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  • 8/20/2019 150811 National Security Network Report F 35 FINAL



  • 8/20/2019 150811 National Security Network Report F 35 FINAL



    Thunder without LightningThe High Costs and Limited Benefits of the F-35


    By Bill French with Daniel Edgren

    August 2015

    Bill French is a policy analyst at the National Security Network (NSN). Daniel Edgren is a

    former researcher at NSN.

    The authors would like to thank Chris Strong and Graham Clark for their numerous research

    and editorial contributions. Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton (Ret.) provided important guidance in

    conceptualizing of the project early on. John Bradhsaw’s patience and input was greatlyappreciated. We would especially like to thank David Axe, Winslow Wheeler, Mandy

    Smithberger, Pierre Sprey, Larry Korb, Kate Blakeley, and Bill Hartung for reviewing drafts of

    h d idi l bl f db k h i l b fi d hi k Of h

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    Introduction and ExecutiveSummaryIn June of this year, Gen. Joseph Dunford testified that the Department of Defense

    (DOD) is reviewing the total number of F-35s it will purchase.1 Under current plans,

    DOD intends to purchase and operate nearly 2,500 aircraft at an expense of roughly $1.4

    trillion to replace most of the 4th-generation fighter and attack aircraft in the inventories

    of the Air Force, Marine Corps, and Navy, including the F-16, F/A-18C/D, AV-8B, and

    A-10. If this procurement plan or something close to it is maintained, the F-35 will form

    the backbone of American airpower for the first half of the 21st century.

    The ongoing review provides an opportunity to refocus attention on the F-35 program,

    especially for Congress, which is charged with its funding and oversight. Past attentiongiven to the F-35 in Congress has focused primarily on the program’s cost overruns and

    expensive development shortcomings. In light of the review, this focus should be

    expanded to a broader cost-benefit assessment of the program that considers the extent

    to which the F-35’s capabilities, or lack thereof, advance U.S. national security.

    In this paper, we assess the capabilities of the F-35 and show how the aircraft is

    mismatched to meet emerging threats. Considered alongside the exorbitant cost of theprogram, this capability mismatch entails that it would be unsound to maintain a full-

    scale commitment to the F-35 program and that alternatives to the full program should

    b d d d l l l d

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    Contrary to Gen. Dunford’s comments and DOD’s beliefs , our analysis concludes that

    the F-35 does not have the capabilities to be effective against near-peer adversaries. It

    would be an error for DOD’s review to sustain a large-scale commitment to the F-35

     based on the aircraft’s supposed utility against near-peer competitors. To perform

    against near-peer adversaries, the F-35 will have to be capable of executing a range of

    missions, from defeating enemy aircraft to penetrating enemy air defenses to strike

    surface targets. But the F-35 will struggle to effectively perform these missions due to

    shortcomings in its design and program requirements, despite costing between threeand nine times more than the 4 th-generation aircraft it is designed to replace.

    Drawing on detailed comparisons to other aircraft (see Appendix A), we identify four

    crucial areas where the F-35’s capability is mismatched against near-peer competitors:

    1.  The F-35 is less maneuverable than many of the 4th-generation fighter aircraft it is

    intended to replace or those it would likely face in combat, making it unlikely to be effective in within-visual-range (WVR) air-to-air engagements.

    2.  The F-35’s small internal payload capacity will significantly limit its effectiveness

    in beyond-visual-range (BVR) air-to-air engagements, and, to a lesser extent,

    strike missions against surface targets. The F-35 will also likely have difficulty

    generating high rates of sorties to deliver payloads to targets over time.

    3.  The F-35’s short range means that it will be of limited use in geographically

    expansive theaters like the Asia-Pacific or against so-called anti-access threats

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    F-35 Capability MismatchThe F-35 was developed to sustain America’s global advantage in airpower by serving

    as a multi-service, multi-role fighter capable of a host of missions, especially defeating

    enemy aircraft, penetrating enemy air defenses to strike surface targets, and close air

    support. While the F-35’s design emphasizes strike roles over air superiority, the Air

    Force believes it will be necessary for the F-35 to perform air-to-air missions in the earlystages of high-end conflict.3 In the following section, we assess key capabilities of the F-

    35 relevant to its performance , focusing on the aircraft’s maneuverability, payload,

    range, and stealth features. There are significant problems with each. Far from

    representing an effective next-generation fighter, the F-35 is more likely to find itself

    outmaneuvered, outgunned, out of range, and visible to enemy sensors in contingencies

    against near-pear militaries.

    The F-35 program’s shortcomings are not just a matter of spending resources

    inefficiently or buying too many of an underperforming weapon system. Because the F-

    35 is currently slated to make up the vast majority of the U.S. fighter fleet, its

    inadequacy puts American airpower at greater risk vis-à-vis near-peer adversaries.

    With an inferior fighter fleet, American airpower will be handicapped in supporting top

    functions assigned to the U.S. military, including deterring, denying, and defeatingcapable state adversaries.4 As a result, a continued full-commitment to the F-35 program

    is likely to pose a liability that American pilots and commanders will have to overcome

    h i i i i d d f i ili i

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    Pilots’ attempts to avoid WVR engagements will be hindered by the aircraft’s

    comparatively small missile payload and slow speed, which will complicate

    successfully killing enemy aircraft at BVR distances (we detail this problem in a later

    section) or running from close-in engagements altogether.


    1 Performance vs. U.S. 4th-Generation Fighters

    As Figure 1 and Appendix A show, the F-35 compares unfavorably to already deployed

    Figure 1: F-35 Performance Compared to 4th-Generation Fighters It Will

    Replace or May Face in Air Engagements

    USAF (F-35A replaces


    Navy (F-35C replaces


    Marine Corps (F-35B

    replaces AV-8B)

    Foreign Fighters

    F-35A F-16C Block


    F-35C F/A-18C/D F-35B  AV-8B MiG-29 Su-27

    Acceleration 63 sec 28 sec 108 sec 42 sec 81 sec  n/a 31 sec 27 sec

    Wing loading 86.62 lb/ft2  84.39 lb/ft2  68.07 lb/ft2  78.44 lb/ft2  89.75




    69.32 lb/ft2  75.35 lb/ft2 

    Thrust-to-weight 0.63 (1.00

    Aft. Burn)

    0.70 (1.15

    Aft. Burn)

    0.53 (0.85

    Aft. Burn)

    0.69 (1.13

    Aft. Burn)

    0.63 (0.92



    1.16 0.71 (1.17

    Aft. Burn)

    0.67 (1.31

    Aft. Burn)

    Max payload 18,000 lb



    19,522 18,000 lb



    15,500 lb 15,000 lb



    17,000 lb 9,921 lb 17,637 lb

    Combat radius 613 nm 200-845 nm 610 nm 290-600 nm 456 nm 594-627




    840 nm

    NOTE: see Appendix A for additional comparisons and more information, including relevant assumptions.

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    5g sustained turns; and the F-35B was downgraded from 5g to 4.5g sustained turns.6 

    This places the ability of the F-35 to sustain turns in the class of 3rd-generation fighter

    aircraft like the F-4 Phantom, which was capable of 5.5g sustained turns and entered

    service with the Navy in 1960.7 

    One comparison that has attracted considerable attention is to what extent the F-35A

    can match the maneuverability of the F-16. There is a double significance to this

    comparison. First, matching the maneuverability of the F-16 was a “threshold” design

    requirement of the program, meaning it was a minimally acceptable parameter(matching the more maneuverable F/A-18C/D was a key program objective).8 Second,

    the F-35A will be by far the most widely produced variant, with 1,763 aircraft planned

    for the U.S. Air Force. Compared to the F-35A, the F-16 enjoys superior wing-loading

    (84 lb/ft2 vs. 87 lb/ft2), as well as significant advantages in transonic acceleration (28

    seconds vs. 63 seconds) and thrust-to-weight (0.77 and 1.15 with afterburners vs. 0.63

    and 1.0 with afterburners).

    In response, F-35 advocates have insisted that comparisons with 4th-generation aircraft

    should account for factors that decrease their performance, such as the drag and weight

    added by external fuel tanks or externally stored weapons. They claim the F-35 was

    designed to carry larger amounts of fuel without the use of external tanks and can carry

    weapons in internal bays, thereby minimizing drag. But this rationale is misleading.

    First, the F-16 performance data cited by F-35 critics compares the acceleration of an F-

    16 with four externally mounted air-to-air missiles9 to an F-35 after its onboard weapons

    have already been expended.10 (The same is true of the data that compare the F/A-18 to

    the F-35C).11 Second, while it is certainly true both that external fuel tanks confer

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    engagement,” meaning the aircraft was unable to effectively mane uver against its

    mock adversary either defensively or offensively. The pilot concluded that F-35

    performance was “substantially inferior” to 4th-generation legacy fighters. Notably,

    the F-35 was outperformed despite flying in a clean configuration without the weight

    of armament while the F-16 was handicapped with two large external drop tanks. 14 

    In response, Lockheed Martin did not contest the report that the Air Force test pilot

    had written. Instead, the company asserted that the exercise did not take into account

    the aircraft’s ability to engage aircraft from beyond visual range (BVR) or its stealthcharacteristics. 15 However, as we will detail later, neither of these aspects is likely to

    provide a significant net advantage for the F-35 against a near-peer opponent.


    Performance vs. Foreign Fighters

    As Figure 1 and Appendix A show, the F-35’s performance characteristics also compare

    unfavorably to already deployed foreign 4th-generation fighters such as the Russian-designed MiG-29 Fulcrum and Su-27 Flanker (also produced by China) in service with

    air forces around the world. These are the kinds of aircraft the F-35 would most likely

    face in air-to-air engagements against a high-end opponent. Compared to both the Su-

    27 and MiG-29, the F-35 is grossly inferior in terms of wing loading (except for the F-

    35C), transonic acceleration, and thrust-to-weight. All F-35 variants also have

    significantly lower maximum speeds, Mach 1.6 for the F-35 compared to Mach 2.2 forthe Su-27 and Mach 2.3 for the MiG-29.

    Air-to-air simulations paint an even grimmer picture In 2009 U S Air Force and

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    Can the F-35 Replace the A-10?

    Airpower analysts and members of Congress have extensively debated the merits of

    whether the F-35 can suitably replace the A-10 for performing close air support

    (CAS). The CAS mission has been critical in the past decade of conflict in Iraq and

    Afghanistan and remains relevant to deterring or fighting contingencies against

    near-peer competitors, as demonstrated by Russian aggression in Ukraine. Despite

    costing roughly nine times as much as the A-10, the F-35 is much less capable in thismission area. One F-35 pilot explains, “An A-10 is always going to be better at CAS

    than an F-35 is. That’s because the A-10 was designed specifically for that


    While the maximum external payload that the F-35 is capable of carrying is

    comparable to A-10, the F-35 comes up short in most other areas.B Only the F-35A is

    fitted with an internal cannon, and, while the A-10 is armed with 1,150 rounds of

    30mm ammunition for its tank-killing GAU-8 Avenger cannon, the F-35A is limited

    to 180 rounds for its less powerful 25mm cannon, effective only against light-

    armored vehicles.C The F-35B and C variants removed the gun to save weight and

    rely instead upon a “semi-stealthy” and “missionized” ventral gun pod that carries

    slightly more ammunition.D But gun pods have not performed well historically,

    most notably in the case of the F-4 Phantom.E

     A 30mm pod was tested on the F-16 asan earlier proposed A-10 replacement, but the experiment was plagued by severe

    inaccuracy and abandoned.F 

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    Payload Capacity and Sortie Generation

    In addition to lacking maneuverability, the F-35 is hampered by limited space for

    storing weapons in its internal bays. A deficient weapons capacity has significant

    consequences for the aircraft’s ability to conduct missions against air and surface

    targets. In air-to-air engagements, the F-35 will be outgunned by foreign fighters that

    can carry greater numbers of missiles and cannon rounds. Nor can the aircraft carry

    enough long-range missiles to ensure it can fight effectively and reliably in beyond-

    visual-range (BVR) engagements. In engagements against surface targets, the F-35’ssmall internal payload means it will be able to destroy fewer targets per sortie if

    maintaining a stealthy configuration. This problem will be exacerbated by the F-35’s

    limited ability to generate sorties, i.e., fly missions, to repeatedly deliver its weapons to

    targets over the duration of a campaign.

    2.1  Air-to-Air Implications

    The F-35’s small weapons capacity puts the aircraft at a sizable air-to-air disadvantage

    against its competitors. If limited to its internal bays, the F-35 carries a standard load of

    only two long-range air-to-air missiles, although four missiles can be carried if no other

    munitions are on board.20 Major Richard Koch, chief of the U.S. Air Force Air Combat

    Command advanced air dominance branch, said, “I wake up in a cold sweat at the

    thought of the F-35 going in with only two air-dominance weapons.”21

     But the aircraft isstill sizably outgunned even when carrying the maximum four missiles. Top-tier

    foreign 4th-generation fighters like the Su-27 have 10 external hard points to carry air-to-

    i i il th di S d l d i d f th S 27 lik th S 35

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    However, the above gains in missile effectiveness should not be expected to apply to

    conflict against near-peer competitors. According to analysis by RAND, the U.S. AIM-

    120 record is weighted heavily by circumstances that favor the shooter: None of the kills

    was achieved against adversaries that themselves had similar BVR missiles; the downed

    pilots did not employ electronic countermeasures, in some cases were fleeing, non-

    maneuvering, or lacked radar; and one case (out of a total of six) was an instance of

    friendly fire. U.S. aircraft also enjoyed quantitative parity or superiority in all cases.25 

    These circumstances should not be expected to characterize BVR engagements between

    the United States and an advanced adversary. For example, the presence of electroniccountermeasures alone would probably result in a drastically lower probability of kill

    as Russian and Chinese fighter aircraft presently employ electronic countermeasures

    that use digital radio frequency memory (DRFM) jamming reported to significantly

    hinder radar-guided missile effectiveness.26 


    Air-to-Ground Implications

    The F-35 has an internal payload capacity of just over 2,500 lbs. for the F-35B and just

    under 5,000 lbs. for the F-35A and F-35C. These payloads are less than one-third that of

    4th-generation fighter and attack aircraft. As a result, the F-35 will carry only two Joint

    Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs) or other heavy munitions to engage more robust

    ground targets, or a larger number of Small Diameter Bombs (SDBs) to strike lighter


     except for the F-35B which cannot fit SDBs in its internal bays – an issue notscheduled to be resolved before 2022. 28 

    Advocates of the F-35 correctly point out that today’s precision munitions require fewer

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    2.3  Sortie Generation

    While payload is a measure of the ordinance and destructive potential of an aircraft per

    sortie, during a campaign the effectiveness of an aircraft depends on delivering

    ordinance to targets over time in the course of multiple missions. The number and

    duration of missions an aircraft can fly in a given time is therefore a key variable in its

    ability to actualize its combat power, something referred to as an aircraft’s “sortie

    generation rate.” It is doubtful the F-35 will be able to sustain high rates of sorties dueto heavy maintenance necessitated by the complexity of the aircraft. As of October 2014,

    the F-35 was only able to achieve 61% of planned sorties (51% for the F-35C, 55% for the

    F-35A, and 72% for the F-35B) due to maintenance issues. Each variant of the aircraft is

    also behind its reliability and maintenance targets set for the current stage of

    development,30 and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has characterized

    engine reliability as “very poor.”31 

    While the F-35 has not accumulated enough flight hours to be considered mature, key

    elements of the program’s approach to satisfying its sortie generation requirements are

    proving unsound. Efficient maintenance on the aircraft depends on the Automated

    Logistics Information System (ALIS), an information network created specifically for

    the F-35 to diagnose maintenance issues and facilitate supporting logistics and supply

    chains. Unless ALIS functions properly, the F-35 will not meet its sortie generationrequirements. The GAO reports that the system “has failed to meet basic requirements,

    including having the ability to identify faults and failures in the aircraft,” despite being

    on a development timeline that is already seven years behind schedule 32

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    perspective of prevailing doctrine, this emphasis is becoming increasingly untenable on

    account of geography and the proliferation of so-called anti-access capabilities that hold

    U.S. forward airbases at risk. These two factors are most severe in the Asia-Pacific,

    where they combine to challenge the ability of the United States to project power.


    Geographic Challenges

    Today’s defense planners are increasingly focusing on the geographically expansive

    Asia-Pacific region, where 60% of American airpower will be deployed by 2020.34

     Compared to Europe, the Asia-Pacific offers limited basing options and poses different

    challenges to gaining and maintaining operational access. The geographic size of the

    Asia-Pacific inherently limits the operational utility of short-ranged tactical fighters like

    the F-35. While the F-35’s combat radius of 600nm is greater than some of the aircraft it

    will replace, it is over 200nm less than that of the Su-27 and similar models employed

     by the Russian and People’s Liberation Army Air Forces. China also enjoys the

    advantage of considerable strategic depth that allows it to mass fighter aircraft in areasof interest to project power into nearby spaces. Moreover, this depth is well developed.

    For example, China operates 41 military and dual-use airfields within unrefueled

    combat radius of the Taiwan Strait.35 


    Anti-Access Challenges

    Defense planners increasingly characterize near-peer adversaries in terms of posing

    anti-access challenges to U.S. power projection.36 Anti-access threats hinder the ability to

    j t i t i th t i l di di ti th bilit t i l

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    carrier strike groups, especially anti-ship ballistic missiles, advanced anti-ship cruise

    missiles, and quiet diesel-electric submarines.

    To mitigate anti-access challenges, planners are experimenting with dispersing air

    forces to many locations and operating from austere, less-predictable locations to

    complicate enemy targeting.39 However, it is not clear that the F-35 will be able to

    operate effectively from austere locations given its delicate design and reliance on

    maintenance-intensive features like radar absorbent coatings. Moreover, dispersal is a

    method to reduce high levels of risk incurred by dependence on short-ranged tacticalfighters and vulnerable basing, not an argument to invest severe costs doubling down

    on that dependence.

    In dealing with anti-access and geographic challenges, defenders of short-ranged

    aircraft may suggest mid-air refueling as a solution. While mid-air refueling extends

    range, it takes for granted a permissive environment where an adversary cannot target

    U.S. tanker aircraft. While this has been the U.S. experience against mid- to low-endadversaries like Iraq’s military in the 1990s and 2003 , it cannot be taken for granted

    against a near-peer military with advanced air forces.

    The fragility of mid-air refueling means the usefulness of the F-35 will be limited by

    what some analysts have called the “tanker-tether problem.”40 The tanker-tether

    problem states that aircraft combat ranges are limited by the geographical points where

    they can be refueled by tanker aircraft. Refueling points, in turn, must remain out of the

    combined range of enemy aircraft or else accept high levels of risk. Today in the

    Western Pacific, the combination of Chinese aircraft unrefueled combat radii and

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    associated with minimizing radar signature, an effect produced by a combination of

    radar-deflecting shapes and absorbent materials.

    Today’s stealth technology is an outgrowth of a broader “hider-seeker” competitive

    dynamic for an information advantage fundamental to all warfare, i.e., the evolving

    competition between the methods for finding an opponent and the methods for

    hiding.42 The kind of stealth technology used in modern aircraft has a development

    history dating back to World War II, when Germany experimented with radar-

    deflecting shapes and radar-absorbing materials to counter allied radars. During theCold War, the United States attempted to develop stealth technology in a series of

    projects, culminating in the stealthy F-117A, B-2, and F-22. By the end of the Cold War,

    the United States had invested heavily in stealth and adopted the technology as a part

    of its efforts to maintain an airpower advantage. The F-35 is the latest instance of this

    trend in the form of a multi-trillion dollar bet that the kind of stealth technology that

    has worked in the past will continue to work over the program’s five-decade-long

    service life.

    The problem for the F-35 is that there is growing evidence that the program is betting

    on the wrong side of the hider-seeker competition. Instead, it seems that the seekers – 

    not the hiders – are gaining the advantage. Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Greenert

    wrote in 2012 that technological innovations “make stealth and its advantages

    increasingly difficult to maintain,” referring primarily to innovations in radar,

    computing, and infrared sensors. “Those developments do not herald the end of stealth,

     but they do show the limits of stealth design,” he concluded.43 Greenert more recently

    characterized stealth as “over-rated.”44 As we detail below, the limits of stealth are very

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    meters from the same narrow frontal aspect.48 

    But the returns on the kind of stealth technology employed by the F-35 are beingdiminished by advances in radar technology. The low-observable technology on the F-

    35, and to a lesser extent the F-22, is designed to be effective against radar operating in

    the X-band range and at shorter wavelengths. The rationale behind this decision was

    that X-band radars detect aircraft with a high degree of accuracy and, as a result, are

    used to provide fire-control information to anti-aircraft missiles to engage targets.

    However, the same properties that make the F-35 stealthy against X-band radars do notapply as effectively to lower-frequency radars that operate on longer wavelengths.

    Lower-band radars are widely employed as surveillance radars to provide early

    detection of incoming targets at ranges that typically exceed those of X-band systems.

    Since lower-band radars detect targets with less accuracy, they were traditionally

    considered unsuitable for providing fire-control information to engage targets.49 

    But countries threatened by stealth aircraft have had decades of strong incentives torefine anti-stealth radars. As a result, lower-band radar technology has advanced

    considerably. So-called very high frequency (VHF) and ultra-high frequency (ULF)‡ 

    radars that operate on longer wavelengths are now capable of providing usable

    targeting information, largely due to more powerful computers that can process

    returning radar signals more effectively to filter through clutter and more precisely

    locate targets.50 One former Navy official said plainly that because “Acquisition and fire

    control radars are starting to creep down the frequency spectrum…I don’t see how you

    long survive in the world of 2020 or 2030 when dealing with these systems” using

    today’s stealth technology employed by fighter aircraft.51 This is not strictly new. The

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    fighter can allegedly detect low-observable targets with a RCS of 0.01 square meters – 

    the same as or smaller than the F-35 from non-frontal angles – at a distance of 50nm.56 

    4.2  Counter-Stealth Infrared Sensors

    Perhaps more significant than counter-stealth radar is the F-35’s vulnerability to 

    detection by infrared sensors. Infrared search-and-track (IRST) systems, which are

    widely deployed on foreign fighter aircraft, can detect aircraft otherwise invisible to

    radar at significant distances without emitting any signal of their own. Nodding to IRSTtechnology’s implications in bypassing radar stealth, Chief of Naval Operations

    Admiral Jonathan Greenert stated, “Let's face it, if something moves fast through the

    air, disrupts molecules and puts out heat—I don't care how cool the engine can be, it's

    going to be detectable.”57 The F-35 will be particularly vulnerable to IRST detection

    given its enormous engine that puts out 40,000 lbs. of thrust with no infrared shielding

    or suppression.

    Already, the OLS-35 IRST featured on the Su-35 can detect aircraft from the frontal

    aspect at nearly 30nm, from the rear at 50nm, and missile launches at similar distances.

    The Eurofighter Typhoon and other Western fighters are equipped with comparable or

     better technology. Moreover, IRST sensors are poised for significant boosts in detection

    ranges in the near future. Some analysts have predicted that IRST sensors will soon be

    able to detect aircraft or missile launches at ranges of 70nm or greater.58 

    F 35 Program Costs

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    as part of a broader vision of a 5th-generation high-low mix for the U.S. fighter fleet,

    whereby the F-22 would provide high-end capability at high cost while the F-35 would

    provide less capability at less cost with greater numbers.60 To reduce production anddevelopment expenses in line with this scheme, the F-35 program used a single aircraft

    design as the baseline for all three variants that were to share 70-90% common parts.61 

    However, the design process produced three variants that have only 25%

    commonality.62 Rather than save money, analysis by the RAND Corporation found that

    the cost of the F-35 program actually exceeds likely costs for three separate aircraft

    models by between 37% and 65%.63


    Costs mounted and capability decreased as the F-35 program advanced, undermining

    the logic of modest capability at an affordable price. Excluding the expense of operating

    and sustaining the aircraft, the most recent estimates anticipate a total program cost of

    $391.1 billion. These cost estimates are 70% greater than the initial projections of $233

     billion made in 2001 when the program intended on acquiring 2,852 aircraft rather than

    the 2,457 under current plans (meaning that the program cost per plane has actuallydoubled).64 Total program expenses include research and development costs of $54.9

     billion (up 60% from an estimate of $34.4 billion in 2001), procurement costs of $331.6

     billion (up 71% from $196.6 billion), and military construction costs of $4.6 billion (up

    140% from $2 billion).65 Simultaneously, the aircraft grew heavier, less maneuverable,

    and shorter-ranged than initially anticipated.

    The President’s FY2016 budget request for the Department of Defense requested over

    $11 billion for the F-35 program, approximately $8.7 billion of which was for


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    These costs make the F-35 significantly more expensive than the 4th-generation aircraft it

    will replace or serve alongside despite offering less capability in key areas. While someadvocates have claimed the F-35 is comparable in price to 4th-generation fighters and

    attack aircraft, the data do not agree. As Figure 2 shows, the Program Acquisition Unit

    C t (PAUC) f th F 35 i l $160 illi 70 hi h i h f th t i
















       C  o  s   t   i  n   M   i   l   l   i  o  n  s   (   2   0   1   4   C  o  n  s   t  a  n   t   D  o   l   l  a  r  s   )

    F-35* F/A-18C/D F-15** F-16 AV-8 A-10

    *does not distinquish between variants **indicates may replace

    Figure 2: Program Acquisition Unit Cost (PAUC) For F-35

    and 4th-Generation Aircraft it Will or May Replace

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    ConclusionDespite plans for the F-35 to replace most of America’s fighter and attack aircraft, the

    platform is ill-suited to cost-effectively counter near-peer foreign militaries. The aircraft

    lacks the maneuverability, payload, likely ability to generate sorties, and range to

    effectively compete with near-peer competitors despite its lifetime costs of $1.4 trillion.

    The aircraft’s survivability depends largely upon stealth characteristics that are already

    at risk for obsolescence against adversaries who over the next 50 years will onlycontinue to upgrade their radar and infrared detection systems. Given the critical

    failings of the F-35 program and its exorbitant costs, the aircraft should be regarded as a

     bad bet. As such, proceeding with the full program buy of nearly 2,500 units–or any

    large-scale buy that approaches that number–should be avoided.

    It is not too late to change course. While the outcome of the DOD’s review of its total F-

    35 requirement is not yet clear, the program does not enter into full-rate productionuntil 2019. Policymakers should take this opportunity to engage in debates about the

    future of airpower that have the potential to provide alternatives to a full-scale F-35


    Airpower analysts are outlining new options to help counter near-peer adversaries.

    While that debate is outside the scope of this study, those options include unmannedsystems, prioritizing effective munitions over expensive aircraft, and returning to a

    quantitatively driven approach to airpower featuring large numbers of comparatively

    inexpensive platforms While these are some options Congress and DOD should begin

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    Appendix A: Comparing F-35

    Performance to Other Fighters In making aircraft performance comparisons, we consulted an array of authoritative

    data sources, including Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft 2014-2015 (In Service; Development

    and Production), Jane’s Weapons 2014-2015: Air-Launched ,  Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft

    2004-2005 , manufacturers’ specifications, and reports by the GovernmentalAccountability Office, the Department of Defense, Congressional Research Service, and

    Air Power Australia.

    F-35 data presented here consist of official estimates relative to program threshold and

    objective requirements or the results of testing and evaluation. As the program is

    currently in developmental testing, the F-35’s real performance is still uncertain ,

    although we did incorporate test results when possible. We reached out to Lockheed

    Martin Aeronautics Company in Fort Worth to ensure we portrayed the F-35 as

    accurately as possible but received no assistance.

    Using performance categories and scenarios collected from these sources, we compared

    all three F-35 variants to 4th-generation aircraft they will be replacing in the U.S.

    inventory (or may end up replacing in part, as with the F-15), 5th

    -generation aircraftthey will serve alongside, and foreign 4th generation threat aircraft. These side-by-side

    comparisons involved 12 aircraft types measured against 16 performance characteristics

    id tifi d l t t ti th F 35’ i i i di t d b th K

  • 8/20/2019 150811 National Security Network Report F 35 FINAL



    open-source performance data. Nonetheless, what follows is the most comprehensive,

    detailed, and transparent comparison of the F-35 to other fighter and attack aircraft in

    any single source of which we are aware.

    Performance Categories

    Acceleration: How quickly aircraft can accelerate to a given speed determines their

    ability to engage and egress at will and also affects fuel burn. The available literature

    indicates that acceleration for combat aircraft is typically measured by the number ofseconds it takes to increase speed through the transonic regime (Mach 0.8-1.2).

    Transonic speeds are more realistically achieved in combat, as opposed to higher

    supersonic speeds that require too much fuel and acceleration time. Altitude and

    payload (weapons and fuel) are major factors in acceleration. The acceleration data we

    found and present assume comparable payload and are calculated at 30,000 feet, with

    the exception of the F-15E (for which the data were calculated at maximum payload and

    at 40,000 feet, where acceleration is slower), and Su-27 (fuel and altitude assumptions


    Wing loading: Wing loading is the weight of the aircraft divided by wing area, or the

    weight supported by each given unit of lifting surface. Wing loading is a measure of an

    aircraft’s available lift and an important metric for comparing aircrafts’ ability to

    maneuver and turn. Aircraft can maneuver harder when a given weight is supported bymore lift. Note that wing area does not necessarily account for total lift (which can be

    produced by surfaces other than the wing of an aircraft). Nor is wing loading the final

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    in some sources to generate more meaningful comparisons. For our purposes, we

    treated combat weight as 50% internal fuel and a full air-to-air weapons load-out, the

    composition of which was determined after reviewing weapons configurations andimagery found in authoritative data sources. This produced the equation Wc = IF/2 + We 

    + Ww (except in the case of the A-10, where air-to-ground munitions were added). The

    objective was to provide typical and realistic, not necessarily maximum, load-outs (for

    example, our F/A-18C has four AIM-120 AMRAAMs when it can technically carry up to

    10) to account for factors such as pylons taken up by dropped fuel tanks or the drag

    penalties imposed by dual missile rails. We provide separate values for thrust/weight of

    engines with and without the use of afterburners.

    Maximum thrust: Maximum thrust is the total engine static thrust output with

    afterburner. Thrust is important to acceleration, speed, and maneuverability. While the

    use of afterburner increases thrust, it consumes large amounts of fuel and is only used

    temporarily to enhance performance. Thrust output is measured in pounds of force, or

    pound-force (lbf).

    Military power: Military power is the total engine static thrust output without

    afterburner. Thrust is important to speed and maneuverability. Thrust output is

    measured in pounds of force, or pound-force (lbf).

    Empty weight: Empty weight is the weight of aircraft with systems, engines, etc.

    installed minus internal/external fuel and payload. Empty aircraft weight is measured

    in pounds (lbs.).

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    Ferry range: Ferry range is the maximum safe range an aircraft can travel for purposes

    of redeployment without needing to return to base, maneuver, or carry payload. Ferry

    range is measured in nautical miles (nm).

    Range (IF): Range is the distance an aircraft can fly while taking into account fuel

    requirements for relevant maneuvers or payload weight. Range is measured in nautical

    miles (nm).

    Combat radius: Combat radius is the range for conducting and returning from a

    particular mission with a specific flight profile without in-flight refueling. Combat

    radius is generally calculated rather than proven in testing. Combat radius is subject to

    variable inputs such as mission flight profile (i.e., assumptions about getting to the

    target area, maneuvering against targets, and returning home), payload configuration,

    payload drag, etc. Although combat radii are highly variable, they are nonetheless

    important values that capture operational distances in real-world circumstances. We

    used combat radius figures from authoritative sources and detailed their assumptionsregarding mission inputs in the footnotes in as much detail as possible. These

    assumptions frequently included external fuel tanks or heavy weapons that would

    reduce other performance parameters, such as acceleration or thrust to weight, but may

    not be reflected in those values on the chart (this was a feature of much of the data we

    observed in the literature as well). Combat radius is measured in nautical miles (nm).

    Maximum +g: Maximum +g measures the maximum amount of gravitational forces (g-

    forces) that an aircraft’s structure can sustain without damage while maneuvering.

    Maximum +g rating of an aircraft is an important variable for airframe durability.

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    Pink = F-35 Variant; Blue = 4th-generation aircraft F-35 will or may replace (may replace marked with an asterisk); Green = 5th-generation aircraft F-35 will serve

    alongside; Red = Foreign 4th-generation fighters; Gray = no authoritative data discovered.

    F-35A CTOL F-35B


    F-35C CV F-15C* F-15E* F-16C 50/52 F/A-18C/D AV-8B A-10 F-22A MiG-29/S Su-2775


    Acceleration 63 sec76

      81 sec77

      108 sec78

      ~100 sec79

      28 sec80

      42 sec81

      24 sec82

      31 sec83

      27 sec84


    Wing loading 86.99 lb/ft2 



    lb/ft2 86



    lb/ft2 87



    lb/ft2 88


    79.05 lb/ft2 


    84.39 lb/ft2


    78.44 lb/ft2


    84.33 lb/ft2


    62.73 lb/ft2 


    65.60 lb/ft2 94

      69.32 lb/ft2


    75.35 lb/ft2


    Thrust/Weight 0.62, 1.00



    0.63, 0.92



    0.53, 0.85



    0.77, 1.25



    0.74, 1.21



    0.70, 1.15



    0.69, 1.13





      1.27 reheat106


    0.71, 1.17



    0.67, 1.31


     Max thrust 40,000 lbf


    38,000 lbf110





    47,540 lbf112


    58,200 lbf113

      29,100 lbf114


    35,508 lbf115


    70,000 lbf116

      36,600 lbf117


    66,140 lbf118


    Military power 25,000 lbf119


    26,000 lbf120





    29,180 lbf122


    35,600 lbf123

      17,800 lbf124


    21,800 lbf125


    23,800 lbf126


    18,130 lbf127


    22,220 lbf128


    33,750 lbf129


    Empty weight 29,300 lb130


    32,300 lb131


    34,800 lb132


    28,600 lb133


    33,946 lb134


      23,832 lb136

      14,859 lb137


    23,611 lb138


    43,340 lb139

      24,030 lb140


    36,111 lb141


    MTOW 70,000-lb









    58,250 lb145


    81,000 lb146

      48,000 lb147

      56,000 lb148

      30,999 lb149


    47,400 lb150


    83,500 lb151

      43,431 lb152


    72,752 lb153


    Max payload 18,000 lb



    15,000 lb



    18,000 lb



    23,600 lb157


    24,500 lb158

      19,522 lb159

      15,500 lb160

      17,000 lb161


    16,000 lb162


    23,087 lb



    9,921 lb164

      17,637 lb165


    Internal fuel


    18,200 lb166


    13,100 lb167


    19,200 lb168


    13,455 lb169


    23,340 lb170

      7,116 lb171

      10,860 lb172

      7,759 lb173

      10,700 lb174


    18,000 lb175

      10,229 lb176


    20,723 lb177


    Ferry range 2,500 nm178


    2,400 nm179

      2,415 nm180

      1,800 nm181

      1,965 nm182


    2,300 nm183


    1,600 nm184

      1,565 nm185


    2,370 nm186


    Range (IF) 1,200 nm187


    900 nm188


    1,200 nm189


    1,089 nm190

      1,133 nm191


    2,046 nm192


    Combat radius 613 nm193

      456 nm194


    610 nm195


    685 nm196

      685-750 nm197


    200-845 nm198


    290-600 nm199











    840 nm203


    Max +G204














    Max speed at


    Mach 1.6217


    Mach 1.6218


    Mach 1.6219


    Mach 2.5220


    Mach 2.5221

      Mach 2.0222

      Mach 1.8223

      Mach 0.98224


    Mach 0.56225


    Mach 1.7226

      Mach 2.3227


    Mach 2.17228


    Rate of climb229


























    Service ceiling238


    60,000 ft239


    60,000 ft240

      50,000 ft241

      50,000 ft242

      38,000 ft243


    45,000 ft244


    50,000 ft245

      59,060 ft246


    59,060 ft247


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    Notes 1 Gen. Dunford stated, “With projected adversarial threats challenging our current capabilities in coming years, the Joint Strike Fighter is a vital component of our effort to

    ensure the Joint Force maintains dominance in the air. Given the evolving defense strategy and the latest Defense Planning Guidance, we are presently taking the newest

    strategic foundation and analyzing whether 2,443 aircraft is the correct number. Until the analysis is complete, we need to pursue the current scheduled quantity buy to

    preclude creating an overall near-term tactical fighter shortfall.” “Advance Questions for General Joseph F. Dunford Jr., USMC, Nominee for the Position of Chairman of the JointChiefs of Staff." United States Senate Committee on Armed Services. Last modified July 9, 2015. Available at: http://www.armed-

    services.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Dunford_07-09-15.pdf  2 Gen. Dunford stated, “Fifth-generation fighter aircraft, including the F-35, are critical as we contend with the technological advancements of near-peer competitors. We must

    ensure that we do not allow shortfalls in fighter capability or capacity to develop. The Department has been working diligently to make the overall cost per F-35 more affordable.

    Additionally, there will continue to be critical updates throughout the life cycle of the F-35 that will ensure the platform maintains a tactical advantage.” Ibid. 3 Chief of Staff of the U.S Air Force Gen. Mark Welsh said, "The decision to truncate the F-22 buy has left us in a position where even to provide air superiority, which was not the

    original intent of the F-35 development, but even to provide air superiority on a theater scale, in a full-spectrum fight against a well-armed foe in 10 years from now, let's say --

    and, remember, as a platform-based force, we're investing today for capability we'll need then -- you have to have the F-35 to augment the F-22 to do the air superiority fight at

    the beginning of a high-end conflict to survive against the fifth generation threats we believe will be in the world at that point in time." Thank you to Mandy Smithberger for

    pointing this out to me. “Press Briefing by Acting Secretary of the Air Force Eric Fanning and Air Force Chief of Staff General Mark A. Welsh III on the State of the Air Force in the

    Pentagon Briefing Room.” U.S. Department of Defense. December 13, 2013. Available at: http://www.defense.gov/transcripts/transcript.aspx?transcriptid=5344 4 “Deter, deny, and defeat state adversaries” is listed as a top national military objective in the National Military Strategy. Joint Chiefs of Staff. The National Military Strategy of

    the United States of America. June 2015. Available at: http://www.jcs.mil/Portals/36/Documents/Publications/2015_National_Military_Strategy.pdf  5 Lockheed Martin claims the F-35 will succeed in its air-to-air role by leveraging BVR engagements. The Air Force made the same claim with the F-4 Phantom, which turned out

    to be false. “The U.S. Air Force Promised the F-4 Would Never Dogfight.” War is Boring. Last modified July 6, 2015. Available at: https://medium.com/war-is-boring/the-u-s-air-

    force-promised-the-f-4-would-never-dogfight-3e1a66da4e73 6 Time Magazine, F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Time Magazine, Military, 2013. Available at: https://timemilitary.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/f-35-jsf-dote-fy12-annual-report.pdf . 

    7“The Sustained Turning Performance of the F-35A Lightning II was recently disclosed as 4.95 G at Mach 0.8 and 15,000 ft. A 1969 F-4 Phantom II could sustain 5.5 Gs at 0.8 Mach

    with 40 percent internal fuel at 20,000 feet.” Goon, Peter, and Carlo Kopp, “Air Combat: Russia’s PAK-FA versus the F-22 and F-35.” Air Power Australia. Available at:

    http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-NOTAM-300309-1.html#3. 8 See the program objectives: “Joint Strike Fighter.” Air Power Australia. Last modified June 7, 2014. Available at: http://www.ausairpower.net/jsf.html 

    9 Air Power Australia, “Joint Strike Fighter.” Air Power Australia. Last modified June 7, 2014. Available at: http://www.ausairpower.net/jsf.html. 

    10 “The fuel levels and payloads at which maneuverability is calculated differs for each variant but generally focuses on a post-weapons release payload and f uel state at 50% ofthe required combat radius.” Bowman, Geoffrey P. “Scorecard: A Case study of the Joint Strike Fighter Program.” Air Command and Staff College, Air University. Last modified

    April 2008. Available at: https://www.afresearch.org/skins/rims/q_mod_be0e99f3-fc56-4ccb-8dfe-670c0822a153/q_act_downloadpaper/q_obj_19233467-2759-4d04-8da4-


     Government Accountability Office , “ Navy Aviation: F/A-18E/F Will Provide Marginal Operational Improvement at High Cost,” H.R. Doc. No. 104-GAO/NSIAD-96-98, 2d Sess.

    (1996). Available at: http://www.gao.gov/archive/1996/ns96098.pdf . 12

     Mills, Chris. “Review of the Defense Annual Report 2010-2011 – Assessing the Evidence Provided by AVM KYM Osley, New Air Combat Capability Project Manager.” Testimony

    provided to the Defense Sub-Committee, Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Trade, Parliament of Austral ia. March 30, 2012. Available at:



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    13 Bill Sweetman, “Controversy Flares Over F-35 Air Combat Report,” Aviation Week , last modified July 2, 2015. Available at: http://aviationweek.com/defense/controversy-

    flares-over-f-35-air-combat-report. 14

     See: “Test Pilot Admist the F-35 Can’t Dogfight.” War is Boring. Last modified June 29, 2015. Available at: https://medium.com/war-is-boring/test-pilot-admits-the-f-35-can-t-

    dogfight-cdb9d11a875. See also: “Read for Yourself – the F-35’s Damning Dogfighting Report.” War is Boring. Last modified July 1, 2015. Available at: https://medium.com/war-

    is-boring/read-for-yourself-the-f-35-s-damning-dogfighting-report-719a4e66f3eb 15

     “Joint Program Office Response to ‘War is Boring’ Blog.” Lockheed Martin – F-35 Lightning II. Last modified July 1, 2015. Available at: https://www.f35.com/news/detail/joint-

    program-office-response-to-war-is-boring-blog 16 Mills, Chris. “Submission No. 11: Review of the Defense Annual Report 2010-2011 – Assessing the Evidence Provided by AVM KYM Osley, New Air Combat Capability Project

    Manager.” Testimony provided to the Defense Sub-Committee, Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Trade, Parliament of Australia. March 30, 2012.

    Available at: www.aphref.aph.gov.au-house-committee-jfadt-defenceannualreport_2010_2011-submissions-sub11(1).pdf  

    18 Mills, Chris. “Submission No. 5: Review of the Defense Annual Report 2010-2011 – Loss-Exchange-Ratios Information.” Defense Sub-Committee, Joint Standing Committee on

    Foreign Affairs, Defense and Trade, Parliament of Australia. Available at: www.aphref.aph.gov.au-house-committee-jfadt-defenceannualreport_2010_2011-submissions-

    sub5(1).pdf  19

     The simulation against Su-35s was conducted by a f irm named REPSIM and modelled force-on-force engagement between 24 Chinese Su-35 as 24 F-35s plus enabling aircraft.

    The model assumed U.S. forces were operating from Guam, on the basis that access was denied from closer air basing by PLA precision strikes, and that land-based High-

    Frequency Over-the-Horizon Radar directed Chinese forces towards the U.S. forces until other advanced sensors allowed them to engage the otherwise stealthy F-35s. See the

    following section for why these assumptions are consistent with developments in counter-stealth sensors.20

     Lockheed Martin, “F-35C Carrier Variant.” Available at: http://www.lockheedmartin.com/us/products/f35/f-35c-carrier-variant.html and Majumdar, Dave, “Pentagon Worries

    That Russia Can Now Outshoot U.S. Stealth Jets.” The Daily Beast. Last modified December 4, 2014. Available at: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/12/04/pentagon-

    worries-that-russia-can-now-outshoot-u-s-stealth-jets.html. 21

     Axe, David, “Joint Strike Fighter’s Outrageous Claim.” Wired. Last modified September 9, 2008. Available at: http://www.wired.com/2008/09/joint-strike-fi/. 22

     SinoDefence, “PLAAF SU-27 / J-11 ‘FLANKER’.” SinoDefence | Chinese Aeronautics and Astronautics. Last modified June 20, 2014. Available at:

    http://sinodefence.com/chinese-military-aircraft/plaaf-su-27-j-11-flanker/. 23

     Patrick Higby, “Promise and Reality: Beyond Visual Range (BVR) Air-To-Air Combat.” Air War College, Air University. Last modified March 30, 2015. Available at:

    http://pogoarchives.org/labyrinth/11/09.pdf  24

     John Stillion and Scott Perdue, “Air Combat Past, Present and Future.” RAND Corporation, Project Air Force. Last modified August 2008. Available at:

    http://www.mossekongen.no/downloads/2008_RAND_Pacific_View_Air_Combat_Briefing.pdf  25


    26 Russian and Chinese aircraft deploy digital radio frequency memory (DRFM) jammers which are reported to “effectively memorize an incoming radar signal and repeat it backto the sender, seriously [hampering] the performance of friendly radars. Worse, these new jammers essentially blind the small radars found onboard air-to-air missiles like the

    Raytheon AIM-120 AMRAAM, which is the primary long-range weapon for all U.S. and most allied fighter planes.” See: Majumdar, Dave, “Pentagon Worries That Russia Can Now

    Outshoot U.S. Stealth Jets.” The Daily Beast. Last modified December 4, 2014. Available at: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/12/04/pentagon-worries-that-russia-

    can-now-outshoot-u-s-stealth-jets.html. 27

     See Hayward, Doug. “F-35 Weapon System Overview. Report no. JSF 10-205.” N.p.: Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, 2010. Available at:

    http://www.dtic.mil/ndia/2010armament/TuesdayLandmarkADougHayward.pdf . 28

     Osborn, Kris, “New Small Diameter Bomb Doesn’t Fit Inside Marine’s F-35B.”  Military.com. Last modified March 4, 2015. Available at: http://www.military.com/daily-



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    29 Rogoway, Tyler, “ Pierre Sprey's Anti-F-35 Diatribe Is Half Brilliant And Half Bullshit.” Foxtrot Alpha. Last modified June 20, 2014. Available at:

    http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/pierre-spreys-anti-f-35-diatribe-is-half-brilliant-and-1592445665. 30

     Department of Defense, Office of the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation. FY2014 Annual Report: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). Last modified January 2015. Available at:

    https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1667970-2014f35jsf.html#document/p22/a205814. 31

     Brian Dowling, “Federal Auditors Rate Reliability of  F-35 Engine ‘Very Poor,’” Military.com, last modified April 28, 2015. Available at: http://www.military.com/daily-

    news/2015/04/28/federal-auditors-rate-reliability-of-f-35-engine-very-poor.html. 32

     Government Accountability Office, F-35 Sustainment: Need for Affordable Strategy, Greater Attention to Risks, and Improved Cost Estimates . By Cary Russell. GAO-14-778. Lastmodified September 2014. Available at: http://www.gao.gov/assets/670/666042.pdf. 33

     French, Bill. “Reshaping Pentagon spending and Capabilities: Setting Priorities for the Future.” National Security Network. Last modified March 1, 2013. Available at:

    http://nsnetwork.org/cms/assets/uploads/2013/03/NSN-Reshaping-Pentagon-Spending-and-Capabilities_Future-Priorities_FINAL-0313132.pdf. 34

     Parish, Karen. “U.S. Following Through on Pacific Rebalance , Hagel Says.” U.S. Department of Defense. Last modified June 1, 2013. Available at:

    http://www.defense.gov/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=120186 35

     Eric Stephen Gons, “Access Challenges and Implications for Airpower in the Western Pacific.” RAND Corporation, Pardee RAND Graduate School. Last modified 2011. Available

    at: http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/rgs_dissertations/2011/RAND_RGSD267.pdf  36

     See: Department of Defense, 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review. Last modified March 4, 2014. Available at:

    http://www.defense.gov/pubs/2014_Quadrennial_Defense_Review.pdf  Focus on countering anti-access systems has also been reflected in doctrine, first under the Air-Sea

    Battle concept, now renamed Joint Access and Maneuver in the Global Commons.37

     In some cases the level of risk incurred by operating within range of Chinese long-range strike systems is severe. For example, one RAND study concluded that 34 sub -munition

    warheads delivered by short ranged ballistic missiles (SRBMs) could destroy or damage 75% of the aircraft stationed at Kadena Airbase on Okinawa. For more: John Stillion and

    Scott Perdue, “Air Combat Past, Present and Future.” RAND Corporation, Project Air Force. Last modified August 2008. Available at:

    https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/files/2008_RAND_Pacific_View_Air_Combat_Briefing.pdf  For general information, see: Eric Stephen Gons, “Access Challenges and

    Implications for Airpower in the Western Pacific.” RAND Corporation, Pardee RAND Graduate School. Last modified 2011. Available at:

    http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/rgs_dissertations/2011/RAND_RGSD267.pdf  and Gunzinger, Mark A. “Sustaining America’s Advantage in Long-Range Strike.”

    Center for Strategic and Budget Analysis. Last modified 2010. Available at: http://csbaonline.org/publications/2010/09/americas-strategic-advantage-long-range-strike/38

    For a fairly extensive assessment of the implications of relying on Anderson AFB, see: Gons, Eric Stephen. “Access Challenges and Implications for Airpower in the Western

    Pacific.” Publication no. RGSD-267. N.p.: RAND Corporation, 2011. Available at: http://www.rand.org/pubs/rgs_dissertations/RGSD267.html Ranges of Anderson AFB to the East

    and South China Seas were gathered from Google Maps.39

     Berteau, David J., and Michael J. Green, et al . “U.S. Force Posture Strategy in the Asia Pacific Region: An Independent Assessment.” N.p.: Center for Strategic and International

    Studies, 2012. Available at: http://csis.org/files/publication/120814_FINAL_PACOM_optimized.pdf . 

    See also: The Diplomat. “The US Air Force’s New Game Plan in the Asia-Pacific.” The Diplomat. Last modified October 9, 2013. Available at:http://thediplomat.com/2013/10/the-us-air-forces-new-game-plan-in-the-asia-pacific/ 40

     Martinage, Robert. “Toward a New Offset Strategy: Exploiting U.S. Long-Term Advantages to Restore U.S. Global Power Projection Capability.” N.p.: Center for Strategic and

    Budgetary Assessments, 2014. Available at: http://csbaonline.org/publications/2014/10/toward-a-new-offset-strategy-exploiting-u-s-long-term-advantages-to-restore-u-s-


    See also: Knepper, Greg, and Peter W. Singer. “Short Legs Can't Win Arms Races: Range Issues and New Threats to Aerial Refueling put U.S. Strategy at Risk.” War on the Rocks.

    Available at: http://warontherocks.com/2015/05/short-legs-cant-win-arms-races-range-issues-new-threats-aerial-refueling/?singlepage=1 41


     Watts, Barry. "The Maturing Revolution in Military Affairs." Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. Last modified June 2, 2011. Available at:



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    43 Greenert, Jonathan W., Adm. "Payloads over Platforms: Charting a New Course." U.S. Naval Institute. Last modified July 2012. Available at:

    http://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/2012-07/payloads-over-platforms-charting-new-course 44

     Osborn, Kris. "CNO: Next-Generation Navy Fighter Might Not Need Stealth." DefenseTech: Where Technology and Defense Interact. Last modified February 5, 2015. Available

    at: http://defensetech.org/2015/02/05/cno-next-generation-navy-fighter-might-not-need-stealth/ 45

     Global Security. "Radar Cross Section (RCS)." Global Security. Last modified November 7, 2011. Available at: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/stealth-aircraft-

    rcs.htm 46

     Congressional Research Service. F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program . By Jeremiah Gertler. Research report no. RL30563. Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service,2014. Available at: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/weapons/RL30563.pdf  47

     Mills, Chris. "Air Combat: Russia's PAK-FA versus the F-22 and F-35." Air Power Australia: Australia's Independent Defense Think Tank. Last modified March 30, 2009. Available

    at: http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-NOTAM-300309-1.html 48

     Ibid. 49

     For a summary of radar, stealth, and counter-stealth radar technical considerations, see: Watts, “The Maturing Revolution in Military Affairs,” available at:

    http://csbaonline.org/publications/2011/06/the-maturing-revolution-in-military-affairs/ 50

     For a summary of some current and potential dynamics involving lower-band radars, see: Kopp, Carlo. "Russian VHF Counter Stealth Radars Proliferate."

    Defense Today , 2008, 32-36. Available at: http://www.ausairpower.net/SP/DT-Rus-VHF-Radar-2008.pdf  51

     Majumdar, Dave. "Chinese and Russian Radars On Track to See Through U.S. Stealth." USNI News. Last modified July 29, 2014. Available at:

    http://news.usni.org/2014/07/29/chinese-russian-radars-track-see-u-s-stealth 52

     Global Security, “Radar Cross Section (RCS).” Available at: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/stealth-aircraft-rcs.htm 53 See Kopp, “Russian VHF Counter Stealth Radars Proliferate,” 32-36. Available at: http://www.ausairpower.net/SP/DT-Rus-VHF-Radar-2008.pdf  54

     Kopp, Carlo. "Russian / PLA Low Band Surveillance Radars." Air Power Australia. Last modified April 2012. Available at: http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-Rus-Low-Band-

    Radars.html: Kopp, Carlo. "Assessing Joint Strike Fighter Defense Penetration Capabilities Annex A, B, C." Air Power Australia. Last modified January 7, 2009. Available at:

    http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-2009-01-Annex.html#mozTocId787784 55

     Minnick, Wendell. "China's Anti-Stealth Radar Comes to Fruition." Defense News. Last modified November 22, 2014. Available at:

    http://archive.defensenews.com/article/20141122/DEFREG03/311220016/China-s-Anti-Stealth-Radar-Comes-Fruition 56

     Kopp, Carlo. "Sukhoi Flankers: The Shifting Balance of Regional Air Power." Air Power Australia. Last modified April 2012. Available at: http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-

    Flanker.html 57

     Osborn, “CNO: Next-Generation Navy Fighter Might Not Need Stealth.” Available at: http://defensetech.org/2015/02/05/cno-next-generation-navy-fighter-might-not-need-

    stealth/ 58

    Quantum Well Imaging Photodetectors (QWIP) increase the sensitivity of infrared sensors and allow the detection o f heat signatures from greater ranges and with greater

    accuracy. Mills, Chris. “Air Combat: Russia’s PAK-FA versus the F-22 and F-35.” Air Power Australia. Last modified March 30, 2009. Available at:http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-NOTAM-300309-1.html 59

     Gertler, Jeremiah, “F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JFS) Program ,” (CRS Report No. RL30563). Washington D.C: Congressional Research Service, 2014. Available at:

    https://fas.org/sgp/crs/weapons/RL30563.pdf . 60

     Ibid .61

     This strategy was intended to save “at least $15 billion” compared to the cost of producing three entirely separate aircrafts, one for each service. Ibid  62

     Project on Government Oversight, “Air Force’s Rush to Station Unproven F-35A Joint Strike Fighter in Burlington is Irresponsible and Potentially Dangerous.” News release.

    November 6, 2013. Available at: http://www.pogo.org/about/press-room/releases/2013/air-forces-rush-to-station-unproven-f35.html?referrer=https://www.google.com/. 63

     Lorell, Mark A., Michael Kennedy, Robert S. Leonard, Ken Munson, Shmuel Abramzon, David L. An and Robert A. Guffey. “Do Joint Fighter Programs Save Money?” Santa

    Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2013. Available at: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG1225. 


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    64 Thank you to Winslow Wheeler for pointing this out to me via e -mail.

    65 Government Accountability Office, “F-35 Joint Strike Fighter: Assessment Needed to Address Affordability Challenges ,” H.R. Rep. No. 114-GAO-15-364, 1st Sess. (2014).

    Available at: http://www.gao.gov/assets/670/669619.pdf . 66

     Office of the Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/CFO February 2015, “United States Department of Defense Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Request: Program Acquisition Cost by

    Weapon System ,”  (2015). Available at: http://comptroller.defense.gov/Portals/45/Documents/defbudget/fy2016/FY2016_Weapons.pdf . 67

     Government Accountability Office, “F-35 Joint Strike Fighter: Assessment Needed to Address Affordability Challenges ,” H.R. Rep. No. 114-GAO-15-364, 1st Sess. (2014).

    Available at: http://www.gao.gov/assets/670/669619.pdf