15 anthony, aryan, edward, shawn's guidebook

Marin Headlands By:Shawn,Anthony,Edward,Aryan

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Marin Headlands



Barn Owlscientific name:Tyto alba

Length:16 inches

Wingspan:42 inches

Weight:1 pound


heart shaped face

have the best hearing of any owl, they can hear a mouse walking across a hard floor

100 feet away. Barn Owls are often seen in open areas near barns and they nest in any

month of the year. Barn Owls are about 16 inches long, has a wingspan of 42 inches

and is one pound. Barn Owls also have a heart shaped face and are brownish white.

Barn Owls or Tyto

alba, often called ghost

owl for its dead of night

habits, silent flight, pale

color, scary voice, and

fondness for old

buildings and

cemeteries. Barn owls

Western Scrub






Weight:3 oz(85g)

Color: azure blue



a californica

Western Scrub Jays or

Aphelocoma californica are a

lanky azure blue bird with long,

floppy tail and in an often

hunched-over posture.

Western Scrub Jays are blue and

gray above, with a pale underside

broken up by a blue necklace. In

birds, the color blue depends on


Western Scrub Jays are assertive, vocal, and

inquisitive. Western Scrub jays are about 11.5

inches long with a wingspan of 15.5 inches and is

around 3 ounces heavy.

Great Horned Owl

Males are bigger than female great horned owl.

Great horned owls have catlike shaped head

they live in most of north america

Females are more heavily marked than male great horned owls.

The great horned owl has longer range than any other owl.

The great horned owl is the most powerful owl in North America.

Crows, sometimes joined by red tailed hawks usually attacks it together.

It’s pellets are large, about 4 inches long.

Great horned owls eats rabbits, rodents, skunks, birds as big as a grouse

and herons, and also reptiles amphibians, and insects. Length: 22 Inches

Wingspan:44 Inches


Short-Eared Owl

Females are bigger than male short eared owls

Long narrow wings, easy floating flight, cowed wings,

2 types: Caribbean and Northern

Fly in the air more than any other owl

Usually seen flying at dawn and dusk

Feeds on voles and other rodents

Similar to the northern harriers

Length:15 inches

Wingspan:38 inches

Weight: 12 oz

Acorn Woodpecker

● Melanerpes formicivorus

● makes many holes

● omnivores

● 3 ounces, 9in. long, 17 inches wingspan.

This acorn woodpecker, from the woodpecker

family, is a bird, who eats insects and acorns. They

put acorns in trees then eat is the winter. They love

living in oak places( oak forests, oak parks, oak

trees,etc.). They aren’t endangered, and about 3

oz. They are around 9 inches long and 17 inches

as their wingspan.

This is a tree with a woodpecker

pecking holes into a tree for his


Brown Thrasher

Brown thrashers lives in scrubby field.

They like to play loud sound

They are fairly large and slender songbirds

Toxostoma rufum is scientific name for Brown Thrasher

They play their loud music at the top of the trees.

● Length:11.5in

● weight:2.4oz

● wingspan:13

Gold-Crowned Sparrow● Length:7.25cm

● Weight:29g

● wing span:9.5Golden-Crowned Sparrow’s scientific name is Zonotrichia


It is a common bird that lives in the shurby low land and city

edges in winter along the pacific coast.They eats seed and

insect in ground.They sing their song from their nest.

mixed length

Towhee● length:8.5in

● weight:1.4oz

● wingspan:9.5

Towhee's scientific name is Pipilo maculatus

Towhee is a common bird.And they usually lives in a

place that are hot scrubland.They move by hopping or

running on ground .But they usually try to stay close to

the protection like tree.

Stellers Jay

● Lays about 4 eggs

● song birds

● Cyanocitta stelleri

● about 12 in. length wingspan is about 17in.

The Stellers Jay (aka Cyanocitta stelleri) is a bird, that

sings songs, and are omnivores. They eat

berries,nuts, fruits, and even some bugs. The are

really secretive when nesting unless harm comes.

When harm comes the make as much sound as they

can. They live near the evergreen forest, and all

around the western coast of America. These blue

birds are around a feet long long and 17 inches as

their wingspan.

White-Crowned Sparrow

Lives mostly everywhere in North America

Pacific populations are different from Taiga/Interior West group in appearance and


Taiga sings buzzy lazy fee odi odi zee zee zoo with little variation

Pacific birds sing a clearer more rapid see sitli te te zrr with quick slurred notes

Length:7 inches

v wingspan:9.5inches

Weight:1 oz

Anna’s Hummingbird

Lives in most of the Coast.

Large and sturdy looking

Tubular looking body with tail held stationary and and in line with body

Short straight bill and long sloping forehead

Body temperature around 107 degrees Fahrenheit.

They had tiny legs which made it impossible to walk.

They can fly up to 130 feet high in the air.

Length:4 Inches

Wingspan: 5.25 Inches

Weight: 0.15 Ounces

Mountain Chickadee

Mountain chickadees are very active

and acrobatic.Mountain chickadees have a

tiny, large-headed but small-billed, with a

long, narrow tail and full, rounded wings

Mountain chickadees color

pattern:strikingly black-and-white on the

head, gray elsewhere, white stripe over the

eye. Mountain chickadees are 5.25 inches

long, 0.39 ounces, and have a wingspan of

8.5 inches. Mountain Chickadees lives in

dry, mountain, forest areas of the west.

Length:5.25 inches

Wingspan:8.5 inches


Habitat:Dry, mountainous forests

of the West


Sticky Monkey Flower

(Mimulus aurantiacus)

medicine for native americans

drought tolerant

around 4ft

This native plant was used as medicine for many

native american. It needs less water and can

grow fast. This plant grows at around 4 ft.

These monkey flowers got their name from how

they look like, which is a monkey. They are

many types of monkey flowers, sticky monkey

flower is just one of them.

Miners Lettuce

really healthy

used in salads sometimes

miners use for their nutrients long time ago

Claytonia perfoliata

around a feet tall

This edible plant is a really healthy vegetable and is

packed with omega nutrients. People use it to make

stuff like they do with lettuce(salads, sandwiches,

etc.).This native plant saved many gold rush miners

from scurvy. Some ways to identify this plant is it has a

green cup shaped thing which you eat with a flower on

top of the cup. It is found all over the west coast of

america and is found in shady places.

Blue eyed grass

● Sisyrinchium L.

● found all of america’s coast

● 12-16 in. tall

● found near grasses

This plant is native to all of America and Canada. It is found

near grassy places and will blooms in spring. It is in the

Iridaceae family. It is a bluish-purplish color. It grows around

3000 ft elevation.

Coyote BrushThe Coyote Brush or Baccharis pilaris

consanguinea is lightish green. It is 1-4

meters wide and 1-3 meters high.Coyote

brush has staminate and pistillate flowers on

separate plants.Coyote brush is commonly

found in coastal sage scrub and chaparral on

hillsides and in canyons below 2500' from

San Diego County to Oregon. Coyote brush

blooms from August to December.. height(meters) 1.00-3.00

width(meters) 1.00-4.00

Scientific name:Baccharis pilularis


Poison Oak

Poison oak or toxicodendron

radicans have a vine like appearance

with smooth branches.

Poison oak contains an irritating, oily

sap called urushiol.

Urushiol is found in all parts of these

plants, including the leaves, stems,

and roots.Urushiol is a liquid that

makes you itchy.Poison oak is 3-6

feet long and are dark green.



n radicans

3-6 feet long

Arroyo Willow

Arroyo Willow is a common plant that can be found in the wetland of california.

Arroyo willow’s scientific name is the Salix lasiolepis.They usually lives in wetland of california.

Bibliographyimages used:

Leaf Photo. Digital image. Http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/pictures/20000/nahled/green-background.jpg. Web.

Beautiful Bird Eagle. Digital image. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-

ZDKri0SKHvE/T6jauU6s3pI/AAAAAAAACaE/uAlnATJx5sU/s1600/beautiful-bird-eagle.jpg. Web.

Cloud Cover Simple Background. Digital image.

http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs21/i/2007/272/7/d/Cloud_Cover_Simple_Background_by_turpinator77.png. Web.

Shawn’s bibliography

Image :






website:"Brown Thrasher." , Identification, All About Birds. Web. 14 Mar. 2015.


Anthony’s bibliography





"Coyote Brush." Coyote Brush. Web. 17 Mar. 2015. <http://www.calflora.net/bloomingplants/coyotebrush.html>.

"Baccharis Pilularis Consanguinea, Coyote Brush and Bush Baccharis." Baccharis Pilularis Consanguinea, Coyote Brush. Web. 23

Mar. 2015. <http://www.laspilitas.com/nature-of-california/plants/112--baccharis-pilularis-consanguinea>.

Allergies to Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac." WebMD. WebMD. Web. 22 Mar. 2015. <http://www.webmd.com/allergies/guide/poison-ivy-


"Mountain Chickadee." , Identification, All About Birds. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.


"Western Scrub-Jay." , Identification, All About Birds. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.


Foster, Steven, and Roger A. Caras. A Field Guide to Venomous Animals and Poisonous Plants, North America, North of Mexico.

Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1994. Print.6




Aryan’s Bibliography


"Birds of North America Field Guide." Audubon. Web. 14 Mar. 2015. <http://www.audubon.org/field-guide/bird/stellers-jay>.

"Steller's Jay." , Identification, All About Birds. Web. 14 Mar. 2015. <http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Stellers_Jay/id>.

United States. National Park Service. "Sticky Monkey Flower." National Parks Service. U.S. Department of the Interior, 22 Mar. 2015. Web. 16 Mar. 2015. <http://www.nps.gov/prsf/learn/nature/sticky-monkey-flower.htm>.

"Diplacus Aurantiacus Sierra Monkey Flower Sierra Monkey Flower." Monkey Flowers for California Gardens. Web. 16 Mar. 2015. <http://www.laspilitas.com/groups/Monkey_flower/California_monkey_flower.html>.

"Blue-eyed Grass." Blue-eyed Grass. Calfora. Web. 17 Mar. 2015. <http://www.calflora.net/bloomingplants/blueeyedgrass.html>.

"Plants Profile for Sisyrinchium (blue-eyed Grass)." Plants Profile for Sisyrinchium (blue-eyed Grass). Web. 17 Mar. 2015. <http://plants.usda.gov/core/profile?symbol=SISYR>.

"Greens, Miner's Lettuce | Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co." Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co. Web. 20 Mar. 2015. <http://www.rareseeds.com/miners-lettuce/>.

"Harvesting Miners Lettuce, A Wild Green Superfood." Harvesting Miners Lettuce, A Wild Green Superfood. Web. 20 Mar. 2015. <http://www.superfoods-for-superhealth.com/miners-lettuce.html>.

"Acorn Woodpeckers, Acorn Woodpecker Pictures, Acorn Woodpecker Facts - National Geographic." National Geographic. Web. 22 Mar. 2015. <http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/birding/acorn-woodpecker/>.

"Acorn Woodpecker." Audubon. 13 Nov. 2014. Web. 22 Mar. 2015. <http://www.audubon.org/field-guide/bird/acorn-woodpecker>.

Kinsey, Beth. "Claytonia Perfoliata – Miner's Lettuce." Southeastern Arizona Wildflowers and Plants RSS. Web. 25 Mar. 2015. <http://www.fireflyforest.com/flowers/786/claytonia-perfoliata-miners-lettuce/>.


Rechenthin, Clarence. Sisyrinchium L. - Blue-eyed Grass SISYR. Digital image. Http://plants.usda.gov/java/largeImage?imageID=sisyr_001_avp.tif. Web.

Sticky Monkey-Flower. Digital image. Http://m3.i.pbase.com/o6/89/829189/1/93532463.Gv6ooeix.StickyMonkeyflower1196d.jpg. 2007. Web.

Bammel, Steve. Juvenile Stellers Jay. Digital image. Http://www.birdsinphotos.com/recent_images_july_dec_2011/slides/_1SB6250 Juvenile Stellers Jay.jpg. 2007. Web.

Acorn Woodpecker. Digital image. Http://www.ibabuzz.com/politics/files/2008/02/acorn-woodpecker.jpg. Web.

Indian/Miners Lettuce. Digital image. Http://www.superfoods-for-superhealth.com/miners-lettuce.html. Web.

Aryan’s Bibliography Continued


Sibley, David. The Sibley Guide to Birds. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2000. Print.

Laubach, Christyna M., and Rene Laubach.

Edward’s Bibliography

Swartz, John. Digital image. Http://www.birdspix.com/north-america/blackbirds-

icteridae/blackbirds/red-winged-blackbird. 20 Mar. 2015. Web.

Digital image. Http://birdnote.org/photo/2013/03/short-eared-owl-lands-

17http://birdnote.org/photo/2013/03/short-eared-owl-lands-17. Web.

Digital image. Http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/PHOTO/LARGE/white_crowned_sparrow_2.jpg.

