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NAME: Daniel Song Cheng Hock

STUDENT ID NO: 0320155

FILMS SELECTED: “Interstellar” & “The Maze Runner”


ENGLISH 2 (ELG 30605)




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A Contrast Essay Between Two Sci-fi Movies, “Interstellar” and “The Maze Runner”

Bleeding from his wounds, an unnamed man floats in the antigravity field towards his

objective. Paying no heed to the impending vortex forming as each second passes, he strains to

reach for the trigger device which will cause the dimensional portal in front of him to implode. He

would have achieved his objective, if not for the mutant spider which sped out of the portal seconds

after, sinking its fangs into the man’s face, leaving him to agonising ends. Thankfully, this level of

absurdity is confined to the world of science fiction. It happens to be a genre favoured by me, as it

fuels the imagination, and explores the fringes of humanity. This essay shall contrast two movies of

this genre, namely The Maze Runner, and Interstellar, in the emphasis of scientific fiction, the

manner in which the characters are developed, settings, and the dynamics between their characters

Firstly, I would like to speak about the element which really characterises the entire genre.

These two movies have heavily different characteristics in this respect. This is because the reach and

direction of both movies were starkly different. In the Maze Runner, the science was more absurd

and seemingly far-fetched, as the setting of the story allowed for more of a disconnect from our

reality. The world is ravaged by a massive solar flare, which transforms people into cannibalistic

savages. Also featured, were bio-engineered creatures, which relentlessly sought to slaughter the

subjects of the story, memory wiping, and many more. (Shade, 2010) These features, especially the

murderous bio-engineered creatures, lend an exaggerated, fantastical feel to the film. Interstellar

however, featured technology much more limited, and familiar to us. The science fiction behind

Interstellar such as deep space travel, cryostasis, and time dilation, are mostly confined to the laws

of physics, and reality as we know it. (Naeye, 2014) This intention towards realism gives Interstellar

its own pedestal in science fiction. Clearly, the emphasis in scientific fiction is different between

these two films, despite matching genres.

Besides that, we can see a contrast in the manner their characters were developed in both

films. The Maze Runner, is a film, set mostly in a maze structure, with most interaction happening

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between a group of boys, and later, a girl, who have all lost most of their memories. With no clear

window into the past of these characters, we are forced as the audience to build these characters

with whatever interaction, and insight, no matter how small. Take the main character, Thomas. He

enters the story with little precedent as one without memory and role. Only after he interacts with

others, like Chuck and Alby do we find his character, that he is stubborn for example. Interstellar

however, sets a lot of precedent for the audience. We find the main character, Cooper to be a

father, former astronaut, ardent supporter of scientific inquiry, and much more. Throughout the

movie, the character, his actions do not reveal his character, rather, much of what he does, springs

from the character’s roles. For example, his decision to save time, very much is influenced by his role

as a father who wishes to return to his family. The development is much more personal, and raw,

compared to the blank slate Maze Runner presents us with.

In addition to this, we find the settings of these two films harshly different. In Maze Runner,

the setting is in a large maze system, where the boys carry out daily activities, survive, and try to find

a way out of the maze they are trapped in. It is also set in the future, when most of civilisation has

collapsed, and experiments are carried out on the young to cure a disease that has ravaged most of

the Earth. Most of the story is within this maze, with the time spanning less than several weeks,

where the boys cultivate food, build structures and tools, and basically make life bearable. It is

largely confined to that space. In Interstellar, the setting cannot be confined spatially, or

chronologically. The story includes space travel, as well as time travel. The setting is in the near

future, where a blight caused severe famine, and where humanity has regressed to become an

agrarian society. The main character travels through a wormhole, into distant galaxies and planets.

He also breaches time, as he looks into the past in a scene, where time becomes a spatial element.

The story is set over such a vast expanse of time, measured in 5 decades. It is such a vast setting and

is amazing in its own respect.

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Finally, we realise that the dynamics between characters in both films are also, primed

differently. We can examine the characters of The Maze Runner as a macro, and micro. In a macro

perspective, they are all interdependent, as they rely on each other, to fulfil roles, and complete

tasks, as they are cut off from the rest of the world. This self-sufficient attitude develops a very

communal, yet stoic dynamic. In a smaller scope, we have to focus on certain characters. Take the

dynamics between Thomas and Theresa for example. They only relate to each other as partners,

friends, and maybe confidants. The dynamics are not so close, as to display an intimate relationship.

In Interstellar, the story relies heavily on the dynamics between characters to pull the audience in.

Take for example, the dynamics between Cooper and Murphy. It is an intimate father-daughter

dynamic, which is stained with Murphy’s reluctance to let her father go. This creates tension

between both characters, which works to pull at the heart. A huge part of the character dynamics

are very familial. We also see the dynamics between the astronauts, as being tensed at times. , due

to different perspectives and goals. They are forced to trust one another, to make sacrifices for one

another. It feels more visceral in this effect.

We understand this two films have totally unique scopes and reach, and that these features

which make them unique should be appreciated impartially, as different entities. These differences,

are what colour the films so vividly, so individually. In conclusion, I would like to surmise that both

films are different, yet enjoyable. They represent but a small part of the entire genre that is science

fiction. Yet, they work to create strong works of art, invoking emotions, filling the mind with wonder,

nourishing the consciousness.

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Reference List

1. Naeye, R. (2014, November 7). Interstellar: Science Fiction or Science Fantasy? Retrieved

from Sky & Telescope: http://www.skyandtelescope.com/astronomy-news/interstellar-


2. Shade, D. (2010). The Maze Runner. Retrieved from SF Site:
