16949 manual procedures

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  • 8/8/2019 16949 Manual Procedures


  • 8/8/2019 16949 Manual Procedures


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    Quality/Environmental Manual ......... 4

    Documentation Requirements .......... 93

    Control of Documents ...................... 96

    Control of Records ......................... 100

    Management Review ...................... 103

    Competence Awareness & Training 111

    Control of Nonconforming Product . 116

    Corrective and Preventive Action .... 120

    Work Instructions ......................... 124

    Work Instructions ......................... 127

    Management Review FC-MR-5.6 .... 131

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    SOP 4.2.2

    1. ScopeGeneral

    The Company is a design-responsible supplier of (name

    your product here). Our products (name your market

    here) and therefore the quality and environmental

    management system adhere to the current ISO/TS 16949

    and ISO 14001 standards, andThe Companys quality

    and environmental policies.

    The Company has based the Quality Environmental

    Management System described in this manual to

    demonstrate our capability (see Section 5) to provide

    products and services that meet customer and applicableregulatory requirements, and to operate with increased

    effectiveness and efficiency with the overall aim of

    enhancing customer satisfaction consistently.

    We developed Quality/Environmental Systems in

    accordance with the following four additional types of

    documents containing recommended automotive industrypractices, examples, illustrations, and explanations, to

    smooth the progress of continual improvement by

    emphasizing defect prevention and the reduction of

    variation and waste:

    y International Automotive Task Force (IATF)Guidance to ISO 9001 and all related documents

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    Status reports on actions from previous Management


    Identification of any stratigic or operations changes

    that could affect the SystemIdentification of any policy issues requiring review

    Status reports on progress towards meeting specific

    improvement objectives:

    y Customer Satisfactiony Supplier Performancey Overall System effectiveness including evidence

    of repeat audit findings or other repeat problems

    y Overall operational effedciency including anevaluation of the cost of poor quality

    y Manufacturing process effectivness and efficiencyincluding performance against customer specified

    (or other targets for productivity, process

    capability and costy Overall product performance including an

    analysis of actual and potential field failures and

    their impacton on quality, safety, or the


    y Oerall product qualtiy including performanceagainst customer spcified (or other) targets related

    to product qualityy Overall effectiveness of training completed including

    skills training, on-the-job training, and employeeawareness and effectiveness of employee motivation

    y Recommendations for improvement and plans

    Page: 5

    y Quality System Assessment Checklist to ISO 9001and all related documents

    y ISO/TS 16949 Automotive Certification Scheme-Rules for Achieving IATF Recognition and all

    related documents

    y ISO 14001 Environmental Management SystemsRequirements and all related documents

    y Customer-specific requirements and guidancedocuments

    Company Background

    The Company, established in XXXX, and the

    headquarters is located at XXX Some Street, City, State,


    The Company currently supplies to the followingmanufacturers:

    y XXXX,y XXXX

    Where possible we integrated the quality system and the

    environmental management system to ensure that

    operations are cost effective and environmentally

    responsible.The Companys Quality and

    Environmental Policy are available upon request.

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    Our Quality/Environmental Systems comply with all

    applicable requirements contained in ISO/TS

    16949:2002, covers the design and provision of all

    company products, and encompasses all operations at

    both of our facilities. The following table identifies therequirements not applicable to our organization and provides a brief

    narrative justifying their exclusion from the scope of our

    Quality/Environmental Systems:

    Exclusion Table

    Clause Exclusion Justification

    2. Reference DocumentsThe following external documents contain provisions,which, through reference in this manual, constitute

    provisions of our Quality/Environmental Systems:

    y ISO 9000:2005, Quality management systems Fundamentals and vocabulary

    y ISO 9001:2000, Quality management systemsRequirements

    y ISO 9004:2000, Quality management systems Guidelines for performance improvements

    Page: 131


    Assess Overall

    System Effectiveness

    Monitor Objedctives and


    Plan & Schedule




    Impact on


    Analyze Results & Trends

    Issue Management

    Review Agenda

    Prepare Management

    Review Inputs

    Issue Management

    Rewview Minutes

    Review Inputs & Develop



    Implementation of


    from Management


    Assess Process for


    Action to improve Effectiveness

    of the System & its processesActionss to improve products

    Actions to provide nedded


    New or revised improment of


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    Rework Instructions:

    If the tool in the press does not punch the required

    holes in the S197 Deck Lid remove the part to

    designated rework area.

    Rework the part by manually punching the holes

    using correct size punch 3/16 for the two holes on

    each side of the release trunk slot and 5/16 for the

    remaining holes.

    Revision History

    Page: 7

    Customer Specific Requirements:y ISO/TS 16949:2002, Quality management

    systems particular requirements for theapplication of ISO 9001:2000 for automotive

    production and relevant service part


    y CSR-Ford, Ford Motor CompanyCustomer-Specific Requirements for Use with ISO/TS


    y CSR-GM, General Motors Customer SpecificRequirements - ISO/TS 16949:2002

    y CSR-DC, DaimlerChrysler (Chrysler Group)Customer-Specific Requirements for Use with

    ISO/TS 16949:2002

    Customer Reference Manuals:y APQP-2, Advanced Product Quality Planning

    & Control Plan (APQP)

    y FMEA-3, Potential Failure Mode and EffectsAnalysis (FMEA Third Edition)

    y PPAP-4, Production Part Approval Process(PPAP Fourth Edition)

    y SPC-3, Statistical Process Control (SPC)Note:

    1. The SPCReference Manual, SecondEdition, has an improved flow and

    2. Reinforces the need for a systemicapproach to analysis of variation in data

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    3. Addresses additional control chartmethods and tools

    y MSA-3, Measurement Systems Analysis(MSA)

    y TS-QSA2, Quality System AssessmentChecklist, Checklist to ISO/TS 16949:2002

    TS-GS, IATF Guidance to ISO/TS


    3. Terms and DefinitionsOur Quality/Environmental Systems uses the same

    internationally recognized terms, vocabulary, and

    definitions given in ISO 9000 as supplemented by

    terms defined in ISO/TS 16949:2002, Section 3.

    Acronyms, terms, vocabulary, and definitions unique

    to our organization, customers, industry, and region

    and referenced throughout ourQuality/Environmental Systems are contained in

    Appendix A, Terms and Definitions.

    4. Quality Management SystemGeneral Requirements

    Top Management is responsible to define theorganizations quality and environmental policy and

    ensure that it is documented, communicated, and

    understood throughout the organization.

    Management review meetings, include the Quality and

    Environmental policies and objectives for continuing


    Page: 129

    9. The quality inspector performs 1st piece inspection atbeginning of shift (If needed follow SOP 8.3

    Nonconforming product), and records the


    10.The operator then places the finished parts into ashipping container to packaging specifications

    11.When the container is full, the operator has thematerial handler to remove the container and bring an

    empty one as needed

    12.The material handler puts a shipping label oncontainer and moves the container to the inspection

    holding area

    13.The quality inspector performs part inspection andlooks for (see boundary sample):

    y Correct Colory No Forming Flaws (I.E., Excess Carpet, Carpet


    y Clean Trim Edge No Fuzz Or Debrisy Hole Clean No Slugsy Slots and additional cutouts are cut or punched

    clean.y Overall Appearance Good

    14.The quality inspector records the findings (If neededfollow SOP 8.3 Nonconforming product)

    15.The quality inspector also checks for containerquantity and correct label

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    The material handler:

    y Brings carpet to the press and helps theoperator to load the carpet onto carpet feeder

    y Provides shipping containers as requiredduring the shift


    1. The operator uses pre-cut carpet and the operatorattaches the tenor frame to the carpet

    2. The operator raises the carpet to the cutter and cutsthe carpet just above the tenor frame

    3. The operator then places the tenor frame central overthe tool

    4. The operator cycles the press by pressing the twoblack palm buttons simultaneously

    5. When the press finishes its cycle, the operatorremoves the parts and the left over material

    6. The operator then places the waste material into thecompactor

    7. The operator inspects the part to verify 15 holes, oneslot, and 3 additional cutouts are clean with no slugs

    or fabric strings or debris. If holes, slots, or cutouts

    are not punched clean, followRework Instruction.

    8. The operator burnishes the part edges of extra fuzz (ifnecessary).

    Page: 9

    Our Quality/Environmental Systems is part of our

    overall management system, which establishes

    documents and implements our quality policy, and

    related processes for providing products and services,which meet or exceed customer requirements, and

    satisfies Quality/ Environmental Systems

    requirements of ISO9001/ 14001.

    We have adopted the process approach advocated by

    ISO 9000, by defining and managing:

    y Process inputs, controls, and outputs to ensuredesired results are achieved, and

    y Interfaces between interrelated processes toensure system effectiveness is achieved.

    Specific responsibilities for and the sequence and

    interaction of our key Quality/EnvironmentalSystems processes are detailed in the Standard

    Operating Procedures (SOPs), many of which contain

    or reference deployment flow charts depicting the

    process or procedure described in the narrative SOP.

    Appendix A contains a List of Key Quality/

    Environmental Systems Documents, including all

    SOPs and other key Quality/Environmental Systemsdocuments.

    General requirements Supplemental

    We also recognize the significant role that

    subcontractors play in achieving desired results and

    recognize that we must ensure proper control over

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    outsourced Quality/ Environmental Systems

    processes (Section 7). Outsourced processes are also

    depicted in our flowcharts; procedures governing

    their management are described in documentsreferenced in applicable SOPs.

    Documentation requirements


    The Management, through the Management Team, is

    responsible to implement and maintain a quality andenvironmental management system, and continually

    improve its effectiveness.

    Quality/Environmental Management System

    processes, including their sequence and interaction

    with other processes, have been identified and

    documented in this Quality/ Environmental Manual,

    and are managed in accordance with ISO and

    customer requirements. Management reviews the

    identified and documented indicators for

    measurement and analysis to assure effectiveness and


    The Management ensures that adequate resources and

    information necessary to support the operation,monitoring, measuring, and analysis of these

    processes is made available and actions necessary to

    achieve planned results and support continuous


    Page: 127



    General Safety Notes


    y Safety Glassesy Kevlar Glovesy Kevlar Sleevesy Knife

    General Notes

    Setup includes:

    yPress (See Setup Sheet)

    y Check Fixturey Burnishing Tabley Final PackContainer

    Material Needed:

    y Carpet Milliken -62 rollStage Material for production:

    The team leader ensures that the proper tenor frames

    are available at the beginning of the shift and will

    check throughout the shift.

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    11.When the container is full, the operator calls thematerial handler to remove the container and bring an

    empty one

    12.The material handler puts a shipping label oncontainer and moves the container to the inspection

    holding area

    13.Part inspection14.Pack and labelRevision History

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    Each Department Manager is responsible for

    evaluating and adjusting resource requirements to

    efficiently execute assignments and accomplish goals

    defined in the business plan, including theimplementation and control of the Environmental

    Management System. Management gives individuals

    total support and the necessary authority to perform

    the assigned tasks.

    The Company recognizes that control of any

    outsourced processes is necessary in order to ensure

    the product conforms to customer requirements.

    Quality/Environmental Systems documents and data

    may be in hard copy or electronic media. This quality

    manual, SOPs, and other internal and external

    documents and data needed to manage, perform, or

    verify work affecting product quality. We use SOPs

    and flow charts to document and define the key

    Quality/Environmental Systems processes. We also

    issue and control work instructions, job descriptions,

    and other internal and external documents and data as

    appropriate and needed to manage our systems

    (Section 4).

    Quality manual

    This manual is that part of our

    Quality/Environmental Systems defines the scope of

    our Quality/Environmental Systems and documents

    the policy, procedures, and processes needed to

    implement our quality policy and achieve our quality

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    objectives. This manual also shows our justification

    for any exclusion from ISO/TS 16949:2002

    requirements (Section 1) and defines the overall

    sequence of between our key Quality/EnvironmentalSystems processes.

    Control of documents

    Quality/Environmental records represent

    information that demonstrates conformity to

    Quality/Environmental Systems requirements and

    effective operation ofThe Companys Quality andEnvironmental system. Pertinent records from our

    subcontractors are an element of this.

    Each Process Owner is responsible for identifying

    which records they consider quality/environmental

    records and for collection, storage, protection,

    retrieval, and the retention and disposition of theserecords

    Quality/Environmental records are legible, readily

    available and retained for a specified period in Quality

    Record Matrix. Record retention must satisfy both

    regulatory and customer requirements, as well as

    ISO/TS requirements. Once retention time is met,records should be disposed of accordingly.

    The information Quality Manager has overall

    responsibility for ensuring that all

    Quality/Environmental Systems documents, below

    includes forms used to create controlled quality

    records as detailed in procedure SOP 4.2.3:

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    1. The material is automatically loaded onto conveyorand into oven while the operator prepares the carpet

    for insertion into the press

    2. The operator uses the controls to roll out the carpetlong enough to place the tenor frames on the carpet

    3. Attach both tenor frames to the carpet and cut thecarpet between them

    4. Raise carpet to the cutter and cut the carpet justabove the tenor frames

    5. Place the both tenor frames central over the cavities(one tenor frame per two cavities)

    6. The operator cycles the press by pressing the twoblack palm buttons simultaneously

    7. When the press finishes its cycle, the operatorremoves the parts and the left over material

    8. The operator then places the part on over bendfixture and the waste material into the compactor and

    presses the green palm buttons simultaneously

    9. The quality inspector performs 1st piece inspection,at beginning of shift, and after the removal of the part

    from the over bend fixture

    10.The operator then places the finished parts into ashipping container

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    Important General Safety Notes


    y Safety glassesy Gloves

    Important General Notes

    Setup includes:

    y Pressy Carpet Cuttery Over Bend fixturey Check Fixturey Final PackContainer

    Stage Material for production:

    1. Material handler brings material to conveyor andsetup in proper position for conveyor load

    2. Material handler brings carpet to the press to beloaded onto carpet cutter

    3. Provide shipping container4. Two frames are required

    Page: 13

    a) Approve documents for adequacy prior to issue.b) Review, update as necessary, and re-approve


    c) Identify the current revision status ofdocuments.

    d) Ensure that relevant versions of applicabledocuments are available at points of use.

    e) Ensure that documents remain legible, readilyidentifiable, and retrievable

    f) Ensure that identified external documents(including customer-engineering

    standards/specifications) have controlled


    g) Prevent the unintended the use of obsoletedocuments, and to apply suitable identificationto them if they are retained for any purpose.

    Engineering specifications

    The Program Manager oversees our process for

    assuring the timely review, distribution, and

    implementation of all customer-engineeringstandards/ specifications and changes based on

    customer-required schedule; The Company uses a

    Product Data Management system to manage and

    control engineering records and data (see SOP 4.2.3).

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    The Company considers reviews timely if performed

    within two working weeks of receipt. When a change

    involves standards or specs that are reference on

    design records, or they affect PPAP documents, wesubmit an updated PPAP.

    (Section 7)

    Master Lists

    Requirements for the establishment and maintenance

    of Master Lists of internal and external

    Quality/Environmental Systems documents aredefined in SOP 4.2.3.

    Control of records

    Quality/Environmental records represent

    information that demonstrates conformity to

    Quality/Environmental Systems requirements and

    effective operation ofThe Companys Quality and

    Environmental system. Pertinent Records from our

    sub-contractors are an element of this. Records may

    be in the form of hard copy or electronic media. SOP

    4.2.4 details procedures necessary to control

    Quality/Environmental Systems records that, as a

    minimum, are prepared to document:a) Results of processes performed, including

    identification of the individual performing the


    b) Product/process evaluation/acceptance criteria

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    Work Instructions

    This booklet contains sample Work Instructions. Theyare very generic in nature and would need to be added toor changed for a real company.

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    The corrective action is monitored for thirty days to

    assure that the action taken has been successful.

    Statistical methods (i.e. diagrams, x-bar and r charts,

    etc.) are used when applicable. All corrective actionsare to be reviewed during management review


    If the action is successful, appropriate documents

    (procedures, work instructions, etc.) are updated to

    permanently implement the changes required by the

    corrective or preventive action.

    All forms used in the corrective and preventive

    action procedure are retained for active life of the

    product for reference to prevent reoccurrence.

    Analysis of customer returned rejects will begin

    upon receipt of the defective material. Records of

    the analysis will be made available upon request. If acorrective action is initiated because of the analysis

    will be tracked through the corrective action format.

    Preventive Actions may be initiated because of,

    TPM activities, lessons learned follow up, the

    APQP process, Lean activities or technology

    changes. Preventive actions will be tracked on the

    Preventive Action Log.

    Preventive actions will be reviewed during regular

    management review meetings.

    Revision History

    Page: 15

    c) Procedures, drawings, or instructions used toperform an activity, including revision or date of


    d) Identification of material, parts, or equipmentused in the making of the product

    e) Personnel, material or equipment qualificationsf) Pertinent technical records from sub-contractors

    Records Retention

    SOP 4.2.4 contains related procedures and responsibilities

    to ensure:

    y Record controls established satisfy all regulatoryand customer requirements.

    y Records controlled include customer-specifiedrecords.

    y Disposition of records also includes theirdisposal.

    y Management Responsibilityy Management commitment

    The Managing Director, along with the management

    team, is responsible to communicate the importance ofmeeting customer as well as statutory and regulatory

    requirements. We provide evidence of commitment to

    the development, implementation, and improvement of

    our Quality/ Environmental Systems in very tangible


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    Our quality policy statement (Section 5) documents and

    communicates the importance of meeting or exceeding all

    applicable requirements (including customer, regulatory

    and legal requirements) through continual improvementof our processes, products, and services.

    We ensure understanding, implementation, and

    maintenance of our quality policy at all levels of the

    organization through widespread printed distribution of

    our quality policy statement, through periodic

    management review of the quality policy statement, and

    corporate level improvement objectives. We

    communicate and deploy our quality policy and objectives

    throughout the organization through individual

    performance objectives established and reviewed during

    employee performance reviews (Section 5 and 6).

    y All managers demonstrate their commitment to thedevelopment and improvement of the Quality/

    Environmental Systems through the provision of

    necessary resources (Section 6), through their

    involvement in the internal audit process, and

    through their proactive involvement in our

    continual improvement activities (Section 8).

    Emphasis is placed on improving both effectiveness

    and efficiency of our key Quality/Environmental

    Systems processes.

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    SOP 8.3 Control of Nonconforming

    Product Procedure

    FOPARLOG Preventative Action Log

    6.0 Procedure

    An immediate (possibly temporary) fix is developed

    and implemented with documentation, within

    twenty-four hours of the receipt of the notice of


    All suspect parts are inspected and inventoried. The

    quantity checked, the quantity defective, and

    disposition of stock are determined and recorded.-

    If future shipments are to be certified a method and

    duration must be established by Manufacturing,

    Quality, and the customer (if applicable).

    The root cause of the problem is established anddocumented after the initial write up.

    Corrective/Preventative action reports must be

    complete through interim corrective action within

    three days of issuance. Permanent corrective action

    is to be determined by the team within 7 days of

    issuance. The time frame to verify the effectivenessof the corrective action is to be determined by the

    corrective action team. The team will utilize

    mistake-proofing methodology to the degree

    appropriate to the magnitude of the problems and

    commensurate with the risks encountered.

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    SOP 8.5.2/8.5.3

    1.0 Purpose

    This procedure provides a systematic means in

    which quality problems will be eliminated.

    2.0 Application

    This procedure applies to all quality problems,including internal rejections, problems from

    subcontractors and customer complaints.

    3.0 Definitions

    Not applicable

    4.0 Responsibility

    The Quality Manager is responsible for ensuring

    that the corrective/preventative action is managed

    effectively. The format utilized will be an 8D, unless

    otherwise directed by the customer.

    The Top Management Team is responsible for

    analysis of customer rejected material.

    5.0 Associated Materials

    FOCAR8.5.2 Concern Report (MCR)

    FOMCRLOG Material Concern Report Tracking


    Page: 17

    Process efficiency

    Top management reviews product realization and support

    processes to assure both effectiveness and efficiency

    during management reviews (Section 5).

    Customer focus

    Customer requirements are determined during Quoting

    and Contract review processes. Top Management ensures

    that we meet these requirements with the aim of


    ustomer Satisfaction, throughC

    ustomerfeedback and the following activities:

    y The Company continually monitors and measurescustomer complaints and other customer input/

    feedback to identify opportunities for improvement

    (Section 8).

    y These customer focused communications andinteractions ultimately yield clear, explicit customer

    requirements and expectations in the form of a

    contractual agreement or customer order; the

    Managing Director has overall responsibility for

    ensuring that specified and unspecified

    requirements are determined, understood, and

    converted into requirements (Section 7).

    y Our quality policy statement indicates ourcommitment and focuses on what is important to

    us as an organization: achieving customer

    satisfaction; and it prescribes the method by which

    we accomplish this: by continually improving

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    processes, products, and services to ensure they

    consistently meet or exceed requirements.

    Moreover, our quality policy statement acts as a

    compass in providing the direction and aframework for establishing key corporate level

    performance measures and related improvement

    objectives. (Section 5)

    y We ensure that our quality policy is communicatedand understood at all levels of the organization

    through documented training, regular

    communication, and reinforcement during annual

    employee performance reviews (Section 6).

    y Our quality policy statement is controlled byinclusion in this manual, and along with all policies

    contained in this manual, is reviewed for continuing

    suitability during management review meetings

    (Section 5).

    Quality/Environmental Policy

    Management review meetings checks the Quality andEnvironmental policies and objectives for continuingsuitability.

    Quality Objective

    Our objective is to satisfy all of our customers with

    quality products and services.

    Page: 119

    y Acceptable Product - some reworknecessary with written instructions &


    y Unacceptable Product (placed in redSCRAP container / on rack)

    y Questionable Product (QA dispositionrequired)

    Quality disposes of questionable product and

    records the final counts and outcomes. No rework

    shall be visible on the exterior of the product.

    A Quality representative records the results of the

    inspection and rework on the Material Concern

    Report listing the method of rework, number of

    acceptable/ unacceptable parts, date, employee

    responsible for reprocessing, etc.

    The material is re-inspected by the designatedQualityRepresentative. Conforming materials are

    removed from the container and returned to

    production flow. Nonconforming materials are

    scrapped or reworked accordingly. Scrapped

    material is recorded in the Scrap Log and the

    Material Concern Report.

    All material shipped under a customer concession

    or deviation will be identified as required by the

    customer. Records of the quantity and expiration

    date shall be maintained.

    Revision History

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    SOP 8.5.2 Corrective/Preventive Action


    FO 8.3 Quarantine Area Record

    FO 8.3 Scrap Log

    6.0 Procedure

    When material is found to be nonconforming, the

    container(s) is identified by a Quality representative

    or production supervisor with an initial Material

    Concern Report. (If material is part of an

    accumulation, a Material Concern Report will beissued at the time of occurrence)

    The non-conforming material is moved to the

    Quarantine Area and a member of the quality

    department or Production Supervision, up to the

    disposition section, completes the Quarantine Area


    The Production Supervision and Quality Manager

    determine the disposition of the non-conforming

    material and record it on the Quarantine Area

    Record. Production personnel complete sort or

    rework. Quality or a member of management will

    provide written instructions to the employeeconducting these activities. There are four possible

    determinations of inspected product:

    y Acceptable Product green check mark

    Page: 19

    Quality Policy

    Our Objective Will Be Accomplished Through Customer

    Satisfaction by Providing:

    1. Make statement2. Make another statement


    Quality objectives

    The Managing Director and Operations Manager ensures(established at relevant functions and levels within the

    organization) that quality and environmental objectives

    and measures are documented in a business plan,

    including those needed to meet product requirements.

    The Companys Management Team annually reviews

    business plan and revises, as appropriate, to encourage

    customer satisfaction and overall growth of the

    organization. The business plan includes short and long-

    term goals relating to quality and environmental policy

    objectives, and defines timeframes to achieve each goal.

    We also have methods to track update and revise fall

    under the Continuous Improvement Process.

    The quality manual documents the necessary processesthat define the planning process for

    quality/environmental management system and


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    The Company benchmarks trends in quality;

    productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness are, as

    information is available. We accomplished Benchmarking

    formally and informally via trade shows, reading material,customer feedback, and charting of performance

    measures (Section 6).

    Objectives may include the following possible measures

    (Section 5):

    y Customer Satisfaction: Managing Director(Section 8)

    y Supplier Performance: Materials Manage(Section 7)

    y Quality/Environmental Systems Effectiveness: ISOManagement Representative. (Section 8)

    y Overall Operational Efficiency and ManufacturingProcess Efficiency (Section 5 and 6)

    y Training Effectiveness and Employee Awareness:Human Resource Director (HRD) with input from

    the Training Manager. (Section 6)

    y Product Performance: Program Manager. (Section7)

    y Effectiveness of Manufacturing Processes:Production Manager (Section 7)

    y Product Quality: Quality Manager (Section 8)Page: 117

    product which does not conform to specified

    requirements. It is clearly (visually) identified and

    quarantined or segregated to prevent inadvertent

    use or installation. Material is reviewed anddisposition is determined by management and

    quality. The Quality Department is responsible

    for maintaining and analyzing data from NC

    material activities.

    The Program Manager/Production is responsible

    for managing the customer authorization of

    products or processes and the procurement of a

    deviation or concession, including materials and

    services provided by vendors, that differ from

    those currently approved according to the

    Production Part Approval Process Manual. This

    managing includes the procurement of a deviation

    or concession from the customer if changes to the

    product differ.

    4.3 The Quality Manager is responsible for

    notifying the customer if non-conforming

    material is detected after shipment has been made

    or use has started. Actions will be taken such as

    stock returns and replacement, sorting or even

    sending a company representative to their site toprotect their interests.

    5.0 Associated Materials

    FO 8.3 NCMRMaterial Concern Report

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    SOP 8.3

    1.0 Purpose

    This procedure provides a method to control

    nonconforming material at any location in the S

    Group and to eliminate its potential for

    unintended use or delivery.

    2.0 Application

    This procedure applies to, but is not limited to,

    unidentified or suspect material, in-house

    rejections, customer rejection / returns or

    material received from a supplier.

    3.0 Definitions

    Nonconforming Product: Material (e.g., resin,

    purchased components, work-in-progress, etc.)

    that does not meet established parameters (e.g.,

    melt flow, dimensions, visual, etc.)

    Suspect Product: All material having the same lot

    number as known nonconforming product.

    4.0 Responsibility

    The Production Supervision and Quality

    Department are responsible for following

    documented procedures and work instructions for

    Page: 21

    Quality objectives Supplemental: Top management

    utilizes the management review process (Section 5) to

    define quality objectives and measurements to include in


    usiness Plan and used to deploy our quality policy.We base specific measurable objectives on achievable

    performance within a specified period, driven by the

    following objectives we strive to achieve as a Full Service

    Supplier (FSS) to the automotive industry:

    a) Achievement of Zero Defects and 100% on timedelivery performance. (Section 7 and 8)

    b) Manage and control facilities, processes, qualitysystems and personnel to consistently and cost

    effectively produce products and furnish services

    that meet customer needs (Section 7).

    c) Develop and implement Advanced Product QualityPlanning (APQP) practices and procedures inaccordance with ISO/TS 16949:2002, including the

    AIAG Advanced Product Quality Planning and

    Control Plan reference manual, APQP-2, and

    associated customer specific requirements

    documents. (Section 7)

    d) Provide objective evidence that all suppliedproducts and services satisfy all AIAG Production

    Part Approval Process (PPAP) requirements,

    PPAP-4 (Section 7) as required including

    acceptable process capabilities for all

    Special/Control Characteristics that have been

    established. Note: In the absence of any specific

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    Page: 22

    instructions, we will default to a level 3 PPAP

    submission. (Section 7)

    e) Utilize appropriate statistical techniques for on-going process control and improvement as

    established in the AIAG Statistical Process Control

    (SPC) reference manual, SPC-3, and associated

    customer specific requirements documents. (Section


    f) Be committed to continuous process improvementby emphasising reduction of part-to-part variationand the elimination of all waste. (Section 8)

    g) Conduct operations in conformance with, or toexceed, all applicable environmental laws and

    regulations of the jurisdictions in which we do

    business (Section 6).

    h) Meet customer requirements by controlling andusing returnable packaging, of. (Section 7).

    Quality management system planning

    The Quality/Environmental Systems planning process

    involves the establishment and communication of our

    quality policy and objectives through issuance of thismanual and its associated procedures, and through the

    provision of resources needed for its effective

    implementation. This manual constitutes our overall plan

    for establishing, maintaining, and improving systems.

    Page: 115

    Determine Effectiveness of Training

    One or more of the following determines training


    y Review of Salaried and Hourly Evaluationsy Post-training tests, when applicabley Employee on the job performance

    Revision History

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    Page: 114

    5.0 Associated Materials

    Orientation Manual

    Job Descriptions

    6.0 Procedure

    Identify training needs.

    The Company employees and their

    manager/supervisor shall review the employees

    training status to determine training needs. Thisreview occurs concurrently with the employees

    performance evaluation or upon need.

    Provide Training

    One or more of the following provides formal


    y Identified The Company Trainersy Professional / Industry Organizations or


    y Local Community and Trade Schoolsy College and University Sponsored Classesy On-The-Job training is provided for all

    personnel, including contract or service

    personnel, in any new or modified job.

    Page: 23

    Our management review process and internal audit

    process ensure the integrity of our System is maintained

    when significant changes are planned and implemented

    that affect our key Systems. (Sections 5, 6, and 8)

    The Quality Manager develops appropriate quality

    planning documents for specific products, projects, or

    contracts whenever customer requirements exceed the

    capability or intent of the product/service realization and

    support processes described in our

    Quality/Environmental Systems (Section 7).

    Responsibility, authority, and communication

    Responsibility and authority

    The Managing Director (MD), with the help of

    department managers, sets direction and ensures the

    success of our business through the clear definition and

    communication of Quality/Environmental Systems

    responsibilities and authorities. Other members of Top

    Management include:

    y The Operations Managing andy The Human Resource Director

    The interrelationship of Top Management and other key

    personnel is depicted our Organization Chart.

    Responsibility for quality

    Overall Quality/Environmental Systems responsibility

    and authority is as follows:

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    Page: 24

    Top Management

    Members of Top Management are ultimately responsible

    for the quality ofThe Companys products and services

    since they control the systems and processes

    accomplished work. Top Management is responsible for

    Business Planning, development and communication of

    our quality policy, Quality/Environmental Systems

    Planning including the establishment and deployment of

    objectives (Section 5), the provision of resources needed

    to implement and improve Quality/Environmental

    Systems and management reviews (Sections 5 and 6).


    All managers are responsible for execution of the

    Business Plan and implementation of the policy,

    processes, and systems described in this manual. All

    managers are responsible for planning and controllingQuality/ Environmental Systems processes within their

    area(s) of responsibility, including the establishment and

    deployment of operational level objectives (Section 5),

    and the provision of resources needed to implement and

    improve these processes. Managers also conduct

    employee performance reviews (Section 6). Management

    with responsibility and authority for corrective actionpromptly notifies employees of non-conformities (Section

    8). Management ensures the staffing of all production

    shifts with personnel in charge of, or delegated

    responsibility for product quality (Section 7).

    Page: 113

    employees manager/supervisor in the performance

    review process determines individual training needs.

    Safety Training

    All employees receive safety training

    Specialized Training

    Employees requiring specialized training in areas

    affecting quality shall receive the training needed

    per job description.

    Evaluating Training

    The training courses offered internally are

    continually assessed by the Human Resource

    Department. The content of the courses are

    evaluated through a training feedback and

    evaluation form, and an assessment test (if

    applicable) is given upon completion of thecourse.

    It is the responsibility of the Manufacturing

    Supervisor to inform personnel whose work

    affect quality of the consequences to the customer

    of nonconformity to quality requirements.

    It is the responsibility of the TS-16949 ManagementRepresentative to measure the extent to which our

    personnel are aware of the relevance and

    importance of their activities and how they

    contribute to the achievement of the quality


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    Training Records

    Hourly Employees: Records of hourly training

    needs and training received by active employees

    performing activities affecting quality shall bemaintained by the Human Resource Department.

    Each hourly employee has an individual training

    record, which is maintained by the Human

    Resource Department. These records include, but

    are not limited to, training matrices and copies of

    training certificates.

    Salary Employees: Records of salary training needs

    and training received by active employees

    performing activities affecting quality shall be

    maintained by the Human Resource Department.

    Each salary employee has an individual training

    record, which is maintained by the Human

    Resource Department. These records include, butare not limited to, training matrices and copies of

    training certificates.

    Evaluating Training Needs

    All employees (salaried and hourly) must complete

    the specific orientation program administered by

    the Human Resource Department. Personnelwhose work affects quality are informed about the

    consequences to the customer of nonconformity to

    quality requirements. All employees have training in

    awareness, relevance, and importance of their

    activities and how they contribute to the

    achievement of our overall quality objectives. The

    Page: 25


    All employees are responsible for the quality of their

    work and implementation of the policy and procedures

    applicable to processes they perform. Personnelresponsible for product quality have the authority to stop

    production to correct quality problems (Section 8).

    Detailed responsibilities and authorities for Quality/

    Environmental Systems implementation and

    improvement are contained in lower level documents

    referenced throughout this manual and otherQuality/Environmental Systems documents including

    procedures, flow charts, job descriptions, work

    instructions, etc.

    Management representative

    The Company has appointed Quality and Environmental

    Management representatives for each system. The

    management representatives have the responsibility and

    authority to:

    y Ensuring that the ISO/TS 16949:2002 processesneeded for quality and environmental management

    systems are established, implemented, and

    maintained in accordance with their respectivestandards

    (Section 5).

    y Ensuring the promotion of awareness of customerand environmental requirements throughout the

    organization (Section 5)

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    Page: 26

    y The Environmental Management Representative isresponsible for documenting and responding to

    relevant communication from external parties.

    Customer representative

    The Program Manager will ensure and address customer

    requirements and will represent the needs of the customer

    internal functions, from contract review through


    Internal communication

    The Company uses a variety of tools, including but not

    limited to workplace meetings, memos, bulletins, new

    employee orientation, and specific training sessions to

    communicate internal information about the effectiveness

    of our quality and environmental management system,

    and its policies, objectives and significant environmental


    We communicate information regarding Quality/

    Environmental Systems processes and their effectiveness

    through documented training (Section 6), the internal

    audit process (Section 8), continual improvement, and

    corrective/ preventive action processes (Section 8), and

    regular formal and informal communications as follows:

    y The ISO Management Representative postsinformation on quality bulletin boards throughout

    the facility to convey information regarding

    customer requirements, and the status and

    importance of quality activities.

    Page: 111


    SOP 6.2.2

    1.0 Purpose

    The system described in this section is used to

    ensure that all personnel performing activities

    affecting quality shall have their training needs

    identified and, as appropriate, the training provided.

    2.0 Application

    The scope of this procedure incorporates the

    training of all employees performing quality related


    3.0 Definitions

    Not applicable

    4.0 Responsibility

    Job Description

    Each position has a written job description

    maintained by the Human Resources Department.

    Each job description identifies the competence

    level/ education, skills appropriate required for the


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    Page: 110

    9.0 Associated RecordsManagement ReviewReport: Record of the

    management review meeting, to include presented

    and discussed topics and issues; conclusions,policies and changes; and any actions initiated to

    implement the conclusions and policies.

    Documented using form FO-MRR-5.6.1,

    Management ReviewReport.

    Quality Objectives Matrix: Record of established

    quality objectives. Documented on the title page ofthe Management ReviewReport (MRR5.6).

    Revision History

    Page: 27

    y The Company uses internal audits (Section 8) toreinforce or communicate appropriate information

    to employees.

    The Operations Manager posts information on safety

    bulletin boards throughout the facility to convey

    information regarding the status of the Safety and

    Environmental Management Program, and related

    statutory/regulatory requirements. The Human Resources

    Department posts information on employee bulletin

    boards throughout the facility to convey information

    regarding employee benefits, programs, involvement

    opportunities, and applicable statutory/regulatory


    All managers and supervisors, are responsible for

    establishing internal communications as needed to convey

    to their employees the relevance and importance of their

    activities; typically this information is conveyed throughproduction team meetings and cross-functional

    improvement projects (Section 8). Communications

    regarding how employees contribute to the achievement

    of objectives, which we convey and reinforce during

    employee performance, reviews (Section 6).

    Management review

    Top Management conducts formal review meetings at

    least quarterly to ensure the continuing suitability,

    adequacy, and effectiveness of our

    Quality/Environmental Systems in accordance with

    procedures detailed in SOP 5.6. The Managing Director

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    Page: 28

    or designee chairs the corporate reviews and top

    management from all relevant functions attends. (Section


    The Company record review results provide at aminimum, evidence of achievement of

    quality/environmental objectives and customer

    satisfaction. We retain meeting records.

    (Section 5)

    The Quality Manager ensures that review includes analysis

    of actual and potential field failure and their impact onquality, safety, and environment. The primary output of

    management review meetings are management actions

    taken (Section 8) to make changes or improvements to

    our Quality/Environmental Systems and the provision of

    resources needed to implement these actions.

    The Company holds review meetings at least monthly toreview plant specific data and process effectiveness

    indicators, identifying opportunities for improvement and

    corrective and preventative actions.

    Quality system performance

    Each management review includes all requirements of the

    Quality/Environmental Systems including monitoring ofquality objectives (Section 5), regular evaluation of the

    cost of poor quality (Section 8) , and an assessment of the

    suitability and effective of support processes (i.e. plant,

    facility and equipment, Section 6) as an essential part of

    our continual improvement process (Section 8).

    Page: 109

    Resource needs for implementing improvement

    actions are identified. These include assignment of

    responsibility, time frame, and allocation of human,

    equipment, technical knowledge, and other

    necessary resources.

    7.0 RecordsManagement review records must be as

    comprehensive as possible. They will be the sole

    evidence that the agenda of the review was

    completely covered, and that the review wasconcluded with appropriate decisions and actions.

    Management review output is documented in the

    Management ReviewReport based on form MRR

    5.6.1. The report is prepared by the Quality

    Manager and is distributed to the attending and, if

    any, absent participants. The location and retention

    period for management review records are specified

    in Operational Procedure SOP 4.2.4, Control of


    8.0 Referenced Documents5.6.1 Management ReviewReport Form

    SOP 4.2.4 Operational Procedure, Control ofRecords

    SOP 8.5.2 Operational Procedure, Corrective and

    Preventive Action

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    6.0 Management review outputy Improvement of the quality management system,y Improvement of quality performance, andy Improvement of products and/or services to

    better meet customer requirements and increase

    customer satisfaction

    These improvement actions are defined implemented as:

    Management review actions

    Documented in the Management ReviewReport(FO-MRR-5.6.1) in theActions, Assigned to, and Due

    Datecolumns. This type of action is most suitable

    for minor improvements that can be quickly

    implemented, and which are not directly related to

    product or process conformity.

    Corrective or preventive actions

    Documented in the Corrective Action Request

    (CAR) form (FO-NCCAR-8.2.3) and processed in

    accordance with procedure SOP 8.5.2, Corrective

    and Preventive Actions. CARs are normally used

    for improvements related to specific actual or

    potential product or process nonconformities.

    Quality objectives

    Documented on the title page of the Management

    ReviewReport (refer to Section 6 of this

    procedure). This method is most suitable for

    implementing long-term improvement goals.

    Page: 29

    At a minimum, we use these results to demonstrate

    achievement of the quality objectives in our Business Plan

    and customer satisfaction with supplied product.

    Review input

    The management review meeting includes a review of our

    quality policy (Section 5), all applicable requirements of

    the QEMS, related performance trends, and opportunities

    for improvement, follow-up actions from earlier

    management reviews, results of self-assessments (Section

    8), and strategic or operational changes that could affectthe QEMS.

    At a minimum, corporate level, effectiveness and/or

    efficiency improvement objectives (Section 5)

    documented in prior management reviews (and/or

    specified in our Business Plan) and reviewed for status

    and continuing suitability.Review input Supplemental.

    In addition, The Program Manager provides an analysis

    of actual and potential field-failures and their impact on

    quality, safety or the environment as an input to the

    management review process.

    Review output

    At a minimum, outputs from management review

    meetings include new/revised corporate level

    improvement objectives and any related actions required

    for improvement of the Quality/Environmental Systems

    and its processes, improvement of product related to

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    Page: 30

    customer requirements, and provision of resource needs.

    Per SOP 5.6, we record the results of management review

    meetings and the ISO Management Representative

    maintains the records.

    5. Resource ManagementProvision of resources

    The Company, through the Management team,

    determines its resource needs and provides the

    resources to implement and maintain the quality

    management system and continually improve its

    effectiveness, and to enhance customer satisfaction by

    meeting customer requirements.

    Resource requirements identified during the Business

    Plan Process, Quoting process, and advanced

    Quality/ Environmental Planning. We accomplish

    verification of work through budget comparisons,capital expenditure review, performance

    measurements, as well as through the results of

    internal audits of the quality and environmental

    provided through our budgeting and other business

    management processes including:

    Page: 107

    and thus fulfill the quality policy and other

    organizational goals and aspirations.

    At the end of the meeting, Quality presents the

    status of quality objectives established by theprevious review (those objectives are documented

    on the title page of the Management Review

    Report); and records their status in the Status Next

    Management Review column.

    When an objective is not achieved, the participants

    decide whether to drop the objective, reduce itstarget value, or extend the target due date.

    Objectives that have been achieved may be

    discontinued or be retained with a higher target


    Any quality objectives that are carried on into the

    next period and any new objectives established bythe review meeting are documented in the Quality

    Objectives Matrix on the title page of the

    Management ReviewReport.

    The principal quality policy is reviewed to ensure its

    continuing suitability. The policy is changed when

    the goals expressed in the policy have been

    achieved, or when changes within or outside the

    company render the policy inadequate or


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    Page: 106

    Changes and quality system planning

    Quality highlights any product, process, capacity, or

    other operational or organizational changes that

    affect the quality system and proposes specificactions to update or modify the system in response

    to these changing circumstances.

    Recommendations for improvement

    Quality concludes the input phase of the review

    with recommendations for improvement.

    In addition to the topics listed above, the

    management review may also consider such issues

    as cost of quality and non-quality; integration of

    the quality system with other operations and

    activities; market and customer response to the

    quality effort; and any other such issues related to

    the quality management system.

    Following each presentation, the participants

    discuss the issues, compare their status and

    performance with preceding periods, and identify

    areas where improvement is required.

    5.0 Quality objectives and quality policyAn important role of management reviews is to

    establish quality objectives and to review progress

    toward achieving the objectives and fulfilling the

    quality policy. Quality objectives are established to

    improve performance and/or the quality system

    Page: 31


    y Quality/Environmental Planningy Business Planningy Human Resource Planningy Plant, Facility, Equipment and other

    Infrastructure Planning

    y Contingency Planningy Work Environment, and Safety Planningy Product Quality Planning (including Advance

    Product Quality Planning)

    y Planning ofCustomer-related Processesy Product and Manufacturing Process Design

    and Development Planning

    y Planning of Purchased Product (Materials,Services and Vendors)

    y Production, and Service Provision Planningy Measurement Systems Planning (including the

    conduct of MSA)

    y Measurement, Analysis, and ImprovementPlanning (including the use of SPC)

    y Organizational Continual ImprovementPlanning

    y Manufacturing Process Continualy Improvement Planning

    The MD, with input from other responsible managers,

    monitors and measures overall operational efficiency

    (including the cost of poor quality) and provides related

    input and recommendations that may affect Quality/

    Environmental Systems effectiveness to Top

    Management for review and action (Section 5).

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    Page: 32

    Human resources



    ompany ensures that all employees who performactivities that may affect product quality or have

    significant impact on the environment have the

    appropriate training, skills, experience and competence.

    We utilize a mentor system for the first of four phases

    with an experienced operator working with a new person

    and the work instructions of the particular process. In the

    second phase, the experienced person or member ofmanagement continues to observe the new person. In the

    third phase, we deem the new person competent to

    work on his or her own. Some persons may move on to

    the fourth stage and we deem them an expert allowing

    them to train others or assume other responsibilities.

    Competence,Awareness, and Training

    The Company maintains a Training/Competence Matrix

    for personnel by job description. It is a four-quadrant

    system. It is which visually displays the capabilities of the

    person according to which of the quadrants have been

    achieved. This Competency Matrix is available to persons

    assigning work. All personnel understand the importance

    of their activities and their contribution to the

    achievement of the quality and environmental objectives.

    (SOP 6)

    Page: 105

    abandoned. Reasons for the failure to implement

    the action and any decisions regarding continuation

    of the action are recorded in the Management


    Process performance and product conformity

    Quality presents quality performance data. This

    includes rates of process and product

    nonconformities, on-time delivery performance,

    supplier quality performance, and productivity data.

    Edit the scope of the quality performance data asappropriate, and coordinate with ISO/TS 16949

    Element 8.4- Analysis of Data.

    Corrective and preventive actions:

    Quality presents the most important corrective and

    preventive actions implemented through the period,

    and the status of pending actions.

    Customer feedback and complaints

    Customer Service presents summaries of customer

    feedback and customer complaints, including

    analysis of trends.

    Internal quality audits

    Quality presents results of internal quality system

    audits. This includes summaries of results for the

    cycle, the frequency of audit findings against

    particular elements of the quality system and

    discussion of significant findings.

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    Page: 104

    Manager may call for unscheduled extraordinary



    Management reviews are chaired by the Quality

    Manager and are attended by Management,

    Engineering, Production, and Purchasing.

    Those managers who are unable to attend shall

    receive minutes of the review meeting and, after

    reviewing the minutes, may submit their input and

    comments to the Quality Manager. No more thanone manager may be absent from the meeting. The

    Operations Manager and Quality Manager must

    always attend.


    The agenda for management review meetingscovers at least all items listed in Section 4 of this

    procedure. The agenda is documented on the cover

    page of the Management ReviewReport.

    Management review input

    At a minimum, the following information and data

    are presented for review:

    Follow-up actions from previous reviews

    Quality reports on the status of action items from

    the previous meetings. Actions which are not

    completed may be extended with a new due date,

    reassigned to another person/function, changed, or

    Page: 33

    Need Determination

    Department managers and supervisors are responsible to

    identify required training and competency for personnel

    in their respective areas and to coordinate training andfollow through with evaluations for competencies. Our

    TrainingCoordinator is responsible to analyze

    effectiveness of training and competence, and update of

    hourly employee Training/Competence Matrix records.

    The Human Resource Department, with input from

    responsible managers, evaluates and qualifies applicantsfor specific job openings based on documented or

    demonstrated competencies. Where possible, we help

    existing employees qualify for new/changed jobs through

    the provision of appropriate education and training,

    including on-the-job-training (OJT). At a minimum, these


    Product design skills

    The Program Manager ensures that personnel with

    product or manufacturing process design responsibility

    (Section 7) are competent to achieve design requirements

    and are skilled in design methods (Section 7) needed to

    achieve desired results.


    Responsible managers identify training needs for their

    employees and achieve competence of all personnel

    performing activities affecting product quality. Personnel

    performing specific assigned tasks are qualified, as

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    Page: 34

    required, with particular attention to the satisfaction of

    customer requirements (application of digitized

    mathematically based data, e.g.).


    Responsible managers ensure on the job training (OJT) is

    provided for personnel in any new or modified job

    affecting product quality, including agency or contract

    employees. Responsible managers ensure that employees

    are aware of the relevance and importance of their

    activities and contributions to the achievement of ourobjectives.

    Employee motivation and empowerment

    The management team is responsible to motivate

    employees to achieve quality objectives, to make

    continual improvements and to create an environment to

    promote innovation.

    The Company carries out periodic audits with

    employees to determine their awareness of the relevance

    and importance of their activities and contribute to the

    achievement of the quality and environmental objectives.

    We conduct Annual employee reviews to give one on one

    interaction of communication employee withThe

    Company Management.

    Page: 103


    SOP 5.6



    The purpose of this procedure is to provide for a

    system and instructions, and to assign

    responsibilities for scheduling, conducting, and

    recording management reviews of the quality

    management system.

    2.0 ApplicationThis procedure applies to all activities comprising

    the quality system, and in particular those named in

    Section 4, Review Input, of this procedure.

    3.0 DefinitionsNone

    4.0 ProcedureFrequency and Scheduling

    Quality performance and the quality management

    system are reviewed at least once a year. The annual

    review is conducted in March.

    For the first two years (i.e., through the maturation

    phase of the quality system), management reviews

    are conducted twice a year. The additional review is

    conducted in September. In response to changing

    or special conditions and events, the Operations

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    Page: 102

    6.0 ProcedureThe responsible personnel and/or departments

    ensures the validity and completeness, and

    determines the filing and storage method (forretrievability and preventing damage) and the

    retention duration (conforming to TS-16949

    requirements) for quality records. The retention

    duration listed is a minimum retention. The

    records may be retained longer for reference at

    the discretion of the responsible party. The status

    of archived records is determined and appropriaterecords are disposed of annually.

    The Quality Department retains superseded part

    documents used for new part qualification.

    The Quality Department ensures quality records

    are available for evaluation by the customer for

    the stated period.

    Obsolete documents, other than production part

    approvals, tooling records, purchase orders and

    amendments, shall be maintained for the length of

    time established by the corresponding

    Department Manager and in accordance with

    minimum customer requirements.

    Revision History

    Page: 35


    We utilize the employee performance review process to

    motivate employees to achieve individual or functional

    performance objectives that support achievement of ourcorporate objectives (Section 5). We use employee

    performance reviews and the internal audit process

    (Section 8) to promote and assess the extent of quality

    and technological awareness throughout our organization.

    Responsible managers, officers, and supervisors re-

    evaluate employee competencies and evaluate employee

    performance against established objectives through ouremployee performance review process.


    The Company evaluates the effectiveness of all actions

    taken to meet competency needs. We evaluate provided

    training through immediate feedback from the employee

    and the manager, or supervisor who identified the

    training requirement.

    The responsible manager collects the documents for

    each training event. Responsible managers monitor and

    measure the overall training effectiveness and to meet

    competency needs and provides related recommendations

    to Top Management for review and action (Section 5).

    Employee Awareness

    Through their activities and contributions, we ensure that

    our employees are aware of customer requirements

    (Section 5 and Section 5), the relevance, and importance

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    Page: 36

    achieving our quality policy (Section 5) and objectives

    (Section 5). This is accomplished through awareness

    training, employee performance reviews (Section 6), and

    employee participation in our internal audit (Section 8)

    and improvement (Section 8) processes.


    We maintain appropriate records of education, training,

    skills, and experience in accordance with provision of

    Section 4. Employee qualification/competency review

    records and annual performance review results aremaintained by the Human Resources Department. The

    Training Manager maintains records of all training



    The Company provides and maintains the infrastructure

    needed to achieve conformity to product requirements,including buildings, workspace and associated utilities;

    process equipment (hardware and software as necessary);

    and any supporting services that are needed, such as

    transportation or communication.

    We use a multi-disciplinary approach to develop plant,

    facility, processes, and equipment. In addition, we detailmethods to evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of

    existing operations in SOP and SOP 5.6.

    The Company prepared contingency plans to satisfy

    customer requirements in event of an emergency such as

    Page: 101

    Accounting department and the Materials Manager

    are responsible for ensuring the proper retention of

    subcontractor purchase orders and amendments.

    The Materials Manager and Accounting departmentare responsible for ensuring the proper retention of

    customer related purchase orders and amendments.

    5.0 Associated Materials AIAG APQP Advanced Product Quality

    Planning Manual

    AIAG FMEA Failure Mode Effect Analysis


    AIAG MSA Measurement Systems Analysis


    AIAG SPC Statistical Process Control


    AIAG PPAP Production Part Approval


    SOP 5.6 Management Review Procedure

    SOP 7.2 Contract Review Procedure

    SOP 8.2.2 Internal Audit Procedure

    FO 4.2.4 DD Destroyed Documents List

    FO 4.2.4 QR QualityRecords List

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    Page: 100


    SOP 4.2.4

    1.0 PurposeThis procedure provides a method of maintaining

    quality records consisting of identification,

    collection, indexing, filing, storage, and disposal.

    2.0 ApplicationThis procedure applies to all departments

    responsible for the maintenance of quality records.

    3.0 DefinitionsNone



    Each Department Manager is responsible for

    records their department creates and for their

    maintenance, protection, availability, and disposal.

    The Quality Manager is responsible for ensuring the

    proper retention of production part approvals,

    quality performance records, internal quality systemaudits, and management review.

    The Program Manager and/or designee is

    responsible for ensuring the proper retention of

    appropriate tooling records. This is inclusive of all


    Page: 37

    utility interruptions, labor shortages, and key equipment

    failure and quality issues. (SOP 6.3.2)

    The Plant Supervisor has overall responsibility for

    managing our Facilities and Equipment Maintenanceprograms in accordance with SOP 6.3; these programs


    y Facilities management, maintenance and repairy Housekeeping/custodial services managementy Process equipment management, maintenance and


    y Production tooling management, andy Transportation and material handling equipment

    management, maintenance, and repair

    Plant, facility, and equipment planning

    The MD uses a multidisciplinary approach for developing

    plant, facility, and equipment plans. The Program

    Manager ensures plant layouts are designed and

    continually evaluated through the application of lean

    manufacturing principles (state your approach here) to

    minimize material travel, handling and value-added use offloor space and facilitate synchronous material flow.

    The Plant Supervisor develops and implements an

    effective preventive maintenance program utilizing

    predictive maintenance methods (Section 7) as

    appropriate. The Information Systems Manager has

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    Page: 38

    overall responsibility for managing our automated data

    processing and communications systems. Management

    reviews the effectiveness of these efforts during

    management review meetings (Section 5).

    Contingency plans. The Quality Manager, in conjunction

    with the Information Systems Manager and other

    appropriate managers, ensures contingency plans are

    documented in the Business Plan and implemented as

    needed to satisfy customer requirements in the event of

    an emergency such as utility interruptions, labor

    shortages, and key equipment failure and field returns.

    Work environment

    We provide employee benefits, job and schedule

    flexibility, interesting work, and involvement of our

    employees in an empowered environment of continual

    improvement (Section 6). We engender total participation

    by involving employees in internal audit (Section 8) and

    improvement (Section 8) activities. The Human

    Resources Department has overall responsibility for

    identifying, implementing, and maintaining effective

    employee benefit and workforce involvement programs.

    The Operations Manager has overall responsibility for

    identifying, implementing, and maintaining safety andenvironmental management systems, processes and

    controls needed to ensure product conformance and meet

    customer, statutory or regulatory requirements. We

    monitor and improve workplace safety, health, and

    ergonomics by following proper manufacturing practices,

    Page: 99

    Department Managers are responsible for

    reviewing all of their applicable documents within

    their departments at a minimum of annually to

    insure relevance and conformance.

    5.0 Associated Materials

    SOP 4.2.4 Control of QualityRecords Procedure

    SOP 7.3 Advanced Quality Planning Procedure

    WI 4.2.3 Documentation Writing Procedures

    and Work Instructions

    Revision History

    C l P d d E i i Ch d h h f i d i i (S i

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    Control Procedure and EngineeringChange


    The Program Manager is responsible for receiving,

    reviewing and retainingCAD/ Math data,Instructions and Test Procedures are available.

    The Plant Supervisor is responsible for ensuring

    current instructions are available at all work


    Department Managers are responsible for creating,

    approving, and maintaining their individual

    department work instructions.

    All Department Managers listed above are also

    responsible for making sure distributed and or

    obsolete copies are retrieved and replaced with the

    latest revision. Both the person receiving a copy of

    a new or revised document and the persondistributing the document are responsible for

    ensuring that obsolete copies are identified and/or

    disposed of.

    The Plant Supervisor is responsible for ensuring

    records of Total Preventive Maintenance activities

    are maintained.

    The Program Manager is responsible for ensuring

    all levels of documents and subordinate documents

    (such as control plan, first piece, and in-process and

    operator instructions) are in agreement.

    Page: 39

    and through safety team meetings and training (Section


    Personnel safety to achieve product quality: We design

    and carry out production processes to ensure productsafety and minimize potential risks to employees as may

    be identified during development of design FMEAs

    (Section 7) and/or process FMEAs (Section 7) and

    documented in work instructions located in process areas

    (Section 7).

    Cleanliness of premises

    We provide and maintain a work environment in a state

    of order, cleanliness, and repair consistent with the

    product and manufacturing process needs (Section 6)

    6. Product RealizationPlanning of product realization

    1. The Company has implemented a Quality andEnvironmental-planning process to define and

    document how the respective requirements will be

    met (See SOP 7.1 & SOP 7.2). This planning process

    is consistent with the requirements of the ISO/

    TS16949 standard and sets the framework for all

    Company processes of the quality/environmental

    management systems.

    2. For new projects, a cross functional team plans theprocesses with consideration given to, but not limited

    to, the following:

    Th lit / i t l bj ti d 4 0 R ibilit

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    Page: 40

    a. The quality/environmental objectives andrequirements for the product

    b. Environmental aspects/impactsc. Product special characteristics, including safety


    d. Error proofing for processes, facilities,equipment, and tooling

    e. The identification of any controls, processes,equipment (including inspection and testequipment), documentation, fixtures, training and

    skills needed to achieve the required quality and

    environmental objectives and targets, including

    the prevention of pollution

    f. Identification of required verification, monitoring,measuring, inspection and test activities

    g. Records are identified and kept as evidence thatthe realization processes and resulting product

    meet company and customer requirements per the

    quality and environmental plans

    h. Customer requirements and references totechnical specifications are to be included in thequality plan

    3. The Company uses the methods in the APQP, SPCPFMEA, PPAP, MSA, and Control Plan manuals as


    Page: 97

    4.0 Responsibility

    The Department Managers are responsible for

    ensuring that the Quality System Procedures have

    the appropriate controls in place to ensure thatcurrent issues are available in all locations as


    The Quality Manager and/or designee is

    responsible for retaining master copies and assuring

    current revision level of the AIAG reference


    y Advanced Product Quality Planning &Control Plan

    y Fundamental Statistical Process Controly Measurement Systems Analysisy Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysisy Product Part Approval Processy Quality System Requirements TS 16949y Environmental Mgmt. System, ISO 14001

    The Program Manager is responsible for a timely

    review of customer drawings and specifications.

    The PM has 10 business days of receipt to

    document the receipt of drawings and maintain the

    engineering standards according to the Drawing

    4 The quality plan and relevant work instructions

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    SOP 4.2.3

    1. Purpose

    This procedure describes the responsibilities for

    receipt, review, and distribution of drawings and

    documents, including documents of external origin.

    2. Application

    This procedure applies to statutory & regulatory

    requirements the drawings specifications and

    documents that explain the engineering

    requirements, manufacturing processes, assembly

    methods, test procedures, work instructions and

    inspection instructions related to deliverable goods

    and our processes.

    3. Definitions

    y Quality Manager is the Document ControlSpecialist

    y Controlled Customer owned product relatedprints & specifications are located on the X

    drive and are available to Engineering Quality

    &Manufacturing personnel

    y AIAG Automotive Industry Action Group

    Page: 41

    4. The quality plan and relevant work instructions,clearly define acceptance criteria and approved by the


    5. We maintain customer confidentiality for all productsand projects under development, and related product

    information, including electronic data.

    6. The Company assesses product and manufacturingprocess changes that affect product realization. We

    confirm defined activities to ensure compliance with

    customer requirements. When we receive theapproval for any changes affecting customer

    requirements, we notify the customer and validate

    changes before implementation.

    Planning of product realization Supplemental

    We review proprietary designs, impact use with the

    customer.. (Section 7)

    Our APQP/PPAP process, as detailed in SOP 7.1

    provides a consistent advanced product quality planning

    process acceptable to all of our customers. The APQP

    Team uses the APQP process:

    y Develop a control plany Develop/review failure modes and effects analysisy Setup actions to reduce potential failure modes with

    high risk

    y Report required deliverables (i.e. Tooling, Fixtures,PFMEA, Control Plans, PPAP, Run @ Rate, etc.)

    Special Characteristics for inclusion in the control plan 6 0 Procedure

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    Special Characteristics for inclusion in the control plan

    comply with customer specifications (including drawings,

    FMEAs, operator instructions, etc.) that affect product

    characteristics and process parameters.

    Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) (Section 7).

    The APQP Team Leader implements the PPAP

    recognized by our customers, PPAP-4; see SOP 7.1) in

    the absence of any specific instructions, we will default to

    a level 3 PPAP submission. PPAP approval is obtained

    prior to the first production shipment of product (unless

    specifically waived by the customer).

    The APQP Team Leader ensures:

    y Submissions for part approval prior to theimplementation of changes, to determine the type

    of quality re-certification required (PPAP


    y Production following any change in process ormethod of manufacture

    y Change of source for subcontracted parts, materials,or services (e.g. heat treating or plating)

    y Product re-released after the tooling has beeninactive from volume production for twelve months

    or more.

    Acceptance criteria

    Acceptance criteria is approved by the customer, where

    required. For attribute data sampling, the acceptance level

    is zero defects (Section 8).

    Page: 95

    6.0 ProcedureAny member of staff, through their department

    manager, may request document changes. If a

    Quality System procedure needs to be changed,send a Quality Manual Change Request Form to the

    Quality Manager describing the proposed change.

    The changes become part of the revision history. If

    not approved, the request form gives an explanation

    and a copy returned to the originator. The Quality

    Department files original form.

    Where practical, the revision history identifies the


    The quality department distributes a copy of the

    new or revised policy, procedure, or instruction

    according to the Quality Policy Manual, Procedure

    Manual, and Operator Instructions Distribution

    List. Upon receipt of the new or revised policy,

    procedure, or instruction, the recipient updates the


    All documents used during, or forms generated

    before the revision process shall be considered

    grandfathered, acceptable to use as is due to

    unavailability of revised forms or unacceptablecosts which would be incurred by disposing of

    unused forms.

    Revision History

    The Program Manager and/or designee are Confidentiality

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    The Program Manager and/or designee are

    responsible for controlling issuance and

    maintenance of drawings.

    Department/Plant Supervisor are responsible forcontrolling issuance and maintenance of associated

    manuals and data within their area of responsibility

    as required, Reference 6.0.

    The responsible Department ensures that

    designated personnel receive approval, initial issue,

    and amendments of all documents and data relatingto the requirements of the quality system, and for

    the recall of obsolete documents. The responsible

    Department ensures availability of appropriate

    documents at all locations where the performance

    of operations affect the quality system.

    The A