150401 vanuatu still smiles social media campaign

MEDIA RELEASE Tourism launches #VanuatuStillSmiles campaign 01 April 2015: The VTO General Manager, Ms. Linda Kalpoi states that despite the devastation effect by cyclone PAM the destination is amazingly recovering quicker than expected and because of this, the Vanuatu Tourism Office is launching a creative unique #HashTag Campaign on social media platforms #VanuatuStillSmiles. The #Hashtag campaign is a powerful tool to attain following objectives: Brand Awareness and Promotions, Service and Product Promotions, Community Building and Engagement, and Leads Generation and Sales. The Vanuatu Tourism Office is encouraging the use of the Red A4 Board with the #VanuatuStillSmiles printed in white which users can download from VTO’s facebook page on www.facebook.com/vanuatuislands and be part of this unique campaign builder. Photos posted on Facebook, twitter, and Instagram should be #Hashtagged plus tagged to @VanuatuIslands the official Vanuatu Tourism FB page, to appear here (on campaign facebook) https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/vanuatustillsmiles The Vanuatu Tourism Office is attempting to build a Positive image of Vanuatu Tourism as part of our aggressive marketing campaign post-pam, our positive image is to show the world that even under the harshest and devastating circumstances VanuatuStillSmiles and life still goes on. Engaging our sources markets and rebuilding confidence to swing their purchasing decision to Vanuatu as the holiday destination of choice. The key to this campaign is online participation from everyone in the industry and general public, a collective campaign will see a unified and stronger more effective campaign. This is the fastest and most effective form of communication to boost our visitor arrival numbers and a start to our industry recovery from here we can move on to other communication mediums. We’re already gaining traction on Facebook and the response is overwhelming, even ABC Network has pick up the campaign and have enquired about the campaign, showing that it’s got potential to grow and have a positive effect Mrs Kalpoi goes on to ask all industry partners, tour operators, hotels and resorts, ambassadors, the people of Vanuatu to come on board and join the #VanuatuStillSmiles campaign. Everyone can download the campaign card via facebook, color-print it, and use it when taking photos before uploading and sharing on all social medias. Campagne de communication #VanuatuStillSmiles (‘le Vanuatu continue de sourire’) La Directrice Générale de L’Office de Tourisme du Vanuatu, Mme Linda Kalpoi, déclare que la destination se remet beaucoup plus rapidement qu’initialement prévu des conséquences

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Tourism launches #VanuatuStillSmiles campaign

01 April 2015: The VTO General Manager, Ms. Linda Kalpoi states that despite the devastation effect by cyclone PAM the destination is amazingly recovering quicker than expected and because of this, the Vanuatu Tourism Office is launching a creative unique #HashTag Campaign on social media

platforms #VanuatuStillSmiles.

The #Hashtag campaign is a powerful tool to attain following objectives: Brand Awareness and Promotions, Service and Product Promotions, Community Building and Engagement, and Leads

Generation and Sales.

The Vanuatu Tourism Office is encouraging the use of the Red A4 Board with the #VanuatuStillSmiles printed in white which users can download from VTO’s facebook page on

www.facebook.com/vanuatuislands and be part of this unique campaign builder.

Photos posted on Facebook, twitter, and Instagram should be #Hashtagged plus tagged to @VanuatuIslands the official Vanuatu Tourism FB page, to appear here (on campaign facebook)


The Vanuatu Tourism Office is attempting to build a Positive image of Vanuatu Tourism as part of our aggressive marketing campaign post-pam, our positive image is to show the world that even

under the harshest and devastating circumstances VanuatuStillSmiles and life still goes on.

Engaging our sources markets and rebuilding confidence to swing their purchasing decision to

Vanuatu as the holiday destination of choice.

The key to this campaign is online participation from everyone in the industry and general public, a

collective campaign will see a unified and stronger more effective campaign.

This is the fastest and most effective form of communication to boost our v isitor arrival numbers

and a start to our industry recovery from here we can move on to other communication mediums.

We’re already gaining traction on Facebook and the response is overwhelming, even ABC Network has pick up the campaign and have enquired about the campaign, showing that it’s got potential to

grow and have a positive effect

Mrs Kalpoi goes on to ask all industry partners, tour operators, hotels and resorts, ambassadors, the people of Vanuatu to come on board and join the #VanuatuStillSmiles campaign. Everyone can download the campaign card via facebook, color-print it, and use it when taking photos before

uploading and sharing on all social medias.

Campagne de communication #VanuatuStillSmiles

(‘le Vanuatu continue de sourire’)

La Directrice Générale de L’Office de Tourisme du Vanuatu, Mme Linda Kalpoi, déclare que la destination se remet beaucoup plus rapidement qu’initialement prévu des conséquences

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désastreuses suite au passage du super cyclone Pam ; et pour cette raison l’Office de Tourisme du

Vanuatu lance une campagne de communication #HashTag sur ses réseaux sociaux.

#VanuatuStillSmiles (‘le Vanuatu continue de sourire’)

Cette campagne de communication Hashtag est un outil fort ayant les objectifs suivants: Visibilité et Promotion de la Destination, Promotion des Services et Produits Touristiques, Sentiment et

Engagement Communautaire et Augmentation des Ventes.

L’Office de Tourisme du Vanuatu vous incite à imprimer #VanuatuStillSmiles en blanc sur une feuille de papier A4 rouge (disponible sur notre page Facebook www.facebook.com/vanuatuislands ) et

ainsi contribuer à l’élaboration de cette campagne.

Les photographies postées sur Facebook, Twitter, Instagram doivent comporter le #Hashtag et @VanuatuIslands afin d’apparaitre sur la page Facebook

https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/vanuatustillsmiles .

L’Office de Tourisme du Vanuatu fait tout son possible pour redonner une image positive de la destination dans le cadre de cette campagne de communication post-Pam. Notre but est de montrer au Monde que malgré les circonstances actuelles, bien que nous soyons les victimes de l’une des plus importantes catastrophes naturelles mondiales, que la Vie se poursuit et que ‘le Vanuatu

continue de sourire’.

Nous sollicitons l’aide active de nos partenaires mais également du public au sens large, et de nous

aider à redonner confiance aux visiteurs potentiels dans le fait de visiter et découvrir le Vanuatu.

Le facteur clef de cette campagne de communication est la participation totale de tous les acteurs de l’industrie touristique. Une campagne de communication commune et unie est une campagne


Cette campagne est le moyen le plus rapide et le plus efficace à mettre en place dans l’immédiat pour inciter les touristes à se rendre au Vanuatu. Une fois qu’elle sera lancée nous passerons à

d’autres moyens de communication.

Mme Linda Kalpoi invite tous nos partenaires touristiques, prestataires de services, hôteliers, ambassadeurs de la destination et la population du Vanuatu à se joindre à nous et à communiquer

#VanuatuStillSmiles (‘le Vanuatu continue de sourire’).

Nous notons déjà un engouement populaire sur Facebook mais pas seulement ; ainsi la chaine de télévision australienne ABC Network l’a remarqué et a demandé à en savoir plus, démontrant ainsi la capacité de cette campagne à s’élargir et à obtenir des effets positifs pour le bien de la population


En pièce-jointe se trouve le panneau (pouvant être téléchargé, imprimé en couleur et utilisé par tout le monde) pouvant être pris en photo et téléchargé sur les réseaux sociaux. Tout le monde peut télécharger ce panneau via Facebook, l’imprimer en couleur, et l’utiliser au cours de séances photos

avant de les télécharger et de les partager sur les réseaux sociaux.


For further information contact: Media contact: Allan Kalfabun, Marketing Manager Vanuatu Tourism Office [email protected] Phone: +678 22515 / 22685 / 22813 (VTO office, Port Vila).