17893 phrasal verbs

Upload: eddie-hernandez-santiago

Post on 09-Mar-2016




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English material


Here are some of the phrasal verbs :


Examples. 1- Julie looks after our children while we're out.

2- Helen is looking for a new house. 3- Jack is really looking forward to his wedding. 4- A: I don't remember her phone number.

B : Let me look it up.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ run

Examples. 1- Guess what! I ran into Bill Garring yesterday. 2- While we were driving to Paris, the car ran out of petrol. 3- The ball rolled down the hill and the children ran after it.

4- A car almost ran over my dog.



Examples.1- My car broke down so I took it to the garage.2- Burglars broke into my house last night and stole all my jewellery.

3- World War ll broke out in 1939.4- school is going to break up for Christmas on the 22nd of December.Look after : to take care of sb/sth

Look for : to try to find , to do search for sb/sth

Look forward to : to expect sth with pleasure

Look up : to try to find a word , a number , aname etc. in a reference book

Run into sb : to meet sb by chance

Run out of : to finish ; to have no more of sth

Run after : to chase

Run over : to hit sb/sth with a vehicle

Break down : to stop working (cars , engines, etc.)

Break into : to enter aplace by force.

Break out : to begin suddenly ( wars , fires , fights, etc.)

Break up : to stop for holidays (schools ,etc.)