15 - respiration

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  • 7/27/2019 15 - Respiration


    Lecture 15

    Respiratory Systems and Gas Bladders

    Kardong Chapter 11, Hildebrand Chapter 13

  • 7/27/2019 15 - Respiration


    Respiratory Systems

    Large surface area.

    Thin barrier between blood and air or water.

    Flow or exchange of air or water. Favorable diffusion gradient between blood

    and air or water.

    Organs for external respiration (i.e., gas exchange

    with the environment) are required by large, active

    animals like vertebrates. Gases include O2 and CO2.

    Requirements of external respiratory surfaces:

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    The Early Development of GillsGill openings develop in

    the pharynx from insideout and from front to

    back. Each branchial arch

    between these openings

    contains an element of the

    splanchnocranium (notshown) and a branch of the

    ventral aorta.KK 10.22, H&G 13.1

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    Gills KK 11.4, H&G. 13.2

    Lamprey gills are called

    pouched gills and the 7

    openings are almost tubular.

    Sharks have 5 gill openings

    covered by septa. There is a

    half-gill or hemibranch onthe hyoid arch, plus 4

    holobranchs. The opening

    ahead of the hyoid arch is the


    Teleosts have 4 branchial

    arches without septa, covered

    by the operculum.

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    External GillsKK 11.4, H&G 13.5External gills are larval

    structures found in someOsteichthyes, including

    Sarcopterygii, and Amphibia


    In fish, external gills develop before

    pharyngeal gills and are an adaptation

    to low O2 environments. (Larval fish

    are small enough that under most

    conditions they do not need gills.)

    Tetrapods, including Amphibia, never

    have functional pharyngeal gills.

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    Holobranch of a shark.KK 11.17, H&G 13.2

    Shark gills are protected

    by the gill septa separating

    the two halves of the


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    Teleost GillsKK 11.19, H&G 13.3Teleost gills are free, in the sense that they do not have a gill septum.

    They are protected by the operculum instead. Note the direction of blood

    flow in the secondary lamellae, which are like fins on a radiator.

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    The direction of water flow

    across the gills is opposite to the

    direction of the blood flow

    within the gill lamellae.

    That the water and blood flow in

    opposite directions is important;it maintains a constant +ve

    gradient for gain of O2 or loss of

    CO2. This is called

    countercurrent gas


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    Lungs are evaginations of the

    anterior gut behind the gills.

    Their surfaces are highlyfolded and vascularized to

    maximize gas exchange. This

    is not true of fishes that have

    lungs that they do not use

    (e.g., sturgeon) or fishes that

    have gas bladders (teleosts).

    Most fish lungs or gas

    bladders are dorsal in

    position, while tetrapod

    lungfish lungs and tetrapod

    lungs are more ventral.

    Why lungs?


    KK 11.5, H&G

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    Gas Bladders KK 11.22, H&G 13.7

    Although some teleostsmaintain a connection

    from the gas bladder to

    the gut (e.g., trout) most

    lose this connection in

    development. Eitherway, the gas content of

    the bladder is maintained

    by adding or removing

    gas from the circulatory

    system via the red body

    and the oval body,

    respectively. Some fish

    use gas bladders for

    sound reception and/or


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    The importance of cutaneous

    respiration varies from

    100% to near 0.

    KK 11.6

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    Mammalian lungs,

    as illustrated bythe hippopotamus,

    have a large

    surface area for

    respiration because

    of their complex

    internal structure

    of alveoli. In

    humans this area is

    about 70 m2.

    KK 11.36

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    Avian Lungs

    Avian lungs are small and constant involume, but are associated with

    hollow air sacs that take up space in

    the body and lighten it. Extensions of

    the air sacs penetrate even into the

    bones, so they are hollow.

    Air flow through the lungs is achieved

    not by expanding the lungs

    (aspiration) but by action of the

    sternum and muscles on the air sacs.

    This efficiently capitalizes on theaction of muscles during flight.

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    Air passes through bird lungs in

    one direction, not tidally, through

    air capillaries called parabronchi.

    The blood flows through the lungin the opposite direction.

    This greatly increases the gas

    exchange efficiency of bird lungs

    relative to those of other tetrapods.

    Diagram of left

    lung of a bird.

    KK 11.37, H&G 13.12

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    The tidal flow of air in the lungs of

    mammals and other tetrapods isrelatively inefficient compared to the

    cross-current flow of air through the

    lungs of birds. Birds can undergo

    strenuous exercise (flying) at altitudes

    where we would pass out standing still.

    KK 11.36, H&G 13.10, 13.13