17illtyr'rmi u t '( wzt f a 717 nrhrt jijc...

Ih n. r V 1 17 Ty r'r mi T '( WZ"T f A 717 nrHrT ill M m JiJc - U l is ..VM. ' ?w nnr' '"lunin-nwy- r ??..-KS3sSnw;:-raogiti-- j ...lfl .,.. ..... Volh.ve'vXXIV. LEXI-NGTON- , K. TUESDAY,' AUGUST 28. 1810. , - ' 'Number 1298. iMff.ffyng !Hfc.hi.ngataKMiTrwjn .an -; Tr r THE KENTUCKY G4.ZETTE IS PUBLISHED r.VER TUESDAY, M" THOMAS SMITH, SUCCESSOR TO DAMEL BRADFORD. CONDITIONS. iwo Dollaks per an ni-Ti- , paid in .tdvancc or Tuiel Iollarj, i paid ut the expiratun of tlie year. Xj The post re on letters addressed to t'.3 Editor must be paid, of'lhey will not be attended to. j Fhc Piint'ng Office is kept at the old stand, opposite V e'Bnnch Bank. , iTlTTrilUiTi nrr.iiTi ' Jast Published . JU THE OFFICE OF THE KENTUCKY GAZE VTE; THE KENTUCKY ENGLISH GRAMMAR, on ne!w GRAMMATICAL INSTITUTE ; CONfAINISa A comprehensive system of English Gtammar, in which the whole structure and essential principles of that most copious Language, according to the most i pproved modern Vand-artf- are concisely, jet compleuly exhibited, aid explained in a manner intelligible to the weakest capacities. By SAMUEL WILSON, tXICE 25 CENTS SINGLE S2 PER DOpN. JUST PUBLISHED And for Sale at this office, LETTERS ABDRr.SSKD TO 'I HE RzrT.'B. CR AIGHKAD, 3S ilSWEB TO A UMPHLETj LATELY P BY Hid, CONTAINING A SERMON ON REGENERATION, &c. &c. By JOHN P. CAMPBELL. IN these Letter adistussion of the following interesting arid important subjects has been at- tempted : t The depravity of the Human Heart, and its effects in obstructing belies in ihe Gospel. 2. The Regeneration of (he Heart, as effected Vy a Divine power accompaii) mg truth. 3 Faith in Chiist distinguished from a false Ta.th, and shewn to be the product of a Divine eper-uion. 4 The immediate Agency of the Spirit considered 5 The doctrines of Liberty and Necessity, and of Natural anil Moral Inability in Man con- cisely treated. Some direct objections made to Mr. Craighead's theory. Price 50 centsto subscriber?, 3 cents in consequence of a limited num- ber of copies only being sti uck, and its ex- ceeding the size contempt ited by the author, whereby the sale ot il e whole atthe subscrip. lion price, would be insufficient to defray s, s. flj Subscribers are requested to citll or send fortheir copies. , Mi Craighcd's pamphlet may also be had at this office. Julv9th,i8iJ JOSEPH H. HAWKINS VTII ! Hereafter Practice Law in the Tlont- - y viicuit uou t MrCH I'. I1"') C. H. ALl . N ATionM'. m lwv WILL PUNC l ALLY A I rEMJI H F. CO U R 1 S Or Fayette and J 3 amine. Ma c'i 3d, 1810. lOtt RENT. TWO ROOMS on th- - second floor, w'.th a garrelt ou the whole, and cell i kitchen ey lay ovi.r the store i.owoccuiieu iy j mes sppasite themaikathoust for terms apply to. gto: anderson. Lexington, May 21st, 1810. PobdttliM ait's Taern, Lexington, Kv on M an street, corner of Lime- - tt i. itrset, tcte.v oau fed by Mr- - J lyiiioi I l'OSTLETH W All' has i ntd to oldst-n- d, where eveiy exeition shall be used to accommou.ne those who please to call on him January 20, 1S09. WnNlED IMMLDIAI'IvLY, Six ypue of Oxen lJltto JO HJV JOR DA A", Jit. JAMES BERTHOUD & HjN, Commission Merchants, Snii'PI '.cport (Faluof ibe Ohio.)' Jiitie just receized a quunui 7 of SUGAR, LOGWOOD, COFFEE.FISH.IRJCE.TANN. It's OIL, 8.C V 'uch theyvill dispose ot tor Cash, it tln'ir cMctomary low prices. Alo aq iar,uy of Si line Salt. - July Jil, 181o n LEXINGTON,'MJY , 1810. J EPv EM I A H N E SX E ' f Mas received an additional assortment of DRY GOO OS. HARDWARE, TEAS. GROCI.Rir.SSc LIQUORS, QUFtN"s WUtES.GLAbS,. , SI VI iUNLlt X, PRIM L. COT i ON as usu ,1, BOO I Lhts v. M.F sUINS, CURi". T! S MIL i t COUN ll LiNNLN iecv utdinchange f- - mei ch ' z 7A r - 2v.iii 'It "SeisoJ Senim.r s .j L ui u- - ins TVF. ' lo'v'ufj v tillable, st e t, (for-jD- - iv t t nutv ofMi.H Biit t sell) may be ,""irch vc j low term , . i.d a long cied gi f ' II m S .FLECTING TELESCOPE, ltjEiv yNV lLtV I--. INGIN rRUMENT. Tor f rr ii'piy to m pnuwr ol th paper. August J-- d. War Department, July 10, lBlO, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN t HA t separate- - proposals mil be revejtfed ai me umce m nie secretary toi the lOaflart-men- t of War, until 12 o'clock at noon otToe first I Mulldav in Nnvemher nt- fnr H... an.nl.r r .11 I rations that may be requited fof the use of the united states, Horn the h'st day of June 1811, nclusive, to the 1st day of June 1812 within the states territories and distucts following, viz. 1st, At Niagara, Detroit, Michil.mickmac, Fort Wayne, Chikago and in their immediate vicinities and at any place or places, where Hoops are or may be s.tatione'd, marched one-cruile- within the ferritin y of Michigan. 2nd, At any place or nlai'es where are ormay be stationed, marched orrecruited with in the sUtes of Kentucky and Tennessee, ' 3d, At Belle Fontaine, Firt Osageand Belle Vile and at any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, maichd or recruited v. ithin the state of Ohio and the Illinois, Indi-a- and Louisiana territories, except Fort Wayne and Chikago and their immediate view-it.e- 4th, At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed,1 marched oi recruited with- in tlie Mississippi and Orleans territories. Piopos ils will be received at tiiesame time for supplyingrations within the Distucts afore- said, for two years, commencing on the 1st dayof June, 1311 5th, At any pLce or places where troops are or may he stationedi'marched or recruited with in the district of Maine and state of e. . 6ili, At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, inaiched orreciuited with the state of Vermont 7lh,Atany place or places where troops i are or may be stationed, marchel or'ie-cruite- d i within the state of Massachusetts, the town ot bpringheld excepted. j Bth, At any place or places where Jroops are ormay be stationed, marched, or recruited vyithm the states of Connecticut and Rhode-Isl- -, anJJ;. 9th, at any placo or places where troops are or may he stationed, ntaiched or recruited with- - inthe.stateolNevv.Yoik.Niagara.and its de- - pejidencies excepted ! 10th. At any place or places wl.ei e troops are or may be stationed, maiclied or reciuited with in the state ot New Jersey. lith, At any place- - or places where troops are or ma be stationed, marched or recruited within the state of Pennsylvania. l2th, At any place or places where troops may be stationed, marched or recruited within the states of Maryland, Delaware and tlie Dis- trict of Columbia. 12tli, at any place or places where troops arc or may be s' it loned, marched, orrecruited yv ith- - ;n th state ot Virginia. 14th, At any place or places where troops are ormay be stationed, marched or leciuited within the state of North Carolina. i5tli,Atany placeoi places where troops are or may be stationed, marched orrecruited with in the state ot south Uarplina. 16th, At Ocmulgee Old Fields, and at any place ot places where 'roops are or may be stationed, matched oriecrutted within the lim- -' its of the stateof Geoigia. 17th, Proposals will alsobe received, as afore- said, for the supply of all rations which may be required by the United States, for the troops which Jre or may be stationed, marcbi d or re- cruited within the town of Springfield, in the state of Massachusetts ; and for the1 armorers and other persons employed in the United States' Armory at that place, fiom the 1st day of June 1811 inclusive the 1st day ot June 1812. Aiatioi. tp consist of one pound and one quar- ter of bees, or tin ee quartets of a pound of pork. eighteen ounces of btend.or slower, one gill of rum, whiskey or branily, and at the rate ottwo quarts of salt, sour quarts of vinegar, sour pounds of soap, and ore pound unil a half of candlqs, to every bundled radons The prices of the several component parts of the ration shall be specified ; but the United States reserve the l ight of making such alterations in the price of the cumppnent parts ot the ration aforesaid, as shall make the price pf ech part thereof bear a ust proportion to he proposed price of the whole ration. The rations are to be furnished insuil. quantities, that there shall at all times, dur yg the'erm ot the proposed contract, be sulhrient flu- - ljie, consumption of the troops at Attclnlimac&Inllc, DetroitFotlj, Osage afnt Bel-l- e Vue, Clnkigo, for six months in advance ; and at each of the ports on the western waters, foi .t least threemonths in advance; of good and wholesome provisions, is the same shall be It is also to be permitted to all andev-ei- y of the commandants of fortified places or posts, to call for at seasons .vhenthe 'same can be transported, or at any trine in caseof urgency, suth supplies of like provisions in advance, as in the disci etion of the commandant shall be deemed pi oper. " It is undo stood that the contractor is to be at the expeme and risk of issuing the supplies td the troops, and that all losses sustained bv the depredations of lie eftetny, or by means of the tippps ot the United states shall be paid bv tilt Umud States at the.. price of the aitichs Captured or destioytd as aforesaid, on the dep ositions of t'wo or mre persens cf creditable charjtteis, a.id the certificate-o- f a commission- ed ofTicer.'stating the ciicumstances of the loss .and ihe amount of the articled for which corn- - pen ation tb ill be claimed, '1 he pi iv ik ge is understood to be reserved to the United S.utes, of requiring that none of the supplies, w Inch m.y be fm nished under any of il.e piopuscci contracts, stialt he issued, until the supplies which h ive Demormayjbe'fiunish-e- d uiider lie contracts now in force, have been Consumed: and that a supply inadvancem y be ..lwais reqiiucd it any ftfie fiM d postson the teibixrd, or Indian fiontier, not exceeding liiondis. W EUSTIS. Tl - edrtois of the newspapeis who are au- dio m (1 to i ubl 9,i iheJaws of lie U t'.tpd "states aie leqtiisti d ci pubSh itc& fuhgbing adver- tise UK in. tw ice a vc I. foi sour successive weeks 'l ken nn by S.imliel Talbott, n 'be com rl:e, a little alu.ve .he month on 1; 11, eb v n.aie, judged to be 14 hiuls hirrl 1. ntyfii and pei teiv able, nor a..y white except a i. 0-- K"J .llallvJ , and a spot a little above the nejr aim, mixed with white hair, judged to be Tour jears old tlls spring, some of tlieha'r is n bedofl 'heiflot of her tail, this 7th April, 18JO. W. HICK MAN, j 1. c. c. JUST PUBLISHED, And too bad at the bonk ttore of JOHNSON & WARNER, Corner of Main & JUULstreets,Lexingtn Wilson'b I'Aiiie&Ztftr the Veterinary Monitor and stable guVlq A concise treatise on the various diseaite ot horses, their svmp torn and most huguperoethods of cure Calculated to enable persons to form an ac- curate judgment of the diseases of their own horses, and apply proper remedies without me assistance ot a lamer Price S Cts. Seimons-o- seeral occasions by the late Rev. John Wesley, A. M Bishop of inemetnouist uuurcu l 25. Juvenile Anecdotes sounded on facts Collectedfor the amusement of Children By Priscilla Wakefield. J. is" W. buvc lately Received The Youth's Companion, or an historic- al Dictionary, consisting of articles selected chiefly from Natural and Civil history, Astronomy, Zoology, Botany and Mineralogy ; arranged in alphabetical order by Ezra Sampson. Price g 1 62 " Lessons for young persons in humble life Calculated topiomote their improve- ment in the art of reading ; in virtue and y ; and particularly in the knowledge of th' duties peculiar to their station Price 1 12. j The Nurses Guide, or companion for a sick chamber. The following character of mis treatise is extracted trom the monthly review : " This is a new edition of a little pocket vol- ume winch is. well known and irenerallv is- - teemed as very useful m families The work has been long before the public and another impression being required; the benevolent An- - . . i. r - , mak ad fnllm,.H nn curh servationaas lavPOPr,ir,P,i tn ,l!m !n ,,;Q , practice T,ie directions IeSpect.nff thedietof . the sick, &iorthe making gruels, caudles, herb k(1, . ",.i..,- - r..it-ji..- i ,. ' fui 'Medic .f. ,'. !lft P ,nn ..,,,' , tended to such particulars " . i r .. .. v. -- mm iary view oi tne evidence and practical importanceof the christian revolu- - tion ma series ot discourses addressed to young pcisons by Thomas Belsham. 'I he wot ks of Mrs. Anne Steele com- plete in 2 Vols -- Price 2 dols. 50 cts. Tle Manners Lhioniclc ; being a col- lection of the most interesting narratives of Shipwrecks, Files Famines Si other calami- ties incident to a life ofmaruime enterprize, with uuThentic particulais of the extraordi- nary advmtU'es and juftenngs of the crews, their rectptibn and treatment on distant shores, &c. a concise description of the countiy.customsflndnanneis of the inhab- itants : including an account of the deliver- ance Of the survivors By Aichibald Duncan, late ot the Royal NaVy. 4 Vols. 5 dols . The Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed, to the constitution and course of nature trt which are added two brief dis- sertations on the personal Identity and on the natureof virtue Together with a charge de- livered to the clergy of the diocese of Dur- ham at the primary visitation in the year 1707 By Joseph Butler, L L- - D. Second American Edition to which is prefixed a life of the author. Price 2dols. 50 cts. The dying testimony of a Bowdoin, the learned and the good, who as a Magistrate, a. Philosopher, a Christian, lately shewn as a star of the first magnitude in the American hemisphere, cannot sail to operate as an ix- - tensive recommendation of this work " He mentioned during Jiislait illness that "the peiusal wf Bishop Budei's Analogy "had been of great use to him in satisfying " his doubts, and confirming his mind on the ".libject of Christianity. " From the time " of my leading that Book" said he" I have " been an humble follower of the blessed "Jesus" The Genuine Works of Flavievs Jose-phu- s, the learr.ed and authentic Jewish his- torian and celebrated warrior with copious notes and proper observations in 3 Vols 7 dols . J Se W. have-jus- t received a supply of yy ater LOLOtiRi in diltereiu size boxes fioni 87 etsto 6 dols several new Juve- nile Publications, and a good stock ot Writing and Letter Paper. LexingtonAugust 20th, 1810. 4t STILLS FOR SALE. ATTHD COPPER AND TIN MANUFACTO- RY OF THE SUBSCRIBER, WHO has by the late arrivals received a large assortment ot COPPER & TIN, and has engaged f(om the Eastward, some of the first vvoikmenin his line of business, from yihich cir- cumstance he can v ith full confidence assuic his friends and the public, that snywoik done by him will be executed in a .superior maimer, it, any uouc in mis otae nereroiore - "M- - FISHEL: N. B. Persons owing thefiim of FisheJ &. Gallaten.arerenuested te' settle their accounts.or they will aster thie notice, (is not attended to be forced- - v It Mamtrcet Lesingtsn, 2d Jan'y. 1819, TAKE NOTICE, il the third Saturday in September neit I w ilbuend by my agent with commissioners applfwitriijiji the caurt foi Fayette county, at the place where John M'Connal formerly lived, in order to establish an .improvement made by Hugh Shannon, and called for in an entry made in the name of William Ward, and do such oth- er acts as may be deemed necessary. Jt SILAS JOHNSON. --- !? PROPOSALS For carrying MAILS on theJgfljiving Roads, will be received at the GemeT Post-Olfic- Until the 1st day of Ocionenext. inclusivp. 36. From Hudfbn s, iiyKerthawa coun- ty, by Wards, Jourddffl, Cltlettsburg, Creenupc. h Jehnson's mill Vancebur, Saltvvorks, Lewis c. h and FleminglTourg, to Millersburg, thence by Mount Sterling, the Olympian Springs, Catlettsburg' Jour-dan- s and Wards, to Hudsons, unce in two weeks. , Leave Hudfoti's every other Wednes- day at 6 a. m. and arrive at Aiille-abur- g the next Sunday at 3 p.m- - Leave Millers-bur- g every other Sunday at 6 p m. and arrive at Hudfo.is the next Thursday by 6 p. m. 41. From Road Forks to Clay c. h. once in two weeks. Leave Road Forks every otherThurfday at 10 a. m- - and arrive at Clay c. h by 8 p m. Leave Clay c. h every other Fuday at 6 a. m. and arrive at Road Forks by 6 p. m. 41. From Danville to Casey c. h. once' in tvro weeks Leave Danville every other Wednesday at 6 a. m. and arrive at Casey c. h. by 6 p. m Leave Cafeyc, h. every dtlier Thurs- day at 6 a. m. and arrive at Danville by 6 p. nt. 43. from Mount sterling to tltil c. b. once in two weeks. Leave Mount Sterling every other Tuesday at 6 a. m. and arrive at Eftil c, h by 6 p. m. Leave EHil c In every other Wednesday at 6 a.m. & arrive at Mount Sterling by i p. m 'OTES. 1. The Pod mafler General may expe dite the mails and alter the times for ar rival and departure at any time during the continuance of the contract, he previously stipulating an adequate compensation tor any extra expense that may be occasioned thereby. 2 Fifteen minutes shall be allowed for opening and r losing the mail, at all offices where no parlicularime is specified. 3. For every thirty minutes delay (un- avoidable accidents excepted) in arriving aftei the times prescribed in any contract, the contractor (ball forftit one dollar; and is the delay continue until the depar- ture of any depending mail, whereby the mails deftmed tor such depending mail lose a trip, a forfeiture of double t'te amount allowed for carrying he mail one trjp shall be incurred, lipid's it fildll be made to appear that the delay was occasioned by unavoidable accident ; in which case tne amount of pay for trip, will, in all cales, be forfeited and retained 4. Pcrfons making pibpofals are'defired to state their prices by the year. Thole who contract will receive their pay quar- terly in the months of February, May, August and November, one .month aster the expiration of each quarter. 5. No other than a tree white person shall be employed to convey the mail. 6. Where the proptjfer intends to con- vey the mail in the body of a stage car-na'g- e, heisdefircd to state it in his propo-fal- s. 7. The Pofl-mau- General reserves to himself the righ of declaring any con- tract at an end, whenever one failure hap- pens, which amounts to the loss of a trip. 8. The contracts for the routes Nj. i to 29 are to be in operation on the first day of January next, and continne until the 30th of September lfii 1, and for the re- maining routes to be in operation'' at the same time and continue Tintil March 31, GIDEON GRANGER, PoST-MAST- tlt GtHERAL. General Post-ofmc- e. Washington C.tj, July 10, 1810. Be it known to all whom it may concern, that I, A twilLHogers, attorney in fact for Jdhn Rope. te ot the County of Fayette, and (taff Kentucky, fnovv ot the County oi a. apas and 1 erritoiy of Orleans,) by an ,ie Authority nd povver in me hereby ly revoke afinul and make void to all in tents and purpoles, all power ana authori- ty ofeveiv description whatever, that tne aforesaid John Rogers, invested and empowered Jqhn Smith Baifden, with, by his certain power ot attorney, ti ufl and agency hereby forwarning the said John Smith Baisden, or any attorney or attor-me- s hemayhave made by virtue of the power, trull, or ' agency aforesaid, from proceeding any further in said bulinefs in any shape whatever ; ajid I the said At will Rogrrs,by the, aria with the authri ty and poyfref aforesaid, do, by these pre--fent- s, refoke,annul, and make void, .11 and singular the proceedings in suture of the f iid John Smith Bairden, as attorney or agent aforesaid, or thole whom the said John 3mitift$sden m-- hve empowered (is any1) undefhfm as attorney or agent aforesaid. ln( tellimony thereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and seal the nth tiaYof August i8i. r A'l WILL ROGERS, . Attorney in fact for i - John Rogers. Acknowledged in presence oi Wm. J. MAYO,c. t. c c. FOR SAL t , A LIKELY WJ&lirirD HORSE, fiv V years'old, fidriityf n hands high, well formed, wa-- i goi by ilit imported horse Roy al. ist, liii lam by h.rK TSUIl WISIlllllJ- toputrluse the above pro, eity m.iy find the subscriber at list faim in Fayette count! , seven miles west of Lexineton and one mile trom Jjjht: Parker's mill. Lam's in the Gieen rivercrf try or in the state of Ohio will be received pajmeiu. . , . r mS AuEUsfclfitb, 1S10. Kt PHILADELPHIA ?) ' CASH DRUG STORE. ROBERTHAURIS.JrN. DRUGGIST, Market Strict, ,V0. 196, o.ie doot abeve 6ti Strer,, IT AS RECEIVED by .helate arnv ,1s from Uj::7zzTe most comi!e'e Drugs & Glass f ever imported info iIip Trn;(0,i c.. "J.'es, ., house, Jid r- - -- ..... v.on,iwiicii v. ill enable to sell on teimsu, wotthy ,l,e attention of Z e who deal .., MEDICINE ,;, ticularly info.med tbatnis i.nifual-- y inspected by voterntX C?o Vy - Unitcd S'-- so that they m,y rest assuredthatnnthmg of an i,,fe. norqualitv ran. on nv e. v ' ""U Mm,t- - tanje in tire Store. 2 General .. 4 mi . ""-r- ;' """ win ue roruarded at he request of any one, by letter or other- - Sm ,i '''r'n'"'' of Newspapers thiouo-hou- t r ,'"'1 "ic auove auvtrt their respective naners ten tim. ., . '., ent , ',1 accounts to me, or to the td,m ns ,h- - il'-- ' cr. It sesnerie,liti..:.r." " iriiucrs no insert ...will iorwarda paper to the subscriber havin- - "'" KOnFDTHllJuft . o - August 20th, 18i0. NEW GOODS. TI A C lhomas k Robert Ram , .i' !": " cicjiant ana extensive assortment of DRY GOODS 8c GROCERIES Glais China sc EEN's Ware HvsoN.HTsoNbKivand Young HrsnuT.,, . Allofwh eh helnnl, . . . S-"'-- !S- j "UiJUJl, JIO,- - tt yT'lslsl? A .Krfi.li ir,i .:..,. IITttT' i i . ... ' . 1.J anu l0DecIdbi thesubscri- - shr:,fJ'i3Ap,0,beca,r SI,P. "f the corner f streets., I W...kW,J. ,;'., " WHICH 1 The Iceland Moss, Celebrated fnr t, .. cr . and PhthGc. on.umpti.ns -- Hso for Sale, White k Reb Clovkk Sff, Timotpy BlueGmass Do. essence of Spbucl in Pots. Andrew a rija is in loreWarn M persons from de.!--t- - ung tr tiading iftanj , ,,.,. whatever "! -- "c Ul-- oaievvwd, ls sh has my bedanboaid without a iusi CJie iv. sore 1 will not pay any debt's oi contracts' th "v 111 any mani'tr wli, tever. lJUULh.1 GATEWOO August the 4th, 1810. 4tgl (r., , GRAND FISH FEAST. THE subscriber will prepare a Fish Dinner for aoo persons on Wednesday the nth September, to which the layers of good citing are invited. LITTLETON ES ITS, Strode's road, Z milcs irom Lexington. August iJth, iSio. STIIWED from the subscriber living in one rrtilcot Bethel meeting house about the 25th ot M'ty, two mares on a loan with her ears fxed short, e ght or nine years old. She had on when she vvtnt aw ay a 3 shilling bell she is branded, but I do not re- collect what it was ; she w.is about 14 lundj 2 inches high- - Alss one bay silly 3ye.rs oil! last May, about 14 hands high, n4r rd, a str in her sorehead, tin ee or fiur saddle sp ts, alutle white about one cf her hindjee', ann one fote toot She trots natuial; any pcisci takmi; up said mares, or either of them, aid delivering tbem to the subscribe! s.sball receive hve dollais revvanl for each. t STEPHP'NDVIS,& 3t3K ' WILLIAM P:tlDDY. 3D DOLLARS REWARD of stolen from the sfubscri! era SSRAYED about three miles otith of j ex- - ington, A CHESNUT SOKREL HORSE.' About fourteen ar.d a half hands b fh, sour years old last spring, a small star in his sore-li- e id, bobb'd tail a small white spot on his i ear tmttock, neithersliod orbianded, no,' any other uia'k 'recollected. A reward offive dollars v ill be given foi tie delivery of sam horse or the above revv aid fur the horse and thief, with jll reasonable cl.ai ues for expellees, JOHN &. Wm. CARLISLE. August 18fi. 1SU. J(2t Clarke Cdunty, to tint : Taken up by Stephen Lewis, living on the waters of sour mile creek, a Bay lyjlfe 5 or6 years old, 14 i hands high, a blifz'e fiotfsome white around his off fote toot, and all die rest of his feet white, appiaisrd to g45 Posted before me the i6(h of June, 1810. t " JOHN WARD, i p. c a -- , 1 1 y

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Page 1: 17illTyr'rmi U T '( WZT f A 717 nrHrT JiJc isnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vq814ns57/data/0290.pdf · charjtteis, a.id the certificate-o-f a commission-ed ofTicer.'stating the ciicumstances




17 Tyr'r mi T '( WZ"T f A 717 nrHrTill Mm JiJc - U l is

..VM. ' ?w nnr' '"lunin-nwy- r ??..-KS3sSnw;:-raogiti-- j ...lfl .,.. .....

Volh.ve'vXXIV. LEXI-NGTON- , K. TUESDAY,' AUGUST 28. 1810. , - ' 'Number 1298.iMff.ffyng !Hfc.hi.ngataKMiTrwjn .an -; Tr r




CONDITIONS. iwo Dollaks per an

ni-Ti- , paid in .tdvancc or Tuiel Iollarj,i paid ut the expiratun of tlie year.

Xj The post re on letters addressed tot'.3 Editor must be paid, of'lhey will not be

attended to.

j Fhc Piint'ng Office is kept at the oldstand, opposite V e'Bnnch Bank. ,

iTlTTrilUiTi nrr.iiTi '

Jast Published .




CONfAINISaA comprehensive system of English Gtammar,

in which the whole structure and essentialprinciples of that most copious Language,according to the most i pproved modern Vand-artf-

are concisely, jet compleuly exhibited,aid explained in a manner intelligible to the

weakest capacities.



JUST PUBLISHEDAnd for Sale at this office,





IN these Letter adistussion of the followinginteresting arid important subjects has been at-

tempted :

t The depravity of the Human Heart, and itseffects in obstructing belies in ihe Gospel.

2. The Regeneration of (he Heart, as effectedVy a Divine power accompaii) mg truth.

3 Faith in Chiist distinguished from a falseTa.th, and shewn to be the product of a Divineeper-uion.

4 The immediate Agency of the Spiritconsidered

5 The doctrines of Liberty and Necessity,and of Natural anil Moral Inability in Man con-

cisely treated. Some direct objections made toMr. Craighead's theory.

Price 50 centsto subscriber?,3 cents in consequence of a limited num-

ber of copies only being sti uck, and its ex-

ceeding the size contempt ited by the author,whereby the sale ot il e whole atthe subscrip.lion price, would be insufficient to defray s,

s.flj Subscribers are requested to citll or

send fortheir copies. ,

Mi Craighcd's pamphlet may also be hadat this office. Julv9th,i8iJ

JOSEPH H. HAWKINSVTII ! Hereafter Practice Law in the Tlont- -

y viicuit uou tMrCH I'. I1"')

C. H. ALl . N ATionM'. m lwvWILL PUNC l ALLY A I rEMJI H F. CO U R 1 S OrFayette and J 3 amine.

Ma c'i 3d, 1810.

lOtt RENT.TWO ROOMS on th- - second floor, w'.th a

garrelt ou the whole, and cell i kitcheney lay ovi.r the store i.owoccuiieu iy j mes

sppasite themaikathoust for termsapply to. gto: anderson.

Lexington, May 21st, 1810.

PobdttliM ait's Taern,Lexington, Kv on M an street, corner of Lime- -

tt i. itrset, tcte.v oau fed by Mr- - J lyiiioiI l'OSTLETH W All' has i ntd to

oldst-n- d, where eveiy exeition shall be usedto accommou.ne those who please to call onhim January 20, 1S09.

WnNlED IMMLDIAI'IvLY,Six ypue of Oxen lJltto


JAMES BERTHOUD & HjN,Commission Merchants,

Snii'PI '.cport (Faluof ibe Ohio.)'Jiitie just receized a quunui 7 of


V 'uch theyvill dispose ot tor Cash, it tln'ircMctomary low prices. Alo a q iar,uy of Siline Salt. - July Jil, 181o




f Mas received an additional assortment ofDRY GOO OS.HARDWARE,TEAS. GROCI.Rir.SSc LIQUORS,QUFtN"s WUtES.GLAbS,. ,SI VI iUNLlt X,PRIM L. COT i ON as usu ,1,

BOO I Lhts v. M.F sUINS,CURi". T! S MIL i t

COUN ll LiNNLN iecv utdinchangef- - mei ch ' z

7Ar -

2v.iii 'It "SeisoJ Senim.r s .j L ui u- -

insTVF. ' lo'v'ufj v tillable, st e t, (for-jD- -

iv t t nutv ofMi.H Biit t sell) maybe ,""irch vc j low term , . i.d a longcied gi f '


Tor f rr ii'piy to m pnuwr ol th paper.August J-- d.

War Department, July 10, lBlO,

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENt HA t separate- - proposals mil be revejtfed

ai me umce m nie secretary toi the lOaflart-men- tof War, until 12 o'clock at noon otToe first

I Mulldav in Nnvemher nt- fnr H... an.nl.r r .11

I rations that may be requited fof the use of theunited states, Horn the h'st day of June 1811,nclusive, to the 1st day of June 1812 within thestates territories and distucts following, viz.

1st, At Niagara, Detroit, Michil.mickmac,Fort Wayne, Chikago and in their immediatevicinities and at any place or places, whereHoops are or may be s.tatione'd, marched one-cruile-

within the ferritin y of Michigan.2nd, At any place or nlai'es where are

ormay be stationed, marched orrecruited within the sUtes of Kentucky and Tennessee, '

3d, At Belle Fontaine, Firt Osageand BelleVile and at any place or places where troopsare or may be stationed, maichd or recruitedv. ithin the state of Ohio and the Illinois, Indi-a-

and Louisiana territories, except FortWayne and Chikago and their immediate view-it.e-

4th, At any place or places where troops areor may be stationed,1 marched oi recruited with-in tlie Mississippi and Orleans territories.Piopos ils will be received at tiiesame time for

supplyingrations within the Distucts afore-said, for two years, commencing on the 1stdayof June, 13115th, At any pLce or places where troops are

or may he stationedi'marched or recruited within the district of Maine and state of e.


6ili, At any place or places where troops areor may be stationed, inaiched orreciuited withthe state of Vermont

7lh,Atany place or places where troops i

are or may be stationed, marchel or'ie-cruite- di

within the state of Massachusetts, thetown ot bpringheld excepted. j

Bth, At any place or places where Jroops areormay be stationed, marched, or recruitedvyithm the states of Connecticut and Rhode-Isl- -,

anJJ;.9th, at any placo or places where troops are

or may he stationed, ntaiched or recruited with- -

inthe.stateolNevv.Yoik.Niagara.and its de- -

pejidencies excepted !

10th. At any place or places wl.ei e troops areor may be stationed, maiclied or reciuited within the state ot New Jersey.

lith, At any place- - or places where troopsare or ma be stationed, marched or recruitedwithin the state of Pennsylvania.

l2th, At any place or places where troopsmay be stationed, marched or recruited withinthe states of Maryland, Delaware and tlie Dis-

trict of Columbia.12tli, at any place or places where troops arc

or may be s' it loned, marched, orrecruited yv ith- -;n th state ot Virginia.

14th, At any place or places where troopsare ormay be stationed, marched or leciuitedwithin the state of North Carolina.

i5tli,Atany placeoi places where troops areor may be stationed, marched orrecruited within the state ot south Uarplina.

16th, At Ocmulgee Old Fields, and at anyplace ot places where 'roops are or may bestationed, matched oriecrutted within the lim- -'

its of the stateof Geoigia.17th, Proposals will alsobe received, as afore-

said, for the supply of all rations which maybe required by the United States, for the troopswhich Jre or may be stationed, marcbi d or re-

cruited within the town of Springfield, in thestate of Massachusetts ; and for the1 armorersand other persons employed in the United States'Armory at that place, fiom the 1st day of June1811 inclusive the 1st day ot June 1812.

Aiatioi. tp consist of one pound and one quar-ter of bees, or tin ee quartets of a pound of pork.eighteen ounces of btend.or slower, one gill ofrum, whiskey or branily, and at the rate ottwoquarts of salt, sour quarts of vinegar, sour poundsof soap, and ore pound unil a half of candlqs,to every bundled radons The prices of theseveral component parts of the ration shall bespecified ; but the United States reserve thel ight of making such alterations in the price ofthe cumppnent parts ot the ration aforesaid, asshall make the price pf ech part thereof beara ust proportion to he proposed price of thewhole ration. The rations are to be furnishedinsuil. quantities, that there shall at all times,dur yg the'erm ot the proposed contract, besulhrient flu- - ljie, consumption of the troops atAttclnlimac&Inllc, DetroitFotlj, Osage afnt Bel-l- e

Vue, Clnkigo, for six months in advance ;

and at each of the ports on the western waters,foi . t least threemonths in advance; of good andwholesome provisions, is the same shall be

It is also to be permitted to all andev-ei- y

of the commandants of fortified places orposts, to call for at seasons .vhenthe 'same canbe transported, or at any trine in caseofurgency,suth supplies of like provisions in advance, asin the disci etion of the commandant shall bedeemed pi oper. "

It is undo stood that the contractor is to beat the expeme and risk of issuing the suppliestd the troops, and that all losses sustained bv

the depredations of lie eftetny, or by means ofthe tippps ot the United states shall be paid bvtilt Umud States at the.. price of the aitichsCaptured or destioytd as aforesaid, on the depositions of t'wo or mre persens cf creditablecharjtteis, a.id the certificate-o- f a commission-ed ofTicer.'stating the ciicumstances of the loss.and ihe amount of the articled for which corn- -

pen ation tb ill be claimed,'1 he pi iv ik ge is understood to be reserved to

the United S.utes, of requiring that none of thesupplies, w Inch m.y be fm nished under any ofil.e piopuscci contracts, stialt he issued, untilthe supplies which h ive Demormayjbe'fiunish-e- d

uiider lie contracts now in force, have beenConsumed: and that a supply inadvancem y be..lwais reqiiucd it any ftfie fiM d postson theteibixrd, or Indian fiontier, not exceedingliiondis.

W EUSTIS.Tl - edrtois of the newspapeis who are au-

dio m (1 to i ubl 9,i iheJaws of lie U t'.tpd "statesaie leqtiisti d ci pubSh itc& fuhgbing adver-tise UK in. tw ice a vc I. foi sour successive weeks

'l ken nn by S.imliel Talbott,n 'be com rl:e, a little alu.ve .he month

on 1; 11, e b v n.aie, judged to be 14hiuls hirrl 1. ntyfii and pei teiv able, nor a..y whiteexcept a i. 0-- K"J .llallvJ , and a spot a littleabove the nejr aim, mixed with white hair,judged to be Tour jears old tlls spring, some oftlieha'r is n bedofl 'heiflot of her tail,

this 7th April, 18JO.W. HICK MAN, j 1. c. c.

JUST PUBLISHED,And too bad at the bonk ttore of

JOHNSON & WARNER,Corner of Main & JUULstreets,LexingtnWilson'b I'Aiiie&Ztftr the Veterinary

Monitor and stable guVlq A concise treatiseon the various diseaite ot horses, their svmptorn and most huguperoethods of cureCalculated to enable persons to form an ac-

curate judgment of the diseases of their ownhorses, and apply proper remedies withoutme assistance ot a lamer Price S Cts.

Seimons-o- seeral occasions by thelate Rev. John Wesley, A. M Bishop ofinemetnouist uuurcu l 25.

Juvenile Anecdotes sounded on factsCollectedfor the amusement of ChildrenBy Priscilla Wakefield.

J. is" W. buvc lately ReceivedThe Youth's Companion, or an historic-

al Dictionary, consisting of articles selectedchiefly from Natural and Civil history,

Astronomy, Zoology, Botany andMineralogy ; arranged in alphabetical orderby Ezra Sampson. Price g 1 62 "

Lessons for young persons in humblelife Calculated topiomote their improve-ment in the art of reading ; in virtue and y

; and particularly in the knowledge ofth' duties peculiar to their station Price

1 12. jThe Nurses Guide, or companion for asick chamber. The following character ofmis treatise is extracted trom the monthlyreview :

" This is a new edition of a little pocket vol-ume winch is. well known and irenerallv is- -

teemed as very useful m families The workhas been long before the public and anotherimpression being required; the benevolent An- -

. . i. r- ,mak ad fnllm,.H nn curhservationaas lavPOPr,ir,P,i tn ,l!m !n ,,;Q ,

practice T,ie directions IeSpect.nff thedietof.the sick, &iorthe making gruels, caudles, herb

k(1, . ",.i..,- - r..it-ji..- i

,. 'fui 'Medic .f. ,'. !lft P ,nn ..,,,' ,

tended to such particulars ". i r .. ..v. --mm iary view oi tne evidence andpractical importanceof the christian revolu- -

tion m a series ot discourses addressed toyoung pcisons by Thomas Belsham.

'I he wot ks of Mrs. Anne Steele com-plete in 2 Vols -- Price 2 dols. 50 cts.

Tle Manners Lhioniclc ; being a col-

lection of the most interesting narratives ofShipwrecks, Files Famines Si other calami-ties incident to a life ofmaruime enterprize,with uuThentic particulais of the extraordi-nary advmtU'es and juftenngs of the crews,their rectptibn and treatment on distantshores, &c. a concise description of thecountiy.customsflndnanneis of the inhab-itants : including an account of the deliver-ance Of the survivors By Aichibald Duncan,late ot the Royal NaVy. 4 Vols. 5 dols .

The Analogy of Religion, Natural andRevealed, to the constitution and course ofnature trt which are added two brief dis-

sertations on the personal Identity and on thenatureofvirtue Together with a charge de-livered to the clergy of the diocese of Dur-ham at the primary visitation in the year1707 By Joseph Butler, L L- - D. SecondAmerican Edition to which is prefixed a lifeof the author. Price 2dols. 50 cts.

The dying testimony of a Bowdoin, thelearned and the good, who as a Magistrate,a. Philosopher, a Christian, lately shewn as astar of the first magnitude in the Americanhemisphere, cannot sail to operate as an ix- -

tensive recommendation of this work" He mentioned during Jiislait illness that"the peiusal wf Bishop Budei's Analogy"had been of great use to him in satisfying" his doubts, and confirming his mind on the".libject of Christianity. " From the time" of my leading that Book" said he" I have" been an humble follower of the blessed"Jesus"

The Genuine Works of Flavievs Jose-phu- s,

the learr.ed and authentic Jewish his-torian and celebrated warrior with copiousnotes and proper observations in 3 Vols7 dols

. J Se W. have-jus- t received a supply ofyy ater LOLOtiRi in diltereiu size boxesfioni 87 etsto 6 dols several new Juve-nile Publications, and a good stockot Writing and Letter Paper.

LexingtonAugust 20th, 1810. 4t


RY OF THE SUBSCRIBER,WHO has by the late arrivals received a

large assortment ot COPPER & TIN, and hasengaged f(om the Eastward, some of the firstvvoikmenin his line of business, from yihich cir-cumstance he can v ith full confidence assuichis friends and the public, that snywoik doneby him will be executed in a .superior maimer,it, any uouc in mis otae nereroiore

- "M- - FISHEL:N. B. Persons owing thefiim of FisheJ &.

Gallaten.arerenuested te' settle their accounts.orthey will aster thie notice, (is not attended tobe forced- - v It

Mamtrcet Lesingtsn, 2d Jan'y. 1819,

TAKE NOTICE,il the third Saturday in September neit

I w ilbuend by my agent with commissionersapplfwitriijiji the caurt foi Fayette county, atthe place where John M'Connal formerly lived,in order to establish an .improvement made byHugh Shannon, and called for in an entry madein the name of William Ward, and do such oth-er acts as may be deemed necessary.


--- !?

PROPOSALSFor carrying MAILS on theJgfljiving Roads,

will be received at the GemeT Post-Olfic-

Until the 1st day of Ocionenext. inclusivp.36. From Hudfbn s, iiyKerthawa coun-

ty, by Wards, Jourddffl, Cltlettsburg,Creenupc. h Jehnson's mill Vancebur,Saltvvorks, Lewis c. h and FleminglTourg,to Millersburg, thence by Mount Sterling,the Olympian Springs, Catlettsburg' Jour-dan- s

and Wards, to Hudsons, unce in twoweeks. ,

Leave Hudfoti's every other Wednes-day at 6 a. m. and arrive at Aiille-abur- g

the next Sunday at 3 p.m- - Leave Millers-bur- g

every other Sunday at 6 p m. andarrive at Hudfo.is the next Thursday by 6p. m.

41. From Road Forks to Clay c. h.once in two weeks.

Leave Road Forks every otherThurfdayat 10 a. m- - and arrive at Clay c. h by 8

p m. Leave Clay c. h every other Fudayat 6 a. m. and arrive at Road Forks by 6p. m.

41. From Danville to Casey c. h. once'in tvro weeks

Leave Danville every other Wednesdayat 6 a. m. and arrive at Casey c. h. by 6 p.m Leave Cafeyc, h. every dtlier Thurs-day at 6 a. m. and arrive at Danville by 6p. nt.

43. from Mount sterling to tltil c. b.once in two weeks.

Leave Mount Sterling every otherTuesday at 6 a. m. and arrive at Eftil c,h by 6 p. m. Leave EHil c In every otherWednesday at 6 a.m. & arrive at MountSterling by i p. m

'OTES.1. The Pod mafler General may expe

dite the mails and alter the times for arrival and departure at any time during thecontinuance of the contract, he previouslystipulating an adequate compensation torany extra expense that may be occasionedthereby.

2 Fifteen minutes shall be allowed foropening and r losing the mail, at all officeswhere no parlicularime is specified.

3. For every thirty minutes delay (un-avoidable accidents excepted) in arrivingaftei the times prescribed in any contract,the contractor (ball forftit one dollar;and is the delay continue until the depar-

ture of any depending mail, whereby themails deftmed tor such depending mail losea trip, a forfeiture of double t'te amountallowed for carrying he mail one trjpshall be incurred, lipid's it fildll be madeto appear that the delay was occasioned byunavoidable accident ; in which case tneamount of pay for trip, will, in all cales,be forfeited and retained

4. Pcrfons making pibpofals are'defiredto state their prices by the year. Tholewho contract will receive their pay quar-terly in the months of February, May,August and November, one .month asterthe expiration of each quarter.

5. No other than a tree white personshall be employed to convey the mail.

6. Where the proptjfer intends to con-vey the mail in the body of a stage car-na'g- e,

heisdefircd to state it in his propo-fal- s.

7. The Pofl-mau- General reserves tohimself the righ of declaring any con-

tract at an end, whenever one failure hap-

pens, which amounts to the loss of a trip.8. The contracts for the routes Nj. i

to 29 are to be in operation on the first dayof January next, and continne until the30th of September lfii 1, and for the re-

maining routes to be in operation'' at thesame time and continue Tintil March 31,


General Post-ofmc- e.

Washington C.tj, July 10, 1810.

Be it known to all whom it mayconcern, that I, A twilLHogers, attorney infact for Jdhn Rope. te ot the Countyof Fayette, and (taff Kentucky, fnovv

ot the County oi a. apas and 1 erritoiyof Orleans,) by an ,ie Authority

nd povver in me herebyly revoke afinul and make void to all intents and purpoles, all power ana authori-ty ofeveiv description whatever, thattne aforesaid John Rogers, invested andempowered Jqhn Smith Baifden, with, byhis certain power ot attorney, ti ufl andagency hereby forwarning the said JohnSmith Baisden, or any attorney or attor-me- s

hemayhave made by virtue of thepower, trull, or ' agency aforesaid, fromproceeding any further in said bulinefs in

any shape whatever ; ajid I the said Atwill Rogrrs,by the, aria with the authrity and poyfref aforesaid, do, by these pre--fent- s,

refoke,annul, and make void, .11

and singular the proceedings in suture ofthe f iid John Smith Bairden, as attorneyor agent aforesaid, or thole whom the said

John 3mitift$sden m-- hve empowered(is any1) undefhfm as attorney or agentaforesaid. ln( tellimony thereof 1 havehereunto set my hand and seal the nthtiaYof August i8i.

r A'l WILL ROGERS,. Attorney in fact for

i - John Rogers.Acknowledged in presence oi

Wm. J. MAYO,c. t. c c.


, A LIKELY WJ&lirirD HORSE, fiv

V years'old, fidriityf n hands high, wellformed, wa-- i goi by ilit imported horse Roy al.

ist, liii lam by h.rK TSUIl WISIlllllJ-toputrluse the above pro, eity m.iy find thesubscriber at list faim in Fayette count! , sevenmiles west of Lexineton and one mile trom Jjjht:Parker's mill. Lam's in the Gieen rivercrftry or in the state of Ohio will be receivedpajmeiu. . , . r mS

AuEUsfclfitb, 1S10. Kt



DRUGGIST,Market Strict, ,V0. 196, o.ie doot abeve

6ti Strer,,IT AS RECEIVED by .helate arnv ,1s fromUj::7zzTe most comi!e'e

Drugs & Glass


ever imported info iIip Trn;(0,i c.."J.'es,., house, Jidr- - --..... v.on,iwiicii v. ill enable tosell on teimsu, wotthy ,l,e attention of Z ewho deal .., MEDICINE ,;,ticularly info.med tbatnis i.nifual--


inspected by voterntX C?o

Vy - Unitcd S'-- so thatthey m,y rest assuredthatnnthmg of an i,,fe.norqualitv ran. on nv e.v ' ""U Mm,t- -tanje in tire Store.2 General .. 4 mi .""-r- ;' """ win ue roruardedat he request of any one, by letter or other- -


,i '''r'n'"'' of Newspapers thiouo-hou- t

r ,'"'1 "ic auove auvtrttheir respective naners ten tim. ., . '.,ent, ',1

accounts to me, or to the td,m ns ,h- - il'-- 'cr. It sesnerie,liti..:.r."" iriiucrs no insert...will iorwarda paper to the subscriber havin- -"'" KOnFDTHllJuft . o

- August 20th, 18i0.



lhomas k Robert Ram , .i' !":" cicjiant anaextensive assortment ofDRY GOODS 8c GROCERIESGlais China sc EEN's Ware

HvsoN.HTsoNbKivandYoung HrsnuT.,, .

Allofwh eh helnnl, . . .

S-"'-- !S-j "UiJUJl, JIO,- - tt

yT'lslsl? A

.Krfi.li ir,i .:..,.IITttT' i i . ... ' .

1.J anu l0DecIdbi thesubscri- -shr:,fJ'i3Ap,0,beca,r SI,P. "f the corner f

streets., I W...kW,J.,;'.," WHICH 1

The Iceland Moss,Celebrated fnr t, .. cr .

and PhthGc. on.umpti.ns

-- Hso for Sale,White k Reb Clovkk Sff,Timotpy BlueGmass Do.essence of Spbucl in Pots.


a rija is in loreWarn M persons from de.!--t- -ung tr tiading iftanj , ,,.,. whatever"! -- "c Ul-- oaievvwd, ls sh has

my bedanboaid without a iusi CJie iv.sore 1 will not pay any debt's oi contracts' th"v 111 any mani'tr wli, tever.

lJUULh.1 GATEWOOAugust the 4th, 1810. 4tgl

(r., , GRAND FISH FEAST.THE subscriber will prepare a Fish

Dinner for aoo persons on Wednesday thenth September, to which the layers ofgood citing are invited.

LITTLETON ES ITS,Strode's road, Z milcs irom Lexington.

August iJth, iSio.

STIIWED from the subscriber living inone rrtilcot Bethel meeting

house about the 25th ot M'ty, two mares ona loan with her ears fxed short, e ght or nineyears old. She had on when she vvtnt aw ay a3 shilling bell she is branded, but I do not re-

collect what it was ; she w.is about 14 lundj 2inches high- - Alss one bay silly 3ye.rs oil! lastMay, about 14 hands high, n4r rd, a str inher sorehead, tin ee or fiur saddle sp ts, alutlewhite about one cf her hindjee', ann one fotetoot She trots natuial; any pcisci takmi; upsaid mares, or either of them, aid deliveringtbem to the subscribe! s.sball receive hve dollaisrevvanl for each. t


3D DOLLARS REWARDof stolen from the sfubscri! eraSSRAYED about three miles otith of j ex- -

ington, A CHESNUT SOKREL HORSE.'About fourteen ar.d a half hands b fh, souryears old last spring, a small star in his sore-li- e

id, bobb'd tail a small white spot on his i eartmttock, neithersliod orbianded, no,' any otheruia'k 'recollected. A reward offive dollarsv ill be given foi tie delivery of sam horse orthe above revv aid fur the horse and thief, withjll reasonable cl.ai ues for expellees,

JOHN &. Wm. CARLISLE.August 18fi. 1SU. J(2t

Clarke Cdunty, to tint :Taken up by Stephen Lewis,

living on the waters of sour mile creek, a Baylyjlfe 5 or6 years old, 14 i hands high, a blifz'e

fiotfsome white around his off fote toot, andall die rest of his feet white, appiaisrd to g45Posted before me the i6(h of June, 1810.

t " JOHN WARD, i p. c a

-- ,

