14 content marketing predictions for 2014 expert edition

14 Content marketing predictions for 2014 PRESENTS… EXPERT EDITION

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Want the inside scoop on what's going to happen to content marketing in 2014? We've collected the best expert predictions for content marketing in 2014 and assembled them into one awesome slideshare! For content marketing predictions in 2014, check out our team slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/King_Content/14-content-marketing-predictions-for-2014


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14 Content marketing

predictions for 2014



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How will content marketing change in 2014?

Don’t just take our word for it, find out what the experts think!

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Customer experience

The tactics have changed, but the customer philosophy hasn’t. For all the changes in channels, tactics and business models, there has been one constant: your customers have always wanted to feel that they mean more to your brand than the revenue they represent, and they expect to be treated accordingly. With more data at our fingertips than ever, it’s tempting to take the empathy out of a customer experience and treat prospects, leads or evangelists based on the potential revenue they present. But customers know when you’re treating them like a line item. The challenge for SMBs in 2014 will be to leverage data without dehumanizing the customer experience.

Brent Leary, Co-Founder and Partner of CRM Essentials, LLC

Prediction source: http://blog.hubspot.com/sales/dreamforce-sales-crm-predictions

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Content technology We are seeing a lot of technology and start-ups in the content marketing space. There are tools for curation, CMS, reporting engines, editorial workflow, calendaring and platforms that try to do all these things. In order to increase ROI, brands need to figure out the right mix of creation, curation and syndication and build a team of people who really understand how to think and act like a publisher. Once that is in place and working like a machine, it’s time to build the kind of platform that can scale and sustain growth into the future. 2014 will see brand content marketing teams that take on the look and feel of real newsrooms including the technical platforms to support that.

Michael Brenner, Vice President , Global Marketing, SAP

Prediction source: http://www.b2bmarketinginsider.com/content-marketing/9-questions-on-content-marketing

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Content promotion will have a seat at the table with content marketing. At present, content promotion is an afterthought for many marketers. However, as the internet continues to get bogged down with more branded content, marketers who want their content read will start to deploy more earned and paid distribution and promotion strategies.

Chad Pollitt, Online Marketing Specialist

Prediction source: http://www.business2community.com/digital-marketing/10-digital-marketing-predictions-2014-0679020#esSq0OlT1OwQj7Pz.9

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Content marketing needs to grow up Content marketing needs to be measured by conversions not engagement. In 2014, we need to move away from measuring our content marketing with soft engagement metrics such as retweets, shares, linkbacks and Likes, and start having adult conversations about ROI. Brands exist to make money, and whilst engagement may make your marketing team feel warm and fuzzy inside, it counts for nought if your content marketing cannot be shown to demonstrably ‘move the needle’. If brands are serious about becoming publishers, they need to adopt a publisher’s commercialism. Publishers and media outlets have lived and died on the strength of their content generating sales, not engagement, and it’s time brands followed suit as well.

Andrew Davis, Author of Brandscaping, Marketing Specialist

Prediction source: http://econsultancy.com/au/blog/63847-2014-the-year-content-marketing-finally-grows-up

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Social media will diversify Pinterest and Instagram have become popular, like other giants of social media. It is a reflection of how social media is diversifying and how it has become part of our daily life. Next year it will only get bigger as the number of visitors to social media sites will get bigger and bigger. In 2013, as many as 93 per cent of marketers said that they used social media for their businesses and that figure is bound to be higher in the coming year. Therefore, in 2014 businesses will have to establish themselves on several social media networks to remain in touch with their customers to build their brands on these very popular sites. Also, LinkedIn and Facebook allow you to pay for ads on their sites. So, more marketers will use paid advertising on the social network. Apart from time, investing cash into these sites to enhance awareness of your brand, reach and social signals will be a good idea.

Alan Smith, Web Developer and Internet Marketer

Prediction source: http://socialmediatoday.com/alan-smith/1918461/digital-marketing-techniques-for-2014

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Mobile marketing

With the prediction that mobile will overtake desktop usage within the next two years, not incorporating mobile into a solid content strategy is no longer an option. Google’s recent rollout of its new algorithm, Hummingbird, along with the complete revocation of keyword data from Google Analytics, reinforce this prediction. Creating content that can be read ‘on the go’ will become increasingly important, which means mobile-friendly formatting, shorter and more actionable blog posts, and considering which devices your audience will be using to access your content.

Jayson DeMers, Founder & CEO of AudienceBloom

Prediction source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/jaysondemers/2013/10/08/the-top-7-content-marketing-trends-that-will-dominate-2014/

Learn more about Jason

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I predict that 2014 will see the rise of better measurement tools that don’t just track clicks and likes, but actual engagement in the form of discussion, shares across multiple platforms/channels and actions as a result of those shares. Currently, it’s too cumbersome, expensive and time-consuming for a marketing team to micromanage the analytics for every single piece of content to see how it performed – so companies simply don’t invest in it.

Sherice Jacob, Web Developer and Online Marketing Specialist

Prediction source: http://blog.kissmetrics.com/content-marketing-2014/

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Google Plus

Google+ will increase in significance. Google+ is still underrated as social network. Useful advantages like authorship mark-up or junction to the search engine stress the ongoing growth of Google+. Since 2011 they do everything to strengthen their own platform. And because it will be the fastest-growing product in the history of Google, this trend will increase. From a content marketing view, Google+ is better suited for exclusive content than other social networks. The possibility to use Google+ as blog provides the opportunity to build topic-specific communities. These communities can be used to put the company website into the centre of attention. All external channels are aligned to this, also really important content happens only there. This leads to more reach and brand building.

Björn Tantau, Online Marketing Specialist

Prediction source: http://bjoerntantau.com/en/5-important-content-marketing-trends-2014-11112013.html

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Video content will continue to reign Currently, one in three millennials watch mostly online video and no broadcast TV at all. I believe it, because my 12-year-old likes to spend hours on the couch, in front of the TV, on his phone watching videos on YouTube. Most millennials grew up with online video, so they’re incredibly comfortable with the medium. They also like to create or consume it collaboratively, sharing choice clips with their friends on social networks. So in 2013, we saw Instagram – now the second most popular social network amongst teens – play into this rising trend, with the launch of its new video capabilities. (Sorry, Vine.) In 2014, we will see this phenomenon explode further. The signs are all there. Take for example Facebook’s recent failed offer to snatch up Snapchat for a whopping $3 billion. The piping-hot social network – which lets users share short video clips (along with text or images) that only last for a few seconds – has a user base that is mostly aged between 13 and 25.

Jeanette Gibson, Vice President Community, HootSuite

Prediction source: http://blog.hootsuite.com/5-social-media-predictions-2014/

Learn more about Jeanette

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The job market for content creation is set to explode

Whether in-house or agency based, one of the top marketing jobs of 2014 is tipped to be director of content, with many writing, video and editing jobs set to open up as the year continues. Indeed, in HubSpot’s Fifth Annual Review of Inbound Marketing, the company states that the top marketing job of 2014 may well be director of content, and they aren’t the only ones making the claim.

Andrew Jessop, Online Marketing Specialist, Copywriter.

Prediction source: http://www.business2community.com/content-marketing/online-content-marketing-trends-watch-2014-0680878#etR1AZwm1BUgh0QY.99

Learn more about Andrew

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Big data I believe that 2014 is the year that the smoke clears on big data. To this point, it’s been little more than a buzzword. And to those of us with smaller budgets, merely a pipe dream. But with the amount of money being thrown into data and customer personas, it will soon be something even the smaller companies will be able to take advantage of. So what does this mean? It means getting to know a lot more about your customers. It means knowing what they do online, where they shop, what they do for a living, who they spend time with and what they want to get from you. It means more ability to segment your marketing into buckets and target the messaging, design and offers to individuals or small groups, rather than showing everyone the same thing. That will lead to a greater response, and more efficient marketing.

Zach Heller, Online Marketing Specialist

Prediction source: http://www.business2community.com/marketing/marketing-trends-2014-0691545#9sQBIbDWEFOt626R.99

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A bigger focus on the user One of the biggest challenges that many organizations face is tailoring their content to match viewer values and interests. However, 2014 may show a larger effort being made to engage the audience on various platforms. This means including polls and responding to any criticisms or questions presented across the social media platforms. Businesses may start investing more in this area in order to provide enhanced interfaces while also using analytics tools to better optimize their content. By creating consumer-centric material, it will significantly boost customer satisfaction, which may be reflected in the overall profitability of the company.

Leslie Jenkins, Senior Marketing Manager, Fonality

Prediction source: http://info.fonality.com/blog-0/bid/147610/Three-Content-Media-Innovations-for-2014

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Optimise and socialise your digital marketing for 2014

If you want your marketing to be great in 2014, you must optimise, socialise and integrate. The pivot from routine and mechanical to more inspired and meaningful is found through the customer journey. Balance customer insights with unique stories and content experiences that guide customers from attraction to engagement to conversion. Help customers pull themselves through the buying cycle with information they want and enjoy.

Lee Odden, Founder TopRank Online Marketing

Prediction source: http://www.toprankblog.com/2013/11/optimize-socialize-digital-marketing-2014/

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Nothing will change The most frequent question I’ve gotten lately is “What’s the future of content marketing?” I generally refuse to answer for reasons that should be clear from the story above. On the other hand, the true answer is even less satisfying to those with shiny object syndrome. Fundamentally, nothing will change. The technology will change, but the primary tenets of content marketing will not. Technology doesn’t change human nature, although it may amplify it. People have problems and desires. They want information that helps them with those problems and desires. That will never change. Consumption methods will certainly change. What will wearable computing mean for content? No one knows for sure, and anyone who says they know is not someone you should trust at this point.

Brian Clark, Founder Copyblogger Media

Prediction source: http://www.copyblogger.com/future-of-content-marketing/

Learn more about Brian

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Do you have a prediction about content marketing in 2014? Share your prediction in the comments section below and tweet using #CMP2014

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Presented by King Content, Australia’s most-awarded digital content marketing agency. Check out our blog for more content marketing insights and advice. www.kingcontent.com.au @King_Content