14 3120 cdaa may14 nlvolunteering with the cdaa is a great way to network, build your resume, and...

C.D.A.A. Executive Committee 13/14 Calgary Dental Assistants Association May 2014 www.calgaryrda.ca President: Past President: Deena Kordi Vicky Tatoulis [email protected] [email protected] President Elect: Secretary: Vacant Meaghan Heck [email protected] [email protected] Treasurer: Education Chairperson: Carol Ferguson Wendy Caldwell [email protected] [email protected] Newsletter Editor: Hospitality Reps: Wendy Caldwell Betty Ann McKinnon, Lisa Duan [email protected] [email protected] D/A Week Rep’s: Health Rep: Marian Tzitzoglakis, Gloria Pires Jacqueline Winters [email protected] [email protected] Parliamentarians: School Advisory Reps: Danelle Fulawka, Karen Allan Karin Loftis, Lyndsey Sorensen [email protected] [email protected] Awards Chairperson: Archivist: Vacant Linda Holm [email protected] [email protected] NEXT MEETING Annual General Meeting Monday May 26 th , 2014 Business Meeting at 6:30 Presentations at 8:00-9:00 Digital Impressions and Cementation Shelley McEachern, Ivoclar Vivadent Inc Katie Seys, RDT Prosthetic Solutions, Henry Schein Possible Competency C-7-5, E-2-7, E-2-9 PRESIDENT MESSAGE Our board is looking for some fresh faces in the upcoming year; if you have an interest in volunteering we have several posi ons available. Volunteering with the CDAA is a great way to network, build your resume, and give back to the dental assis ng profession. It can also be used as hours towards your competency mandated 300 hours. If you know of someone or have an interest, send in your nomina ons to our Past president Vicky at [email protected]. We will be elec ng new board members at our upcoming AGM on Monday May 26, 2014. We have some new bylaw changes which will be brought forth at our AGM mee ng May 26, 2014 which are enclosed in this newsle er. I would also like to inform members that star ng in September we will no longer be holding our mee ngs at the Green Wood Inn due to member numbers. We will now be holding the mee ngs at an alternate loca on which is the Hillhurst/Sunnyside Hall located at 1320 5 Ave. NW. The CDAA will be co-hos ng the new graduate evening with Henry Schein on Wednesday June 11, 2014 at 6:00. RSVP should be completed by no later than June 6th. This is a great opportunity to welcome in the new graduates of 2014 to the dental assis ng profession. We had a fantas c turn out at our Annual Spring Seminar, thank you to all the members who were able to a end. I would like to thank our Educa on Chair and the volunteer board members for all the hard work that went into pu ng the seminar together. A special thank you to the speakers Dr. Higashi, Dr. Ward, Dr. Keyes, and Dr. Touchan for par cipa ng in our seminar. I would like to invite our members to nominate individuals they work with, or know, for awards available through the CDAA. The deadline for the awards is June 1st and the following awards are available: Dental assistant of the year, the CDAA special recogni on award, honorary membership, Perfect a endance award. Descrip ons of what qualies for each award are listed on our website at calgaryrda.ca/awards. Nomina ons can be sent to Karen at [email protected]. As well, another reminder that as of this September we will be switching to a paperless newsle er. Please ensure that we have your correct email address has been given to the CDAA to facilitate delivery. Thank you for your con nues support of the CDAA Respec ully yours, Deena T. Kordi

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Page 1: 14 3120 CDAA May14 NLVolunteering with the CDAA is a great way to network, build your resume, and give back to the dental assis ng profession. It can also be used as hours towards

C.D.A.A.E x e c u t i v e C o m m i t t e e 13/14

Calgary Dental Assistants Association May 2014

www.calgaryrda.caPresident: Past President:Deena Kordi Vicky [email protected] [email protected]

President Elect: Secretary:Vacant Meaghan [email protected] [email protected]

Treasurer: Education Chairperson:Carol Ferguson Wendy [email protected] [email protected]

Newsletter Editor: Hospitality Reps:Wendy Caldwell Betty Ann McKinnon, Lisa [email protected] [email protected]

D/A Week Rep’s: Health Rep:Marian Tzitzoglakis, Gloria Pires Jacqueline [email protected] [email protected]

Parliamentarians: School Advisory Reps:Danelle Fulawka, Karen Allan Karin Loftis, Lyndsey [email protected] [email protected]

Awards Chairperson: Archivist:Vacant Linda [email protected] [email protected]

NEXT MEETINGAnnual General MeetingMonday May 26th, 2014

Business Meeting at 6:30Presentations at 8:00-9:00

Digital Impressions and CementationShelley McEachern, Ivoclar Vivadent Inc

Katie Seys, RDT Prosthetic Solutions, Henry ScheinPossible Competency C-7-5, E-2-7, E-2-9

PRESIDENT MESSAGEOur board is looking for some fresh faces in the upcoming year; if you have an interest in volunteering we have several posi ons available. Volunteering with the CDAA is a great way to network, build your resume, and give back to the dental assis ng profession. It can also be used as hours towards your competency mandated 300 hours. If you know of someone or have an interest, send in your nomina ons to our Past president Vicky at [email protected]. We will be elec ng new board members at our upcoming AGM on Monday May 26, 2014.

We have some new bylaw changes which will be brought forth at our AGM mee ng May 26, 2014 which are enclosed in this newsle er.

I would also like to inform members that star ng in September we will no longer be holding our mee ngs at the Green Wood Inn due to member numbers. We will now be holding the mee ngs at an alternate loca on which is the Hillhurst/Sunnyside Hall located at 1320 5 Ave. NW.

The CDAA will be co-hos ng the new graduate evening with Henry Schein on Wednesday June 11, 2014 at 6:00. RSVP should be completed by no later than June 6th. This is a great opportunity to welcome in the new graduates of 2014 to the dental assis ng profession.

We had a fantas c turn out at our Annual Spring Seminar, thank you to all the members who were able to a end. I would like to thank our Educa on Chair and the volunteer board members for all the hard work that went into pu ng the seminar together. A special thank you to the speakers Dr. Higashi, Dr. Ward, Dr. Keyes, and Dr. Touchan for par cipa ng in our seminar.

I would like to invite our members to nominate individuals they work with, or know, for awards available through the CDAA. The deadline for the awards is June 1st and the following awards are available: Dental assistant of the year, the CDAA special recogni on award, honorary membership, Perfect a endance award. Descrip ons of what qualifi es for each award are listed on our website at calgaryrda.ca/awards. Nomina ons can be sent to Karen at [email protected].

As well, another reminder that as of this September we will be switching to a paperless newsle er. Please ensure that we have your correct email address has been given to the CDAA to facilitate delivery. Thank you for your con nues support of the CDAA

Respec ully yours,

Deena T. Kordi

Page 2: 14 3120 CDAA May14 NLVolunteering with the CDAA is a great way to network, build your resume, and give back to the dental assis ng profession. It can also be used as hours towards

May 2014 Calgary Dental Assistants Association


BYLAW #1 – MEMBERSHIP There shall be two three types of members: Active, Honorary and Associate. Article 1 – The “Active Member” shall be:

a. A dental assistant who is enrolled with the CDAA, and has paid the required annual Local membership dues.

b. A dental assistant who is retired or has discontinued work in the profession and has paid the required annual Local membership dues to enjoy full membership rights and privileges of the CDAA.

c. A student who is enrolled in a formally recognized dental assisting program and has paid the required annual Local student membership dues.

Article 2 – The “Honorary Member” shall be:

a. An Active Member who has met the specified criteria, as defined in the Manual of Procedures, and has helped the CDAA in obtaining its objectives, and is perceived as a supportive member.

Article 3 – The “Associate Member” shall be:

a. A member of the dental team ie: receptionist, hygienist, sterilization assistant or other who is not a registered dental assistant and has paid the required annual Local membership dues. The Associate Member will be entitled to all benefits the CDAA has to offer with the exception of voting on issues brought forward by the CADA that may affect the profession of dental assisting.

Article 3 becomes article 4 – Any Active or Associate Member wishing to withdraw membership may do so upon written notice to the Secretary, or with annual renewal.

Article 4 becomes article 5 – Any Active or Associate Member may be expelled from membership following a formal complaint made to the CDAA executive. Once deemed a “reasonable” complaint, a two-thirds vote of all members present at a General Meeting is required for the expulsion to take place.

BYLAW #7 – VOTING Article 1 – Any Active or Honorary Member shall have the right to vote at any meeting of the CDAA. Associate Members may vote on all issues except where they may have a direct effect on the profession of dental assisting.

Rationale: The CDAA would like to open up membership to other members of the dental team. BYLAW #9 – FINANCE Article 1 – The fiscal period shall end the thirtieth day of June, at which time the financial records shall be examined by a qualified accountant and approved financial statements will be prepared for presentation at the first General Meeting of the year (within four months of the end of the fiscal year). Article 2 – Local membership Provincial and National dues shall be payable on or before October thirty-first of each year. Membership dues for the CDAA will be as recommended at the AGM for all categories of members and can only be changed at the AGM or a special meeting called for that purpose.

Rationale: There is no longer a tri-level package so dues refer to local dues only.

Page 3: 14 3120 CDAA May14 NLVolunteering with the CDAA is a great way to network, build your resume, and give back to the dental assis ng profession. It can also be used as hours towards

Another successful Seminar!

Thanks to the people who made this day possible.

Our awesome speakers Dr Higashi, Dr Ward, Dr Keyes and Dr Touchan, filled the day with exciting educational information that everyone can take back to the office and make use of for their continuing competency.

Thanks to the following companies we were able to give out some awesome door prizes and treats. Henry Schein, Patterson Dental, and Sinclair Dental, Johnson Insurance, The Body Shop, and Northland Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Centre.

Thanks also goes out to The Glenmore Inn Staff and the volunteers of our own board of directors who went out of their way to ensure this day ran smoothly.

Hope to see you next year!


As of this September 2014 the CDAA General meeting place will be the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Centre at 1320 5 Ave. NW. The meetings will remain at 6:30 pm on the third Monday of Sept, Nov, Jan, and March. The AGM will be the Monday one week after the long weekend.

The change of venue was needed to lower costs due to the fewer members we currently have registered with our association. The board feels that this is a great location because it is central, close to LRT and offers us non-profit pricing. We look forward to seeing you this September at our new location! Dental Assistants Recognition Week Our March celebration of Dental Assistants week proved to be great fun with a dance performance including audience participation and lots of appreciation gifts. We had a very well organized table clinic that was presented by students Sandy Desta, Keah Richter, Harmeet Gill, Mary Basmajian and Kayla Johnston, along with SAIT instructors. Thank you for the hard work!

Calgary Dental Assistants Association May 2014


Page 4: 14 3120 CDAA May14 NLVolunteering with the CDAA is a great way to network, build your resume, and give back to the dental assis ng profession. It can also be used as hours towards

May 2014 Calgary Dental Assistants Association

AADA NEWS The 2014 AGM of the AADA was held on Saturday April 5, 2014. At this meeting members passed motions to accept the 2013 Annual Financial Review and to allow a single signing authority to transfer funds between AADA accounts while still retaining the need for 2 signatures to set up accounts and withdraw funds. With Board members living across the province this will simplify the process for fund transfers as needed. The AGM ended with a Consultation session with members. This allowed the Board and membership to have informal discussions about issues of concern and for feedback from the membership on benefits and services they would like the AADA to investigate. Thank you to everyone that took the short drive out to Red Deer to participate in the business of our provincial association!

AGM Education

Dental Health Month The CDAA Dental Health Month Representative, Jacqueline Winters, has been hard at work developing brochures and collecting donations to take to day care centres. She has been visiting and speaking to parents in order to educate them about dental health concerns of preschoolers.

Our education on May 26th meeting will cover E.max all ceramic restorations; their strength and durability, high esthetics, and keys to clinical success. Explore cementation terminology and common causes of sensitivity. Learn when to use what type of cement and the proper procedures for using them. Find out how the Cementation Navigation System (CNS) works and check out Smile to the Max-the patient resource Centre. Are digital impressions something your office could be doing? What are the advantages of digital impression taking, find out about the technology and ease of use. A Demo of 3Shape-Trios and PlanMeca E4D Technologies – PlanScan will give tips and tricks including margin marking and crown design information. Learn about transmitting cases to the lab or your own mill.