representing the Lincoln/Mescalero Unit of

.. donate the money.' the American-Heart -Association' thanks RUidoso CareDon Mason of the Lin- Center resident Viola Hayhurst for collecting funds for

col~escalero Chap~r. of..the heart research.Amencan Heart AssOCIation VIS1tedHayhurst at the center to collect tiona! courses such as Cardillo' participate in the Jump Rope forthe contribution, Pulmonazy Resuscitation (CPR) for Heart Campaign and a walk-a-thon

Lincoln County residents con- the ~eneral public and Advanced also is planned, •tributed more than $3,000 in 1988, Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) for The Home and Garden Tour, aMason said. That mone was in- medical professionals. . fund-~ising project initiated last1 d d' th 66 ~ f New The area group has several on- year, 1S scheduled for June 24. The

cue m e percen 0 going projects. On Valentine's Day, ,chapter's goal is to have differentMexico contributions which goes to the chapter sponsored a blood pres- (from last year's) homes and gar­research done in New Mexico. The sure screening and tested. more dens open for viewing .during the.remaining funds fiIUU!.ce educa- than 500 people. The schools will tour.

,'Carecenter resident 1l.~ips the.,American Heart Association'


Kathy Hufstedler (above,left) of the Blue GooseCatering puts finishingtouches to the re.ceptiontable. A cake was providedby. Mama. Bear's Bakery,Tammy Willingham was onhand to represent theHouse of Kelham with itsbridal registry service andinformation was availableon wedding photography byHerb Brunell. Weinman andher models showed the.brides-to-be. how to weardifferent kinds of veils andhow to fluff up the bridaltrain.

l •

the models now to carry her bouquet,as. Larry Goodman of Sierra MesaLodge plays the part of the father of thebride.' Silk ftowersWere provided byJacques Fine Art & Floral Design.

Sierra Mesa Lodge hosted a bridal' af­fair Sunday an~ invited brides-to-be' inthe area to'see the latest in bridal fash­ions from ExqUisite Weddings in Alam­ogordo. Alice Weinman shows one of

, -.-

A bridal affair



7:00 a.m.. - 3:00 p.m..Tuesday, April 18

through Saturday, April 22at the

Sierra Mall,721 Mechem. Dr.




Total cholesterol, HOL and LDL cholesterol and triglyceQ~es., .

'*CARDlAC RISK ASSESSMENT 25Total cholesterol, HOL lU\d LDL cholesterol, triglycerides,

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. A MASTER CHEMISTRY 35 .BvaluaMs an ~dditional22areas of your blood related to1ddneys/llver,h~;'1$ well as choles~oland f~ts.


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700 Mechem.··JlraPlala

10 cMri.- 5 R.m.Monc:kiv - saturdcly

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Extra Large Sizes14w-"22w

'.. ...



Friday, AprU'14.-Storewide·...Discounts

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Now Taking Appointments~ - Also Allerallons -

257-5997 I ~;....~--Jl.Q-.fia.,ll84C.rriuGIII,onRds t ,.'-- _ ....

RUI~IlICl. 1M l18345 ~C'

1tuitioso's !FirsttBaptist Cfiurcn

"The ll'enowship OfJoy"Bible Stucly._•••••••••••Q14G .......


Woi'Ship ~~m_l1lOOa.....Evening WorehJp•••••"1100 p.bL

:&"or Ia1br.tIii.iatlcj~or Truulpori:attOD. can257.2081 0 .. 2117-l1680

Rev.t>. AllenCearley

WarmlyWelcOines You


.'-1' .' ........... -_ ..... _ ;;",;" .........'_ ....... -.... ' ........ '...,;-=-._.. ,,;;, .. -.....- .................- •.;,..---.:.~."~,._.-'--'-"-~_~.~,

Page 16:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER

.;, MAd.CllU.

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, ,,




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"',.,." . .. ,

,C',,'_ . ,<. ':",



. .

th,i 18th da~'~May, 1989, at 10:00' COUNTY OF LINCOLN ico; said 1~71 Town & Countrya.m.,allrlgl:l,t!!.of the Oefendants Alt'f.lll.mD.BLA~Elhn~ Mobile Ho~e"Serlal #~214-14068,AltllCOWltl:'w,ltion Co:mp~ (Inc.)" .(lORA O.B~ h\lllband, together WIth all and singular Pill""

,-:---~,1:f~.......Mez$;""~~TJlO'!p'~Jj.~~,.J",,-~- ~..!U!~L'!MA~_.,...,,~ ,Jl~~ :~~~~ and '1"...eason, ' :t."" "une C. J,lllllllo\l, , , J)hUn...... " !!.la..e a p~ 0 ,~""""'" I97I

", , George ,; ,Slaughter, m, and ',' " VII. ' " '. Town 8& Country Mobile Ho:me.~orge c: qUft'in and to the fonow- "MYDJ!lAN'CARl'Emmhnd "", NOTICE IS ~mER GIVEN .?nlfJiescnbt\d ....ell1 propertr IflCated: J)ATlUClA N. CARPENTE:R, thatt!J,e ~ounts awatded by theIn Otl\fO,Qo'lUltY"New Memcll: ' husblUlCl and wife; and ' . court :m Sind D~eeas to the pe:r-

LotJ'i,BlIlck6,ofAl.TOLAKES RUIDOSO STATE BANK, a .l!lIIlIIlproperty.lte:m, 1971 Town &AND 'COQl\l''l'RY C.L~ ' State banUing corporation, Country Mobile Ho:me, SerialSUBDMSION, Unib2,Lincoln , I)efendan~. #5214-14068, and to be realized atCQ'Illlty, New Mmdco as shown . No, CV-88-247 said salefr9:m said. properly, withby'thel.'ep'1attherellffiledin~ ' ". . . DlVISIQNW interest date of sale,

---oli'ice-oftlie(loun~I.'k-apd- ·NO'l'lGJi}QF-&AliJtOF':~-ol."--a$--'followa:---J.!rineipal-debHfEx-tIftlcic'l Recordel.' ofLincoln ESrA'l'lll:AND PERSONAL $48,456.12 in favor of Arth1J1' D.CoUnW, Dece:mber fl, 1967 PROn'RTY UNlllilR Blazer and COl.'a O.lllaz~, for theirin Tube No. 302. FQRECLOSURIilI)ECREE valid,lien llga~nst thatcerlain 1971and. . r, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To~ 8&, CounbjrMobile Home,,Lot 9, :Block 11, Umt 3, ALTO that, under and by virtue of the· Serlal #5214-14008. . .LAKES GOLF AND COUNTRY Judg:ment and Decree of Fote-· The ter:ms of sale, ate that 1?Ul'-CLUJ3 SUBOMSION, as shown closure - Real' Properly and Pex:- chaser :.tnust .pay cash at the ti:meby the plat thereoffiled in the Bonal Ptoperly entered by the Dis· the properly IS strock off to of the Counw Cletk and trict Coud of Lincoln CounW, New' NOTICE IS FURTHER Gi¥<ENEx-offipio Reclltd«;!-" ofLincoln ~exico, on the 27th of March, 1989, 'that,.un~el.' and QY v¥ue' of theCounty.! N~w MeJOoo on the 9th m the case ofArth1J1' D. ,BlazeI.' and : secunty, mtel.'est of ~Uldoso StatedaY,ofApril,1968. Cora O. Blal1ler, husband and wife, ' Bank. m ,the follOWIng personaland vs. Ray Dean Catpentel.' and properly:Lot 33, Block 14, Unit 5, ALTO . Patricia N. Carpentel.', husband.and The goods of Ray DeanLAKES GOLF AND COUNTRY wife; and Ruidoso State J3ank, a Carpentel.' aud Patricia N.CLUB SUBDMSION, Lincoln state banking COl.'poration, being Catpenter,consisting ofallCounty, New Mexico

ias shown Cause N. CY-88-247 on the civil furniture; fixtures, equip:ment,

by the plat thereof fi ed in the docket o( said court, the .un· invento!,'Y of debtor 1llled ofthe Counw Cletk and dersigned will offer for sale and seU usable in colillection with hisEx-officio Recorder ofLincoln to the highest bidder for cash at business presently owned O!.'COlll.lty, New Mexico on the 8th 9:30 o'clock a.:m, on the 9th day of hereafter acq~ed; and accountsday ofJuly, 1969. May, 1989, at the north door of the and other reC8.lvables for goodsand" . CO)irthouse at Cilnizol1lo, New Mex· ,Bold orserrice~renderedand inLot 27, Block 14, ofALTO ieci,' the following-'described nal . the-illel.'chanditie-giving rise- ' - ..LAKES GOLF AND COUNTRY property, to-wit: thereto;p1'Oceeds;includingCLUB SUBDIVISION, Unit 5, Lots 11 and 12, Block 1, insUl'ance proceeds and afterLincolnCounw, New Mmdco, as Pai:mer Gateway, Subdivision, acquited accessions, a'Toshibashown by the, plat thereofliled in Ruiaoso, Lincoln County, New BD4515, Serial #UF400756;the office of tHe County Clerk Mexico, as shown by the official proceeds, including insUl'anceand Ex-officio Recorder of plat therellffiled in the Office proceeds and after acquiredLincoln CounW, New Mmdco, ofthe CounW Clerk and accessions.July 8, 1969 in Tube No. a44. Ex-officio Recorder ofLincoln The undersigned will offer forand CounW, New Mexico. sale and sale to the highest bidderLot 11, Block 1, SIERRA, togethel.' with all and singular for cash at 9:30 o'clock a.:m. on theBLANCA SUBDIVISION, Unit the lands, tene:ments, heredita- 9th ,day of May, 1989 at the north1, as shown by the plat thereof ments and appurtenances there· dOOr' of the Courthouse at Car-filed in the offi,ce ofthe CounW unto belonging or in anywise ap- rizozo, New Mexico, the followingClerk ofLinooln County, New pet:taining, and the, reversion and descn'bed ~l.'Sonalprope1'ty, to-wit:Mexico, on the 25th day ofJuly, reversions, re:mainder and remain. The goods ofRay Dean1967. ders, rents, issues and profits. ClIl'penter and Patricia N.and' NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN C~nter, consistingoflillLot 26, Block 3, LAKESIDE that the amounts awarded by the furniture, fixtures, equip:ment,ESTATES SUBDIVISION, court in said Decree and to be real. invento!,'Y ofdebtor used Ol.'Lincoln Counw, New Mexico, as ized at said sale from said property usable in connection with hisshown by the map thel.'eoffiled with interest calculated to date of business presently owned orin the office of the County Clerk sale, are as follows: hel.'eafter acquited; and accountsand Ex-officio Recotder of L Costs' of sale,!, including Spa- and other receivables for goodsLincoln County, New Mexico, cial Master's fee of'l>150.00. sold or services rendered and inJune 12,1964. 2. Principal debt of$89,421.60 in the merchandise giving riseSaid Judpent ditected fore-' favO!.' of Art D. Blazer and Cora O. theteto; pl.'oceeds;, includin~

closure of the :mortgage on such Blazer on the valid fullt mortgage. insUl'ance proceeas and afterpt:opel't): to satisfy the following ~. ljincipal.debt of$36,682.58 in acquired acce~sionB, a ToshibalteJ;llll: fa:VOl.'of Arthur D. Blazer and Com BD-4515,Senal #UF400756;

Arriilunt ofRuidoso State . O.Blazer, on. their valid second ~eeds, including insumnl»Bank's Judg:ment· $203,610.79 mortgage.- acquiredInterest to date of . 4.l>ebt of $98,316.88 in favor of . accessions. . .sale, May 18, 1989 $5,593.99 the Ruidoso State Bank on their NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN

$209,204.78 valid thi1'd :mortgage. that the' ,a:mount awarded b)tIltheIn addition thereto thel.'e will be 5. Debt of $13,570.30 in favor of Court in said Dooree and to be rem-

accnring costs, tpgether with costs Ruidoso State Bank on their valid ized at said sale fro:m said properlyof publication of this Notice and the fourth:mortgage. _ with intstest calculated to date ofSpecial Master's Fee to be fixed by 6. The tenus of sale are that pu:r-sale, are as follows: Principal debttliis Court in the a:mount of$200.00 chaser:must pay cash at the ti:me of $111,887.18 in favOI.' of Ruidosoandattomey'sfees. thepropertyisstrockofftohi:m. State Bank. LESS any a:mounts

~tness :my hand this 7th day of In.aadition to the real property received by the Ruidoso State BankApril;'1989. described above, ,ArthUl' D. Blazer under the real estate foreclosUl'e

IslPam Bryant and COl'll O. Blazer hold a valid sale re£eued to above.Special Master Judgment against that certain 1971 The ter:ms of sale are that pUl'-

Legal 16147 4t(4)18,20,27(5)4 Town & Country Mobile Ho:me,' chaser :must pay cash at the ti:meSerial #5214-14068.' The un- the properly is strock oft'to hi:m.

LEGAL NOTICE del.'Signed will offer for sale and sell DATED this 31st day of MarchIN THE DISTRICT COURT .., to the highest bidder fllr cash at 1989. '

TWELFnlJUDICIAL 9:30 o'clock a.:m. on the 9th day of IslSarah J.ProthroDISTRICT '; May, 1989 at the north door of the Special Master

STATE OF NEW MExiCO Courthouse at Carrizozo, New Mex- Legal t61414t(4)6,13,20,27

.'.' -,:', :,;..


....' .. ,~. (~



,~. ;~1~i;if{~V'\\ ~f.'-;'..;.*'~'.~r..,,:~~

~• •

IT'S THAT TIME AGAtN', , " . ". " . .

The 1989 SeasonAt Ruidoso'DowDs.Race Track., ., . Starts M,ayo'1S! ' . .

. . '., .. ' '-- ...- .



RESERVE YOUR ADVERTISING SPACE NOWt. .Dendline:ForSpecial Sectiou1\IS Thtlrsd~y,;April 27 . ,

. .,'.

, . "~ .'. ..---~ ~ .. ' . .. .,....' ,:. " ,. "

Tlt~R."1ti~ftrlb"~$.104 Park Ave,: i Phone 257..4001

futurity. continues to lead jockey stand­ings at SunlalJd Park this season.

The above described pl.'operty islocated on Highway 70 West, 1block past the Ruidoso Downs Po­lice Depart:ment Ruidoso Downs,New Mexico.

Tract 1 of Smith Addition,Ruidoso Downs Lincoln County,New ;Mexico, as shown by thereplat thereoffiled in theoffice of the CounW Clerk andEx-Officio Recordet ofLincolnCounty, New Mmdco, November4, 1983, in Cabinet D, SlideNo. 160;LESS ANDEXCEPI'ING a ttactofIaD:d in Ttact l'o!SmithAddition, RuidollOoI)owns,New Mmdco, as shown by theplat thereoffiled in the .>

office ofthe CounW Clerk andEx-Officio Recordel.' ofLincolnCounty in Tube No. 661, on May21, 1979, described by:metesand bounds as follo'iVS:Beginning at the Southwestcomer ofsaid Tract 1; thenceNorth 09- 53' 45" West alongthe West boundary ofsaid Ttact1 a distan.ce of72.20 feet; thenceSouth 12' ,10' 00" East a distanceof35.84 feet; thence South 09'52' 52" East a distance of36.54feet to the South boundary ofsaid Ttact 1; thence South 86'41' 36" West a distance of1.42feet to' the said place ofbeginning, and containing 77.0square feet, :more or less;AND LESS AND EXCEPTING atract ofliiiiil: in Tract 3 ofSmith Addition, Ruidoso Downs,IJncoln CounW, New Mmdco, asshown by the plat thel"ellffiledin the Office ofthe CounW Cletkan~Ex-omcio-Recoroet-ot- --­Lincoln Counw, in Tube No. 661,on May 21, 1979, described by:metes and bounds as follows:BEGINNING at the Northwestcomer ofTract 3j thenceSouth09~53' 45" East a distanceof 12.00 feet; thenee North 80'06' IS" East a distance of1.42feet- thence North 09' 56' 28". ,West a distance of11.84 feet;thenee South 86' 41' 36"Westa distance of1.42 feet to thesaid place ofbeginning, andcontaining 16.9 square feet,:more orless"The above described property is

located'on IDgnway 70 West, 1~lock past the Ruido,so Downs Po·lice Deparl;:ment, Ruidoso Downs,New Mexico. . .

Said Judg:ment dkected. for~

~~:f:de1I11t~=~~:i...... Por!ition as fonows: '.

MnountofPIainti1P", . . .Judgment' ,..' $236,792.42Interest to date ofSale, ..

'. April 21, 1989.. $4.,172.67SpecialMasteis Fee $lOO.ooTotal - . '$241;165.09In addition to the above, there

, .will be acer@'tg co~t, together withthe cost;, ot publication. of' thiS' 'Notice, and 4ttor1ieifees. ., . .

WlT.N$SS .r:tJ.Y 'hand and .sellIthis 21st dIl)" ot'Mlttch, 1989., IlINfckVega



Mike Lidberg, shown aboard JohnnysNight after winning ttie West Texas





CORPORATION in itsC0l'P!'rate Capacity as

Liqwdator of1;he FlBSTNATIONAL BANK OF

LJllJCOLN COUNTY, Ruidoso,New Mexico, formerly mown




Top jockey



CHRISTINE CASSINGBAM,husband and wife,

Defendants.No, CV'·88-S45


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthat the undersigned SpecialMaster will, on the 21st day of.April, 1989, at 11:00 a.:m., at thefrOnt entrance of the Administra·tion Buildim!:, Ruidoso, New Mmd­co, sell to tlie highest bidder fot'cash the following describedproperties located in LincolnCounty, New Mexico to wit:

Lots,9 and 10, Block 1, Unit IV,Palo Verde Original Plat (nowltuddos(1)~),Tjncoln

CounW, New Mexico; withimprovements thereon, ifany;The above described property is

located on South,Central, RuidosoI>owns, New Mexico. •

Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Unit Y,Palo Yerde, (now RuidosoD~), LineolnCounty, NewMexico,; with imptovementsthereon, .Lot 2, improved by1981 Atnbrook Mobile Home;

'. LD. No. TX147638102D.The above described property is

located on South Pamell, for:medyEast Spring; Ruidoso Downs, NewMexico. . •.

Lots 7 and 8, Block 1, Unit IV,Palo Verde, (now RuidpsoDowns), with improve:mentsthereon;Lot 7, improved by a 1980Amherst Mobile Ho:me; I.D. No.TX147371ooD: .Lo~~J imP!.'llved by a 1978.BreckMODUS Ifome; I.D. No. 00975;'l'he abovlIdeac:rib¢d 1ttllpel"ty' is

l()clllted on. SouthCenttal ItuidosoDowns, New Mexico. ,. '

Lots 2AMd 2B o£the l1\Plat ot. Trae:t.2of~replat1l£Stnith '.Addition, Rwdoso Downs .' ,LincolnCilunty)-NewMWcoJ assnown bythe platfiled in the9ffi,ce of.the COUnty' Clerk andEx.Ofticio Recorder, Lincoln'County, New Mexico,onJune

. ,IS, 19MJ itt Cabinet D,Slide .¥G1, 'fritll iJnPro.Vi'lln~n.tsthereon,nan)'; Lot~unproved by a198{:WlclYl!!d'.eMobile Hmne; !.D.No. JmTXSNl8015M; .



I:, '.


Ii, .

i .i,

Page 17:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER


, .•


, ., .



c .• • ", • ,... ,



",'p!,., ."" ''''''''. """ f. p.". , "'-"''''''.".,...,.".,._'_.~.:'''',.--..:..__~'_'.-~-_'..-~._.__,.. ,_~.•_.~, ~-Co•.'~,_,~.~_~"'-'~""'_"'"''''''0' __ ."., • , ••~.• ~ .. ' ._. ,.' ~', •. •,....

"',r -------..... . ., , Thursday. April 13, 1969 f Thl.'l RuldOliioNew$ (58

F tb B · t of .• ~t the underslgnlld.,has b~n ap' said Petition is'hereby given you by Jon Denny and Bessie Dennyin-the mm;obrCOllIlty,-New MexilXl, and iii . RuidoSij Statlr-BlInkj-a New MexicoI. or e e~1 fhinted personal represen1;litlve of publication" once eacIi week, for two Ilmo\Ults Ilbllve set forth to which partiflularly deQeri,bed as follows: Bllnldng COfPOJ;'ation, Plaintiff, vs.I ConununityNews I cIai estate! ~persoWl Mving consecutivewellks, sMll be,addlld at the time of.the Lot15·,-·Blllck!(i)of C~,:Val1ey ~artp.efQhi~, Ltd., a."".---.-,.-------i....,..--- . ,-To .m~-!t~·~st--,-J:._~~_..~:;'" tb!Llm..I!d...i\~!l!!!e_.therb!!lal1~e of thJU;lll!ts, pf!he. R.'ll.IDQS9...1'lNJiJ.wU.G1LQQ... ,l-~m.r4l!l, rl!r.mershi-ll,aruJ...!.l:.ll..Q:g!lIlr::_~• . ......' ~~ ° pre:;:" a::l~' ",aImJ t'6li"(}ourtl this 7th day of April, action, i any, and the costs of sale, SUBDMSION,'Ruidoso, a1 Partners: RonnIe L. Hemphill,I "Our Little I . two~n . ,11 r .e datJt: 1989. including a' Special Master's fee, Lincoln CO\Ult,., New Mexicll, as William W.Braudt, Jr., Robert L.

I C· "'f' I the~~r f=II~n(jot: thisrotice IsfMBnlo E. Lindsey Th.etime'of said sale may be post- sh4wn by the plat thereoffiled in Boverie; and Pr(lgeny, Inc.; H R B:orner 0 . bWl e o~er.~ed. 'DistriclCouriClerk ponedin.theev~ntthattheSpe~1 the office of!he County Clerk Limited, also',~own as.H R .B,I til' 'W·· '.' "d" I auns mu!¢ e presented el .er ~ IslBJ!Yan W. Haldeman Ma:~ter, m her Judgment, dee)]lll It a~d Ell:-offiCiO Recorder of' LTD., a ~IJDlted Partnership;

I ,u .....~.... "or,.· . .. I ~J~lld~~~~al=;, Texas-CoJllD1ercO~:: adDSa:~tthis 28th'day ;,r Mar~h, ¥grWo1m~#Gslt:·~Wg~· ~~:;o~~~:,gM~~~:p~~:'e~~I . .' . .; , I Bo~arth, CraIg & VIckers, PC., Assistant Vice-President~ 1989, made to 'satisfy, a judipnent o~.~abor Employment SellUrity

I .' I (James .H. Bozarth). P.O. BOll: 8~0, Officer IslMartba Garcia rendered by the above Court m: the. DiVISIon; and H R B Investments, aRoswelll New MeXI~ i!r filed WIth . Personal IWpresentative. Special Master above-entitled ,and nuwbll1'ed cause General Partnership, all!ll.known as-I •. t~-clerk-ot'the-DistrietCo\U"t of 'Me~----" Legal4l6lS0-4t(4)&,I1JJ20,2'1~'23;1989,1Ieingan action ltR ~ Partnership;a-Genemli'art-

I·' 'I Linncom County. .' O'REIILy,& WARDLAW, P.C. ~ to foreclose a mortgage On the nership; Defendants, Cause No.. I" ' !ATED:3-24-89. • ' P.O. BoCll: 2295 LEGAL NOTICE above-described" property. .. The CV-88-368, pivi~ion Ill, on the civilI . Is/ld)ure L Burkert Ruidoso;NM88346 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: Plaintiffs judgment which includes docket of sald Court.

I I Personal Rep~entative (506)258..6036 ENGINEERING SERVICES interest and, costs; is $48,606.00 . The genlllllli object of said action.I· I' BO:l;artb. Craig & VICkers, Attorney for Personal EOR AUTOMATED and the same bears interest at IS to f(lI"eclose the Mortgage, dated, P.C. Representative WEATBEROBSERVATION eleven percent (11%) Pll1' annum February 5,1986, covering the'fol~

I 'I .lAam~sH. BO:l;art;h , '. ,Legal 116149 2t(4)13,20 SYSTEM from March 31, 1989. The amount .~owin,g described property situa~d

Ittotney at Law The New Mexico Highway & of such interest to the date of sale In Uncoln County, New MeXIlXl,I P.O. Boit820 LEGAL NOTICE Transportation Departmentl Avia- will be $600.65. The judgment and being more particularly de-I I .RosweU,N.M.· TWEJA"'f.S: JUDICIAL tion Division is requesting creditor has the right to bid at such scribed in Exhibit "A" attached

I Subscribe Today!. I 88202·0820 .DISTRICT COURT proposals ,for En~n~ring Servic~s. sple and to apply all (II" any part of heretO and made .a part hereof for

T h e Legal 116138 2t(4)6,13 COUNTY OF LINCOLN The sel"Vlces will mclude a SIte the judgment to the purchase price al~ purpo!'es, Smd Mortgage wasI I, STATE OF NEW MEXICO Engineering 'Report; Design and in lieu ofcash. recorded In,the oflice of the Count)'

I R u ill0 SOl LEGAL NOTICE JON P. DENNY, et. aL .' Specifications; coordination and Is/Janice Silva Ware Clerk ofLincoln County, New MeXI-. , . TWELFTH JUDICIAL PbUntiffs. preparation or contract document Special Master co, on February 7,1986 in Book 132I News I, DISTRICT COURT vs. f(lI" site preparation at four (4) Post Office BOll: 665 of Mortgage Records at pages 1085-

__________ COUNTYOFLINCOLN TICOR TrrLE INSURANCE Automative Weathll1' Observation Carrizozo NewMeJll:ico 1086.LEGAL 'NonCE COUNTY COMPANY, et. aI., Station (AWOS) locations asfol- ' , 88301 You are further notified that,BE· QUESTS FOR STATE OF NEW MEXICO "Defendants. lows:, Legal 116136 4t(4)6,13,20,27 !1files,s you enter yom appearance

D.A. KINCAID, DOmS M. MAXWELL, et. aL Artesia Municial Airport . In smd cause on or before the 15th""- B P~O~OESALd,S. h Plaintiff, Third.Parly Plaintiffs, Alqmogordo Wfute Sands LEG~NOTICE day of May. 1989, Jud~ent will be

,+!,e , j)ar . ~ ucation .of t e vs. vs, Regional AirPort NOTICE OF PUBLIC rendered against you by. default;C,·napVl·!~sSs·choolos£ hes reledby JOY MArfjJEW, THALIA NEAL CHAPMAN, et. aL ' SierJ'aBlanca'Regional . SPEClAt BUfiG£T and ,the Plaintiff will apply to the

... al,n_:., .htlD

dl 'tlOn ~ea.., ROBINSON, TIIJj: lJNKl.IIlOWN No rro,.o", '341 . Ai'rportJ R'w"doso .. ...... AO .....,G . Court for the relief demanded in

f9srS9 :eh::1 a:Ui sel"V1ces lor BEIRSOF JOY MATI'HEW •"''':Illi.. IT Silver City Grant County Notice is W;';ven that the the Complaint filel1therein. 'PrQposalswill be' accepted until ANDand~I·\Uli"uNag:()n:3N, NOTICE OF SALE Airport... ~oard of Educ:ati?D of Corona Pub- . The name.~d .ad4ress,for th~

10'00' . MDT A'I 21 1989""'" Notice is1Iereby given that on' RespollB'es to this Request are llc SChools, DistriCt #13, County of a~rneyfor Pl8:mtiff IS as 'thea~ce of thensirinU;ndent CLAIMANTS OF INTEREST January 11, 1989, the District due no later tha~ 2:00 P.M" April Lincoln, State o~ New Mexico, will Mi~el 8. Lme, Attorney forof Schools P.O. BOll:.J7s Ca itan IN THE PREMISES Court of Lincoln County, in -Cause 27, 1989. For COpIes of the ~omplete on Tuesday, ~pnl 18, 1989, at 7:00 Rwdoso State.Bank, Post O~ceN M ~ 88316 Ph ~505i ADVERSE TO PLAINTIFF, Number CV·84-341, styled "Jon request for Proposal or for infonna- p,m. MDT tn the Board Roo~ Drawer B, Rwdoso, New MeXICO35e:223SXICO ,one Defendants. Denny and Bessie' Denny, tion contact: have a special budget hearing to in- 88345, (505)257·4043.

S""";I\: t' d dd·ti nal ' CV-89-95 Plaintiffs, v. Ticor Title Insurance Aviation Division crease the 1988-1989 Fiscal Year WITNESS MY BAND ANDt"'...~ca IOns an a I 0 In- D'-:-' 'm ' SEAL L' ln C ty N . M ' ,fi ti b btained from th lY..,Ion Company,~ Defendants," en- Ernst PrecIado Budget. ';mCO oun, ew exl-

onna ffion may .e 0 e NOTICE OF PE:NDENCY tered its StiLpUlaatted Judgment in fa. Joseph Montoya Building- This is a public meeting and all co, on this 13th day ofMareh, 1989.same 0 ceo OF SUIT 'Ro 3120 ch 1 . . '~_.J to t- IfOfMft-o E LindsayThe' Board of Education reserves vor of the Counter-Plaintiff Doris om " s 00 patrons are. mVIIot:U a D':'°tri"'fc ~ CI kthe right to reject' any or all TO: JOY MATl'HEW, THALIA Maxwell, the Counter-Plaintiff S110

nt°SFt. FrNanCl~ve tend

D· t C N M' ICX'::BI'TC"AI! er

al . te hni aliti d ROBINSON, THE UNKNOWN' Ruidoso State Bank, the Defendant a a e, ew co one a orona, ew exrco, ------ A

propos s, wmve c c ea., an HEIRS OF JOY MATI'HEW Ronald G. Harris, the Defendant 87504-1149 thi 11th da f A iiI 1989 A tract of land being a part of

thawa~d the propos!il to best serve AND THALIA ROBINSON, Bill Carrigan, the Defendants Lin- Phone 5051827.0339 s r~g~etLightfoot Section 25, Township 10 South,etiterest of CapItan Board ofEd- and THE UNKNOWN coln Count Abstract and Jete Legal #6145lt(4)13 President Range 13 East, N.M.P.M., Lincoln

uca on.. S. CLAIMANTS OF INTEREST IN u d t D "-_.J_-t n.. to' . - Corona Board of Education County, New Mexico, and beinglsI cott, Ed.D. THE PREMISES ADVERS.E TO .088, an e el"-'l\W.ll .nes n LEGAL ·OTICE A'TTEST'. more parti-"ar,'1.y described as fol-S te d t Isaacs, and against the PlaintiffS A ......

;iperm ,n en PLAINTIFF Jon Denny and Bessie Denny. IN THE MAGISTRATE Is/Sherry Lueras lows:Leg i6137lt(4)13 GREETINGS: Since January 11, 1989, the judg- COURT OF LINCOLN Secretary ,Be~gat a point on the we~t

LEGAL NOTICE ' YOU ARF,: HEREBY NOTIFIED ments entered in favor of Doris COUNTY . Legal 1#6151 2t(4)13 17 'line of Section 25, TI0S, R13E, smdLEGAL NOTICE OF that there has been filed in the Dis· Maxwell, Ruidoso State Bank, Lin- TWELFTH JUDICIAL ' 'point also being on the south right-BUDGET BEARING trict Court of Lincoln County, State coln County Abstract and Jete DISTRICT LEGAL NOTICE of-way line of Fort Stanton Road,

Ptirsuant to New Melrico of New Mexico, a certain caWle of Voss, and Preston Isaacs have been WILLIAM L KARN and TWELFl'H JUDICIAL from which the Northwest corner ofStatutes 1978mmotated'22-8-12. action :wherein D.A. Kincaid is the satisfied by the Plaintiffs Jon wn.LIAMLONKARN • . DISTRICT COURT said Section 25 bears North·O· 03'

Notice is hereby given that the Plaintiff and you are the Denny and Bessie Denny, The Plaintiffs, COUNTY OF LINCOLN 57" West along the west line of saidBoard of E,ducation of the Ruidoso Defendants, the same being CallBe judgment in favor of Ronald G, vs. STATE OF NEW MEXICO Section 25, 1376.69 feet; thenceMunicipal School District will hold No. CV-89.95, Division m. Harris, in the amount of $8,815.99, JOHN ASPLOF and RUIDOSO STATE BANK, North 5£l,' lIZ 42" East along saidIi special budget ..~eeting for the The object and ~se of the ~nd the judgment in favor of Biil NELDAASPLOF, 'ANew Mmdco Banking south right-,o~ay line, 1171.15p~jj~e ti.of ~.~~eatese inChastaptete IsOawmgi~suitdeisscn~bqeduiertealti pre°ofpertythefom.I- Carrigl\~,jIl thelUl1oWll; !If$636.00 NOTICE OF A'1Y1'A~=NTants. Oorporation, foaIeet to a ~po~th0t-f ~urvature; thenceeq a on ,,~an e. r remain unpaid. Both judgments A" ..~ Plaintiff, ong smd ng o.-way on a curve107 New Mexico Laws 1989 pro- the name ofthe Plaintiff. bear interest, at the rate of 15% per AND COMPLAINT . vs. to tJie left; with a radius of 371.49vides for the distribution of a one- YOU ARE NOTIFIED that UD- annum from January 11, 1989, un- TO: JOHN ASPLOF and RQBERT G. JOHNDREAU; feet and an III'C length of ~89,19 feet!time salary increase to all public less you enter your appearam:e or til paid. In its Stipulated JiIdg- NELDA ASPLOF and LINDA A. JOHNDREAU; to a point of tangency; thence Northschool employees, file pleadings herein on or before ment of January 11, 1989, the The Sheriff of the County of Lin- Defendants. 0' 49' 51" along the east right-of-

The special budget hearing will ::k 25, 1989, the Plaintiff will Court decreed foreclosure of the com, hereby_ gives you notice pur- No. CV.88-287 way of Fort Stanton Road, 135.99be held at the office of the Super- e application to the Court for a liens of Ronald G, Harris and Bill suant to N.M.S.A. 35-9·3 (1978 Division ill feet; thence, South 89' 55' 47" East,intendent Board of Education Decree by Default, and Decree~ Carrigan in the amounts of the Comp.), that pursuant to a Writ of . NOTICE OF 691.51 feet; thence, North O' 49' 51"meeting~om located at 200 Horton Default will be rendered againsl> judgmentS--thll1'ein rendered and or- AttaChment, certain" property PENDENCY OF SUIT West, 315.0 feet to a point of theCircle, RuidosoJ New Mexico at 12 you as prayed for in the c:.omplaint. dll1'ed the undersigned as Special namely, 1980 'Lincoln Continental, THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO north line of said Section 25; thencenoon on Thursaay, April 20, i989. The name of the Plaintifi's at- Master to sell at public sale the has been ~ize.. TO THE FOLLOWING NAMED South ~9' 55' 47" East slong said

All interested patroWl will have torney is HAWTHORNE & HAW- pro~rty covered by said liens to YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED DEFENDANT: Linda Johndreau. north line, 734.02 feet to the norththe opportunity to give written or THORNE, P.A., Richard A. Haw· satisfy the af(lI"esaid judgments, that unless you appear before the YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED one-quarter corner of said Sectionverbal comment. thorne, 'and whose address is 1221 said property being situated in Lin- Honorable James R. Wheeler, in that an action has been commenced 25; thence South 89' 55' 26" East

IsIW.B. "Stormy" Edwards Mechem, Suite I, Ruidoso, New coln County, New Mwco, and the Village of Ruidoso, County of and is now pendin~ in Lincoln along said north line, 1303.96 feet, President Menco,88345. being. m(lI"e particularly described Lincom, State of New Mexico, at County, New Mexrco, entitled to a point on the west line of Alto

Ruidoso Board ofEducation WITNESS my hand and seal of as follows: the Magistrate Co~ Building in Ruidoso State Bank, a New Mexico Village, Deer Park Valley Unit 4;Legal .6148 2«4)13 17 the District Court of Lincom . Township 10 South, Range 13 said Village, not less the;n twenty Banking Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. thence South O' 03' 05" West along

, County, New Mexico this 27th day East N.M.P.M Nlf2 SElf4 Section (20) days or more than nmety (90) Robert G. Johndreau and Linda A. the west line of Alto Village, Deer. LEGAL NOTICE of March, 1989. 24 Township '10 South, &urge 13 days from the date of this notice, Johndreau, Defendants, CallBe No. Park Valley Units 4 and 5, 1307.97

IN 'rHE DISTRICT COURT IslMBrgo Lindsay East, N.M.P.M., more particularly Jud~entwill be rendered a~ainst CV-88-287, Division Ill, on'the civil feet to a point on the north line ofOF LINCOLN COUNTY, District Court Clerk described as follows: you m the amount set forth m the docket ofsaid Court. Alto Village, Deer Park Woods Sub-

NEW MEXICO Lincoln County. New Mmdco Beginning at the quarter corner Civil Complaint of One Thousand The general object of said action division, Unit 6; thence North 89'TWELFTH JUDICIAL Legal 161364t(4)6,13,20,27 common to Section 24, TI0S R13E Seventy Nine Dollars and 29/100's is to issue a Judgment on a Note 25' 31" West along the north line of........DISTRICT and Section 19 ·.hos,' RI4E: ,($1,079.29), together with rea- dated August 11, 1987. said Unit 6, 1301.08 feet; thence

IN '111£ M"AT1'I!lROF 'rHE LEGAL NOTICE Thence West 2627,13 feet. Then~' 80nable attorney's fees, court costs You are further notified that; South 44' 38' 12" West along theESTATE OF AUBON IN THE DISTRICT COURT South. 1320.0_feet;. 'I'he~ Eastof~tlcutionand the cost ofpublica- unleQs Y!lll enter your appearance northwest line of Alto Village, ])eer

-eAMER6NABBO'IT, OF IJNCOJ.N COUNTY; 2625.64 feet; Thence North 1320.0 tion of this notice, together with in said cause on or before the 18th PlirkWoods Units 4. and 6; 1860.07Deceased. NEW MEXICO feet to the point ofbeginning costs of sale. of said property and of May, 1989" Judgment will be feet; thence North 89' 45' 03" West

No. PB-89-67 TWEID'VtIS'-!oJPDCTICIAL LESS AND EXCEPTING there- that the above described property rendered against you by default; along the north line ofAlto Village,Div.m u ,,", from that certain tract or parcel of shall be sold, in order to satisfy and the Plaintiff will apply to the Deer Park Woods, Unit 3, 1299.45

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE'M'ArlEROF THE land heretofore conveyed to Robert said Judgment, . Court for the relief demanded in feet to the west one-quarter corner~AM. ABBO'l'T has bet;n ap- ESTATE OF RICHARD E. Ross and Jean M. Ross, husband NOTICE IS GIVEN this 4th day the Complaint filed therein, of said Section 25; thence North 0'

pointed Personal Representa\,ive of WOODROW·SEWEU.. and wife, by Warranty Deed dated ofApril, 1989. The nElme and address for the 03' 57" West along the west line ofthe Estate of AUBON CAMElRON Deceased.,· February 23, 1979, recorded in . Is/J~es McSw~e attorney for Plaintiff is as follows: said Section 25, 1241.09 feet to theABlJOT1'. Deceased. All personsNooPB-87.33 Book~, Pages 522-523, Lincoln Lincolneo~ty Sheriff Michael S. Line, Attorney for point~fbe~Dning; , .having claims against this estate . Div. m County Deed Records, described as ~BY:IslJIJD Rutlunel Ruidoso State Bank, Post Office Contaimng 143.2273 acres more

, are required to'present their claims NOTIC£ OF BEARING BY follows: . Deputy ~beriff ))rawer B, Ruidoso, New Mexieo or less'within twit (~) months after the PUBLICATION' . "B .. th arte Legal'6 524t(4)18,20,2'1(5)4 88345 (605) 257-4043 LESS,A:ND EXCEPI'INGdate of the fir,st llubHcation of this .. NEW egtnntngat e qu r comer 'u:: ..., Be,,;-;"'~nL;at a porn't on the",T' ...... 1 F """"1 b THE STATE OF· MEXICO lXlmtnOn to Section 24, TI0S, .WI:n'lESS MY BANI> ANI> .,.0....

notice.or. "'l~ CllllmS Wll e.orever TO: WILMA:EtELlilNSEWELL RISE, and Section 19, TI0S, LEGAL NOTICE SEAL, Lincoln County, New Mexi- North boun' of said Section 25 .b!Jtted~ S~uns must be I.'resented TO:S'REWEON.AL..LLD RIC,•.BARD,.', . RI4E·' The'ncoe BOO deg 1"'09" E TW£LFI'llJU])ICIAL co., on this 13th day ofMar-'L·, 1989.. from which noint the Northwestettber to ...e Perl1onal. ~presen1;li· ,. v ...' en comer of said Section 25 bearstive at P.O, BOlL 83l;!, Rmdoso, J:ilM a distance of1312.71 feet; • DISTRICTCOURT IslMargo E. Lindsay North 89' 55' 50" West a distance of88345, or filed with the District TO:TEXABCOMMERCEBANK 'l'henceS89deg. 49'51''W a COUNTYOF LINCOLN District Court Clerk .1181.84 feet, thence South 89' 55'Comt of Lincom CO\Ulty, P.O. Box • TO:'~~~Wfi:lRS distance of753.00 feet; Thence STATE OF N£\VM:l!:8ICO Legal 16112 4t(S)2S,SO(4)6,13 50" East a distance of 693.99 to the725, Cartizo~o, NM 88301. '. OF RICllIARD WOODROW N22 deg, 57'35"Wa distance of LOMASMO~~ USA. LEGAL NOTICE point of beginning (If this tract;

DATED: March 31, 1989, SEWELL ANI> ALL 14211,&'1 f\lfltj Thence N89 deg. lNC., fIkIa . 'MAS. TWELFTll~ClAL thence South 89' 55' 50" a distance' ...e'...,.o..fl~1~n;.npe~e~tit~ONKNOWN )JERSONS. . :~~fil~~~ed}$~~f.~~~g6, & NETn..ETONCO~~ .~~t!lC'l'. bURT 0OOf,7,3

E.!·38 fee


n1eia O'Reillr' ,~"'" '.....n>~~rofJi.~~ ,H" .,. eon£alimlififan :U;OO3 acres of v~~;MYEaS' ~"" ....'s¥Xi'E"'oF~~~fro .. the~c:~~u:~g::2a" W:~ta~sr()':Reilly&W~w,P.C. ESTATEOFRICHA:aD' ~.8..'~dep,~Ot~.·el.::Syjl.oe~:RoaanddWay JUDl..TB.~MYD...• '.'.~ ·lttJlDOSOSTATE:BANK,A tance of 792.28 feet; thence NorthP.O. Box 2295 ." . WOODttOW SEWELL "'Eas~eY~lln.d"tb.eFortStanton husband..W!!e. _~ New Me:dco BanJditg 89' 55' 00" West a distance ofltuid080,NM8834.5 1>ECEASED OR:INMRoI1'asi'Shownhereon,.Ieavingll Dtllen ts. 'Corporation, 2980.&7 feet; thence Nott'h 59' 1)'(605)258-11095 . • •. . . MAT1'ER BEING 'net. .,,"1>..oao .acres orland, more No. OV-8.9.2S,Plaintiff, 10" £ast a distance of 33,()2 feet;Attot'JlllYtor,P~\)~ , LlTIGATEDINTHE Itt),es~~ ,- ' _, . .·Div.m VII. C.......... ll,..... rvv thence along the arc ora curve toltepresentittI'\7e .. ',"' RllJRElNAFl'ER . 'T!;;tH·th n' .... ts.. NOTICE Of SALE n.I:\<Il< ..............,... the lel\i whoQe centtal angle IS 60'

. .Legal .61 2~(4)6,13 MENTIONIID HEARING'llituatee~::eo:' l,mprovemen NQ'l'lCE . IS HEREBY GIVEN PARTNmSlJI.P, L~!.~::~~ 01' 01' and whose radius is 371.29. J:..EGAL NO'.l1 . Hellf!tigqn thePetitiop. Jill!(j. b$SUBJEOTTOensentents, . 'tbat(lnl,{ay 10,198~,at the hour of NueJ.o.C'.~.88""= feet.anstc distance of 888.93 fe~t;J::N TQ .' " .. the underaigned Pets()nal.'Re~e- resenationsllI'reatrictions of 10:09 a,m:1 the \UldersignedSpeclaly' .,.".,. thence NllI'\;hOO' 49' 51" West a dIS-

JlJDtCI'AL. ." ' i. . sentative setting forth a )Jetitij)n for record, it'l111y. ,Master will, at the north entrl111ce N' CE .OF P'.....!lEN·vis~UI tance ,or 135.52 feet; thence South. D1STiUCT.COUR'l' . ·Otder ofCO$pleta. Settlement of Notiee is i'Urther given that 'on of the'Lineoln COllIl!'Y Courthouse, 'I , O.F.•S.m..IlI

T....... "'.... . 89' 55 50" Eallt a distllncel'lt689.04

COUN'l'Y()F L1NCOLNElItate~Personal~ptel!entativeMay 8, 1989, at 1:30 p.m, on the' qarrizozo, New Menco, sell all the ' fee~; thence North 00"04' 10" £ll~t$'l'ATE OF NEWmJXIC() . ~n be held at the I)istrict C()11lt.o£ steps oftbe Lincoln County Court;. nght, title and interest of the THE STAT£ OF NEW MEXICO'll diiltanee o£.S11.96 feettll the; Il!Ucl

,lNTHE MAT'J.'EROF T8J!l ", ~mcoln Co~ty,New Mexic!!, ,s~t- house, Clll'ri*o~o,NewMeldco, the aliove-named Defendant(lIi in Md TO THE FOLLOWING NAMED place oi' begil1nl,l)gand tontaunng:ESTATE OF LEO M.. twr in OllOUOZD, New ldell1CQ on', undersigned"aa Special Master, to the hereinafter described teal 'DEFENDANT: Robert L, Boverie, 45 aetes more.or less; . '" ..••. .

BURDR'l',neeeuecL the lat day or May, 1989,at9:00 willllell the above-d.ellcribed~ estattl. 'to the 'highest ~idder fot .YOU A1!E HEREBY NOTlFlEDSUBJEOT TO any restricti()l1.s,.' Probate Noo PB·89.13 o'elocka.m,. " ',... erly to the bi~hellt biddetfOr Msh Msh. The pr0JlertY' to be sold ill 10- that an actl()n has been Conunenood ~seme~ttl,resetVations or .o~1IfJ

N()TICE TO ClUIDlTO:RS .. ' ,PlItsuant to §4o·1·401, notlce or to 'Sati~fy the JudgID.ents of Ronald Mmd at 114 '!th Street, N,1rl4i1IlO, and is nowpend~ in Li~coln regulations ofrecord, , ..." ". '.NOTIGE IS ltEREBY" GIVEN the time and place>,of hearing on G. Harris and Bill Barrigllfi againat New Mexico 8834lhnd inituate in (ll)unty, New Meneo, entitled Legalf8UHi(S)2lltS0<4)6t18-

. .~ H '

" , .. ':"w '!t;o'- T"~' te '-dwtcnr""';' ,-

Page 18:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER


...ONDO VAUIY .INlila •GlIIIllty'...rdlng

. .mI=g1'!lOllli1l,'· ."......,·for .ppolntlllent

WILL PAY CASH - for usiw. horseand stock trailers. Also horsesbought lind sold. Carl l)raper,378-8166. 17-D·13-tfc

CALL 257-4001- to find out IIboutputting a classified ad in theRuidoso News. M-R-61-tfc

AT'JOYCE'S - Furniture Ba1'11 wehave a 1IIrge inventory of rell­sonably priced furnitUl'e lind ap'pliances. Open 10-5, 6 days IIweek. We buy, sell and trade.650 Sudderth. 257-7575.


TIGaT BUDGET? - Used officefurniture. Wide selection, goodquality,goodpric~.NowbuyiIlg

lind selling. Ruidoso Office Supp­ly. 257-2281, 257-7014.

, 2o-~101-tfc

FIREWOOD FOR SALE - drycedar lind pinon. Compllre qUll1i­ty and price, best wood in ,town.Porters Nursery, Highway 70East. 378-8347.


HUMANE SOCIETY - Kits N'Kaboodles shop now open. Newinventory - all types of windowcoverings; plus donated odds andends. Open Wednesday, Fridayand Saturdlly 10 to 2. GllvililnCanyon Road. Volunteers wel­come. . H-37-tfnc

MASSAGE THERAPY IS FOREVERY BODY - Relax,rejuvenate. ClIll Jlln Prince atThe 'Penect Ten, 258-3222.

M-P-65-tfcCOMPLETE - full bath addition

to your home for lIB little as $125per month. ClIll Parsons Me­chanical, 257~228. 18-P-71-tfc

FIREWOOD - jUIliper, cedar,pine, seasoned, delivered. lind

. stacked. Stove cuts availll'l)le:257-5966. M-W-78-tfc

BUYING - wrecked CIIrs for sal­vage. Mountain Slllvage/ ~iJBt ofBack 40 Ttailer Parll:. 378­4545. M-B·91-tl"c

FOR SALE - tops\lil, $6 per yard.Phone 378-4396. M·H-96·tfe

FOR SALE - Olivetti Praxis 35portable typewriter. 257-5120.


lightly used. Clll1 fur list. 336­4978. M-I-97-4tp

TWO MILK COWS - for sale. OneHobltein heifer with week oldcalf; one Guel'l1Sey cow with newbo1'11 cal£ Dunagllll Farm, 257­2078. 22-D-97-tfc

DUCANE - nlltural gllS grill in­stll11ed but never used, $250.257-2515, no calls lifter 4 p.m.


STORAGE BUILDING - and 01',childs play house fur sille. 106Jack Little Drive, 258-5846.


MOVlNGSALE - 25'45 Sudderth,outside only, 9 un. Baturdlly15. . M-A-99-1te

TWO FAMILY YARD SALE­April 15th, 9 a.m. to 5 )Y.m. 197Niblic Court on Cree MelldowsGolfCourse. M-P-98-2tp

MOVING SALE - 5 piece diningset, rocking chllir, student desk-and--bookcase,--mg--waterbed,dresser, bookcllse and guitars.257-4755I1fl;er 5 p.m. 20-P-98-2tp

14 USED GLASS ~ door ))lInels,

meIIch. 4 used 2'x2' sky lights,oeach. 130 used ceiling tiles

15 for the lot. See at West WindLodge, 208 Eagle Drive between9 a.m.,5 p.m. Plellse no phonecalls. 37-W-98-2te. .

.Adorable, German Shepherd/ChowI ;.. ~~i;)J!l~>tpl.I.ppi~sJOOl<i~g.. :

for new home. Need lots .. of TlC. Sood'with

~~~ . children.

Call 378-4628.

, .



• New Homes '. Repalrs• Remodeling


CERAMIC TILESales - Installation - Repair

N.M. Uc••13566

Little Creek Construction336-4.34.6 _


UCIIlQ.e '28481 • BUDded aDd tn.ured

---COmmercial '& aesidentlal­CODstructlon

New Construction. AddltioDs.RemodeUug. Deck Repairs.

Roofing, MaSODry,Sheetro,!k Repalr. Insurance Work

- No Job Too Small-- No Job Too Large-

gutdity Work •. All Work Guaranteed• 257-7818

II~il~ .Were bornun'dl9f a fullE'!"!'V~IC~'T~I~()~N'" moon.


Call 251..4001";;,..-"'_''';.'::::"=::;";;2".=:..=-..,...... ........- be.fore 5

. ~

• April Special •• •• Bring fhls ad fo receive •• , 25010 off for 1 wash load, •• Mon. thru Thurs. 8 a.'m. - 12 noon -: 3rd Washer Load Free :• Shirts $1 .50 • Panls -$2.00 •• Wash, starch and press _• •• FamilyIBundle drop oil SOc lb. •• Ola's Laundry 1101 Sudderth... _-_ _ .


is taking applicationsfor a position in

•• ; 5


The Ruidoso News

Sureia-job-at McDonald!s is work., But it's also achance to meet peo­

ple, make lots of friends, ~nd takepart In McDonaJd's..ponsored ac­tivltles.And, while most companIesmake your schedule to fit theirneeds, we'll do everything we can togive you hours that are best for you, 'In addition, we oller: •

• Regular Wage Reviews• 'h Prtce Meals• FREE Uniforms

So. If you'd like 10 put some and fleXibility Into your life, stop .into McDonald·s. Talk to the storemanager and find out more aboutour openings on the Crew team.

Always. An Equal OpportunllylAffirmative Action Employer.

Job reSponsibilities. include selling, layout and ptoofing. Good 9 rammatical'sklllsreqUired; computer experience helpful.Salary or salary plus commission.



Pick up applications at

TH~Rliiao1r~·NI'\MS104 Park Avenue

McDonald's144 SudderthRuidoso, New MexicoPeople,Our Most ImportantIngredient

RUIDOSO CHRISTIAN SCHOOL is tak­ing applications for summer school which willbe June 5 through August 18 (with July 3-4oft). Ages 3 years through fifth grade. Space islimited to 35. We provide light scholastics in aChristian atmosphere.

SPRING CLlMNlNG ....:. yard work,trash hIIuling, light dirt andgrllvel hIIuling, tree removll1.257~966. M-VV-~~c


, .!,

• •

-, "


The Ruidoso'expandiligits~

COh'lpO$ing Department.Looking for appUcantsto fiU two

part time positions.Accurate typing requir~d•.

Ability to proofread, paste-up andtomputer experif~mc.helpful.

Piok Up Applications-AtThe Ruidoso News

1.04 Park Ave. . .'



TRACT 3 of the ARMSTRONGTRACTS, Ruidoso Downs,Lincoln County, New Mexico,lIB shown by the plilt thereoffiled in the Office of theCounty Clerk and Ex-OflicioRecorder of Lincoln County,April 15, 1970, in Tube No; 368.The above described property is

located on Miriam Road, RuidosoDowns,. New Mexico. Said Judg­ment directed ,foreclosure of theSecurity Agreement and FinancingStatements and Mortgage held bythe Federal Deposit Insumnce Cor­poration as follows:

Amount ofPlaintift's.Judgment-··· $64,082.86Interest to date ofSlI1e. .~:prll28.1989· $1,315.16SIIeeial Master's Fee $200.00T"otal $65,598.02Employment SecurityDepartment'sJudgment $1,389.51lntetest to .Ma115,1,989 $796.61Tofill $2,186.12 .Inllddition to the above. there

will be aC(:1'Qitlg:tost, togethClt' with ..the cost ,of publication of thisNotieEl,a,ndattQrney-feea., WITNESS my hand and seal

L .... Ih'dda otAi..,ll 1989. ........ . y 1'.... . ........IIIILuIl'tJ.Ji .niu


L. __

•68 I The RuldolilO News I Thursday. April HI,1989 • I.

LEGAL NOTICE e'I' .-1"-:' "d' . PREG.~AN.T, NEED ~ELP'l- call SALES PERSON - with strong CALL 257-4001- to find out IIboutl NEED SOMETHING DONE? -RESO'#~c%f~GAL .... ";8S81 ,{e ,-'" ,. Blltbright,-(916)633.18lr~S-87_tfc 't;· . :v~~el:~J:ip~7 ~;d:i:~

Notice is hereby given thIIt the . , .... ' DON'T BE A THROWAWAY _ Re- U11ssion;,Will train..~pplY:in per- DEPENDABLlif CLEANING..,.. a~d ylll'd c\\re, tree tI:im-Bolll'd of EduCiltion ofHondo Valley J?~DI.!~I?S f.q~L9~A~l?lf!!=.I;>..._....Jl!9!lL...y.l!.ur.Jh!!'L.;!ll!m.....£.~I,ll\._ .~on:~~so ~~rd" Ll~~~~_.. m • SJl!xtCjl,~G!l.,lMlo.I!,......ll~qp..ta....·~-'- U11ng/~emoval, cleanup, hauling, ...._

. """Public'Sclwobr,j)istrict'26;--eouIIty D te 111 to ~ury •. "'v-....."'.,.."'w' homes. IIlId yard care..Sneeillllz. .etli7'E~l1lIbllf."'37S:--of Lincoln, State of New Me"";co, READER .ADS ONLV~ Friday, ona your uunn~ cans' .' -- .. . - ~ II'. 8229 28 H 95 5tp

- . the Boy Scouts ofAmenCIl Troop NO'" T'A TT™G APPLICMTIONS ing in Window. lind Chimney·· . - - -and the. State Depa..........ent of Edu· 8:30 a.m. for the Monday Issue', 'and 11 L" Cl 10" .....~, .' .... -;:- I' V . 11 11 .1_-..• "'f". • . 195 t e no~n Ions Uu. for bartenders and cocktllil c eanmg. IIcation oIlle C ewus

Cation, School Finllnce Division will Wednesday, 8.30 a.m. for the Marked,. collection dump!itel'S waitress. Please apply in person and maintenance. Call 378-4127.

:h~fo~ ~:~tll~~:QO~~ ~~~:::;Ei~;E~DER ADS are &~pro::a~~~thec~u:~rdo~~ :~nI~iro~~oo:n~::e}.':~I1: YAlW eLEANING-'lIl;:~~~~~'rn9'88-~re989senbt ':f atmtoendmnent to it: h' did . I I'" • crumpled CIlllS preferred. JOIn us pm'21-H-98-tfc trimming, raking pine needles:

u ge re eC recen sc e u e on y n consecutive in this colDIDUIlity effort to recy- • .,,," y;'OU WOKlNG . fi . • b hIIuling, minor carpentMT work,funding changes by· the State Legis· . tl b I cl L-48-tfnc....".. - 01' II JO .~Issues or on,a one me· as s. e. where you can lea1'11 and ea1'11? painting. 257-2266.tat:~, ~:~:~0~11~8~1::' DEADUNes.FOB.ALL'JllSPLAY B~GO-Chllmber o~ qommerce Want to Imow.h!!w tQbave: the M-A-96-8tpthe Hondo Valley PUblic Schools·Li- ADS' Th d 5 . f th m Cllpitan. Th~daymghtsat '7 ,"Best buns in town"? We're look- MIKE'S LAWN SERvICE·:.... lllwn-brllry, Hondo, New Mexico. . ~rs a!, p.m. or e "p.~, east Mam Street. Come ing for mature and responsible, maintenllnce and general clean

Hondo Board of Education Monday Issue, Tuesday, 5 p.m. Jomus.. ,17-C-2-tfc fullorpllrt-time.Mustw\lrkp.m. up. Willing to work weekends.Is/Alberto G. Montez for the Thursday issue. PREGNANCY CRISIS SERVICE and weekends. IIpply ill pel'Son For II free estimate, CIIll 378-

President DEADLINES FOR ALL SHOW- - Call 257-5185. M-D-98-8tp Tuesday 01' Friday, 2-4 p.m. 8556. 19·L-97-8tpLegal '6143 2t(4)6,13 PROOF ADS-REAL ESTATE OR FAMILY <!~SI~ CENTER 24 Schlobsky's. 46-S,98-2tp WILL DO YARD WORK - for

hour cnBlS line. Answered by more information, call 257-mJi~~~~ll.?GAL CLASSIFIED: Thursday, 3 p.m. Ruidoso Police. 257-7365. Full Time Position Open 6176. M-C-99-6tp

NOTICE forthEfMondayissuejTuesdaY,3" . M-Jc99-tfnc for crafts person. Must.have 'WOOD FURNITURE -' finishing,Notice is hereby given tha.t the p.m. for the Thursday issue. artistic background. be self refinishing and repllir. Serving

Board of Education ofHondo Vlllley Publisher assumes nd financial reo motivated. Excellent salary. LincolI{and Otero counties. FreePublic Schools, District 20, County " r., II J ~ i t I estimates. Hawkwopd, 648-of Lincoln, 'Stlate of New MeJ<ico, spoqsibilityfortypographicaler~or~in CATTLE BARON '7'" .§li.eak apd '.~~ .:rr:e ~~~2~ew- m 2990. M-G-99-6tpand the State Depllrtment of Edu- advertisements except to publish a Seafood Restaurant, located 657 CARPENTER - will build to suit.cation, St;hool Finance Division will correction in the next issue. ' Sudderth Drive, is accepting ap- FeIlces

igates, carports, 'install

OIl April 18, 1989, lit the regular' plications for lounge help, fuod F' d drywll1, paneling. Very rea-achool bolll'd meeting at 7:00 P.M. CLASSIRED RATES service and salad preps, days nen S, sonable:rates. John, 378-8178.will preseIlt an amendment to its One Time Rate Only and evenings. Apply in person M-W-99-ltp1988-1989 budget to reflect recent (Sales Tax Inelu.ded) for appointJnent, Monday Fun&funding chan b th State Le . through Silturdily 2:30 • 4:30ges y e ~ 16 WORDS OR LEss..:. ~.$2.56 . p.m. Group Health BenefitslLature, ThChaptertin1°will7\ Ib98h9 Id .' 11~ WWOORRDDSS..· · ·_..••..···..·..•• ~~~ a\>l1.~able; N.ophone calls. . F.le·X'I b·.1eaws. e mee ng e em.. . " _ ~ 0 C tfi 'the Hondo Valley PublicSchoola Li- 111 WORD5. _ ; 3.04 E. .E. ' 34- -40- cbrllry, aondo, New Mexico. 2OWORD5.·..•..· · S.20 BUSINESS" OPPORTUNITY - H'Qu' rs,

Hondo Board of Education 21 WORD5. _ _ 3.35 good income, must be aggressiveIs/Alberto G. Monte~ 22 WORDS 3.55 and willing to work, not real

.. President : :~:~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: estate reIated.258-5677 days,Legal 16143 2t(4)6,13 2S WORD5. 3.l19 336-4542,258-4144 nights.

LEGAL NOTICE 2& WORDS A.15 20-C-96-6tpTWELJ,i"fH JUDICIAL 7:1 WORDS .4.33 RELIABLE PERSON - to train as

DISTRICT COURT 28 WORD5. __ _ _ AA7 sales ~lerk. Part and full-time2!1 WORDS _ _ _ A.63 '"

C01,JNTY OF LINCOLN 30 WORDS 4.80 for summer sellson. KnowledgeSTATE OFNEWMIl:XICO 31 WORDS _ 4Jl5 of Spanish very helpful. Must be

FEDERAL DEPOSIT 32 WORDS 5.11 very friendly and get along withINSURANCE 33 WORDS _ _ _ 5.27 people. References required.

CORPORATION in its 34 WORDS _ 5A3 Retired welcome. Good workingCorporate Capaeity as 35 WORDS 5.59 conditions. Apply fu person. Cov-

Liquidator of First : :~:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~ ered Wagon, 2526 SudderthNational Bank of Blind Ad "" _ _ _ 1.511 Drive. 42-C.97-tfcLineoln County, THE RUIDOSO NEWS NOW ACCEPTING - applications

Plaintiff, forsllmmer employment. Call257 4001 653-4425, Wednesday thru Sun-


JENNINGS CARPENTER,. NEW M":XICO lind training school has teaching

DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, positions IIvailllble July 1st. Re-LO SECURITY PUBLISHER'S NOTICE - All quires NM teacher certificate

EMP iiMENT . . .Real Estate IIdvertised in this with preference given to s~cialDmSION, formerly newspaper is subject to the Fed- education endorsement. For' fur-~~=d~ eral FlIir Housing Act of 1968 ther infol'Illlltion call Elliot Top-

DEPARTMENT,_ which mllkes it illE;g1l1 J;9 ad- per,. 1-354-2211 extension"Defendants. vertise "any preference, liniita- 266. 32-F-97-4tc

CV-88-367 tion, 01' discriminati8ii. bued on BABYSITTER NEEDED - myDivisionm :race, colorl religion, sex, or na- home part-time fora small chil-

AMENDED tioIl$1 origm, 01' an intention to dren. Clll1 257-6310. M-O-97-3tpNOTICE OF SALE make lilly such preference, HAVE MONEY AND FREEDOM

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN limitation, or discrimination." TOO _ Domino's Pizza, thehat b' f D fault J d This newspaper will' nott y virtue 0 a e u g- knowingly llcoopt any IIdvertis- worlds Illtgest pizzll company is

ment lind Foreclosure of Mortgage in~ for real estate which is in now hiring delivery drivel'S. Ifentered in the IIbove'styled and you a:re 18 ""ears 01' older, have IIvio IItion of the lilw. Our readers ~numbered cause on March 11th, lire informed tba.t all dwellings valid drivers license; automobile1989, the undersigned SpeciIIl insU1'llIlce, II good driving recordMIIster will, on the 28th dlly of advertised in this newspllper are and a good l'lmning 001', you CIInApril, 1989, at 11:00 a.m., at the aVortail~ltye bas°n. anT equalI . oP-f make an average of 8-12 dollarsfront entrance of the Administra- p um lB. 0 comp am 0 IIlI hour, enjoy the freedom oftion Building, Ruidoso, New Mexico discrimination, call HUD toll- being on the road. Work flexibleoffer for sale to the highest bidder free at: 1-800-424-8590. hours. Cllsh paid daily. Be partfor CIIsh, first, the personal proper- R-42-tfnc of the excitement of the worldsty described in the Security Agree- ELKS LODGE BINGO ~ every fastest growing pizza deliveryment lind Financing Stlltements ,TuesdllY night lit 7:30 p.m. comPIlllY. To IIpply, stop in yourconsisting.ofthe following: . E-81-tfnc low Domino's Pizza store today

1975 Chevrolet Picku~ Truck; THRlFl' SHOP - Hospital Auxil- or call 257-2011. 9O-D-98-4teVIN: CCZ335J12 70; , illry. Open Tuesday 1:00 p.m. to THE VILLAGE OF RUIDOSO - is1971 Grand Western 4:00 p.m., Wednesdlly thro Sat- tin " ti fi

Mobile Home', da 1000 4 00 accep g appllCil ons 01'ur y, : a.m. to : p.rn. seve=-1 temporary s"mmer POBl'1980 Audi Automobile; 140 Nob Hill Drive. Telephone, ti ",uuch lifeguard hi-

VIN: 43A0122011', 257-7051. H '''.tfnc ons, s liS: ,.cas er,-- lIIOOrer. Positions will be filledwhich lire located on'I'ract 3, FOR ANY PERSONAL CRISIS - lIB needed. Complete job descrip-

5!~~e~~~~~i~! ~.a7iiao~:~~ Hotline ·Will:!~~:'1~d~s~;ala ab~:following described real property 10- M-55-tfnc Mea ows Drive. 258-4014. EqUll1

ted · Lin In C N M . YOU CAN GIVE - the gift ofaight employment oppo:rtunity:: m co ounty, ew eln- by being an eye donor. Contact employer. 33-V·99-1tc

any Lion 01' call 257-2776 for NUCLEAR TRAINEE - highdetmls IIlId a donor CII1'd. Do it school graduate, 17-24, withnow; there is a tremendous need . strong math/science bllckground.for eye tissue. 1.-87-tfnc Pllid schooling, bonuses, rllpid

TRYING TO REACH MORE _ advancement. Relocation at ourpeople than our low market? expense. Call 1-800-354-9627,Hqw about 215,000 rea.ders in 33 Mondlly·Fridlly, 9 a.m.-4J..m.hometown newsp~Pi'l1'S II1l over' -99-1taNew MeJ<ico. For $85.20 yoUr 25 APPLICATIONS - now beingword ad will reach, 33 pa}lll,rs taken' for sales person, excellentoutside ofAlbuquerque. Call 111e job for college student. Apply inRuidoso News at 257-4001 for person, Thunderbird Trading,mQre information. R-92-tfnc 2527 !;lUilderth. 19-T-99-tfc





. ~.


•."-'••11''11'iI".'.'5I11ii1hilz_c.·cli'ZI_CIlO..Z.· .zzlza.zrZ·II'sIIlZ••1lIi'illlllfliFIIIJlit'iIlIl.ZllllIII:5I1m.'5sztllmIiftilriil'·WII'.·lIiI'tlllll·.'.Jii"·iI"S.b..'.r..r·'MIiio..,IIli'f.,._ ..Iio'•••';,;,,;:..,...T ' riiii··,i..5ziii..i..'b..fiii..hsz 'h..> · , '3 "W?U..*.t53'..=J~;;:·;· , ...::..,;. _ ••_"<,-.•••_"'-' "',.-;;;:.. ' •...;;;;;, __• __: __-.....;u<, n ; ", ,.. ,J

Page 19:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER

· .:. . • _., ' ,-, ,.'


, . .



.. ....

.,_., .. ,,, ..._.,.. _,...•.

Behind Baskin Robbins378·4087

Acreage near Capitan040 acre fracfs lolnlng theforest. Owner financing.

010.53 acres, $22,500, greatview, owner financing.

oMany more acreage tractsfrom 1 to 10 acres.

By Owner .. ""~:'\";'

Two Bedrooms, 1 bath, IIvi'1g room, kitchen.Lar 9 commercial I L


WllL TRADE El Paso ~ouse forRuidoso property. House~ne blockfrom EI Paso Country diub. Fourbedrooms. 3 baths. livingroo~den.2 fireplaces, study off master. Ap­proximately 3500 sq. ft. on approxi­mately one acre. Asking $236,000.Prefer Alto but will look at otherarea. Nancy Lore, Coldwell Banker.SDC. 257-6111 or 378-4741.

Lamoyne CarpentyLand Sales

Capitan, N.M.505..354..2281

Homes and Mobilesin Capitan

-2 bedroom, $22,500. withowner financing.

03 bedroom, 2 bath brickhome. $65,000.

Promote your own note.-4 bedroom, 2 bath home on9.3 acres. $59.000, 10% down,30 year financing on balance.

-Several good buys onmobiles With acreage.

-Owner financing.

REAL.. .





... Ruidosc:VOoWns; NM;88346

CLEAN. MOBILE. FurniShedr 2 bedroom mobile on woodad lot.Would· cl)~d.lIrowner f1nailo tlg lit $23,000,

GOT IT ALl.. Nice 3 bedroom, ~ bath home, small barn,ohickenhouse. gardettllrea, 6+ acres of land and only priced at $68,000•.Owner trn,,\clng. 11&1201· .' ..'

OLD & COMFY. Large home,greal patlo,pel'fectiocallol'!onbigwoOded 101, #90556 • . .

QUALlfV\QUALITY, QUALItY. 'three spacious bedrooms, eltQhwllh own Dathand closet. CUlllOfil-nIlldeoakcabll'lll\li, Inkitchen, QU~lIty construction, throughouMI90391. ~


TOP BIWlS REALTORS - hascabins and condos Tor rent:nightly, weekly, monthly. Call267-6327. M-T-57-tec '

RACING SEASON - lovely threebedroom, two bath, washer anddryer, dishwasher, microwave,color TV, deck. 806-894-4598.


UNBELIEVABLE ACREAGE ­29.5 acres in Alto area. SierraBlanca and Capitan views.Stream, meadow, orchard, heavi­ly wooded, privacy, good well.MlUIt see to appreciate. StephenStout, ownerlbroker, 1-898-2188,call collect. 31·S-47-tfc

NEED A NEW BATHROOM? ­complete full bath Cor as little as$125 per month. Call ParaonaMechanical, 257-5228.

18-P-71-tfc#1 CRl!JEK RUNS THROUGH ­

back yardl Three bedroom fur­nishad- home, on Carrizo Road,$33,900. #2 Capitan, three-bedroom1Ilobileon&.75 acres in'­village limits. Partially CencedCor horaea, $49,500. #3 Charm­ing three bedroom log cabin withhuge river rock fireplace. 220Rio Arriba, $63,000. All withowner financing. Owner/Agent.257-4861,leave message.


A LARGE 2,200 SQ. Fr. - houseon 3/4 acre of flat land. Close-in,all city utilitiea. Reduced to$85,000, call 257-4798 or 257­6918. 23-L-I04-tfc

BEAUTIFUL - 2 year old home, 3bedrooma, 2 'batha, very energyefficient, beautiful lot and view.Pticed to sell, $59,500. Calldaytime 258-3313; after 6, 378­5470. . 25-H-6-tec

EXECUTIVE OFFICE SPACE ­for lease or aale. North CreckProCessional Park. StephenStout, 1-898-2188, call collect.


OWNER FiNANCING - threebedtoom furniahed home..Gameroom, new carPet, freshpaint, paving. 108 Yellow Pine.Breathtaking view, $68,500.Ludwick Realty, 257-4861, leavemessage. 22.L-73-tfc

IrlSpllTUiorr. 7£ewlitsAPARTMENTS

. ""Dol <1PJ'ad>uil!7l!->._


RENTALSEfIIcIonoy op-""",Fu_-BIll, PoJd $225 to $2552 aodroom Mobl/e, Furnlshed­BHI,PoJd_g..2 Bodroom CaJ>In, Unlumllhod.BIll, Paid .2Bedroom Cabin, Fumlshod - Plu.BBl. ~oo2 BodIoom, 2 Balh Unlumllhod •PI.. BIll,COmmorcloJ ftulldlng__od 2bodroom CObin2 Bodroom, 1112 bllh,Fv_ or .Unlurnl.hod-W_ PokIa57~7313 It

m.h_7M .


808 A. MILLER378·8143


81LI:. PIPPIN8rok"'r. to ....



~~..,-.__ ,I ,._ •. •. - ,.. _.. "-'·'-..0'

1601/HighWc;lY 70 East • P. O. Box 966,•

DOlL.HOVSE, Three bedrOom, 2 bath homeon woOdedlotwith fenced· blllky'/Itd. Double carport Wilh storage. #80995 . '.. .

.fx.TRA APARTMENt. Chalet type l10me wl.1h lotsOttrees and·:t:llTIffor whomever. DoUble catportan\1 recently redUced to $97,500,#90471 '.. .

HOME FORVOUR HORSES.'Home with oVlilr:t,OOO sq: fl•• atlachlld.=,barn,iI81111,10+ac;res, tiverfro~tage,cIOIIl-IO tnick,yet prIVate.., - ., • $ • -, , .'.'

FIRST MONTH FREB for SPECIAL MARKET RENTof $204 - $225 per month (1 bedroom);$243 - $275 per month (2 bedrooms).

Certain iniCOm.e level mstrictions apply in accordance to FmHA PJ.~ 515.

Come see us at the corner of' . ~South Spring Rd...rid ''Bn Street

(off Hwy. 70 llasl)Ruidoso· Down"s or"..u (505) S18-4236

..t _y ,,,,asonabie time.

Secure living in a community atmosphere. -A multi-family (48unils), quiet cODlplex in ils fourth year of development. -Modernunils withgasheatingand amplyinsulaled to saveyou $$$. -Snow

..-pl_~d-convenient-to-retallestablislunenls.-Ap;ubnenlsareeqUipped with storage and a laundromat is on the and maintenance resid"" on the premises for"'Vourconvenience. oBandicappfid, seniors and children are welcome.


PROPERTY MANAGEMEN'I' - Ineed several nice houses andcondos Cor permanent rental.Please call Don Hannon, Four

" Seaaona Real Estate, 257-9171.21-H-88·tf'c

. . '.~ .~_ ..'---'- -~ .. ~ "

SMALL. TRAILERS - auitable fora couple, Call 257-4418. 257­'1697, M-K-1·tec

MOBILE HOME' SPACES ':":':C~r..' rent, Located oil. the ri'ver near

ilhopping center. Call 257-4418, .·2&7-'7697 i .M.K·l-tl'c.

SHAW APARTMENTS -land 2b.edroom. .£urnishlld,a~rbnell.ts

~Wtl:fh~Jocati'tl1M~~~cSMALLZBED.ROOM ..:. '~eari1

neYl'~.P!lrtially£urniahed.. .$3UW1l1onth. 267-5410 01' 257·9555:'. . .M.V49-tre

·.soli Rl!JNT':- Ime Waroom hOUBIl;''nice. Ruidoso Pownll, no pete.

CallS78.-4802 or 3'18-4689. .. MoA-li4-tf'c

NICE' 'FURNISHED ..:-:' oM· bedtooIIlapartment, bUlIl.!aid. ,. One pet1i!On only, na ~tlf. 250 .

Month. 1-4340«28. M·H-96· 2tpSMAL'L'CtEAN':':"; $mclen~

· ,cabins. 'Bills ]lIlid,$195 to $24,y'Call Vin, 257-2631. ~~P-7g.tre




For a CpmpllmenfdryMdryt(ay facled ..Call Pdf Arvizu


H &:: 11 ElIt'l'E RISESlU:P:rCLlSGCJt1'f'i'1!;R

CASH. For .

. .Alllmlnum~....,Cop.llerf'" .... ; Bra.&, Nlln~feiTOus M(!'·· .

Wwy 10 ~sf, Industrial Complex. .

. ThlJrsdlilY, April 13, 19a9l The Ruidplilo News / 7Jii1"FRIGlDAllUil-'washeJ:!drylli:Jinit. .. . .. ONlll BEDROOM HOUSEl - fur~ HOYT' APAR'l'M1IN''1'S - two TWO LARGE ..:..; private mobile CRl!JE' MEA:OOWS ....;.. ·~tmee .

~er"<.g9J)J;l. was:\lllr needs tuP . . . nished, $200 month plus billa bedr~Ql.'Ps, one 1I~ baths.. Un- .. hQme Iota, $85 month. Close to bed,roQIll, 2 1/2 bath eondowithallal:rep)aced. Body ell:cellent. '. "...,. ..•.. " . . . . and dllPQsit. Close to race. track. Cw;mshed.t aI,l appliancef,j, water. . track. 204-206· South . 2nd, two car garage.&!:cellent eondi-

......:;B;;.;eauti.p).e!l.t. Uned dtapea; ADVER'rIS!1l-·~in-the-·cIas!lifieda-.. 37$-4396. M-H-96-tec ....R,l!ld. Protesslonal Pro e ~_ Do~~•. Land:!t?w .h~~ &ril 15:._ ... ..RQP"Jt:t~.o~.1mv...J!! ....· OO''i$O' .-Mii1W·liR'~7-=2228;'"-py:cmliilg:25T-4()()I;"~so' SPACIOUS NEW' coNIiOS=:.,:--· agetxient; m ..' ve. ---,:s; or phone ltOswell '1l2"2- and assume loan. all 257-3100 •257~5579. •. 22-D-99'-2to Newa, .' R-6l;.tec loaded with luxuries 6-12 month 258-5599. . I&-P-73-tec 3198.' . 24-R-99'-ltp evenings. 24oM-82-tec' ..

YARD' SALE - 'dQthea, . mis~el- 1986 DOOOE 150 PICKuP....: 1982 leases. Unfurniahed, two FURNISHED - ime bedroom COMPLETELY FURNISHED - FOR SALJ!l BY OWNl!lR - Palo~nIlOWI, eaJl;l.JlClI.',c/U', !?ollt and Wagoneer 360,~.V-8; 4 whellL bedroQI.'Ps, 1,400-1,500 .sf, $400. house. Has store room, fenced two bedtoom mobUe, including Verde Ranchettea. ThreePlekup. Saturday,·, April 15, 8 drive, both vehielea in excellent Three bedrooms, 1,800-1,900 sf

iyard, 258-3397. Jack Mize, utilities Cor 4 ""Immel' months. bedrooms, two baths bam,

.a,Jl1'~f?6c,p.lJl."On~4ay~nly.ln ... condition, Gateway ExXon; 25'7- $500. Complete fumiture renta Brokerlo~n61'. M-M-97-tec· .$350 per month, -near the "Y". . workahop, double car gkageonJunetlOn Road, RmdQso. , 2633.' M-Q.63-tec packages beginning $135. 378- INNSBROOK CONDOS - two Subatantial adjWltment Cor . ap.proximately two acrea. Horaes

'. . ,23-G-99'-ltp 1985 OHEVY S-10 _ TahQe pack- 8080, 25-C-83-15tp bellrooma, two bathll. Cllll Jeffat wif-ter occupancy. Shown by: ap- Illiowed, cloae to racetrack. CallYARD SALE - baakethall goal, age 4x4 Call 257-6373 or 257- Doug Baas and Associatea. 258- pomtment. 257-2340. 26-D-99-2te 378-4111 after 6 p.m. 30-S-87-tec

refrigerator,. dinette set, ~mps, 7479.' M-R-89,tec TRAILER FOR RENT - call 257- 5252. M-D-97-7te ~QB!LE HQMEL--.twt) bedrolllJl. FQR.sAL!LBY OWNER -hlll1ll11,.. -.~eos1»'WI·e.~._,.rydr

B. oapeo'Clr,a'b--ms'JDIace, U!:-i976 CORVETTE .:.:... elCtra"aharP 4001;askforRolland. TWO BEDROOM - adobe hOWIe, two, furnialied. can 257- two bedrooms, one bath,

"'.... 10k· .. dId d $6500 b Call M-R-84-tel1c dining, lilrge living room, '5046. M-D-99-tec fireplace, large deck. In town,pel'.. CanY!ln. Friday and Satur- ~ih_66:3.e, , M-i3:97-tec THREE BED&OOM - mobile fireplace, patios; carport, ex- FOUR BEDROOM CONDO _ in adorable and energy efficient,daY,·9 a.m. to 4, p.m. 20-S-99-1to . home with washer/dryer. Call cellent location, $385 month. Pinon Park with large game $47,900.1.2118-7294. 20-F-93-tfc

DISABLEDWOMAN-n,eedsyour 1982 OLDS CUTLASS -Clera 257-4418 or 257-7697.M-K-83:tfc 378-4159. M-C-!,I7-tee room. Fully Curnished. 258- OWNER MUST SELL- one acreQld unUaed furniture. Call 671- Brhoughdri~' FoCur d;oor, fronlt FIRST MONTH FRl!JE - two PLEASANT _ well designed .fur- 4295. M-Y-99-1t;e North H..nghts Park, under-· 43"8 1'4 C 99 2t w eel ve, A , crmse contro , .. . ~.~. . ... . -. - - P good tirea, other extraa. 106,000 bedl'!'0m condominium. Part~ly nished· one bedtoom holUle. TWO BEDROOM _ 1 1J2 bath con- ground utilities, good acceas.

1000 WOLFFSUNBEDS - toning trouble free JIlilea. One owner, furniIlhed,. water, cable pmd, Living room, patio, privacy, $400 do An Pinon Park. Fully Cur- Make offer. 1-505-546-8390.tables-facial toning. Save 50%. good mileage,-$2;350($500 be- good location. 257-2178. . month. 378-4159. nished. 25&-4295. M-Y-99'-lte M;G-95-9tpPricea from $2411. Body wraps- low blue book). 336-4733..' M-L-85-tec M-C-97-tec ONE BEDROOM '- Curniahed PRICE Rl!JDUCED ownerl!Uilps-lotiona. Call. today. Free 28-L-97-4tp ONE BEDROOM -' apartment, re- THREE BEDROOMS - two baths, apartment,$65 per week, utili- moving. Immediate occupancy..eolorcatalog.I-8oo-228-6292. FOR SALE - 1981 Cadillac carpeted!lnd re:JU1inted. $220 utility room, nice· yard, $300 ties paid. 258-4295.. M-Y-99-1te Four bedrooms, four baths.

==,.....,=-;==="'==."'.".;N;;,-,.::9:::9..;:-I:=ta Eldorado Biarritz; 1973 VW Su- monih, bills pmd. Call Jace . month. Call 257-5793 after 6 TWO BEDROOM MOBILE HOME Beautiful aspen woodwork,APRIL BLOWOUT SPECIAL .::.. on . . per 'Be-etle;'196'l' ·OheVJ:' Ensor, Coldwell Banker, SDC.. p.l11; ,~-P-99-1tnc _ Hollywood area. $275 per hobby room, walk-in closets, hot

· all used .or new 1988 mobile pala. Call after 5 p.m. weekdaya ~7-51l1. 17-E-88-tfc EFFICIENCY CABIN - $200 month plWl utilities. Sell fur tub, perfect Cor pets. Convenienthome modela. Starting from $99 or anytime weekends. 257- FOR Rl!JNT -two bedrooma, one month plus deposit, all bills $3,800. 258-4295. M-Y-99'-lte location. $235,000, assumabledown, $99 month; doublewidea 7616. . 22-W-97-8tp bath, furniahed. $325 month, paid: Upper Canyon, no pets. EXCELLENT LOCATION _ by loan. Call Jean, J J'a Companies$1,9.9 .month, 11.99% financing, 1987 TEMPO _ all wheel drive utilities paid. Call .. Rose, 257-7543. . . M-M-97-tec -elementary schoola. Three . Inc. 258-4379. 34-J-96-4teGidl Sergio, 1-8$1-5151. N-99-1ta low miles. Finance Cor $195 ,Owner/agent; 258-5772 after 5 Rl!JTAlL ~PACE _ in Village Plaza bedroom, two bathll, large Cenced LOTS/LOTS - Foreat Heights.

PUBJ)lC NOTICE~ ~oneer metal down, 30 day free warranty. p.m.. 17-P-90-tfc. Shoppmg Center, 2306 Sud- yard, $550 plus utilities. 257- Prices start at $4,000. Low downbUildinga,30'x!W'xlO', $4,152;. RuidosoForll, Lincoln, Mercury. LARGE - one bedroom aparbnmt. .d~rth. Call 257.»100 .or 258-8208 7672,258-4220. 17-Y-99-2tp Pllyment, payments mpnj;hly at30'JdiO'~10', ~,615; 40'x60'd2',. 378-4400. 2Q.R-98-tf'c $225.. plWl .deposit. Gas and .mghta., . M-P-1I7-tec SMALL ONE BEDROOM _ fur- 8%. 915-683-5497. M-M-96-8tp$6,807;·40'x75'x12',· $8,151; 1987 TEMPO _ 4 'door automa·tl'C water paid. 378>4661.'c TAVEL"" If hom fi .50' 100' 12' $ 1 6 " UJ . 'x -. go course. e or nished apartment with fireplace.

x ,. ,x .• , . 2,63., . air. Finance Cor $195 down, 30 NEW BEAUTWUL - .furnished . lease. Three bedtooms, two Bills paid including basic cable.60'~100xl4 $14,611. Erection dayfreewarr~ty.. Rui~oso Ford, one bedroom apartments with bathll and l!"arage. $550 monthly $300 month plua deposit andavailable. (612)389-8664. Lineoln, Mercury. 378-4400. '. waaher/dryer.One peraon, no plua depoalt.41'l'Barcus. 257- lease. Adults only, no pets. 257-

"""'=~==---=="'",==-iNt-;-~9;,9-:=I=ta· 19-R-98-tec peta, $300 month, billa paid. 2390. 19-N-9J-tec 7267. 23-R-75-tecCASH FOR OLD POSTCARDS - 1987 DOnGE RAMCHARGER - 434-4428. M-H-92-22tp MOVE IN SPECIAL - free wate't

gla~aware, other collectibles. 4x4, automatic, air. Finance Cor SMALL - two bedtoom cabin in and cable. Furnished, twoPl~aae call Roswell, 622·3198; or only $195 down, 30 day free war- Gateway area. Call 257-7186. bedroom, 2 1J2 bath condos.bnng to 208 South 2nd, ranty. RuidoaoFord, Lincoln, • M-R-91-tec Washer and dryer, fireplace.Downs. . 18-R-99-1tp Mercury. '378-4400. 20-R-98-tl'c THREE BEDROOM _ house, 258-3683. 18-M-97-8tp

COIN SLOT room pool ta~le, 1985 FORD - 3/4 ton pickup, 4x4, fireplace, Cenced yard, natural TWO. BEDROOM MOBILES _good c?ndition. Complete Wlth low miles. Finance Cl1r $195 . gas. Very nice, central location, starting at $200, some withacessonea. $250 or best offer., down, 30 day free warranty. $495 month. 267-9128. washer/dryer, private ·lot. Nego-336-9625. M-F-99-1te Ruidoso Ford, Lineoln, Mercury. M-L-91-t(c tiable rent with annual lease.

GARAGE SALE - Thursday 378-4400. 21-R-98-tec FOR' Rl!JNT _ Curniahed mobile 257-2483. M-N-98-t(cafterno~n. Friday and Saturday, 1986 FORD - super cab pickup, home, three bedrooms, 1 1J2 ONE BEDROOM MOBILE - and9 liI.m. till.6 p.m. 141 Lower Ter- two tone. Finance Cor $195 down, baths. Call 37&-8478 or 1-437- . large one bedroom cabin.race. Clom~g out ~o offices, oC- 30 day free warranty. Ruidoso 1817, Alamogordo. M.-S-91-tec Secluded lots, no pets. 257-fice sU'p~lies, furniture, Chev- Ford, Lincoln, Mercury. 378- NIGHTLYIWEEKLY/MONTHLY 2483. M-N-98-tecrolet delivery van, art work, 4400 2Q.R-98-tec b' dpaint lady's clothes household' . - ca m, eon !lS, townhouse, FOR Rl!JNT IN CAPITAN - Couritem;, fabrics,boob, ete. New 1986. FORD BRONCO "'7 4x4, low homes and mobile rentals. Cal~ bedroom on 7 acrea, $400 month.itema daily' Excellent prices nnles, extra clean. Finance Cor Century 21 Aspen Real Estate, Call after 5 p.m. 354-2627.

. 38-M-99-1to $195 d0WI!-' 30 day fre«:!- Vicki 257-9057. 19-C-92-tfc M-C-99-2tpR=O=~="'.R=E=P~LI=C~AS~-do50 and u . ranty. RUldoso Ford, Linc~lli, FOR Rl!JNT - furnished mobile NICE. FURNISHED three

Cjj)l.257-4671 M-D-99-2£ Mercury. 378-4400. 21-R-98 tec home, 3 bedrooma, 1 1J2 baths. bedroom home on -Yellow Pine:. '.' . P 1987 JEEP PICKUP - low miles, Call 378·8478 or 1-437~1817, Great viewl $495 plua utilities.

FOR SALE - coucbea, charrs, AC. Finance Cor $195 down, 30 Alamogordo. M-S-93-tec Owner/agent 257-4861.ta~lea, che.ata, mattres~, beds, day free warranty. Ruidoso Ford FOR Rl!JNT _ two bedroom mobile M-S-99-tecnnrrora .;mcture!\, f.efrigerator Lin In, 1'4 370 "00 '. . 'h'i's AI'F<e Lod "';2805 Sud: co. ercury. a-;o.. furniIlhed,$185 month. Call257. LEASE FOR SUMMER - darlingdJth. pm gill M-A-99-1te 19-~98-~c 2713. M-C-94-tfc two bedrooms, iireplace, llUIl-

USED KELVINATOR _ trash 1985 BRON~O -. automatic, lllJ', TWO BEDROOM TRAILER - room, completely Curniahed andctor Call 258-3420 24,300 nnlea. Finance Cor $195 completely Curniahed. Part bills on the creek. 257·3244.

S9~pa. M-P-99~2t' d0'Yll' 30 day. free warranty. paid. $200 month plus deposit. M-M-gg-ltp~O'rr"""-'--;"''''''''''''=''''::;';,.:;.,';:;;....::;,~p RUldoao Ford, LincolnJ Mercury. Upper Canyon, no pets. 257-·ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE - 378-4400. .L9-R-98-tec 7543. 17-M-96-tec

$4.75 bale.T,h~. Hay Depot. 1977 DODGE RAMCHARGER - TWO BEDROOM HOUSE _ fur-Temnorary location, downtown II t 'cal 4 h el . .Capitan 354-2282' 354-2873 ~ en, e~<!nonn , .w .e lllilhed, cloae to race track. Rea-

· .A. 5 . ,17 H 99 2t ' drive, new tires, tranannsslOn, sonable. 378-4396. M-H-96-tfc......,r .. - - - p- $2,200. Call 257-2390.

WASHER AND DRYER - Cor sale. M-N-98-5te SUMMER Rl!JNTAL twoGood condition, $250. Call 378- 1977 OLDSMOBILE 98 _ great b~drooma, one batha. North Alto4361.' M-W-99-3tp eondition, $1,1700. 1980 4x4 Wlth large deck. Call Gary Lynch

SOLID OAK - chest oC dtawera Sub8ru, runs good, new tires, Realty,257-4011. M-S-99-2tpwith .mirror, $125. Call 257- $1,300. 257-2228,257-5579. >

7672,25&-4220. M-Y-99-2tp M-D-98-2teSIDEWALK SALE - annual SUBARU BRAT...., 1978, low mile-

apring cleaning, Everything· dis- age, AC, cassette radio.!. goodcounted. Bargains galore. tirea, camper ahell, 4x4, '1>1,495.Clothea, jewelry, furniture, anti- 257-9396. M-A-99-1te

,"ques and much: more. Friday 14, HOTROD FOR SALE - 1972.'8~turday 15, Sunday 16, at Cougar XR7, mint eondition withFihders ~epera, 2917 Sudderth. 429 and more. Asking $2, the mam Post Office, Upper Moving, mWlt ae11.257-2078.Canyon. 257-4525. 36-F-99-1re 19-K-99'-2tp~OOD - special off:~eason 1980 EAGLE - S'pOJ"t.GlllJpe, 4x4- pr.tce on hardwood. AvOld thlJ . $2,100 0]).0. Call25'T-432o.- - •.

cold weather rush.257~199, M-D-99-2tp=====,.....,,=-:-'=='!:=';:.M:.-W;.,:.. ...;:~99-5::.::.~.";:j:tp SERVICE TRUCK _ 1983 C20 3/4DISCOVERY TRAVEL -., 257.. ton with eight foot Koenig utility

3030. 443 Mechem, TelTace . boxea. 648-2106. M.P.99-4tpPlaza. For all your travel needs.


C"'PUSLIC NOTICe" .11:00 a.m. " . Aprll,aeth13191 Monfel111' EI Pa 0;'1":)(

AUCTI .,No mll1lmumbld, (tV r .50!'4tPO.....ed .roobUG h,omesWill be lold onll alII' tIme,Many IIkenewL$1,OOO Cashblddepo.11reqUired,Removalby .May 9•. Preview beglntAprlI2:a. ... . .

Curt'. HodglC:ln, Attorney·. (1I15)Il5S·S8711(214) 418-2080

,Ox"yAuctlonH... fX8 088-1lO7~

Page 20:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER

:;,14 14M ',:';iA ._oS .""",04;q:


" -.......

TWO LARGE CUL-DE-SAC LOTS-Own..wiN nRllllCllel_ 0111I_ prJvale loiswllII""osa In 1000001on. LoVely vI..WI_Ie. fiII24S & IlO247

LOOKING FOR A CABIN SITE OR TWO? SId. by slda th_ lois wiD offer lots 01 mountain charm to ....yone IIIlnleach or two for $10,000. CIoII Sh...... I/l0422 lIo 1/10423="THE SIMPLE UFE'"PRICE REDUCTION on 11I1. well ':""'nlllinad mobIle wllh large ""d-on~Four bedrooms, 3 balhs, d~Ubie...rport, fJral$52,500. can Cltulotte. "1932

1.5 ACHES FOR $13;5001 Lev" -Ba with sloraB",lIli"".. barns and corrals -fenced. CaD Elorl•.t9lI393UPPEI.ICANYON LOT-H....vllYwoodtKIand g......,_to.1r1Mlt.AVlIllabiswllllJockeyClubMembarslllpfor$3O,OOll.Call Peggy.19053l1

SECLUDED ADOBE ON APPROXIMATELY 2 ACRES- R.allY .....1hom......)-.>1 to N..llon'" foreaL Jacuzzi, 3_rcwood Irlm. Horsas ..llow..... $16,soo. Call Scoll.182D42 • @ [9'

Put Number 1 to work for you. .....".

OWNER WANTS OUTI Must ....1ilIis cula3 bedroom wllh fsnead back yUd,I"'" p.av......ccess wIth ..I city uunuas,fit any budgall $42,000. CaD Dulen.. New IIsUng.

,-' .

. .VQcation Home

In The PinesTwo bedrooms, one bath,fully ;urnlshed. Excellent

construction. $S2,OQO.



~&~..I 'Box 1714

415 MechemRuidoso. N. M . .88345


.-l'"OUA YEAR"" .­__RnA.,,,,,,

Gary M. Lynch. Broker; fiBS.: 336-4252CIndy K. Lynch, Associate; Res.: 336-4252 'Joel J. Rutten, AssocIate; Res.:257-2021


Property Of The Week

PICTUREsqUE INDIAN HILLS SETTING. Thls­spacious 4 bedroamw 3 bath home has beautifulview. family room, decks and carport. An out­standing opportunity for the area at $99.000~

MOUt:!]"AIN CHARM AND S.!EBBA B.LANCAVIEW are just twoofthls chalel's features. Threebedrooms, 2 bl\ths. beautllully furnished.jacuzzi tUb. deck, fenced y~rd, more! $93.500.

PRIVACY IN THE PINES, Cabin-like retreat hastwo nicely wooded lots. Fully furnIshed 2 bed­rooms, 1 bath. Conveniently located Ito townwith easy access, just $44.950.

Customer SatisfactionIs Our Goal

*~SIBEDUCEP_Owner ready to sell th Is aUrae­. tl ,e 3 bedroom. 1 bath home .wlth fireplace.

covered deck and fenced yard. Right In town Innice neighborhood, now $53,900.

GARY LyncH- .~REfiLTY 257-4011

. " ~

SB/The Ruidoso News I Thursday. April 13. 1989". . .mOELY FURNISUED - three WEST TEXAS' - largest used COVNTRY ES'.r4'l'E,- 6.7 acres, OWNER WISHES TO TRADE t- OWNlilR FINANCING AVAIL:' ALTO VILLA

"biidrOom;tbree bath condo'n~lIlQbilehomedealer·hasover--75· . 4,Ooa squaw... font- homeEth ,.... , .lDli...aC1llB. in Nm:them Colomdo .' AULE·....Jl.3r}IDg ·.two JJ~wmlli"' . ·bel"llhip· ···1to Oree M~adows-oountJoyChm. hOUles. We delivcr in New M~~ s~c:ular'View of Siena adjacent to nat;it>nal forest. ~tb fireplace, SUnI'oom." completely .16.000..0WUI.llell or trade equity and you co. 'Frontier Mobile Housing, Blll,n<la,.Four. bedrooms, tlu:ee . excellent bunting Rnd fishing. funUsbed and 9n the~e~ ,257- or 336-967.'


6627. 24-;F-96-6~ Texas. 1-915.-862-2594. '. game room and bot tub. house W1th hwsefallllities or RANCHltIVESTQCK ~ coinlJlete . '.MOBI~. HOME -;- 10'mS', ~ood '. 25-F-98-7tp 1jj335,OOO. 257~029, 5.9p.m. race barn. Call303-493~75_85. dispersion ohanch.stock. Nee!! a H'OUS

conwtion. Immediate posseS81on. RUIDOSO _ tennil1;'swimn:iing" . 29-M-55-tfc. ' , . ,,28J>98-4tp quarter hQrse~H-bull., bre(;ldUlg cmn r..Call 378-4271 or 354.2423. .golf in the pines of Alto. Beauti- BY 0WN!!lR 55, acres on. San WELL KNOWN MlNNESOTA cattle or a milk cow; Contact Th or four I

=....,,--====---.,......niM;:;.:-P:...-..:9:..;7;..,-6~t~p ful: new~lub house, full meUlb~r-, Juan Rlv~, two home,,!, bUSIness ·ART.JST- desP9rately wants to .. Paul Chavez", ~505)65B4088 ~~iu.H:':PIMA COTTON FAR1':f -' 247 ship WIth g~rgeous executive oppo:rt?JUty, !¥,od fisbing. beau- !clocate ~ the S.outhwest, ~o?k,. after 7 P·Ul. 25-C-99-3tp two ,_Uy. TW'

acres, mineral classified, good hOUle. ProfeS810nally decomted, tiful VIeW, pnred to lleD. 1-682- . mg for Rmdoso propert,y. 'YillUlg ..lito -"0 .101water weD. Trade for property three bedrooUls, three. baths, 3586. . N-99-lta to make cash down, finance 'por-around Ruidoso or Cloudcroft. study, ~ving ~m, ~ng room. BY OWNER - Alto Villa,ge, 1,600 tion on .Ulorlgageand 4'a~ aBallfJ15-445-4473c. .,. 19·p..97-2fltp· . large-kit-chen,Ja(lUZzr--and-Bp~'" sq. ft;;....brtilk;'three'bedl'Oom. 'two llubstantiala1IlOun~brOnze-._-

MOBILE HOME _ 1972 Wayside 915-566-2975,915-751-0046. bath. /{arage, solar, new sun sculptures. Contact Cmdy at14·x65·. Furnished,' two 37-W-98-14tp room, :ji94.500. 336-8130. 257- Ga1'y Lynch Realty. 25--74011.

: bedrooUls, one bath. Located in EQUITY _ in a beautifUlSaIita Fe 9418. 19-C-99-1tc 39-L-99-1tctrailer park. Jackie. 1-806-585- home; for. sale or trade for6536. M-M-974tp Ruid~so lot or cabin.. Call 1434-

7.3 ACRES - beautiful solar adobe ,0625mAlamogordo. 20-S-98-6t~bome. Two bedroolllS. well. LEASEILEASE PURCHASE - twogreenhouse, energy efficient. bedroom, 1 3/4 bath mobile homeLoma Grande, $69.000. 1-242- near midtown, washer/dxyer.3790. M-P-97~tfc Deposit required. 257-5493.

FOR SALE - 2 bedroom 1 1/2 . • 'M-C-98-tfcbath condo. Unfurnished,'beauti- MOBILE HOME/LOT - Ponderosaful view of river Sierra Blanca Heights, joining forest. Nearand downtov:n. $35,950. Sierra Mall. Will deal For in.Owner/agent. Call 257-5100 0':-- formation, 1.393-4206 or P.O.258-3208 night. . 24-P-97-tfc - Drawer p. Hobbs NM 88240.

SACRIFICING furnished. 21-W-~9-ltpskirted 1981 14'x70'"'mobile with FOR SALE BY OWNER - fur-fireplace and new redwood deck nished, three b~roo~, two bath .in adult park. Now, $15.500 for bouse, 1 :U:2 mile,s north of Altoquick sale. Portales, 1-356- on apprOXImately one acre of4276. 20-C-98-12tp land._~36~572. M~Ac99-~tP:..........a,;;;==_

__~t.,_'".....~__..0:1~ ~__-'""._...' __~"";"". ";;""'. '~_",~._.'~,.-.~ ._0.._ " r-- •. ¥ :..~..,.,.~ ._,,~ ~~ ~ '----" _



SOC, REALTORS®(505) 257-51111 (800) 626-9213

MINutES AWAY. WORLDS APART, ~pinGs andthe baautyof spring blooms, !hll

..r<lltdalcolfars'£l.warrn wEllcom9,·W1thll$-lllUld,dO\l(ll'oo-d1lCk. GoOd asllumab/9loan,

An ImJI~nlfyOWnodanclOp.,atod J.kmbw ofCoIdlnIlBanbrR.


2. If you are not 100% satisfiedwith our service to you while yourproperty is under contract, wewill refund your fees .110%.






I. If yon are not 100% satisfiedwith our service, we willcancel your listing contract.,









Page 21:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER




.. !,,






•-,,,' .""lI ',"


. __.. _--.,-'"":-..........~-............-.....-.....-........-....., ······5··tA',···.·,,;'Ie,"••"

-.---- 7", --, ",- ("~~If~~,-, H . '. ' ., - -.- ','-- '. -. '.

,GE - full golf mem­ot -with --no .. -liens. 'Iwner/agent, 622.93437. M~S-99-8tp------~------_._--,-._--_.'~, _..__.,. .

E FOR SALEilI.1II tiDme Oil go" -course.bedl'opm_1l 3 be"'.. ltaree,:llIt"Il...........II•.•amlly or~I.r.t_ h~m. 101 'n-law or) .r OV....lze lot'IT TIlIAPE. 257-81$13.

iill4,SOO & 16.000. Call

r~MALl1 MECHEM- ~.--' -:·~.-t·

SO, N~~;i',88345

!57-6327, .


, '







• ,'0

.' ".

..,-' - ....-.,..

.'.-, ~ -",":-~i'" ."' '.•

.... ,

. . ., ,.'....



-FlourPlain, Self.Rising or Unbleacl1ed; 5 Lb.

All Typ~s ".

'~epsi or 7-Up6 Pack, 12 Oz. Cans

..-.,....'.'._. .-

" --

... - ..


APRIL .12tl1ru APRIL 1$,.,1989. ... .. . ..

SU'"' MOIII TOEa WEal) 'TflUR " P'IV .' SAT, .



"13 14....

••J ..

c- .. .... • •

SAI'£WA¥.;~ .'. '.

16 17 1,8 Where Shopping is- , BdUl' 'l1tIUt Ever!..

. ,'- tto .iII.... 0........ . .


"., ".,


Bath Tissue4 Roll Pkg.

'.......... '



.Navel_OrangesH~gh in Vitamin C; LB



Assorted or Printed; Roll

... '~

';-" " "

*C•••C"enln.. I!qulp••n' Avo...... -., 1rHlD!....t·.ctHItQ_r S.tvICIf BeI!>!h' ,':' .' "'"II> 'Mone" Orci- ,Ai Poe'esi.. SteMp. .

. 'or VOW' $hIippl (:~v.nrenc. '. . .

... . i:,~,,"

" ' ". fI,-.:. ;,~ .... , , ", .

." . t '•. '\ .'\~;," :... ".-

.SAJ::EVi!AY Regular, Fresh'

:Groun ._··Becef:Sold .in' ·10 lb. P 9.· or more;. LS

. I', • ,~., tl • - <. _ 'Il

.' " I "









Ges with sale. $33,001I.

>0111. 2 bath with lots of

~lace& lois of storag••

,ncl1anced by IofIy12·bedroom 2·bath.,.' ,

nuggle-up-Ilrepl~ ~ ....$59,900. NEW. .


dng of building. $6,000


,fireplace and lerms to


Page 22:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER

II'DECKER Cftorizo

LinksHot 'N Spicy; 12 Oz..

",O! h' ..'il > ,:a,Ct. .' . '

","'~""" '_"..-',; '~,i.·""""""'~ ',' ':"","~--,,-'~~.--:"',-.".~~~':,:.;.. " "

, ,',,' '\',


. '

peCKl:RSliced BaconReg. or.Low Salt

\~"e.U"'to.Soo.•12 Oz.


, "'i ....ean'N Ienc:._r!il()neless

Minute;, Steaks"Great for Chicken Fried ,Steak"; LB .


,. ,,'sS.,.,~. '•~'S='·~O.·".·.1 '• ' ,'1& Oz.

·neCKER Sliced •

.HamCooked; 1 lb. Pkg.


Lean and MeEityl:leef

Back ""Ri:bs"Excellent. for Barbeque"; LB

DeCKERSlicedCooked•'s~"e. Ull

,.0 30° 7&

4 Oz.Pkg.

$t.~-. \S 'Smo1<ed ' ""Co $'\.- '$ . •• LB ' u •

:,DEcikiIJ.fliJd-dVIiIiHot LinksTray Packed; LB


Less Than 10 Lb ' .

:~g. 1.19 ., ~I

Safeway Reg'ular~Fresh

Ground BeefSold in 10 lb. Pkg. or More; LB


Danish Ham7 HAFNIA

2997 St.~U1» 980/0 Fat, ....... \11 Free

10 ,.- •£ LB •




, 1 11 Salam.i, ' ";,.. WORLD~2'··. 88"··'··"......... '" , FAIR" ".. v ....~QQ" .G_I\OII .. , .• .''to'\().f"tUl'.cL ;' ..•. " ..,"

• i .., , LB, '.'

'J t 5, - 't

Mild Cheddar'LONGHORN .

c· ns '$~~l1ut.'10~ •

LB •

Potato Salad A,ncltee'l '~o·od', 'Ca'ie'::·,· ",': 'I3ranMufflns ,.

R~~.' "'-::::d 69 ,,' '5.l.;~:<HilII" 'ff II "",' ,.. "j""Irt'i" ,",~,,:!:,;...;:"",:, ""'''' .:u- "Of ... ~·~~·I ' ",,,,,,,', ,!!;...', ,,"'

.. Den: Fresh PIzza s, ~.. Bre8d ' '" W.....t Dlnner'Roli. .' .

·POR '"';; 'o.e. ' . "12Ct. '____________-'IlIC!ilr illl'-r.'IiI'.'.,!il..."iIl'P.. ,r'wehrr 'r:· --"fbl!' II;; ;r i 77' "'$171 57 'r',(rs'. rlPWnrYJIB"rrlllJ'lI '-q 'T"T"Ur :-";rk,rw''-.,r 1'U! Pi'), iT'}'-': '.JIII")1;;;"

Page 23:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER



Bav'.ScallopsFr••ifE••t :.CQI\$t ; $ 1 •

; ; , iii ft..~\lt .,'I.;~ !1J:~~Q "-" . I' , ,

Flounder Fillets·' ;F ....hW••t 1 ;;

:;1t\\i!.. 39. n' g r' f i'ilI IT!r.,,::2'''U JIll U i:! r ; ;



I; _.


-- ,.

DECKER uSpecial Hot Price"

.Meat FranksGr~at For Hot Dogs; 12 Oz. Pkg.



. ';

._.. - -- ... ,.....~ ".-._--_.. --._~ .. " "

,. - .- '.-.

Safeway's meats arealwals top quality, andthey re the mostcompetitively priced meats. t ,

!i!iiiii~!!,n. own.


H'alibutSteaksPreviously .'

"Pro;l:enf ", .

~.. :,~ ·.l:: ~ ..j:" ...... ';..." :." .;:..~~ ~>:,,, .. ' .. ,-'1

". ,-.• ".". ,.. . - -. ',"' -~ " ..,

'm trt':q on.. . . .." I .

. Fr~$h '.. Quarter

Pork LoinsSliced Into Chops; LB

Sliced Beef LiverSkinned andDevelned F

dS"'l~U!G.'tO~~ -.

LB •

Reel ROCk Fillets,F....h W.-l: -C:Qaat ..•

~. r .5'•



.,.,. -"-'-" - "~"""""'--""'." " -' "...,<,..,-.._.,,~, ',~•. - ~-. -~ .. -----, .,.~

, • ' ',' t .


-~r..• .~~'


. ~WhoIeTop

Sirloin \SteakSold In CRVVAC~ only; LB. .' ~ .- .


"to .....v F

LB •

Boneless TopSirloin SteakSafeway TrimTray Pack


RaWShrimpGreat For '. ' .

. ShrlmpCocktai".41 to 50 Count.,. ,..... ,.,. . ." .' ..:., l.::e

.. -4U •

PerCh Finets 'Pf.~"Bt••d.~. .... M .

.' $....'"''''~1.B '1 ..\O~~·~:~, !!!!!!!!.!~.__Butterfish ,. illetaFNSh WMt' '7'."'9......,,·COMt· .'. c. 1 r .

is! [if.",. ,.

LB~1or~:" ..! . """!IT- !.'.:.., >::.:.•.;:.....T"" .. , 1_ .. _.


.. '

Page 24:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER

_. ~ ~ ~ .,.. ., .. ~. '.' ,- .-, _. ~ .-'.

• . .

:.:' .. ~-

"'r '.',


•11 OZ.',", ,-- .f

Orange orGrapefrUit

""Juice'Vi; CITRUS HILL, Select,

C~CalciumPlus; 64 OZ.

II~ .ti'!!J •tJ!!II!ifr<ii'"

Borden Hi-ProteinMilk

Borden Sour·Cream.

. .

GOLD MEDAL'---~·Flour--~Plain, Self-Rising or Unbleached; 5 Lb.

.' .SS~"\Je:.


Minute Rice

, ~-,


'V,' 'r-"" 1'.' ,',--15J

Texas 'Sty'Ie BiscuitsMeRICO. ..... f '

~ ·SUU• .,Flavor . '.·orSl.lttermllk1202. ,.'

_.__ 'I : _,

SpamLuncheOn"MeatRegular, Less Salt or

=====::::==::::Smoked; 12 Oz.

~~kd ~Mt:l!d


Bath Tissue4 Roll Pkg.

Stove Top StuffingAssorted


6 Oz.

. .

MftrtonHoney..'Buns . - ' ..' 9.2 Oz.·

~., - ,,'. _-,r_~

.'T· 5 ' I.'

General MillsWheaties· .

.Cereal~2 Oz.


Mr:. P'SP'iz

. Combo., Pepperoni,Sausage orHamburger

7 Oz.

, FF. , , '~." &

~~'I '" ~ ~ '.I~

Prego Spaghetti SauceAssorted

=32 Oz.



. ( " .~, , .'t- lrt,·tf,.d--Clrr"",··i±'"'T,-:;--·ae·· ;t''"_ Mere'Olf W" '$" ,__1 ft'ttf" '" .-e r:"- >1'"#"''7$·5':1'''7.';'1; "'H'. trW d' ."net-uri.'''' "Hhr';'in""¥' e t ',- ..· ow? ?, taHiti' 'i "Vi: ;:, tHrtn;-'· " ..1.···tH,tt¥-·'w f 'ri; ...... ~......)f ......__,~,_~~!_......_. __....~.~;,;;;,.~... ,~.__~" .,,;_1J_---._._---.......~.. _,,_.__ '..."}_.,. t;__......_._.,--..~.. -._".~.~... "~.-.+.-.-'

Page 25:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER

,. ',I,:"fN'" - .....~ ii", ..... '" .. ,. , Ai ."4_.....~ -----...........................--........---------............- ................-------------------------"'""!"'---lIIOIl, . ". "" '.




L~y~sPotatoChipsAll Flavors; 6.5 Oz.

--5-AFEWAY'-" -.. ---....-..


R .T.S. Frosting, Assorted; 16 Oz.



Can Dog FoodAssorted; 15 Oz.


25 Ct.



~..\;;~ .."

.. ''i:." -s ~,.; _.....>;, • .-iIl·,.;, ,-,'~.~


Buttermilk Bread. . 1602.1..081"- . , ,

Foigers 'Instant Coffee

8 Oz.

. '

(\ \,



MayonnaiseRegular or Light; 32 Oz.


Family Tea .Bags'Y2 PriceS8Ie!; 24 Ct. .

. , '

24Famn.XSize~+~.. IcedTeaBags ~.;......- ..

Or.9* ........_Cul__

h~~:W:inated',.Coffee.Regular or ADC, Brick;ADC or Perk Can; 13 Oz.

6 Ct.


Cinnamon RollsBREAK CAKE

.,.11,,1. ,.'" f "If


'. '11· ._.....FOR .

.-.:.",. •• ~~sJ¥O:dMeatY, ,.' , Economy Pack; t:1egular.. . . . ' or w/Cheese; 216 Oz.... ' .......... '

"~ • .. I

~ 'I(ibbles ~n,T,BitsCannister~ WhileSuppl{e~,La$t, ," 4 Lb. .," ',', .


II" . ~• • < • ,.

L..og Cabin.,Syrup· '. ", ,

$Qularor Lite; 24 02.


~!E2~.~II.·L.I,~iii __ 1 nT'fHT 'T! II :J Irq . i:J ' , "'P.' . ",''10'" , .I ·-n './ ·.II.rllilTiiI!I'.'.·.·_f"; . I -



• •........ '·--B .). I' .,._......... _-- •. 'I;,n .,..... ' ............ ,;;;,,0, ..• , • ........-.. ..................., ..... _.........~ ....... ~ _~,. :L .. ,.~ -~. ~". _ ~ •. ~,~. ,.~. "". ~"-'-'- ...... ,.

Page 26:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER


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7 to8 Oz.




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'C,hivas --.·Qegal ......Scotch760 mi.

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E& -J

Gallo.• Wines··Zinfand~lo" ' ..Cabernet ,Sau,,~gn()., .

• " •. '":'i" ••---




VASELINElnten$ive Care.~..- "1"'" --. _.,--L;.;O lon-'

Assortef;i. Kinds; 15 Oz.

-5 Oz.

1.;.L~ L~ L:.: k~ Iicld't" ~- .~. ~ - --ltOOV'~. .~ ~. ~. \ M.M.IMNGsrYUHD SlYUHG 'mUNG· srYUNG . srYUHOMOUSSE MOUSSE MOUSSE MOUSSE MOUSSE.. ' ...iEVIO~ flO:. r: rr lON.

Flex Styling'Mo~sseExtra - ,Hold

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~II:" '---'-Sass,··Ale

6.,Pk. j 1:2 0%, HAS•


6 Pk. "12··0z.NRBs

Regular or Light-

BudvveiserBeerLongneck .. '.


-·--SAFBWA¥-~---------~~·_~ __~__m. ';('~"7~7';-:

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.: .: ·Gel~; ftE& 1 Firm Hold; 3.5 Oz.

~'GEL. ~.




Reg. or Diet,

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Page 28:… · 13/4/1989  · .. NO. 99 IN OUR 43RD YEAR THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1989 's-~-35¢ PER

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~; ....






R 'g'B'''-'5"".... ., . " :", ." ~ ~ -'5.

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Vitamin C"


~ .~.--.- ~~'-~~ ..

--WfliteOnionsJumbo Size; LB







---Fresti-Limes'Tangy Taste; Each

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Green OnionsCrisp and Tender; Each






~ ".


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vocadosery Smooth; Each


omatoes4 Ct. Pkg.

Car·rotsTop' Fresh;', 1 'LB Bag:


