140728 summer school week 3 newsletter

m e r S m S C H O O L Dear Parents, As time goes by, we have reached the fourth week, which is also the last week of ISV Summer School 2014. Although the time to say goodbye will come shortly, we are very excited about the amazing activities that will take place this week. In this newsletter, you will find highlights of this week and also a reflection of the students’ achievements last week. Once again, a big thank you to all the students, families, teachers who have been on this journey with us. Best regards, The Summer School Team Highlights of Week 4 International Theme 17/7: Fieldtrip to E-green Garden 18/7: K-pop Dance School Assembly ISV Summer School Newsletter - Week 3 ( 21/7 - 25/7) 23 April 30 July 23 April 1 August Panasonic Risupia – Children Science Centre The fieldtrip to Risupia was a great opportunity for our students to experience the joy and wonder of mathematics and science. As our students walked into this centre, they felt like they were inside a science laboratory from a sci-fi movie. Through loads of interactive quizzes, games, puzzles based on high technology, the students got to explore and admire the beauty and mystique of science hidden in nature. It woke up their five senses and helped them enjoy learning about various scientific principles and laws from first hand experience.

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Page 1: 140728 Summer School Week 3 newsletter


Dear Parents,

As time goes by, we have reached the fourth week, which is also the last week of ISV Summer School 2014. Although the time to say goodbye will come shortly, we are very excited about the amazing activities that will take place this week. In this newsletter, you will �nd highlights of this week and also a re�ection of the students’ achievements lastweek.Once again, a big thank you to all the students, families, teachers who have been onthis journey with us.

Best regards,

The Summer School Team

Highlights of Week 4 International Theme

17/7: Fieldtrip to E-green Garden

18/7: K-pop Dance School Assembly

ISV Summer SchoolNewsletter - Week 3 ( 21/7 - 25/7)





Panasonic Risupia – Children Science CentreThe �eldtrip to Risupia was a great opportunity for our students to experience the joy and wonder of mathematics and science. As our students walked into this centre, they felt like they were inside a science laboratory from a sci-� movie. Through loads of interactive quizzes, games, puzzles based on high technology, the students got to explore and admire the beauty and mystique of science hidden in nature. It woke up their �ve senses and helped them enjoy learning about various scienti�c principles and laws from �rst hand experience.

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Music & DanceIt is getting more and more exciting with dancing in K-pop style. Who wants to join us?

Arts & CraftsIt is summer time, so a hat can be very useful, espe-cially a hat from your own imagination. In case it is too hot outside, you can always shelter in our multi-storeybuildings made from chopsticks.


Best wishes to Ha Sang Min on his birthday earlier thisweek!

Notice board

- Please be advised that all students should bring their swimsuits every day, especially on the days they have swimming classes.- Please be advised to prepare a hat, a full bottle of water as well as ISV Summer School uniform for your children for their Wednesday’s �eldtrip.

International School of Vietnam No. 6-7 Nguyen Cong Thai Dai Kim Urban AreaDinh Cong Hoang Mai HanoiVietnam Tel: +84 (0) 435 409183

English & Fun ScienceOur week-long project was all about the creation of volcanoes. Step by step, the students learnt how to make a volcano of their own and how to decorate it beautifully. The most interesting part however was when they learnt to actually make it become a real active volcano. It was such an exciting way of studying about volcanoes withmemories that will remain.

Yen Khe school visitThis week, ISV welcomed 18 teachers and students from Yen Khe - a Vietnamese school 3 hours from Hanoi. They came to experience a typical day of Summer School of Hanoi. Regardless of the di�erence in nationalities and English levels, the students got alongwell with our students and made the day a memorable one for all.

CookingAs everybody knows, jelly helps cool the summer heat. If at the end of the day, you come home all tired and hot, what can be sweeter than your child bringing you a cup of their own jelly to help cool o�?