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Management: Definitions, Roles & Skills Principles of Management [email protected] M

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Management: Definitions, Roles & Skills

Principles of Management

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Management: Definitions

“Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aim(s) viz. to create a surplus(s).” …. Weihrich & Koontz

“Management is not an absolute; rather it is socially and culturally determined. Across all cultures and in all societies, people coming together to perform certain collective acts encounter common problems having to do with establishing direction, coordination and motivation. Culture affects how these problems are perceived and resolved.” …The Art of Japanese Management by R. Pascale & A. Athos .

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Management: Definition …ctd.

Applies to and through any kind of organization

Applies to Managers at all levels

Concerned with “Doing the right things right at all times”:

1. Effectiveness: Achievement of objectives (Right Things);

2. Efficiency: Achieving those objectives with least amount/ sacrifice of resources (Things Right);

3. Continuous Improvement: in creating increasing „surplus‟ (at all times);

– “Improve or die” = survival of the fittest

– “what gets measured, gets managed and improved” e.g. Productivity= Output / Input ratio

Collective, cohesive and consistent human effort towards accomplishing a common objective.

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Additionally, Managers need to factor in external

environmental forces:



Political Regulatory




For maximum benefit to the organization

Management: Definition …ctd.

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Management - what managers do: Fredrick Taylor‟s path-breaking “scientific approach”

Henri Fayol‟s classical definition of „functions‟, now modified to: Plan -- Organize -- Lead(Command&Coordinate) -- Control

Mintzberg‟s map of managerial „roles‟: Interpersonal + Informational + Decisional

Katz‟s interpretation of „skills‟: Technical / Human / Conceptual

Management – „get things done through others‟: Leadership: “The ability to influence a group towards

achievement of goals”.

Motivation: “The willingness to exert high level of effort towards goals”

Communication:”The transference and understanding of meaning”

Management: Roles & Skills

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Management: roles & skills …ctd. Managerial Roles (Mintzberg)

Role Description Examples Interpersonal •Figurehead symbolic head; required to show Ceremonial, „face‟ in social & legal conditions. Civic etc. •Leader Motivating & directing subordinates project plan •Liaison Networking outside for information Industry - & favours group meets Informational •Monitor nerve centre and interpretator Reports •Disseminator networking within the organization Meetings etc. •Spokesperson Transmit intent to outsiders; expert Board Meets Decisional

•Entrepreneur Opportunity finding& reacting Strategy Plan

•Trouble shooter Handling unexpected disturbance Contingency

•Resource allocator Initiating/approving changes Budgeting

•Negotiator Getting best deal for Organization Contracts

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Managerial Skills(Katz & others)

Technical Skills:

Application of specialized

knowledge or expertise

acquired though formal

training & its use.

Human Skills:

Ability to work with people,

understand and motivate

groups & individuals.

Conceptual Skills:

Mental ability to recognize,

analyze, diagnose and think

through complex situations.

Skills Needed





Management: roles & skills

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Principles of Management 2

Management: A Systems Approach

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Systems approach to Management

Organization as a System receives Input, transforms it

through a Process for Output and Operates in an

Environment (economic, regulatory and other forces)


process input output

Feedback (Reenergizing the system)


System Boundary

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Systems approach to Management …ctd.

Systems Concepts

System Boundaries and Subsystems > Systems often consist of numerous subsystems.

> Each subsystem has elements, interactions with

other subsystems, and objectives.

> Subsystems perform specialized tasks for the

overall system.

Subsystem Interfaces and Interface Problems

Sub-System 2 Sub-System 3 Sub-System 1

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Systems approach to Management …ctd.

Outputs and Inputs Systems produce Outputs from Inputs – i.e. the

Inputs are converted to Outputs.

Outputs of one subsystem become inputs to another subsystem.

Outputs must adhere to standards to be useful or acceptable to the next subsystem.

System Environment

Environment consists of people, organizations

and other systems that supply data to or that

receive data from the system

Managers at different levels perceive

„Environment” differently

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Systems approach to Management …ctd. “Inputs”: 5 Ms of Management

Inputs or the resources managers deal with are: Man: human resources, both inside and connected with an


Materials: goods (hard & software, processed or semi-finished) and services required to create the sellable end product;

Machines: technology and expertise deployed towards the transformation process;

Methods: systems, procedures and processes seamlessly put together for the transformation;

Measurement: score-keeping and in-process monitoring continuously with due feedback to keep on-course on time.

“Money” is required for generating all theses Ms – managers need to acquire, deploy, generate and distribute money as a primary need for business!

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Systems approach to Management …ctd.

“Stake”: Something wagered or risked;

an interest in an enterprise with contingent gain or loss …Webster „s dictionary

“Holders” who have stake in Business: Shareholders: are the owners. They have put in their

money in the enterprise, expecting better returns from it than from other ventures;

Society: includes the State, provincial and local governments for the improvement of „quality of life‟ of its citizens;

Output for “Stake-holders” in Business:

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Systems approach to Management …ctd.

Suppliers: continuity of their enterprise depends on the success of the customer enterprise;

Customers: require the goods and services provided by the enterprise, better than than those from its competitors. The enterprise is, in turn, a supplier to its customers;

Employees: livelihood depends on the progress and success of the employing enterprise;

There is a “freedom of choice” (for association) between each of these stake-holders and the enterprise in the longer term: But they sink or swim together in the shorter term

Length of term definition varies with individuals!

Output for “Stake-holders” in Business …ctd.

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by the process of


+ Organizing

+ Staffing

+ Leading

+ Controlling

to accomplish certain pre-determined, (as

derived from stakeholder needs) goals or


Systems approach to Management …ctd.

Management as a system transforms inputs:

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Inputs (Goal


Outputs (External

To Orgnzn.)














Profits, Customer &

Societal satisfaction,

Other Long-term Goals

Man, Machine




Stake holder Feedback (reenergizing the system)

EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT(Opportunities, Constraints)



Society; Customers;

Employees; Suppliers

Systems approach to Management …ctd.

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Principles of Management 3

Management Process

First Step: Planning

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Planning involves selecting objectives or goals and the course of actions to achieve them:

Provides the bridge to take us from where we are to where we want to go;

Is a rational approach to achieving pre-selected objectives - based on innovation, knowledge and purpose;

Decision making in choosing the best from alternative courses of action and is integral to planning;

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Plans as foundation of Management


What kind of resources needed?

What kind of people & org. structure to have?

How to lead them to reach planned goals?

How to control in case of deviation from plan ?

The primacy of Planning

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Types of Plans

Mission / Purpose

The basic function or „reason for existence‟ of an enterprise/ organization

Case in point: Mission of Indira Institute

“To train our students to become the best business minds and entrepreneurs today, who will lead their companies successfully into the future tomorrow , locally, nationally and globally.”

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Type of Plans (Cont‟d)

Objectives/ Goals The end towards which activity of an

organization is aimed, e.g. For a Business enterprise – profit, surplus creation;

For a Management Institute: The number of employable/useful trainees;

Strategies Determination of the long term objectives and

adoption of a course of action

Gives a frame work for linked action-plans, communicated systematically to guide thinking and actions.

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Types of Plans (cont‟d)


“Plans” that are general directional statements (or understandings) that guide/help in decision making:

Repeat decisions taken „reflexively‟;

Delegation of tasks without loss of control.

Some discretion is permissible depending on circumstances thus encouraging initiative within limits and situational adjustments;

Issues with “Policy”

Seldom documented in writing

Subject to interpretations

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Types of Plans (cont‟d) Procedures

Plans that are chronological sequences of required actions: task-oriented in nature;

Cuts across department boundaries (sub-systems) in an organization: e.g. customer complaint handling procedure;

Procedures and policies are inter related: e.g. authorization for paid leave Policy governs quota, responsible authority etc.

Procedure governs application, grant and record-keeping.

Rules Specific actions or non-actions allowing no

discretion Caution: rules (and procedures too) limit initiative!

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Types of Plans (cont‟d) Programs

Action plans (mainly non-routine or for changed activities) including, task assignments, steps to be taken, resources to be deployed etc. to achieve a (new/renewed) goal;

Primary program may require supporting programs, spreading across the enterprise;

Perfect coordination between supporting & primary programs essential to avoid delays, unnecessary costs and expected roll-out.

Programs are a complex of (sub)goals, policies, rules and other elements necessary for the course of action e.g. obtaining ISO certification.

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Types of Plans (cont‟d)


A statement of expected results expressed in “Numerical terms” e.g. financial operating budget = “profit plan”;

Budgets enforce precision in thinking:

Making a budget is „planning‟ by itself;

Encourages innovation – a “different” way to work

Budgets serve for „Control‟:

Enforces discipline in execution of plans;

Instills cost consciousness;

Makes people (constantly) plan!

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Steps in Planning

Being aware of challenges

Market, Customer‟s wants, Competition, Own strengths & weakness

Setting Goals/ Objectives

What to accomplish & when

Planning premises

Internal & external Environment/conditions

Identifying alternatives

Comparing & choosing an alternative

Decision making

Budgeting (Numberizing Plans)

e.g., Sales budget Operational Expense budget, Capital expenditure budget

Formulating Supporting


e.g., plan to buy Equipment, recruit & train Employees, develop product etc

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The Planning Process

Planning Period: Short range plans e.g. material procurement

plan in a factory

Long range plans e.g. product development plan, plant/production facility installation;

“Urgent” drives out the “Important” – mismatch between short & long term plans!

Planning horizon must allow for actions to run their course – requiring „commitments‟: Thus “decisions today” are key to good plans;

Long-term plans reap benefits of good short-term plans.

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Steps in Planning

Being aware of Opportunity

Considering, Market, Competition, Customer‟s wants, Own strengths &weakness

Setting Goals/ Objectives

What to accomplish & when

Objective = Important end towards which activities are directed; therefore needs verification at the end of the plan period.

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Hierarchy of Objectives& Org. Levels


Overall Objectives & Key result areas.

Divisional objectives

Departmental objectives

Individual objectives

Board of Directors


Division Head

Product X

Division Head

Product Y

Sales & Mktg Dept

Production Dept

Sales Manager A Sales Manager B

Objectives set end results – they need to be supported by a hierarchy of sub-objectives, duly networked through the organization to avoid discord and wasted effort.

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The Organizational Objectives is deployed into the objectives of :

Divisions Departments Individual


The „cascade‟ principle: seamless flow;

Mutual support & interlocking of goals is essential

Managers must ensure that the components of the network fit each other;

Departments/divisions can be „blind-sided‟.

Hierarchy of Objectives& Org. Levels …ctd.

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Hierarchy of Objectives& Org. Levels …ctd.


Overall Objectives & Key result areas.

Divisional objectives

Departmental objectives

Individual objectives

While setting Objectives, ideally, Top Management should get information / „buy-in‟ from lower levels to set realistic goals for a good result.

Top-down Approach

Bottom-up Response: The result

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Key Result Areas (KRA)

Are areas in which performance is essential for the success of an enterprise

Examples of „generic KRA‟s:

Market share

Return on Investment (ROI)

Service level

Customer satisfaction

Peter Drucker recommends: Market standing, innovation, productivity, physical & financial resource, profitability, managerial performance & development, worker performance & attitude and public responsibility.

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Management By Objectives (MBO) A comprehensive managerial system that integrates

many key managerial activities in a systematic

manner and that is consciously directed towards the

effective and efficient achievement of organizations‟

and individual objectives:

Set-out by Peter Drucker in 1954;

Integrated to personal performance appraisal by Douglas

McGregor in 1957;

Has formed the basis for many theories on motivation;

Has been criticized for introducing a short-term focus and

undesirable behaviour;

Currently viewed as a „way of managing‟ – not a specific


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Weaknesses of MBO

Emphasis on:

short term at the expense of long term

“Results” over “Process”

Individual over collective effort

Failure to grasp and deploy the concept of

“seamless cascade”

Difficulty in setting agreed, harmonized


Danger of inflexibility

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Planning Premises & Strategies

Setting Goals/ Objectives

What to accomplish & when

Planning premises

Internal & external environment

Identifying alternatives

Comparing & choosing an alternative

Decision making

Strategic Planning Process

Strategy = determination of the purpose / the basic long-term objectives; the adoption of courses of action and allocation of resources required to achieve the aims.

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Planning Premises & Strategies …ctd.

Stakeholder Wishes & Shareholder demands

Management Orientation

Enterprise Profile

Purpose & Major objectives of enterprise

Current External situation

Current resource situation

Forecast External situation

External Opportunity & Threat

Internal Strengths & Weakness

Key success factors & Alternative Strategies

Strategic choice

The Strategic Planning Process

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Planning Premises

Porter’s Five Forces : an Model for analysis of the Externals environment.

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Planning Premises: forecast of demand Estimate of future demand is made by qualitative methods, time-

series methods and/or causal methods: Qualitative relies on judgement of experts to translate to quantities;

Time-series statistically interpolate demand on historical data;

Causal method seek co-relation on cause and effect basis between two (or more) variables to quantify demand;

However, all forecasting methods are limited by:

Handling of un-quantifiable factors e.g. national pride

Unrealistic assumptions fuelled by a desire to succeed

Excessive data required (often unobtainable) to make accurate forecasts

Uncertainty with environmental changes: Technology, Govt. Policy, International alignments, New materials/sources, Climate etc.

Coping with uncertainties require: Sensitivity analysis & “What if” scenarios (trust instinct!);

Planning for contingencies – with defined cut-in milestones.

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Generic Strategy


B‟marking Partnering



Competitor Supplier

Ultimate competitive position: - position w.r.t major Customers

- K.S.Fs of Competitors

- leveraging of suppliers

Competitive Advantage

1. Cost Leadership: To continually work reducing

the cost prices of products. Supplier Q-C-D has very high priority.

2. Differentiation: To constantly offer innovative and unique solutions. Supplier technology & quality has focus.

3. Customization: To offer required services in the

required manner is the focus. Speed and flexibility important.

Lean Management

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Generic Strategy: BCG Matrix Red: Marketing Perspective; Blue: Financial Perspective

Cash Source C




Hi Lo




t G


th r


Relative Market Share


Hi Lo






Cash Cow




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Planning Premises & Strategies …ctd.

Decision Making = is the core of the planning process; a plan does not come into being unless a „decision‟ i.e. certain commitments of resources, managerial time and money are made and risks are taken. Caution: A “Plan” is not intentions and should not suffer from “Analysis Paralysis”.

Comparing & choosing an alternative

Decision making

Budgeting ( Numberizing Plans)

Say, Sales budget Operational Expense budget, Capital expenditure budget

Formulating Supporting


Say, plan to buy Equipment, recruit & train Employees, develop product etc

Deployment (MBO etc.)

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Decision making is a „rational choice‟ process, bounded by:

Limitations: time, information and „logic‟;

Behaviour: Risk averseness and biases.

A key step in the process is to identify those limiting factors, „road-blocks‟ to each effective („right thing‟) alternative – then finding a „solution‟ with least sacrifice of resources („thing right‟):

Factors: quantitative, qualitative/intangible;

Finding solutions:

marginal analyses – benefits with incremental inputs;

cost-effectiveness – assessment of benefits over costs.

Decision Making

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Decision Making…ctd.

How to select Amongst the Alternatives ?

“Experience”: good teacher and useful when routine/repeat situations arise under similar circumstances. Without due analysis of the conditions, mistakes tend to repeat or a poor fit results.

“Research & analysis”: the approach is in at first understanding the problem („half the solution‟!), then finding relations between various factors which hinder or foster goal attainment. This is a structured, analytical approach quantitative or otherwise.

“Experimentation”: arguably, the best technique to use, particularly when either experience or rationale is lacking/limited. However is expensive and „success/failures‟ are magnified, results are subject to interpretational errors.

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Decision Making…ctd.

Decision making takes place under varying degrees of uncertain conditions and risks. Techniques used to aid the process are:

Risk analysis: every decision is based on interactions amongst different factors/variables – each of which have their own probabilities (towards „success‟). Analysis of these probabilities yield a risk profile for each alternative path. In the absence of defined probabilities, estimates can be used.

Decision trees: the outcome (measure pre-decided e.g. cost or time) of every step in the decision is charted and a course selected on the most favourable outcome. Very much like making a trip, navigating by using a road-map (refer example in W & K, “Management – a global perspective/10th edn. Pg. 209)

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Decision Making…ctd.

Flow Charts: as a process-guide to taking a decision and helps as a check-list of key variables, the sequence in which they fall and the interrelations. Key to making a choice or re-examining the path taken are also indicated as risk-reduction devices.

(refer example in W & K, “Management – a global perspective/10th edn. Figure 8-5)

Decision Support Systems: a wide variety of (proprietary) computer based programs are available for managers to use their time more effectively for decision making of semi-structured tasks – by providing alternative evaluations. They focus on the process of decision making, taking data provide by the management information systems in enterprises.

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Principles of Management 4

Management Process:

Organizing for results

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Nature of Organizing

Organizing may be broadly defined as:

1. The identification and classification of required activities;

2. The grouping of those activities towards attaining their set objectives;

3. The assignment of those groupings to a responsible manager, duly empowered;

4. The provision for coordination among, within and across the groups in the organization.

Organization structures are designed to:

Clarify tasks & responsibilities,

Remove obstacles,

Furnish decision making & communication network

Support attainment of enterprise objectives

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Nature of Organizing …ctd.

The Business Organization Model: “Value Chain” (Porter,1985)

Firm Infrastructure

Human Resource Management

Technology Development



Logistics Operations




& Sales Service

Primary Activities

The margin reflects the reward for the risks run by the company.

All activities together need to generate ‘value’ greater than the sum of its costs.

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Nature of Organizing …ctd.

Inbound Logistics: relate to receiving, storing and disseminating inputs;

Operations: associated with transformation of inputs into final product form;

Outbound Logistics: relate to collecting, storing and physically distributing the products to buyers;

Marketing & Sales: relate to advertising, Promotion, sales, distribution-channel selection & management and Pricing;

Service: associated with enhancement or maintenance of product value over life;

The Value Chain: “Primary Activities”

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Nature of Organizing …ctd.

Procurement: relates to the function of purchasing inputs used across the firm‟s primary and support activities;

Technology Development: relates to know-how, processes & procedures, „technology‟ embodied in the product design and delivery. Most activities have their own sub-set of technology;

Human Resource Management: directed at recruiting, training, developing and compensating all personnel;

Firm Infrastructure: associated with serving and supporting the firm as a whole, with the company as its customer eg. Finance & accounting, Quality;

The Value Chain: “Support Activities”

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Most practicing mangers would translate this “value chain” to imply an organization as: “ a formalized, intentional structure of roles and


Thus „formal organization‟ implies the intentional structure of roles in an enterprise.

However, in an enterprise „informal organization‟ will form, not necessarily bad and is:

“ a network of personal and social relations not established or required by formal organizations but arising spontaneously as people associate with each other”.

Nature of Organizing …ctd.

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Nature of Organizing …ctd.

Hierarchical levels

Span of control

The building block of an organization is the Department: a group charged with independent task & responsibility.

# #




# Office Bridge Team

$ $ $

$ Car pool

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Grouping activities & people into departments makes it conceptually possible to expand organizations to an infinite degree.

Different patterns have been successfully used to group activities:

By simple nos. is a simple method – works well for the lowest levels where work is routine, uniform and non-specialized; time-grouping is an extension of this method where shift-working is required;

By enterprise functions – embodies what enterprises typically do e.g. Production, Engineering, Sales etc. This method, defined by F.W.Taylor, is arguably the most prevalent method still used.

Nature of Organizing …ctd. “Departmentation”

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By territory or geography – is very common when the geographical spread is wide. It was a device introduced to speed up management in similar units for easy and swift communication e.g. Sales: N/E/W/S; Fire Brigade: Camp, Hinjewadi, Aundh etc.

By Customer/Account orientation – reflecting the primary interest in nature of markets/business/customer e.g. Banks: Institutional banking, Small Savings etc.

By Process groups – encountered primarily in specialized/ manufacturing operations where processes are vital e.g. Advertising: Copy-writing, Creative etc.; Manufacturing: Steel Melting, Wire-drawing etc.

By Product Lines – has evolved with enterprises becoming “multi-line” with „function‟ needing adaptation/integration to suit specific products e.g. Tata Motors: Passenger Vehicles / Commercial vehicles

“Departmentation” …ctd.

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By „grid‟ control – in essence combining the „functional‟ and the „product-line‟ patterns to best effect. Functional excellence is not subjugated to Operational ease. In „projects‟, this serves to bring together the diversity of skills required into one team.

The Strategic Business Unit: companies today are organizing themselves as „companies within a company‟ to allow for maximum flexibility and freedom of operations, especially when the products/businesses are unconnected e.g. General Electric. Generally, SBU‟s have:

Their own Missions, Goals and Strategies;

Distinct and definable set of competitors;

Deploy and manage resources in key areas;

A reasonable „size‟.

“Departmentation” …ctd.

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Finance Qual. HRM BU 1 BU 2





Plant 1





“Departmentation” …ctd. Example of “Grid Control” & S.B.U‟s

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The purpose of organizing is to make human cooperation effective and is limited by:

the number of persons a manager can „supervise‟ effectively and efficiently;

while the total number is dictated by the quantum of work/ nature of task/spread etc. Thus the two dimensions, “Level” (depth) and “Span of control” (width) are interrelated .

The reason for creating Levels of organization is the limitation in the span of control. “Effective span” is influenced by:

Training/skill of subordinates and personal contact required;

Clarity of delegation of authority;

Clarity of plans, use of objective standards and communication techniques;

Rate of change;

Maturity and experience of the manager and organization.

Nature of Organizing …ctd.


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Levels, per se, are not desireable:

They are expensive – as they increase, both infrastructure costs and staffing tends to increase;

Real work is accomplished at the „gemba‟ (Japanese: workplace) where the actual value-addition/transformation takes place. The contribution of levels on top are not directly co- relatable, thus best avoided;

Communication become complicated – omissions, filterations and misinterpretations lead to wasted and misdirected effort;

Planning and control become tortuous, requiring complicated coordination and alignment between levels.

Studies reveal that between 8 to 10 people at „higher‟ levels and upto 15 at lower levels is a good “span”. Increasingly, enterprises are attempting to cut back levels to 5 or less.

Span-of-Management …ctd.