1733 1876 atchison

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  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison




    ^ ^ p , A r e a ,R e p u b l i c a n a n d SolomonI N C L U D I N G T H E


  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    H I X O N , iWITHEE, . f L a C r o s s e , Wis. A . W. PETTIBONEH a n n i b a l , Mo.' H a n n i b a l


    L a t h , S h i n g l e s , P i c k e t s a n d T i m b e r .Mills at La Crosse , Wis., and H a n n i b a l , Mo, and W h o l e s a l eY a r d at' A x r a n n A i * MnwoirBiWholesale and Retail Branch Yard atATCHISON, KANSAS.

    H a v i n g s u p e r i o r a d v a n t a g e s for supp ly ing all k i n d s of P i n eBui ld ing m ate r ia l , our Atch ison Branch Yard o f fe rs to K a n s a sb u y e r s s t a n d a r d g r a d e s of L u m b e r at Pr ices tha t wi l l m ee t com pe-ti t ion from any s o u r c e . We g ive spec ia l inducem ents to b u y e r so f carload lots , delivered on ra i l road t rack in Atch ison . Ca l l onor wr i te to us for p r i c e s . A d d r e s sG. c. HIXON & C O . ,

    B R A I N E R D ' SA T C H I S O N


    C O N T A I N I N G



    C H U R C H E S , S O C I E T I E S , ETC., ETC.

    .A.. BRAJHSTERD, Publ isher.

  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    A D V E R T I S I N G I N D E X .Atch ison Champion 135-6 j Kiper, L & SiAtch ison Cour ie r i3oAtch ison & N e b r a s k a R . Rback coverAtch ison Patriot. ^4Atch ison Savings'Bank 56Atch ison , Topeka & San ta

    Fe R. R., front fly. Bl i s s , J L , marg ina l and p - i3 2Brack e, A, back co verBrad fo rd , D T.Biirkhart& Pre tze lCa s e , Lockwood & Bra ina rd' C o v e rt , j . M . & Co., backcover,


    . 122803 2


    Cen t ra l Branch U. P. R. R.,inside front cover 32Crall , J . C 94D e l a n y , M 120Burst & Co 88 _ _ * , , . < *E xch ange Ban k . . . . . . 46 Se ip , C. N.First Nat iona l Bank 82 ' '---- E*'Foster Store, front cov er. . .F r a n k , Theo.. ' .-. 98GHck House 92Hagen & Treffz... . 72H a n t h o r n , R . H 116Hekelnkaemper, Wm 126Held, Geo. 76H i x o n , G. C. & Co, front fly. H o r t o n & Waggener. . 52J o h n s o n , E C 128Kathrens & Bro TI R

    j o n s .Koehler, LouisK u h n , J u l i u sLeu , JacobM c C a b e , G e o WMcClellan, SMcPike& Al len , f ron t w ^Marcus , M 106Meacham, J C, back fly leaf- 'Neivc omb, D C, front coverNor ton , J A ionOstertag, Anton back fly leaf Perk ins , John , back cover . ,Peterson, R H, back fly leafRa te rman , John , back coverRocha t , L . .ro8Regnier, C h a s N , back coverSt. Ben edict 's CollegeScan lon , C T . . . -' Schue tz , Albe r t& CoSherer, E : CStevenson , RSutter , F , front coverS y m n s , A. B. , f ront co ve r . .Talbott, J . H, f ron t cover . .Terry, Chas, front coverTremont H o u s e , 96We l l s , L . K. & C o 150Wetzell & Tomlinson ,. ri 2Wolte rs , Joh n, back cover,in s ideYou ng, R. D 68

    9060. 1 1 1. 86

    T i t lePrefaceA d v e r t i s i n g I n d e xCi ty o f A tch i son . ,S t r e e t D i r e c t o r y . .Ci ty Au thor i tyCoun ty " .'..,,Cour tsChur ches . .Schoo lsSocietiesCi t izen Direc to ry . .Bus iness "

    CO N T E N T S .A' 39


    tf/ lt{~~A744%Cii,C I T Y O F A T C H I S O N .

    Th e c i ty o f A tch iso n , A tch iso n co u n ty , Ka n sa s , i ss i tu a ted a t th e e x t r eme p o in t o f th e " Grea t W es te r nB en d " of th e Misso u r i riv er , a t l a t i tu d e 39 i d eg reesnor t h , and long itude 9 5 west , 330 miles w est of theMiss i s s ip p i r iv er a t S t . L o u is , Mo . As t r an sp o r ta t io nin the ear l ier days of th is country was a matter of cons id erab le imp o r tan ce , sev era l p o in ts w ere in v es t ig a tedw h e r e b y shipping supplies an d merch an d ise th ro u g hthis section could be conveye d f rom S t. Louis a t themo s t ex t r e me p o in t on th e r iv er , to sh o r ten th e o v er lan dro u te . I n th e y ear 18 38 , L ib e r ty , Cla y co u n ty , Mo . ,about f if ty miles a l i t t le so uth of east , was th e headpoint for traders to get their outf i t for their mountaineertripgoods of al l desc r ip tions , which th ey exchangedwith th e In d ia n fo r h i s wares . As emig ra t io n g rad u a l lyp ressed i t s wa y , In d ep e n d en c e b ecam e th e s to p p in gp o in t for th e t r ad er s r e tu rn in g from th e mo u n ta in s , andn atu ra l ly to o k this t raf f ic f rom here ins tead of Liber ty .Ka ns as City soon ma de i ts inf luence fel t , head ing t hemo u n ta in eer s to th a t p o s t f or th e i r su p p l ies , u n t i l th e" Grea t Wes te rn Ben d , " wh ere n o w is s i tu a te d th e c i tyof At chi son , was found, af ter the d isco very of the Colo rad o min es , to b e th e ex t r e me r iv er c o n v ey an ce , an dmaking th e o v er lan d ro u te sh o r te r an d mo re direct; th i sb e in g ab o u t th e y ear 18 6 2 .

    Th e pr incipal man engage d in outf i t t ing w as a Da vidBu t te r f ie ld , ac t in g ag en t fo r a la rg e Ea s te r n t r an sp o r ta t io n co mp an y , wh o o p en ed a s tag e ro u te u p th e Smo k y

  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    T H E S H O R T L I N E[ I ; I I I

    TO ALL POINTS INN 0 R U A N D U T E S T D W K i S f l Sr ^ A N D ^ - iT h e G r e a t H o m e s t e a d A r e a ,

    INCLUDING THERepublican and SolomonVALLEYS,

    A T C H I S O N T ' K A N S A S ,Cent'I Branch Union PacificRAILROAD


  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison




    mm : :

    M: I N T R O D U C T I O N .


    We presen t to the citizens of Atchiso n our secondedition of the Atchison City Direct ory . Though a complete canvass of the city has been mad e, there may occur errors and omissions which would not show themselves u ntil coming to the eye of th e public, which thepublish er asks its indulgence. It is ha rdly conceivedin the minds of the people, and perhaps as little thoughtand compreh ended, the comp lexity and detail in laborin compiling a work of this kind . From the beg inningto the completion of our enterprise, during the genera lcanvass, it has been our endeavor to correct all changesbeing made throu gh the city, as they might occur andcome to our notice. The spelling of prop er names isungoveraed by rule , and names tha t seemingly do notappear is often for the want of know ledge of how the yar e spelledwhen really no person can be a critic beyond their own name. By energy and perseverence wehave been led on until the beginning of the end is in view,and now to present for approval or disapproval, hopingfor the better , as it has been our earnest endeavor to achievewe Jay aside the pen of ind ust ry with tha nks to our patrons for their encouragem ent, whom will be found displayed through these pages .

    T HE PUB L ISHE R .t v , :V-.-- ,%

  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    A D V E R T I S I N G I N D E X .At c h i son Cha m pi on 135-6At c h i son Cour i e r i3oAt c h i son & Ne bra ska R . R . ,ba c k c ove rAt c h i son Pa t r i o t 134Atchi .son Savin gs Bank 56

    At c h i son , T ope ka & Sa n t aFe R. R., front flyBl iss, J L, marginal and p - 1 3 2Bra c ke , A, ba c k c ove rBra dfo rd , D T 122Burkhart & Pretzel 80Case, Lock wood & Bra i na rd 32Cove r t , J . M. & Co. , ba c kc ove r >Ce nt ra l Bra nc h U. P . R. R. ,inside front cover 32 ICral l , J . C 94 1De l a ny , M 120]Durs t & Co 88 jE xc h a nge Ba nk 46 |F i r s t Na t i ona l Ba nk 82 jFos t e r S t o re , f ron t c ove r . . .Fra nk , T he o 98 iC l i c k H o u s e 9 2 :Hagen & Treffz 721H a n t h o r n , R . H 116 |Hekelnkaemper, Wm 126Held, Ge o 76Hix on, G. C. & Co, front f ly.H o r t o n & W a g g e n e r 5 2J o h n s o n , E C 128Kathrens & Bro r i 8

    Kiper, L & Sons 39Koehler, Louis 74K u h n , J u l i u s 100L e u , J a c o b 8 4 'Mc Ca be , Ge o W 104

    McC lel lan. S 78Mo Pike & Allen, front coverMa rc us , M ,. to6Meacham, J C, back f ly leafNevvcomb, D C, front coverNor t on , J A IdaOste rtag, Anton back f ly leaf#' '"Pe rk i ns , John , ba c k c ove r . .Peterson, R H, back f ly leafRa t e rm a n , John , ba c k c ove rRoc ha t , L . 108Re gni e r , Cha s N, ba c k c ove rSt . Benedict ' s Col lege goScanlo n, C T 60Sc hue t z , Al be r t 114Seip, C. N. & Co 110Sherer , E. C i nSt e ve nson , R 86Sut ter , F, front coverSym ns , A. B . , f ron t c ov e r . .T a l bo t t , J . H, f ron t c ove r . .T e r ry , Cha s , f ron t c ove rTremont H o u s e 9 6Wells, L. K. & Co 150W e t z e l l & T o m l i n s o n . 112W ol t e r s , John , ba c k c ove r ,i n s i deYoung , R . D 6&CONTENTS.T i t l e .*Preface 2A d v e r t i s i n g I n d e x . tCity of Atchiso n 4Street Directo ry ' 13Ci t y Aut hor i t y . . . . 19Count y " 20Cour t s 20Churc he s 24Schools 26Societ ies 28Ci t i z e n Di re c t o ry 33

    Bus i ne ss " 136


    C IT Y O F A T C H I S O N .

    The city of Atchison, Atchison county, Kansas, issituated at the extreme point of the " Great WesternBend " of the Missouri river, at latitu de 39 i degreesnorth, and longitude 95 w est, 330 miles west of theMississippi river at St. Louis, Mo. As transportationin the earlier days of this country was a matter of considerable importance, several points were investigatedwhereby shipping supplies and merchandise throughthis section could be conveyed from S t. Louis at themost extreme point on the river, to shorten the overlandroute. In the y ear 1838, Liberty , Clay county, Mo.,about fifty miles a little south of east, was the headpoint for traders to get their outfit for their mountaineertripgoods of all descriptions, which th ey exchanged %ith the Indian for his wares. As emigration gradu allypressed its way, Independence became the stoppingpoint fo/the traders returning from the mountains, and;' , naturally took this traffic from here instead of Liberty.Kansas City soon made its influence felt, heading themountaineers .to that post for their supplies, until the" Great Western Bend," where now is situated the cityof Atchison, was found, after the discovery of the Colorado mines, to be the extreme river conveyance, andmaking the overland route shorter and more direct; thisbeing about the year 1862.

    The principal man engaged in outfitting was a DaVtd-Butterfield, acting agent for a large E astern transportation company, who opened a stage route up the Smoky

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    Gold, Pearl and Plated Studs and Buttons a t J . L. Bliss ' .6 A T C H I S O N C I T Y D I R E C T O R Y .

    Hill to D enve r, while Benj . Holladay was running aline of Stages from Atchiso n via Fort Kearn ey, De nver,and Salt Lak e City, to San F rancisco. George Million,a Missourion residing on the Missouri b ottoms , on the.east side of the r iver, was at this time runnin g a flat-boat ferry.

    The first frame building in the place is the old tavernnow standing on Atchison s tr eet , corner of F irs t , th elargest frame building in the State at this t imetwenty-two yea rs ago. The intention was at this time to mak eAtchison s treet the main s treet , but builders ra ther gaveComm ercial, three block s south , the preference, whe renow the commerce is located.The original owners of the land here were the Kicka-poo Indians, a partially civilized raee, and in 1854 therewas an Indian wigwam on what is now known as Four thstree t, near W hite Clay creek. The first businessbuilding erected on Commercial street was on the cornerof F irst, by Mr. Geo Challiss, and was used as a gener alstore. At this time there were only about a half dozenbuildings. The first lot sold at public auction, situatedon Nor th First stre et, comm anding a m agnificent viewof the city and far on the opposite side of the river, isnow owned and occupied by Col. John A. Martin, editor

    and proprietor of the Daily and Weekly Champion; thesecond, situated on North Second, cor Santa Fe , isowned and occupied by Mr. He nry Addom s. Seve ralother lots were disposed of at the same tim e, giving thepurchasers the first surety of planting the city of Atchison, in | the year 1854.The first railroad built in proximity to Atchison was

    W-io l ins , Accordeons, S tr ings, &c, a t J . L. Bliss ' .A T C H I S O N CITY D I R E C T O R Y .from Eas t Atchison to S t. Josep h, Mo, a dista nce oftwenty-three miles , and known as the Atchison & St. Joseph Railro ad, Atchis on giving $10 0,000 , and receivingin retu rn an equiv alent amou nt of stock, and in 1865changed to Mo. Valley R. R , being extende d to L eavenworth , and reaching Kansas City in 1869. Also a roadwas built from St. Josep h to C ouncil Bluffs the sameyear, and known as the St. Joe & Council Bluffs, andin 1871 the two roads consolidated and are known atpresen t as the Kansas City, St. Jo e & C ouncil Bluffs,a distance of 203 miles on the east bank of the MissouriRiver .

    The second railroad runnin g from Atchiso n was t heCentral Branch Union Pacific R. R., (changed, in 1867,from the first incorporated name, " Atchiso n & P ike'sPea k R.R . Co.") was commenced, in 1865 completed andoperated to Muscotah in J ul y, 1866, and com pleted in1868 to its term inus, the first passeng er train enteri ngWatervil le January 12th . The principal villages alongthe l ine are , Eff ingham, Muscotah, Nttawaka, Wetmore ,Cenlralia, Frankfort , I rv ing, Blue Rapids, terminatinga t WatervillA. Within the few yea rs of its existen cethere have grown up several flourishing and enterprisingvillages along the line of road, some of them, even atth is early date having successful manufacturers takingadvantage of the water power here existing, and all beingprominent grain and produce shipping points from a fertile section of country surrounding.

    The th ird ra i lroad, buil t in the year 1869, was theMissouri Pacific, spannin g the S tate of M issouri from

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  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison




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    * W M, Q\r " w w i a u 8 c u LU me - riank ot thefc^te o Kansas," and so continued until the year 1866^ B ^ ' V\ P U r C h a S 6 d b j " H ethe r igton's Exchange5Bank, which.was institu ted in 1 859, and occupied un-f about 1870, the erecting of his present banking budd-Mm : u ; to Fiseui DanKinff build-. g g the r m at present occapied by the H. & 1 , J o eWm ; JS , 11. Uo . A

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    1i L L I. The second banking house1 1 1 Stebbins & Porter, abomm


    was started by Messrst the year 1864, and continued2 3 5 t ' n & " a ' Mk >. b 8 orgaiZed n d e r .

    186X,on the corner

    of C o ^ e r o i a , and Seeend, ^ " ^ Z . ^ ^* n ^ t T l ^ B M k> ^ i - 1 - ' " a eapit,.

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    rAlsof Commercial and Fifth, where they now o c c u p y !has in connection a sayings bank department,-be Atchison National Bank was the fourth1 8 7 3 ' w i t ? WaS ?', G / r D SaVingS Bank' i n s t u t e d1878, with a capital of $50,000. and th .m n_



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  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison



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    D I S T R I C T C O U R T .-

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    * i ^T * . *L "^NOTARIES P U B L I C . ^ ^^ -1

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    sgood Gowenvid PattonB. Piatt****** John T. Reynolds1# H. C. Solomon

    \ '-. H. TalbottJames F. TuftsA. W. WagenhalsWm. W atson



    Iy f A T C H I S O N C O 1 S

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  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    ^ ^ ! f ^ f i ^ ^ ^ Oil at J. L. Bliss'.ATCHISON CITy DIRECTORY.



    F I R E D E P A R T M E N TChiefC. J. Neal.Assistant ChiefL. Rochat.

    B O A R D O F T R A D E .PresidentW. C. McPike.Vioe-Prt.idenfc-.Dr. W. W. CochraneS e c r e ta r y - Dr . H . B. Horn.IreasurerW. C. Smith.

    A T C H I S O N B U I L D I N G A N D S A V I N G S A S S ' N .Meets on fourth Monday in each month. Pres iden t,David Auld ; Vice-President, W. W. Cochrane; Secretary, S. R. Washer; Treasurer, J. T. Coplan.

    Gold, Pearl and Plated Studs and Button s at J. L. Bliss'.ATCHISON CITY DIRECTORY. 23

    E N T E R P R I S E B U I L D I N G A N D S A V IN G S A S S ' N .Meets on first Tuesday in each month. Presi dent ,W. W. Cochrane; V ice-President, J. S. P ark er; Attorney, T. Metcalfe; Treasurer, R A. Park; Secretary,T. Pierce.G E R M A N B U I L D I N G A N D S A V I N G S A S S ' N .

    Meets at German Savings Bank on the first Thursdayin each month. Preside nt, J. Poehle r; Vice Presi dent,H. Diesbach; Secretary, John Belz; Treasurer, Wm.Mangelsdorf.PERPETUALBUILDING A N D S A V I N G S A S S ' N .Established, April 1, 187 1. Office, Comm ercial, corner Fourth. Meets on third T uesday of every m onth

    President, W. W. Cochrane; Vice-President, ThomasMurphy ; Secretary, A. II. Lanphear; Treasurer, A. B.Bradish : Attorney. A. F. Martin.F I R T H L I B R A R Y .

    At Odd Fellows' Hall, corner Commercial and Six th.Sidney Lanphear, Librarian.

    U . S . O F F I C E R SJudge U. S. District CourtC. G. Foster.U.S . Commissioner---John M. Price.U. S. MarshalChas. H. Miller, Leavenworth.TT a o l l e c t o r G e o . T. Anthony, Leavenworth,u. 8. District AttorneyGeo. R. Peck.Clerk U. S. District CourtJ. C. Wilson.U. S. Pension AgentJ. M. Allen, Topeka.


  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    W ^ J " * ^ PM ijr

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    - -Violins, Accordeons , Strings, & c , at J . L . Bliss'i J





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    5 C H U R C H E S . M A r

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    A. M. J1.Erected A. D. 1866, north side of Atchi-son bet Seventh and Eighth. Rev. John Fochee, pastor.Time of service,. 1.1 a, m. and 7i p . m,. Sabbath school,3 o'clock p. m. Prayer-me eting, Wednesday evening ofeach week: - - r? ^^ HSecond Baptist (col.)Parallel bet Sixth and Seventh.Benai Ieshurun Hebrew CongregationServices at Masonic Hall. Presiden t, S. Hesselberger; Treasurer, L.F r a n k e ; Secretary Jacob Klein. t- "L ! It i

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  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    Z ! ^ ^ ^ at J. L. Bliss'.26 A T C H I S O N C I T Y D I R E C T O R Y .

    PUBLIC SCHOOLS.B O A R D OF E D U C A T I O N .PresidentA J North.Vice-PresidentJohn Seaton.ClerkThos J White.TreasurerDr A H Lanphear.First Ward, C W Johnson, CB Keith ; Second Ward,J L BJiss, J Garside: Third Ward, T J White. A JNo rth ; Fourth Ward, John Seaton, C WBarker.

    C E N T R A L SC H O O L BUILDINGErected 1870 , north Fifth street . Prof R H Jackson,Principal \ twelve assist ants. Term commences Septem-ber 1st, and closes themiddle of June . Scholars enrolled, 799.

    S O U T H ATCHISON S C H O O LErected 1873, south Fifth.S Prof R H Jackson, Su-Labella Hocker, Principal, andcloses middle rf T mm* September 1st, andcloses middle of Jun e. Num ber scholars enrolled, 186penntendent; Missthree teachers.

    W E S TErected 1871. Prof R H Jackson, Superintendent;Miss Maggie A McDuff, Principal, with two teachers.Term commences Septem ber 1st, and closes middle ofJune . Number of scholars enrolled, 120.

    T H I R D W A R D S C H O O L ( C o l . )Prof R H Jackson, Superintendent; Mrs A W Stev-ens, Principal, with two assistants. Term commences

    plated W a r e of the B e s t Qua l i t y at J. L. Bliss ' .A T C H I S O N C I T Y D I R E C T O R Y . 27

    September, and closes middle of Jun e. Number schol-ars enrolled. 178.S O U T H A T C H I S O N S C H O O L ( C o l . )Prof R H Jackson, Superintendent; Joseph Endicott,teacher. Term comm ences September 1st, and closesmiddle of Jun e. Number scholars .enrolled, 75


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    L a d i e s ' G o l d W a t c h e s28 a n d C h a i n s a t J . L . B l i s s 'A T C H I S O N C I T Y D I R E C T O R Y .

    * P R I V A T E S C H O O L S .A T C H I S O N I N S T I T U T E 1 Cthrr\ - _

    104 students.Fourth streets.Established 1870, Mrs H A v **4 t,^+ jrl E M o n r e Princinal-" I Kansas avenue between ThirdUnd

    S T. S C H O L A S T I C U S ' C O N V E N TEstablished, 1864, corner Second and ^visi'on streetsS T . B E N E D I C T C O L L E G E

    S O C I E T I E S .A T C H I S O N L O D G E , I O G T , No 6 0 .

    Meets Tuesday evening of each week, at their hall,Glick's block. Institute d Janu ary. 1875. Hiram SweetW C T , M rs M J Hunter W V T, Prof Theo Shraag WR S ? C W Barker W F .S, Miss Ida Demorest W T, RevJoseph King W C , L Tibles W M, Miss Emma Hunt WG, H T Rogers W 8, D T Bradford Grand Lodge Dep'y.A C T I V E L O D G E N O 1 5 8 , A F Jo^ CW S S Y * S S ' JameS G T h a ? e r S W ' Jared C Vx JEdward 9 S J u tj}eS R e C O r d e r ' J o h n M P r i c e Treasurer,Edward S Wells Lt B; Chas G M anyon, S'd B, Joseph

    ^ M

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    ^L^^^^eap^^tac les at J. L Biss-30 A T C H I S O N C I T Y . D I R E C T O R Y .

    F R I E N D S H I P L O D G E N O 5 , I O O F


    -Ban Alwens, Secretary. g President,

    Estey Organs are the Best, J.L . Bliss, Agent.ATCHI SON TURNVEREINMeets first and Third Sunday of each Month* * Hall, corner Six th and Kansas '_ _ a t T u r ", _... ouu xvausas avenue. GeorgeTofte President, Ernst Kuehl Secretary.

    G E R M A N S T. J O S E P H ' S B E N E V O L E N T S O C I E T YMeets first Sunday ofeach month, at schoolhouse,near Catholic Church, north Second. George OstertagPresident, C Rott Vice-President, John Veerhoven, Secretary, Wm Richard Marshal.

    . I R I S H C A T H O L I C B E N E V O L E N T S O C IE T Y .iHall north Second street. Meets on first andthirdSundays of each month. WP Dolan President, MJ Doyle Vice-Presid ent, Patric k Morgan Treasure r, BBarry Secretary.W A S H

    A D McConaughy H P j D M a r t i n , K, J E , Lewis L ,

    Clocks of all Kinds at J. L. Bliss5* K .1. A T C H I S O N C IT Y D I R E C T O R Y . 31

    Kiper Treasurer, N AMaher Secretary, James GThayer C H, 0H Johnson PS, H C G olden R A C, AH Bockman G M T V, J H Garside G M B V, J C FoxG M F V. Meets the second and fourth Wed nesdaysof each month, at Masonic Hall.

    W A SW McDuff J W, L Rochet Treasurer, A D McConaughy Secretary, T M Pierce S D, Geo W Hendrickson JD , W JStone Tyler. Meets the first and third Monday s of eachmonth, at Masonic Hall.

    A T C H I S O N C O M E D I C A L S O C I E T Y .Meets second Tu esda y of each mon th, at the office ofJ M Linley. Dr Wm Gough, President, Dr J H String-fellow Vice President, Dr. J M Linley S ecretary, Dr WW Cochrane-Treasurer.

    * C E M E T E R I E S .Oak Hill, West Atchison, city limits, corner Independence and Atchison streets.Mount Vernon, South Atchison, city limits.Catholic Cemetery, North Atchison, city limits.


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    V *



  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison



    f A N D ,

    B U S I N E S S A D V E R T I S E R .A B B R E V I A T I O N S ,

    Ave , ave nue : bds , bo a rd s ; be t , b e t we e n ; c a sh , c a sh i e r ; elk,clerk; , col , colored; com, comme rc i a l ; co , company; e mp, e m-p l o y e d ; e, east; l ab , l abore r ; n , nor t h : p ro ]) , p ropr i e t o r ; r e s ,residence : secy, secre tary ; s, south ; t reas , t reas urer ; v pres, vicepre s i d e n t ; n s, nor t h s i d e : s s , sou t h s i de ; e s , e a s t s i de ; W A,We st A t c h i s o n ; w s, west side ; n e c , nor thea st corn er : s e c ,sou t he as t co rne r : n w c , nor t hw e st co rn e r ; s w c , sou t hwe stcom er. Th e wo rds office and st ree t are implied.

    AAbbott, Nelson res 4 th, cor VAbbott, C, res 4th bet T and U.A S ' 5 F ,P ' s,hoemakei"> res Atchison bet 6th and 7th.AhH i ? f t n k ' s h o e m a k e r M L Abdill, res same.aiu, L M, painter, res Atchison bet 6th and 7th.

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    Fine Gold and Plated Jewelry at J. L. Bliss'.AT CHISON CIT Y DIRE CT ORY.

    Armstrong, Georgia, bds 3d and Utah ave.Askren, Ezra, emp Omnibus Transfer Co, res Utah avebet 4th and 5th.Askren, 0 H P, carpenter, res Utah ave bet 4th and 5th.Atcb eson , Chas E, constable, res 9th cor Para llel.Atchison Courier, Id, Fleischer editor and proprietor,German 'veekly newspaper, issued Tuesday over 408Commercial.ATCHISON DAILY AND WEEKLY CHAMPION, JnoA Martin, editor and prop, 311 Commercial.Atchison Elevator, White. Washer & King, props, Mail.near 11th.

    Atchison Foundry Works, Park and 2d.Atchison Gas Wo rks, G. W Glick, pres, F Bier secy, RA. Park, treas, C B Keith supt; incorporated 1870.capital 1100,000 ; Main bet 7th and 8th.Atchison Machine Shop, Boswell & Lincoln props. 6thbet Kansas ave and Santa Fe.Atchison National Bank, incorporated 1873 ; authorizedcapital, |30 0,0 00 ; paid in, $100,000; G D Harrisonprest,W W Guthrie v prest, M Barratt cash, J V Jil-lich, asst cash; Commercial bet 2d and 3d,ATCHISON & NEBRASKA R R CO, from Atchison,Kansas, to Lincoln, Nebraska, distance 147 miles; NThayer prest, Chas Merriam secy and treas, Geo HNettieton gen manager, L W Towne gen supt, R DEvere tt asst treas, John E U tt gen freight and ticketagent, over 1st National Bank.Atchison Omnibus Transfer Co, Moulton & Co" props,Utah ave bet 4th and 5th.ATCHISON PATRIOT, Park & Vandegrift props, over311 Commercial; daily and weekly news publication.

    Atchison E R Freight Transfer Co, J M Hamilton & Coprop s, J H Garside agen t, 1st National Bank building,Commercial.

    Ej Gold Pens, " T H E BES T," at J, L. Bliss'.AT CHISON CIT Y DIRE CT ORY. 37

    T T C H I S O N S A V I N G S B A N K , incorporated1869; capital $100,000 , paid in ; A G Otis prest, IS Parker, v prest, R A Park , cash, 501 Commercial,cor 5th.Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R R, T Nickerson, prest,C F Morse, gen supt, A A Egb ert, asst supt, C WPierce, treas, E Wilder, asst treas, M L Sargent genfreight agen t, M F W hite, gen tick et agent, J DGunn, master of transportation, R E Torrington supttelegra ph; W R Peabody agent, Atch ison.; fromAtchison, Ka s, to Pueb lo, Col, distance 618 miles.Atlantic Ho use, Mrs M E Clute, prop, Comm ercialcor 6th.Atloyd, D, emp A & N R R, bds Tremont House.Atkins, F H, printer, Champion, bds 5th bet Main andCommercial.Atkins, F H, pressman, Champion, bds Atlantic House.A U L D , D A V I D , prest First National Bank, resLaramie cor 4 th.A u l d , J C , J M Covert & Co.Auld, W W, Blair & Auld, res 3d cor Laramie.A V E N U E H O U S E , Mrs R C Stokes prop, Kansasave bet 6th and 7th.Avery, James, carpenter, res Parallel cor 11th.Avery, Mrs M, res Park cor 6th.Ayers, W P, messenger U S E xpress Co, bds Otis House.

    BBachelor carpenter, bds Seitz Hotel.Back, Henry , clerk M Bros, res Kansas ave bet 4thand 5th.Backus, Mrs Alice, res C T Backus.Backus, Chas T, res Park bet 6th and 7th.Backes, Martin, lab, res 11th cor Laramie.

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    Gold, Pearl and Plated Studs and Buttons at J. L. Bliss',' ATCHISON CITY DIRECTORY.

    Bailey, J A, Wells, Bailey & Morrow, res Ea st Atchison,.Baker, Byron, res Q bet 7th and 8th.Baker, David, grocer, 7th cor Spring, res same.Baker, H S, res Q bet 7th and 8th.Baker, Aimer, lab, res Spring bet 7th and 8th.Baldw in, J VV, res V immercial cor 11th.Bslbuide, A 11 W, imp G W McCabe, res Commercialnear 8th.Baley, Thomas, lab, res S bet 4th and 5th.Baiis, Wash ,(col), res Commercial bet 1st and 2d.Bangs, F A, bds M W Kelso.Banks, Amanda (col), res Santa Fe bet 4th and 5th.Banks, N H, emp Lindell Hotel, bds same.Bann ister, H enry , bartende r A Schitz, res over 515,Commercial.Barbee, Samuel (col), res R cor 8th.Barker & Bro, C W Barker and Joel Barker, auctionand commission, 508 Commercial.Barker, C W. Barker & Bro, res Sp ring bet 6th and 7 th.Barker, F H, city clerk, res cor 4th and U. 'Barker, Joel, Barker & Bro, res Spring bet 6th and 7th.Bakou, Herman, emp A G Otis, res same.Barnett, Miss M M, res 7th bet Q and R.Barnes, Martin, mail agent A T & S F R R, bds GrandCentral. . ,.{,'Barnes, W C, printer, Champion, rps Kansiis.. ave bet7th and 8th.Ba rratt, M , cash Atchison National Ban k, bds OtisHouse. v .,'.Barron, Wm , elk, bds Grand Central. ,

  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    Solid Silver-Ware for Sale by J. L. Bliss'.40 ATCHISON CITY DIRECTORY.L. KIPER. J . KIPER. H. KIPER.L . K I P E R & S O N S ,

    WHOL ES AL E DEAL ER S I.N-Leather and Findings,U T I L E S - ! . F U K . S ,

    WOOL, PELTS AND TALLOW,No. 613 COMMERCIAL STREET. ATCHISON, KANSAS.Benning, James, res Main cor 7th.Benning, Philip, blacksmith, res Main bet 8th and 9th.Bereman, S 0 , drugg ist, books and statio nery , 510Commercial.Bergstrand , John A, tailor, res cor 7th and Utah av e.Berkey, Howard, res 10th cor Laramie.Berlander, Wm . emp McCabe's, res Commercial bet 7thand 8th.Berna rd, Miss 0 , res Chas N Regnier.Bernhorster, Henry, res over 515 Commercial.Bernstein, S, pawnbroker, 5th bet Commercial and Kansas avenue, rooms same.Berry, Mrs Ja ne , res with Alfred Shaw.

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    ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ J . L . Bl i ss ' .4 2 A T C H I S O N C I T Y D I R E C T O R Y . " " '

    Bossbammer, John, res 2d bet Laramie and Atchison.Bosshammer, Lewis, res 2d bet Laramie and Atchison.Boss, Mrs Kate, res Mound cor 8th.Boswell & Lincoln, Wm F Boswell, Geo F Lincoln,props Atchison machine shop, n 6th.Boswell, Wm F, Boswell & Lincoln.Boswick, Henry R, clerk, res 7th near Utah ave.Bowen, Carleton K, res Kansas ave bet 8 th and 9 th.Bowen, Ernst E, res Kansas ave bet 8th and 9th.Bowen, John, bartender J O'Donnell, res 7th.Bowen, Wm A, brick mason, res Kan ave bet 8thand 9th.

    Bowen, Dr W H, d entist, over 412 Commercial, res corKansas ave and 9th.Bowles, Wm, emp Omnibus Transfer Co.Bowman, Chris, res s of elevator.Bowman, Frank , res Dr J G H T Johnson.Bowan, John, saloon, res 7th bet S and T.Bowan, Wm, res 7th bet S and T.B O W M A N & M U R P H Y , Wm Bowman, ThosMurphy, props Central Mills, 6th cor Kansas ave.Bowman, Wm, Bowman & Murphy, res Santa Fe cor 3d.Boyd, Capt, res 4th, s end.Boyle, John, lab, res Atchison bet 1st and river.Br *.eke, Albert, meat market, 409 Commercial, ,res Qbet Atchison and Santa Fe.Bracke, Chas, elk, res 2d bet Atchison and Sa nta Fe .B R A D F O R D , D T , musical instruments and merchandise, pianos and organs, 512 Commercial, res Qbet 7th and 8th. Bradford, Wm (col), res 9th cor Q.Bradish, A B & Co, sash, doors and blinds, 4th corUtah ave.

    Bradish, A B , A B Bradish & Co, res Q eor 4th .Bradley, Albert, mason, res Atchison bet 1st and river.Bradley, Edward, res Tremont House.y

    Clocks of all Kinds at J. L. Bliss'.ATC HI S ON C I TY D I R E C TOR Y. 4 3

    Brady, Anna, with Mrs H J Cusack, res same.Brady, Frank, agent M U Ex, bds Legal Tender.Brady, Patrick, bds 6th cor Q.Brady, Patrick, emp Cincinnati House.Brady, Thomas, elk A T & S F R R, res 6th cor Q.Brakey, Wm, res with H V Hinman. -Brainerd, A, publisher Atchison City Directory, bdsAvenue House.Brandn er, Adolph, res 7th bet Commercial and Ka nsasave. .

    rBrandner, Augusta, res 2d floor cor Commercial and 8th.Brandner, Gustave, tobacco, 412 Commercial, res n e e8th and Santa Fe.Brandne r, Hen ry, grocer, Commercial cor 7th, res 7thbet Commercial and Kansas ave.Brashay, Mrs Ellen, res Atchison bet 1st and river.Brazois, Mary, emp J T Coplan, res same.Breen, Patrick, emp Mo P R R, res 3d s of Park.Breen, Patsey, res 3d s of Park.Brenner, Nicholas, book-keeper, res Santa Fe cor 8th.B R I G G S , W S & S O N , W S Briggs, C D Briggs,425 Commercial, bet 4th and 5th.Briggs, Chas D, W S Briggs & Son, res 5th bet S and T1 Briggs, W S, W S Briggs & Son, res 5th bet S and TBrierly, Henry (col) emp C N Seip & Co, res 3d, w end.Brown, Alex, lime kiln, 8th, cor Laramie.Brown, Alex M, elk, res 2d and Riley.Brown, A prop Brown Hotel, Ea st^ tch iso n.B R O W N , C H A S W , elk F J Wend ell, res 7thbet Spring and Q.Brown Hotel, A Brown, prop, East Atchison.Brown, Jerry, route agent, res 7th bet Spring and Q.Brown, John H, elk, res cor 2d and Riley.Brown & Bier, J P Brown and F Bier, money loaning,218

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    JL2 WJ BesJ.u n m A g e n t .44 ' " ' -ATCH1S0N CITV DIRECTORY.Brown, J P. Brown & Bier, res 2d cor Riley-Brown, Mrs M C, res 7th bet Spring and Q.Brown, Mrs Maggie, res Thomas Kelly.Brown, Mrs, res 4th bet Santa Fe and Atchison.Brown, Susan, res 12th below Main.Brown, Thomas, line repairer W XJ Tel Co, res 3d cor Kearney. , .Brown, Wm, res East Atchison.Brown, (col), res Parallel bet Sth and 9 th . ,.Bruce, G T, res 8th, s end.Bruce, II G (col), saloon, 4th bet Main and Park, res. Mound bet 5th and 6th.

    Bruengger, Chas, physician, res 9th cor Kearney. Jpruner, Henry, res Santa Fe W A.Bruner, W, res Kansas ave bet 4th and Sth.Brunswig, Daniel, veterinary surgeon, res 5th cor Park.Brunswig, L N, druggist, 50 4. Commercial, room sam e.Bryan, Jason (col), porter A & N R R.Bryning, J V, physician, over 413 Commercial, res 7th,cor Park.Bryant, Russell, res Santa Fe bet 5th and 6th.Bub, Miss Amanda, emp H C Root, res same.Buck, Giles B, trav agent, res 4 brick row s 4th. ;Bucknum, J R, gunsmith, 606 Commercial, res cor9th and Santa. F e.Buddegt, Daniel, emp C Weber, res sameBueltei , Benj, tailor C Weber, bds Tremont.Bullen, E J, res Main W A.Bunch, H D . res 6th bet Park and Spring.Bunch, G M; resv6th bet Park and Spring.Burchan, Jack, res 7th bet T and U.Burchan, Peter, res 7th bet T and XJ.Burk, James, lab, res 5th cor Kansas ave.B U R K H A R T & P R E T Z E L , J W B urkhart- and A W Pretzel, prop Elk Horn soda factory, mafgof soda water, 6th bet Kansas ave and Santa Fe.

    Violins, Accordeons, Strings, & c , at J L. Bliss'.A T C H I S O N C I T Y D I R E C T O R Y . 4 5

    Burkhart , J W, Burkhart & Pretzel.Burkstrand , John , tailor Davies, res 7th cor Utah aveBuranugh, Lucius, mechanic; res 6th cor Spring.Burnes, Alice, bds T Plunket.Burnes, Moses, emp Atlantic House, res same.Burns. Thomas, bds T Plunket.Burtchett, Mrs Elizabeth, res 2d s of Pa rk.Burtchett, Daniel, emp C Weber.Burtchett, Wm, lab, res 2d s of Park.Bultze, Burnhard, tailor, bds Tremont House.Burton, Mary S, res D Shepard.Busy, Noah (col), res 7th cor Spring.Buster res s s Commercial near cor Sth.Butcher Ephraim, res 3d bet Kansas ave and Santa Fe.Butch er, Geo W, route agent, res Commercial bet 10thand 11th.Butcher, Thos, res Commercial bet 10th and 11th.Bute, M, emp C & R I R R, bds Pacific House.Butler, Henry (col), res Washington cor Kearney.Butler, John (col), res Atchison bet 11th and 12th.Butler, Robert lab, res Kan ave W AButler (col), res Division bet 3d and 4th.Butman, Jud ah, gunsm ith, res Commercial bet 9 thand 10th. -Button, Mrs, E res s Park.Byram A, bank, res Santa Fe cor 11th.Byrn es, Chas, stone mason, res 2d near cath edra l.

    G_ . *Cain Bros, J M C ain, A D Cain, grain and groceries,

    Main bet Union and Roberts,Cain, A D, Cain Bros.Cain, J M, Gain Bros, res W A .Cain, J W, res W A .

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    S e w i n g M a c h i n e s , N e e d l e s and Oil at J. L . B l i s s ' .4 6 -; '.". r ATC HI S ON C I TY DI R EC TOR Y. $H$}

    W M. HETHERINGTON VS . tt Hr:TJi! i ;uLN roisE 1 0 H A N 6Ok''

    W I L L I A M H E T H E R I N G T O N & C O .,A T C H I S O N , - - - K A N S A S .O L D E S T B A N K IN G H O U S E I N A T C H I S O N C I T Y .

    ESTABLISHED Ilf 1S50.C o r n e r F o u r t h an d 'Commerc ia l s t r e e t s .

    Ca i r n s , P a t r i c k H , p las te re r , r e s Santa Fe be t 4 thand 5 th .Ca in , W 8 , Ca in Bros , r e s Main , W A.Calderhead, Re v . E B , r e s Murphy ' s b lock , n 5 th .Caiderhead, S a m u e l , te l op, r e s M ur phy ' s b lock , n 5 t h .Cahferhead, W A, a t t y , ove r 40 8 Comm erc ia l, r e s 5 thbe t Ka nsa s ave and Comm erc ia l .Ca lk ins , Mrs Emily , r e s 3d cor Utah ave .Ca u ik in s , W m , b d s T P l u n k e t , W A .Ca l l a h a n D a v id , d r a ug h t s ma n , r e s La r a mie n e a r 5 th .Ca l la han , M rs Ha r r ie t t , r e s 7 th be t Q and R.Call , Wm , lab Mo P R R R, res s of br id ge:Ca lve r t , Mrs J M , r e s Santa Fe be t 4 th and 5 t h .Cameron , Thomas , s teward Ot is House .Cam pbell , Ann a (col) , res foot of Laram ie.Cam pbell , Chas, engin eer A & N R R, bds Tremont.Campbe l l , C M, conduc to r , bds Ot is Hou se .Campbe l l , Samue l , emp Or A V Dear ie , r e s same .Campbe l l , S P , ca rp en te r , r e s Atchison be t 10 tha n d 1 1 th .

    Canal, G eo, (col) , res s of e levato r .Ca n t e r b e r r y , Ro o t ( c o l ) , emp R D You ng, r e s same .

    "W a tc h e s , C lo c k s a n d J e w e l r y Re p a i r e d a t J . L . B l i s s ' .ATCHISON CITY DIRECT ORY. 47

    Car lson , A C, bookkeeper C N Re g n ie r , b d s G r a n dCe n t r a l .Ca r le ton , A butche r , r e s Main W A.Car le s , Michae l , b l a c k s mi th , r e s Pa rk be t 3d and 4 th .Carl , Gree n, (col) , res S cor 6th .Ca r n e y , P a t r i c k , r e s E a s t A tc h i s o n .Ca r n e y , T h o ma s , r e s E a s t A tc h i s o n .Ca r n e y , M r s B r id g e t , r e s E a s t A tc h i s o n .Ca r p e n t e r , Ch a s , e mp S E E K , r e s La r a mie b e t 7 thand 8 th .Ca r r , Jam es , emp Ot is Hou se , r e s 2d be t Utah ave andP a r k .Ca r r o l l , J a me s , elk K e l s e y & S imp s o n , b d s T r e mo n t .Ca r ro l l , Jo hn , emp, A & N R R, bds Cinc inna t i Ho u se .Ca r ro l l , M, ca r r iage make r J C McC ul ly , r e s Pa rk .Ca r s o n , M r s ( c o l ) , r e s T h o ma s M c C ub b in .Ca r t e r , E d w a r d , c a r p e n t e r , r e s Co mme r c i a l cor 1 1 t h .Ca r te r , E J , sa loon 216 Comm erc ia l, r e s 3d be t Commerc ia l and Main .Ca r te r , C M, ha rne ss mak e r J M cln te e r , r e s r ea r 732 Com.Car te r , Je ss ie , r e s Commerc ia l co r levee .Ca r te r , Lawrence , emp A & N R R, bds Pacific H o u s e .Ca s e y , W m , h a r n e s s ma k e r J M c ln t e e r , r e s P a r a l l e l .Car ver , I I E, te legrap h oper ator W U office , bds Gr andCe n t r a l .C a v i n a u g h , Sam ue l ( co l ), r e s Wa shing ton cor Div is ion .Gary , Sa l ly ( co l ), r e s Ka nsa s ave be t 7 th and 8 th .C E N T R A L B R A N C H U N I O N P A C I F I CR R , R M P o me r o y p r e s t , Bo s to n , T h o s M S o th e r s e c ya n d t r e a s , N Y, Maj W F Dow ns gen'l sup t and landcommiss ione r , Main cor 4 t h ; f ro m A tc h i s o n to W a te r -v i l le , Kas , d is tance 100 mi le s .Car v, Eliza (col) , res Kans as ave bet 7th and 8 th.C E ' N T R A L M I L L S , B ow m an & M u r ph y , p ro ps ,6 th cor Kansas ave .Ce r e , H e n r y , e mp , U S E x p r e s s Co .

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    A m e r i c a n W a tc h e s i n G o ld & S i l v e r Ca s e s a t J . L . B l i s s ' .4 ATC HI S ON C I TY DI R EC TOR Y.Chall iss Bros & Co , groce r s , 4 th be t C ommerc ia l and

    M a in .Chall iss , Geo T, Chall iss Bros & Co, res 4th, s end.Chall iss , W L, Chall iss B ros & Co, res 1st cor Kansasave .Cha l l i s s , L C, v p res t Ka nsa s Land and Im mi gran t As s .Cha l l i s s , Wal te r , r e s 4 th s end .Cham p, Ro ber t , l ab , r e s Kearn ey be t 7 th and 8 th .Ch a p ma n , G A , elk, r e s Ot is Ho use .Chase , A , photog rapher , r e s Santa Fe be t 7 th and 8 th .Chase , sh ip ca rpente r , bds Cinc inna t i Rouse .Ch e s e b r o u g h , M r s B , res 2d bet Commercial a n d K a n -sas ave .

    Chew. L M , emp U S Exp res s Co , r e s Main be t 9 th an d1 0 t h .C H I C A G O & A T C H I S O N B R I D G E , L LTodd supt, office at bridge.C, R I & P R R tic ke t office, H C O R R , A G E N T ,cor 3d and Com merc ia l .Chisam, S T , a ss t t icke t agent H & S t Jo Bit , r e s E a s tA tc h i s o n .Chi le s , Thomas D, r e s 6 th be t San ta Fe and Atc h iso n .Chiles , M rs Caroline , res Tho mas Metcalfe ,Ch i ld s , H e n r y , emp J C Fox , r e s same .Chr is t ie , A M, pa in te r , 414 Com merc ia l , r e s 6 th be t Land Div is ion .C H U R C H , C C , elk, r e s Santa Fe be t 6 th and 7 th .Ch urch, F C, agen t, res 7 th cor Q.Church , W W,elk dis t r ic t cour t , r e s Atch iso n b e t 5 tha n d 6 th .Churchward , J A , b lacksmi th , bds E Kle in .C I N C I N N A T I H O U S E , C I I Duf fy prop , Com-mercia l cor 2d.C I T Y M I L L , Blair & Auld p r o p s , 4t h b e t Main an d

    U ta h a v e .Cla re , M ary , emp J Thras he r , r e s same .

    L a d i e s ' G o id W a tc h e s a n d Ch a in s a t J . L . B l i s s ' .ATCHISON C I TY DI R EC TOR Y. 49

    Cla rk , A , r e s Main , W A.Clark, Chas C, carpenter , res 6th cor Q.Clark, E M, cashier H & St Jo e , res 2d bet San ta Feand K a n s a s a v e .Clark, Rev J Hu nte r , pas tor P resb yte r ian church , bdsKan sas ave cor Santa Fe .Cla rk , John , ca rpente r , r e s Kearney cor 12 th .Clark, M rs Lizzie (col) , res 6th bet Atch ison and Par -a lle l .Cla rk , Dr N C, rou te agent A N R E , res Atchison co r6 t h .Clark e, Otis , engineer C B U P R R, res C omm ercia l ,W A .Cla rk . Pa t r ick , r e s Main , W A .Clark, Reason (col) , res S cor 6th.Cla rk , R icha rd , a t H & S t Joe , r e s 2d be t San ta Fe andKansas ave .Clark, Wm , res 12th below Main .Clay , Hen ry (co l ) , l ab r e s 2d be t Riley and Div is ion .Clav , Lau ra (co l) , res 5th bet Q and R.C la y . W J lab, res 8th cor Park.Clemens , Miss E l len , r e s C S t rausbach .

    Cl i te s , Fannie , r e s wi th Sam ue l McC le l lan .Cl i te s , James , r e s Q be t 6 th and 7 th .Cl i te s , Noah , r e s Q bet 6th and 7th.Clouser , Geo, loan broker , 4th bet Commercial a n d K a n -sas ave, res Division bet 5th and 6th.Cloyes, M J, boots and shoes, 319 Com mercia l , res cor7 th and Pa ra l le l .Clu te , Sanford , a t At lan t ic House , r e s same .Coa lya rd , Herm an, r e s 3d s Pa rk .Coan , Mary , r e s Main be t 3d and 4 th .Coa tes , H A, elk, r e s Utah ave be t 6 th and 7 th .Cobb, Gu y, lab, res Atch ison be t 1st and r iv er .Cobb , He nry , r e s 12 th cor La ram ie .

  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    Fine Gold and Plated Jewelry at J. L. Bliss' ..ATCHISON C I T Y D I R E C T O R Y .

    Cobb, Wm J, lab, res 8th cor Riley.Cobb, W J, res J B Marvin.Coburn, D S , baker, res Atchison bet 6th and 7th.C O C H R A N , C P , supt telegraph and master oftransportation A & N R R, res e s 2d bet Laramieand Kearney.C O C H R A N , C F , atty at law, justice oi' the peace,4th bet Commercial and Kansas ave, res Mound bet5th and 6th.Cochrane, W W, prest Perpetual Savings Bank, resKansas ave cor 7th.Cody, Joh n J, fireman gas wi>rks, res Main bet 9thand 10th.Cogswell, Sophia, res Main bet 6th and 7th.Cole, Elijah, emp A & N R R, re s Main bet 6th and 7th.Cole, Jo hn , engineer W est Atchison mills, res K ansasave, W A.Coleman, Geo, messenger U S Ex Co, bds Grand Cen tral. *Coleman, Jam es, wagon m aker S McC, res 2d cor TJ.Coleman, John G, moulder, bds Cincinnati House.Coleman, Patrick, res Commercial W A.Coleman, Mrs, res East Atchison.Collier, Isaac (col , emp A Welte, res 4th.Collins, Dana, res 8th s end.Collins, Michael, res 8th s end. ,Collins, Michael, lab, res 6th bet U and V.Collins, Wm, conductor A T & S F R R, rest W A.Collins, bds 2d cor Santa Fe.Compton, James, carpenter, res 3d s of Park.Compton, John, lab, res 3d s of Park.Conner, Daniel, emp R R, res 6th cor V.Connors, Thos, lab, res 7th, s end.Connor MichHel, emp Mo Pa c R R, bds Pacific House.Connoway, James, lab, res Riley below 1st.Considine, John, res Farmers' Home.

    Morton's_Gold_ Pens, " T H E B E S T , " at J. L. Bliss'.- * C 1A T C H I S O N C I T Y D I R F X T O R Y . *> *

    Conroy. Timothy, lab, res 7th bet T and U.Conway, Wash (col), res Washington cor Riley.Cook, Albert, res with J S Fisk, 2d.Cook, Charles, res Santa Fe cor 4th.Cook, Mrs E T, res Santa Fe cor 4th.Cook, JaniesJ, res Geo F Lincoln.Cook, W W, lab, res 2d s of Park.Cooper, Rev Ed wa rd, D D, res 4th bet S pring and Q.Cooper, C J, res East Atchison.Gooney, Geo, res East Atchison.C O P L A N , J T , cashier 1st National bank, res 2dcor Atchison.Corbin, Mrs Clara, res Atchison bet 7th and 8th.Corder, Richard, (col), res foot of Laramie.Corey, A J B, res Q bet 5th and 6th.Corrigan, John, lab, res Division cor 3d.Corrigan, Michael, res Division cor 3d.Corrigan. Thomas, lab, res 1st cor Laramie.Costan, Jack (col), res Atchison bet 8th and 9th.Costello, John, carpenter, res Parallel cor 4th.Costello, P B , job printer, Champion, res cor 1 2th and

    Mound.Cotter, Edward, lab, bds Cincinnati House.Cottor, John, stone cutter, 2d cor Division.Cotter, Wm, mason, res Spring bet 6th and 7th.C O U C H , E B, book-keeper A & N R R Co, res brick

    row, e 6th.Couch, Mrs K E, res with E B Couch.C O V E R T , J M & C O , J M Covert and J CAuld, coal, 3d near cor Utah ave.Covert, J M, J M Covert & Co, res brick row, s 6th.Covert, J S, carpen ter, res 9th bet Riley and Mound.

    Cox, Aaron, wheelright, res Laramie bet 6th and 7th.Cox, Geo (col), lab, res 5th bet R and S.Cox, Kathren, emp S Bernstein, res same.Craft, B S, engineer, res Laramie cor 8th.

  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    Am erican W atche s in Gold & Silver Cases at J.L. Bliss'5 2 ^ ATC HI S ON C I TY DI R EC TOR Y.

    AL B ER T H. HoR TON. li . P . WAGGENER .

    HORTON & WAGGENER,A t t o r n e y s iC o u n s e l l o r s a t L a w


    C R A L L , J C , city marshal, liver' and sale stable,Commercial, cor 6th, res cor Commercial and 6th.'Cramer, J B, res Santa Fe bet 6th and 7th.Cranshaw, J C, barber, res Santa Fe bet 4th and 5th.Creitz, Wrn A, res 12th W A.Cranes, Peter, barber, res Kansas ave bet 5th and 6th.Grookbam, Miss Eliza, res S A Frazier.C R O O K H A M & N E A L , W H Crookham, 0 JNeal. architec ts, builders and und ertakers , 4th betMain and Utah ave.Crookham, W H, "'Crookham & Neal, res Moand.

    Crook, Wm R, U S mail agent, res Spring bet 8th and9th.Crowell, John M, res Kansas ave cor 7th.Crowell, Mrs J W, milliner, 502 Comm ercial, res corPark and 8th.Crowley, Timothy, lab, res 8th s end.Crowley, Thomas (col), res 7th above Division,Culeton, James, res Main W A.Cullinan, John, elk M Lavelle, bds same.Cunningham, Daniel, restaurant, 4th bet Main and Com-mercial, res same.C U R T I S , G N , clerk A & N R R office bds cor 6thand Parallel.

    Gold, Pearl and Plated Studs and Buttons at J. L, Bliss'ATC HI S ON CITY DI R EC TOR Y. 53

    Cusack, Mrs H J, over 413 Commercial, res same.Cusack, Thomas, res over 415 Commercial.Cashing Geo, res 4th bet T and U.D

    Dale, Willis (col), emp A S Everest, res same.Daily, John, with J C Crall, res 4th cor S.Daly, Peter, carpenter, res Q bet 4th and 5th.Dallas, Marion, res Bast Atchison.D A N I E L S , A M O S A , elk C B U P R R, Co,res 8th.Daniels, Mrs Mary, res 8th bet Park and Spring.Darrah, David, res 6th bet Laramie and Kearney.Da rrah, S M, clerk P 0 , res 6th bet Laramie andKearney.Davenport, Benj, (col), res Kansas ave bet 7th and 8th.D A V I E S , W M M , merchant ta ilor, 414 Commer-cial, res cor 7th and parallel.Davies, Wm, clerk, res cor 7th and Parallel.David, Henry, res Atchison cor 6th.Davidson, W M, bookke eper Hetherington's bank, res3d cor Santa Fe.Davis, Charles, painter, res 5th cor T.Davis, E S, painter, res 5th bet Kearney and Mound.Davis, F, shoemaker, res Santa Fe bet 4th and 5th.Davis, George, res Laramie cor 10th.Davis; John (col), res 2d s of Park.Davis, Le wis, res R bet 7 th and 8 th.Davis, Mary (col), emp H Solomon.Davis, Mrs Maria (col), res s s Commercial bet 7th and8th

    Davis, Merrit, lab, res 4th cor Mound.Davis, S B, grocer, Commercial bet 9th and 10 th, rescor 4th and Park.Davis, Samuel, emp S Bernstein, res same.

  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    Fine, Medium an d Chea p Spectacles at J . L, Bliss'.54 ATCHISON CITY DIRECTORY.

    Davis, T B, carpenter, res 7th cor Parallel.Dav, C S A, traveling agent Challiss Bro & Co.D E A N E , G A A , chief clerk '0 B IJ P R R Co,res 5th, bet Atchison and Parallel.D E A R B O R N , C H & C O , butter and eggs,Murphy's block, n 5th.Dearborn, C H , C H, Dearborn & Co, bds AuenueHouse.Dearborn, James, emp A & N R R, res 6th near Par k.Decker, A B, res Spring, bet 4th and 5th. De Forest, Mrs, res Atchison cor 6th.Degan, John, lab, Mo P R R res s of bridge.Began, Owen, livery cor Main and 6th, res Park cor 5th.De Graff, M, salesman, r^s Commercial bet 10th and

    11th.D E L A N Y , M A R T I N , prop Pacific Hote l, ressame.De Moylan, Michael, salesman, T K Foster.D E N T O N , H E N R Y , commercial traveler G CHixon & Co, res s w c Atchison and 6th.Denison, M B, miller, res Kansas ave bet 9th and 10th.Denorest, Nelson, emp A & N R R, res 3d bet Laramieand Parallel.

    Devin, A, blacksmith, Commercial bet 7th and 8th, res12th cor Laramie.Devin, Abram, jr , farmer, res 5th cor Laramie.Dever, H W, emp Mo P R R, res Q bet 4th and 5th.Devin, J, room.cor Santa Fe and 4th.De Witt, J B, engineer C B U P R R, res Utah ave bet4th and 5th.Dickson, Edw in R, engineer Champion, res cor Thirdand Spring Garden.Diesback, Henry res 4th bet Spring and Park.Disord, Daniel, blacksmith S McC.Ditz, John , res 4 brick row, 6th.Dixon, Alice, emp J S Fisk.

    Solid Silver-Ware for Sale by J. L. Bliss'.


    Dixon, A B, res S bet 6th and 7th.Dixon, Joseph, res 4th s end.Dixon, Wm, (col), lab, res Kansas ave cor 3d.Dix, Milton, carp, res L near 7th.Dizart, Da nie l, (col), blacksmith, res 8th bet Divisionand L.Dizer, John (col), res 12th cor Mound.Dobbs, Jam es, with J C Crall, res over 521 Commercial.Dobson, Geo, policeman, res Main cor 7th.Dolan, Patrick, lab, res 3d s of Park.Dolan, Wm F , grocer, 427 Commercial, cor 5th, res 2dcor Kearney.Donald, A F, res East Atchison.Dorsey, Edward H, barber, Kansas ave bet 5th and 6th.Dosdale, Samuel, telegraph op, bds Tremont House.Doty Molly, bds Main bet 4th and 5th.Dougan, Annie, bds Main bet 4th and 5th.I Dougan, A G, baggage master A S F e R R, res 8th betCommercial and Kansas ave.Dougan, James , lab, res 11th cor Laramie.Dougherty, Hugh, mason, res 4th cor Division.Dougherty, John,- emp A & S F R R, res 8th cor

    Atchison. * .Downing, Benj^ porter, res 8th above Division.Downing, Isaac i col), lab, res 8th above L.Dawson, John, bds T Pluoket, W A.D O W N S , F W , cashier C B U P R R Co, resFourth bet Kearney and Riley.D O W N S , H O N W F , geo'l supt C B U P R R,land commissioner, office at depot, res 3d cor Atchison.Doyle, James , book-keeper, bds Otis House- .Doyle, M J, res Kansas ave bet 6th and 7th.Doyle, J H, book-keeper, bds Grand Central.Drummond, Napoleon, engineer A & N RR , res Parallel,be t 9 th and 10th.

  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    ^SSSSSSshS . * W Cases at,.L. B l i s s ,ATCHISON CITY DIRECTORY.

    JTCHISON, KAN848.C A P I T A L PAID~IN ~ ~ $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0

    Commenced Business, 1&G&.A. G. OTIS, I. S. PARKER, THOMAS MURPHY,E. R. BROWN, JULIUS KUHN, R. B. MORRIS, R. A. PARK.A. G. OTIS, President. THOS. METCALFE, Attorney.I. S. PARKER, Vice-Pre:*. R. A. PARK, Cashier.

    Drury R B, clerk, res Laramie bet 6th and 7th.DufHeld, Hattie, bds Commercial cor Levee.Duffield, Katie, bds Commercial cor Levee.D U F F Y , C H , prop Cincinnati House, res same.Duffy, John, emp Cincinnati House.Dumphy, James, emp G 0 Hixon & Co.Duncan, Philip, res 7th bet T and TJ.

    Duncan, A B, harness-maker, res 7th bet Kansas aveand Santa Fe.Duncan, Wm H, printer Champion, res 7th bet Kan sas

    ave and Santa Fe.Dunn, Dennis, res East Atchison.Dunn, I M, atty at law over 420 Commercial.Dunn, Matthew, baggageman Mo P R R, res Park bet5th and 6th.Dunton, Samuel, res 7th bet Park and Spring.Dunthy, James, res Park bet 6th and 7th.Durfy, Wm, express man, res 9th cor Parallel.D U R S T & C O , meat market 3d bet Main andCommercial.Durst, Chas, Durst & Co, res R bet 7th and 8th.Durst, John, Durst & Co, res 3d bet Main and Commercial. . ' ';

    Gold and Silver Headed Canes at J. L. Bliss',ATCHISON CITY DIRECTORY. 57

    Durst, Chas, Jerome & D urst.Dwyer, Patrick, lab, res 2d beyond Division.Dysert, John, emp A B Symns.

    Eave, James, lab, res 6th cor V.Early, Benj, driving hack, res brick row s 4th.Early, J H, gunsmith J Leu, res 3d s of Park.Eaton, James, emp A & N R R, bds Fremont House.Eberling, Frank, grain dealer, bds Ceo Held.Eekert, Michael, shoemaker Jo hn Bemer, res over 304Commercial.Edgerton, Samuel, lab, res 2d s of Park.Edie, TC carpenter, res Q bet 7th and 8th.Edm iston, Ja s M, groceries 323 Commercial, res s 4th.Fdwards, Joshua, res Main, W A.Egerton, Samuel, res J H Tabor.Eggleston, A, carpenter, res 4th cor TJ.Eggleston, La Rue, clerk, res 4th cor TJ.| Eggleston, Perr y, res 4th cor TJ.Eggleston, Samuel, emp Mo P R R, res 4th cor TJ.Ehret, Fred, clerk, res 506 Commercial.Eisler, Henry S, second hand store n s Commercial bet6th and 7th, res Commercial.Elder, Bailey, lab, res Commercial, W A.E L K H O R N S O D A F A C T O R Y , Burkhart& Pretzel props, 6th bet Kansas ave and Santa Fe .Elliott, H M, clerk Quigg & Allen.Ellis, E5>saloon 619 Commercial bet 5th and 6th, res n5th bet Kansas ave and Santa Fe.Ellis, L, clerk, bds 5th bet Kansas ave and Santa Fe.Ellis, Lorenz, baker, res 5th bet Kansas ave andSanta Fe.

  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    Estey Organs are the Best, J. L. Bliss, Agent._ . .- -,_ _ - , ^ -


    Elliston, H enr y, att y at law over 325 Commercial, resCommercial bet 7th and 8th.Ellsworth, Patrick, res U bet 7th and 8th.Elson, Josef h, res E ast Atchison.Emerlet, John, tinsmith, bds Geo Held.Emler, Jaco b, carpenter, res Commercial bet 9th and10th.Emm eluth, Joh n, tinsmith, res Commercial W. A.Emslie, Mrs J A, res W H Crookham.Enfield, John, lab, res 4th near Division.Ennis, Peter, clerk Peter Walters, rooms 5th.Engleman, Miss Hattie, res 6th cor Kansas ave.Engleman, Miss Martha, res 6th cor Kansas ave.Erline, Prank, emp Mo P R R, bds F Wunck.Esters, Isaac (col), lab, res Riley below 1st.Esters , Josh (col), res W ashington near R iley.Esters, Wm lab, res Washington cor Riley.Estes, Alanson, lab, res 4th bet S and T.,Estes, Elias, lab, res 4th bet 8 and T.Estes, H enry, lab, res 4th bet S and T.Evan s, John , emp A & N R R, res 8th bet Divisionand L,

    Eva ns, Samuel K, carpenter, res Commercial bet 9thand 10th.E V E R E S T , A A R O N , atty at law* over 209 Commercial, res cor 5th and Laramie.Eve rest, Pran k L, stenographer over 209 Commercial, -res 5th and Laramie.E V E R E T T , R D , asst treas Atchison & NebraskaRR Co? res 2d cor Santa Pe.

    ;' FPagan, John, emp A T & S P R R, res Utah ave cor 6th.Fail, John, lab, res Atchison bet 1st and river.

    Clocks of all Kinds at J. L. Bliss',ATCHISON CITY DIRECTORY. 59

    F A R M E R S A N D M E C H A N I C S H O U S E ,709 Commercial, Geo Held, prop.F A R N S W O R T H , D E 5 ticket agent Hannibal& St Jo R R, office 209 Commercial, res Atchison cor7th.Farmers' Home, Timothy Gorman prop, Main cor 9th.Parrar, A O, bartender Otis House, res same.Parris, J M, monuments, 3d bet Main and Commercial, .res Parallel bet 6th and 7th.Farrow, Wm H, physician, res 9th cor Mound.Farwell, Chas H, cabinet maker, res 5th cor Q.Fau st, A C, hardware 422 Commercial, res Park bet 6thand 7th.

    Felder, Bruno, watchmaker, res F Sutter.Fell, Amos, res 5th bet Kansas ave and Santa Fe.Ferguson, Sam uel, sewing machines, res over 508 Commercial.Filson, C C, conductor A & N R R, bds Otis House.Finney, J K, clerk res 2d bet Laramie and Kearney.Finne y, M rs. Ka te, res 2d bet Laramie and Kearn ey.F I R S T N A T I O N A L B A N K , incorporated18 67 ; authorized capital, $3 00 ,00 0: paid in capital,$100,000; David Auld, prest, C G Foster v prest, J1 T Coplan cash, S A Frazier, asst cash; Commercialcor 2d.Fischering, P H, physician, res 2d bet Atchison andParallel.Fisher, C, carpenter, res 6th cor U.Fisher, Harvey, R R conductor, res 4th cor V.Fisher, Joseph (col), emp Tremont Hou se, res same.Fishe r, J K, fire ins agent, 4th bet Comm ercial andKansas ave, res 4th cor V.

    Fisher, John W, clerk, res 6th bet T and U.Fisher, Lefteridge, emp A & S F RR, res 6th cor U.Fish, Miss Emma B, bds 6th bet Santa Pe and Atchison.Fishwick, Geo engineer Central Mills.

  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    Plated Ware of the Best Quality at J, L. Bliss1.6 0 A T C H I S O N C I T Y D I R E C T O R Y .

    I H I T BILLIA RD HALLC. T. SCANLON, Proprie tor .w .


    ALSO, IMPO RTER S OF WINES, LIQU ORS AND CIGARSOF THE BEST BRANDS.Fish, J S, contractor, res 2d bet Kansas aye and Santa

    F e .Fiss, Fred, emp H Lips, res same.Fitzpatrick, Mrs, res Q cor 8th.Flannery, John, lab, res 8th s end.F L E I S C H E R , E D , editor and prop Atchison Courier, res 7th cor Santa Fe.Fleming, John, res Main W A.Flemming, M K, freight agent, res Laramie cor 6th.Florence, Stew art & Co, notions, 4th bet Commercial aridMain.Florence, Geo L, Florence & Stewart, res 4th bet P arkand Spring.Flueoh, Josephine, bds Kansas ave bet 4th and 5th. ; IFole y, Daniel, lab, res 7th cor T..

    Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired at J. L. Bliss1.ATCHISON CITY DIRECTORY.

    Foelling, John, emp A F Winzer, res cor Division and9th.Foo ttit, Josep h, carpenter, res 7th bet M ound and Di-F O R B R I G E R , R O B E R T , v prest German Savings Bank, and life and fire ins agent, in bank building, res 5th cor Atchison.Ford, Mrs Anna (col), res 2d s of Park.Forgung, A, cook, Otis House.F O R M A N , H W , telegraph operator A & N R Roffice, res 6th cor S.Forman, Mrs Kate, res 6th cor S.F O S T E R , C G , v prest Firs t National Bank, TJ SJudge, over Atchison National Bank, bds Otis House.Foster, Emma, res with Dr Bowen.Foster, Harry, engineer A & S F RR , res. Main cor 8th.Foster, Miss Mary, res I F Jelf.Foster, R C, cash T K Foste r, res cor 6th and Laramie.F O S T E R , T K, dry goods, 428 Commercial, rescor 6th and Laramie.Fouche, Rev John A, pastor A M E Church, res Parallel bet 7th and 8th.Fountain, Pitts, porter.Fouts, Alfred (col), res Riley bet 3d and 4th.Fouts. Levi (col), res Commercial bet 1st and 2d.Fouts, R A, res Riley bet 4th and 5th.Fowler, E V, res Parallel cor 8th.Fowler, Sidney, res East Atchison.Fox , J C, McPike & Allen, res 3d bet Kearney andLaramie.Fox, J W, Moulder, bds Cincinnati House.Frailey, Mrs, res East Atchison.FRANK. , L , clothier, hats , caps, furnishing goods,trun ks and valibes, Commercial cor 3d, res 7 th andKansas ave.Frank, Martin, res 7th eorKansas ave.

  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    Sewing Machines, Needles and Oil at J. JL. Bliss5.62 ATCHISON CITY DIRECTORY. -*~~~* ~ ~~ ~~ -~ -~~ -~ " "

    *F R A N K E , T H E O , groceries and provisions, MainW A, res same. *Franklin, Delia, emp T J Riggs, res same.F R A Z I E R R C , teller Firs t National Bank, res

    Riley bet 5th and 6th.F R A Z I E R , S A , asst cash First National Bank,res Riley bet Fifth and Sixth.Freman, Chas H, book agent, res Park bet 7th and 8th.French, Win, emp Wm Hetherington, res same..French, Wm (col . res Santa F;> bet 4th and 5th.F R I E D E N B U R G , H , Grand Central Restau rant,board by day and week, res same.Freyschlag, E W, Florence, S tewart & Co, bcls OtisHouse.F R I E N D , L & C O , L Friend and S Hesselberger,dry goods, boots and shoes, 312 and 314 Commercial.Friend, L, L Friend & Co, res cor 3d and Pa ralle l.Friend , Moses, salesman L Friend & Co, res 3d cor Par allel.Friend, Rev Wm, paster M E church, res Parallel bet5th and 6th. -Frisbie, Wm, emp Central Branch, bds Pacific House.Frost, Mrs Belle, res F J Wendell.Frottle. Wentzei, res Division bet 8th and 9th.Fulle r, W m, real es tate, res Parallel bet 6 th and 7th.Fund erstie, Henry , shoemaker, res 4th bet Spring and Q.Funk, Adolph, res Kansas ave bet 9th and 10th.Funk, Rob ert, physician, office at Lan g's drug sto re, resKansas ave bet 9th and 10th.

    ' GwGaghagen, David, res East Atchison.

    Gale, Maj. Ben B, P M, res 5th cor Park.Galbraith, P, agricultural implements 517 Commer-cial, res 6th bet Park and Spring.

    Violins, Accbrdeons, Strings, & c , at 'J. L, Bliss' .T *ATCHISON CITY DIRECTORY. 6 3

    (. . t t 1*M i ' * - ' *

    Galbraith, W S, elk res 6th bet Park and Spring.Gallagher, J M, grocer East Atchison.Gallatin, Rudolph, gardiner C W Stoker.Gannan, Chas, res Kansas ave W A.Gardner, res Parallel, W A.Garlick, Wm H, res 6th bet Parallel and Laramie.Garratt, Henry, carpenter, res L near 7th,Garrity, James, lab, res Main cor 11th.Garside, Chas A, clerk, res Atchison bet 4th and 5th.Garside, J H, agent freight transfer Co, res cor Atchisonand 5th.Garside, Jo hn , book-keeper, bds Atchison bet 4th and5th.Garside, John, res F Sutter..G A R S I D E , J , accountant C B U P R R Co, resAtchison bet 4th and 5th.Gavitt, Wm, telegraph ticket clerk, A T & S F R R.Gearheart, John, res A W Sexton.Geeslin, Mrs Martha, res East Atchison.Generals, Wm (col), res S bet 6th and 7th.G E R M A N S A V I N G S B A N K , incorporated1873, capital $ 50,000 ; George Storch p rest, Rob ertForbriger v prest, John Belz cash; 408 Commercial.George, Jacob , res 3d bet Atchison and Parallel.Gibson, Sarah, bds Commercial cor Levee.G I D D I N G S , F R E D E R I C K , chief engineer A& N RR, bds Otis House.Gilbert, C E, salesman T K F oster, bds Avenue House.Gilkison, Geo, res 3 s of Park.Gilkison, James, res 3d s of Park.Gilkison, Mrs, res 3d s of Park.Gilkison, Samuel, emp A & N R R , res Pa rk cor 3d.G I L L E S P I E & CO,G W Gillespie, Wm Ketcham,native lumber, mill and yard, on levee.Gillespie, G W, Gillespie & Co, res 7th cor QGillner, Joseph, baker, res Commercial bet 6th and 8th.

  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    Lad ies ' Gold Watches and Cha i64 ins at J, L . Bliss*.ATC HI S ON C I TY DI R EC TOR Y.


    F R A N K S U T T E R ,

  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    Morton's Gold Peiis ^wfe Iv? fea bfa* * 7 . -___._7 .3__ T E B E S T '.' ^MjftATC HI S ON CITy D I R E C T ^

    " ' I II ~

    Green thai; J, cigars and tobacco 218 Commercial, res2d cor Division.Grentner, Herman, lab, res 4th bet T and U.Grentaer, Matthew, res Herman Grentner.Griffin, Ohas T, att y at law over 408 Commercial, resDivision cor 5th.Griffin, James G, clerk, res 4th cor S.Griffin, W G, grocer 521 Commercial, res Park, cor 5th.G R I F F I T H , F W , manager Western Union telegraph office over 314 Commercial, bds Otis House.Grimes, W H. physician over 413 Commercial, res 7thcor R.

    Grimshaw, A, clerk TJ S Express Co.Grimm, Frank, carpenter, res Atchison bet 6th and 7th/Grise, Geo, farmer, res 6th bet Santa Fe and Atchison.(frontager, S A. miller City Mill, res 7th bet Park andSpring.Groves, Alfred, res 3d bet Division and L.Grosch, John, emp Central Mills, res Ke arney bet 11thand 12th.Gross, Wm, gardener, res cor 12th and Mound.Groves, -Eliza, res Mrs Mary Saunders. .Groves, R J, nursery, res 3d bat Division and L.G R U B B , J B , bill clerk C B V P R R Co, res SantaFe bet 6th and 7th.Gruner, Amelia, res M J Cloyes.Guam, Jacob, shoemaker Commercial bet 5th and 6th,res Parallel bet 11th and 12th.Gubser, Samuel, carpenter, res Atchison bet 10th and11th.Guest, Irvine, res 7th cor U.Guerin Joseph, res Parallel, cor 11th.Gushing, A E, res 2 bet 5th and 6th. "

    G U T H R I E W W, atty at law, exchange building, 4th cor Commercial, v prest Atchison Nationa lBank, res 2d cor Kansas avenue.

    ^^^^^mM^i^^mi^ATC HI S ON C I TY D I R EC TOR Y. %

    : - aGuy, Thomas, conductor A & N R R, res Spring bet5th and 6th.

    HHaffenden, Horace, engineer C B U P R R, res Commercial W A.

  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    I ^L^^^^C^P Spectacles at J. L. Bliss..oo ... . . .... "*" " ATC HI S ON C I TY DI R EC TOR Y.

    H E f l L T H O F F I C E ;410 WWWmil STREET,

    A T C H I S O N , K A N S A S .mm m m

    R.D.YOUNG, ProprietorPure Apple Brandy and Cigars aS pe c i a l t y

    Haney. Thomas, car repairer Mo PR R.Hanley, Mrs M, res foot of Laramie-H A N N I B A L & ST J O S E P H R R ticketoffice, D E Farnsworth, agent, 209 Commercial.Hanson, carpenter, res s s Commercial bet 7thand 8th.Hanshaw, Mrs Mary (col), res Main near 8th.Hanthorn, RH, Grocer, 325 Commercial.Hapy, Wm (col), lab, res Kansas ave bet 3d and 4th.Ha ppy , Willis (col), res 2d bet Utah ave and Park ,Ha rden, French (col), res Parallel cor 1 1 th,Harder, Albert, lab, res Main W A.Harding, Mrs M ary, res 4th cor Main, 2d floor.Hard wick, Fuller, compositor P atrio t, res cor 9th andKansas ave.

    H A R D W I C K , R E V J B , D D , pastor FirstBaptist Church, cor 9th and Kansas ave, res 9th corKansas ave..Hardwick S, printer, res 9th cor Kansas ave.Harned, David, res Commercial VV A,Harned, Mathew, res Commercial W A.

    Solid Silver-Ware for Sale by J.L. Bliss'.ATCHISON CITY DIRECTORY. 69

    ' * .

    H A R O U F F , J A , undertaker and carpenter; fac-! tory and warerooms Main bet 2d and 3d; hearse andcarriages furnished at funerals ; orders from the country solicited and prom ptly attend ed to*; res 8th betParallel and Laramie.Harres, Mrs G M, res with A G Otis.Harres, Mrs RM, res 2d cor Santa Fe.Harres, James (col), res 3d cor Main.Harris. J,Baker 4th bet Utah ave and Park, res same.Harrigan, M J, shoemaker at Abdill's, bds same.Harrison, Allen, res 7th cor Spring.Harrison, G D, prest Atchison National Bank, res out

    of town.Harrison, Henry (col), res Main bet 7th and 8th.Harrison, John C, salesman, res cor 7th and Santa Fe.Harrison, Mrs Thomas, res Atchison bet 10th and 11th.Hartwick, Chas, harness-maker, bds 4th.I Hartzell, C, lab, res L bet 9th and 10th.Hartzell, Mrs, res L bet 9th and 10th.Ha rtzell, res cor Division and 1 2th.Harvey, J H, shoemaker S G Winzer, res Riley bet 7thand 8th.Harwi, A J, hardware, 40 6 Commercial, bds Santa Febet 6th and 7th.. Haskins, Joseph, res Dr A N Sprague.Haskins, Judson, res Dr Challiss.Hathaway, Le Roy, C B U PR R, res Mound bet 6thand 7th. Hausner, H, confectionery, 5th bet Commercial andKansas ave, res same.Haverty, Thomas, lab, res Main bet 10th and 11th.Hayes, Albert col), res 7th bet T and U.Hayes, Edward, res S cor 8th.Hayes, Geo (col), emp Legal Tender restaurant, ressame.

  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r c ^ , at J. L. Bliss-.70 " ~ ATC HI S ON C I TY D I R E C TOR Y.Hayes, Robert, res East Atchison.Haz ell, Wm, clerk Legal Tender restau rant, res same.Hazlit, Wm. painter, res 4th bet Laramie and Kearney.H E A L T H ' O F F I C E , R D Young prop, 410 Com

    mercial.Hearsey, commission merchant, bds Seitz Hotel.Heeney, Thos, emp Mo P R R, bds Pacific House.Heerm ance, Wm H; teacher, res 9th bet Riley andMound.Hefferan, Mrs Ellen, res Santa Fe W A.H E L D , G E O , restaurant n s Commercial bet 7thand 8th, res same.Heim, R A, traveling agent, res 127 3d, cor Kansas ave.Heim, W T, acting agent A T& S F R R, res 3d corKansas ave.Hein zer, T, watchman a t bridge, res East A tchison.Hekelnkaemper, Wm, soda water mfg 9th cor Laramie.H E L D , G E O , prop Farmers' and Mechanics' House,709 Commercial.Henderson, Geo (col), res 10th S A.Henderson, Mrs L A, res Santa Fe bet 4th and 5th.Hendricksou, Geo W, salesma n, room 3 17 Comm ercial.Henninger, Geo, cigar maker, res 7th and Riley.Henninger, Musk, res with F Step hen. .Henry, John, emp Geo Ostertag, res same..Henn , Morgan, res East Atchison.Henzen, Theodore, res Parallel bet 9th and 10th.Hepw orth, Jeremiah , mason, res Atchison bet 9th and10th.

    Herman, Julius, salesman, res Atchison bet 6th and 7th.Herse y & Co, commission 524 and 526 Commercial.Hersey , J T, Hersey & Co, bds Atlan tic H ouse.

  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    _______^f_o^all_Kinds at J. L. Bliss ' .72 ~ATC HI S ON C I TY DI R EC TOR Y.A U G . H A G E N . C HAS . TR EF F Z .

    " G R A N T J SAKERY . "HAG N & TRE F F Z ,

    Wholesale and Retail Dealer inA m e r i c a n a n d F o r e i g n C o n f e c t i o n e r y ,C ANDI ES , F R UI TS , NUTS , ANDFancy Grocer ies .

    We are prep we d to s upp l y F r u i t , B r e a d ,< akes, Crackers, -- - * - * -

    * 4I ATC HI S ON C I TY DI R EC TOR Y. 7 3^ fHorton Judge A H, Horton & Waggener, res Kansas avebet 10th and 11th.Hosier, Ja me s, emp G C H ixon & Co, res 5th cor

    Santa Fe.Housley, Mrs S J G, res S S Jerome.Hou ston, Edwin (col), res Laramie b et 10th and 11th .Hover, John, res M H Lee.Hovey, Edwin, res East Atchison.Ho vey, Hardin W, watchman a t bridge, res SAtchison.Hovey, Vine, A K C R R, res East Atchison.Howard, Fran k, notions, 8 and 10 n 4th, bds Otis House.Howard, Thomas, salesman F Howard, bds Otis House.How e, Albe rt, Watchman at elevator, res P arallel bet9th and 10th.Howe, Mrs B S, res Park, cor 8th.Howe, C L, res 9th cor Atchison.Howe, Chas W, res 9th cor Atchison.Howe, Mrs F L, res Atchison, cor 11th.Howe, Mrs M N, res 9th cor Atchison.Howe, W B, candy mfg 511 C ommercial, re3 7th corSanta Fe.Hoxie, Chas H, clerk, bds Atlantic House.Hubbard, Mrs C W, portrait painter, res Murphy's blockn 5th.Hubbard, P L, judge of court, res 4th bet S and T.Hudson, B F, atty at law, Commercial cor 4th, res 7thcor R.Huggett, Henry S, res Parallel bet 10th and 11th.Huggins, Edward, bds Atlantic House.Hunter, Geo W, clerk A T & S F R R, res M ain bet 8thand 9th>Hughes, W W, bds Cincinnati House.Hunt, David, carpenter, res Laramie bet 5th and 6th.Hunt, Nelson (col), lab, res 2d bet Kearney and Riley.

  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    Estey Organs are the Best, J. L. Bliss, Agent.


    IiOUIS KOEH i E B ,

    BARBER620 Commercial Street, Koehler's Block,A . T C H I S O N , - - - K A N S A S .JJ jg The fashionable and most spacious Hair Dressing Room inthe City, with all modern improvements. Centrally located.

    *Huse, Mrs, res Mound bet 6th and 7th.Hutchison, J G, miller Cen tral Mills, res Para llel bet4th and 5th.Hy ston, Robert (col), lab, res Division bet 8th and 9 th.

    II N G A L L S , R E V F T , pastor Firs t Congregational church, res Otis House.Ingalls, Hon John J, res S near 4th.Inga lls, Rob ert (col), res foot of Laram ie. . .Ingells, John F, baker, bds over 320 Commercial.Ingraham, Lizzie, ernp D C Newcomb, res same.'Irvine, John H, res s of Price Villa.Irvine, Theodore (col), res Laramie bet 4th and 5th,Irvine, Rev. M B, res 5th bet T and U.

    Irvine, Wm , res Main bet 9th and 10th.Isbell, Geo T, printer, res Kansas ave bet 4th and oth.Isler, second hand store, res 729 Commercial. -Ivers, R A, route agent U S E xpres s Co, res R near 4th.

    JJackson, A P, roofer, bds Geo Held.Jack son, Am anda (col), res Laram ie bet 9th and 10th.*


    Violins, Aecordeons, Str ings, &c., : at J, ,L; Bliss',ATCHISON CITY DI R EC TOR Y. 7 5

    Jackson, Prof R H, r e s Kearney bet 6th and 7th.Jackson (col), r e s I Oth S A.Jacobs, Henry, carpenter , res 11th cor Laramie.James. Henry, clerk, bds Lindell Hotel .Jansen, Geo, book-keeper Blish & Silliman, res Pa rkcor 6th.Jelf, I F, saddlery, res Kansas ave bet 5th and 6th.Jenejack, cabinet maker, res 9th cor Laramie.Jenger , Hermon, emp soda water factory, res same.Jenkel, Mrs Mary, re s Atchison cor 9 th .Jenks, Mrs Alvira, res 5th bet T and U.Jenn ings, Darw in (col), res 2d bet Laramie and Kea rney.Jenn ings, M ichael, engineer A & N R R, res 4th cor Q.Jerome, Mrs M E, res S S Jerome.Jerom e & Du rst, livery, 2d bet Main and Commercial.Jerome, Stev S, Jerome & Durst, res cor 6th andKearney.Jillich. J V, asst cash Atchison National Bank, resAtchison bet 3d and 4th.Johnson, A, machinist A & N R R, res 2d cor Laramie.Johns on, A llen, printer, res 2d cor RileyJohnson, Angaline (col), res Kansas ave bet 7th and 8th.J O H N S O N & T O M L I N S O N , C W Johnson

    .and Joh n C Tomlinson, atty s at law Exc hange building, cor Commercial and 4th.Johnson, C W, Johnson & Tomlinson, res T bet 4thand 5th.J O H N S O N , E C , bo ots a nd s ho es 4 0 5 C om m erc ia l,res Kansas ave bet 5th ami 6th.J O H N S O N , G H T , , h om eo pa th ic p hy sic ia n o ve r317 Commercial, res T bet 5th and 6th.Johnson, Henry, emp A R R F T Co.Johns on, Miss Mary (col), res Ka nsa s ave bet 7thand 8th.Johnson, N D, shoemaker 4th bet Main and Commercial.Johnson, Oscar, emp Transfer Co, bds J A Anderson.

  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    Sewing Machines, Needtes and Oil at J. L. Bliss'.78 ATCHISON CITV DIRECTORY.



    ALSO, D E A L E R ^ FANCY GROCERIES,709 Commercial Street, - - ATCHISON, KANSAS.Johnson, Perry, res 2d cor Riley.Johnson, Richard, expressman, res 9th bet Kearneyand Riley.J O H N S O N , S J, agent Am andAdams Ex Co,305 Commercial, res same.Johnson, Thomas, emp W~mLambert, bds same.Johnson, Wyott, res 7th above L.Johnson, W L, res Santa Fe be 9 th and 1 0th.J O H N S O N , W H, train dispatcher C B U P RR Co. res cor 7th and San ta F e.Johnson, Wm R, res feanta Fe bet 6th and 7th.

    Johnson; Wm (col), emp I SParker, res same.John son, emp Geo Challiss.Johnston, 0 H, clerk AB Symns.Jones, C, Omnibus Transfer Co, res U tah ave bet 4thand 5th.Jones, David (col), res Kearney cor 4th.Jones, David, carpenter, res Division cor 4th.Jones, Geo (col), lab, res Commercial bet 1st and 2d.Jones, John, lab, res 9th cor L.Jones, John, Jr, res 9th cor L.Jones, J W, res s of Price Villa.Jones, Jane (col), res 9th above L.Julke, Frank, teacher, bds Farmers' Home.

    Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired at J. L. Bliss' . ! " - . . 1 *-


    Juniper, S SCcol), res 9th above L.Justice, James A> em p RR, res Commercial W A.

    KKabrich, Ursula, res Mr Isler 729 Commercial.Kane, Charles, clerk J Kane, res Parallel bet 9thand10th.Kane. J, res over 508 Commercial. 1Kane, J J, architect over 510 Commercial.Kanevia, Theodore, res 4th cor T.Karney, James, emp Mo PRR, res 4th bet T and U.K C St Joe & C B R R ticke t office, Au stin McFa rland. agent, Otis House block.Kansas Land and Immigrant Association, incorporated1875, Commercial cor 2d.Katen, Mary, res W N Shields.1 Kassens, Rev Peter. O S B, res St Benedict's College.K A T H R E N S & B R O , C J Kathrens and R Dl^athrens, wholesale and retail liquor dealers, 311Commercial.Kathrens, C J, Kathrens & Bro, res Laramie bet 5thand 6th.Kathrens, R D, Kathrens & Bro, res 2d bet Laramieand Kearney.Kathren s, V, res Laramie bet 5th and 6t h.Katz, Albert, cigars, res 4th bet Park and Spring. 'Kauffman, Frank, res Rcor 8th.Kee, Richard, res Henry Bruner;Keefer, Flora, res Commercial cor Levee.Keenan, John, marble cutter, res 4th bet Park an dSpring.

    Keenan, Mrs Mary, res 4th bet Park and Spring.JCehl, Ernest, local reporter Courier.Keith, C B, supt Atchison Gas W orks, res Q cor 4 th.

  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    L a d i e s ' G o l d "Watches and Chains a t J . L . Bl i s s* .78 ATC HI S ON C I TY D I R E C TOR Y.

    S. M cClJEiAN 7'B L A C K S M I T H I N G ,Hnrsp, Mule and Ox Shoeing,

    f i d IIFACfflAnd R e p a i r i n g o f a l l K i n d s .C o r n e r T O M _ a i j M a in S t r e e t s , - - A T C H i S Q S , K A N S A S .

    K E I T H , F M , J R , f ire ins age nt o ver 319 Commerc ia l S t ree t , r es cor 6 th and Spr ing .K t i t h , V i n c en t A , s a l e s man , r o o m 4 0 3 Co mmer c i a l .Kele y , M arga re t , r es Div is ion bet 3d an d 4 th .K e l h a r , C o t h s u t h , r es Main W A.K e l h a r , Winfield, r es Main , W A.Kel ley , Miss Annie , bds Main bet 3d and 4 th .Kel ley , Mrs Har ry , r es John O'Keefe.Kel ley , Ph i l ip , g ra in , r es Para l le l be t 11 th and 12 th .Kel ley , P res 2d cor Atch ison .Ke lley , Re yno lds (col) res Q bet 6th and 7th.

    Ke l ley , Thomas , lab , r es 2d bet C ommerc ia l and Main .Kel ley , Thomas , conduc tor C & R I R R, r es Atch isoncor 6th.K e l l e y , Mrs res 4t h cor Riley.Kels ey & S impson , furn i ture , 5 22 C omm erc ia l .Ke lsey , S H, Kelsey & S impson , r es 7th bet Park andS p r i n g .K e l s o , Win W, market , r es Para l le l be t 4 th and 5 th .Kendel l , Geo W, bds Avenue House .Kennedy, Char les , bus d r iver , Utah ave bet 4 th and 5th.Ken ned y, Thom as , maso n , r es Main W A.K en n i e , Mrs M y o n , ies 1s t bet Atch ison and L aram ie .

    G o ld , P ea r l an d P l a t ed S tu d s an d B u t to n s a t J . L . B l i s s 'ATCHISON CITY DIRECTORY . 79

    K e n t , C E , ag en t A & N R R .Kerb in , Joh n , r es cor 1s t and L aram ie .Kesse , Henry , sa loon , r es Bas t Atch ison .Kess ler , Bernhard, saloon, n s Com mercial cor 7 th, res7 th near Com merc ia l .Kessler , J E, c lerk, bds Park cor 8th.Kieffer, Mntthew, c lerk J Qot tesburen , r es same.Kien z le , He nry , t insmi th J L eu, r es Ka nsa s a ve , W A.Kienz le , Mrs Mary , r es Kansas ave , W A.Kienz le , Win , emp C B U P R R, res Kan sas ave W A .Ki l lpat r ick , Win , clerk, r es Main bet 9th an d 1 0 th .Ki l le y , P , g ra in , M ain cor 10 th .Kimbal l , S I I , dep t r eg is ter of deeds and county c lerk ,

    res 5th cor L.Kings ton , John , r es Commerc ia l cor Levee.King , George, emp C B U P R R, r es Com merc ia l W AKin g , F S , Salesm an, b Santa Fe bet 6 th and 7 th .King , Henry , pa in ter , bds Sei tz Hote l .K i n g , R ev J o s ep h , p as to r Southern M B Church , r es 5 thbet T and IT.Ki ng , Miss Lucy A. b s Park .King , P W, bds Mrs Chi lds .Kin nie , P at r ick , lab , r es Comm erc ia l W A.K ing , S C, Wh i te , Was her and King , r es Para l le l be t5 th and 6 th .

    K in g , S L , S inger machine agen cy, r es Div is ion bet 4 t han d 5 th .K in ne y, J A , l i fe ins age nt, res 5th cor S .K I P E R J L , & S O N S , L K ipe r, II fe'iper an d J Kiper,hides and lea the r , n s Commerc ia l be t 6 th and 7 th .Kiper , H, L Kiper & Sons , r es Atch ison , bet 4 th and 5th.Ki pe r , J , L Kiper & Sons , bds Atch iso n bet 4 th and 5 th .Kiper , L , L Kiper & Sons , r es Atch ison bet 4 th an d 5 th .Ki pe r , Chas , c lerk L Kiper & Sons , bds A tch iso n bet

    4th and 5 th .

    M o r t o n ' s G o ld P e n s , " T H E B E S T , " a t J. 'L. Bl is s ' .

  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    8D A T C H I S O N C I T Y D I R E C T O R Y .


    I i U M H A K T & PRETZEL,M a n u f a c t u r e r s o f

    tods, *fatal |jar iingatkA n d D e a l e r s in'C ider, Bott led Al e ,

    Por ter and Beer ,Raspber ry Syrup

    A K T X ) I C E ,SIM, R m Kansas Arena ail Santa Fa.

    ATCHISON, KAN.Kip p, M rs L A, res 9 th co r Atch i son .Ki r ley , W H, res Eas t Atch i son .K i s s n e r , M rs E m m a , hai r w ork , over 503 C ommerc ia l ,res same.Ki te , Geo , res 7 th co r San ta Fe .Kle in , Max , c le rk , res 4th bet Park and Spr ing .Klein , S M, samp le room 505 Comm ercial , res 4 th betPark and Spr ing .Klin e, Sam , l i fe and ace ins age nt Comm ercial cor 4 th ,res Para l lel cor 6 th .Kl ine , H, emp A N R K, bds Pacific House.If l ine, Ed wa rd, saloon 608 Com mercial , res same .K l o e k m a n n , He nry , mer chan t t a i lor n s Commerc ia l be t7th and 8th , res s a m e .Klug , Theodore , c le rk C Strausback, res same.K n a p p , C S, clerk, res 3d be t Utah ave and Park .K n a u e r , J o h n B , res Main , W A .Knauer, John , res Main W A .Kn ow les , Ph i l ip , expre ssman , bds Pac if ic House .K n o w l e s , Mrs res Main bet 3d and 4th .Knapp, C S , s a lesman , res s 3d.

    F i n e G o l d a n d P l a t e d J e w e l ry a t J . L . B l i s s ' .ATCHISON CITY DIRECTORY. 8 1

    K nu pp , Jacob , c le rk L Rochat . room 420 Comm erc ia l.K O E H L E R , L O U I S , barber shop Koehler b lock,620 Commerc ia l , res same.Koen ig , Car l , c l e rk J Kuhn , res Para l l e l .Koe s te r , Fred , barber shop 212 Comm erc ia l res 2d be tCommerc ia l and K a n s a s a v e n u e .K o h o r n , A B, 321 Commercial , res 2d cor Divis ion.Kohorn , Herman , res 2d co r Div i s ion .Ko hli , Joh n, saloon, n s Com mercial bet 7 th '? and 8th ,res same.Kop elk , Chas , g rocer 4 th be t Utah ave and P ark , ress a m e .K o l p , Henry , l ab , res 3d s o f Park .K R E B S , C H A S H , county clerk, office court

    house, res 2d cor Atc hison.K r i d l e r , Mrs S, res 2d be t Kans as ave and Atch i son .Kroes ing , C J , Weitzel & Co, res 416 Com mercial .K r i e r , K a t e , e m p J n o A Ma r t i n .Krones , Pe te r , barber a t L Koeh ler ' s , res same.Kruso r . J H, c le rk S B Dav is , res same.Kuessner , Chas , c le rk , res co r 5 th and Commerc ia l .Ku eh l , Er ns t , t eacher , res Ke arne y be t 7 th and 8 th .Kughler, W W, l i fe ins agent , res S bet 4th and 5 th .K u h n , A u g u s t , em p N a s h & W a t e r s o n , b d s J W a t e r s o n .K U H N , J U L I U S , wholesa le and re ta i l g rocer , 733and 73 5 Commerc ia l , res Atch i son be t 10 th and 11 th .-Ku r th Andre w, carpen te r , res 5 th be t P ar k and Spr ing .Ku r th , Jo hn B , sa lesman , res 5 th be t Par k and Spr ing .K U R T Z , P A U L , meat ma rke t n s Commerc ia l be t7th and 8th , res Divis ion bet 8t h and 9 th .K u y h n e r , Fred, c a rpe n t e r , r e s K a n s a s a v e bet 8 thand 9 th .

    LL A M B E R T & S O N S , Wm La m b e r t , A La m b e r t ,C Lam ber t , l ivery , 4 th be t Commerc ia l and Ka n

  • 8/9/2019 1733 1876 Atchison


    - ^ ^ ^ ^ at J. L. Bliss'.8 2 . ATCHISON CITY DIRECTO RV.

    C ^ ^ O F - ^ ^AS.

    Authorized Capital7~T~T. < to o n n r i r .Pa d up Capital, 1 . _ f ' $ioaoooD. AULD, President. J. T. COPLAN, Cashier.C. G. FOST ER, Vice-Prest. S. A. FRA ZIER, Asst. Cashier.

    Lambert, Alfred, Lambert & Sons, res 3d bet Atchisonand Santa Fe.Lambert, C, Lambert & Sons, res 3d bet Atchison andSanta Fe. ,Lam bert, W m, Lam bert & Sons, res 3d bet Atchison andSanta Fe.Landon, Henry (col), res foot of Laramie.Lane, David lab, res Division bet 3d and 4th.Lane, M rs Eliza, res S C King.Langdon, Patrick, res 9th bet Commercial and Main.L A N G , A U G U S T U S , druggist 705 Commercial,res Kansas ave bet 9th and 10th.Lang, Jam es, lab, res 1st cor Atchison.La Nier, Andrew, barber, res Laramie bet 4th and 5th.Lanier, Evington, res East Atchison.Lanier, Mrs Elizabeth, res East Atchison.Lanier, Prince L, res East Atchison.Lanier, Zachariah, res .Fast Atchison.Lanigan, Chas, res 1st cor AtchisonLanigan, Wm, blacksmith, res 1st cor Atchison.

    Lanigan, Timothy, shoemaker, res 1st cor Atchison.Lanphear, Dr A H, cash Perpetual Savings Bank, resAtchison cor 4th.fr

    Solid Silver-Ware for Sale by J. L. Bliss'.ATCHISON CITY DIRECTOR Y. 8 3

    Lanphear, S, res Atchison cor 4th.Lashier, Mrs A S, res Thomas Butcher.Laster, Hen ry (col), lab, res 4th near Division.Latenser, Edward, barber shop under Exchange bank.Latenser, John, barber,atimer, P C, res 3 brick row, s 4th.L A V E L L E , M I C H A E L , grocer and grain dealer,Commercial bet 7th and 8th, res Atchison bet 9thand 10th.Lavin, Jacob, telegraph opera