16 organic antibiotics and antibacterials that should be in every home

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16 Organic Antibiotics And Antibacterials


  • 16 Organic Antibiotics And Antibacterials That Should Be In Every


    16 Organic Antibiotics And Antibacterials That Should Be In Every Home! body mind

    soul spirit BodyMindSoulSpirit.com http://bodymindsoulspirit.com/

    by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

    Its always a good idea to have organic antibiotics on hand, especially if the sh*t hits

    the fan and supplies are hard to find. The following video recommends 5 different

    antibiotics and backs them up with medical proof along with what theyre good for.

    The following is an excerpt from the videos website:

    1. Oil of Oregano Pills In my opinion, this is one of the top herbal antibiotic choices.

    It is very potent- it take 1000 pounds of oregano to make just 1 pound of oil of


    Research says: Georgetown University Medical Center tested oil of oregano in vitro

    on staphylococcus bacteria. They found that even small amounts were as effective

    as the standard antibiotic. Also, the journal of medicine reported a study where oil of

    oregano showed significant antibacterial properties against 5 species of harmful

    bacteria, especially e-coli.

    Oil of oregano has two active compounds- caravacrol and thymol. Dr. Axe says on

    his website that carvacrol treats or reduces bacterial infections, fungal infections,

    parasites, viruses, inflammation, candida, and tumors.

    Many sources recommended taking oil of oregano for only 2-4 weeks at a time. I

    personally recommend taking it in pill form due to the strong nature of it. I like the

    Gaia brand of oil of oregano.

    Oil of oregano is also antiviral and antifungal.

    2. Olive Leaf Olive leaf is the leaf of the olive tree and is a very popular herbal

    antibiotic alternative.

    Research says: While some studies show it not to be a broad spectrum antibiotic

    alternative, it does show activity against harmful stomach bacteria, as well as the

    often antibiotic resistant MRSA.

    Olive leaf is also antiviral and antifungal.

  • 3. Garlic cloves Very rich in antioxidants. One of the well known active components

    of garlic is allicin, which can be found in freshly crushed garlic. However, other parts

    clearly work in synergy to produce garlics beneficial effects, since even aged garlic

    shows promising health benefits.

    Research says: Many studies confirm its antimicrobial properties. One study showed

    that garlic enhanced the action of the antibiotic gentamicin, and even negated its

    negative effects on the kidneys. Another study showed garlic to shorten the common

    cold, and the University of Maryland advises that it may strengthen the immune


    Garlic is also antifungal and antiviral.

    4. Goldenseal This is a very astringent herb, and is often used for infections of the

    mucus membranes. It is also used for inflammation. Goldenseal contains

    antimicrobial alkaloids, the main one being berberine.

    Goldenseal actually hinders bacteria from adhering to tissue surfaces. Goldenseal is

    also antifungal, anti-diarrheal, and is effective against protozoa.

    Research says: The University of NC confirms its activity against MRSA. In another

    study, the Egypt Agricultural Center infected fish with bacteria. One set received

    antibiotics, and one set received goldenseal. The fish that were treated with

    antibiotics had a 84% recovery rate, whereas the ones treated with goldenseal had a

    87% recovery rate.

    5. Vitamin C When the body has high levels of vitamin c, immunity is increased.

    When sickness and stress are present, levels of vitamin c are depleted. Therefore,

    common sense tells me that attention to vitamin c levels are of utmost importance,

    especially when one is under some sort of stress.

    Research says: A group of researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in

    NYC found that vitamin C killed a resistant culture in vitro, and they found that it

    could not develop a resistance to vitamin c.

    For more information on vitamin c, visit peakenergy.com. I also recommend

    searching for videos of Dr. Thomas Levy (of peakenergy) talking about vitamin c on

    YouTube. I personally take liposomal vitamin c.

    From my own experience, anytime I feel like Im coming down with a cold or flu-like

    symptoms, Ill take 1000mg of Vitamin C, 3 times a day for a week. Usually, within 2-

    4 days, whatever I had is gone!

  • You may also want to consider the following as well:

    6. Echinacea tincture antibacterial; respiratory, digestive and genitourinary tracts.

    Excellent for a sore throat.

    7. Andrographis paniculata antibacterial; upper respiratory tract infections and

    sinus issues. Sore throat, cough, headache.

    8. Manuka honey antibacterial, excellent for wounds and MRSA.

    9. Bee propolis antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral; respiratory infections.

    10. Colloidal silver antibiotic; upper respiratory ailments, toothaches. Colloidal silver

    has been reported to kill well over 600 different germ strains while most over the

    counter antibiotics are only effective against a few. Can also be used for ear and

    sinus infections.

    A few years ago, I had a toothache and tried various over the counter remedies that

    only masked the pain, and very poorly at doing so. I researched the issue and found

    a solution of swishing colloidal silver in my mouth for several minutes each day. That

    did the trick and I havent had any issues with that tooth (or any other tooth) since! I

    use the Sovereign Silver brand because its so easily absorbable but feel free to use

    any well-known brand or make your own! There are a vast number of YouTube

    tutorials that can teach you how to do this.

    11. Oregon Grape antibacterial; intestine and urinary tract.

    12. Tea tree oil antibiotic; effective against yeast and fungi, bacterial infections.

  • 13. Grapefruit seed extract broad spectrum antibiotic, fungicide, antiviral and


    14. Forsythia suspensa broad spectrum antibiotic

    15. Coenzyme Q10 antibiotic; upper respiratory. bronchitis, COPD

    16. Bromelain antibiotic; upper respiratory. bronchitis