17th century forestry

Quantification in 17 th Century Forestry Simon Gooding-Townsend McMaster University, 4UU3 November 30 th , 2010

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Page 1: 17th Century Forestry

Quantification in 17th Century Forestry

Simon Gooding-TownsendMcMaster University, 4UU3

November 30th, 2010

Page 2: 17th Century Forestry
Page 3: 17th Century Forestry
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John Evelyn and Sylva• Evelyn, 1620-1706English gentlemanSecretary and

founding member of Royal Society

• Sylva, 1664Four editionsFirst book printed by

Royal Society

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1669 French Forest Ordinance

• Colbert, 1619-1683French Finance minister• Louis XIV, rex 1643-1715• OrdinanceTook 8 years to plan and

implementNot very many photos


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Charles II Louis XIV

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The Navy

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• What elements do the texts quantify?• What are the differences between the texts?• How does this quantification compare to

contemporary quantification?

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• “In other places, the cord is four feet in height; and four feet over; or, to speak more geometrically, a solid made up of three dimensions, four feet high, four feet broad, and eight feet long; the content one hundred and twenty-eight cubic feet.”

• “But by none, in my apprehension, set forth in a more facile and accurate way, than what that industrious mathematician, Mr. Leybourn, has published, in his late Line of Proportion made Easy, and others his labours.”

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French Forest Ordinance

• If there be found any encroachment or extension beyond the pieds corniers, the merchant shall be condemned to pay fourfold the rate of the highest sum of his bidding, in case that the wood cut by him shall be of the same kind of tree as that of the purchase; and if it be of a better kind, quality, or age, he shall be bound to pay that penalty, and to make restitution au pieds le tour. (XVI.9)

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• For example, this does not consider :1. Quantification in husbandry directions2. Quantification of time, either seasonal or

years3. Enumeration of the number of individuals

who filled certain roles4. The use of lists5. The use of numerals

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I am obliged to include another image of Porter’s book because we have not seen enough of it this semester

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Apologies for the Crosby image. I know that you do not want to think about the course material anymore.

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Apologies for the Crosby image. I know that you do not want to think about the course material anymore.

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Apologies for the Crosby image. I know that you do not want to think about the course material anymore.

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Image Credits• http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRnl_nGrI31OlBlERQX5_ObhofHzf

NC_QHRzKtDGkLt0K33hUzx• http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRYYyp1S-IvRdsIgOSRgESg2d_0BUT

aIIkRxIfdu2d9r1gN-I6E• http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3177/3114921007_a86304e772_o.jpg• http://sylva.org.uk/images/John_Evelyn_portrait_000.jpg• http://fr.academic.ru/pictures/frwiki/76/Lefebvre_-_Jean-Baptiste_Colbert.jpg• http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS1CxkpUKmgoB9QmXzTbh-KOcjc

BM-Itxu4-LbdCMoM_Lgon5mU• http://www.learnnc.org/lp/media/uploads/2008/02/charles_ii_of_england.jpg• http://image59.webshots.com/159/0/13/72/2876013720056818949XFSNoc_f

s.jpg• http://www.instablogsimages.com/images/2008/02/04/rain-forests-disappear

ing-fast_5965.jpg• http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR3tkEWkR5zk6Ny0QS9Ld_w68Mx

qoPctFedLLVqVN-mLna5KEJA• http://clg-cordelet-72.ac-nantes.fr/Images/maths4.JPG• http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ8VMvU1AvVUKxFkQ-OUGvoILs8

Me9zmmzXYBpankFIoybh9yUa• http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQeTa0trF6BmpoFonB8NmeDjM-V

zywN0cfUs2UzLOkEioUF3Ndn• http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTb_Z0AHCH_qRjgopQ4sBrQerTxD
