14052014 andaman sheekha e-paper

LG orders revamp of strategy for Agriculture and Fisheries Development VOL: 03 I ISSUE NO: 108 I REG NO: ANDENG/2011/38184 I 14 MAY 2014 I WEDNESDAY I Rs. 2.00 I DAILY I PORT BLAIR I www.andamansheekha.com Port Blair, May 13: Lt Gov- ernor, Lt Gen (Retd) A. K. Singh, reviewed the activities under Departments of Agri- culture, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services and Fish- eries at a recent meeting at Raj Niwas, in the presence of Chief Secretary and other senior officers. The three Departments made power point presentations on the ac- tion taken on the directions of the Lt. Governor issued since July, 2013. The presentations also covered major initiatives taken by each of these De- Boat operators arrested; Boat permit cancelled Port Blair 13.5.2014: Taking serious view of the negligence on the part of the boat operator, in the boat mishap that occurred at North Bay on 13.5.2014, the Directorate of Tourism has cancelled the temporary permission granted to the FRP Boat ‘Marine Rider’ with immediate effect. The Police has arrested the negligent boat operator, seized the boat and registered a case at PS Bambooflat. (See page 8) Exemplary performance by Anti-Burglary Squad Five Burglars Arrested By Police; Gold, Cash Recovered Port Blair, May 13: As many as, five burglars have been arrested by South Andaman District Special Police Team for committing burglary in Port Blair area. Stolen properties including cash & gold ornaments worth lakhs of rupees have been recovered from them. Five cases of burglary and theft in houses and temples have been solved. Addressing a press conference at the Conference hall of SP Office, the Superintendent of Police, South Andaman, Mr. Chinmoy Biswal today informed media that the Anti- Burglary squad of PS Aberdeen comprising of SI Abdul Sajid, SHO (i/c), ASI (See page 7) Counting of votes will start at 8.00 am on May 16 Port Blair, May 13: The Counting for the lone Parliamentary Constituency in Andaman and Nicobar Islands will start at 8.00 a.m on 16th May. As per the directions of the ECI, the results obtained by each candidate shall be declared after each round. The Counting will be carried out in the Auditorium of Govt. Girls Sr. Secondary School, Port Blair that in two counting halls having 14 counting tables each. Since there are a total of 386 Electronic Voting Machines, which need to be counted, the entire counting process shall be held over 14 rounds. In order to ensure that the position regarding the votes obtained after each round is easily accessible to the public, arrangements have been made by both All India Radio and Doordarshan, Port Blair to carry the results from 8.00 (See page 2) Making mockery of safety norms Another boat accident in Andamans; 3 tourists injured Port Blair, May 13: Blind race Staff Correspondent Sheekha News Service to ferry more and more tourists to North Bay Island today caused yet another boat mishap in Andamans. In today’s tourist boat accident, three tourists from New Delhi got injuries. According to (See page 7)

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LG orders revamp ofstrategy for Agriculture and

Fisheries Development

VOL: 03 I ISSUE NO: 108 I REG NO: ANDENG/2011/38184 I 14 MAY 2014 I WEDNESDAY I Rs. 2.00 I DAILY I PORT BLAIR I www.andamansheekha.com

Port Blair, May 13: Lt Gov-ernor, Lt Gen (Retd) A. K.Singh, reviewed the activitiesunder Departments of Agri-culture, Animal Husbandry &Veterinary Services and Fish-eries at a recent meeting atRaj Niwas, in the presenceof Chief Secretary and othersenior officers. The threeDepartments made powerpoint presentations on the ac-tion taken on the directions ofthe Lt. Governor issued sinceJuly, 2013. The presentations

also covered major initiativestaken by each of these De-

Boat operators arrested;Boat permit cancelled

Port Blair 13.5.2014: Takingserious view of thenegligence on the part of theboat operator, in the boatmishap that occurred atNorth Bay on 13.5.2014, theDirectorate of Tourism hascancelled the temporary

permission granted to the FRPBoat ‘Marine Rider’ withimmediate effect.

The Police hasarrested the negligent boatoperator, seized the boat andregistered a case at PSBambooflat.

(See page 8)

Exemplary performance by Anti-Burglary Squad

Five Burglars Arrested ByPolice; Gold, Cash RecoveredPort Blair, May 13: As manyas, five burglars have beenarrested by South AndamanDistrict Special Police Teamfor committing burglary inPort Blair area. Stolenproperties including cash &gold ornaments worth lakhsof rupees have been recoveredfrom them. Five cases ofburglary and theft in housesand temples have beensolved.

Addressing a pressconference at the Conferencehall of SP Office, theSuperintendent of Police,South Andaman, Mr.

Chinmoy Biswal todayinformed media that the Anti-Burglary squad of PS

Aberdeen comprising of SIAbdul Sajid, SHO (i/c), ASI

(See page 7)

Counting of votes willstart at 8.00 am on May 16

Port Blair, May 13: TheCounting for the loneParliamentary Constituencyin Andaman and NicobarIslands will start at 8.00 a.mon 16th May. As per thedirections of the ECI, theresults obtained by eachcandidate shall be declaredafter each round.

The Counting will becarried out in the Auditoriumof Govt. Girls Sr. SecondarySchool, Port Blair that in twocounting halls having 14

counting tables each. Sincethere are a total of 386Electronic Voting Machines,which need to be counted, theentire counting process shallbe held over 14 rounds.        In order to ensure that theposition regarding the votesobtained after each round iseasily accessible to the public,arrangements have beenmade by both All India Radioand Doordarshan, Port Blairto carry the results from 8.00

(See page 2)

Making mockery of safety norms

Another boat accident inAndamans; 3 tourists injured

Port Blair, May 13: Blind race

Staff CorrespondentSheekha News Service

to ferry more and moretourists to North Bay Islandtoday caused yet another boatmishap in Andamans. In

today’s tourist boat accident,three tourists from New Delhigot injuries. According to

(See page 7)

2 14.05.2014 Rs. 2.00 Andaman Sheekha Daily Port Blair

President having consultationswith legal experts

NEW DELHI: PresidentPranab Mukherjee has heldconsultations with legal lumi-naries and constitutional ex-perts on the course to followif the Lok Sabha electionsthrow up hung verdict.

Fali Nariman, SoliSorabjee and Solicitor GeneralMohan Parasaran were amongothers whose views weresought by the President lastweek.

The meetings, daysahead of the results, are beinglinked to the government for-mation exercise in which thePresident will play a pivotalrole, especially if no party orpre-poll alliance gets 272 seats.

If a party or alliancegets a clear majority, thePresident's role is limited toformally inviting that party oralliance.

Counting of votes forall the 543 Lok Sabha constitu-encies will be taken up on Fri-day after the five-week longmarathon elections to the 16th

Lok Sabha drew to a close onMonday. Election results aretraditionally presented to thePresident by the Election Com-mission once the counting ex-ercise is over, which takes aday or two after the declara-tion of results.

Rashtrapati Bhavan is,meanwhile, gearing itself tomedia rush which is expectedafter the results are out on Fri-day. A tent has been erectedin a corner of the forecourt ofmajestic complex to accom-modate reporters and camerapersons who are expected todescend in hordes there.

Dry runs are also be-ing conducted at theRashtrapati Bhavan in prepa-rations to handle the extra rushof political leaders as well asscribes.

Hectic preparationswere also underway for thefarewell dinner being hosted byPresident Pranab Mukherjee tothe outgoing government onSaturday.

Tourism departmentinitiates various safety measures

Port Blair, May 13: The A&NAdministration has initiatedvarious safety-related mea-sures for tourism activities inthe Islands including smallFRP boats, water-sports aridJet ski, adventure sport; likeScuba Dive and sea walk etc.

It is however en-joined upon all the boat op-erators and operators ofother adventure sports thatthey shall accord utmost pri-ority for all safety-related is-sues, for which they shall befully responsible and ac-countable. The Police andother law enforcement agen-cies shall also carry out nec-

essary checks to ensure thatall safety-related measuresare properly adhered to. Pe-

riodic surprise checks shallbe carried out at variouslevels.

Congress bats foranti-liquor drive in Kerala

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM:Taking a serious view of in-crease in liquor consumptionin the state, KPCC (Keralapradesh Congress president)president V M Sudheeran hascalled for a strong anti-liquordrive led by heads of local bod-ies and Congress outfits toachieve party's goal of totalprohibition in a phased man-ner. His letter in this regard toparty outfits and presidents ofcivic bodies headed by Con-gress assumes significance inthe wake of tussle betweenhim and Congress led UDFgovernment over renewal oflicenses for more than 400 li-quor bars lacking minimumstandard.

The Kerala pradeshCongress president wanted apowerful anti-liquor movementto take form in the state towean people away from theinfluence of liquor. He said

panchayats, municipalities andcity corporations headed bythe party should not sanctionnew liquor shops in areas un-der their jurisdiction and wantedthem to prepare a time-boundaction plan for an effective anti-liquor drive. Sudheeran said li-quor consumption and use ofother narcotic substances hasincreased, resulting in problemsrelating to law and order, atroci-ties against women and chil-dren, breakdown of families,increase in sex crimes, murders,suicides and divorces.

"It is a matter of seri-ous concern Kerala is in thenumber one position in liquorconsumption," he said addinganother serious problem wasincrease in number of youth inthe below 21 age group con-suming liquor. Sudheeran alsowanted a report to be preparedevery three months on impactof the programme. On Apr 30,

a meeting between chief min-ister Oommen Chandy,Sudheeran and home ministerRamesh Chennithala to re-solve differences in Congresson license renewal of over 400bars was unresolved as itfailed to reach an amicabledecision.

As many as 418 barsacross Kerala have remainedclosed for about a month dueto non-renewal of licenses forlack of mandatory standards.

While Chandy wasfor giving a fixed time to im-prove facilities of bars,Sudheeran was opposed to it,saying bars of three stars andabove should be allowed to dobusiness. Chennithala had alsomooted a formula that licensesbe given to upgraded bars andtwo-star bars, as per which60-67 bars can be reopened,which was also opposed bySudheeran.

a.m until such time as thefinal results are declared.

Additionally, theoffice of CEO has tied up withthe Department of IT,Andaman NicobarAdministration to launch aunique SMS based service forall members of the public.Under this, real timeinformation on the resultsobtained by the top threecandidates after every roundshall be sent through SMS onmobile phones. This servicecan be availed by anyone by

simply typing “AN REG GE-2014” and sending it to51969. A nominalregistration charge of Rs.1.00will apply.

The general public ofA&N Islands who areinterested to receive regularupdates on the results in theANI ParliamentaryConstituency may like toregister for this SMS service.The public can also tune intoAll India Radio or watch thespecial live coverage on DDPort Blair from 8 am onwards.

Counting of... (From page 1)

14.05.2014 Rs. 2.00 Andaman Sheekha Daily Port Blair 3

On the auspiciousoccasion of BuddhaPurnima, I extendmy heartiest greet-ings to the people ofAndaman andNicobar Islands. The day is markedwith the birth of LordBuddha, whoshowed us the pathof tolerance, com-passion and non-vio-lence and alsoguided us to live inpeace and harmony.Let us all dedicateourselves to peace and prosperity of these Islands.

Sd/- Lt Gen (Retd) A K Singh

Lieutenant Governor Andaman & Nicobar Islands

GREETINGSPort Blair, May 15: In continu-ance of the meeting held on28/4/2014 the Chairperson,PBMC has convened a meet-ing in his chamber with repre-sentatives of different organi-zations/associations whomaintaining Marriage Hallswithin the Municipal area tosensitize them about the im-portance of solid waste man-agement and its effect on the

city. Mr. K. Ganeshan,Chairperson, PBMC saidthat about 82 MT of solidwaste is being collected andtransported to the dumpingyard daily by the Council.The PBMC has made a se-ries of meeting with the rep-resentatives of hotel/Bar &Restaurant, , Private clinics& medial shops, and businessestablishments and is making

arrangement to collect thewastes from their door stepsduring night hours for whichnominal service charges willbe collected. Similarly solidwastes produced in halls af-ter functions such as marriage,birth day functions etc. willalso be collected by theCouncil on nominal servicecharge. This will also gener-

Marriage Halls to pay Rs. 500service tax to PBMC per function

Port Blair, May 13: A delega-tion of the executive Commit-tee of the Andaman Chamberof Commerce & Industry ledby its President, Mr. G.Bhasker went for an officialvisit to the Havelock Island onSaturday the 10th May 2014and held its meeting at resortTSG Blue.

During their stay atHavelock on Sunday the 11th

May 2014, the chamber or-ganized and participated in aBeach Cleaning program be-tween 8 am to 1 pm with thesupport of the departments ofpolice, forest, local hoteliersand foreign tourists in theKalapather, Radhanagar, jettyarea and No.5. A total of fourtrucks garbage, which in-cludes plastic and glassbottles were collected and

transported to the designatedgarbage dumping area. Thechamber would like to thankMr. B. Saigal, DySP, Mr.A.K.Paul, DFO and Mr.Bennet Jacob (Mr. Benny)and his team for their sup-port. Mr. Benny had takena lead had and arranged alllogistics including refresh-ment for the Western tour-ists.

Beach Cleaning drive organized by ACCISee Page 7

Kuldeep greets Islanderson Budha Purnima

Port Blair, Jan 13: The PCCPresident, Kuldeep RaiSharma and all leaders havegreeted the Islanders on theoccasion of Buddha Purnima,the birth anniversary of LordBuddha which falls on 14thApril, 2014.

In his message,Kuldeep has said that LordBuddha’s teachings of non-vio-lence, love and sympathy to allliving things, kindness and self-less service to underprivilegedand disadvantaged people areof unending significance andwe must follow these teach-ings as a part of our everydaylife. He has wished that thisheavenly festival may spreadpeace among the islanders.

4 14.05.2014 Rs. 2.00 Andaman Sheekha Daily Port Blair

14.05.2014 Daily Issue::108

EDITORIAL.....To be a Bangla desi

Inderjeet had been calling his cookover the phone for the last five dayswith no luck. With the fridge emptyand a daily diet of momos, rolls andpizzas now tiring Inderjeet, he wasgetting worried. For despite his leg-endary apathy that saw him beingas unexcited as Mayawati by all theelection-time hangama and fuss overVaranasi, he had been hearing thingsthat led him to believe that Rehanawas in trouble.

It was Rehana who had toldhim while serving him his secondmorning cuppa about 'Noren Modi'being a splendid man. "Arey bhai-shaab, he has said that those whoare thrown out of Bangladesh, thosewho observe Durgashtami and speakBengali are all Mother India's chil-dren and will get the same respectas any Indian." After his first sip,Inderjeet had asked Rehana whereshe originally came from. "Kolkata,of course!" she had exclaimed, ut-tering it the way everyone else wassaying 'Banaras!' these days.

Over the weeks that fol-lowed, even as Rehana seemedchirpier than ever before, Inderjeetstarted hearing about strange disap-pearances across the city. At first, itwas maids and cooks. Then, therewere wholesale disappearances offami-lies from Chittaranjan Park inDelhi, Shivaji Park in Mumbai and,subsequently, from all across Indiaoutside West Bengal. Inderjeetstarted noticing the absence ofBengali expert panellists on TV andBengali columnists from publica-tions. A nationwide address by thepresident was scheduled to be airedon TV to calm bona fide Bengali In-dian citizens. But this was cancelledwhen President Pranab Mukherjeewas found missing from RashtrapatiBhavan. Unwashed dishes piled upin kitchen basins, cycle rickshawsacross towns stopped plying, youngchildren bawled in restaurants find-ing themselves sitting at the sametable as their parents instead of withtheir nanny-cum-maids at an adjoin-ing one. News from Kolkata pro-

vided no clues as Bengalis there, ir-respective of religion, caste and abil-ity to pronounce 'people', carried onbusiness as usual. Which, in Ben-gal, wasn't much, making it hard totell whether anything there was alsoawry or not.

Just before the army wasabout to be brought out from thebarracks to sell veggies and fish andnews, clear the garbage, run mediahouses, pedal rickshaws and opin-ions, wash the dishes, write novels,swab the floors, paint paintings, andcook meals, Rehana returned.

"Where were you?"Inderjeet shouted out in a mix of re-lief and irritation.

"Bhai-shaab, sorry. Myfamily had to go to Bangladesh."

"You're a Bangladeshi?"Inderjeet looked up, finally articulat-ing what he had always suspectedwithout caring one bit.

"No, no. We just needed tobe thrown out from across theBangladesh border after they thoughtwe were Hindus. And the sameneighbours of ours who alwaysthought we were Bangladeshis sim-ply because we are Bengalis are nowconvinced we are Hindu refugees!"

Inderjeet was relieved, hisrelief further accentuated upon see-ing a harried but intact Prannoy Royon TV saying something moderatelyinconsequential but nice about theimpending government. "I'll makesome hilsa for dinner," Rehana pro-claimed before walking towards thekitchen clanking her newly-acquiredwhite 'n' red bangles as Inderjeetnoticed a thin red line of sindoor onher head for the first time. "Yes,Rehana, that would be great, thankyou," Inderjeet replied, happy to findChandan Mitra, BJP MP and candi-date from Hooghly in West Bengal,talk about Varanasi being "the soulof India" with more passion thanusual. "And bhai-shaab," said Rehanafrom some border region betweenthe kitchen and the living room, "Myname is Moonmoon from now on,not Rehana."

14.05.2014 Rs. 2.00 Andaman Sheekha Daily Port Blair 5

6 14.05.2014 Rs. 2.00 Andaman Sheekha Daily Port Blair

Depressed people morelikely to go for e-cigarettes

Washington, May 13(IANS) — People livingwith depression, anxiety orother mental health condi-tions are twice as likely tohave tried e-cigarettes andthree times as likely to becurrent users of these de-vices as people withoutmental health disorders, re-search says.

They are also moresusceptible to trying e-ciga-rettes in the future in the be-lief that doing so will helpthem quit, the scientistssaid.

“Since the safety ofe-cigarettes is still un-known, their use by non-smokers could put them atrisk,” said SharonCummins, an assistant pro-fessor at University ofCalifornia’s (San Diego)school of medicine.The study shows thatsmokers, regardless of theirmental health condition, arethe primary consumers ofthe nicotine delivery tech-nology. People with mentalhealth disorders also ap-pear to be using e-ciga-

rettes for the same reasonsas other smokers – to re-duce potential harm to theirhealth and to help thembreak the habit.What doyou think?

“So far, non-smok-ers with mental health dis-orders are not picking up e-cigarettes as a gateway tosmoking,” Cummins noted.

The study is basedon a survey of Americans’smoking history, efforts toquit and their use and per-ceptions about e-cigarettes.

People were alsoasked whether they hadever been diagnosed withan anxiety disorder, de-pression or other mentalhealth condition.

People with mentalhealth conditions havelargely been forgotten inthe war on smoking.

“But because theyare high consumers of ciga-rettes, they have the mostto gain or lose from the e-cigarette phenomenon,” theresearch, published in thejournal Tobacco Control,concluded

14.05.2014 Rs. 2.00 Andaman Sheekha Daily Port Blair 7

ate more revenue for thePBMC to provide better ser-vice to the people. Mr. K.Ganeshan, Chairperson,PBMC requested the repre-sentatives present to co-op-erate with the Council tokeep the Port Blair city clean,neat and hygiene.

The representatives

of different organizations/as-sociations present in themeeting appreciated the ac-tion initiated by the Chairper-son for the disposal of solidwaste in a planned mannerand agreed to pay servicecharges @ Rs.500/- perfunction in which bulk solidwaste is generated.

Marriage Halls... From Page 3

I Smti. Joshana Baroi, W/o Sidheshwar baroi, R/oV.S.Palli village, under Diglipur Tehsil in N & MAndaman, do hereby solemnly and sincerely affirm anddeclare the following:- That as per my Islander card and FIC my correct andactual my name is recorded as JOSHANA BAROI.But by bonafide mistake my name is recorded in myland record as JYOSTNA BAROI instead ofJOSHANA BAROI.

This affidavit is executed by me for rectifica-tion my name in my Land Record.

The above statement is true and correct to thebest of my knowledge and belief.



M. Abdul Rasheed, HC SanjayKujur, HC Surya Narayan,Constables Rakesh Toppo,Ashish Mallick, Mohd. Imran& M. Raja Rao under thesupervision of DySP (SA)Mohd. Aslam have solved fiveimportant cases.

He said that the firstburglary was reported on 29/03/14 in UHC Shadipurwhen 120 nos. of Syrup(Corex) were stolen. Two caseswere reported on 23 & 24 Aprilat PS Pahargaon for Burglaryat Loknath Temple, OldPahargaon and a house theftin the house of Smti Selvi atBhatubasti in which a lot ofgold ornaments were stolen. Inthe fourth reported case,donation boxes (Hundi) at SriVinayagar temple Diary farmwere found broken and cashstolen. The fifth burglaryhappened in the house of Smti

Ramawathi Borade at DudhLine, Shadipur on the earlymorning of 9th May.

“Rounding up anumber of suspects andgathering intelligence over aweek long period, the culpritswere finally arrested andstolen articles recovered fromtheir possession. The arrestedburglars are (1) Seikh Murtaza(26) yrs R/o South Point (2)Sahid Ali (34) yrs R/o MithaKhari, Ranchi Basthi (3) SheikMustafa (21) yrs R/o SouthPoint, (4) Stalin David (22) yrsR/o Dollygunj (5) K.V.B.Muruganandan (22) yrs R/oShadipur,” he said.Three have been remanded tojudicial custody and themasterminds namely Shahidand Murtaza are in Policeremand. Further investigationis under progress, the SPadded.

Five Burglars... (From page 1)

reports the accident tookplace at North Bay Island thisafternoon, where a powerdinghy ‘Marine Rider’dashed with another powerboat of Barefoot group ‘MantaRay’, which was about to startfor Port Blair.

There were sixtourists, including twochildren onboard ‘MarineRider’, which reportedlytoppled after hitting the otherboat.

Three tourists, out ofsix, Manan Mehtani, AthithiSharma and Naveen Mehtanisustained injuries.The divers of Dive Mantra,Dive Master Dinesh Biswas,Divers of Barefoot Scuba andtwo lifeguards of TourismDepartment immediatelycame to the rescue andbrought all tourists to shore,where they were given firstaid.

Three year oldManan Mehtani wasimmediately rushed to PortBlair’s G B Pant Hospital inserious conditions as seawater entered inside her

lungs. Her father NaveenMehtani got minor injuries inforehead and hand whileanother tourist, AthithiSharma sustained headinjuries. Sea water also wentinside the lungs of AthithiSharma and she was keptunder observation in ICUward of G B Pant Hospital.On January 26, 2014 in a boataccident near North BayIsland, 22 tourists had died.

Talking to AndamanSheekha one of the victimtourists said that the boat

operator was driving thepower boat with full speedand was showingunnecessary skills. “Therewas enough space on thebeach but for reasonunknown he went toward theother boat and hit the boatfrom one side,” he said.

Tour operator allegedthat the boat operators usuallytry to ferry tourists as fast aspossible so that more andmore tourists could be ferriedin one day, which means moreprofit for them.

Another boat... (From page 1)

8 14.05.2014 Rs. 2.00 Andaman Sheekha Daily Port Blair

Address: Roy Villa, INS Utkrosh Road, New Pahargaon, Garacharma Post Office- 744105, South Andaman. Ph: 09932082892. [email protected], [email protected]

City Office: Andaman Sheekha, D & K City Building, Ground Floor, RGT Road, Port Blair. A & N Islands.

Edited, Published, Printed and Owned by Shri Sanjib Kumar Roy and Published from Roy Villa, INS Utkrosh Road, New Pahargaon,Garacharma Post Office- 744105,South Andaman, A & N Islands. Printed at Royal Printers, Bargat Line, South Andaman. Editor: Shri Sanjib Kumar Roy.

DATE - 13-05-2014


LG orders... (From page 1)

partments during the last fi-nancial year (2013-2014) aswell as initiatives/key projectsto be undertaken in the cur-rent financial year (2014-2015).

While reviewing theactivities of the AgricultureDepartment, the Hon’ble Lt.Governor emphasized that theDepartment must work out acomprehensive proposal foragriculture development inthese Islands, with emphasison vegetable and fruit pro-duction so that these Islandsmove towards self suffi-ciency in green vegetables.The Department has beenasked to also work out a pack-age of incentives for makingorganic farming remunerativein these Islands. For this, theLt. Governor suggested thatprice differentiation betweenorganic and inorganic pro-duce, besides differences insubsidy amount for organicand inorganic fertilizers,should be taken in as part ofthis strategy. Marketing sup-port for organic producersshould be also given by theDepartment in the initialyears. Bee keeping, being animportant activity in these Is-lands, the Lt. Governor di-rected that the Department ofAgriculture should coordinatewith the Industries Depart-ment and other private inter-ested parties for providing

marketing outlets for sale ofhoney, collected by variousbee keepers, under a brandname. He added that unlessthe Department provides mar-keting outlets, farmer will notbe interested to take up beekeeping as commercial ven-tures. Keeping in view thedense forest cover of the Is-lands, he observed that beekeeping does have a goodpotential for increase in in-comes of the farmers. Be-sides, this will further improvethe productivity of cropsthrough cross pollination.

He also directed theDepartment to see that farm-ers as well as the unemployedyouth are motivated and en-couraged to undertake flori-culture, especially orchids andother high value flowers. Forthis, concerted efforts shouldbe made for providing outlets,sale counters by tying up withthe tourism industry, espe-cially hoteliers.

While expressing hissatisfaction and complement-ing the AH&VS Departmentfor attaining self sufficiencyin meat and eggs, the Lt.Governor directed the De-partment of AH&VS to im-prove and increase the qual-ity and quantity of milk byimporting high yielding crossbred animals from mainland.

Reviewing the activi-ties of the Fisheries Depart-

ment, the Lt. Governor di-rected that efforts should bemade to exploit the resourcesby motivating the fishermenand private entrepreneurs byproviding subsidies and skilldevelopmental support tothem. He advised that largeinvestment projects should beencouraged by providing sub-sidies, wherever felt neces-sary and desirable, particularlyto those parties who can makelarge investments for develop-ment of shore based industriesfor generating employment forthe local people in these Is-lands. He added that the De-partment should not confineitself to just implementing tosubsidy schemes but shouldplay more pro-active role. Healso directed that staff strengthof the three departments bereviewed to ensure optimumutilization of their services.Earlier, through a power pointpresentation, the Fisheries de-partment apprised the Lt. Gov-ernor that a revised FisheriesDevelopment programme,aiming to increase production,which includes establishmentof boat building yard at PortBlair, as a component of theTuna Mission, has been ap-proved by the Lt. Governorimmediately after his assump-tion of office last year. Workon a modern fish market atPort Blair is also at anadvanced stage of planning.

Conditions favorable formonsoon over Andaman and

Nicobar Islands by May 17:IMD

New Delhi/ Port Blair, May 05:The India Meteorology Depart-ment on Tuesday said that con-ditions are becoming favourablefor the advance of southwestmonsoon over South AndamanSea and adjoining southeastBay of Bengal around May17th. 

Pre monsoon rain andthundershowers occurred atmost places over Jammu & Kash-mir, Himachal Pradesh; at manyplaces over Punjab, Assam &Meghalaya; at a few places overAndaman & Nicobar islandsand isolated places overUttarakhand and Tamil Nadusince the past 24 hours.

The normal date of on-set of monsoon in India over

Andaman Islands is by may 20th.In 2013, cyclone Mahasenbrought early monsoon showersto Andaman by May 17t advanc-ing to Kerala coast by June 1thereby setting the stage for thefour-month annual rainfall sea-son. 

As per IMD forecast inthe next 24 hours, thunder squallwould occur at isolated placesover east Uttar Pradesh, Bihar,Jharkhand, sub- Himalayan WestBengal and the north easternstates. The weather outlook fromMay 16-20 shows rain to occurat many places over Andamanand Nicobar Islands, isolatedplaces over Peninsular India andfew places over north easternstates. 

Heavy rain lashesHaryana, Punjab

CHANDIGARH: Moderate toheavy rain lashed many areasof Haryana and Punjab earlyon Tuesday, leading to a dipin the temperature in the re-gion. Chandigarh residentswoke up to a cool morning asheavy rains lashed the cityovernight (13.3 mm).

In Haryana, Ambalareceived 17.1 mm rains, Hisar22.4 mm, Bhiwani 22.4 mm,Karnal 11.6 mm, Narnaul 10mm and Panchkula 15 mm.In

Punjab, Pathankot received 43mm rains, Amritsar 11.3 mm,Ludhiana 15.8 mm, Patiala 18.4mm, Madhopur 43.4 mm,Shahpur Kandi belt 55.2 mm,Nangal Dam 12.8 mm andMohali 14 mm.

Maximum tempera-tures in the region have wit-nessed a sharp fall after therains, a MeT official said, add-ing western disturbances haveled to the current change inweather.

More Rainfall in Mayabunder,makes climate pleasant

Mayabunder, May 13: Sincelast two days residents ofMayabunder are witnessingheavy spells of rainfall. Thepre-monsoon showers havenot only brought great relieffor people from troubling heatbut also is expected to solve the water scarcity problem of

Muralidharan PillaiSheekha News Service

the area.