1561 - merchant taylors' school, northwood · martin nemec, guitar, skyfall string quartet,...

The highlight of last Friday and Saturday must have been the visit of the stars of the Australian cricket team who were certainly a popular attraction during the Quarter – the new boys who joined us on Saturday for their Induction Day were also suitably impressed, as were their parents. All our Third Formers had great fun on Tuesday at their Independent Learning Day and, by their own admission, they learned a lot about tackling group tasks and about leadership. Lots of exciting visits as we near the end of term – the Physicists certainly enjoyed Thorpe Park – and Music Week is now in full swing with a moving Choral Evensong and a brilliant Vocal Concert last night. Victory against Eton for the First XI was followed up by a narrow victory over Dr Challoner’s but pride of sporting place must go to the Under 15s who vanquished King’s Ely last night chasing down a total of 85 in only seven overs. Victory in Norwich at the weekend will see them compete in the National Finals next Thursday. Scissorum 1561 Merchant Taylors’ School Issue 33 Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter 01 June 28 2013 From the Head Master Ashes to Ashes: Australian Test team at MTS see page 2

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The highlight of last Friday and Saturday must have been the visit of the stars of the Australian cricket team who were certainly a popular attraction during the Quarter – the new boys who joined us on Saturday for their Induction Day were also suitably impressed, as were their parents. All our Third Formers had great fun on Tuesday at their Independent Learning Day and, by their own admission, they learned a lot about tackling group tasks and about leadership. Lots of exciting visits as we near the end of term – the Physicists certainly enjoyed Thorpe Park – and Music Week is now in full swing with a moving Choral Evensong and a brilliant Vocal Concert last night. Victory against Eton for the First XI was followed up by a narrow victory over Dr Challoner’s but pride of sporting place must go to the Under 15s who vanquished King’s Ely last night chasing down a total of 85 in only seven overs. Victory in Norwich at the weekend will see them compete in the National Finals next Thursday.


Merchant Taylors’ School Issue 33

Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter01 June 28 2013

From the Head Master

Ashes to Ashes: Australian Test team at MTSsee page 2

MTSThis week

Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter02 June 28 2013

Australian Test cricketers at MTSThe Australian cricket team kicked off their Ashes preparations at Merchant Taylors’ School, Northwood on June 21 and 22. Although closed to the general public, the Australians were happy to give the Merchant Taylors’ boys the opportunity to see them training; it was a fantastic opportunity for the school’s Sports Scholars in particular to see Michael Clarke, Shane Watson, Mitchell Starc, and Chris Rogers close up and bowl a few overs against them.

Our Director of Cricket, Tom Webley commented, “It was fantastic having the Australian cricket team train in our grass nets. Some of our 1st XI had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to bowl at the likes of Michael Clarke and Shane Watson, which was an unforgettable experience for them. The Australian players and management were delighted with the Merchant Taylors’ training facilities, describing them as ‘world class’; the Australians trained for 6 hours at a remarkable level of intensity”.

Indian TV station, NDTV (Sky 511) were especially interested as our three Indian Exchange cricketers from the Mumbai Coca-Cola Cricket Academy were able to rub shoulders with the Australian stars.

It was a fantastic opportunity for all concerned and many thanks to the Australian team for being so supportive of our aspiring cricketers.

MTSThis week

Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter03 June 28 2013

Third Form Teaching and Learning DayOn Tuesday, the entire Third Form (Year 7) took part in a Teaching and Learning Day, tackling two engineering challenges to develop their creative and critical thinking skills. In teams of six they had to design and test different methods of transporting building materials along a tunnel using only waste gas pressure (the mining challenge) and then by airship into a drop zone (the airship challenge),

before competing against the clock - and each other - to build the highest free-standing tower possible. In the afternoon, each group gave a presentation to their peers and a panel of judges, who awarded prizes for: the best teamwork; the most ingenious engineering solution; and the most impressive presentation.

The boys impressed both their teachers and the judges with their imaginative

thinking and practical intelligence during this noisy, energetic and hugely enjoyable day – there are definitely some future engineering geniuses amongst the current Thirds.

Special thanks to Professor Neil Downie, Toby Chipperfield and Guy Jones from Air Products in Woking, who gave generously of their time and resources to help plan, run and judge a fabulous day.

MTSThis week

Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter04 June 28 2013

MTSThis week

Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter05 June 28 2013

The bourgeois Gentilhommes of MTSAfter watching their peers act in Meurtre dans le Métro, a number of Fourth formers (Year 9) decided to round off this academic year in style by putting on one of Molière’s funniest plays in an abridged version (thanks to Ms Kotsuba). Clad in the costumes d’époque, the pupils really developed an affinity with their roles (special mention to Max Lavelle, Max Vaughan, James Apps and Lucas Gadston). A simple photoshoot was not enough for the boys, who engaged Danesh Rasan to film la mise en scène and edit a short film set to the soundtrack of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik.

Below is an excerpt:

MONSIEUR JOURDAIN - Il faut que je vous fasse une confidence. Je suis amoureux d’une personne de grande qualité, et je souhaiterais que vous m’aidassiez à lui écrire quelque chose dans un petit billet que je veux laisser tomber à ses pieds.

MAÎTRE DE PHILOSOPHIE - Sans doute. Sont-ce des vers que vous lui voulez écrire?

MONSIEUR JOURDAIN - Non, non, point de vers.

MAÎTRE DE PHILOSOPHIE - Vous ne voulez que de la prose?

MONSIEUR JOURDAIN - Non, je ne veux ni prose, ni vers.

MAÎTRE DE PHILOSOPHIE - Il faut bien que ce soit l’un, ou l’autre.


MAÎTRE DE PHILOSOPHIE - Par la raison, Monsieur, qu’il n’y a pour s’exprimer, que la prose, ou les vers.

MTSThis week

Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter06 June 28 2013

MTSThis week

Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter07 June 28 2013

Alistair Ho runner-up in the Robert Walker Law Essay PrizeMany congratulations to Alistair Ho who has been awarded second prize in the Robert Walker Law essay prize offered by Trinity College, Cambridge for his essay: “Should religious beliefs be accommodated within the law on discrimination and, if so, how?” The prize is named after an Honorary Fellow of the College, Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe, a Justice of the Supreme Court and former student at Trinity. Lord Walker has for many years been a supporter of Law at Trinity, meeting and chatting to students at college social events as well as more formally, judging moots (legal debates) and helping to connect the practice of law with its academic study.

Lord Walker himself determined the top three places, and commented on how impressive the essays were. Alistair will be up at Trinity on 5 July 2013, a University Open Day that day, with a law lecture in Trinity at 2pm

Omnia: Canine Capers!On Thursday this week Mrs Teskey brought in to school her two cocker spaniels, Wooster and Jeeves. A small number of boys were invited to join her and learn about dogs and how to train them for both obedience and agility. The main focus was to have fun with the dogs and - after a brief explanation of the importance of obedience - a small agility course was completed. All were invited to have a go at taking the dogs over some of the jumps, send them through a tunnel, weave through poles and do the long jump. By and away the most exciting part was watching the dogs race each other to fetch the ball at the end.

Tom Newport named Nuffield Scholar at St Hilda’s College, OxfordMany congratulations to Tom Newport (OMT, Class of 2010) who has been awarded a Nuffield Scholarship in Biology by the Tutorial Committee of St Hilda’s Oxford in recognition of his excellence in the subject.

Aerial cricket at MTSMany thanks to Mr Brewis for this splendid shot of the school from the air, taken this Tuesday, whilst at ground level, Trumpers, the Common Room XI were engaged in the more traditional English summer pastime of knocking willow against leather.

MTSThis week

Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter08 June 28 2013

MUSICMusic Week began with the traditional lunchtime concert for support staff and teachers; yesterday’s performers included:

Luke Rozanski, Viola, September Song

The Thomas White Singers, We are gathering up the roses/Graceful and Easy

Martin Nemec, Guitar, Skyfall

String Quartet, Panis Angelicus

Piano Trio, Hornpipe

Alex Cox, Oboe, Movement from the Vivaldi Oboe Concerto

The sensitivity of Alex’s oboe, the innocent clarity they brought to Panis Angelicus and the sheer vigour of Skyfall the hornpipe were much appreciated by all who attended.

Associated Board Music Exam Results

Our heartiest congratulations to all who achieved distinctions!

Cohen-Shah, Yasar Grade 6, Piano

Drummond, William Grade 5, Singing

Mishra, Mayank Grade 5, Guitar

Omidiora, Timi Grade 2, Piano

Shah, Amar Grade 4, Cornet in Bb

MTSThis week

Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter09 June 28 2013

DRAMAMTS does Hollywood!Last Friday, with the help of the Young Film Academy, the Divisions Drama set made their first short films, starting with the schools dramatic locations as their inspiration. As the latest issue of Concordia shows, MTS is fortunate to possess a large number of old boys working in the movies, either as film stars, producers and directors, or in the Post-FX industry. It was never going to take very long for our GCSE Drama students to decide they wanted to make movies, rather than merely watch them.

One group transformed the school lakes in to the setting for a Hollywood style action thriller, with a OO7-like Charlie Carter saving Jamie Williams from the evil clutches of his Tara Armstrong’s devil-masked, tree-bound captor; another group used a simple brief-case to create a mysterious film noir style piece; however,

it was the pure art-house team, with Elliott Arnold as a guilt-ridden murderer, and Rafi Kelion as his masked, ghost-like accuser, that ran away with the Oscar. The Drama Department is clearly the place to be for boys with a passion for story-telling via the camera, with film-making set to become a regular feature

of the creative life of the school, with the addition of Warner Brothers Leavesden to Elstree Studios and the National Film and TV School at Beaconsfield ensuring that there will be plenty of local career opportunities in the industry for many years to come.

GEOGRAPHy Junior geographers reach for the skyFollowing last week’s news that Paris is set to build 12 new skyscrapers, members of the Junior Geography Society this week investigated the world’s distribution of skyscrapers. They researched iconic structures such as the Burj Khalifa, the Makkah Royal Clock Tower Hotel and One World Trade Centre, before considering reasons why East and South East Asia and the Middle East dominate the top 20 list. Boys then proposed their own skyscraper buildings, with a particular focus on design and location. Dominic Cherry’s solar-panelled ‘Headless Fish’ proposal for Dubai was a particularly innovative idea!

Would you like to be geographically enriched over the summer?

The Geography Department would like to encourage all boys to enter our research essay prize competitions. This year we have chosen Brazil as the theme because they have chosen to become heavily involved in hosting world events (including the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics), but have their own internal struggles, as shown in the news over the past two weeks. Our title is ‘Will hosting world events make Brazil richer and more powerful’?

The Junior Prize is open to all boys in the Lower School and the Senior Prize to those in the Middle and Upper School. The department awards a prize on St Barnabas Day to the winner at each level. Boys who will be joining us in the Fourth Form in September are very welcome to get involved. Entries must be received by the first day of the Autumn Term. Please contact Mrs Riddleston if you would like more details. [email protected]

MTSThis week

Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter10 June 28 2013

TRIPS Up Pompeii! Third Form at the British MueseumLife and Death: Pompeii and Herculaneum has been one of London’s most eagerly-awaited exhibitions of recent years, and for good reason: here is an opportunity to see many of the most famous objects from the cities buried in AD79, which have been allowed to leave Italy for the first time. Queues have been lengthy, but the Classics department managed to get hold of enough of these golden tickets to take the whole of the Third Form.

The exhibition is presented spaciously and elegantly: each room represents a room of a Pompeian house, and contains the artefacts from that room. Highlights include mosaics, bronze statues, a crib, and three walls of frescoes, showing a garden scene and various birds, recognizable today.

The boys have been following the life of Caecilius, a citizen of Pompeii, in the Cambridge Latin Course this year, and here they got the chance to see the herm of Caecilius himself, along with the wax tablet found at his very house. They were set the challenge of considering the ways in which each object helped us to understand the purpose of each room, and each was given a theme within the

Roman world to investigate, such as luxury, education, and family life.

We left Pompeii and its urbanity, for lunch in that most urbane of surroundings, Gordon Square. Whilst the general refinement of Bloomsbury may come close to that of Campania, alas in purely epicurean terms, the decadent morsels of dormice, figs, and garum gave way to cheese sandwiches.

MTSThis week

Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter11 June 28 2013

Sixth Formers engineer at Thorpe ParkOn Thursday 12 of our 6th form Physicists went to an engineering workshop at Thorpe Park. They got the chance to look at some of the science behind the design of roller coasters and how engineers design them to push the human body to its limits for that blend of fear and excitement. Many of the boys intend to study engineering at university and their interest was clear to see.

MTSThis week

Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter12 June 28 2013

Lower Sixth passent la journée à Paris!For the first day of summer, the French L6th boys went to Paris, on Friday 21st June. This day coincides with ‘la fête de la musique’, a celebration of music, started in 1982 and now a festivity in more than 100 countries. Boys had lunch in a classical parisian brasserie and then reached the river Seine. They enjoyed a tour on a bateau-mouche, discovering the city along the river, including the Louvre, the Musée d’Orsay, the Eiffel Tower and some romantic bridges. We then went to Notre Dame where boys were able to practise their French. A great day with some nice sunny spells!

MTSThis week

Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter13 June 28 2013

Hamlet as you like it – literature students in StratfordLast Saturday, shortly after 7am, a group of bleary-eyed boys (accompanied two equally bleary-eyed teachers) met at Moor Park station to take the Tube to Marylebone, before catching a train from there to the town of Shakespeare’s birth, Stratford-upon-Avon.

Having fully woken up en route to picturesque Stratford, a day of theatrical entertainment followed. After a hasty but tasty lunch, the group visited the Royal Shakespeare Theatre to watch a matinee performance of Hamlet. It was an excellent spectacle, with creative uses of the set design and some uncanny costumes, including fencing masks to highlight one of the play’s key themes – the idea that people are not always what they seem.

After a few hours to explore the town and grab another quick bite to eat, the boys reconvened for an evening performance of one of Shakespeare’s lesser-known works, As You Like It. The lighter tone, frequent use of musical interludes and witty ad-lib asides made this an excellent and enjoyable contrast to the weighty Hamlet.

After a late finish it was straight back to the hotel to get a good night’s sleep before another early start, a hearty breakfast and a train back to London.

MTSThis week

Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter14 June 28 2013

Last Sunday, a combined outfit of 13 MTS boys and St Helen’s girls undertook the British Canoe Union 1* course on the school lake. Following a quick introduction to the various boats, the course got underway with all of the MTS boys going in kayaks for the morning.

The aim of the day was to build up a series of paddling skills including draw

strokes, sweep strokes and paddling backward s- all achieved with aplomb by the pupils. A lunch time swap saw the boys and girls swap crafts, with the boys then undertaking a series of challenges in canoes.

As the course drew to a close, the dreaded capsize routines had to be undertaken, providing much

amusement to all as screams and shouts went up around the lake. As a reward for everyone passing the course, the day finished with some games in the kayaks, including tag, a variation of stuck in the mud, and relay races. Well done to all pupils who passed the course. More activities such as this are planned in the future and cadets who are interested should talk to Squadron Leader Hillier.

CCF Kayaking


Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter15 June 28 2013

A splendid week for cricket: most notable for the 7-wicket victory against an only-slightly -reduced Eton 1st/2nd XI team. Given the size of the pupil body at Eton, this was an excellent win, but should not overshadow the whitewashing by all the senior sides of UCS and Challoners.

22nd – 28th Junevs Eton1st XI won by 7 wickets – MOM – Tom Woods

vs UCS1st XI won by 2 wickets – MOM – Barney Close

U15A won by 80 runs – MOM – Andrew Thomas

U15B won by 86 runs – MOM – Alex Hattam

U14B won by 10 wickets – MOM – Tom Bannon

vs Dr Challoners1st XI won by 6 runs – MOM – Miraj Patel

2nd XI won by 40 runs – MOM – James Worthington

vs St John’sU13A draw – MOM – Max John

U13B lost by 14 runs – MOM – Selvan Senthilkumaran

U12A lost by 20 runs – MOM – Jack Davey

U15s win Middlesex Cup ...Last Thursday The U15s won a closely contested final against Mill Hill to be county champions. Our county players, Andrew Thomas and Nikhil Rawal, led from the front and dominated throughout the group stages and final. The rest of the team chipped in with superb performances.

... and go on to excel at regional level …Yesterday, the boys continued their progress through the Cup with a 10 wicket victory in the regional level of the competition over King’s Ely. MTS bowled first on a turning track and our spinner Udaya Sharma, Kishan Singh and Abdullah Hussain tied the Ely batsman in knots bowling them out for 86. Our batsman dominated from the start of our innings with Nikhil Rawal racing to his 50 in just 5 overs, which included two huge sixes. MTS reached the total in 7 overs resulting in an emphatic victory. The boys are drawn away to Langley School, Norwich on Saturday in the semi-final of the Regionals. We wish them the best of luck!



Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter16 June 28 2013

1st XI Season round-upPlayed 12 – Won 8, Lost 2, Drawn 2 The 1st XI has had a superb season dominating the majority of their fixtures. Wins against Eton, St Paul’s, Habs, and St Albans were real highlights. The bowling attack were a real unit, and ensured the opposition batsman were under constant pressure. There were some superb individual batting performances, and every team member contributed at times to get us over the line. Ashil Shah was player of the season with fine displays with both bat and ball.

1st XI focus: Ashil ShahAshil has been an inspirational captain, and has been the leading player with both bat and ball. He’s bowled some ferocious spells of fast bowling, and his spell against Habs was a pleasure to watch. He is a hugely talented batsman, scoring 586 at an average of 70 with two games remaining. A fine player, and he will be sorely missed next year!

Season SummaryIt’s been a fantastic season for Merchant Taylors’ cricket with the 1st XI winning the majority of their games, the U15s winning the County Cup, and the U14B & D teams remaining unbeaten. The

boys have also been treated with visits from the Australian cricket team, Indian star Piyush Chawla, and the Middlesex 1st XI. The Indian cricket exchange has been a real success with Vikas, Shivam and Pranjal getting fully involved in our training programme helping develop many of our players. Furthermore, there is a hugely talented crop of young players coming through, and I am relishing the prospect of working with them in the future. I am introducing a structured winter training programme to ensure our cricketers are developing their skills to be even more successful next year. Exciting times ahead!

Tom Webley, Head of Cricket



Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter17 June 28 2013

Regular readers of these sailing reports will know that MTS sailors like new and challenging events, and have entered several events for the first time this year. This week was no exception, as we entered two boats into the Schools’ Feva Championship held annually by Itchenor Sailing Club in Chichester Harbour. 39 boats entered from a wide variety of schools - some boats were regular sailors out in their own boat every week, whilst others were, like us, schools with boys simply sailing as a games option.

Conditions provided great, if varied, sailing, with strong winds on the Monday, and very light winds on the Tuesday. The boys also had to contend with new boats and the challenge of sailing on tidal water during springs - no easy feat at all. Unsurprisingly the boys stepped up to these challenges, putting in very creditable performances - both on the water, and also in the inflatable games during the evening BBQ. Overall, we had one boat come in 23rd and one in at 36th, comparing very favourably with our close rivals at St. Pauls who got 25th, 26th and 37th. Congratulations to Lewis Duckworth, Rohan Popat, James Seery and James Lehmann on their efforts over the regatta. Hopefully there are some Thirds and Upper Thirds out there keen to follow in their footsteps next year.

A view from the boatFour MTS boys attended the Itchenor Sailing Club regatta on the Chichester Channel. We arrived on Sunday evening and began to rig our boats and learn about what would happen on the Monday when the regatta began.

We seemed to have very new boats and having only sailed RS Fevas (two man boat) once before, our understanding was minimal. Next day it all began! We started early and double checked our boats and set off on four or five races each of about half an hour. Unfortunately one of our two boats had technical difficulties and had to return to the beach whilst the other powered on to finish. The day was great fun and reasonably successful as we were put into 18th and 35th (because of the technical problems) out of 39.

We made a lot of adjustments to our boats to make a difference on the next day’s racing. Tuesday came, but although we were ready to go, we were delayed by the lack of wind - it simply was not strong enough to carry us through the strong tide which we had struggled against the day before. The races went ahead and again there was a fault - one of the boat’s masts filled with dirt and water, making it top heavy

and prone to toppling over all the time, however, they got it sorted out and came back just after the midway point of the second race of the day. When the racing was over we took a late lunch at the sailing club and attended the prize giving. Although we didn’t win anything, we came 23rd and 36th in the end, it was an awesome trip - I wish it had lasted longer and definitely think the school should enter next year.

Lewis Duckworth (Fourth Form)



Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter18 June 28 2013


Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter19 June 28 2013

Greenfields on top at South Oxhey Athletics ChampionshipsLast Thursday, MTS hosted the annual South Oxhey Athletics Championships. Carrying on the Olympic legacy from last year, the children from the South Oxhey partnership participated in

three games activities at School in the morning, before taking part in track and field in the afternoon. All events were run by MTS pupils from the Fourth Form to the Fifth Form. The boys did a superb job, leading coaching sessions in Hockey, Basketball and Cricket as well as running a number of different events on the track and in the field.

The eventual winners of the day were Greenfields School.

MTS wishes them the best of luck in their partnership finals. The PE department would like to thank those boys that helped coach and organise the event, without them, we would not be able to offer such opportunities to the children.



Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter20 June 28 2013

Summer League ResultsThis week, MTS played three matches in the OMT Summer League.

MTS 0 - 0 Amersham

Man of the Match: Ed Richards

MTS 3-1 Eastcote 2nd XI

Man of the Match: Matt Jervis

MTS 1-1 Harrow

Man of the Match: Dominc Proctor


MTSport hosted their first gifted and talented sports day on Monday. Boys nominated from a number of prep schools descended on MTS to participate in an elite level coaching day run by the three Heads of the School’s Major Sports programme. Boys were also given a lunchtime chat by James Seabrook about life as a Sports Scholar and spent some time working on their FUNdamentals with Mr Foot, Head of the Sports Scholars’ programme.

MTSport: Gifted and Talented Day

It takes a considerable amount of time, dedication and talent to be a top class swimmer and MTS has three boys who have made the grade and will be competing at the British Nationals in Sheffield at the end of July and the beginning of August. We wish the very best of luck to:

Fravash Bilimoria (Lower Sixth) - 200m Breaststroke Bryce Puszet (4th) - 200m backstroke Tudor Puszet (5th) - 400m, 1500m Freestyle; 100m and 200m Butterfly; 2km Open Water


Tudor PuszetBryce PuszetFravash Bilimoria


Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter21 June 28 2013

Towards the end of term the judo team have been training in techniques - throws, holds and locks - in preparation for gradings. Most were working on passing their red belts (the first grade) but special congratulations go to Charlie Ford and Chris Driver for passing Yellow (the second) and Tara-Mahan Armstrong for achieving the technically demanding Orange belt (third grade).

Congratulations to the following judoka on passing their red belts: Hugo Parry, James Apps, Charlie McDermot, Keelan Arora, Kypros Donegan, Will Sheard and Alex Cox.

This puts us in a great position for competitive fixtures next year - well done everybody!

Judo5 boys, one parent and two members of staff spent the weekend completing their PADI course at Wraysbury Dive Centre. Four dives in total were completed and everyone passed. Thank you, Mr Gray for organising the course!


Well done to Fifth former Chaneil Patel who recently achieved a 3rd Dan Black Belt degree in Taekwondo; the photographs show Chaneil performing in the Taekwondo Black Belt Dan grading


MTSLooking Forward

Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter June 28 201322

Ski Trip to Austria February 2014The MTS ski trip in 2014 will be to Saalbach in Autria during the February half term. Places will be filled on a first come first served basis and reply slips from the letter below should be returned to Mrs Williamson as soon as possible.

The school ski trip in 2014 will be

Fourth Form French exchange 2014After the recent successful exchange to Paris with the Divisions the MFL Department is delighted to inform you that it has set up a Fourth Form exchange with ‘Le Collège du Sacré Coeur’ in Versailles, 18 kms from Paris. An exchange provides the chance to improve practical language skills by living with a French family and also teaches independence and self-reliance. It promises to be an excellent opportunity to broaden boys’ experience of French culture and language beyond the classroom. Additionally, students will have the chance to get to know Paris! U3rd Formers’ parents and incoming Fourth Formers will receive a letter with full details.

going to Saalbach Hinterglemm, Austria in the February half term. Saalbach provides a large and varied ski area, well suited to both beginners and those more experienced skiers. The town also provides many opportunities for activities in the evenings such as

swimming, bowling and ice-skating. The provisional cost is £875 and further details will be available on the school website shortly. No skiing experience necessary and boys from all years are welcome. Any queries to Mr Hillier [email protected]

MTSLooking Forward

Merchant Taylors’ School Weekly Newsletter June 28 201323

A slow start to ticket sales accelerated in the final week to 130. The Lakeside looked beautiful with tables, chairs and gazebos. Rain and overcast sky earlier in the day changed to sunshine and a perfect day for the picnics, excellent BBQ fare provided by Les Chappell, Jenga games, activities on the lake for adults and boys alike and the finale of the boat building competition.

We always have great support from the staff and are very grateful to them for spending an afternoon taking adults and kids out in the boats, kayaks, paddle boards etc. The activities on the lake were managed by Ndinos Kyriacou, Ed Gillett and Andy French. The senior boys were out in the powerboats doing the lake tours.

Photos from today’s BBQ are uploaded and can be accessed via this link Yardarms BBQ 062013 or Play slideshow

Order Yardarms Tees http://www.mtsn.org.uk/fileadmin/content/_Friends/Watersports_t-shirt_order_form.pdf

Read the full Commodore’s report https://www.mtsn.org.uk/fileadmin/content/_Friends/Commodores_report_June_2013_final.pdf

More information on the RYA Youth Scheme at https://www.mtsn.org.uk/fileadmin/content/_Friends/Watersports_Merchant_Taylors_Presentation.pdf

yardarmsBBQ by the Lake - 22 June 2013

South Africa Hockey Tour 2014Open to all Divisions, Fifths & L6th hockey players. Departs 14th July. Pick up an application form from the PE Office!